7-28-21 Wednesday - thebrookstruth.com
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again;
and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest:
for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
Luke 6:35 KJV
So, then faith cometh by hearing,
and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17 KJV
For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…
Disclaimer: All articles, videos,and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.
💥 💥💥💥💥
Quote of the Day!
I Love This Analogy
When God wanted to create fish, He spoke to the sea.
When God wanted to create trees, He spoke to the earth.
When God wanted to create man, He turned to himself.
Then God said, “Let us make man in our own image and in our likeness”.
If you take the fish out of water, it will die.
and when you take a tree from soil, it will also die.
Likewise, when man is disconnected from God … he dies.
God is our natural environment. We were created to live in His presence.
We must be connected to Him, because it is only in Him that life exists.
My Good Friend… Fred Campbell
Sections divide Material into meaningful Groups:
First… PRAISE:
#2. COVID-19
Cleveland Indians:
💥 One of the most idiotic of the Left’s assumptions is that sports team nicknames are intended to insult and demean. My latest in
Have you heard of Louis Sockalexis? Some of our great-grandfathers marveled at his feats. He was a Penobscot Indian from Maine who became a major league player in 1897, hitting .338 in 66 games for the old National League Cleveland Spiders. He generated a great deal of fan enthusiasm, but indifferent to or unable to overcome stereotypes, he succumbed to alcoholism and had washed out of the major leagues by 1899. The Spiders amassed the eye-watering record of twenty wins and 134 losses that year and went out of business right after the season’s end, opening up an opportunity in 1901 for the new American League. It was not until 1915, however, that Cleveland’s American League team began calling itself the Indians in honor of Sockalexis. He hadn’t played in the major leagues in a decade and a half but was newly recalled to fans when he died an untimely death from tuberculosis in 1913. The Society for American Baseball Research notes that in January 1915, Cleveland team owner Charles Somers, “perhaps recalling the all-too-brief period of excitement that Louis Sockalexis had brought to Cleveland in 1897, dubbed his team the Indians.”
[Patrick Bestall]

New Party:
💥 💥 With the election just around the corner.... there was an announcement by Derek SLOAN yesterday about a new party, see this link... above:
We need something truly conservative to place our vote, although there is the People's Party of which my understanding Derek was in conversation with Max Bernier before announcing this.
[Brian Plumb]
💥 💥 💥 I believe that more discussion needs to continue with the likelihood of a MERGER… before the next Election is called! [Don B]
More info on Sloan's decision to start the True North party… Derek Sloan announces new political party [Patrick Bestall]

💥 Prosecutors want to send Pastor Artur Pawlowski back to prison:
💥 For his defiance, Pastor Artur was jailed for three days — one of four Christian pastors thrown in prison by the Alberta government, which had the most vicious anti-Christian lockdown in the world.
Well, the lockdown is finally over in Alberta. But incredibly, the government isn’t done yet with Pastor Artur.
They want to send him back to prison for 21 more days — all because he refuses to admit he was wrong.
There is no more lockdown.
Opening his church is no longer illegal.
💥 But because he won’t apologize for doing so earlier, he is being prosecuted for “contempt” — and the government is demanding he serve 21 days of hard time.
I really couldn’t believe it, so I flew to Calgary for an emergency meeting with Pastor Artur’s lawyers.
As you can see, we have an excellent legal team — Sarah Miller, a brilliant litigator, and Chad Haggerty, who was a Mountie for 17 years before becoming a criminal lawyer.
If anyone can keep Pastor Artur out of prison, it’s these two.

Al-Qaeda threatens France:
💥 On July 15, 2021, Islamic terrorist group, Al-Qaeda, released a 40-minute video threatening France and repeatedly targeting President Emmanuel Macron and Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin by name. The video is Al-Qaeda’s response to Macon’s perceived insults to Islam, such as his support of Charlie Hebdo’s freedom of speech to release cartoons that mock Islam’s founder Muhammad.
The Interior Ministry specifically instructed police to “maintain vigilance at a high level throughout the summer and particularly as the September trial approaches,” following the posting of the threats by As-Sahab, the official media wing of Al-Qaeda’s leadership that is based in Pakistan and Afghanistan. However, while French police call for citizens to be vigilant, Macron’s open borders policies have remained unchanged despite the terrorist threats….
[Patrick Bestall]
Palestinians Accuse Hamas of Storing Weapons in Civilian Areas:
💥 How satisfying it is to see Israel’s claims about Hamas deliberately storing weapons in residential areas is now being backed up by the Palestinians themselves – to wit, 133 Palestinian NGOs who have denounced this dangerous and cruel practice by Hamas. The story is here: “Palestinians accuse Hamas of storing weapons in residential areas,” by Khaled Abu Toameh, Jerusalem Post, July 24, 2021:
[Patrick Bestall]

Eric Swalwell
CAUGHT Spending MASSIVE Amounts of Campaign Money on Booze and Limo Services
💥 Houston Keene from FOX News reports, Prominent Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California appears to have spent tens of thousands of campaign dollars on booze and limousine services, as well as over $20,000 at the luxury hotel where his wife used to work.

#2. COVID-19
Doctors Guirguis and Trozzi interesting conversation.
This relaxed conversation spans covid science, politics, and related philosophical subjects.
Today’s quick newsletter.
We hope you enjoy this relaxed conversation between Dr Guirguis and Dr Trozzi, and find it enlightening.
💥 Here is the link:💥
[The Trozzi Team]
The US Supreme Court Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, and Must Be Avoided At All Costs – Big Pharma And Anthony Fauci Have Lost A Lawsuit Filed By Robert F Kennedy Jr And A Group Of Scientists! https://flipboard.com/article/breaking-news-the-supreme-court-in-the-us-has-ruled-that-the-covid-pathogen-is-/f-aa95e09958%2Fdarrellhines.net
Covid-19 Vaccine Program Director Admits Injection Destroys Immune System https://www.bitchute.com/video/QC859pPslAgh/
UK Government Advisor Admits Masks Are Just “Comfort Blankets” That Do Virtually Nothing
Canada forcing children to vaccinate,
Violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code:
💥 This guy got into trouble because he posted the word “genocide” on his account in the context of the fact that the government of Canada is committing it right now. This applies to everyone, including children. https://t.me/worldawakeningdraft/245 “The Government of Canada is aware of the fact that the threshold value of the PCR testing cycle is too high, so we get more than 90% of false positives – the driving force of the emergency in Canada. And this is the only reason why they can inject you and your child with a poisonous experimental injection, which according to various sources has already killed more than 9,000 people in North America alone. About 45,000 deaths from the vaccine are reported in another reporting system in the US and right now this is being challenged in court. Every injection death is a murder committed by the government of Canada, not by a virus, not by nature or by God. And the Government of Canada is committing this genocide not only against those who want to, they are forcing the vast majority of the population, including children. They violated each of the 10 points of the Nuremberg Code.”

In 2005, representatives of the US Department of Defense and military commanders of the Pentagon
Held a top-secret presentation of the no less top-secret FunVax program. The video of a short part of this Pentagon briefing was secretly filmed by an informant. At least three key conclusions can be drawn from the insightful presentation of an experienced scientist in the field of biological weapons, who, apparently, is the leader of the FunVax project:
1. The US military Biological Weapons Program has developed a vaccine specifically designed to immunize certain people and groups of the population to suppress the “God gene “in them. The suppression of VMAT2 has been the main goal of American biological weapons laboratories for decades with the alleged goal of neutralizing terrorists who pursue religious fanaticism. However, the real goal is to vaccinate people around the world against the tendency to spiritual searches and/or mystical experiences. Some biological weapons researchers suggest that the real purpose of FunVax is to permanently suppress the development of the soul.
2. The most practical form of vaccination against VMAT2 in the face of the need for extreme secrecy is a respiratory virus that can be secretly released in any city, country or region of the world. This would eliminate the problem of a society that is reluctant to accept vaccination by injection. Religious cultures in general are increasingly afraid of the true intention of vaccination. Many people have not only experienced and / or observed undesirable side effects of vaccines but are also rightly skeptical about their effectiveness.
3. The proposed FunVax vaccine can be sprayed in a similar way to the systematic, widespread, and indiscriminate spraying of chemicals over an unsuspecting population. Thus, aerosol vaccines can be secretly administered to citizens of any country, which allows for illegal chemical geoengineering.
There was another world-wide protest march on March 20
We didn't know about it because our media didn't cover it.
💥 Here is another video that's 8 minutes long, as freedom loving people in 17 countries marched to protest the Covid-19 restrictions. You can't trust our media at all!
On July 24 around the world in over 180 cities they marched to protest! Take your pick and see the miles of people in any one of these cities.
EPIC! Massive Protests Erupt Worldwide Against COVID Vaccine Passports & Lockdown Tyranny – NewsWars
[Patrick Bestall]

Covid Lies and Absurdities
💥 💥 Here is a great article that is well worth the read called "Lies and absurdities that damaged the COVID pandemic response" by Dr Paul Alexander PhD recently published on Life Site News.
May God bless Dr. Paul Alexander, who is an honest and extremely qualified scientist regarding all-things-covid. In this article he lays bare many of the hard facts about the covid scamdemic, and lays the crimes at the perpetrators' doors.
💥 Dr. Alexander's conclusions confirm and support much of the material in our recent extensive video called: Covid "Vaccines" How dangerous Are They?
This video was created to inform people and save lives urgently. It gives non-medical people access to much of the disturbing science of these bioweapons. We are very grateful if you can help creatively spread it, as well as Dr Alexander's work, so that despite the censors, we can save lives while helping more people be informed.
[The Trozzi Team]

Good Summary of Current Events Facing all of us:
http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=62414 Reverse Vaccine Passport: Huntington Beach Restaurant Demands
Proof Of Being Unvaxed to Enter
https://allnewspipeline.com/Evidence_Hidden_In_Plain_Sight.php Everything Happening Now Pushes Forward
The UNs Agendas
The Twits Censor the Nation Of Islam For Criticizing mRNA Vaccines But Not For Attacking Jews
[Fil Beorchia]
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.
Tues. 27 July 2021 The Real News from Telegram:
Green Light:
The QUANTUM computer is activated. DIGITAL WARRIORS ARE EQUIPPED WITH QUANTUM WEAPONS. Here Q17 Follow The White Rabbit https://t.me/Q17WhiteRabbit Trust the PLAN.
Cyberattacks CRIPPLE South Africa’s key ports, Transnet declares “force majeure!” Investigators are currently looking into the exact source and extent of a data breach that DEVASTATED a number of South Africa’s key ports, according to Bloomberg.
_Twitter just wiped all “audit accounts” set up for other U.S. states, too.
_Twitter has just suspended the official Arizona Audit and Audit War Room accounts.
_Motion filed in Georgia court for immediate inspection of Fulton County 2020 election ballots. Voter GA’s Garland Favorito is leading the court case to inspect the roughly 140,000 mail-in ballots from the Nov. 3 election.
_CDC reverses course: Fully vaccinated Americans are now asked to wear masks indoors in places with “substantial or high” transmission (including schools) again.
_ Leaked data – covering all NHS trusts in England – show that the “vast majority of hospital #COVID19 cases being diagnosed after admission, in some cases weeks later – suggest it includes large numbers likely to have been admitted for other reasons”
_Tunisian president imposes a one-month curfew, the movement of people and vehicles is prohibited from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. In addition, gatherings of more than 3 people on public roads or in public places are banned.
_New York City Mayor mandates #COVID19 vaccine (or weekly testing) for all city employees, including NYPD and FDNY, effective from September 13.
_Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, YouTube, and other Big Tech companies will now start to add content to a shared counterterrorism “key database,” aiming to crack down on material from “white supremacists and far-right militias”
Fresh Subpoena Sought for Arizona Audit:
Sky News Australia reports that Joe Biden will be removed from presidency via the 25th Amendment in the very near future. https://youtu.be/9yThy1zV2Zk Democrats ‘will be forced’ to remove Joe Biden from office due to his ‘mental decline’ former White House physician and current Republican member of Congress Ronny Jackson has told Fox News.
Thousands Of Ships, Millions of Troops: China Is Assembling a Huge Fleet For War With Taiwan.
Whiplash347: Nothing, Absolutely Nothing happens until the 3 Gorges Dam Collapses. It is the Start of the Event. The Dam Breaking. The River Daniel 8 6 2 Horns Is Wuhan Big Pharma getting smashed Paris shooting his Arrow into Achilles. What is the Deep States Achilles Heal? It is the 3GD, The Nuke Reactors protecting Big Pharma, Silk Road Deep State Central Wuhan. Yes. DATA CENTER.
“IN FA Typhoon will take out 3 Gorges Dam Wed” https://youtu.be/fszGjTIOcWU
Western Europe: “Catastrophic floods in some regions of Western Europe have led to unprecedented destruction and claimed dozens of human lives. According to scientists, climate change is one of the causes of the disaster.”
Japan: Cyclone Nepartak has formed and is now headed for Mainland Japan, Strong waves & Rainfall are already affecting surfers participating in the Japan Olympics. Officials adjusting schedules and preparing for interruptions to the Games.
Guatemala: More than 600,000 people have been affected by extreme weather, and thousands have been evacuated in Guatemala after heavy rains triggered flooding. Bridges and roads have been destroyed in the country, which usually is hit by storms and tornadoes from July-October.
China: Budweiser has fallen in Yuyao, China as Typhoon In-Fa hits hard with second landfall. “The BBC calls on the Chinese government to take immediate action to stop attacks on journalists after reports of flooding in Henan Province. Last weekend, a message from a part appeared on social networks. The Communist Party of China, which called on citizens to publish comments about the location of the BBC team covering the floods in Henan Province. Public comments under the post included death threats against our team. Journalists from other media organizations who were reporting in Henan subsequently encountered an angry crowd looking for the BBC team. The Chinese Government must take immediate measures to stop these attacks, which continue to endanger foreign journalists.” Situation in China every minute that passes by is getting VERY serious!! Water, floods, Dams, stock market crashes, now Nuclear power plant & fuel rods damage. Over the next 24 hours, storm Infa moved north before it hit the mainland city of Pinghu, which is quite close to Shanghai. From Monday Typhoon InFa is continuing to lash the city and nobody knows what to expect
Germany water coming from the ground before the floods started. After Germany & China now widespread floods ravage Belgium. Severe explosion at “Bayer” chemical plant in Leverkusen, Germany. ‘Extreme threat’ alert after explosion at German chemical park sends huge toxic cloud across city: Several people are injured, and five others are missing.
Austria, Carinthia – Another interesting/concerning video of high pressurized water coming from underground.
Utah: It’s car soup in Cedar City. Flash Flood warnings kept cars off freeway after massive pileup. Cedar City Mayor Maile Edwards declared a State of Emergency as widespread flooding could be seen across the area. Crews were dispatched to assess the damage, which was extensive on both public and private property. Cars could be seen half-submerged underwater as streets throughout Cedar City flooded Monday after rain continued to roll through parts of southern Utah. The National Weather Service estimates almost two inches of rain had fallen in the city, causing basement flooding and numerous road closures. The American Red Cross has opened a shelter at the church building at 900 West Center Street for those unable to stay in their homes. Record highs here and across the US.
Ethiopia accuses Egypt, Sudan of politicizing the Renaissance Dam issue to solve their internal problems
Italy has experienced heavy showers of Rainfall including massive amount of Hail the size of Rock’s
Afghanistan: The Taliban has reportedly cut the power to the Afghan capital, damaging pylons around Kabul.
Bangladesh: Heavy rainfall in world’s largest refugee camp, Cox’s Bazaar, 6 reported dies from the flood.
Abkhazia hit by SEVERE floods! Rivers in the republic in the South Caucasus have risen two meters, flooding hundreds of homes and triggering a mass evacuation. Abkhazia’s emergency services say search and rescue operations are underway in the worst affected areas.
The Storm Rider: Communism is NOT at our doorsteps. Communism is IN our house. Communists are disguised as Globalists, RINO Republicans, and MANY other activists. You can spot many of them because they are the ones who want to move on from the 2020 election and are pushing for mandatory “vaccinations. “And how many millions of brainwashed sheep are wearing the utterly useless, in fact harmful, masks? What do they see in the mirror when they look at it when wearing their masks? Not a pretty sight.
North, South Korea agree to restore communication channels, improve ties
A spokesman for the Arizona Audit Service, Randy Pullen, said that they will probably completely finish counting today. By Friday, the audit team is expected to leave the Wesley Bolin building. The final report is expected around mid-August, but they still need routers, logs and system keys to complete the audit and make sure that the voting machines have not been hacked.
Arizona Senate President Karen Funn has issued two new legislative subpoenas against Dominion Voting Machines and the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, ordering them to appear if the requested materials are not submitted to the Arizona Senate by August 2. A package with white powder was sent to the President of the Senate, Karen Funn – the left is intensifying the threats.
Representative of the State of Wisconsin Janelle Brandtien issued a press release: “The Committee on Election Campaigns and Elections will begin a more intensive investigation of voting fraud in the presidential election.”
Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer attacks Trump supporters: “How could 74 million people vote for such a despicable, racist and vile person?”
Trump on the alleged investigation of Pelosi on January 6: “Now it would be very useful to study large-scale voter fraud in our presidential election.”
According to a new report by Breitbart News, Joe Biden is hiding a secret report that details the intimate relationship of Democrat Eric Swalwell with Chinese spy Fang Fang. Biden told CNN that he asked the secret service not to go into his bedroom in the morning or during breakfast, because at such moments he is not usually dressed yet. Joe Biden called a female reporter a “thorn in the neck” during a meeting with the Prime Minister of Iraq because of questions about vaccination. In response, the left-wing journalist laughed and said that she would consider it a compliment.
Representative of the State of Florida Anthony Sabatini calls for a forensic audit in the five largest counties of the state.
California Governor Gavin Newsom compares unvaccinated people to murderous drunk drivers. It became known that the state will require confirmation of the Covid vaccine or weekly testing for all government employees and health care workers.
Representatives of Gaec, Gohmert, Gosar and Green will hold a press conference at the Ministry of Justice and demand answers about the inhumane treatment of political prisoners on January 6.
Experts Clements and Cashel: Trump went ahead in Michigan by 373,000 votes and won Biden with a score of 52.9% – 45.4%, in Pennsylvania the advantage is 424,000 votes, 52% – 46%.
Nancy Pelosi is spending a great deal of time, effort, and money on the formulation of a Fake and highly partisan January 6 Committee to ask, “what happened?”
Will Nancy investigate herself and those on Capitol Hill who didn’t want additional protection, including more police and National Guard, therefore being unprepared despite the large crowd of people that everyone knew was coming?
Will Nancy and her Committee study the massive Voter Fraud that took place during the 2020 Presidential Election, particularly in swing states, that was the reason hundreds of thousands of people came pouring into Washington and, therefore, must be a big factor in the final Committee Report? Now would be a very good time to study the large scale Voter Fraud in our Presidential Election.
Will Nancy release the thousands of hours of tapes so we can see the extent to which ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter played a role, while also revealing “who killed Ashli Babbitt?” A real and thorough investigation of this must be done—and what about all of the violence, murders, riots, and fires that took place in Democrat run cities throughout the United States by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, with virtually no consequence for this death and destruction?
Will Nancy look into the vicious partisan investigations of Conservatives and Republicans that are taking place by prosecutors all over the Country? The five-year investigation of Trump, and all that so many have been through, including the fake Russia Russia Russia charge, and including the local Democrat-controlled New York prosecutors who work around the clock to get President Donald Trump, while murderers, drug dealers, and human traffickers go free!
