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Tuesday 3-21-23

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

Tuesday 3-21-23

Verse(s) for today:

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Romans 10:13 KJV

and thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Deuteronomy 6:5 KJV

Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.

3 John 1:11 KJV

Thought(s) for the Day:

Great News:

Dr. Tozzi


Great News!

I'm joining other international experts, bringing covid truth to the European Parliament, to restore human rights and justice on planet Earth.

Friends, I have some phenomenal news to share, and a World Freedom Declaration that you will surely want to sign. Here is my short video report.

The World Freedom Declaration

We, the people of the world, declare that we hold the power and obligation to reject tyranny and the duty to strongly protect the rights granted by those before us.

We, the people of the world, demand the immediate termination of all oppressive, segregative, dystopian, tyrannical and divisive mandates that have been imposed globally under the premise of a declared pandemic.

We, the people of the world, demand that governments return all powers to medical and scientific professionals to treat patients based on science, knowledge and experience instead of on imposed mandates.

We, the people of the world, demand that the physician-patient relationship be restored by allowing all medical professionals to practice without fear of punishment.

We, the people of the world, demand freedom to choose our own medical treatments based on uncensored and transparent scientific data and research that is free from coercion, punishment, or threat.

We, the people of the world, demand the right to refuse medical treatments based on health, conscientious or religious beliefs and demand that our infringed rights to bodily autonomy be returned immediately.

We, the people of the world, demand that all employment that was terminated because of the refusal to take an experimental drug be reinstated immediately.

We, the people of the world, demand the immediate cessation of mandates and coercion that impose medical interventions on children without the explicit consent of the parents.

We, the people of the world, demand the immediate release of the medical and scientific data and statistics of all vaccines and medications that have been mandated during this declared pandemic.

We, the people of the world, are enforcing Article 6, Section 3 of the Nuremberg Code which states that: In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent.

We, the people of the world, demand that all liability be imposed onto the drug manufacturers and that they be held responsible for all deaths and injuries caused by the medication.

We, the people of the world, demand a thorough investigation of all corruption and conflicts of interest surrounding this declared pandemic and that each guilty party be punished and convicted for every death and/or injury that was caused by the mandates or coercion, including all suicides.

We, the people of the world, declare that it is our inalienable right and duty to immediately demand the return of our freedoms, truth, liberties and our right to the pursuit of happiness.

It is our duty and right to restore our world by removing the power from the destructive leaders and placing it back into the hands of the people. We have been called upon to fight for our liberties to keep our world from being overrun by selfish and corrupt hands.

Thanks to those before us, we were born free and it is our duty to protect our children and leave them a world where their freedoms and right are intact.

All rights that we give up will be lost forever. We cannot make that happen.

Let this be our legacy. United we will win.

International Covid Summit home page

Please sign The World Freedom Declaration

Please help support the International Covid Summit by donating here.

[The Trozzi Team]

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This FBI Scandal could put agents in PRISON!

Political Prisoners are being kept in THE HOLE. And they need your help! And NOW the Biden F.B.I. is intercepting communications sent by political prisoners to their attorneys! Not only are they intercepting and stealing those privileged Attorney-Client Communications, they're taking them to use them to keep the political prisoners behind bars! This is unAmerican! We truly are losing America to the Biden Regime and their Soviet style FBI and Dept. of Justice. Keep reading to learn all about Biden's out-of-control D.O.J. and F.B.I. below. These J6 Political Prisoners need our help TODAY to help fight back against the rogue prosecutors and cops at the F.B.I. One of the targets of Biden's F.B.I. is a patriot named Zachary Rehl.

  • Zachary Rehl has been in jail awaiting trial since early 2021, when he was illegally and unconstitutionally abducted by the FBI over two years ago. Rehl has never even met his two year old daughter, who was born right after he was kidnapped! And now, the F.B.I. is breaking the law to try to keep their political prisoner, Zach Rehl, behind bars for who knows how much longer! F.B.I. Special Agent Miller has been caught illegally intercepting messages between a prisoner and his attorney that were sent on the prison messaging app from his jail cell. THIS IS A DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE SIXTH AND FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION. Chip in TODAY to help these Political Prisoners defend themselves against Biden's DOJ and FBI. Attorney-client privilege is one of the oldest and most respected privileges American citizenship. FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller even warned another FBI agent that Rehl's Attorney had some good ideas that they needed to counter in court. Not only did the criminal FBI Agent Miller intercept these privileged emails, but according to her own text messages with a fellow agent at the FBI she was looking to “FIND OTHER EMAILS”- Even worse, she intended to share the information with Proud Boy prosecuting attorneys! Here's what one attorney had to say about this illegal surveillance and "When the Feds exceed those bounds, then they are violating a defendant or individual’s Sixth Amendment Rights. Without question. And then if they use that as part of the prosecution’s case, they are gaining an unfair advantage that is detrimental to a defendant and therefore should be deemed a violation of a defendant Sixth Amendment Rights.” Sources familiar with the trial told Gateway Pundit a brilliant young legal assistant found this shocking evidence. The Defense used it to dismantle the “star witness” FBI agent in seconds. F.B.I. Agent Nicole Miller's testimony, as well as her obsessive her two-year project to bury the Proud Boys, fell apart. But we're not through the woods yet. The bogus J6 "insurrection" narrative is falling apart right in front of the eyes of the nation on the Tucker Carlson Tonight show. And the Congress has even pledged to release ALL of the 40,000 plus hours of footage, and make it public. But we don't have it yet. While we fight for that footage, we need all the help we can to defend these Political Prisoners in court. Save America First PAC is fighting for the rights of these prisoners along with Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and founder and General Counsel of Freedom Watch. Klayman is a former federal prosecutor and trial lawyer who’s fought for the American people for 45 years. You’ve seen him on cable news outlets and heard him on radio talk shows. We're proud to say Larry Klayman is the first lawyer to EVER obtain a court ruling that an American president committed a crime when he won his case against Bill Clinton. Larry also worked closely with Congressman Bob Barr and other impeachment managers to IMPEACH criminal Bill Clinton. And Larry SUCCESSFULLY represented the victims of other Clinton scandals, like Filegate, Travelgate, IRS Gate, Chinagate, and many others. Klayman knows what it takes to take on federal agencies, politicians -- including presidents – AND WIN! These Political Prisoners need our help, NOW. They've been illegally imprisoned for YEARS now. If we're going to save our republic, it starts right here. Contribute TODAY to help these Political Prisoners defend themselves against Biden's DOJ and FBI. [TRUMP] Florida mayor calls it quits, starts packing his things in the middle of a city council meeting: 'This is simple math': The city of Clearwater in Pinellas County, Florida, had a special city council work session on Monday morning that ran over three hours. Mayor Frank Hibbard helmed the meeting for the first hour, but then decided the job wasn't for him. Hibbard called a brief recess nearly an hour into the meeting. Prior to the recess, the council had been discussing plans for a new $90 million City Hall and municipal complex. Hibbard, a moderate Republican, was alone in opposing the project, reported the Tampa Bay Times, not least because of an unfunded gap of $60 million in the project's financing. Hibbard told WTSP that he had always been fiscally responsible, which put him out of alignment with the council. "There's no graft or anything else," he said. "It was a 4 to 1 vote forward with what I believe is reckless spending." After the board reassembled, the exasperated-looking mayor called the meeting to order with one last strike of the gavel. A 8:51 a.m., he said, "Um, this is probably one of the toughest things I've ever done in my entire life, but I know it's right." They don’t want you to see this … Big Tech does its best to limit what news you see. Make sure you see our stories daily — directly to your inbox. "I'm not a quitter, but I'm not the right leader for this council anymore," announced Hibbard, as adjacent council members looked on, aghast. "I'm concerned with where the city is going, because this is simple math, and we're not doing very well on the test." As the mayor continued with his unexpected resignation, he began packing his briefcase. Citing his conscience, his family, his health, and "other things," Hibbard underscored that he could not continue as mayor. "I've always believed in making sacrifices for public service. And I love Clearwater. And I love some of the things we've gotten done." Hibbard suggested that City Manager Jennifer Poirrier would continue to serve the community well in her position and went so far as to nominate his replacement: Hoyt Hamilton, whom the outgoing mayor suggested "knows the city." After reiterating that he was "the wrong guy right now," the mayor noted he had called his wife earlier, who was similarly flummoxed by the news. Hibbard thanked his staff and his peers, noting he appreciated them despite past disagreements. He proceeded to grab his briefcase and his bottle of water, then marched out of the room. The remaining council members shared looks of disbelief and shock as the door slammed shut behind him. [The BLAZE Media] GLOBE & MAIL: Morning Update: Central Banks face dilemma: Fight inflation or counter financial crisis: For the past year, central banks including the Bank of Canada have fought to get inflation under control with single-minded determination. Over the past week, they’ve added a second task: stopping contagion from spreading through the global financial system after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the emergency takeover of Credit Suisse. These two roles will be in conflict in the coming days, with the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England scheduled to announce interest-rate decisions on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. Inflation remains worryingly high, arguing in favour of additional monetary policy tightening. But interest-rate hikes could spook an already skittish banking system, particularly as the problems at U.S. regional banks and at Credit Suisse were caused, to a significant degree, by the historic pace of rate increases over the past 12 months. Credit Suisse wiping out holders of bail-in bonds and upending priority for investors David Berman: Now might be the time to take advantage of bank stocks Opinion: As lenders keep getting bailed out, a question of identity rises: What is a bank? Federal budget to focus on clean economy, support for low-income Canadians, Freeland says The federal government will “invest aggressively” in clean technology, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said yesterday during a prebudget event in which she outlined the main themes of the economic plan she will deliver next week. At a time when the U.S. government is spending billions through programs and tax breaks to spur the use of electric vehicles and clean energy, Freeland said it would be “reckless” if Canada failed to also take action. Yesterday’s speech is the latest in a series of public remarks in which the Finance Minister has provided broad outlines of the March 28 budget. She has previously said that accounting for the recently announced increase in health transfers to the provinces will be a key element. Her comments add to earlier signals that the budget will include measures in response to green technology incentives contained in the Inflation Reduction Act approved last year in Washington. Campbell Clark: Chrystia Freeland’s industrial-sized budget question Editorial: Budget 2023: Ottawa must support child care Health Minister’s interference on drug-price reforms led to resignations, ex-board member says A former board member of Canada’s drug price regulator is challenging Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos’s assertion that it failed to consult with him on price reforms, saying the behaviour of the minister’s office led to division and caused several resignations. The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, an independent, quasi-judicial body responsible for protecting Canadians from excessive drug costs, had been preparing new, long-awaited guidelines when Duclos asked for the suspension last November – a move that policy experts say may have permanently derailed the process. It’s unusual for ministers of health to make such requests of the PMPRB. The move has led to the resignation of two board members and the executive director, and will be the subject of committee hearings in Ottawa next month. [Globe & Mail]

Additional Globe & Mail News:

Ukraine hints it hit Russian missiles in Crimea: Ukraine’s military intelligence agency reported what appeared to be a brazen attack yesterday on Russian cruise missiles being transported by train in the occupied and illegally annexed Ukrainian Crimean Peninsula.

Trudeau to push Biden on Buy America in first official visit: The Trudeau government is hoping to push Joe Biden on his Buy America policies and for progress on the issue of irregular migration from the U.S. into Canada in the President’s first official visit this week.

Quebec to introduce legislation on illegal short-term rentals: Quebec plans to introduce new legislation cracking down on illegal short-term rentals in the province after a massive fire in a Montreal building containing Airbnb units left one dead and at least six missing last week.

Assassinations push South Africa toward mafia-state status: A wave of targeted killings and attempted assassinations in South Africa’s business and government sectors has triggered widespread predictions that the country is becoming a mafia state where corruption is enforced by violence.

[Globe & Mail]

GLOBE & MAIL: Morning Update: Central Banks face dilemma: Fight inflation or counter financial crisis: For the past year, central banks including the Bank of Canada have fought to get inflation under control with single-minded determination. Over the past week, they’ve added a second task: stopping contagion from spreading through the global financial system after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the emergency takeover of Credit Suisse. These two roles will be in conflict in the coming days, with the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England scheduled to announce interest-rate decisions on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. Inflation remains worryingly high, arguing in favour of additional monetary policy tightening. But interest-rate hikes could spook an already skittish banking system, particularly as the problems at U.S. regional banks and at Credit Suisse were caused, to a significant degree, by the historic pace of rate increases over the past 12 months. Credit Suisse wiping out holders of bail-in bonds and upending priority for investors David Berman: Now might be the time to take advantage of bank stocks Opinion: As lenders keep getting bailed out, a question of identity rises: What is a bank? Federal budget to focus on clean economy, support for low-income Canadians, Freeland says The federal government will “invest aggressively” in clean technology, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said yesterday during a prebudget event in which she outlined the main themes of the economic plan she will deliver next week. At a time when the U.S. government is spending billions through programs and tax breaks to spur the use of electric vehicles and clean energy, Freeland said it would be “reckless” if Canada failed to also take action. Yesterday’s speech is the latest in a series of public remarks in which the Finance Minister has provided broad outlines of the March 28 budget. She has previously said that accounting for the recently announced increase in health transfers to the provinces will be a key element. Her comments add to earlier signals that the budget will include measures in response to green technology incentives contained in the Inflation Reduction Act approved last year in Washington. Campbell Clark: Chrystia Freeland’s industrial-sized budget question Editorial: Budget 2023: Ottawa must support child care Health Minister’s interference on drug-price reforms led to resignations, ex-board member says A former board member of Canada’s drug price regulator is challenging Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos’s assertion that it failed to consult with him on price reforms, saying the behaviour of the minister’s office led to division and caused several resignations. The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, an independent, quasi-judicial body responsible for protecting Canadians from excessive drug costs, had been preparing new, long-awaited guidelines when Duclos asked for the suspension last November – a move that policy experts say may have permanently derailed the process. It’s unusual for ministers of health to make such requests of the PMPRB. The move has led to the resignation of two board members and the executive director, and will be the subject of committee hearings in Ottawa next month. [Globe & Mail] Additional Globe & Mail News: Ukraine hints it hit Russian missiles in Crimea: Ukraine’s military intelligence agency reported what appeared to be a brazen attack yesterday on Russian cruise missiles being transported by train in the occupied and illegally annexed Ukrainian Crimean Peninsula. Putin dines with ‘dear friend’ Xi, while Zelensky awaits possible call from Chinese leader Xi-Putin camaraderie raises concerns over any Beijing-led peacemaking efforts Trudeau to push Biden on Buy America in first official visit: The Trudeau government is hoping to push Joe Biden on his Buy America policies and for progress on the issue of irregular migration from the U.S. into Canada in the President’s first official visit this week. Quebec to introduce legislation on illegal short-term rentals: Quebec plans to introduce new legislation cracking down on illegal short-term rentals in the province after a massive fire in a Montreal building containing Airbnb units left one dead and at least six missing last week. Assassinations push South Africa toward mafia-state status: A wave of targeted killings and attempted assassinations in South Africa’s business and government sectors has triggered widespread predictions that the country is becoming a mafia state where corruption is enforced by violence. [Globe & Mail]

Is that 3 or 53% in taxes? Biden claims billionaires only pay 3% in taxes, gets absolutely clowned by Elon Musk | Not the Bee I've got some high quality entertainment for you folks this morning. President Biden and Elon Musk had a little squabble last night over taxes, and it ended up with Biden on the mat. The action started with this tweet from the president:

Bold claim there Joe. The average billionaire only pays 3%? Well, in response to that tweet, billionaire Elon Musk put on his based-Tony-Stark suit and tweeted back: >

First off, imagine paying 53% in taxes on billions and billions of dollars that you earned – parting in one year with more money than the vast majority of the country will pay in taxes in all of our lifetimes combined. Also imagine paying more taxes than anyone in the history of the world two year in a row and still being demonized for being rich. Is that "basic fairness"? Secondly, Community Notes, if you don't know, is a feature Elon brought to Twitter that is basically a crowd-sourced (and open source) fact-checker. So Elon called on Community Notes to check out Biden's 3% claim ... and they delivered: >

SURVEY SAYS ... THAT WAS A LIE! So yeah that crowd-sourced fact-check is now permanently appended to Biden's original tweet. [Patrick Bestall] >

Liberal HYPOCRISY: Africans are sick of the Trudeau gov't obsession with pushing abortion in their pro-life nations - LifeSite The same government that pushed their values on our natives is now trying to push their values on Africans. (LifeSiteNews) — In her 2018 book Target Africa: Ideological Neocolonialism in the Twenty-First Century and subsequent documentary Strings Attached, Nigerian pro-life activists Obianuju Ekeocha details how Western democracies utilize foreign aid to push their abortion agenda in Africa. The aid packages they present to African countries, she notes, comes with ideological strings attached — in exchange for desperately needed help, Western groups bring in abortion and the LGBT agenda to countries with populations which abhor both. The Justin Trudeau government has been pouring millions of Canadian taxpayer dollars into the abortion industry and Africa is a key target. Several years ago, Conservative Canadian Member of Parliament Garnett Genuis responded to news that abortion was being pushed illegally in some African countries by asking Canada’s then-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland, if she was certain that Marie Stopes — an international abortion provider that has been kicked out of several African countries for breaking laws against abortion — was not breaking the law in countries where it currently operates with the assistance of Canadian funding. Freeland refused to answer the question and instead went on a tirade about the Liberal Party’s support for abortion — which is an admission of sorts. As it turns out, African leaders do not care for being lectured by Canadian progressives. Genuis, who now serves as the Conservative shadow minister for international development, recently asked Ugandan MP Lucy Akello, who was speaking to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development on March 14, how Canada could orient its aid towards the needs of local communities rather than “bringing in predetermined western priorities.” Akello was blunt in her response. “It seems no matter how much money will be spent on making abortion look good, our people still see through the money, marketing, and mass education,” she said. “Almost 80% of African countries have some sort of law prohibiting and restricting abortion. And it is predicated on a widely held belief that unborn babies have a right to life and deserve to be protected by law. Africa has a long history of colonization, just like Canada — of people, foreign governments, foreign-led organizations telling us what is good for us or what our priorities should be.” Pure colonialism. [Life Site News] [Pro-Life Boycott]

Declarations: This one is worth SIGNING! . Please consider signing this declaration: And now an over-arching declaration with legal teeth is in progress: the Bio-Freedom Accords Initiative . The Bethlehem Declaration denounces abortion-tainted “vaccines“: . Nearly 500 Canadian lawyers have signed the Free North Declaration so far: . There are at least two wonderful declarations from Catholic leaders. Cardinals, bishops, priests, theologians, doctors, and journalists courageously and publicly denounced medical tyranny in the document Appeal for the Church and the World, including Cardinal Joseph Zen, emeritus bishop of Hong Kong, Cardinal Janis Pujats, emeritus archbishop of Riga, Latvia, Cardinal Gerhard Muller, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship (first assense, later retired), Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Mgr Thomas Peta, Metropolitan Archbishop of Astana, Mgr Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of Astana, Mgr Jan Pawel Lenga, Archbishop emeritus of Karaganda, Mgr Rene Henry Gracida, Bishop emeritus of Corpus Christi, Mgr Andreas Laun, Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg. The original website was taken down but the document has re-appeared on several sites, including and ChurchMilitant. Wise Church leaders and expert laypeople have courageously and publicly denounced abortion-tainted, ineffectual, and dangerous Covid-19 “vaccines” in the document “The Bethlehem Declaration: Challenging the moral liceity of the abortion-tainted experimental injections for COVID-19 and calling for universal opposition to ‘vaccine mandates’”, including Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Bishop Marian Eleganti, and Bishop Rene Henry Gracida. The document appears at Canadian lawyers published this one last week: Dr. David Martin’s Declaration of Universal Independence: There is also the Quebec Manifesto for a Real Public Health: . In addition, there is the Together Declaration in the UK. There is also the recent Rome Declaration The Great Barrington Declaration asserts natural immunity and the rights inherent in that: . The Warrenton Declaration asserts rights based on Christian faith: The UN made a declaration regarding indigenous peoples that included the statement “Respecting the free, prior and informed consent, as a right of Indigenous Peoples that should be considered in the development of preventive measures of Covid-19.” There is also some dialogue between Pastor Joe and Patrick addressing this same topic… the development of a DECLARRATION. [Robert Du Broy][Marc & Patrick]

For Ontario residents, see the pdf below.

Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU must make up YOUR OWNMIND! Quick Summary: On Mon. 20 March the new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System replaced the Cabal’s fiat currency Central Banking System. Now they were testing the system, so the technology won’t be available until around Wed. 23 March. · The World was on the cusp of a Near Death Experience: This week over 200 US Banks and over 1,400 Banks worldwide were set to fail. · On Mon. 20 March the new gold/ asset-backed Quantum Financial System (QFS) replaced the Cabal’s fiat currency Central Banking System. There were 11,000 institutions in 200+ countries which adopted the QFS ISO20022 Digital Payment System. · Beginning Wed. 23 March technologies would kick in on the QFS Quantum Server (which now houses the IMF and World Bank) as Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) disconnected from the Central Banking System. · During the transition be prepared for 2-4 weeks where ATMs, Credit and Debit cards and even the Internet may not work. · Situation Update - World Is On The Cusp Of A Near Death Experience! Are You Ready? Banks Continue To Collapse! QFS System Intel! Trump Arrest Soon! Biden Massive Family Corruption!... | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News ( · Breaking! Biden was rumored to be arrested. The media IS NOT reporting this! Biden has been charged for his hidden ties with Ukraine. …Trump Mission on Telegram

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