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FedEx Shooting - Breaking NEWS!

4-16-21 Friday -


The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations, Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

James 1:2-3 KJV

“To know and not to do is not to know.”

Leo Buscaglia


For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…

Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.

Sections divide Material into meaningful Groups:

First… PRAISE:


#2. COVID-19





Richard M Fleming, PhD, MD, JD A Must View 💥“If” you have not Viewed this yesterdayDo so NOW!!! 💥

A 2-1/2 - hour Masterclass on SARS-CoV-2 with Host Miles Johnston

Beginning with: Why you should listen to what I have to say about SARS-CoV-2 & COVID-19.


Evidence shows that this virus is engineered with Gain of Function (GoF) including mechanisms creating an Inflammo Thrombotic Response (ITR) with mRNA Reverse Transcription (RT) into cell DNA with Prion-like structures presence in the virus spike protein. [Dan Brooks]

Awakening Channel:


Prophecy Update - 14 April 2021:

Hi everyone. My brother Ted sent this to me. I had never listened to this Pastor before, but it is very good. It is well worth listening to so that we will keep informed. This is lengthy, and I will say that even for those of us who are believers and place our trust in the Lord, there are parts of it that are disturbing. I keep reminding myself that God hasn't given us a Spirit of fear. [Billie Jo Green]


Trump Administration Accomplishments

Unprecedented Economic Boom

BEST LIST that I have ever seen…

[Len Theisen]

What went wrong in Canada's Pandemic Response?

A presentation by Lieutenant Colonel David Redman.


EOP - Emergency Operations Procedures

[This was my Career for 20-years!]

[Don Brooks]

GOP lawmaker can now sue Pelosi in federal court:

According to the Washington Examiner, Pelosi will soon be forced to defend her new security measures in court, as it was announced this week that Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) is moving forward with a planned legal challenge to prove that the requirement for House members to pass through the metal detectors is “unconstitutional.”


A Trudeau-Controlled Internet:

Mr. Steven Guilbeault, Canada’s Minister of Heritage, is busy at work eroding our freedoms, taking particular aim at “unapproved” speech.

Last November, Mr. Guilbeault tabled Bill C-10,“An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act...” This rather innocuous-sounding proposal contains some sweeping, radical changes. It places the entirety of the Canadian internet under the bureaucratic auspices of the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission). The CRTC will then regulate the internet’s content for diversity, prioritizing “Canadians from racialized communities and Canadians of diverse ethnocultural backgrounds, socio-economic statuses, abilities and disabilities, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and ages.”

If that added level of government meddling weren’t concerning enough, Mr. Guilbeault more recently announced plans to target and penalize so-called “online hate speech”. (That is newspeak for online speech rejected by the Liberal Party). He said, “there will be a new regulator [which] will implement the new rules and monitor hate speech.” He also promised additional legislation to control the media, coming this spring.


Morning Update:

The secret Bondfield files:


A majority of voters think cheating ‘likely’ affected 2020 election outcome:

Twitter User Makes A List Of 13 Modern Life Things That Sound Illogical but Are So True:

Biden reverses Trump’s pledge to bring troops home, deploys MORE overseas:

“Super Dumbass” Sec of Transportation Pete Buttigieg:

“There is racism physically built into some of our highways!”

Joe Concha:

Harris’ blackout on the border is like something out of North Korea:

Media critic Joe Concha told Fox News that the Biden team’s efforts to cover up the crisis are like something out of North Korea.

Democrats kick off push to pack Supreme Court with four new justices

Lawmakers introduce bill to increase court from 9 to 13 justices!

Swearing-in of House Republican narrows Pelosi’s margin to two votes:

Rep. Julie Letlow (R-LA) was sworn in to her House seat Wednesday, leaving Democrats with only a two-vote margin to cushion their majority with several other vacancies to fill.

Hundreds riot, dozens arrested in Minnesota over the death of Daunte Wright:

Roughly 40 arrests were made at the Brooklyn Center Police Department Monday at the sight of a demonstration hundreds-strong protesting the death of Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man fatally shot by police during a traffic stop, according to Fox News.

Where is Kamala Harris?

Tomi Lahren visits border, calls out VP:

Duante Wright Shooting:

Riots erupt in Minneapolis after officer shoots man resisting arrest, giving signal to a sign of what is yet to come:

Most Published Doctor in His Field Says NIH Total Failure In COVID-19 Response:

Allowed Tens of Thousands to Die:

Liberal Blogger Notices Stats About Anti-Black Crime Don't Fit the Woke Narrative


Minneapolis UNRECOGNIZABLE after 2nd Night of Heavy Looting, Rioting Takes Place

Another Key Senator [Marco Rubio] Scores Big with a HUGE Gift from Donald Trump

#2. COVID-19


Morning Update:

Moderna delivery delays disrupting vaccine programs:

Additional Sites:



US drug overdose deaths surged during COVID-19 pandemic, most since opioid epidemic began:

The largest increases happened in April and May 2020, when government-mandated lockdowns were the strictest!

and The Pfizer insert that comes to EVERY administering doctor: “There is NO US-FDA approved Vaccine to prevent COVID19. The Pfizer COVID19 Vaccine may not protect everyone.” BOOM! Study From Tel Aviv University: Coronavirus Variant Affects Vaccinated People 8 Times More Than Unvaccinated

Thurs. 15 April Charlie Ward:

Biden to House Illegal Children at Former Japanese Internment Camp:

In March, 19,000 illegal children were caught by Border Patrol. And April is shaping up to be even worse! Things are so desperate for Dementia Joe that he is now sticking illegal children in former Japanese internmentcamps used during WW2.


Update (1856ET): Local news WDVM's Timothy Young quoted Chief GPD Mark Sroka, who said police are still searching the area for the gunman. At least 75 police officers were stationed at the Lakeforecast mall to help in search efforts.

Trump May Be Back on Social Media After Oversight Hearing

Black Commentators Slam BLM Co-Founder [Patrisse Khan-Cullors] Who Just Bought $1.4 Million Home in Virtually All-White Area:

UK Councils Bring Back ‘COVID Marshals’ to Report People for Not Social Distancing:

Trump ally Sebastian Gorka banned from YouTube:

Tucker Carlson Covers Infowars Reporter’s Arrest:

Authored by Techno Fog via The Reactionary , Today, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia issued a press release explaining their decision to not prosecute the officer who shot and killed unarmed protester

LIVE UPDATES: Derek Chauvin defense rests case Thursday

Chauvin invokes 5th Amendment in court, tells judge he will not testify in his own defense.

The US Intelligence Community has warned that the COVID-19 pandemic will have long-term fallout and will impact political and economic realities across the globe. According to the Annual Threat Assessment!

Disney’s Woke Plan for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Did Not End Well

Twitter faces second lawsuit over allegations that the Big Tech firm profited from child sexual abuse on the platform


Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, The Australian military has been reminded by MPs that its core mission is the “application of lethal violence” in response to concerns about it being too “woke” following a performance.

PAY ATTENTION: {You should hear my Friend – Dianne Dawson}

I like the way she thinks!

Hello all:

1. Depopulation is real! A Henry Kissinger update!

2. Re: Evergreen ship stuck in Suez. This video is 10 min. long and in a foreign language. You will need to read the transcript.

3. Lance Wallnau update. Calgary pastor update and more. (You may want to subscribe to his channel)

Some of you have been asking about updates from Mark. This is one that came in a few days ago.

Hey Everyone,

I found this to be very profound in the current environment of having everything we don't want shoved down our throats. Dates have come and gone, but the fight is being waged.

Consider this...

If the Deep State actually controlled the U.S. Military, they would not need to be:

- suppressing and deleting social media accounts

- prohibiting people from talking about 2020 election fraud

- carrying out planned attacks (false flags) and murdering people to sway a narrative like gun control

- continuing on with dividing us over race

- paying people to form planned human caravans from Honduras and Mexico

- opening the Southern border to a new army of illegal immigrants and telling the border patrol to stand down

- shutting the media out from covering the tragedy forming at our southern border

- having Biden rush out unconstitutional Executive Orders

- allowing Biden to continue talking and making no sense at all.

- doing nasty hit jobs on Q and Q followers and lying about what that information movement is really all about.

If the Deep State controlled the military, they would unleash them against all of us who stand against the deep state and they would be using the military to move their agenda forward. They wouldn't be hiding behind Facebook and Twitter to advance their agenda. If the Deep State really did control the U.S. military, this war against Patriots would already be over and most would already be dead. We have to look at the actions of the enemy here and then ponder the silence of our military. The military is silent. But it's not inactive. This tells us everything we need to know.

Click on the video below labelled ""

That's a 3min interview with Steve Bannon and Mike Lindell (CEO of My Pillow). The video quality is poor but the sound is great and that's all you need. Make no mistake, things are moving and good people with big money aren't lying down.

You can find the entire interview on Steve Bannon's War Room, I've included the link of that interview here:

Remember we talked about how pedophilia will bring this all down? How that is the one thing everyone in the world would unite against when it's exposed? Well, that war is being waged too. Keep searching on "DuckDuckGo" for all the arrests that are taking place DAILY around the world (but not reported in the mainstream media, certainly not in the headlines if they do report it)

In addition, there is a blockbuster film coming out in September - the guy behind the film is Tim Ballard who founded "OperationUnderground Railroad" his story is incredible. The guy playing him in the film is Jim Caviezel who played Jesus in Passion of the Christ. This film is one of the reasons the deep state is pushing their agenda so hard and fast and making mistakes and exposing themselves as idiots. Here's the trailer for that film "Sound of Freedom". 2 million children a year are caught in this horror and our open southern border is contributing to it - again. This is getting exposed the whole world is involved and many famous people are in it. Boom time is coming for them.

Tired of the suppression of free speech and censorship when you're telling the truth? Here's some good news...

Regarding the Flu (Covid) scare and shut down of our lives, our economy and our cities and countries all over a "virus" with a 99.97% cure rate of which they are scaring people into getting vaccinated over with vaccines that have not been tested, not proven to work (see picture attached below) and are made by companies who can't be sued for the damages they cause. Here is an incredible strip-down of the facts from a Dr. that our Dr. sent to us. This is Dr. Peter McCullough, as he testifies to the Texas State Senate. This is real science, not that BS Fauchi and crew peddle.

Here's a good overview of everything mentioned here. Watch the entire thing even if some parts seem boring to you. You might have to watch it twice to catch everything cuz there is a lot.

This battle for good isn't over. It's picking up speed. Great things lie ahead. Be well. . [Dianne Dawson & Everett]

A Car Built in CANADA that has no Exhausts and no Noise! It is called a ZENN:

Built in CANADA but cannot be SOLD in CANADA – Yet! [Don Hill]

Absolutely Unbelievable: [Dino Cicerone]

I wonder how many Bible Studies are done here?

New Events:

Come Out and Rally Against Unjust Lockdowns:

No More LOCKDOWNS – CANADA: [Randy Hillier]

Businesses are continuing to open up across the province without restrictions and in contravention of Doug Ford’s COVID lockdowns. Events are happening and businesses are opening up so quickly it’s hard to keep up, but we are doing our best and creating ways to better help you stay informed about openings and events in your area...

Be sure to follow us on Social Media, this is where you will see the most up to date news on openings and events in your local area!

Join a Local Action Group, these are popping up across the province everyday helping organize events and help businesses plan and reopen.

If you would like to join or create one in your area, contact:

If you are a business staying open, sign up and we would be happy to feature you and connect you with resources to help bring more business in.

Event will also be available on our events page.

Make sure you, your friends, and family are signed up to our emails. You can do so by requesting a lawn sign or by signing one of our petitions.

Here are just some of the events coming up in the next few days.

o Friday, April 16th @ 2 PM

o 10 Bay Bridge Dr, Belleville, Ontario

o Saturday, April 17th @ 12 PM

o Meridian Place, Barrie, Ontario

o Saturday, April 17th @ 2 PM

o 140 Kenilworth Ave N, Hamilton, Ontario

We hope many of you will be able to attend these great events and will continue to resist. Together we will end these lockdowns for good. If you have any questions or events in your area and would like the support of No More Lockdowns Canada, be sure to email us at

[Randy Hillier]



For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…

Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.

Thurs. 15 April US 2nd Lady Carolyn Bessette Kennedy Telegram: Shocking:

What’s Being Secretly Built Right Outside the Capitol Building? What could be more terrifying than being trafficked for sex? Being murdered in a ritual sacrifice. And even worse than that would be being murdered in a ritual sacrifice so wealthy elites can harvest your adrenal glands to get the compound they need to prolong their lives! The Pfizer insert that comes to EVERY administering doctor: “There is NO US-FDA approved Vaccine to prevent COVID19. The Pfizer COVID19 Vaccine may not protect everyone.”

First 2-weeks in May, 3, 4, 6. Source solid. Satellite black out of all media. U.S. Military high alert and readiness. Joe goes. World Court. Financial system activated. NESARA. SM crash. Texts, emails 800#’s to exchange currency for new. Some Tribunals TV. 10-days dark. Trump. If you are even just considering getting vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a message for you: don’t do it! The nephew of former president John F. Kennedy recently issued a public statement urging people everywhere to avoid the COVID-19 jab at all costs because it contains an untested new technology known as mRNA, the long-term side effects of which are completely unknown. mRNA directly alters the genetic material of those who receive it, much like what happens when “scientists” genetically engineer (GMO) food crops like soybeans or corn to make them resistant to bugs or drought.“This intervention can be compared to genetically modified foods, which are also very controversial,” Kennedy says. Unlike all other vaccines, the genetic damage of which is not necessarily permanent, mRNA genetic damage is “irreversible and irreparable,” Kennedy notes.“Even though the media and politicians are currently trivializing the problem and even foolishly calling for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, but also in terms of genetic damage,” Kennedy says. KENNEDY: COVID-19 VACCINES ARE A “CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY”

FDA Caught Buying 'Fresh' Aborted Baby Body Parts from Dealer

Emails reveal disturbing conversations between FDA employees and a tissue procurement company as they collaborate to buy fresh flesh of aborted babies who could have survived as preemies.

Thurs. 15 April Hillary Clinton Military Tribunal Day 3:

Thurs. 15 April Child Hunting Parties Scheduled in 2021:

Contains list of trafficked children no longer needed for Adrenochrome production, to be used for Hunting Parties scheduled by state for 2021.

Thurs. 15 April Evergreen, Vaccines, Royal Family: Charlie Ward The Evergreen containers contained chemicals that would activate climate change and could have increased the number of CV-19 cases They found 1200 dead children and rescued over 1300 children The Russian and Us Militaries worked together to capture the ship They knew what was on board. The ship was loaded by the CCP to cause as much damage as possible on their way out When Trump talks about receiving the vaccine he is talking about the shot that containshydrochloraquine…[not a germ it was a biological weapon]! The CV-19 virus doesn’t exist – they never isolated the virus. The COVID-19 was patented in 2018 at the Partite Institute and was not a germ it was a biological weapon which could be activated by 5-G

Andrew Cuomo was on video saying he didn't want to vaccinate New Yorkers because Donald Trump was the president and that he was going to work with other Democrat governors to “stop” distribution “before it does damage"

Thurs. 15 April Trump is Coming Back Soon, Lin Wood:

Thurs. 15 April Gates, Epstein, Adrenochrome, Monsanto and Online Buying:

Thurs. 15 April Evergreen, Steele:

Thurs. 15 April Clinton Tribunal Day 4:

Clinton’s plans to kill Trump. Podesta testimony.

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