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Thursday 6-23-22

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Summary as I am able:

6-23-22 Thursday

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💥Thoughts for TODAY!

…for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Matthew 7:8 KJV

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: And the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10 KJV

Pastor: Jack Hibbs and Babylon Bee:

Jack Hibbs sits down with the Editor-in-chief of the Babylon Bee, Kyle Mann. Tune in as they discuss the “fake news”, the cancel culture of our day and how the humor-filled satire of the Babylon Bee can speak the truth in a way that makes you stop and think!

Jack Hibbs is dedicated to proclaiming truth. Standing boldly in opposition to false doctrines designed to distort the Word of God and the character of Christ. Jack’s voice challenges today’s generation to both understand and practice an authentic Christian worldview.

[Pastor: Jack Hibbs]

NWO 2.0 = Jerusalem as capitol of Mystery Babylon?

A curious verse Revelation 17:8. According to verse 8 this beast belongs "to the other seven and is going to destruction".

There have been all kinds of speculation what this beast represents. I believe the bible teacher who told me it's the god of the crescent moon, because when Revelation was written that religion had passed away with the end of the Babylon kingdom. But Jesus was telling us it would reappear just like Babylon (we have a virtual Babylon today).

Who are the "other seven"? Search the internet for The Seven Mountains. There are a few good ideas there. I wasn't going to say which theory I like best, but changed my mind. Here's the one I prefer. (SEE EMAIL BELOW)

The video you sent me took my full attention David, as it portends to paint in the picture Don and I sketched in our booklet, republished this year, "Church - Coming of Age".

It hadn't occurred to me that the Great Reset might involve total dissolution of sovereign states, transforming them into seven districts each with their own capitol under central

administration from Jerusalem. (We've all heard the theory of ten sectors)… See it here:

I doubt Trump will become "King of Israel" like this video predicted.

It's our belief, from reading the chart in our booklet [Six Cycles of God – Repeating] … {otherwise known as “Church Coming of Age’} which presents both past and future as reflections of each other, that Mystery Babylon is indeed a virtual city connected by internet in the way shown above! And we predict it will fall in one hour when the surface of the planet goes dark (I didn't say underground cities). The original Babylon fell when the water was cut off. Mystery Babylon will fall when the electricity is cut off. Then Elam (the Caliphate of Islam) makes a power move to destroy the Whore of Babylon, but Meshech (Moscow) goes to war and wins the holy war with a great Christian victory! Stay BUCKELED-UP Folk! [Patrick Bestall]

Bestall & Brooks - revealing God's puzzle - watch now:


During the last few years Canadians have suffered from government directed incarceration, bank accounts being frozen, unemployment, and now families are even being separated because of the fear mongers, and tyrants distracting us from the real issues. These are some of their stories...

See Pictures following: [Dianne Dawson]

There are WEEDS and then there are WEEDS!

This summer's farm shortages will hit stores next summer.

Thanks for highlighting some tasty garden weeds! Dandelions, lambs quarter, amaranth, and purslane would be worthy of planting and growing in a garden, if they didn't do that so easily by themselves. Lambs quarter is one of the best cooked greens, even compared to garden greens - and so simple to just saute for about 3 minutes with a little water, then top with a little salt. Don't weed the garden -- harvest an extra crop! : ) [Patrick Bestall]

Holding onto Life:

The Liberal "majority" is ramming legislation through at break-neck speed (pun intended). See Leslyn's newsletter below. And know this. Bill C-11, the internet control bill, is in the Senate now. It's the one which will monitor everything to make sure diversity and inclusion are there in everything we write. Of course, the control freaks who monitor us will exempt anyone who wants to exclude our voices for not being inclusive enough.

“Our MAiD laws are falling off the cliff.”

Those were the words of Dr. Sonu Gaind, Chair of the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Team at Humber River Hospital in a recent interview with political commentator Anthony Furey.

So many of us warned about a slippery slope back in 2016 as the Trudeau Liberals pushed through the legalization of euthanasia across Canada.

Of course, we were dismissed and told that our fears of a government-funded death-on-demand system would never happen. Any of us who raised concerns were told that we lacked compassion, and promised there would be no abuse, and that the vulnerable would be protected.

Sadly…we were right. In fact, the only thing we had wrong is that we underestimated how fast this Liberal government would sprint down the slippery slope, and run towards the cliff.

Just five years later the Liberals have pushed through the radical Bill C-7, which removed the main safeguard that the Liberals promised would limit access to MAiD – that the person’s death needs to be “reasonably foreseeable.” What’s more, in two more years, the bill allows those suffering solely from mental illness, like depression, to apply for MAiD.

Despite the outcry from across the political spectrum, from disability rights groups to mental health advocates to faith groups and from people from all walks of life, the Liberals rammed the bill through Parliament without full study, discussion or debate.

Even the far-left Toronto Star at the time put out an editorial saying the bill was “flawed” and “a far cry from what most people accepted as a valid, indeed compassionate reason for legalizing assisted suicide” and that the potential for abuse was “both obvious and frightening.”

The consequences are already unfolding and they are tragic.

Not only are euthanasia rates rapidly mounting with each year, Canadians have been horrified to learn that death by lethal injection has been offered to those who are poor and can’t afford proper housing, to those who don’t want to live alone in isolation, or those who are in desperate but treatable mental anguish. The most vulnerable Canadians are saying they want to die, and our government seems happy to help them along.

Our country is disturbingly earning an international reputation for its "death-on-demand" regime.

I have been heartbroken as I’ve read these stories of suffering Canadians who might still be with us today if their government hadn’t promoted assisted death as an option. I’ve wondered why someone didn’t intervene and tell them that there is treatment and light on the other side of their suffering.

Canada’s MAiD law isn’t about compassion. It is a betrayal of the most vulnerable among us who we should be protecting. It’s time we have a Prime Minister and government who will offer help and hope, not a death-on-demand regime that threatens the poor, the mentally ill, youth, women, the elderly, and the disabled.

Death cannot be the only option. I promise as Prime Minister I will reverse course, and we will protect life once again in Canada:

  • I will repeal and replace Bill C-7 to restore important safeguards to protect the vulnerable and refocus efforts to deliver care to the suffering, not push them towards death.

  • · I will expand mental health treatment services and suicide prevention resources, like crisis centres, by working with the provinces and better leveraging the charitable and non-profit sectors.

  • · I will lead national efforts to expand access to palliative care, like hospice and home care, including ramping up training for health care providers and caregivers.

  • · I will also double the number of weeks for EI caregiver benefits, including the family caregiver benefit and the compassionate care benefit, to make it easier for families to provide the care their loved ones need.

  • · Finally, I will enshrine conscience protections for doctors. Doctors should never be coerced or pressured to violate their conscience by participating in MAiD. MP Kelly Block has put forward a private member’s bill to amend the Criminal Code to make it an offense to force a doctor to participate in MAiD or to be denied employment because of their refusal to participate. If the Liberals fail to support that bill by the time I am Prime Minister, I will amend the Criminal Code to protect the conscience rights of doctors.

With all the pressures and troubles facing so many right now, the message Canadians need to hear is that there is help and there is HOPE. That message is needed now more than ever before.

Help me share that message of hope and protect life in Canada once again. [Patrick Bestall]

The One to Watch:

I am incredibly excited to be supporting Leslyn in this race.

I am proud to be supporting a politician who is motivated by truth. Someone who is committed to honesty. Someone who I have seen firsthand, really listens to those around her. Whether it’s her colleagues, or the thousands of Canadians she’s been meeting on the road.

But I’m not just excited because I think Leslyn has a lot of great qualities, I am also excited about supporting Leslyn because she can win.

It might seem a lifetime ago, but not even two years ago, Leslyn Lewis won the popular vote in the second round of the 2020 Leadership Race.

Nik Nanos, one of Canada’s biggest pollsters was on CTV and while so much of the chatter the last week was about whether or not membership numbers were accurate, Nik made sure to point out that Leslyn might still be the one to watch.

Leslyn doesn’t fit an easy media narrative.

She doesn’t fit the profile of the kind of Conservative the left thinks can be easily dismissed.

The Liberals have been running against Stephen Harper since 2015, and they keep running against him and his team in the exact same way seven years later. They have no idea how to handle a fresh voice in our movement like Leslyn.

I hope you’ll join me in supporting Leslyn. Because together we aren’t just going to make some noise in this race, we might actually change the course of Canadian history.

The number of donations each campaign receives in the second quarter, June 30th, will be reported by the media at the end of July to show which campaigns have momentum heading into the vote. Let's make sure Leslyn continues to be the story of the race and make a strong show of momentum! [Patrick Bestall]

Holiday weekend gun violence in Chicago leaves 61 shot, 10 dead:

As the heat of summer continues to build, so, too, does the senseless gun violence that grips America’s largest cities, and that was certainly the case in Chicago over Father’s Day weekend, when 61 individuals were shot, resulting in the deaths of 10, as the Chicago Sun-Times Media Wire reports via local television affiliate station ABC 7.

The weekend got off to a particularly harrowing start on Friday evening, when five suffered gunshot wounds stemming from an attack on South Rhodes Avenue on the city’s South Side.

Earlier that evening three men were injured in a shooting incident at Humbolt Park in the City, and in a separate event, a teen girl was shot while riding as a passenger in a ride-hailing car on South Mackinaw Avenue.

Sadly, there was also a loss of life that evening on the Near West Side, when a 22-year-old male was shot while sitting in a vehicle at roughly 11:45 p.m.

Things did not improve much in the Windy City on Saturday, as a woman sitting in a vehicle parked on West Illinois Street was approached by a man wielding a gun. The driver of the vehicle attempted to leave, but the female passenger was shot in both of her legs.

Though Sunday was Father’s Day, the situation in West Englewood was far from celebratory, as a 36-year-old woman died as the result of a shooting that took place around 8:30 p.m. According to police, the deceased female had been on the sidewalk of South Marshfield Avenue when she was struck in the head by a bullet.

Monday marked the official federal observation of Juneteenth this year, but tragically, that was also the day an 11-year-old girl sustained a gunshot woundwhile congregated with a group of people on South Halsted Street. That incident occurred just 10 minutes prior to another nearby shooting that left a woman and two teens injured.

According to Block Club Chicago, the city saw 971 shootings in just the first five months of 2022, and though that represents a bit of a decline from pandemic-era numbers, University of Chicago Crime Lab executive director Roseanna Ander declares the tally “still way too high by any rational standard.”

Ander added, “If we continue to tolerate the level of gun violence that we tolerate, we are going to continue to see residents leave the city.” But as along as the left insists on putting the focus on taking guns from law abiding citizens and ignoring the societal drivers of the carnage cities like Chicago see almost every weekend, little is likely to change. [Main Street Gazette]


Conservative MPs Challenged on how they'll Stop Trudeau's Censorship Bill:

I see they passed Bill C-11 (deciding against free speech! - not surprising, given how close we are to 'time's up!'),but I signed the petition included.

Take a minute to scan (and sign), if you can! SO GLAD GOD will Hold us accountable for EVERYTHING done in the body, and when we stand for righteousness, it does not go unnoticed!

Last week, I went in front of Parliament to ask tough questions to Liberal MPs, and I met multiple members of Justin Trudeau’s cabinet, which included Justice Minister David Lametti, Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez and Immigration Minister Sean Fraser.

It’s not surprising, but none of Trudeau’s ministers were able to answer my questions. Lametti decided to remain silent while walking, and Rodriguez called me disrespectful.

You can watch the full video for yourself by clicking here.

This week, what I wanted to find out was what concrete actions, if any, Conservative MPs are taking to fight back against Trudeau’s censorship bill, Bill C-11.

Melissa Lantsman was gracious enough to give me a detailed response regarding what she believes to be wrong with the bill, and what the party is doing to fight it.

I also spoke with Blaine Calkins, who outlined the fact that Conservatives are very knowledgeable about online speech, and that they brought in multiple witnesses to testify in their favour.

Former party leader Erin O’Toole said he didn’t know what the Conservative Party was doing.

“I hope our colleagues in the Senate study this bill for what it is, because I think it is dangerous,” affirmed Lantsman, the MP for Thornhill, Ontario.

Calkins also went on to say that he finds the current Liberal government to be composed of far-left ideologues, whereas the citizens of Canada find themselves in the middle.

“Right now, the House of Commons is being ruled by a consortion of extreme left-wing ideology in my opinion,” Calkins categorically stated. [Rebel News]

Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to Multiple Felony Counts of Voter Fraud:

In a win for Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, it was announced that earlier this month, a Port Lavaca woman pleaded guilty to 26 felony counts of voter fraud, as Fox News reports, in a case that only serves to bolster the same kind of election integrity concerns about mail-in ballots raised by former President Donald Trump in recent years.

According to the outlet, 37-year-old Monica Mendez admitted to crimes that included “three counts of illegal voting, eight counts of election fraud, seven counts of assisting a voter to submit a ballot by mail, and eight counts of unlawful possession of a mail ballot.”

The grand jury indictment in the case alleged that Medez headed a vote-harvesting scheme designed to sway the outcome of a May, 2018 water board election in Bloomington, Texas.

Mendez reportedly served as a volunteer deputy during the aforementioned election cycle and was given responsibility for assisting residents who needed to register to vote.

However, it was ultimately noted that 275 Bloomington voters registered under the same post office box mailing address, one which was associated with a local nonprofit housing organization that was attempting to affect the results of the water board contest.

The vote harvesting scheme overseen by Mendez was orchestrated to benefit that subsidized housing enterprise, which hoped to unseat incumbent water board members and secure more desirable utility rates for the rental properties it owned.

A report from the Victoria Advocate further noted that District Judge Eli Garza handed down a sentence of five years of deferred adjudication probation for Mendez as well as 80 hours of required community service.

In addition, Mendez was deemed responsible for paying a total of $1,415 in fees and fines as a result of her plea.

In announcing the state’s win, Paxton’s office declared on social media, “Voter fraud is real, and it’s a real threat. That’s why I have a whole Unit devoted to stopping it. My office’s commitment to election integrity ensures Texas has the safest elections in the country.” Hopefully, other states across the nation will begin to take heed and follow that example. [Main Street Gazette]

Vladimir Putin Warns 'Satan-2' Nuclear Missiles Could Be Deployed in Months:

Russian President Vladimir Putin touted Moscow's newest nuclear missile during a Wednesday address of Russia's military academies, saying the ballistic arsenal could be ready for deployment by the end of the year.

The missile is recognized as "Satan-2" by NATO members.

In Kremlin circles, however, the 14-story-tall missile is known as "RS-28 Sarmat," and allegedly has nuclear capabilities that cannot be matched by other countries.

"The Sarmat heavy intercontinental ballistic missile was successfully tested," Putin told the Moscow graduating class. "It is planned that by the end of this year, the first such complex will be put on combat duty."

In April, Russia announced the inaugural test launch of Satan-2/RS-28; and approximately a month later, Dmitry Rogozin, head of Russia's state space agency, Roscosmos, said the country's arsenal would soon include 50 of the new missiles.

"I suggest that aggressors speak to us more politely," Rogozin reportedly quipped at the time.

And in May, the Kremlin threatened to deploy Satan-2 missiles to strike Finland, the U.K. and the United States, after Finnish President Sauli Niinisto signaled his country's intention to join NATO.

"If Finland wants to join this bloc, then our goal is absolutely legitimate — to question the existence of this state. This is logical," said Aleksey Zhuravlyov, deputy chairman of the Russian parliament's defense committee​.

Also, "if the United States threatens our state, it's good: Here is the Sarmat (Satan-2 missile) for you, and there will be nuclear ashes from you if you think that Russia should not exist," Zhuravlyov continued.

"And Finland says that it is at one with the USA. Well, get in line."

The Satan-2, which was first introduced in 2018, can reportedly carry 10 or more nuclear warheads and decoys, and has an estimated range between 6,200 and 11,800 miles.

Such theoretical capabilities would allow the Kremlin to hit targets anywhere in the world.

In his Wednesday speech, Putin said his administration was committed to modernizing and strengthening Russia's armed forces amid "potential military threats and risks."

Putin added, "Among the priority areas is equipping the troops with new weapon systems that will determine the combat effectiveness of the army and navy in the years and decades to come."

According to The National Interest, America's most devastating nuclear bomb — the B83 — has the following capabilities:

"The B83 is one of two so-called 'dumb' or unguided nuclear bombs that the United States maintains as a part of its post-Cold War Enduring Stockpile arsenal. Along with intercontinental ballistic missiles and other smaller nuclear-capable bombs, stocks of the B83 are kept in case of emergency. It replaced a number of older American free-falling weapons, and is big.

"At nearly 1 1/2 tons, the B83 is the largest nuclear bomb that the United States currently keeps. Its nuclear tiled is 1.2 megatons — significantly more powerful than either of the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.

It's big, it's powerful, and it's had a colorful history."

Related Stories:

Texas gun store employee fatally shoots man who entered store with 'bladed object' and began stealing cash from register: ​Police:

A man who reportedly was carrying a "bladed object" entered a Houston, Texas, gun store Tuesday and began taking cash from the register — but a gun store employee shot the man dead.

What are the details?

The man walked inside Carter's Country gun store in the 11800 block of Wilcrest Drive at the Sugar Park Plaza with a "bladed object" around 3 p.m. and went straight to the cash register and began taking money, KHOU-TV reported.

Police said an employee confronted the suspect and fired two shots, the station said, adding that the suspect then departed the store, leaving a trail of blood behind.

When authorities arrived, they took the suspect to a hospital where he was pronounced dead, KHOU reported.

Authorities told the station there's surveillance video of the incident but added that it wouldn't be released at this time.

The suspect's name and the name of the employee who opened fire have not been released, KHOU said. [The BLAZE Media]


Morning Update:

RCMP veterans defend officer behind allegations against commissioner:

Continued from yesterday…

Former RCMP commissioner Bob Paulson and other retired Mounties are defending the integrity of Superintendent Darren Campbell, who has alleged that current Commissioner Brenda Lucki interfered in the investigation of the largest mass shooting in Canadian history to help the Liberal government’s gun-control agenda.

Former public safety minister Bill Blair doesn’t accept Campbell’s written account of a conference call, on April 28, 2020, between Lucki and RCMP commanders overseeing the criminal investigation into the rampage 10 days earlier by a lone gunman in Nova Scotia.

Campbell’s notes say Lucki told the RCMP officers that she had “promised the Minister of Public Safety and the Prime Minister’s Office that the force would disclose the type of firearms used in the mass shooting because it would advance the government’s “pending gun-control legislation.”


Beyonce & Red Horse (16 Min)

FOLK TESTING Their Magnetic Powers (14 Min)

Jasmine: Amazing Speech by 11-Year OLd @ UK Rally (8 Min)

The W0RLD is Sterile (7 Min)

NEW Embalmer with Horrific POST Jab CLOTS (17 Min)

Marconi: FE (3 Min)

Where are We at Today ? (5 Min)

Building the Beast System through Digital Currency (40 Min)



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.


Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:


  • · Stock Market Crash Imminent

  • · Riots in Major US Cities Imminent

  • · Global Food Shortages Imminent

  • · Implementation of GESARA/NESARA Imminent

  • · We were in the middle of Thirteen Days of Mass Arrests – to Fri. 1 July 2022

  • · Emergency Notifications by Phones, TVs, Radios, Internet to Override Other Broadcasts

  • · Israel’s Government Has Collapsed

  • · Arkansas, Wisconsin, Texas Have Decertified the 2020 Election.

  • · Texas to Vote on Seceding from the Union

  • · Speculation Mounts that the Pope Would Resign

  • · Trump Files Civil Lawsuit Against Deep State

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