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Writer's picturedonbrooks777

Friday 12-9-22

Summary as I am able:

12-9-22 Friday

💥 💥


God’s WORD for TODAY!

But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:

Matthew 6:3 KJV

…praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Ephesians 6:18 KJV

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

Matthew 7:7 KJV



Bestall & Brooks - revealing God's puzzle - watch now:

Which World am I living in?

Only an animal would like to live forever in the world God created called earth. Humans are meant for better things. And we know it.

#1. There are those I call Babylonians who seek to build a Utopian tower, a virtual city that has sky-high ideals reaching for the stars so to speak, like the crew of the Enterprise with its holodeck for entertainment.

#2. There are also those I call Christians who seek the stairway to heaven that came down from above, to bring God's Kingdom, His will, down to earth like Jacob's ladder, like the narrow door with the Living Way to it being Jesus.

#3. And finally, there are those I call Luciferians who seek the gates of hell in order to draw up demonic powers for themselves. As often as not, it backfires, and these powers enter the Luciferians to suck their life into hell.

Which world are you living in? Heaven, Babylon, or Hell? The one above, the one here or the one below? The king of Israel, David, lived in the one above. He told us in Psalm 63 (Protestant bible) "Because thy loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee." An unbeliever would question that saying "What loving-kindness? Better than life? What could be better than the high-life which I can make for myself?" The unbeliever sees the believer as delusional. But we who identify with King David see the unbeliever as delusional, living in a fantasy world that started with the Tower of Babel, and turns out to be the entertainment world of today.

A famous psychiatrist once said, "Neurosis is when you build sand-castles in the sky. Psychosis is when you move in". Who is insane, the one who builds his house on the firm foundation of the 4,000-year-old Word, or the one who builds his hopes on the promises of entertainers, lovers, bosses, and politicians of this world?

The answer should be obvious by simply observing:

  • · the mental,

  • · family, and

  • · societal breakdowns of those who trusted in themselves instead of God.

The Christian world is not perfect you say? True. We've spoiled it. But ‘more good’ came from it than from any other ideology or religion, and more lasting peace than from any other past-time. If you don't believe this, read the book What If Jesus Was Never Born by James Kennedy. Don Brooks and I have copies for $10 plus shipping (about $5 last time I checked). We also have that peace which passes all understanding and overcomes all trials, come what may.

May the peace of Job be with you, and the trials of Satan prove you righteous. May salvation come to you who, faithfully, wait. May the best of both worlds above and on earth come to those who ask. Enter the joy of your Lord and let him enter you with that joy, so you are seeing through His eyes, and Jesus is seeing through yours. You live His life and care His cares, while He lives yours. Then the Kingdom of God will be not just above but within you. No one can accuse you of being so heavenly minded you are of no earthly good or being so earthly minded you are of no heavenly good - but you can have your head in the clouds with your feet firmly planted on earth living in the best of both worlds, with no need to escape in fantasy or raisehell.

[Patrick Bestall]

"Shut up and don't ask questions" – Trudeau:

And to whom is the fine being paid? The government? According to liberal (un)logic, someone "harmed" by "online hate speech" is a victim. So, if that person is the victim of a "hate crime," why is the government being paid for damages?

The wording is sneaky because it sounds like Trudeau is ONLY trying to stop people from doing physically violent things to other people. The word "can" in the phrase "can turn into offline hate" is the Trojan Horse of this legislation.

All the Canadian government needs is the possibility that someone saying mean stuff online could perhaps result in something violent in real life. That is all they need to say the bill is designed to do good in protecting people from harm in real life. As C.S. Lewis once said, "a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."

The scariest part of the bill is the ambiguity of phrases that will carry immense weight in court.

Ultimately, the Canadian government has positioned itself to define sin (i.e., "hatred") and provide salvation (i.e., "remedies"). Boy, that sure does sound like a theocracy, except the god of this government is the government itself.


Trudeau: "Canada is a place of free expression, where individuals and communities are free to express themselves openly and strongly" FAKE! [Patrick Bestall]

Toxic Blood Transfusions and Baby Will:


Only spike protein contaminated blood is allowed, even for babies, despite infant death.

Natural blood donors are rejected in Canada and elsewhere.

People have been deceived and injected with a bioweapon. The genetic injections do not prevent covid, and rather cause massive death and disease; but they are still being pushed on the public.

Many countries blood banks, including Canada, are blocking natural people from donating clean safe blood. So, all blood transfusions are from genetically modified donors and carry toxins including the spike protein, mRNA, and pegylated nanoparticles. The spike protein is toxic to tissues throughout the body, especially blood vessels and hearts.

In New Zealand, currently ruled by Jacinda Ardern who is the WEF agent occupying their prime minister's office, a court has ruled against one family's rightful request that their baby receive clean blood, from natural healthy donors. Baby Will needs heart surgery. The parents want the surgery; but do not want their baby given toxic spike protein and mRNA nanoparticle laden blood. Real science robustly supports these parents’ decision.

Recently another New Zealand baby died with the covid-injection-spiked blood in a similar situation.

The New Zealand courts have ruled against the parents, and ordered that the baby be taken from them, and placed in government custody. The court "granted" authority to the covid-agenda-compliant doctors to administer the toxic blood during the Baby Will's would-have-been lifesaving heart surgery.

Here is a 5-minute report and call for help; and a 36 minute interview with Dr Anne O’Reilly and attorney Sue Grey who are supporting baby Will and his family.

[Dr Mark Trozzi]

[Don Hill]

David YEO:

Buzz off Script (1 Min)

The REAL HISTORY of the Illuminati (74 Min)

Hugooo: TESC0 Club-Card Digital Trap (9 Min)

The NEW MOON (2 Min)

KIWI: A Minute to Midnight**N3wM@n (34 Min)

KIWI: DOC SAM BAILEY**'They're Doing it AGAIN' (24 Min)

Holding the Canadian Government and Legacy Media to Account

Fed Report #007

1. 30 Billion + in Fraudulent COVID subsidies

2. RCMP in bed with the Chinese Government

3. Critical Changes to Bill C-11

4. Another BOC interest rate hike

5. Life becoming unaffordable for rapidly growing aging population

30+ Billion Dollars in Fraudulent COVID-19 Payments?

It shouldn’t surprise citizens that the Canadian Government vastly overpaid on various subsidy programs launched during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Auditor-General found $4.6-billion in overpayments to ineligible recipients and an additional $27.4-billion that should be investigated further. The $27.4B in suspicious COVID benefit payments includes $4.6B in overpayments, $1.6B to job quitters, $6.1B to prisoners, and $1.2M to dead people. With the speed of the rollout, we should give some slack to the Trudeau Liberals, but when you give away “free money” to incentivize people out of work, what would you expect to happen? We gave thousands of dollars each month to students who live at home and may or may not have even been employed.

Pierre Poilievre chimed in saying “We already knew that the Government paid billions of dollars in wage subsidies to profitable corporations that were able to pay out dividends to their wealthy executives. Now we know they also paid $15-billion to companies that did not have a significant revenue drop, and so they were able to pocket the cash at the expense of the Canadian people,” before directly criticizing the Liberals. “Why do they always take from the have-nots and give to the have-yachts?”

So how deep will the Federal Government investigate and claw back the fraudulent payments? From what we’re hearing so far, depth will be lacking. “It would not be cost-effective nor in keeping with international and industry best practices to pursue 100 percent of all potentially ineligible claims,” the two responsible federal bodies said.

Just chalk it up to another few wasted billions while the majority of Canadian Citizens say they’re concerned about affording food to feed their families.

RCMP gets in bed with the Chinese Government

While the Canadian Government moves to criticize China, including the hypocritical objection to the CCP squashing of local protests, the RCMP is partnering with Chinese-owned tech companies, including with the Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and the Department of National Defence.

Ontario-based Sinclair Technologies Inc. received a contract in October 2021 worth $549,637 for radio frequency filters and several other contracts worth upwards of $90,000 each. In 2017, Hytera, which the Chinese Government partially owns, purchased Sinclair Technologies’ parent company, Norsat. The contracts began in 2009.

Former national security analyst Stephanie Carvin said the concern is not only that a Chinese-controlled company has received many federal government contracts, but that it is potentially undercutting Canadian companies, as well. “You don’t want to have a Chinese-controlled company basically providing the technology that’s going to be used in very sensitive national security operations,” Carvin said.

Critical Changes to Bill C-11

The controversial CRTC internet censorship Bill could see critical amendments. That is if the Government accepts the Senate’s wishes. Critics have said the way the bill is written would allow the CRTC to regulate a much more comprehensive range of online content and that if the Government aims to target professional music on YouTube, as it has repeatedly said, then the language of the bill should reflect that.

Senators have limited the scope of the CRTC’s powers over the internet in the Liberal Government’s controversial online streaming bill to leave out the work of digital entrepreneurs and basic social media users. Sen. Paula Simons said the amendment was “surgical” to ensure Bill C-11 “actually does what the government has told us that it wants to do.” social media.”

The committee has also made other changes to the bill, including two amendments to strengthen privacy protections. But it has also voted down other amendments proposed by various senators aiming to target controversial aspects of the bill, including discoverability.

Michael Geist says “It is by no means certain that the Government will support this change. While it passed on division in committee and was the obvious choice of senators seeking a compromise, Senator Dawson, who has been a lead backer of the bill in the Senate, indicated he remained opposed”. Dawson said, “The proposed amendment would create loopholes. I’m repeating what Senator Gold said on earlier amendments today, that the amendment would create loopholes for social media platforms to avoid contributing to Canadian culture, which, as you know, is the objective of the bill.”

It is unclear what the final form of Bill C-11 will look like, but senators are stepping up and attempting to do the right thing for citizens.

BOC Raises Rates by 50BPS

Royal Bank of Canada, TD Canada Trust, Scotiabank, CIBC, Bank of Montreal, National Bank of Canada, Equitable Bank, and Laurentian Bank of Canada all raised their prime rate by 50 basis points from 5.95 percent to 6.45 percent starting Thursday, Dec. 8. This means that the interest rate will officially move higher than the top-end stress tests mortgage lenders would’ve put new homebuyers under during mortgage interest rate lows. This rise in interest is paired with general financial challenges as our global economy teeters on the edge of a full-on recession. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. chief executive David Solomon’s caution that the economy faces “bumpy times ahead,” to JPMorgan Chase & Co. Jamie Dimon’s grimmer view that this would be a “mild to hard recession,” to Morgan Stanley Wealth Management’s Lisa Shalett, who told Bloomberg Television that corporations are facing a “rude awakening” on earnings, the messages have become increasingly dire.

Government Pensions Not Enough

As if Canadians aren’t facing enough financial challenges, Government Pensions can’t keep pace with the cost of living, and our rapidly growing aging population is in for serious problems. The CPP retirement pension document states, “For 2022, the maximum monthly amount you could receive as a new recipient starting the pension at age 65 is $1,253.59. The average monthly amount paid for a new retirement pension (at age 65) in July 2022 is $737.88. Your situation will determine how much you’ll receive up to the maximum.”

Thank you for reading this week’s edition of the Fed Report. Please feel free to share, comment, or use the contact form below to send us your thoughts.

Alberta Passes the Sovereignty Act

In a final vote of 27-7 with Smith’s UCP voting for it and the Opposition NDP against it, the Alberta legislature has passed Premier Danielle Smith’s controversial sovereignty act. Not before stripping the condition that granted Smith’s cabinet the power to bypass the legislature and rewrite laws. Alberta legislature still has the last word on lawmaking. The bill was approved around 1 a.m. Thursday. After passing to a roar of applause, Smith stated, “The way our country works is that we are a federation of sovereign, independent jurisdictions. They are one of those signatories to the Constitution, and the rest of us, as signatories to the Constitution, have a right to exercise our sovereign powers in our own areas of jurisdiction.”

The NDP’s Notley vowed to reverse the legislation if voted into power.

Is mandatory ESG Coming to Canada?

ESG is an acronym for ‘Environmental, Social, Governance’ reporting standards for large firms. While ESG is sold as a way for private businesses to do good for the world, it is essentially a way to regulate and control industry. Under the threat of bankruptcy, failure, and now regulatory breach, companies are told to either get on board or go out of business. Or worse, end up in litigation.

Regulators are ramping up their ESG reporting requirements. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, European Commission and the Canadian Securities Administrators have either already developed or are expected to issue new climate-related disclosures aligned to the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) imminently. Regulators could mandate these disclosures in 2024.

These controlling organizations are working hard to twist arms and get businesses on board with ESG compliance. Sarah Marsh, partner, national ESG report and assurance leader, PwC Canada notes 59 per cent of Canadian businesses don’t mention the TCFD principles in their reporting, according to PwC’s 2023 Canadian ESG Reporting Insights report. “There is work to do,” adds Marsh.

Regulators are also pushing to further bloat corporate administration and put ESG ‘moles’ into private companies in the name of proper conduct. A Financial Post reporter states, “but there still may be a need to bring in external experts. Only 29 per cent of Canadian firms are currently obtaining external assurance of their ESG reports. This means that many are not bringing a gravity and sense of credibility to their ESG disclosures, which stakeholders are looking for. They are also not obtaining critical benchmarking information from external providers about their competitors, which would provide them with key insights on how to improve their own ESG reporting.”

The same reporter finishes her article with a non-compliance threat. “Given 2024 is just around the corner, Canadian organizations have no time to lose in developing robust ESG reporting targets. Those who don’t comply with the TCFD disclosure requirement could be subject to regulatory enforcement and potential litigation.”



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.


Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on here were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views, and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.

Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:

There is MUCH coming soon!

A different Perspective:

This is out there – floating in the Network… You need to make up your own mind!

Upcoming Events:

  • · Sat. 10 Dec. Day of Reckoning Gala Event in Frisco Texas: could be announcement of NESARA/GESARA, or the Gold Standard, or that the Brunson Supreme Court Case was ruled in our favor – dissolving all of Congress, or JFK Jr. and other Celebrities in the Witness Protection Program could come out of hiding.

  • · Sat. 17 Dec. 2022 – Remember the date. Something big is coming. If you know, you know. If you don’t - you’ll find out

  • · Jan. 6 2023 Supreme Court to meet on Brunson Case regarding Congress’s failure to investigate over 100 complaints of 2020 Election Fraud – a Treasonous Act. A ruling could dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress. That decision could come out anytime between now and then.

  • · July/August 2023: Military Tribunals made public.

The Real News for Thurs. 8 Dec. 2022:

Mass Media Shutdown:

  • · CBS shakeup Network has a new boss as cuts loom.

  • · NBC Universal layoffs are coming in January with cuts expected mainly in broadcast and cable TV groups.

  • · Washington Post ends it’s Sunday magazine, eliminates positions.

  • · CNN makes massive staff cuts as news industry prepares for a dark winter.

  • · AMC Network to cut 20% of US staff as CEO abruptly departs.

Deep State Nazi Ukraine vs. Russian Liberation Army:

  • · Over 7,000 Armored Vehicles Destroyed During Special Operation — Russian MoD Key points from the Russian Defense Ministry’s daily briefing: Around 200 enemy combatants have been eliminated in the last 24 hours. Russia destroyed more than 120 enemy HIMARS missiles as well as three multiple launch rocket systems. A foreign mercenary position was hit in Ukraine’s Kharkov region. During the entirety of military action in Ukraine, Russian forces have destroyed over 7,000 tanks and other armored military vehicles.

  • · AZOV - BRAIN ROT (DOKU) - the KILLING of the NAZI POW WITTNESSES by OWN NAZI REGIME: The film features exclusive footage and eyewitness accounts, as well as filmed testimonials by captured Azov militants and foreign mercenaries who surrendered in Mariupol. In addition, the film contains expert commentary and accounts of the civilians who were tortured and humiliated by neo-Nazis. The documentary elaborates on the ideology of nationalist battalions as well as their neo-pagan beliefs and the widespread use of Nazi symbols. The film’s creator, journalist, and television host Marina Kim visited the detention facilities where Azov members were being held captive in Yelenovka (DPR), days before the Ukrainian Army attack using a HIMARS multiple rocket launcher. The attack killed more than 50 prisoners of war.

Further PROOFs

🔥Lindsey Graham and John McCain motivation speech for the AZOV NAZIS in 2016 --->>



⚡️🔥 Western Media Praise Ukrainian Azov "Soldier" Known For Promoting Nazism -->>


⚡️🔥 regarding MSM - NO NAZIS in UKRAINE.. -->>

how AFU command sends unprepared mobilised servicemen to slaughter -->>

POW - 🏳️🇺🇦 A captive Ukrainian soldier CALLING HOME -->>

POW - seized Ukrainian soldier reveals how he hid from mobilisation -->>

POW - 🏳️🇺🇦 A Ukrainian prisoner of war told about work of Russian artillery -->>

POW - 🏳️🇺🇦 A Ukrainian prisoner of war told about work of Russian artillery -->>

📹 (English subtitles included)

DENAZIFICATION - Inside Russia’s Special Military Operation / FULL DOKU 2022 -->>


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