Friday 2-2-24
Verses for today:
How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?
Matthew 18:12 KJV
And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
Luke 12:15 KJV
Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
Mark 13:33 KJV
This is HUGE...
The Great Awakening:
Are you WOKE – AWAKE – or... are you just AWAKENING?
View this VIDEO... Thank you Donna Donna Warren

James O'Keefe records WH aide re Biden:
Kraiger admitted that staffers are “really concerned” about Biden’s mental state, which O’Keefe called “dementia,” but they have to keep those worries private. “They know it; of course, they do. But it’s the optics and, like, the scandal, I think they feel wouldn’t be worth it. I’m just telling you what I’ve heard. Does it make sense? No, but that’s what I’ve heard.”
Things are ‘Not Well” in the BIDEN Family... time is moving on! Patrick Bestall

One Doctor loses License, another does not:
Medical regulator drops allegations against Ontario doctor for criticizing COVID narrative - LifeSite (
While the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has dropped its case against Dr. Jean Marc Benoit, many others, including Dr. Mark Trozzi and Dr. Mary O'Connor have had their licenses suspended.
It is time that we cleaned up this travesty of Justice!!!
Life Site Media

Volunteers for Spiritual Care at LHSC:
Here is a ‘Great Opportunity for SERVICE’... See the job description following:
Back at our November 2nd Network Gathering we heard about the work of Spiritual Care happening at our London hospitals with special guest, Dr Ian Nicholson who heads up the spiritual care for LHSC. Dr. Nicholson and his team are looking for more spiritual care volunteers. Perhaps this might be something you are interested in.
The first step in potentially volunteering would be the completion of the volunteer form and providing two references with the forms attached.
After your application is received you will be contacted to set up a brief interview, submit any other documents required for the position, and have some orientation.
Thank you for your consideration in supporting this important ministry within our city!
PS: If you are a ministry leader make sure to join us for our next CCNL Zoom Connection on Thursday February 22 at 11:00 AM as we talk about “Keeping Emotionally Healthy in Ministry”. Register HERE [] and we will send out the Zoom link closer to the event.
-Barry Slaunewhite

Future of London?
Do you think that CITY HALL knows what it is getting into?
It would be prudent for our City Fathers to LEARN from the experience of ‘other’ Cities!
Patrick Bestall
Not the Bee Media

Take a BREAK!
Simple GIFT of Peaceful Music and Pictures of God’s Creation... enJOY!
Here's an old Shaker hymn that brings peace such as the world's music cannot give.

The Candice Malcolm Show:
Christians are being targeted in Canada – where’s the outrage?
Why does it take an American journalist and pundit, Tucker Carlson, to point out obvious truths about Canada?
In Canada, over 90 churches have been burned to the ground in response to the false claim that “unmarked graves” were found at residential schools. Plus, pastors were thrown into jail during the pandemic for preaching the gospel.

Christians are being targeted in Canada – where’s the outrage from politicians, media and law enforcement? It’s clear something is deeply wrong here in Canada.
On this episode of The Candice Malcolm Show, Candice is joined by True North Senior Journalist Cosmin Dzsurdzsa to discuss this troubling trend.
True North Media

Matt Gaetz Launches Secret Plan to Rescue Trump
Republican Representative Matt Gaetz is urging his colleagues in Congress to support a resolution affirming that Donald Trump had no involvement in the rebellion that took place on January 6 during the breach of the Capitol. This resolution, if passed, could essentially absolve him from any wrongdoing as recorded in the official Congressional records.
The resolution’s copy indicates that it is currently enjoying the backing of 27 initial co-sponsors. Attempts are currently being made to secure further support from Republican seats in the House.
The letter emphasized the stance of the House of Representatives that Trump, who was president at the time, “did not engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or give aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” The Daily Mail was solely responsible for obtaining the resolution.
800 illegal aliens from Islamic-majority African nations, the Middle East and India, marching from the Border Patrol tent facility to the Lukeville port of entry. Next ones to ambush American cops? Never know. From my 7 weeks camped in Lukeville. #border #BorderCrisis #BorderBill…
— Just Jeff From Cali (@liberty_clarion) January 31, 2024
An email transmitted by Gaetz’s team to various GOP representatives stated, “You are receiving this email because your boss endorsed President Trump, and we would love to have your support as an original cosponsor before we send the resolution and the list of sponsors to the former President.”
“This resolution is a no-brainer – controversial only to the most extreme of the far-left – and a statement of fact that every single Republican can be expected to support,” the statement further asserted.
“If the left has the courage to interfere in our elections and weaponize the judicial system against our brethren, we must have the courage to express what is self-evident.”
Matt Gaets

Parents' Rights Momentum Continues in Alberta!
More good news! The parental rights momentum that we saw in 2023 is continuing into 2024, and this time, it is happening in Alberta!
Yesterday, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith released the following 7-and-a-half-minute video with the following introductory message:
Gender identity can be a hard thing to talk about, especially when you are involved. But this conversation is extremely important and parental involvement is critical. Kids need to know we love and support them. My message to all Albertans: ...
Please WATCH the video here
Smith is proposing “gender” initiatives in three main areas: health care, education, and sports.
SMITH: “Deciding whether or not to alter one’s biological sex, making permanent and irreversible decisions regarding one’s biological sex while still youth can severely limit that child’s choices in the future…”. And further: “Prematurely encouraging or enabling children to alter their very biology or natural growth, no matter how well intentioned and sincere, poses a risk to that child’s future that I as premier am not comfortable with permitting in our province.”
To that end, Alberta will bar, for those under the age of 17, surgery for the purpose of gender reassignment. The province will institute a ban on puberty blockers and hormone therapies for children under 15 (other than for those who have already started treatment), with parental consent required for those aged 16 and 17.
Smith is following in the footsteps of New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs and Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe in requiring parental consent for changing the name or pronouns of minor, school aged children. She is also suggesting that the provincial government will assume some level of responsibility for vetting “third party” educational resources, as well as some sort of “opt in” for the teaching of gender ideology.
Recognizing “obvious biological realities that give transgender female athletes a massive competitive advantage over women and girls,” Smith is proposing some sort of protection for female athletes against intrusion into “female” sports divisions.
There is quite a bit going on here – too much for a single email. I will, in the coming days, provide a commentary for you as to what PAFE thinks of each of these moves, and how they differ from what is happening in other provinces.
Let me say how very pleased PAFE is with Premier Smith’s leadership on these issues, even if we disagree with parts of it. For the weakest part of Smith’s proposals, PAFE will be making constructive suggestions for improvement.
Overall, Smith’s announcement of yesterday shows that the momentum in favour of parental rights continues in Canada!
Can you help us with our mission to create positive social and educational change such as we are seeing in Alberta? If you are able to help us in our vital work, please see donation information below.
Can you donate to Parents as First Educators (PAFE)? We are a not-for-profit organization that keeps politicians at all levels of government accountable for the education of Canada's children. Make your donation by credit card, etransfer, cheque or by phone!
Donate here:
Teresa Pierre, Ph. D., PresidentParents as First Educators
P.S. Please share this story by clicking on our blog page here! Press the green “share” button underneath the blog's photo and select Facebook, Twitter, or email.

Trump Rampages! Don’t Let That ‘Stupid Bill’ Pass!
President Trump went on the warpath today verses Biden and his administration over their complete failure to secure the southern border, which, many people believe is on purpose.

“The illegal Aliens that are pouring into our Country are taking over our cities and attacking our police,” Trump railed.
I’ve been reporting on the border since 2019, and recently just returned from 7 weeks camped in Lukeville, Arizona, filming the apocalypse.
It’s the worst I’ve ever seen it; by 1000 times.
“They are forming gangs, and they are tough,” Trump warned.
“Close the Border, you do not need a ridiculous Border Bill that will allow 5000 people into our Country a day. Call it the “Stupid Bill” and make sure it doesn’t get passed. It will make things MUCH WORSE,” the former president went on. “Close the Border, you do not need a ridiculous Border Bill that will allow 5000 people into our Country a day.

Call it the “Stupid Bill” and make sure it doesn’t get passed. It will make things MUCH WORSE,” the former president went on.
An opinion article in The Hill out about a week ago tells the dire story about the number of illegal aliens in the country:
The number of illegal immigrants in the country has roughly doubled under President Biden. The United States had some 10.2 million illegal immigrants in 2020, and another 10 million have entered during Biden’s presidency.
If the 20 million illegal immigrants were all in one state, it would be tied with New York for the fourth most populated state.

CBP’s total encounters along the southwest border in December were 302,034. Consistent with historical trends and enhanced enforcement, the first two weeks of January saw an over 50% decrease in southwest border encounters between ports of entry according to preliminary figures.” According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, “In December 2023, the U.S. Border Patrol recorded 249,785 encounters between ports of entry along the southwest border.
Related Border Video Articles:

David YEO:
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David YEO

Rumours – Rumours - Rumours – Rumours – Rumours
RUMOURS Circulating out there...:
You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!
The Real News for Thurs. 1 Feb. 2024:
· Thurs. 1 Feb. False Climate Change Agenda: “Every single prediction they’ve ever made has been wrong” said Geologist, Prof. Ian Plimer as he blew the UN’s “human-induced climate change” propaganda completely out of the water. “They still haven’t, after 30 years, shown us that human emissions [of CO2] drive global warming. There’s been a relentless campaign of propaganda for 30 years, and the basics haven’t been shown.”
· Thurs. 1 Feb. Germany: Germany flights grounded as airport workers walk off job:
· Thurs. 1 Feb. Brussels: European Parliament Deploys Barbed Wire in Brussels. Barbed wire and portcullises have been placed around its perimeter to fend off the arrival of protesting farmers – enraged by policies that are destroying their livelihood. Ironically, all behind a banner that reads: “Together for Democracy.”
· Thurs. 1 Feb. The Republican Congress is full of snakes. Republicans in Congress are collaborating with Dems to sneak in a bill that would hand $155 billion to illegal immigrants and corporate lobbyists. All under the Orwellian name “tax relief for families.” This is a Trojan horse. This is a misnamed bill they claim is tax relief. It is giving millions of illegal aliens welfare benefits. What can be done? Contact your representative and senator to let them know you’re watching, and vote for anti-establishment candidates — of either party — in your primaries.
· In Queen Elizabeth’s crown and scepter, are shards of the Star of Africa diamond. The stone was stolen from South Africa in 1905, and is worth $400M. These fragments alone could cover the cost of higher education for nearly 75,000 South African students.
· Thurs. 1 Feb. Indiana: Power outage at BP oil refinery in Whiting, Indiana. Employees at the refinery have already been evacuated from the scene. Multiple streets near the refinery have been closed for traffic.
Globalist Agenda to Depopulate the World:
· Unelected globalist technocrat, Bill Gates, at COP 28: “The issue of food systems and how with climate change, a lot of farmers aren’t able to grow their crops, which is a tragedy for them. We’ll talk about using innovation to absolutely solve that problem.” Globalist doublespeak translation: Due to our deliberate war on farmers, a lot of farmers aren’t able to grow their crops, which is a blessing for us, because it allows us to replace traditional agriculture with insect farms and fake meat laboratories, and assume total control of the global food supply, under the pretext of tackling “climate change”.
· David Icke video from 1998: Everything he said is playing out right now. They are talking about chip implants, forcing everybody to have a digital ID / vax passports and programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies.
· 5G EMF Radiation receives little to no attention, yet there are doctors and scientists on record, with evidence claiming it acts a Type 1 Carcinogen.
· “I cannot think of a more dangerous initiative than for world leaders to roll out digital ID, CBDC and a cashless society—globally—by 2030. If we’re not careful, we head towards a Chinese-style social credit system, where unless you go along with the views of the day, you become a non-person” Nigel Farage said on a recent call by unelected head of the EU, Ursula von der Leyen.
· Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: “Unelected globalists (including Klaus Schwab and the UN) are using the “human-induced climate change” scam as a pretext to ban fossil fuels and nitrogen fertiliser, in order to deliberately depopulate the planet. These powerful elites, like Schwab and on down, they want control of the world. They want control of everybody. Now what do they want? They want fewer people.”