Friday 3-1-24
Verses for today:
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9 KJV
Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139:23-24 KJV
For this is what the Lord says,...He Who fashioned and made the earth,...He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited...
Psalm 45:18
But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
Jude 1:20-21 KJV
Protocols That Kill:
My conversation with Chatham Kent police officer Clarence Wiersma’s widow Evelien; plus my notes from reviewing his hospital records.
Evelien Weirsma's dear husband Clarence lost his life in December 2021 in the Chatham-Kent hospital in Ontario. He was a respected loving family man, police officer, and charitable leader in the community.
Clarence Wiersma
The events that occurred and culminated in Clarence’ death are very concerning. He was diagnosed with covid-19; denied any treatment and told to stay at home until sick and hypoxic enough to bring to hospital. Clare and his family were labeled as "un-vaccinated" and treated in a fashion that is incompetent, negligent, and inhumane. With no safe and effective antivirals, no antibiotics for secondary bacterial pneumonia, no insight or treatment for micro-vascular pulmonary blood clotting, but many doses of sedatives and intubation with mechanical ventilation, Clare lost his life 7 days after admission. Even upon his death, the family were treated with a lack of respect and compassion.
Here is my recent conversation with Clarence Wiersma’s widow Evelien and their son-in-law Jeremy Van Kesteren.
To share your stories of covid mismanagement, or injuries and losses from the genetic covid-19 “vaccines” with Mrs Weirsma, please write to her or on X @notinvain236713
Follow and support Police On Guard
Here is the April 30, 2021 “statement” published by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario that intimidated physicians from exploring or following ethical and scientific information that was not consistant with the covid-19 “agenda”. This was also used “unlawfully” to persecute physicians who did the right things such as Dr Patrick Phillips and many others including myself.
Take action in Ontario:
1. You can file a complaint with the CPSO regarding their actions throughout the covid operation under the leadership of the CPSO registrar Dr Nancy Whitmore here.
2. You can also compliment some of the same physicians whom they have persecuted for standing against the covid agenda such as Dr Patrick Phillips, Dr Rochagne Killian, Dr Chris Shoemaker, Dr Mary O’Connor, Dr Crystal Luchkiw, myself and others here.
3. Help fund the fight.
Clarence Wiersma Chathem-Kent Hospital chart review notes of Dr Mark Trozzi shared with the permission of Clarence’s widow and family.
Medical personal names have been blacked out by Dr Trozzi.
Dec 23 admitted. ER vitals: systolic blood pressure >100, febrile, oxygen saturation 92-92. then 87%. In ER IV saline, tylenol and zofran. CXR multifocal pneumonia.
2 day prior tested positive for covid, family too, throughout the chart “UNVACCINATED” is boldly documented and underlined.
No antibiotics, no ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin, no vit D, no ASA, steroids delayed, no antihistamine.
Dec 23 8:30 PM presented to ER, admit to medicine, blood pressure lower and PT sicker so transfer to ICU Dec 24, given tocilizumab on Dec 25, intubated Dec 26.
(Tocilizumab, sold under the brand name Actemra among others, is an immunosuppressive drug, used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, a severe form of arthritis in children, and COVID-19. It is a humanized monoclonal antibody against the interleukin-6 receptor.)
Dec 30th "deteriorated" 3 L IV fluids and 3 vasopressors. Discussion with family leading to DNR, pupils dilated and fized and pronounced.
That is up to page 15. Ciriticism: PT should have received antiviral ivermectin (and /or Hydroxychloroquin and zonc), ASA, IV antibiotic for secondary bacterial pneumonia, antihistamine, steroid, and oxygen immediately on admission date. MY OPINION: with this treatment, he would have recovered within a few days and been discharged home. Unnecessary death.
Reviewing first sets of dictated and typed progress notes, pg 16 to 26, safe effective antivirals are completely neglected (as per the WHO top down agenda), he receives oxygen, is intubated as he fails, receives zero treatment for bacterial pneumonia which is contrary to all normal standard of practice (except the top down WHO directions that were foolishly followed). There is complete lack of knowledge demonstrated as to how covid pneumonia kills which is microvascular clotting due to the SARS C0V2 virus, or secondary bacterial infection. Both issues are neglected as the patient understandably deteriorates towards eventual death. On Dec 25 he received tocilzumab which I would not suspect to have significant benefit or in any way replace the deficiency of aspirain, aniviral, and antibacterial meds.
Page 25 a note from Dec 29 indicates intubation was done this day (rather than Dec 26) and the note's author Dr ### ######, writes that dexamethasone "will continue", "sputum cultures have been sent, to assess whether or not he would benefit from antibiotics", but no antibiotics are given. This is one of the main errors in my opinion that cost Clarence his life. I think, had he received ivermectin, antibiotics, and aspirin from the beginning, he would likely have improved rapidly and survived.
Page 27 begins hand written progress notes.
Hand notes indicate he was sedated and intubated at 6 PM on Dec 26th. Once intubated, he bit on the tube, was further sedated, then was hypotensive and started on levophed and a central line was placed within the same hour as intubation.
ECG's page 29 and 30 are normal. Page 31 Dec 28 ecg shows a tachyarrhythmias, then on Dec 30th bradyarrhythmia, and progresses to no cardiac signal.
Page 37 on the day of death, has a meds list. It includes enoxaperin at a PE prophylaxis dose (but no conscious consideration of the microvascular clotting nature of covid pneumonia is discussed or mentioned (this was largely due to the suppression of autopsies of covid demised people, but the knowledge was there for those that looked). In Clare's case, like many, in my opinion, doctors are being completely negligent while conforming to the WHO-Public Health-medical regulators policies.
Also note pt was on digoxin, presume to treat the tachyarrhythmia noted earlier.
Some of the notes are in the wrong order, and that creates some challenge to following the chronology.
Page 41 ICU Dr ####### consultation note. Notes cough productive of sputum, yet again another indication that this man should have received empirical antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia (or secondary bacterial pneumonia). Tocilizumab, DVT prophylaxis, and dexamethasone were started Dec 26.
Page 44 Dr #### notes "he was reported of confusion on admission but he seemed to be clear minded..."
Page 45 ER doc was Dr ##############. Discharge instructions are partly filled out, not signed, and seem irrelevant as he was being admitted rather than sent home.
Intake and output records page 48 through 52. Fentanyl and medazolam sedation. Propofol and vasopressin appear on Dec 27. Digoxin on the 28th or 29th. Urine output is minimal acceptable. (850 over 24 hours depending on his weight, if 70 KG he would have 0.5 ml per kg, the minimal acceptable).
Medication administration record from page 54 to page 72 is in reverse chronological order and is for all meds other then continuous infusions. On page 72 "Continuous Infusions" records begin in reverse chronological order and run until page 185.
Page 185 Orders-medications. On December 30th at 7:57 a.m. this patient was finally given one of the three treatments that he most needed: antibiotics (ceftriaxone and metronidazole). This was given at this time due to adding aspiration pneumonia to his diagnosis, but antibiotics for secondary (or primary when you consider how misleading 45 cycle Ontario PCR tests were for falsely "diagnosing covid") were indicated from the first examination in the emergency department.
December 30 at 01:19 he received amiodarone (page 186). Is this due to the tachyarrhythmia on the page 31 Dec 28th ECG strip?
Dec 29 17:11: 0.25 mg single dose IV push? Confusing, but I think the same digoxin loading IV dose followed by oral doses per the feeding tube were given on Dec 28 at 23:23 this correlates with the tachyarrhythmia ECG strip . Vasopressin given at approximately the same time (a period of critical resuscitation I suspect).
Cisatracurium besylate (an intermediate-acting, non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drug) was used Dec 26 for paralysis to facilitate intubation. Salbutamol started Dec 26. Dexamethasone and DVT/PE prophylactic doses of eneoxeparin were started Dec 24 (pg 95).
These notes are from a review of Clarence’ chart up to page 197.
Related Material:
Treatment of Covid-19 Infections Guides:
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario: Ontario’s long arm of the WHO orchestrated covid agenda
Dr Trozzi | Urgent Message to Doctors and Nurses. Dr Trozzi explains how Pfizer committed fraud. Health Canada confirmed hidden SV40 promoter sequence. The injections are even worse than we thought.
Dr Mark Trozzi

Dr. Trozzi Is Not Finished Fighting for Freedom:
Gregory Tomchyshyn, CitizenGO
I have sad and disheartening news to share.
Despite a tremendous effort to support Dr. Mark Trozzi in his fight against the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), the Ontario Physicians And Surgeons Discipline Tribunal (OPSDT) decided to revoke Dr. Trozzi's medical license.
On January 25, 2024, the tribunal allowed the CPSO to revoke Dr. Trozzi's medical license.
It's clear that the OPSDT gave what the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) wanted:
Making Dr. Trozzi an example to other members who DARE to do their own research and thinking regarding the College's mandated medical "decrees."
Moreover, the tribunal also ordered Dr. Trozzi to pay a whopping $94,960 in legal costs.
This decision didn't come without heavy bias.
The CPSO attacked a doctor directly for daring to question the mainstream narrative declaring Covid vaccines were perfectly "safe and effective."
Ontario's professional medical college is punishing Dr. Trozzi for being a good doctor and making tremendous personal sacrifices to do his own research for the benefit and physical well-being of others.
Despite this terrible and disheartening loss, there is still a cause for great hope!

Dr. Mark Trozzi has vowed that he's not backing down!
This is just Round 1 in a much larger fight for free speech.
And the ring of battle is changing locations. One that the CPSO can not fully control with their buddies at the OPSDT.
The OPSDT's tribunal, as Doctor Trozzi has rightly describes it, was nothing more than a "kangaroo court" where the CPSO could ignore all evidence supporting his research and actions to protect Canadians, including 29 academic citations backing up Dr. Trozzi, Dr. Peter McCullough, and many others doctors' claims regarding the horrific effect the Covid-19 vaccines have inflicted upon our family, friends, and neighbors.
The real fight is just beginning because Doctor Trozzi is taking the CPSO to the Ontario Divisional Court, where evidence must be firmly rooted in verifiable FACTS, not just one's emotions or political ambitions.
Unlike previous proceedings, Ontario legal courts must adhere strictly to statutory mandates, employing the absolute standard of correctness in reviewing all legal issues.
The shift to a more rigorous, evidence-based examination is a beacon of hope for Dr. Trozzi and his fight to defend free speech.
We will have to wait and see if the outcome of the Ontario Divisional Court rules in Doctor Trozzi's favor, especially when the CPSO's charges against him lack precise, verifiable, and substantiated claims.
Regardless of what happens next, CitizenGO will continue to support Dr. Mark Trozzi in his battle against medical tyranny seeking to destroy your fundamental human Right to Free Speech.
Everyone here at CitizenGO remains determined to uphold individuals' rights, including yours, to voice their opinions freely.
We will continue working against the rising tide of increased censorship, which threatens to penalize you for merely expressing your genuine thoughts.
With your help, we will continue to hold our public institutions, such as the CSPO, accountable for their authoritarian actions.
Thanks for your continued support!
Gregory Tomchyshyn and the entire team at CitizenGO
P.S. I know everyone here at CitizenGO is fully committed to working tirelessly to defend those who speak the truth against insurmountable odds. Your small donation can help us continue our mission to empower countless citizens, like yourself, worldwide to continue fighting for freedom. If you can, please donate here to help us continue empowering citizens, both here in Canada and worldwide, to defend our rights to Free Speech.
NOTE: Dr. Mark TROZZI is one of the Good Doctor’s Fighting for Medical TRUTHFULness!
CPSO Doctor Profile: Doctor Mark Trozzi
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario v. Trozzi, 2024 ONPSDT 2 (CanLII )
LifeSiteNews: Dr. Trozzi stripped of medical license over COVID stance, plans to appeal LifeSiteNews: Dr. Mark Trozzi: Now is the time to fight global tyranny
Gregory Tomchyshyn
UK Slashes Excess Death Estimates After Announcing New Calculation Scheme
• Children's Health Defense:
The United Kingdom (U.K.) Office for National Statistics (ONS) said it changed how excess deaths are calculated.
Using the new method, the office reported nearly two-thirds fewer excess deaths for 2023 compared to the number of excess deaths the office had previously calculated, using the old method.
ONS said the changes accounted for “trends and population size, ageing and mortality” and the removal of data from weeks and months “that were substantially affected by the immediate mortality impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.”

Comedian Russell Brand, internet lecturer John Campbell, Ph.D., and other commentators and experts weighed in on the controversial change, announced Feb. 20 on X (formerly known as Twitter) by an ONS spokesperson:

Campbell in a Feb. 23 podcast showed that for week 21, 2023, the U.K. listed 1,066 excess deaths using the previous method, but only 662 excess deaths after recalculating using the new method.
He showed similar adjustments for other weekly death statistics, including several weeks where the new calculation made it appear that fewer people died than was expected.
“I suspect the politicians or the government are going to be really pleased with this,” he said. “I hope you are reassured by the ‘transparency.’”

show higher numbers of excess deaths in the U.K. than ONS — particularly from heart, cerebrovascular, respiratory and liver diseases.
“If you can control the information, of course you control the narrative,” he said.
According to OffGuardian, ONS could be “attempting to stall the appearance of Covid ‘vaccine’ harms by re-jigging the number of excess deaths downwards … hiding potential vaccine-related deaths by re-labelling them ‘expected.’”
Brand, in a Feb. 23 clip posted on X shared a similar take, saying the ONS video was purposefully following the censorship-industrial-complex playbook for “pre-bunking, debunking …[and] muddying the waters” to hide excess deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine.
“We’ve just had the biggest COVID study in history,” he said. “It’s revealed myocarditis, pericarditis,” so the ONS “alter[ed] maths itself” to “mitigate this information [and] dampen down the outrage of a global population.”
Much More Detail can be VIEWED at the LINK above
Thank you,
Donna Warren

Another Z interview:
Russia etc.
Be prepared for some surprises when scripture is interpreted from the original Greek text which was based on the original Hebrew.
This is very IMPRESSIVE!
Please do not just ‘skip’ this one!
Patrick Bestall

Canada Moves to Criminalize ‘Christianity’:
Canada’s far-left government is moving to criminalize Christianity, with Bible reading and prayer considered “hate speech” – a “crime” punishable with prison time.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s World Economic Forum-controlled government is planning to outlaw Christianity with the introduction of an amendment to the Criminal Code that could see believers face jail time for expressing historic Christian teachings.
The legislation, Bill C-367, will make it illegal to reiterate certain parts of the Bible, stripping away the “good faith” defense for what is deemed by the state as “hate speech” or “antisemitism.”
Traditional Christian practices such as celebrating Christmas or attending church service will be considered crimes that carry severe penalties.
The proposed amendment aims to remove the provision that allows individuals to defend themselves by claiming they genuinely believe in and were merely expressing religious teaching already found in the Scriptures.
This means that citing religious beliefs as justification for words or actions that the state effectively regards as “heresy” will no longer be accepted as a valid defense under the law.
The bill states:
“The enactment amends the Criminal Code to eliminate as a defense against wilful promotion of hatred or antisemitism the fact that a person, in good faith, expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion or a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text.”

The bill has prompted outrage online with opponents expressing concerns about freedom of expression and the potential for targeted persecution of Christians in Canada.
Dr. Joseph Boot, President of the Ezra Institute, a Canada-based evangelical think-tank, said:
“If ratified, Canada’s anti-Christian legal apparatus created over the last decade will overtly persecute Christians with the force of criminal law.
“Everything is already in place,” he warned. “Buckle up.”

Dr. Boot went on to explain that evangelism, preaching, counseling, statements in the workplace, on social media, and in books that condemn homosexuality or transgenderism on biblical grounds could be “subject to criminal prosecution and with heavy fines or jail time.”
The legislation will also include statements deemed “antisemitic,” which Gab CEO, Andrew Torba warned means:
“Christians who maintain traditional orthodox perspectives about Jews–views that have been part of our faith for 2,000 years, are the primary obstacle to the Ruling Regime.”
Torba said, “As a result, we are the most targeted and vilified group in the Western world.”
This is just more evidence of that.
Bill C-367 is still under consideration in Parliament.
It has passed the first reading but faces further debate.
It is expected to pass, however, and PM Trudeau has expressed his full support for the bill.
News Addicts
Scott Card
#1. RESPONSE from my Son Daniel Brooks
Interested in what Chat GPT says about this?
Canada is proposing in BILL C-367 1 (1) Paragraph 319(3)(b) of the Criminal Code is repealed. (2) Paragraph 319(3.1)(b) of the Act is repealed. How will this affect people trying to exercise their faith?
Bill C-367, proposed by Bloc Québécois leader Yves-François Blanchet, aims to amend the Criminal Code of Canada by removing certain defenses against the willful promotion of hatred or antisemitism. Specifically, it seeks to repeal paragraph 319(3)(b) and paragraph 319(3.1) (b) of the Criminal Code, which currently provide defenses for expressions made in good faith on a religious subject or based on a belief in a religious text.
Critics of the bill, such as those voiced in a LifeSiteNews article, argue that this could significantly impact people's ability to exercise their faith, particularly for Christians. They fear that removing these defenses could lead to legal actions against individuals quoting Scripture or expressing religious beliefs that are interpreted as hate speech under the revised law. This concern extends to the broader implications for freedom of speech and religion in Canada, suggesting that pastors, churches, Christian organizations, and even lay believers could face charges for publicly expressing their faith-based views on topics such as sexuality, gender, marriage, and family.
The bill has been introduced and received its first reading in the House of Commons on November 28, 2023. As of now, it has not progressed further through the legislative process.
. The debate surrounding Bill C-367 highlights the tension between combating hate speech and protecting religious freedom and free expression within Canada.
How could the government use this change to have Christian’s face charges for publicly expressing their faith-based views?
The proposed changes under Bill C-367 could allow the government to bring charges against individuals, including Christians, for publicly expressing their faith-based views in several ways:
1. Elimination of Defenses for Religious Expression: By repealing paragraph 319(3)(b) and paragraph 319(3.1) (b) of the Criminal Code, the bill removes specific defenses that currently protect expressions made in good faith on religious subjects or based on religious texts. This means that statements or arguments derived directly from religious teachings, which could be interpreted as promoting hatred or antisemitism, would no longer have automatic protection under the law.
2. Broader Interpretation of Hate Speech: Without these defenses, any public expression of faith-based views that are critical of certain behaviors, lifestyles, or choices—particularly those related to sexuality, gender identity, or other protected characteristics—could potentially be classified as hate speech. This broader interpretation of what constitutes hate speech could lead to increased scrutiny of sermons, religious texts, and even private conversations if they are perceived to incite hatred against protected groups.
3. Chilling Effect on Religious Freedom: The fear of potential legal repercussions could deter individuals and religious leaders from speaking openly about their beliefs, leading to a chilling effect on religious freedom and expression. This could impact not only the content of religious teachings in churches and faith-based organizations but also the willingness of individuals to engage in religious discourse in public forums.
4. Increased Legal Risks for Religious Commentary: Christians and members of other faiths who publicly express views derived from their religious texts on controversial issues might face increased legal risks. This includes commentary on moral or ethical issues that intersect with public policy, such as marriage, family, and human sexuality. Religious leaders and believers might be hesitant to engage in public discussions or advocacy on these matters for fear of legal consequences.
The intent behind the bill, according to its proponents, is to combat hate speech and antisemitism more effectively. However, critics argue that it could inadvertently target religious expression by removing protections that allow for the good faith discussion of religious beliefs. The balance between preventing hate speech and protecting freedom of expression and religious liberty is a complex issue that is central to the debate over Bill C-367 and similar legislative efforts.
Can you give more detailed examples of numbers 1-4?
1. Elimination of Defenses for Religious Expression: Currently, the Criminal Code allows individuals to argue that their statements on religious subjects or based on religious texts were made in good faith, serving as a defense against accusations of promoting hatred. For example, a pastor quoting scripture that condemns certain behaviors could use this defense if accused of hate speech. With the repeal proposed in Bill C-367, such expressions could no longer be automatically defended on the grounds of religious freedom or good faith interpretation of religious texts. This change means that religious expressions which were previously protected could now potentially be prosecuted if they are interpreted as promoting hatred or discrimination.
2. Broader Interpretation of Hate Speech: The removal of these defenses could lead to a broader interpretation of what constitutes hate speech, particularly in relation to expressions of faith that address moral or ethical standards. For instance, discussions on traditional marriage versus same-sex marriage could be interpreted as hate speech if they are seen as disparaging to individuals based on their sexual orientation. Without the protections for expressions made in good faith on religious subjects, even well-intentioned religious teachings could be subject to legal action if they are perceived to promote hatred.
3. Chilling Effect on Religious Freedom: The potential for increased legal risks could lead religious individuals and organizations to self-censor, avoiding the public expression of beliefs that could be controversial. This chilling effect could extend to sermons, religious education, and public statements by religious leaders. For example, a church might refrain from hosting a seminar on biblical views of family life if there is concern that its teachings could be construed as hate speech under the new legal standards, thereby limiting religious discourse in the public square.
4. Increased Legal Risks for Religious Commentary: Engaging in public debates or commentary on social issues from a religious perspective could become fraught with legal risks. For example, a Christian blogger writing about their faith-based opposition to gender transition procedures might face accusations of promoting hatred under the revised law, even if their intent is to share their religious convictions. Similarly, public prayers or statements that include traditional religious teachings on morality could be interpreted as hate speech, leading to legal challenges that could deter such expressions of faith.
In essence, the proposed changes could significantly impact how religious beliefs are expressed and shared in public, potentially leading to legal challenges against individuals and organizations that wish to adhere to and advocate for their faith-based principles. This represents a complex intersection of rights and freedoms, where the protection against hate speech comes into tension with the right to religious freedom and free speech.
Scary stuff
Daniel Brooks
#2. Response From: Patrick Bestall
My slant on Libs "hate" bills
Bill C-367 eliminates the “religious exemption” in Section 319 of the Criminal Code, which states: “No person shall be convicted of a [hate crime] offence… if, in good faith, the person expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text.” By eliminating this exemption, Bill C-367 will empower police to treat religious Canadians as hate-criminals if they criticize any identifiable groups.
Notice, they don't have to prove your conspiracy theory is false (many identifiable and secret groups do get up to no good and play the race, sex or religion card to cover or justify their plans). And you can't quote the bible to justify your belief that homosexuality is an abomination, or corporal punishment is good, or father should be head of the house.
BILL 63 (formerly C 36 and C 11)
The maximum sentence now for this offense is prison for life!
Part 3 amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to provide that it is a discriminatory practice to communicate or cause to be communicated hate speech by means of the Internet or any other means of telecommunication in a context in which the hate speech is likely to foment detestation or vilification of an individual or group of individuals on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination. It authorizes the Canadian Human Rights Commission to deal with complaints alleging that discriminatory practice and authorizes the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to inquire into such complaints and order remedies.
Notice, they don't have to prove your speech caused "detestation or vilification", it just has to be a "likely" cause of it. The burdon of proof is no longer on the prosecution but on the defense lawyers who have to prove it's not a likely cause. And since when did it become a crime to vilify somone? Political cartoonists and protesters have been doing it for ages. Who gets to decide which individuals or groups are charged? Government appointees of course.
How about nothing. Let them throw us all in jail. Free room and board when times get tough. A perfect opportunity for evangelizing the unsaved, you would hardly have to say a word. Your peace and joy would be your witness to the Glory of God. And if we all go together, you'll have lots of people to pray with. No? You don't want to be like the Christians who held out against Communism in Russia? the Muslims in Medieval Europe? the Romans in the Holy Land? afraid they might torture you?
By: Patrick Bestall
#3. Justice Minister defends house arrest power for people feared to commit a hate crime in future:
Donna Warren
Justice Minister Arif Virani has defended a new power in the online harms bill to impose house arrest on someone who is feared to commit a hate crime in the future – even if they have not yet done so already.
The person could be made to wear an electronic tag, if the attorney-general requests it, or ordered by a judge to remain at home, the bill says.
Mr. Virani, who is Attorney-General as well as Justice Minister, said it is important that any peace bond be “calibrated carefully,” saying it would have to meet a high threshold to apply.
But he said the new power, which would require the attorney-general’s approval as well as a judge’s, could prove “very, very important” to restrain the behaviour of someone with a track record of hateful behaviour who may be targeting certain people or groups.
If “there’s a genuine fear of an escalation, then an individual or group could come forward and seek a peace bond against them and to prevent them from doing certain things.”
The peace bond could have conditions that include not being close to a synagogue or a mosque, he said. It could also lead to restrictions on internet usage and behaviour. “That would help to deradicalize people who are learning things online and acting out in the real world violently – sometimes fatally.”
Mr. Virani said the bill would strike a balance, though, and would mean that content that is “awful but lawful” would remain online.
“There’s a lot of bad stuff out there. But this is not about the bad stuff. This is a much higher level,” he said.
Bill C-63 is designed to curb the proliferation of hate online, but it also establishes a new hate-crime offence, which would carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
Mr. Virani said the hate-crime offence would only be applied if coupled with another crime and the life sentence would only apply in the most serious of cases – not, for example, for mischief to a garage door.
“What’s really critical is that it gives the judge a wonderful range of sentences. This is not a mandatory minimum of a life sentence, this is just a larger range, including what would be the maximum sentence,” he said.
The bill also would make online platforms swiftly take down child sexual-abuse material, as well as sexual content posted without consent. But the government stepped back from forcing platforms to take down hate speech within 24 hours, introducing other tools to deal with this, including through a complaint to a new ombudsperson.
The bill’s predecessor, Bill C-36, died before the last election and the subsequent consultation would have forced social-media platforms to take down a wide range of content deemed harmful within 24 hours.
Mr. Virani said the current bill followed studies of the experiences of other countries, including Britain, France and Germany, which have produced similar legislation. Some have had to reverse course after challenges and criticism.
Since it was published on Monday, some lawyers and constitutional experts have raised fears that Bill C-63 could chill free speech.
The bill would allow people to file complaints to the Canadian Human Rights Commission over what they perceive as hate speech online – including, for example, off-colour jokes by comedians. People found guilty of posting hate speech could have to pay victims up to $20,000 in compensation.
But experts including internet law professor Michael Geist have said even a threat of a civil complaint – with a lower burden of proof than a court of law – and a fine could have a chilling effect on freedom of expression.
Mr. Virani said as Justice Minister he has sworn to uphold the Constitution, which includes freedom of expression.
“Of course, I’m concerned about any chilling [of] freedom of expression. I heard those concerns, to a great extent,” he said.
He said the bill includes various safeguards to allow the human-rights commission to throw out frivolous complaints, including a kind of “summary dismissal mechanism” if a complaint does not hit the threshold for hatred or if someone files a complaint in bad faith. Costs could also be issued.
Mr. Virani said for those categories of harm online that would not need to be taken down within 24 hours, he would expect the response of the regulator, ombudsperson or other body examining a complaint to be “prompt.” Fears have been expressed that they could take months or even years to adjudicate on whether posts should be removed.
“Time is of the essence and we know how horrible material can go viral very, very quickly,” he said. He added for this reason it is critical that the bill progresses through Parliament to committee swiftly so the government can look at amendments.
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Donna Warren
#4. "Hate" properly defined:
Patrick Bestall
The bible tells us hating a brother comes from a murderous spirit. (1 John 3:15) But leftwing nuts think that hating a brother is the same as not accepting him as he is. Let's be clear, intolerance IS NOT the same as hate/murder. Intolerance isn't even a sin. Look it up in the bible. It's the opposite. Tolerance is sin. Patience is a virtue. We are called to be patient and loving but not tolerant.
'Hate speech': YouTube censors Jordan Peterson for criticizing transgender ideology - LifeSite (
Jordan Peterson does not want to kill anyone. But proponents of euthanasia do. Euthanasia IS the same as murder. That makes Canadian Health Agency purveyors of hate speech.
Canadian health agency includes pro-euthanasia slideshow in pension packages to seniors - LifeSite (
Patrick Bestall
#4a. If they don't get you for "hate" they'll get you for disinformation. Especially as they actively search for it! And for sure the Libs will plant enough trolls to make it worth their while to prove a point.
The statement reads that the “erosion” of information integrity, “including the propagation of disinformation,” weakens the “strength of democratic engagement.”

Leftists love to take our words and use them for their goals. We are against disinformation so now they are against disinformation.
Speaking about the declaration on September 20, Joly said that it is a “concrete step toward establishing global norms on disinformation, misinformation, and information integrity.”
Be sure to SIGN the PETITION
Patrick Bestall
#4b. Internet Censorship should be for Porn, not Politics:
Patrick Bestall
Libs won't wait for complainers; they're hiring people to go looking for complaints!
Patrick Bestall
#4c. The World of Censorship:
Patrick Bestall
"Propaganda is not simply a weapon, it is the entire field of battle" - Laura Logan, formerly of CBS News, told a panel of experts.
Government, mainstream media and nonprofits are part of a “vast censorship network” that suppresses non-establishment perspectives on COVID-19 and a wide range of other topics, according to participants at Monday’s Senate roundtable discussion on “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel.” {must VIEW}
Journalist Lara Logan on Monday told a U.S. Senate roundtable, “We live in the age of information warfare” aided by advanced technology, and “we have never been here, not in all of human history.”
Patrick Bestall

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David YEO
T@T3**TH3 B3G!NN!NG (1 Min)
G0D's CH0$3N P30PL3? (13 Min)
W!TCHCR@FT was DR!V!NG M3 CR@ZY (39 Min)
AR3 ALL A$TR0N0T$ !n 0n TH3 GL0B@L L!3 (16 Min)
M@$$ VXXN and TH3 3ND 0f TH3 U$ M!L!T@RY (13 Min)
An 0FF3NC3 +o G0D (1 Min)
D0N@LD: N3W F00TAG3 0f A$$@ULT (26 Min)
WH@T T/ M3D!A W0N'T T3LL U Ab0UT R0TH$CH!LD (16 Min)
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B@LL'$ 0ut PHY$!C$**FLY!NG 0V3R TH3 N0RTH P0L3 0n B@LL? (10 Min)
$T3W: D3NT@L AN3$TH3T!C P0!$0N3D W/ GR@PH3N3 & N@N0 T3CH (23 Min)
David YEO

RCMP never Interviewed Trudeau as part of SNC-Lavalin Scandal Probe:
RCMP never tried to interview Justin Trudeau as part of SNC-Lavalin scandal probe, ethics committee told
'I have never heard of any investigation where there wasn't any attempt to interview the person of interest,' said Conservative MP Larry Brock
OTTAWA — The RCMP did not interview Prime Minister Justin Trudeau before concluding that there was insufficient evidence to substantiate a criminal offence in the SNC-Lavalin scandal, top officials confirmed in a House of Commons committee hearing on Tuesday.
In fact, the federal police interviewed only four individuals, one of whom was former justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, and they did not even attempt to get Trudeau’s testimony.
The revelation raised eyebrows among Conservatives at the ethics committee who wondered why the RCMP did not get to the heart of the allegations of political interference from the Prime Minister’s Office against Wilson-Raybould that shocked the country five years ago.
“In my over 30 years of experience as a defence counsel and a Crown attorney, I have never heard of any investigation where there wasn’t any attempt — whether they agree to interview or not — to interview the person of interest,” said Conservative MP Larry Brock.
RCMP Commissioner Michael Duheme and Sergeant Frédéric Pincince, who oversaw the investigation into SNC-Lavalin, were supposed to testify last October but the Liberals shut down the meeting because, they claimed, their appearance was confirmed at the last minute.
When the SNC-Lavalin affair erupted in 2019, the RCMP investigated whether Trudeau had breached any criminal laws in pressuring Wilson-Raybould to let the Montreal construction firm benefit from a deferred prosecution agreement to avoid a criminal prosecution.
The offences the RCMP was looking into were obstruction of justice and the intimidation of a justice system participant.
Donna Warren

Dr. Phil Goes Off Script with Stunning Criticism of the US Government:
You know it’s bad when Dr. Phil says it.
Dr. Phil McGraw, commonly known as Dr. Phil, has been making headlines lately. From his viral videos at the border to his interview with Joe Rogan to sparring with the hosts of The View on COVID, the soft-spoken clinical psychologist has sprung into the spotlight.

On Wednesday, appearing on The Breakfast Club podcast with ‘Charlamagne Tha God,’ Dr. Phil issued a 25-second criticism of the U.S. government that hit far too close to home:

“We got people in charge of solving problems that don’t really want to solve them because their job depends on having that problem.
“They need that problem to justify their existence. They need that problem to maintain this huge bureaucracy, to maintain this big budget, this big agency. They need that problem to exist. I think we’ve got people in charge of solving problems that are not problem solvers.”
At this time, The United States is faced with over $31 trillion dollars in debt, life expectancies that pale in comparison to other Western nations despite spending the most on healthcare, and the largest influx of illegal immigration the country has seen in its lifetime.

It calls into question: how much of this is the government doing on purpose? When Dr. Phil, traditionally known for tackling addressing personal, familial, and mental health challenges, shifts his focus to criticizing the failures of U.S. governance, it’s a sure sign that things have taken a turn for the worse.

The Vigilant FOX
What do you know about... Number 33?
Solomon said there are two sides to every story. Here's a perfect example. First watch this one minute video;
Now look at this webpage:
The bible was here long before Freemasonry which didn't start until 500 years ago. It shows how the devil loves to twist and counterfeit God's economy.
Patrick Bestall

100,000 top I.T. Leaders meet at World Congress:
This is just a 10-minute synopsis introducing the new language spoken by VIP'S in the mobile-phone/computer/robotics/AI world. Artificial Intelligence is so yesterday.
There is a new virtual Babylon you likely never heard of. Ever heard of space-based data cities, digital circuitry made of DNA, spatial computers, AI wars, or digital clones (you could compete or work with yourself)??
We are facing... ‘A Brave New WORLD’!
DAVOS has set 2045 as the Target date for the full Implementation of ‘TRANSHUMANISM’... the merging of Man & Machine... No need of God as Man can now have Eternal Life... Just replace the worn-out parts. And there is no limit to its increasing Computing Power!
For sure... ‘A Brave New World’!
Just my thought: I wonder what God has in mind.

Gavin Newsom’s surprise presidential announcement has the White House red with rage:
With Biden’s health deteriorating, his own party is starting to speak up. He’s been hit with a shocking ultimatum.
And now Gavin Newsom’s surprise presidential announcement has the White House red with rage.
President Joe Biden should “100%” debate former President Donald Trump in the general election, according to California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom in an interview broadcast on Sunday.
Moderator Kristen Welker of “Meet The Press” probed Newsom on the issue, adding that Trump has stated that he is ready to debate Biden right immediately.
“100%,” Newsom said on the NBC News program, adding, “Pure projection on a guy who refused to debate in his own primary. Back to my point: weakness masquerading as strength.”
He also said Biden “beat Trump” in the previous 2020 presidential debates.
Earlier this month, Trump told radio host Dan Bongino that he wants to face Biden “immediately” for “the good of the country.”
When a reporter asked Biden to respond, the president said, “If I were him, I’d want him to debate me, too. He’s got nothing else to do.”
Biden and Trump are the frontrunners for their respective parties in the 2024 election and are on track for a November 2020 rematch, but they are still in the midst of the primary season.
The Democratic National Committee declined to schedule debates for the primary season, which irritated Biden’s long-shot challengers.
Robert F. Kennedy even defected from the Democrats to run as an independent in protest of how the party was handling the race.
Trump refused to take part in Republican debates, claiming that the American public “knows” him and his past.
He still faces a battle from Nikki Haley, a former South Carolina governor and US ambassador to the United Nations, but he is dominating the contest and won Haley’s home state on Saturday.
The Commission on Presidential Debates has scheduled three presidential debates, the first on September 16 in Texas, and one vice presidential debate on September 25 in Pennsylvania. Nonetheless, some have speculated that there may be no presidential debates.
Newsom is widely regarded as a potential Democratic presidential candidate, and he debated Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis last year while DeSantis was still campaigning for president.
For the time being, Newsom has publicly supported Biden’s re-election effort. During the “Meet The Press” interview, he defended Biden against criticism about his age (81) and capacity to serve a second term.
“It’s because of his age that he’s been so successful,” Newsom said.
Trump made a dig at Newsom during his speech on Saturday at the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) near Washington, D.C.
“A lot of people think Gavin Newsom is going to run. In a certain way, I hope so,” Trump said. “I hope so. Because he’s destroyed California.”
The Federalist Wire

Ron DeSantis sounded the alarm on this problem from California spreading to Florida:
California is the breeding ground for the failed policies created by Democrats.
These problems often find their way to the rest of the country.
And Ron DeSantis sounded the alarm on this problem from California spreading to Florida.
California has become the poster child for the growing homelessness problem in the country.
The state’s major cities, like San Francisco and Los Angeles, are overrun with homeless camps and the accompanying problems, such as crime and drugs that come with them.
Florida is trying to keep the homeless problems that have plagued California from sprouting in the Sunshine State.
Bills in the Florida Legislature ban camping on public property by the homeless
The homeless problem in California and other Democrat jurisdictions is fueled in part by cities that let the homeless camp on public property.
Libraries and other public places are filled with tents and become shanty towns for the homeless population.
Bills in the House and Senate of the Florida Legislature are trying to stop this problem dead in its tracks.
HB 1365 and Senate SB 1630 would ban counties and municipalities from allowing the homeless to camp on public property.
The bills would designate areas to set up homeless shelters and provide help for them to get back on their feet.
Ron DeSantis wants to stop “Sodom and Gomorrah” homeless camps from popping up in Florida.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis weighed in in support of the homeless bills working their way through the Florida Legislature.
He also offered some recommendations to the bills to help them withstand the inevitable “judicial scrutiny” they will face from Democrats.
DeSantis asked lawmakers to insert language in the bills that allows the state to help with “mental health” at the homeless shelters created by them.
“You got to have sheltering ability and then if they want to set up some of these sites, it can’t just be some site that is like Sodom and Gomorrah where they’re using drugs and doing all this stuff,” DeSantis said. “It needs to be a situation where help is available.”
He warned that the homeless problem in Florida has gotten worse as more people moved to the state during his time in office.
“I think there would probably be a handful where we would want to make sure that this thing doesn’t go sideways because I can tell you, I mean, you guys probably know you have people that have moved to Florida in large numbers,” DeSantis explained. “We’ve always attracted people, but particularly over the last three or four years.”
The Florida governor has warned that a homeless problem like California’s could develop in the state unless the legislature takes action.
“There’s a danger that this could be something that could explode in one of our cities in Florida,” DeSantis warned.
Amendments to the bills added “behavioral health services,” including substance abuse and mental health resources.
Florida is moving one step closer to stopping one of the worst problems in California from taking root in the state.
DeSantis Daily Media

Something to THINK ABOUT:
Therapy anyone?
Take your choice: I can't even count them all today. They've multiplied just like the list of disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and there's no consensus on that list.
Since our behavior is affected by our social environment as well as our genes and upbringing, I studied Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the art of propaganda and various kinds of advertising, salesmanship, marketing, and personal counselling. Nouthetic Counselling (my favorite) is a scriptural application of the work of William Glaser, a pragmatic approach to changing habits, but not going as far as behavioral therapy. Glasser is the doctor with the sign on his wall that said, "To be is to do, to do is to be, do-be-do-be-do” demonstrating that actions can change thinking as much as thinking can change actions, it's a two-way street. He was one of the major pioneers to abandon Freudian analysis.
Did you know Freud recanted of his theories before he died, stating "I now believe that the conflicts which cause mental problems are the basic conflicts between good and evil which all the world's great religions are based upon".
I'm currently examining Rapid Response Therapy which is a variation of the Healing of Memories. The therapist takes the client back to the trauma, but instead of re-living it subjectively, the client is brought to address it objectively, to release it.
I was most impressed by the interview I once saw with a Christian neurologist who used a type of natural shock therapy. She talked about how emotions could be trapped in the synapses of the brain (I forget if it was chemical or electrical memory paths) like a dammed-up, river. She would take her client back to talk about the trauma and then suddenly and very loudly, near to their ear, clap! The shock often snapped them out of it in a way that released pent-up experiences. Sort of like what happens when a Pentecostal healer excites the awestruck seeker with a shout and shove.
Don't get me wrong, I think there can also be a genuine manifestation of the Holy Spirit or God's angel, which has the same effect of shocking people and causing a "fleshly" reaction. We err when we oversimplify our understanding of paranormal experiences.
For the record, I spent my early years comparing hypnosis to various kinds of religious experience in order to determine the difference. Most of the time there isn't any difference, but because the word "hypnosis" is so poorly understood I seldom talk about it as an element of faith. I don't like "mindfulness" or "relaxation therapy" as it leaves the door open for too many foreign ideas.
Any Christian reading this email needs to understand that the word "fascination" is the best substitute word. Two people who are experiencing love are "fascinated" with each other. They move together, breathe together, influence each other, talk the same language, and become "one".
Such rapport should exist between God and man. When it does, we can become "charged" with the same power Jesus demonstrated (and "more" he said).
I'm also aware of how such influence can be used for evil because minds connected between innocent and conniving men are a temptation to communicate lies. I believe the psychic connection can even be so powerful to transcend distances in space or time. A man or woman may play along with an innocent act such as being in a movie. That's fine so long as the part is respectable and legal. There's a big difference between a preacher who is wooing his congregation with appeals to look at God, and a mentalist who is intimidating his audience to agree with suggestions, or a huckster who knows how to trick innocents into buying his snake oil. The problem isn't in the means of communication but in the content of the message.
The bible reduces all disorders to just three causes, the "Three D's":
Patrick Bestall

Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors
RUMOURS Circulating out there...:
You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!
Lara Logan Calls Out How the U.S. Government Funds NGO’s to Be Their Political Assassins: “I’m talking about Media Matters for America. I’m sure there’s many doctors and scientists who’ve been attacked…David Brock, for example, another political assassin now runs an organization called Facts First USA which is designed to make sure that your research never reaches the people or the public. In the name of preventing the spread of disinformation, they censor, silence, intimidate, and punish. And it’s time for people to serve us. This is the only country where we the people are the government. This is a government for the people, of the people, and by the people.”
Restored Republic:
· Tues. 27 Feb. BQQM! 18 U.S. Code § 2384 and Its Implications on Charges of Misprision of Treason, Rebellion, Insurrection, Seditious Conspiracy, and Crimes Against Humanity – A Comprehensive List of Indictments – American Media Group (
· Thurs. 29 Feb. X22 Report Deep State Players Being Exposed, Removed:
Thurs. 29 Feb. Global Martial Law, Riccardo Bosi @RealLTCRicBosi
· According to-Ground Command, the entire world is currently under international or global martial law (n.b. NOT national martial law) individual governments have zero control and were in the process of re-negotiating for their sovereignty.
· In other words, the governments and/or government Incs are currently not recognized as sovereign and need to register with the Archivists and Hail of Records via Ground Command and/or revised Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) structure/s.
· All countries are currently declared bankrupt and the IME, UN, World Bank, WEF, etc. are also defunct corporations without any sovereignty. These will be replaced by a revised GIA and entity known as CARE.
· The IRS is being restructured and may be replaced completely. Janet Yellen has been fired (not public yet) and the US Federal Reserve Treasury is on notice till 30 June, ie, if they cannot pay the Global Repository back the quadrillions owed, it will be handing over all assets including property, commercial property, land, business.
· We are about to see real truth and real news unfold before our eyes. Brace yourselves for short-term volatility, medium-term-change, and long-term prosperity.
Wars and Rumors of Wars:
· Thurs. 29 Feb. Hezbollah fired missiles towards the central sector on the border with Lebanon. The Hezbollah Cyber Attack on all Israeli Universities has been renewed for a second day. Hezbollah states their attacks against Israel will continue as they continue their genocidal campaign on Gaza. One of the reasons for the attack: drawing attention to the dire situation in Sudan.
· Wed. 28 Feb. MILITARY INTEL! Trump – Gesara Military Law, Secret Military Tribunals, Vatican, MED BEDS, Buckingham Palace, Big Pharma, Khazarian Group, Castle Rock and More – Popcorn & Movie Time – American Media Group (
· Tues. 27 Feb. The Putin Ultimatum and The Threat of War: Putin’s Warning Sparks U.K. Draft Fears and Sweden’s Preparations for War (video) – American Media Group (
· Thurs. 29 Feb. The United States is actively deploying offensive weapons in space and conducting military exercises, which makes it the biggest threat to space security, Chinese Defense Ministry Spokesman, TASS reports.
The Real News for Thurs. 29 Feb. 2024:
· Thurs. 29 Feb. JAG hangs Biden’s Chief Science Officer for Treason: JAG HANGS BIDEN’S CHIEF SCIENCE OFFICER FOR TREASON
· Thurs. 29 Feb. Federal Judge blocks Texas from arresting illegal migrants:
· Thurs. 29 Feb. Argentina President Javier Milei has banned the use of leftist “inclusive,” aka “woke,” language across all public administration offices and documents.
· Thurs. 29 Feb. Pro-Trump Truckers vow to boycott NYC to protest Trump fraud ruling:,ruling%20against%20the%20former%20president
· Breast and Butt Lifts implant flesh eating fungus:
· Thurs. 29 Feb. FRANCE: Last night Farmers attacked several banks and insurance companies, a public finance center, the DDTM, Leclerc and the METRO wholesale stores.
· Wed. 28 Feb. Fox News Sen. Ted Cruz: “10.6 Million immigrants crossed under Joe Biden, Democrat’s and the media both view all of them as future Democrat voters. And so if people have to die, children have to be assaulted and women have to be r*ped, their willing to accept that is a collateral damage.”
· Thurs. 29 Feb. A document has surfaced revealing a request from President Barack Obama to the United Kingdom regarding intelligence gathering on The Trump Organization and Donald J. Trump. The letter addressed to Boris Johnson also mentions Susan Rice’s involvement in spying on Trump during his transition period.