Summary as I am able:
11-26-22 Saturday
💥 💥

God’s WORD for TODAY!
The LORD bless thee and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Numbers 6:24-26 KJV
Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.
Psalm 119:2 KJV
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Galatians 6:10 KJV
Pastor – Jack HIBBS:
Something to pray about:
I wanted to share a message I received from a man named Brent. It was an encouragement to me, and I hope it encourages you as well: There are so many people out there like Brent: “struggling in their faith” and “feeling adrift.”

I wish I could sit down with each of them and remind them of the truth and encouragement of Scripture.
In a way, I can. Through YouTube videos, podcast episodes, radio broadcasts, and online messages, I can deliver the words of life, found in the pages of Scripture, to those whose hearts have been moved by the Holy Spirit to listen. You can help people like Brent as well—by partnering with me in the work of teaching the Bible and preaching the gospel.

💥 💥 💥 Another cheer for Alberta!

“Alberta has lost confidence in RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki and is calling on Canada’s minister of public safety, Marco Mendicino, to immediately rescind her appointment,” said Alberta Minister of Justice Tyler Shandro in a statement sent out late Wednesday.
Shandro blasted Lucki for failing to deal with “the RCMP’s history of systemic racism in a forthright and public manner,” along with damaging the “integrity of an investigation into a mass shooting.”
Additionally, Shandro said Lucki “failed to inform the federal cabinet of all law enforcement options available prior to the decision to invoke the Emergencies Act.”
“In two major public inquiries, commissioner Lucki was given an opportunity to take accountability and prove to Canadians that RCMP leadership could make changes to ensure that errors of judgment would not happen again. Instead, commissioner Lucki, in sworn testimony, has dodged accountability and excused her actions,” said Shandro, adding that an RCMP commissioner must be held to the “highest of standards.”
“So far, Minister Mendicino has stood idly by while commissioner Lucki has failed to meet even the most meager of standards for the past two years,” Shandro charged. “This is an abrogation of the minister’s core responsibility to Canadians and must be rectified before the RCMP’s reputation as Canada’s federal police service is further damaged.”
Shandro’s statements are in reference to two separateevents – the May 2020 mass shooting in Nova Scotia and the February 2022 “Freedom Convoy” protest – in which Lucki’s conduct became the subject of strong criticism from Canadians.
In June, LifeSiteNews relayed the details of a bombshell report showing that Lucki had attempted to collude with the Trudeau government while the investigation into the Nova Scotia mass shooting was still active, with the intention of furthering Trudeau’s gun control efforts.
Shortly after the May 2020 shooting, Trudeau used that same mass casualty event as the impetus for announcing his sweeping ban on “assault-style” weapons.
In terms of Lucki and the Freedom Convoy, just last week while testifying before the Public Order Emergency Commission – which was convened to investigate the Trudeau government’s use of the Emergencies Act (EA) against the Freedom Convoy – Lucki said that she was aware RCMP officers could clear the Freedom Convoy without the unprecedented invocation of the EA, but that she failed to inform Trudeau of this fact.
As a result, Freedom Convoy attendees and supporters were targeted by the federal government, and many had their bank accounts frozen without a court order.
💥 💥 💥 As for Alberta, under its new premier Danielle Smith, the province is looking to ditch the RCMP as its rural police force and replace it with an Alberta-run police force, a move that constitutes one of many steps Smith says will help the province reassert its autonomy. 💥 💥 💥 [Patrick Bestall]
[Life Site News Media]
The trustee who tabled the motion said she is 'disgusted that anti-maskers' tactics prevailed.'
OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) — The Ottawa-Carelton District School Board’s vote on whether to impose mask mandates in its schools was delayed last night after parents showed up to the meeting in protest.
Tuesday evening’s special board meeting was called so trustees could vote on a motion proposed by trustee Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth to force students and staff to don masks for the remainder of flu season.
The meeting was adjourned before a vote being taken after consistent disruptions by attendees, with the measure ultimately being tabled until the next meeting.
During and after the meeting, video footage of the tumultuous event began to pop up on social media, showing dozens of angry meeting attendees voicing their displeasure with Kaplan-Myrth’s motion and mask mandates more broadly.
In one video, people can be heard shouting “Shame!” at Kaplan-Myrth, with another man yelling “You’re a fraud!” as the meeting area was clearing out.
Quote: @gregbradyTO
Regular guy standing up for not just his kid, but all kids. He has the data, he has the backing of the entire Western World, & he has the empathy & ethics. Round of applause. You can be my wingman anytime, sir.
[Patrick Bestall]
[Life Site News Media]

💥 💥 💥 It’s About to get wild! 💥 💥 💥
Musk vows to release details of Twitter censoring Hunter laptop story:
💥 American Wire AM
💥 You have much to look into here!
[American Wire Media]
💥 💥 Arizona Election in Doubt–Attorney General Demands Investigation: 💥 💥
The AZ Attorney General’s Office has commanded Maricopa County officials to deliver a report on their botched managing of the Nov. 8 election, which resulted in Democratic candidate for governor Katie Hobbs’ apparent win over GOP Kari Lake, stating that answers are required before the election can be certified.
In a letter from Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s office, a top official claimed evidence of “statutory infractions” in the election, in which Hobbs, as secretary of state, overcame massive deficits in the polls. There were widespread voting machine breakdowns in conservative regions of the state’s most populated county, which turned into a national joke when it took over a week to count votes.
“These complaints go much further than mere speculation and include first-hand eyewitness reports that raise concerns about Maricopa’s legitimate compliance with Arizona electoral law,” Assistant AG Jennifer Wright wrote in a letter sent to the county’s leading civil division attorney, Thomas Liddy, on Saturday.
Wright requested a comprehensive report on how tabulator and printer issues at about 60 Maricopa voting stations on Election Day were rectified, as well as a printout of each voting site’s Official Ballot Report, along with any discrepancies and reasons. The machines were examined the day before the election, and no abnormalities were discovered, according to Wright’s letter.
Lake, who was leading in several surveys by double digits before the election, has expressed doubts about the election’s integrity, saying, “Arizonans recognize B.S. when they see it.” Her team has been collecting and tweeting statements from voters who claim they were refused entry when they attempted to vote, that their ballots were declared faulty, or that their votes were incorrectly processed.
Wright’s letter mentions possible legal infractions in the manner poll workers handled votes that couldn’t be inserted into tabulators. According to widespread accounts, the ballots were kept separate and without sufficient protection.
“In segregating, tallying, counting, tabulating, and transporting the ‘Door 3’ votes, Maricopa County seems to have failed to conform to the statutory guidelines,” Wright ruled. “, Maricopa County has confirmed that at some voting centers, ‘Door 3’ non-tabulated votes were mixed in with tabulated ballots.”
Wright quoted a sworn declaration from one election witness who said that non-tabulated ballots were put in duffel bags and perhaps mixed with tabulated ballots.
The state has not yet formally declared a winner; however, this is expected to happen early next month. The report, according to Wright, must be provided before results of the election can be properly validated.
“Arizonans deserve a complete report and accounting of the various flaws associated with Maricopa County’s management of the 2022 General Election,” Wright stated in the letter. “Because the canvass is rapidly approaching, and these issues concern Maricopa County’s ability to legitimately certify results of the election, the Unit demands an answer to the aforementioned issues on or prior to Maricopa County submitting its official canvass to the Sec. of State, which must take place on or before Nov. 28, 2022.”
Author: [Steven Sinclaire]

💥 Alert Parents, Save Children:
2022-11-25 Alert Parents, Save Children Please help ensure that all parents receive this 1 minute World Council for Health alert to parents of babies and small children. It is bizarre and disturbing that agencies around the world continue advancing the injection of dangerous misrepresented genetic experiments into small children, for whom covid-19 presents no serious risk.Please help reduce this disaster by getting this brief message to parents everywhere. Here it is in English, Spanish, and German, plus links to the message in more languages and for more countries. [Dr Mark Trozzi]

💥 💥 💥 Report: 💥 💥 💥 Vaccinated People now make majority of COVID Deaths in US: Thank you, Richard Phillips: In September 2021, vaccinated people made up just 23 per cent of coronavirus fatalities. In January and February this year, it was up to 42 per cent the report mentioned Coronavirus | United States | Coronavirus Vaccine IANS | New York - Washington Post Reports Last Updated on November 24, 2022 14:02 IST In a startling revelation, a Washington Post analysis has found that more vaccinated people are now dying of the Covid disease and 58 per cent of coronavirus deaths in August in the US were people who were vaccinated or boosted. For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020, a majority of Americans dying from Covid were at least partially vaccinated, according to the new analysis of federal and state data. In September 2021, vaccinated people made up just 23 per cent of coronavirus fatalities. In January and February this year, it was up to 42 per cent, the report mentioned. The death among vaccinated people is increasing due to waning efficacy of Covid vaccines and increasingly contagious strains of the virus being spread to elderly and immunocompromised people among those who have taken at least one vaccine dose. We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, said Kaiser Family Foundation vice president Cynthia Cox, who conducted the analysis on behalf of the Washington Post. Outgoing White House Chief Medical Adviser, Anthony Fauci has emphasized the safety and efficacy of the approved Covid vaccines in preventing severe illness and deaths, encouraging people to get vaccinated and boosted as soon as possible. He said that coronavirus vaccine effectiveness wanes over time and the disease shouldn’t be compared to other vaccine-treatable illnesses because of new emerging variants. My message, and my final message, may be the final message I give you from this podium, is that please, for your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated Covid-19 shot as soon as you’re eligible to protect yourself, your family and your community, Fauci said. I urge you to visit to find a location where you can easily get an updated vaccine, and please do it as soon as possible. Older people were always especially vulnerable and now make up a higher proportion of Covid fatalities than ever before in the pandemic, reports Scientific American. Today in the US, about 335 people will die from Covid -- a disease for which there are highly effective vaccines, treatments and precautions, it added. Covid deaths among people age 65 and older more than doubled between April and July this year, rising by 125 per cent, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. The World Health Organization reported a nearly 90 per cent drop in recent Covid-19 deaths globally compared to nine months ago, but still urged vigilance against the pandemic as new variants continue to rise. 💥 Overall, the WHO has reported 629 million cases and 6.5 million deaths linked to the pandemic.💥 --IANS 💥💥 WASHINGTON POST ADMITS THAT VACCINATED PEOPLE MAKE UP MAJORITY OF COVID DEATHSWASHINGTON POST ADMITS THAT VACCINATED PEOPLE MAKE UP MAJORITY OF COVID DEATHSWASHINGTON POST ADMITS THAT VACCINATED PEOPLE MAKE UP MAJORITY OF COVID DEATHS by IAN MILLER 2 days ago updated 2 days ago Well, this will certainly end a number of COVID narratives. According to the Washington Post, an analysis conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 58% of COVID deaths in August were people that had been vaccinated or boosted. Remember when Joe Biden said last year that unvaccinated Americans faced a winter of “severe illness and death?” And that the unvaccinated would soon “overwhelm” hospitals? That did not age well. Neither did recent remarks from his two top COVID advisors, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Ashish Jha. Well recent is underselling it, the remarks came less than 24 hours before the Post’s report. CORONAVIRUS 💥 58% of Americans dying due to COVID-19 were either vaccinated or boosted: Report COVID-19 in the US: August was also the time when the BA.5 variant reached its peak. 💥 In a shocker, around 58 per cent of Americans who succumbed to coronavirus in the month of August were either vaccinated or boosted. August was also the time when the BA.5 variant reached its peak. During this period, death rates among people aged 6 months and above stood around six times higher than the rate of those who received their primary shots. Unvaccinated people over five years of age were at about 8 times the risk of dying from COVID-19 than those who received boosters, according to an analysis by the Vice President of the non-profit Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) Cynthia Cox for The Washington Post’s The Health [Richard Phillips]
Dark Money - Tides Foundation:
The Left's Hypocrisy on Dark Money | Hayden Ludwig - YouTube This video is American, but Tides Canada does exactly the same thing. It's a very simple explanation of how foundations share money that influences elections and government policy.
Only 2 min 23 sec. A brief explanation of how the rich use foundations to hide political donations and payoffs.
Many people on the Left crusade for what they call “campaign finance reform.” As part of those reforms, they attack so-called ‘dark money’ – the ability of a donor to give money anonymously. But some on the Left denounce conservative “dark money,” while ignoring the millions in dark money dollars that go to their own favorite causes… Hypocrisy!
[Patrick Bestall]

The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on here were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views, and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:
There is MUCH coming soon!
A different Perspective:
This is out there – floating in the Network… You need to make up your own mind!
