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Holiday MONDAY 9-5-22

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Summary as I am able:

9-5-22 Monday

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💥God’s WORD for TODAY!

Serve the LORD with gladness: Come before his presence with singing.

Psalm 100:2 KJV

Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

Philippians 4:9 KJV

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Matthew 11:28-29 KJV

Now Follow ‘Him’:

“Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Mark 8:34

Our lives are as living billboards—signs and testimonies of the presence of Christ and a beautiful display of His lordship. But for this to happen, there must be a starting point. In his classic book, The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer states that by grace, we are saved, and when grace is acted upon, we’re brought into the family of God. But Bonhoeffer warns that though God’s grace may be free to us, it cost Him everything. God Almighty saw your life and mine as lost, yet precious enough to rescue us from death, condemnation, and hell.

When you and I realize the expense of our forgiveness, the magnitude of such display leaves us overwhelmed. We are brought to a place of bowing the knee and heart in humble devotion—and to follow Him becomes a joy and delight. Following Christ means freely submitting all things to His will. That is what it means to pick up your cross. What is He asking you to surrender today? Is it your heart’s desire, ongoing frustrations, relationships, career path? Make no mistake, He knows them all. Whatever it is, pray, “I know what I want to do. I know what I think I should do. But Lord, what is it that You would have me to do? How can I bring You glory and honor in this situation?” At the cross, God proved His great love for you. Now return that love, pick up your cross, and follow Him.

Pastor Jack’s desire is to see your relationship with Christ deepen and your effectiveness in His kingdom increase. JACKHIBBS.COM

2022-09-04 A Warrior Calls | A great interview with Christopher James

I really enjoyed this very recent fast-paced interview with Christopher James of ‘A Warrior Calls’. I hope you find it both informative and entertaining: Also, I hope you will join us tomorrow at 2 PM EDT in the World Council for Health General Assembly meeting. The link is here: Here's some background on tomorrow's speakers: Dr Aseem Malhotra is a British cardiologist and public health campaigner. He is a visiting professor, author of several books and writer of articles in newspapers, who has written scores of editorials and maintains a high profile on social media and television. Dr Sabine Stebel has a degree in Biology from the University of Freiburg in Germany, specializing in Cell Biology, Microbiology and Immunology. She has a PHD in genetics and Gain of Function. She has worked in the pharmaceutical industry, though hasn't had much success as her ethics always trumped her desire to make money. [Dr Mark Trozzi]


1. Trump on MAGA 'Love';

2. Biden 'Given Up' on 70M?;

3. Mitch's Money for NH

These are good VIDEOs to catch up on Current Events in the USA: [NewsMax]


What Is the Real Terrorist Threat?

· Erdoğan said that Turkey would freeze Finland and Sweden's NATO membership bids if the Nordic countries do not come into line with Turkey's "fight against terrorist organizations."

· That might be a tough task for Finland and Sweden. In 2019, Erdoğan notoriously called half of Turks (those who do not vote for him) terrorists. The same year, Erdoğan declared the pro-Kurdish People's Democracy Party a terrorist entity. In parliamentary elections in June 2015, that party won 13% of the national vote and 80 seats in the Turkish parliament. Nevertheless, in 2021, Erdoğan stated that the students who peacefully protested his appointment of a rector to Boğaziçi University were "terrorists."

· If Sweden and Finland do not fight wholeheartedly everyone Erdoğan deems a terrorist, does that mean he will veto their membership?

· Kavala was acquitted on all charges but, as Erdoğan publicly insists that he is a "traitor," he was not released from prison. Upon his acquittal, a prosecutor instantly produced a new indictment against him.

· The West should tell Erdoğan it is ISIS, not men like Kavala, that is the terror threat to civilization.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's ideological family tree is inherently anti-Western-- hence, anti-US and anti-NATO. This author's most recent article, "NATO Family Picture in Madrid: This Will Not Be Erdoğan's Last Blackmail," was posted on July 7. Only 11 days later, on July 18, Erdoğan said that Turkey would freeze Finland and Sweden's NATO membership bids if the Nordic countries do not come into line with Turkey's "fight against terrorist organizations."

That might be a tough task for Finland and Sweden. In 2019, Erdoğan notoriously called half of Turks (those who do not vote for him) terrorists. The same year, Erdoğan declared the pro-Kurdish People's Democracy Party a terrorist entity. In parliamentary elections in June 2015, that party won 13% of the national vote and 80 seats in the Turkish parliament. Nevertheless, in 2021, Erdoğan stated that the students who peacefully protested his appointment of a rector to Boğaziçi University were "terrorists." The Nordics may find it somewhat difficult to cooperate with Erdoğan and chase 40 million-plus Turkish terrorists in addition to tens of millions of Kurds living in Turkey, Iraq, Syria -- and Europe.

On May 17, Erdoğan announced that Turkey would veto Sweden and Finland's bids for NATO membership, and accused them of hosting Kurdish (and other) terrorists. Under pressure from NATO allies, he conditionally removed his veto at the June 29 NATO Summit in Madrid. If Sweden and Finland do not wholeheartedly fight everyone Erdoğan deems a terrorists, does that mean he will veto their membership? [Gate Stone Institute]

Ironic photo of West Virginia coal miners pushing a stranded electric car of tourist goes viral:

An electric vehicle ran out of juice on a road in West Virginia. Thankfully for the driver, there was an ironic group that came to the rescue – five coal miners.

Randy Smith – a Republican member of the West Virginia Senate representing District 14 and a coal miner – shared an intriguing situation that happened on Friday.

An electric car ran out of battery charge on U.S. 48 and stopped right in front of the Mettiki Coal access road in Tucker County. Luckily for the stranded driver from out of town, workers from the fossil fuel mine were ready to help out.

"Some days are just better than others," Smith wrote on a Facebook post. "Today at our mine off Corridor H an electric car from D.C. ran out of battery at the road entrance to the mine."

"Someone called one of our foremen and told him a car was broke down in the middle of our haul road," Smith added. "He went to investigate and found out they had indeed run out of juice coming from DC to Davis for a getaway weekend."

The foreman wanted to tow the electric vehicle with a truck, but the EV was "all plastic underneath and nothing to hook up to."

The foreman went to the coal mine to enlist some workers to help push the electric car to the guard house. Then five miners pushed the electric car to the coal mine – which was captured in an ironic photo.

"If you look closely you can see our coal stockpile and load out in the background," Smith explained.

Smith noted, "This just shows you coal miners are good people and will go out of their way to help anyone friend or foe."

Smith added that he was "honestly glad" the miners assisted because the tourist driver would have been marooned since he wouldn't be able to get a tow truck "out in the middle of nowhere."

Smith teased, "One guy even dropped off a 'Friend of Coal' license plate when he left to go home. Lol."


Charming ???

Walt Disney Company Releases ‘Little Demon’ About an Antichrist Child of Satan

No, you didn’t read that wrong.

On this week’s episode of “What The (Literal) Hell Is Happening to Our Society,” the Walt Disney Company just released its newest attempt to ruin lives: a satanic cartoon called Little Demon.

Little Demonis about a 13-year-old child whose mom was knocked up by Satan. IMDb writes, “After being impregnated by the Devil, a reluctant mother and her Antichrist daughter attempt to live an ordinary life in Delaware.”

Right off the bat, the child is referred to as the Antichrist. How endearing.

The satanic cartoon features pagan rituals, witchcraft, blood and gore, and nudity. [Tierin-Rose Mandelburg]

[Fred Swart]

Harris Makes a Shocking Statement on Voting Rights

Voting rights have been the target of criticism from many on the left for some time now. When you really stop to think about it, it's rather crazy. Why is it such a strange request to make of people in order for them to exercise their right to vote in either municipal or federal elections? Why should showing identification for voting be any different than doing so while purchasing a beer, obtaining medical care, or cashing a check?

It was a great bargain that included Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Together, they were elected to the White House for the people, by the people, and with the support of the people.

The general public has expressed concern regarding the security of upcoming elections. Despite this, Kamala Harris is of the opinion that voting rights should be expanded.

It seems as though she is completely unaware of what is actually taking place. It's possible that we wouldn't be as concerned about voting rights if she didn't let everyone pass via the southern border. During an interview for the program "Face the Nation" on CBS, Harris discussed the passage of federal voting law with host Margaret Brennan.

The fact that Harris's parents had met while they were both participating in the Civil Rights struggle inspired her to share some background information on who she was as a person. However, the topic of civil rights is no longer relevant. This is about preventing involvement from other countries in the affairs of our nation.

Harris has stated that she is fighting for equity and the principles of our democracy. And despite the fact that she is aware that there are at least 18 states that are making it harder for the American people to vote, she appears to struggle with this information.

The fact of the matter is that Harris is making this more challenging. If there weren't so many people entering the nation illegally right now, maybe we wouldn't worry if someone didn't have an ID when they went to the polls. But because of the current immigration crisis, we do. However, given the current population of illegal immigrants in the United States and the fact that the government of Vice President Joe Biden is transporting them by plane and bus to all of the main cities, we have no choice but to demand certain fundamental rights.

We ask for voter registration. We require some evidence that a person is who they claim to be before we will trust their word. This is not intended to make matters more complicated. This is done in order to avoid fraud. It is to ensure that we can name the winner of an election without one side shouting and shrieking that there has been some form of voter fraud. The reason for this is to ensure that we can name the winner of an election. We witnessed it firsthand with the election of Trump from the political center, and we witnessed it once more with the election of Biden from the political right.

If Harris believes that we are preventing eligible Americans from exercising their right to vote, then perhaps she should direct her attention to the more pressing problem at hand, which is issuing identification cards to each and every American. When illegal immigrants are discharged into the interior of the country, they are always issued some form of identification.

[Patriot Powered Network]

NOTICE how CNN took the RED OUT!

The Righteous Right for Sunday September 4, 2022:


Joe Biden Nailed in Stupid Scheme

Joe Biden's Financial Conspiracy EXPOSED

Conservatives Launch HUGE Attack:

· Things are happening faster than most of us realize!

· It is unfolding right before our very eyes!

Insane video:

NYC car chase escalates into demolition derby, ends in broad daylight gunpoint robbery:

A viral video captured the moment of a crazy car chase in New York City on Saturday afternoon. The car chase escalated into a fender-bending demolition derby on a street on the Upper East Side. The insane situation ends with a gunpoint robbery in broad daylight.

A silver Toyota RAV4 is seen on video speeding away from a black Mercedes Benz around 4:40 p.m. on Saturday. The Mercedes races to the driver's side of the SUV despite an oncoming car driving down the street.

The Mercedes rams the driver's side of the RAV4 – which caused the SUV to lose control and slam into another car. The vehicles then burn rubber and continue the car chase down a sidewalk as pedestrians scramble to avoid being run over.

The Mercedes rams the RAV4 yet again – this time on the passenger's side. The RAV4 spins 180 degrees because of the car crash.

A man gets out of the Mercedes and begins using a gun to smash a window on the SUV.

A witness is heard on video screaming, "He's got a gun! He's got a gun!"

The gunman then runs to the driver's side and commits a gunpoint robbery. In the video, the armed man is seen running back to the Mercedes with a black bag. The Mercedes races off and the video ends.

"The guy was in shock he cannot say nothing," a witness told the New York Daily News. "He just standing in his place. At first when he sees the gun… He get out and he put his hands up."

The New York Daily News reported that the car crash that ended in an armed robbery took place on Second Avenue, only a few blocks from Gracie Mansion – the official residence of the Mayor of New York City Eric Adams.

Police said the RAV4 driver is a 55-year-old man.

The Mercedes was reportedly found on E. 86th St. near Third Ave. A witness said three men fled from a black Mercedes Benz and sprinted to the Second Ave subway station.

Another witness said, "When we were in the store and saw there were guns involved, I told everyone to go to the back of the store. It all happened so quickly – maybe it took three minutes at most."

The New York Police Department (NYPD) is investigating the apparent crime.

According to NYPD crime statistics, robberies are up nearly 40% over the past year in New York City and grand larceny has spiked by 46%. [The BLAZE Media]

David YEO:

10 Signs of B-12 Deficiency (8 Min)

RE-POST: Insider "I have seen the ICE WALL." (13 Min)

STEW: Shocking Analysis of Toxic Substances found in ALL Samples (16 Min)

GPS, CELL Phones & GOOGLE (6 Min)

Mike Adams w/ Doc TOM & Doc Andrew (61 Min)

REAL Cause of Inflation (1 Min)

Doc Jane: What's in the Astrazeneca Vials (12 Min)

Shaking HEAD: Never Forget Blind 11**Banned on YouTube (29 Min)

Pope & the Vatican Bank Order (2 Min)

Doc Peter: "FDA is involved in a COVER-UP" (1 Min)



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.


Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on here were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views, and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.

Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:

“September will be a month of upheaval – a month when all the dirty things of this government will be exposed. Trump Warns of Dark Times Ahead: …Donald J. Trump Live on Telegram.


BOOM!!! “Something Big is Coming on Mon. 5 Sept. 12 Noon EST” … John McAffe

BOOM!!! Tues. 6 Sept. 6:00 pm EST: “I am ready to come out of the shadows. Now is the time!” …(JFK Jr.?)

BOOM!!! 2020 Election Invalid The US Supreme Court has Voided the 2020 Election due to Election Fraud. …Lin Wood, Charlie Ward

BOOM!!! The Global Currency Reset Has Already Occurred!!! All 209 nation’s gold/asset-backed currencies started trading on the Forex back screens on Sun. 28 Aug.

What We Think We Know as of Mon. 5 Sept. 2022:

According to Lin Wood and Charlie Ward the 2020 Election has been voided by the US Supreme Court due to Election Fraud – an attempt to take over America by a foreign entity – China – in cooperation with the CIA, Democratic Leadership and others who were under blackmail of the Cabal.I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”…Charlie Ward

We await a formal announcement to dissolve the US Presidency and Congress and bring in Martial Law until a new fair and transparent election can be held.

The World has already undergone a Global Currency Reset. All 209 nations participating in the GCR have converted their currencies to gold/asset-backed, which have been trading on back screens of the Forex since Sunday night 28 Aug. 2022. The new Quantum Financial System (QFS) began integration with the Global Financial System and Global Banking System at midnight Wed. 31 Aug.

The MRNA Vaccine was tested on rats and monkeys and found to be 100% lethal. Life span for humans after the vax was estimated at 2 years.

The Foreign-owned IRS From Hell: The US Inc. IRS was privately owned by the Rothschild/Rockefeller Bankers, while the US Court system and Lawyers answered not to the US citizens they were supposed to serve, but to the Crown Bar of England.

The Pope has called for all monies of the world’s Central Banks be moved to the Vatican Bank – a sign something big was happening.

The FBI, CIA, IRS and other US government agencies were being controlled by foreign entities of the New World Order.

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