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LORD Willing... This is our week!

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

4-27-21 Tuesday -


The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.

For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

Hosea 6:6 KJV

After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying,

Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.

Revelation 7:9-10 KJV

You must learn from the mistakes of others.

You can’t possibly live long enough to make them all yourself.” - Sam Levenson


For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…

Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.

Sections divide Material into meaningful Groups:

First… PRAISE:


#2. COVID-19



💥Trouble in the NETWORK: 💥

This explains why Telus went down. What about Rogers last week?


How to single-handedly fight lock-down (12 minutes)

This American tactic can work in Canada.

Instead of suing for our Civil Rights, you, an individual, can simply accept a fine or ticket and if you get a court date (that's a big "if"), you have the right to "discovery". This means you can subpoena everyone involved in prosecuting you and ask for their evidence that you broke the law. The police must appear for questioning to prove you didn't wear a mask or do social distancing, or you were in the company of too many people. The medical officer of health must appear for questioning to prove you violated a local by-law or whatever. And most importantly, a representative of the province must appear to prove that you broke the emergency measures act, and you can point out the exemption for religious reasons if not health reasons. If a report of your discovery is made available to the media, it would be disastrous for the bullies. They will never let it get that far. Your case would be dropped before it began.

💥 💥 Everyone should know this… 💥 💥 [Patrick Bestall]


💥 Dare-to-be-a-DANIEL!

💥 Dare-to-stand-alone:

Dr. Trozzi, [former Professor UWO] would not "Go Along" with the SPIN... he is now enJOYing Retirement!

Sometimes one must take a stand... and Stand for the TRUTH! That is what Daniel did - He purposed in his heart, to take a STAND!

Sanford University and others are backing Dr. Trozzi's TRUTH!

Must View! 💥


💥Census sweepstakes: 💥

Texas to gain 2 House seats while New York and California among the losers:

New York narrowly lost a seat in the House, falling just 89 people short of keeping it.

💥John Kerry responds to allegation from leaked audio that he disclosed secret info of Israeli operations to the Iranians:

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey must send in state police or the National Guard to protect the team conducting a GOP-backed 2020 election audit in Maricopa County, said former President Donald Trump.

Showing his vested interest in the controversial review, which is being challenged in court by Democrats, the 45th president sent three tweemails through his Save America PAC over the past 24 hours. In those messages, Trump praised the Republicans he says are “exposing the large scale voter fraud,” sharing a fundraising link for the endeavor and needling the state’s GOP governor for not doing more to protect it.

“The Republican Party is demanding that Governor Ducey of Arizona immediately provide large-scale security for the brave American Patriots doing the Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election,” Trump said in a missive on Saturday morning.

“Governor Ducey will be held fully responsible for the safety of those involved. State police or National Guard must be immediately sent out for protection,” he added. “The Democrats do not want to have this information revealed, and they will do anything to stop it. Governor Ducey must finally act!”


💥 Soros-affiliated dark money groups funding push to pack SCOTUS:

As Fox News reports, a collection of left-wing dark money groups – including some with close ties to progressive billionaire George Soros – is channeling massive amounts of funding to those working to expand the size of the U.S. Supreme Court from nine seats to 13.

[Patrick Bestall]

💥 Edward Bernays is Marc Bernays Randolph the co-founder and original CEO of Netflix:

I just learned from this 3 minute clip that the great-nephew of Edward Bernays is Marc Bernays Randolph the co-founder and original CEO of Netflix.

So, here is an email I wrote about Edward Bernays two years ago that tells a rather fascinating story of how one man changed public opinion and habits. That makes three very-very-very influential men in the same family: Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays and Marc Bernays Randolph.

A hundred years ago a man named Edward Bernays created The Medical Review of Reviews to emancipate women from corsets, introduce showers, and promote sex ed. Hired by Beech Nut to sell more bacon he introduced America to the idea of bacon and eggs.

On behalf of another client he convinced the American Dental Association that fluoridation was the way to go. At the World's Fair he told everyone Edison invented the electric light bulb (it was actually invented by Joseph Swan). For the tobacco industry he tricked women into smoking. He advised governments, convincing the world India was democratic, President Coolidge was the world's best host, and the government of Guatemala had to be overthrown (and so it was).

It's most fascinating to read how he did all this and more, talking people into doing things and media into giving extraordinary coverage for each cause. To save you time I reduced his lifetime accomplishments to just 6 pages in the attached excerpts from Wikipedia. Read it and learn how easy it is to manipulate public opinion, especially the erudite, people who think they are most informed. I'm not talking about people with their noses buried in the unchanging bible, but those whose opinions are shaped by the latest news and trends, rich fields for propagandists to fertilize with their BS.

[Patrick Bestall]

#2. COVID-19

💥Esteemed Neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson gets cautioned by Fox News host after mentioning Hydroxychloroquine during interview:

The esteemed Dr. Ben Carson was on the receiving end of a stern warning by Fox News host Neil Cavuto during his live interview, after he brought up the positive impacts that the low-priced Hydroxychloroquine drug has had when used as a treatment for Covid-19.

Cavuto, who clearly believed that he knew better than the experienced Dr. Carson, interrupted him multiple times to tell viewers that the drug can have some dangerous effects, despite a literal doctor telling him otherwise.

Morning Update:

💥 💥 The Stratford Freedom MARCH:

Sloan in Stratford, Barrie etc

CTV News London gave about half a minute to the Stratford gathering, simply saying that hundreds gathered for an illegal rally. They could have said "nearly 2,000 people showed up in the freezing cold finding their way past blockaded streets". The city had garbage trucks, bulldozers, plows, everything they could find to stop traffic from getting near the park.

I learned from a doctor that when Ontario ramps up the nose test results from the WHO standard of 25 cycles to Ford's standard of 35 cycles it's like magnifying the results 1,000 times! No wonder they can find something, anything, even the most tiny microscopic piece of something that could be a flu virus. No wonder the guy who invented the popular test said it was not to be used for diagnosis purposes (just before he had a fatal accident).

I also learned that the Children's Hospital in Toronto did a study and warned parents that masks were harmful, then suddenly changed their story after receiving a $5.6 million donation from the Gates Foundation.

Yes! That is me [Don] in STRATFORD at the FREEDOM MARCH


💥 Model/TV Star Dies @ 30 yrs (1 Min)

💥 "It's Like Hand-to-Hand Combat" - Doctors Mull Strategies For Boosting Vaccine Demand Amid Fears 'Herd Immunity' Now Out Of Reach


SUNDAY, APR 25, 2021 - 10:00 PM

Now that President Biden has reached his goal of 200M COVID-19 jabs administered across the US, Americans should expect fewer updates about the vaccination effort. Why? Because from here on out, the pace of new vaccinations is expected to slow substantially now that the vaccine rollout has hit a critical inflection point. As former FDA Director (and current Pfizer board member) Dr. Scott Gottlieb predicted a few weeks back, the US will "struggle" to reach herd immunity.

Since then, mass vaccination centers have been shut down in states across the US. Even in wealthy, deep-blue states like Connecticut, local officials are warning that demand for the new jabs is waning. In many states, unused vaccines are beginning to pile up, leaving thousands of jabs to spoil, while more than 100 countries have yet to receive even a single jab.

💥 Off-Gassing Caused from Jab effecting Couples (5 Min)

💥 MIT Study Suggests Six Foot Social Distancing, Limited Occupancy Rules Are Completely Pointless


SUNDAY, APR 25, 2021 - 05:00 PM

A new study conducted by MIT scientists and released this week reveals that the six foot social distancing and limited occupancy guidelines made law in most of the civilized world have done little to slow the spread of COVID-19, and suggests the only way to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is to limit exposure to highly populated areas and areas where people are physically exerting themselves, such as gyms, or areas where people are singing or speaking, such as churches.

Colorado Man Stands Firm while being Questioned by Police (8 Min)


💥 💥 Does Vitamin D Deficiency Pose a Special Risk for Black People?

[Les Breznyansky]

💥 Bill Maher swings another right-hand punch at Lefty:

[Patrick Bestall]

💥 Law Student attempts to ‘school’ Ted Cruz about court-packing, backfired massively so his PROFESSOR got involved:

On Thursday, Senator Ted Cruz, alongside Senators Marsha Blackburn and Lindsey Graham, held a press conference outside the Supreme Court to discuss an issue that has been hot in the press in recent months; court-packing.

💥 Geomagnetic Storm Watch:

Firefox would not let me see the page. Microsoft Edge buried the story. But your fans can see it and link to it through this page.

💥 Signs, Signs Everywhere...


MONDAY, APR 26, 2021 - 06:30 AM

“Fools, as it has long been said, are indeed separated, soon or eventually, from their money. So, alas, are those who, responding to a general mood of optimism, are captured by a sense of their own financial acumen. Thus, it has been for centuries; thus in the long future it will also be.”

- John Kenneth Galbraith, A Short History of Financial Euphoria

The signs of an epic bubble of historic proportions are everywhere.

Something strange is occurring in the gutter of "liberal comedy"... After four years of constant attacks on anything 'Trumpian' and constant ignorance of anything 'Left', one man [Bill Mahar] has begun to realize that there is plenty of farce on both sides of the aisle and virtue-signaling to your cocktail party co-conspirators just doesn't pay the bills anymore (cough CNN cough).


We need to talk:

Things are happening far too FAST!


Please help answering two big questions.

A) For those who don't want the shot.

If you get flu-like symptoms, pneumonia or signs of any Coronavirus, is your doctor willing to prescribe Hydroxy-chloro-quine, or Ivermectin?

There needs to be a plan in the event of becoming sick. Some report remarkable results by overdosing with Vitamin D for a couple of days (that'll clean out your system). Drink a lot of silver solution which is a time proven remedy for killing bad germs. Bring out grandma's silverware because germs die on contact with silver or gold. Have some spray Lysol for door handles. Don't engage in face to face conversation.. stuff like you do to stop colds from spreading. Don't worry about how you feel, it won't kill you (unless you're near ready to go anyway or much overweight).

There's a rider to this, that symptoms are diminished if you're using common home remedies like baby aspirin, vitamin C& D, and Zinc, and sprays like Iodine, SanOtize, and InfoWars' Lung Cleanse. SEE LINKS BELOW.

B) For those who DO get the shot.

Will you stay away from us who don't?

You should know that the shot suppresses symptoms but doesn't prevent unexpected variants that might develop internally or externally down the road. Nobody has a cure for the common cold yet because viruses keep mutating. So maybe we should have an understanding now. Maybe the question should be rephrased. Do you want to be like the Christian missionaries and care-givers of old who ignored all the risks in order to minister the sacraments and medicines to people with leprosy, the black plague, etc. - or will you keep your distance?

There is a rider to this. If you're wrong, and it turns out that those who refuse the shot will be healthier than you, do you want them to ignore the risks in ministering to you?

Like all problems, it's so much easier to handle if you discuss them in advance. I intend to share the results of my questions to you all. Especially if you can get something like Ivermectin now and have it ready for people like me.


[Patrick Bestall]

💥 "This Is Massive":

A shadowy company set up last September linked to a DARPA / FBI contractor who peddled a 'lawful intercept' internet spy device to government agencies and law enforcement a decade ago, took over a massive portion of the Pentagon's idle internet addresses on the day of President Biden's inauguration, according to an in-depth investigation by the Associated Press.



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.

The Plan to Save the World includes every country in the 22 nation Alliance…The World is watching…The World is connected…All or nothing…Trust the Plan. . . Q

Obama Budget Plan, Ray Stevens:

We know everything. We have it all. Every phone call, text, email, photo sent, every video, everything encrypted. We know what’s behind the walls, inside the walls, where all the bodies are buried. We have the codes to quintillions of bank accounts and crypto. We robbed the Vatican, the Queen, World Banks. We have the gold Canada sold, HRC hid, Rothchild’s hidden gold in the China Triangle. We have it all. Do not fear the events coming. It had to be this way. …Q

“Let’s Finish This, Shall We?”… Donald J. Trump

Judy Note: Notification at Any Time!!!!!

On Mon. 26 April our Military Intel Contact said that at 8:11 am this morning Mon. 26 April the RV release algorithm generated a release to move forward.

Last Fri. 23 April Admiral Bob was released to get paid, go liquid and start down-streaming funds, so there’s no going back.

In the Reno US Treasury and at Wells Fargo there were a handful of Cabal MK Ultra mind-control agents that Freemason pedo-Satanist handlers were trying to trigger to obstruct and delay.

That would not work as NSA and Military Intelligence (DIA) were watching their very thoughts, plus right now Navy SpecOps were moving to take them and their handlers out. It would not delay the release process this week—NO MORE!!!

Redemption Center bankers, Paymasters, and group leaders were exploding with excitement that this was our week.

He said this parallels Iraq publishing openly the implementation of its budget as of Mon 26 April.

Restored Republic:

This past week Deep State half-wits cost us three days by obstructing the process. There were 116 arrests of Cabal obstructionists at the UST, arrests of scores of Cabal obstructionists at RBC bank in Canada as it collapsed on Fri. 16 April and replaced by Scotia Bank on Wed. 21 April, and 1,100+ arrests of Cabal obstructionists in banks & financial institutions in four cities in Iraq. The delay on Fri-Sat 23, 24 April was partly caused by an agreement between the German and American governments on German bonds that was finally signed on Fri. 23 April. There were a handful of obstructionists arrested in Reno on Sat. 24 April and a couple in Zurich.

As of last Sun. 18 April Treasury, IRS and World Bank Deep State half-wits were unable to access funds in designated accounts because those funds were under the Quantum Financial System. They then turned to steal funds from Treasury accounts and promptly were arrested on Mon. night 19 April.

Mon. 26 April Obama/ Biden/ Clinton/ Pelosi White House Pedophile Ring Uncovered by Wikileaks:

Mon. 26 April US VP John F. Kennedy Jr. Telegraph:

Stage is set. May Day is this weekend. Xi and his counterparts are not part of the CCP. Mayday is an international term for aviators and Mariners for a time of distress. Will the first domino fall? Will they all be connected? Step back and realize the magnitude of what is happening. Prepare. Now.

@Q17_Awakening – Wikileaks has proof that Obama ran a pedophile ring out of the Whitehouse?

Julian Assange unveiled another bombshell Sunday evening, alleging that Wikileaks now has hard proof that former President, Barack Obama ran a pedophile ring out of the Whitehouse.

Mon. 26 April Whiplash347 Telegram:

Iraq’s Budget in effect as of Mon. 26 April 2021:

Watch Iran. Something Incredible is about to happen.

Mon. 26 April US 2nd Lady Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy Telegram:

From 1871 until December 2020 our country was a corporation, not a country. Following the Civil War the U.S. was bankrupt. President Grant sought a deal with the banksters (Rothschild’s Bank Mafia) and The Vatican. In return for fully funding the U.S. they bought our country. The Rothschild’s Bank Mafia and The Vatican wanted their deal with Grant a secret from the people. They renamed the founding father’s name from the “United States” to “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”. They also edited the foundering fathers original Constitution. The United States was a Constitutional Republic from 1776 until 1871. Following Grants deal it was no longer governed by the people.

It was secretly governed by a corporation. The original dollar under our Constitutional Republic compared to new dollar under corporation. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation installed Federal Reserve and is responsible the financial structure in the U.S.A. to benefit them. In other words to rip off the people. FDR was going to bankrupt the U.S. corporation 1933 to end the deal but the Wall St. Stock Market crashed in 1929 made terminating the deal impossible. In 2016 candidate Donald Trump said he would end the grip globalists had on the people’s money. When he referred to the Globalists, he was referring to the corporation that owned our country.

In May 2020 President Trump filed bankruptcy of the USA Corporation with the courts in Florida. The Globalists feared he would cut their thievery off so throughout Trump’s presidency they tried to unseat him. The bankruptcy was finalized in December 2020. We are now a Constitutional Republic. No longer a corporation. But the Globalists don’t want you to know it. They want their mafia to continue calling the shots and ripping off U.S. citizens. It is the U.S. Military’s responsibility to enforce the transition.

The Event: Military joint ops.

The war coming is staged for many reasons and will set off Military Law of War and Codes in major countries. Marshal Law. Arrest the Deep State Cabal disciples. Done in 30 countries. The rest will follow suit. WWG1WGA…Q

The Event would be a Ten Days of Darkness shutdown of Earth. The Black Swan Events would occur through the first weeks of May:

Just prior to the Emergency Broadcast System taking over Mass Media there was expected to be a Cyber Attack and fake Nuclear Scare Event. The Quantum Internet would wipe out Operation Mockingbird (a CIA program that has controlled the Mass Media since the end of World War II).

Sat. 1 May: Ten Days of Darkness and GESARA/NESARA debt release to begin. (40 days from CCP cargo ship Evergiven running aground on March 23. Prepare to lose Internet access).

Mon. 3 May: US Military put on High Alert and Readiness.

Tues. 4 May: New Republic to begin.

Thurs. 6 May: New Emergency Broadcast Starlink System takes over all Mass Media internationally to enforce a temporary Martial Law worldwide, Global Currency Reset public announcement, General Public begins exchanging.

Fri. 7 May: John F. Kennedy as US VP and Carolyn Bessette Kennedy as Second Lady confirmed?

At the same time all Governments Worldwide would be stood down during further arrests.

Biden would be out, Trump in and a new Financial System and NESARA activated.

In the first three days the Quantum Starlink’s Project Odin would take down the Cabal’s Mass Media Satellites to blackout the media worldwide – all Mass Media owed by Mossad, UK Royals, 5 Eyes and CIA would be removed as we switched over to the Quantum Systems and activate the Military Emergency Broadcast. The only intelligence will be Military Intelligence.

Uncensored news on Tribunals and the takedown of the Cabal would be broadcast in three eight hour movie sessions per day (24 hours a day) on all Media networks worldwide.

There would be possible occasional electricity outages as a switchover was made to the new Telsa Free Energy system. There could be a Stock Market crash, planes and trains grounded, with the Internet going down to be replaced by the Quantum Internet. The Internet would be rebooted with everything wiped clean and no more Operation Mockingbird or Microsoft – the same with TV, Newspapers etc.

The “Rods of God” would destroy 34 Cabal buildings (including the White House, Buckingham Palace and Vatican?), plus the CCP’s Three Gorges Dam that hides Bitcoin and their International Adrenochrome and Child Trafficking operations.

At the same time the world would switch over to the new Quantum Financial System and gold-backed currencies through Starlink and Project Odin Odin (, going Dark to Light.

Thurs. 20 May 2021 End of Trump’s EO#13848 National Emergency Act.

Sun. 1 Aug. 2021 as per President Trump’s E.Os, absolutely everything would be declassified.

Sun. 8 Aug. 2021 GESARA implemented under Blockchain Elections to serve governments 10% the size of what they currently were. Trump formally recognized as US President.


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