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Fri/Sat 6-23/24-23

Friday/Saturday 6 – 23/24 - 23

Verse(s) for today:

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God; For I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

Psalm 42:11 KJV

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Joshua 1:9 KJV

Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

Luke 6:36 KJV

Thought(s) for the Day:

David YEO:

D0N@LD & TruTh3r$ (65 Min)

Th3 $!MP$0N$ & Fr33M@$0N$ (3 Min)

T!K T0K: UP$ Dr!v3R; M@ny $udd3nDLY G0n3 0n H3R R0uT3 (1 Min)

Hydr0g3N P3r0X!d3 (2 Min)

$T3W: 0C3@N-G@T3 C0nn3cT!0n$ (11 Min)

C@nC3R C@u$!nG Ag3nT F0und !n The J@B (3 Min)

T!K T0KK3R$; T@Lk!ng 0n Th3 D0m3 aka Th3 Firm2M3nt (19 Min)

Pr0pH3cY (1 Min)

M!Cr0$c0PY: Dr Y0unG**P@ra$!T3$ !n Th3 J@B (74 Min)

Gr3g0rY: B33N W@rn3D**T0T#L C0nTr0L By C3nTr@L B@nK$ (50 Min)

G3T +o $L33P F@$T (1 Min)

P3T3R H0T3Z: 'C0mP!L@T!0N 0f L!3$' (5 Min)

0Z: $@Y G00D-By3 +o Pr!v@T3 Pr0p3rTY R!ghT$ (10 Min)

FE $0NG**$p@c3 !s M@d3 !n a H0LLyW00D B@s3M3nT (5 Min)

Th3 Gr3@T ! AM (1 Min)

H3@L!nG Br@!N Thr0ugh GUT H3@LTH (28 Min)

HuGG00000: Th3 R0$@RY**R0M@N EmP!r3 D3cepT!0n (40 Min)

Mor3 T!K T0kkk3r$$: Th3 GL0b@L Educ@T!0N K33P$ U Dumb (19 Min)

Be$T AnT!-AG!ng F00D (1 Min)

Th3 J*F*K C0nSp!r@CY TruTH (20 Min)

$3L3N!uM Def!ency**Thyr0!D & L!V3R (4 Min)

M!Cr0$c0PY**Dr Y0unG**P@ra$!T3$ !n Th3 J@B (74 Min)

R3-P0$T: Gr3g0rY**B33N W@rn3D**C0nTr0L By C3nTr@L B@nK$ (50 Min)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was groaning when a “Squad” member made this insane demand:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “Squad” are always trying to push the envelope.

One of her socialist lieutenants crossed a bright red line.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was groaning when a “Squad” member made this insane demand.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claims that the world is coming to an end within the next eight years if drastic action isn’t taken to stop climate change.

Her doomsday predictions are fueling radical environmental activists to launch extreme protests for climate action.

Radical environmental groups Declare Emergency, Climate Defiance, and others are planning a summer of direct action involving blocking highways, and other disruptions to push for President Joe Biden to take action on climate change.

In the past, radical left-wing activists associated with these groups have been arrested for disrupting political speeches, vandalizing art galleries, and blocking traffic.

The Daily Mail was given access to a conference call between these radical environmentalists that featured Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), a member of Ocasio-Cortez’s “Squad.”

Rep. Tlaib urged the woke left-wing outrage mob to get “much more aggressive” with their planned disruptions this summer.

She told activists on the call that legislation on climate change won’t happen until “the streets demanded it,” and urged them to take “direct action” to make it happen.

“This rhetoric around the climate projects for national security is bulls***,” Tlaib said on the call. “We have to be much more aggressive in regard to fossil fuel expansion… if we don’t get the policies we need—if our legislative process is failing us—then direct action gets the goods.”

The socialist Congresswoman praised the groups for their “civil disobedience actions,” and pushed them to “use the bullhorn” because Biden and Congress wouldn’t take action until “the streets demanded it.”

Tlaib is adding fuel to the fire by egging on radical environmental fanatics to be even more aggressive, essentially encouraging violence.

She was joined on the call by Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, and Declare Emergency’s Tim Martin.

Extinction Rebellion caused millions of dollars worth of damages during the 2019 protests in London.

Declare Emergency vandalized an art display at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., and blocked the city’s streets during rush hour—potentially costing countless residents their lives—as Emergency Vehicles could not navigate the completely shut down roadways.

“We aim for whatever causes the most kerfuffle, everyone has to see it. Everyone is impacted,” Declare Emergency’s Donald Zepeda said on the call. “Doing massively disruptive, nonviolent civil disobedience, it’s a necessary and important part of getting us to where we need to be.”

Hollywood director Adam McKay, who directed the environmental doomsday film Don’t Look Up, was also on the call.

“Nothing cuts through the BS and rigmarole more than straight-up disruptive activism. I’m talking about the power of the people,” McKay said. “I’m talking about the people that created democracy, that threw the kings out of power.”

Declare Emergency is planning a major series of protests and disruptions later this summer in New York City and Washington, D.C.

A top ally of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is inciting radical left-wing environmentalists to take even more extreme measures as a pressure tactic on Biden and Congress. [Conservative Underground News]

Russia Accuses Mercenary Boss of Armed Mutiny After He Vows to Punish Top Brass:

Russia accused mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin of calling for an armed mutiny on Friday after he alleged, without providing evidence, that the military leadership had killed a huge number of his fighters in an air strike and vowed to punish them.

The standoff, many of whose details remained unclear, looked like the biggest domestic crisis President Vladimir Putin has faced since he ordered a full-scale invasion of Ukraine - something he called a "special military operation" - in February last year.

As the standoff between Prigozhin, founder of the Wagner mercenary force, and the defense ministry appeared to come to a head, the ministry issued a statement saying Prigozhin's accusations were "not true and are an informational provocation."

Prigozhin said his actions were not a military coup. But in a frenzied series of audio messages, in which the sound of his voice sometimes varied and could not be independently verified, he appeared to suggest that his 25,000-strong militia was en route to oust the leadership of the defense ministry in Moscow.

He said: "Those who destroyed our lads, who destroyed the lives of many tens of thousands of Russian soldiers, will be punished. I ask that no one offer resistance ...

"There are 25,000 of us and we are going to figure out why chaos is happening in the country," he said, promising to tackle any checkpoints or air forces that got in Wagner's way.

"We will consider anyone who tries to resist a threat and quickly destroy them," he said.

Security was being tightened in Moscow, the TASS news agency said, focusing on what it called the capital's most important government sites and infrastructure.

Earlier on Friday, Prigozhin had appeared to cross a new line in his increasingly vitriolic feud with the ministry, saying that the Kremlin's rationale for invading Ukraine was based on lies concocted by the army's top brass.

The FSB domestic security service said it had opened a criminal case against him for calling for an armed mutiny, a crime punishable with a jail term of up to 20 years.

"Prigozhin's statements are in fact calls for the start of an armed civil conflict on Russian territory and his actions are a 'stab in the back' of Russian servicemen fighting pro-fascist Ukrainian forces," the FSB said.

"We urge the ... fighters not to make irreparable mistakes, to stop any forcible actions against the Russian people, not to carry out the criminal and traitorous orders of Prigozhin, to take measures to detain him."

The Kremlin said Putin had been informed and that "necessary measures are being taken."


Army Lieutenant-General Vladimir Alekseyev issued a video appeal in which he asked Prigozhin to reconsider his actions.

"Only the president has the right to appoint the top leadership of the armed forces, and you are trying to encroach on his authority," he said.

General Sergei Surovikin, the deputy commander of Russian forces in Ukraine whom Prigozhin has praised in the past, in a separate video urged Wagner to "stop."

"The enemy is just waiting for our internal political situation to deteriorate," said Surovikin.

"Before it is too late, and it must be done, you must submit to the will and order of the people's president of the Russian Federation. Stop the columns and return them to their permanent bases," he said.

Prigozhin, whose men spearheaded the capture of the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut last month, has for months been openly accusing Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Russia's top general, Valery Gerasimov, of rank incompetence and of denying Wagner ammunition and support.

The defense ministry has - until now - largely ignored his criticism, at least in public.

An unverified video posted on a Telegram channel close to Wagner showed the purported scene of an air strike against Wagner forces. It showed a forest where small fires were burning, and trees appeared to have been broken by force. There appeared to be one body, but no more direct evidence of any attack.

It carried the caption: "A missile attack was launched on the camps of PMC (Private Military Company) Wagner. Many victims. According to eyewitnesses, the strike was delivered from the rear, that is, it was delivered by the military of the Russian Ministry of Defence."

Prigozhin has tried to exploit Wagner's battlefield success, achieved at enormous human cost, to publicly criticize Moscow with seeming impunity - until now.

But on Friday he for the first time dismissed Putin's core justifications for invading Ukraine on Feb. 24 last year.

"The war was needed ... so that Shoigu could become a marshal ... so that he could get a second 'Hero' [of Russia] medal," Prigozhin said in a video clip. "The war wasn't needed to demilitarize or denazify Ukraine."

Marat Gabidullin, a former Wagner commander who moved to France when Russia invaded Ukraine, told Reuters that Wagner's fighters were likely to stand with Prigozhin.

"We have looked down on the army for a long time ... Of course they support him, he is their leader," he said.

"They won't hesitate (to fight the army), if anyone gets in their way." [News Max Media]

Speaker McCarthy Supports Expunging Trump's Impeachments:

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said Friday he supports the idea of expunging the two impeachments of Donald Trump as hard-right Republican allies of the former president introduce a pair of proposals to declare it as though the historic charges never happened.

McCarthy told reporters that he agrees with Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Elise Stefanik who want to erase the charges against Trump from the former president's impeachments of 2019 and 2021.

“I think it is appropriate,” said McCarthy, the Republican from California. “Just as I thought before — that you should expunge it, because it never should have gone through.”

Pressed on his views, McCarthy said he agreed with expunging both of Trump’s impeachments — the abuse of power charges in 2019 over pressing Ukraine’s president to dig up dirt on rival Joe Biden and the 2021 charge that Trump incited the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol as Trump supporters tried to overturn Biden’s election.

In both cases, Trump was acquitted by the Senate after his impeachment by the House. But expunging the charges from his record would be an action he could further tout as vindication as he seeks another term in the White House.

The effort is the latest effort by Trump's allies to rewrite the narrative of the defeated president's tenure in office. And it underscores the pressure McCarthy is under from his right flank.

Just this week, McCarthy beat back a proposal from Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., to impeach President Biden, sending it instead to committees for review. In explaining his views, McCarthy said the first Trump impeachment, in 2019, should have never happened, conflating it with a separate investigation by the Justice Department into Russian interference into the 2016 election.

As for the 2021 trial that was conducted swiftly in the week after the riot at the Capitol, he said: “The second impeachment had no due process.” The speaker gave no indication he would move quickly to bring forward the proposals from Greene, R-Ga., and Stefanik, R-N.Y., who is the fourth-ranking GOP leader, for House votes. Pressed if the proposals were a priority, he shifted to listing other GOP goals.

Asked if he had spoken to Trump about expunging the impeachment record, McCarthy said he had not.

Trump, who is campaigning to return to the White House, is the first president in U.S. history to be twice impeached by the House, though he was acquitted by the Senate of all charges. Democrats have defended their decision to quickly impeach Trump a second time after the mob attack at the Capitol in 2021. They argue that the evidence played out for the world to see as the defeated president rallied his supporters to Washington and encouraged them to march to the Capitol as Congress was certifying Biden's election.

Trump was first impeached in 2019 after it was disclosed that he encouraged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to dig up political dirt on then-White House rival Biden ahead of the 2020 presidential campaign — while Trump was withholding U.S. military aid to Ukraine as it faced Russia. [News Max Media]

More related Articles:

Transgender Democrat Lawmaker From New Hampshire Arrested on Multiple Child Pornography Charges:

A self-identified transgender woman, Laughton, was arrested just days after her former romantic partner, 38-year-old Lindsay Groves, a former child daycare employee, was arrested and arraigned on federal counts of sexual exploitation of children and distribution of child pornography.

According to a report by the Boston Herald-

“The Nashua Police, which also disseminated a press release on Groves’ arrest, announced Laughton’s arrest late Thursday evening. While police indicated to local media that the two cases are related, the details were sparse. The affidavit filed in Grove’s case alleges that she at least texted to an unidentified “Person 1” four images — four also being the number of counts against Laughton — of nude children, both boys and girls, who she worked with at the daycare center. The details suggest that Laughton is “Person 1” in the federal affidavit, but no law enforcement source has confirmed this.”

-Boston Herald

Reportedly, over 2,500 texts between Groves and Laughton were allegedly recovered by Federal prosecutors. These purportedly included, messages about, and the transfer of, explicit photos Groves took of children while working at Creative Minds Daycare in Tyngsborough, Massachusetts.

The latest, in a string of arrests dating back over a decade for Laughton, this week’s discovery is yet another example of the troubled past Laughton has demonstrated, since she was first elected to the New Hampshire legislature in 2012. She was one of the first openly transgender individuals to be elected to public office in the country.

When it was revealed she was still on probation, after serving a four-month stint in prison on felony identity and credit card fraud charges in 2008, she was unable to serve her term in office Reportedly, in 2015, she was arrested for making a bomb threat against the Southern New Hampshire Medical Center. She later, regarding the act, plead a defense of” mental illness”. Laughton said at the time-

“I have had a mental illness my whole life, and I guess this was my worst break with it. I was untreated for a long time, and I didn’t have medication,”... “I wasn’t trying to hurt anyone, and it was totally out of character for me. I have put a lot behind me, and I never thought I would do this in a million years.”

Stacie-Marie Laughton

However, Laughton was arrested and charged with abusing the local 911 emergency system, in July of 2021.

According to a Reduxx report-

“Between May and July 2021, she sent seven texts to Nashua 911, prompting police officers to respond to her address. On each occasion, they determined there was no emergency,”... “At the time, Laughton denied sending the texts and claimed that she was being ‘spoofed’ by an unknown perpetrator.”


Laughton, despite her lengthy criminal past, continued to seek office in the New Hampshire legislature. She was again reelected in 2022. However, she resigned 15 days after the election, never serving a day of her second term. This was because it soon became known that she had been arrested for allegedly stalking a woman in the months leading up to the election.

According to Nashua Police Department’s, Sergeant John Cinelli, this current investigation began Tuesday when officers-

“spoke with reporting parties that indicated Laughton distributed sexually explicit images of children.” adding …“Detectives from the special investigations division were assigned to further the investigation. They applied for and were granted a warrant for Laughton’s arrest,”

-Sergeant John Cinelli, Nashua Police Department

“To have once been a criminal is no disgrace. To remain a criminal is… the disgrace”

-Malcolm X [The Patriot Digest Media]

Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:

This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU

must make up YOUR OWN MIND!



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  • · Fri. 23 June is the last day of the NATO exercises. Fear of war with Russia may be the reason. Under Geneva is a CIA and Khazarian Mafia headquarters. Nostradamus saw Geneva swallowed up with a black hole and it disappeared. He predicted nuclear war in Europe for 2023. …R. Patterson

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  • · Official UK document from the Ministry of Health revealed Covid never existed. This now being the case means the masks, lockdowns, vaccines and PCR tests were all acts of criminality. Covid was manmade. The so-called Covid Vax was not effective and 600,000/ year were dying from Covid Shots.

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  • RFK Jr. “My uncle President Kennedy knew early on that the purpose of the CIA and Military Complex was to create a pipeline of new wars.”

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Global Currency Revaluation

  • · Thurs. 22 June Bruce: The Supreme Court began hearing the Brunson case yesterday Wed. 21 June, continued today 22 June and should have a decision out by Saturday 24 June. The result was expected to be an annulment of the 2020 Election. Tier 4b will obtain notification to make redemption appointments within 48 hours of the announcement of the Brunson case by the Supreme Court.

  • · Thurs. 22 June MarkZ: It has been exceptionally quiet, likely because a lot were under NDAs. They now expect all tiers to go at once. Some sources think we will see it on Saturday, some on Monday. Am I excited? Yes. A tremendously good source on the ground in Iraq who is very connected with the government seems to think that this is accurate.

  • · By Fri. 16 June the Admiral had released the codes to the Quantum Financial System and algorithms downloaded Dubi One and Dubi Two funds.

  • · On Sat. 17 June Sat. 17 a CBI contact said that the IMF, World Bank and US Treasury had given the “green light” to reinstate the currency.

  • · On Sun. 18 June the UST had completed sending protocols to the Forex and a major Bond Trader reported that Tiers 2 and 3 had started. The GESARA Talk Show: Major Bond Trader Reports Tiers 2 and 3 Started | Dinar Chronicles

  • · On Wed. 21 Junethe Iraqi President signed the Budget with the new Dinar Rate in it, making it official. Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar was considered the Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset. The only thing Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) has left to do is wait.

  • · On June 19th, 2023, the Bank of England migrated to the ISO20022 messaging system for Chaps and RTGS.Over 60 countries worldwide utilize the real time gross settlement system or RTGS. This was another important migration effort into the QFS that would unite quantum computer systems in even more countries. It was believed that this completed the major banking systems around the world now inside the ISO20022 messaging system. The remaining Banks have until 2025 to complete this process. Those interested in financial inclusion will make this deadline.

  • · Bank of China Halts Transfers From Russia to EU, UK and Swiss Banks: The decision was not made by China, but rather by the EU and the US. That is how they are trying to ramp up the sanction pressure by choking off alternative channels in the form of yuan,” Pavel Semyonov, chairman of the board of Modulbank, said. The Finam bank indicated, in turn, that the Bank of China had terminated transactions in Chinese yuan, US dollars, Hong Kong dollars, and euros through the correspondent accounts of the Chinese bank.

  • · Thurs. 22 June “ION Treasury, a global provider of treasury and risk management solutions for corporations, financial institutions and central banks, has successfully moved its Wall Street Suite clients to ISO 20022.” …Goldilocks

  • · ATTENTION FELLOW PATRIOTS. It’s Happening! USA Financial System Collapse Is Imminent!


Th3 FE M0d3L (4 Min)

FE: N3W W0RLD R3c0rD**700 M!L3$ (6 Min)

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