3-22-21 Monday - thebrookstruth.com
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Ephesians 2:10 KJV
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 4:31-32 KJV
Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”
― Charles Dickens –
For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…
All articles, videos, and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.
🛑 🛑 🛑 Note: This is a MUST WATCH Discussion 🛑 🛑 🛑
Watch "Geert Vanden Bossche & Peter McCullough Webinar:
Introductory Presentation by Jean-Pierre Kiekens" on YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGTw5xnQ8Sc [Pauline Clements]
Be Aware – Be SAFE!
This is an excellent Read… Author: Salim Mansur
Why should anyone with a smidgen of integrity vote for the Conservative party?
Someone unbeknownst to me sent the article below published in an on-line journal called The Trumpet. After reading the article, I investigated the journal. It is a publication of the Philadelphia Church of God that is freely distributed to Americans and those who wish to subscribe freely elsewhere.
The article is a few months old and hence somewhat dated. But it is about politics in Canada, about the Conservative party and its new elected leader Erin O'Toole and, more importantly, about how both the Conservatives and the Liberals in Canada are in the deep doo-doo of collaborationist politics with Islamists. It is the story that most of us know. In my case, I know in person and bear the scars of striving to get the Conservatives to do the opposite of colluding with Islamists in protecting Canadian values and Canadian democracy. Most of you know my story. What surprised me was the writer/journalist, and I do not know where he is from, cited me in this article that at least got read by, I hope, a whole lot of at least Church going Christians in the US, and then learn of how Canada is increasingly compromised by their political leaders with the politics of Islamism as they go searching for votes.
So my question is very simple. Why should any Canadian with a smidgen of integrity vote for these parties, instead of punishing them? Why should a Jew, a Christian, a Hindu, etc in our increasingly multiethnic society vote for a party that stoops ever lower to make political deals with Islamists who are literally, to draw a comparison, people wearing a swastika-type symbol of bigotry on their armbands?
I think the answer is also simple. They/we do not care. They/we are all so self-absorbed in our own needs at the expense of others that virtue-signalling has effectively nullified living and conducting ourselves with responsibility for others beyond our own needs. If a Jew can vote for the Conservative party and rationalize it in whichever way he/she wants, then why should Jew(s) continue to expect that non-Jews will act responsibly and not vote for a party that either openly or tacitly embraces the activities of those who push BDS and antisemitism openly? If a Chrisitan can vote for the Conservative party that will not allow any discussion on abortion and issues surrounding sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and will not take a stand against those who are systematically shredding the Biblical commmands as in Roman:1, then why should Christians expect non-Christians to act responsibly and not vote for a party that has abandoned any semblance of defending Christian values? And so on, and so forth. And then why should anyone, at least of our generation called boomers, sit and complain as Canada, and the West, has been more or less hollowed out internally of tradition and ethics by our own failure to defend those values by which the West stood out and apart from other cultures.
Mark Friesen based in Saskatoon has engaged for the past several months in a Friday Night Talk with me on multiple social media platforms (FB, youtube, rubble, bitchute). This past Friday he engaged me on the politics of Conservatism with reference to the recently concluded Conservative party convention. I chose to make him engage for his audience (primarily in western Canada) in a wide-angle retrospective on Conservatism and Conservative party in Canada with references to Britain and the US so as to set the stage for future conversations on why, I am convinced, the Conservative party of Canada will not in my lifetime form a majority-government and, which means, there will not be a Conservative party led government in Canada as far as I can visualize. I said this to some of the heavy Jewish Conservative donors in Toronto following the disallowance of my candidacy for London North Centre in the 2019 election by a party that is in bed with the Islamists. I gave them a lesson from the history of the great Liberal party of Britain, the party of Palmerston and Russell and Gladstone that dominated Britain's politics in the Age of Victoria and then after World War I the Liberal party faded away into history books replaced by the Labour party, and that the British Liberals never elected another Liberal-led government in the last century. This is the present and future of the Conservative party of Canada. Winning 170 seats in Ottawa to form a majority-government is a bridge too far for the Conservative party. So, for whatever it is worth, or at least for some to reflect and talk about the situation Canadians find themselves in, here is the youtube link of Mark Friesen and I discussing this subject of at least some importance.
Salim [Salim Mansur]
First… PRAISE:
#2. COVID-19
Three [3] more media whoppers explained: [Patrick Bestall]
I drove home today listening to AM 980 report about the "racist" shooter who killed Asian women at the aromatherapy spas in Georgia. Wrong! Both the shooter and the police said that race had nothing to do with it. It was about his sex addiction and it just so happens that most of the massage girls were Asian.
This far-left host of The View just declared Antifa is “fictitious” and “doesn’t exist.”
Most people don't realize it (unless you live in Germany) - Stalin's Antifa were active in Germany after WWI, raising hell in their black outfits. Hitler's Brown Shirts were like today's Proud Boys out to secure the streets and confront them. And like the Proud Boys they went too far and were arrested (by Hitler when he came to power) and disbanded.
The White House says there is "no crisis" at the border, but Biden won't go there to find out!
It's mostly "peer pressure" bordering on mass hypnosis. When your company provides your news from Reuters, AP, UPI or Canada Newswire and you know every broadcaster and newspaper is using the story as it is written, it could kill your career to just up and use something very different off the inter-net, especially knowing left-wing fact-checkers would quickly cancel you.
'Mainstreams the potential for danger'… Is MSM setting up Biden for Assassination??? I am sure that the Trump Administration will be blamed!
Kamala Harris’s ally Marilyn Mosby is the target of a grand jury investigation:
What? Stacey Abrams Demands Senate Dems Ignore Constitution Just Once so They Can Adopt House’s Voting Right Travesty:
🛑 MTG Triggers LIB MELTDOWN with Response to Equal Rights Amendment:
What Explains Biden’s Chameleonlike Transformation?
🛑 Report: Biden HUD Secretary may have violated the Hatch Act:
#2. COVID-19
🛑 Black Celebrities Dying after Jab (28 Min)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/bIlZHxdbH3HU/ [David Yeo]
MRNA Vaccine Lie:
Physical Technology Designed to Induce Illness. Dr David Martin: Report:
🛑 🛑 Democrats Accidentally Reveal They Don't Believe Vaccine Works: 🛑 🛑
Senator Rand Paul & FOX say, 'Take the VXX!' (4 Min)
Sun. 21 March:
🛑 Tanzanian President Silenced? (16 Min)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/24RdLMVPVrML/ [David Yeo]
German Legal Team Moving Towards second Nuremburg Trials for Those Responsible for The COVID Crisis & Lockdowns Video:
Pfizer Abusive Vaccine Deals = Corporate Coup D'Etat Tanzania (9 Min)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/OLMSPvrw6zr1/ [David Yeo]
Never Mind, No one has Died (12 Min)
David Icke: "I'm Not Supposed to Talk About This." (9 Min)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcAkTroy9d8 [David Yeo]
Dr. Andrew Kauffman MD: There is No Evidence the Virus Exists (4 Min)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/GUVDTTxV5nqq/ [David Yeo]
🛑 “Hillbilly Elegy” author:
Corporate Donors are driving illegal immigration:
Texas Governor EXPLODES on Biden For Creating a Health Emergency in His State
The Top Five WORST States in the Nation on COVID 19 Response | Stu Does America
Biden’s DHS Chief LIES to America about the Border And EVERYONE See’s RIGHT Through it
Biden FLIPS on Buddy Gov. Cuomo after Evidence Now IMPOSSIBLE to Ignore
The Washington Post has outed their source for the bogus Trump Phone Call Story! What about CNN and others?
🛑 Biden admits responsibility for the surge of COVID19 cases and illegal immigrants by trading vaccines with Mexico!

All articles, videos, and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.
The Ten Days of Darkness couldn’t come too soon:
Moderna Pharmaceutical was in the 3rd and final stage of their C-V Vaccine development.
The first CEO of Moderna was Anthony Fauci.
Fauci was a roommate of Bill Gates at Cornell University.
At Cornell Bill Gates developed the RFID (radio frequency identification) and patented it under US2006257852.
Moderna was started in Germany under the name of IG Farben.
IG Farben was infamous for mass production of Zytelon-B – the gas used to kill millions in the Holocaust.
After the War IG Farben sold it’s assets to George Soros, who rebranded the company as Moderna.
The primary stockholder of Moderna was Jeffrey Epstein – who made a fortune off of and established his connections from Moderna.
Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, George Soros and the World Health Organization [WHO] were the major funders for the Wuhan Lab that developed and released the COVID-19 Virus Pandemic on the world.
The Wuhan Lab was connected by a deep underground tunnel to the Three Gorges Dam – where the Chinese Communist Party had facilities for their own major source of funding – an international child kidnapping ring, production of Adrenochrome (blood of a traumatized child) and Bitcoin.
Trump and the Alliance were working with Russian President Vladimir Putin, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping to take down the Chinese Communist Party and their child torture Adrenochrome production paid for through Bitcoin.
Word was Alliance Special Ops forces were finishing rescue missions of tortured children caged in the compromised Three Gorges Dam underground tunnel, hoping to get them out before the Dam broke.
No wonder Q told us to “Watch the Water.”
As Anna Von Reitz said:
Bill Gates stole his ideas and patented ancient technologies discovered in Africa, the Middle East, and Serbia
Serbia is the connection to Tesla, too.
George HW Bush was the Killer.
Soros, the Money Man.
Gates, the Patent Man.
Epstein, the Pusher.
Fauci, the Face.
Sat. 20 March:
Our movement is about replacing a corrupt government to one by The People.
Sat. 20 March: The Nazi’s All Moved West, Anna Von Reitz, Paul Stramer:
Sun. 21 March Trump returning to social media with 'his own platform' in 2-3 months, Adviser:
Sun 21 March Med Beds, Parkes:
What's Next? Doug’s Latest Interview with Simon Parkes (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News Med Beds available around June, traumatized children would use them first Tremendous amount of children rescued out of Texas underground tunnels. In just the last week 13,000 unaccompanied minors have been captured at the border– the children were being used by mafias and child kidnapping rings.
Sun 21 March
Navy Seal Michael Jaco & Juan O Savin Must Update Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News Our military went into the CIA facility in Germany and obtained the Dominion Servers where they switched the votes. Trump has cast aside his personal life and take the hits to prove how captured the American system is by the Cabal. He is working to get America back on track. Then we are going out to help the rest of the world. The Democratic Party will not exist after everything comes out in 2022. We also have traitors in the Republican Party.
Sat. 20 March
The Roe v. Wade Film – A full feature film that shows the TRUE story behind Roe v Wade (not the lies that have been told by the liberal media for generations). The film was debuted last month at CPAC and was a huge success.
If you haven't seen the full trailer yet, you can see it here. In the US, Black women are at least 5 times more likely than White women to have an abortion. Approximately 1,876 black babies are aborted every day. In the US, 30% of women will have an abortion by the age of 45. In the US, there are about 1.2 million abortions each year, or about 3,322 abortions a day. This film took years to produce. The mainstream Hollywood machine fought us EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. This movie was funded by people like you, and we still need your help to market the movie and make sure that America learns the truth about Roe v Wade. If you agree with me that every one of those children is a sacred human life, then…
