Feds Obtained FISA Warrant Against Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Associate
Department of Justice announced that Goldman Sachs was being charged in a foreign bribery case and would pay over $2.9 Billion in fines. This was concerning millions of dollars in bribes to [D]eep [S]tate political elites that appeared to involve the [O]bama / [B]iden Crime Families and Administration.
The TRUTH is coming out!
Senate Committee Verifies Hunter Biden Materials:
[B]iden 3rd Wave Bombshell, Mina: [Mina was Chinese living in Australia].
[H]unter [B]iden — Hard Drive Email Declassification: https://gnews.org/497989/
The Traitors Headed by [J]oe [B]iden Collected Huge Wealth from the CCP Through A Large Export Contact:
· [H]unter [B]iden’s Mysterious Deal With [O]bama:
*** Do you smell blood? This 2-hour episode of TruNews is jam packed with revelations and videos from other news sources. What a program! Big things are happening so fast, there's never been a time for news like this. None of this will be on the anti-Trump media. Rick Wiles is not a Trump fan, but he can't ignore what the Red Chinese have been up to.
.pb [Thank You Patrick]
Voter Fraud: [J]oe [B]iden, “We have put together…the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/joe-biden-brags-about-assembling-most-extensive-inclusive-voter-fraud-organization https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/10/project-veritas-ballot-chaser-reveals.html#more
COVID-19 Hoax: COVID-19 Test is a Sc[a]m:
Philly Police Officers Forced to Run for Safety After Anti-Police Rioters Attack:
** A room, a bar and a classroom: how the coronavirus is spread through the air [Good Document]
Glen Beck last night [Thank You Harvey] View ** first for better understanding!
[Glen Back with his king {CHRIST}].
** To better understand Glen Beck’s last night’s episode, you may want to watch this one from some time ago- this all started years ago. [each is about 45 mins].
"President Trump attends the International Church of Las Vegas service in Nevada"
[Thank You Anne]
Tucker: #1 - Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish
Tucker: #2 – Missing Documents suddenly re-appear:
Tucker: #3 – Glenn Greenwald on resigning from his own publication due to censorship:
