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FRIDAY - The Week-end is here!

Friday 5-31-24


Verses for today:


Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Isaiah 26:3 KJV


Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path.

Psalm 119:105 KJV


Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: But a good word maketh it glad.

Proverbs 12:25 KJV


For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul.

Jeremiah 31:25 KJV



WEF Politicians Identified!

Dr. Malone’s institute publishes list of Canadian politicians with ties to the World Economic Forum

A list published by Dr. Robert Malone's research institute shows that dozens of former and current Canadian politicians, including Trudeau and some of his cabinet, graduated from World Economic Forum programs.

(LifeSiteNews) –– A new list released by the U.S.-based Malone Institute highlights dozens of Canadian politicians and current cabinet ministers of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government who have links to the globalist World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program.  

The Malone Institute, founded by Dr. Robert Malone, in partnership with the Swedish Pharos Foundation, has started a World Economic Forum Project to investigate “the globalist members of the trade organization known as The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the operatives that they have trained.” The project published a summary of the graduates of the “World Economic Forum’s Global Leaders of Tomorrow (a one-year program that ran from 1993 to 2003) as well as the Young Global Leaders (a five-year program started 2004/2005 and still running).” 

Much more DRTAIL Here: See LINK above...

Pray for them.  I've heard of conversions of some pretty nasty people.

Patrick Bestall


Tucker Carlson Scores [Interview] with the new Jeffrey Sachs:

I think Tucker has outdone himself with this interview.  Sachs belonged to the who's who of the Left.  Then he went rogue.


In 1983 he gained Harvard University tenure at the remarkably young age of 28, then spent the next 19 years as a professor at that august academic institution; by the early 1990s the New York Times was already hailing him as the world’s most important figure in his field. Lured to Columbia University in 2002, he has spent the last couple of decades teaching there and also directing a couple of its research organizations, most recently the Center for Sustainable Development. 


TIME Magazine has twice ranked him among the world’s 100 most influential individuals, and for nearly twenty years he served as Special Advisor to several Secretary-Generals of the United Nations, while publishing many hundreds of articles and op-eds on a wide variety of subjects in our most influential media outlets.


It would be difficult to construct a more illustrious and establishmentarian curriculum vitae for an international academic figure, so in 2020 he was a natural choice to serve as chairman of the Lancet‘s Covid Commission, established to investigate all aspects of the deadly worldwide pandemic.

In October 2021 he was appointed by Pope Francis to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Although he has retained the subdued manner and careful phraseology of a mild academic, in recent months the incendiary content of his published articles and his public statements have exploded across the global landscape, reaching many millions who might otherwise never have questioned what they were so uniformly being told by all our mainstream media organs. His critics defending that orthodoxy must surely believe that he has gone dangerously rogue, and given the enormous weight of his past credibility, I suspect that the phrase “rogue elephant” has sometimes entered their thoughts.

2.5 hours.  Be prepared for a feast of information, an inside look at the machinations of the Deep State.

If you want to zero in on specific topics, go to this website.  See the chapters listed and the transcript.



Trump Found Guilty:

A Blow to Justice and Conservative Values:

In a shocking and deeply concerning turn of events, former President Donald J. Trump has been found guilty in all 34 counts by a jury in a case overseen by Judge Juan Merchan. This verdict, rendered after the jury received their instructions, represents a profound moment in American history where political motivations seem to have overshadowed justice.


Trump, a symbol of conservative values and a champion for many, has faced relentless attacks since his time in office. This verdict only adds to the perception that the judicial system is being weaponized against political adversaries. It’s worth noting that Judge Merchan’s daughter has been financially linked to the Democratic Party, raising serious questions about impartiality in this case.

The charges themselves, initially misdemeanors, were elevated in a manner that many see as legally dubious. Moreover, the prosecution has failed to definitively prove that Trump committed any crime. The reliance on testimonies from Michael Cohen and Jack Smith, both of whom have questionable credibility and have been seen as desperate to bring Trump down, further weakens the integrity of this case.


Adding to the injustice, Trump was placed under an unfair gag order during the trial, severely limiting his ability to speak out and defend himself publicly. This unprecedented move further illustrates the biased nature of the proceedings.


As we reflect on this verdict, it’s imperative to remember the importance of fairness and impartiality in our legal system. This outcome will undoubtedly fuel further division in our already polarized nation.


Until the judiciary is separated from political appointment there will never be justice.

Sad, sad day and we still do not know what he is guilty of? What was the real charge?




Chinese Farms in America:

“Food security is national security!” Hinson added on X.

A detailed summary of the 942-page bill, estimated to cost $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years, notes the Farm Bill “Requires a report on any agricultural land owned by citizens or entities with ties to China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and other state sponsors of terrorism and identifies potential threats from the ownership of such land.”

Hinton, who serves on the House Select Committee on the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) also joined Fox News this week to discuss her efforts to reduce the US’s reliance on China for critical minerals necessary for defense and technology sectors.

Much more DETAIL at above LINK:

Patrick Bestall

Ukraine Troop Training:

At the time of the attack, instructors from NATO countries and more than 300 military personnel were at the training ground. Preliminarily,  100+  foreigners died.  

People like Macron [Leader of FRANCE] are not going to stop escalating until Russia nukes them into oblivion.

Macron is not Charles De Gaulle...

Details at above LINK:

Hal Turner Show


EU under Fire:

The EU has announced a guiding framework that will make it possible to set up what the bloc calls “Hybrid Rapid Response Teams” which will be “drawing on relevant sectoral national and EU civilian and military expertise.”

These teams will be created and then deployed to counter “disinformation” throughout the 27 member countries – but also to what Brussels calls partner countries. And Ireland might become an “early adopter.”


For a county to apply, it will first need to feel it is under attack by means of “hybrid threats and campaigns” and then request from the EU to help counter those by dispatching a “rapid response team.”


The EU is explaining the need for these teams as a result of a “deteriorating security environment, increasing disinformation, cyber attacks, attacks on critical infrastructure, and election interference by malign actors” – and even something the organization refers to as “instrumentalized migration.”

More detail at above LINK:

Patrick Bestall


Biden Commits to Progressive Supreme Court Appointments If Reelected:

May 30, 2024

At a rally in Philadelphia, President Biden pledged to nominate progressive justices to the U.S. Supreme Court if re-elected for a second term.


Biden emphasized the potential impact of upcoming retirements on the Court's composition and the broader implications for key legal precedents and rights.

According to Fox News, Biden made this commitment while addressing supporters at a "Black Voters for Biden-Harris" rally in Philadelphia.


He stressed the importance of appointing justices who could influence the Court's decisions on crucial issues. The current Supreme Court has a 6-3 conservative majority, which has significantly affected recent rulings on abortion and gun rights.


Biden Stresses the Importance of Supreme Court Nominations

Biden highlighted the likelihood of multiple Supreme Court retirements in the next four years. Conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, aged 75 and 74 respectively, may soon retire. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, a progressive, is nearing 70, which could shift the Court's balance.


After Justice Antonin Scalia's death, Biden's remarks echoed former President Trump's campaign strategy. Trump emphasized the importance of Supreme Court nominations to rally his base.


Biden previously fulfilled his promise to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court, appointing Ketanji Brown Jackson. This nomination followed Justice Stephen Breyer's retirement, marking a significant milestone in Biden's presidency.


Jill Biden Warns of Consequences Of Trump's Re-Election

First Lady Jill Biden expressed her concerns on "The View." She warned about the potential loss of rights if Trump were re-elected and emphasized the critical role of the Supreme Court in safeguarding these rights.


"We will lose all of our rights," Jill Biden said. "We cannot take things for granted, and think of the Supreme Court for God’s sake. Talk about things getting worse? Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court? No!"


Biden's campaign focuses on preventing further conservative appointments. His strategy aims to maintain and enhance progressive influence on the Court. This approach is crucial for addressing key legal precedents and rights.



President Biden's pledge to nominate progressive justices if re-elected underscores the critical importance of Supreme Court appointments in shaping the nation's legal landscape.


His remarks at the Philadelphia rally highlight the potential for upcoming retirements to alter the Court's balance. First Lady Jill Biden's warnings on "The View" emphasize the high stakes of the upcoming election.


The closely contested race between Biden and Trump will determine the future composition of the Supreme Court and its impact on key legal precedents. Biden's commitment to progressive judicial appointments aims to safeguard and advance important rights and values.

Capitalism Institute



Washington Post Lie?

The Trump campaign, however, has dismissed the WaPo report as “fake news.”

Former US President and current Republican candidate Donald Trump has told campaign donors that he “would have bombed” Moscow and Beijing if they’d attacked Ukraine and Taiwan respectively on his watch, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday, citing sources.


According to numerous donors, advisers and other people close to him, the former president has ramped up his fundraising campaign rhetoric ahead of his likely rematch with incumbent Joe Biden in the upcoming November election.


Trump, who regularly addresses foreign policy topics at such events, reportedly claimed that he would have bombed the Russian capital in response to its Ukraine campaign, and prescribed the same response to a hypothetical Chinese move to assert its sovereignty over Taiwan. These remarks “surprised” his donors, according to the Washington Post.


Former President Trump is also said to have made a “series of audacious requests” to solicit significant campaign contributions at funding events, as he has reportedly promised tax cuts, approvals for oil infrastructure projects, and other policies that his donors might appreciate.


Some legal experts interviewed by the Washington Post noted that such promises and requests are “testing the boundaries of federal campaign finance laws.”

Trump is no stranger to hardline rhetoric, famously threatening North Korea with “fire and fury” when tensions over Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programs flared in 2017. On the Ukraine conflict, however, he had earlier promised to settle hostilities within just 24 hours if reelected by sitting down with both Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Much more DETAIL here:

RT – Russian TV


Better Build Biden - Sat on a Wall

Better Build Biden - Had a Great Fall

November will show - How Great was that FALL!


Trump Mocks Biden’s PA Rally with Tiny Crowd in Empty Gymnasium:

Former President Donald Trump ridiculed Joe Biden’s campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Wednesday as pictures emerged showing predictably scant attendance.


Biden held a campaign rally at the Girard College, a majority black prep school in Philadelphia, to launch a “nationwide effort to mobilize Black voters.”


“Our campaign believes that Black voters deserve to hear from Team Biden-Harris, and they deserve to have their vote earned, not assumed,” the campaign said ahead of the event.


“No campaign has valued Black voters like we have, including through investing earlier and with more money than ever before talking to Black voters.”

But photos from the event showed a pitiful reception that’s become a signature of Biden’s anemic campaign.


And that’s despite Biden pulling all the stops including bringing on Sesame Street’s Elmo and a marching band to the campaign event. Trump has been gaining ground among black and Hispanic voters while campaigning in traditionally blue areas like the Bronx and New Jersey in recent weeks.


In fact, national polling averages reveal support among black voters has collapsed for Biden while at the same time shifting big in favor of Trump.

The shift has been so dramatic that CNN warned that Trump is poised to clinch the 2024 election with 291 Electoral College votes if his surge in support among black voters alone remains steady heading into November.

More details at the above LINK:


Stefanik Accuses Judge in Trump's Case of Misconduct Amid Deliberations:

 May 29, 2024

GOP Congresswoman Elise Stefanik has lodged a formal complaint against the judge overseeing Donald Trump’s hush money trial.

According to Daily Mail, Elise Stefanik, who has been mentioned as a potential vice-presidential candidate for Donald Trump, has taken a significant step by filing a misconduct complaint against Justice Juan Merchan.

The complaint alleges bias in his assignment to Trump-related cases, suggesting that the process may not have been as random as required.

Stefanik filed this complaint with the inspector general of the New York State Unified Court System, highlighting concerns over Merchan's impartiality given his history of political donations to Democrats, including Joe Biden.


Details of the Complaint and Its Implications

Justice Juan Merchan is not new to the spotlight, having previously presided over the Trump Organization's criminal trial and set to oversee the upcoming case against Steve Bannon.

Stefanik’s complaint brings into question the integrity of the judicial assignment process, citing Merchan's repeated involvement in cases related to Trump and his associates as potentially influenced by his political affiliations.

Stefanik articulated her concerns forcefully in the complaint, stating:

The potential misconduct pertains to the repeated assignment of Acting Justice Juan Merchan, a Democrat Party donor, to criminal cases related to President Donald J. Trump and his allies. One cannot help but suspect that the 'random selection' at work in the assignment of Acting Justice Merchan, a Democrat Party donor, to these cases involving prominent Republicans, is in fact not random at all.


Current Status of Trump’s Hush Money Trial

The timing of Stefanik's complaint coincides with the jury deliberations in Trump's hush money trial, where he is accused of falsifying business records to cover up a $130,000 payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels.

This payment was allegedly made to prevent Daniels from disclosing an affair during the 2016 presidential campaign, potentially influencing the election outcome.


During closing arguments, prosecutors painted a picture of deliberate deceit by Trump aimed at manipulating the electoral process. Conversely, Trump’s defense has challenged the credibility of the prosecution’s main witness, Michael Cohen, portraying him as unreliable and biased against Trump.


The trial's stakes are high, with Trump facing 34 felony counts, which could result in significant prison time, although actual incarceration is unlikely for a first-time offender.

Moreover, the trial’s outcome could have profound implications for Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign, which he claims is being targeted by these legal proceedings as a political strategy by his opponents.


As the jury deliberates, the complaint by Stefanik introduces a new dimension to the already complex legal and political narrative surrounding Donald Trump. The claims of judicial bias and the integrity of the judicial assignment process are serious and could have implications beyond just this trial. As the legal battles unfold, the intersection of law, politics, and public perception continues to shape the narrative around one of the most controversial figures in modern American political history.

Capitalism Ibstitute

David YEO:


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David YEO

DONALD TRUMP is now a convicted felon:

Late yesterday afternoon, a jury of 12 in Manhattan found Trump guilty of all 34 charges of falsifying business records brought by DA ALVIN BRAGG, who in March 2023 became the first prosecutor in America to criminally charge the former president. Read the historic verdict sheet


There was a strange symmetry in how Republicans and Democrats greeted the news. Trump and his allies attacked the legal system and called the decision a travesty of justice. Democrats said it proved nobody is above the law.

But the two sides agreed on the big picture.

“The real verdict is going to be Nov. 5 by the people,” Trump said in a stormy appearance after court.

JOE BIDEN was in Delaware and remained silent. But his campaign echoed Trump. “[T]oday's verdict does not change the fact that the American people face a simple reality,” MICHAEL TYLER, the communications director, said in a statement. “There is still only one way to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office: at the ballot box.”


GOP TENSIONS: The Trump campaign is trying to convince the GOP that nominating a felon will have no electoral consequences. In a memo, Trump’s pollsters claimed they polled the seven swing states and found “President Trump’s lead fell by two net points among those asked how they would vote if he was convicted.” TONY FABRIZIO and TRAVIS TUNIS dismissed that finding as “insignificant.”

Some Republicans we pinged last night say they are finding the same kind of shrug from their constituents. “Just got off phone with centrist/indy in my district and they called it a kangaroo court,” Rep. NANCY MACE (R-S.C.) told Playbook when we questioned whether the lack of GOP concern over the conviction wasn’t a tad performative.

Other Republicans were taking a more data-centric view. KARL ROVE said on Fox News that “if [Trump] is found guilty, let’s not underestimate that there is a problem.”

The most common reaction we heard from Hill Republicans was that nobody really knows the political effect and that everyone is waiting for more hard numbers before freaking out.

“I’m skeptical of the ‘a felony conviction helps Trump’ narrative,” said a senior GOP Senate aide. “Just look at Rove’s comments. But It will help with the base obviously, just like the raid did. Unclear how it will affect swing voters.”

A senior House GOP aide crystallized the most common view. “People just think it's all bullshit,” he said. “But folks at the strategic level will listen to polling. To expand, I think Trump has a million warts. They're baked in. Jan 6th was 100X this. No one needs another character flaw to oppose him. But when it comes to who'll make you better off, this changes none of that.”

DEM DIVISIONS: What’s interesting is that that characterization from the House GOP aide comes very close to the Biden world’s view of the guilty conviction’s political effect. Biden aides spent this week lecturing the media for devoting too much coverage to the trial. When the conviction came yesterday, the campaign stuck to this the-trial-isn’t-that-important stance.

“Convicted felon or not, Trump will be the Republican nominee for president,” the campaign statement said.

Wait, doesn’t it matter quite a bit if the GOP nominee is a convicted felon or not?

What makes this position harder to understand is that the Biden campaign tells us that it would like to be talking about Trump’s threat to democracy instead. But Trump getting convicted of trying to cheat in the 2016 election somehow doesn’t make the cut when it comes to that argument.

While the entire Republican Party has a unified position that the verdict is illegitimate (save for LARRY HOGAN, who immediately paid the price) the Democrats remain hesitant about what and how much to say about it.

Biden aides told us last night that there are three reasons for the hands-off approach: 

(1) There’s no need to spike the football when the conviction is already dominating the news; 

(2) polling suggests the race will turn on other issues, so seizing on the conviction could be a trap; and 

(3) they can always readjust if the conviction somehow turns into more of an anchor for Trump.

Other Democrats look at this same set of facts and see a missed opportunity.

Former Obama aide DAN PFEIFFER wrote last night that he doubts the polls will move much, that the docs case and the Jan. 6 case are likely more relevant to voters and that the case could fade into irrelevance. But he comes to a different conclusion than the Biden campaign. “I am not arguing that a conviction won’t matter,” he said. “I am arguing that we must make the case against sending a convicted felon back to the White House.”

HOW TO READ THE POLLS: There are two takeaways from the many pieces about the polls out today: (1) Don’t trust the polls that ask voters what they might do if Trump is convicted. “People are very bad at putting themselves into an alternative reality and predicting how they’re going to respond to some set of facts in an alternative reality,” MARK MELLMAN told us recently. “They have a hard enough time predicting what they are going to have for dinner tonight, let alone how they’re going to react to some new situation.” (2) In a closely divided election that could, like 2016 and 2020, be decided by just tens of thousands of votes — basically a football stadium — of course a felony conviction could matter. Anything could matter. 

The nerdier polling case for why this may be particularly important is this: Biden’s most conspicuous weakness is with previously Democratic-leaning young and nonwhite voters and with less-engaged voters brought into the system by Trump. Trump being a felon could push these groups to Biden.

Ignoring our own rule No. 1, NYT’s Nate Cohn notes that these are exactly the voters who told pollsters a conviction would give them pause: “almost all of the unusual demographic patterns among young, nonwhite and irregular voters disappear when voters are asked how they would vote if Mr. Trump were convicted.”

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: Justice JUAN MERCHAN scheduled Trump’s sentencing for July 11, four days before the start of the Republican convention. The former president will have to meet with a probation officer who will conduct an interview to compile information for a pre-sentencing report.

Opinions are wildly divergent about whether Trump will face jail time. The hawks believe Trump’s bad behavior during the trial — his multiple citations for criminal contempt, his attacks on the legal process, his lack of remorse for his crimes and his many indictments in three other jurisdictions — would weigh in favor of a prison sentence were Trump anyone else.

A wide array of punishments are available to Merchan: prison, community service, fines, home confinement, etc. All the legal analysts seem to agree that any potential sentence would be stayed pending Trump’s appeals, which would likely be unresolved until after the election.

All of which means that the big hypothetical question pollsters should now be asking is not whether you would vote for a candidate who is convicted of a felony, but: Would you vote for one who has been sentenced to prison?

We will have six weeks to speculate about the political impact of that possibility.

For more about the trial and its aftermath, listen to this week’s Playbook Deep Dive podcast, in which Ryan talks to Kyle Cheney and Ankush Khardori about the case: Apple … Spotify

Happy Friday. Thanks for reading Playbook. Drop us a line: Rachael BadeEugene DanielsRyan Lizza.

A message from PhRMA:

The 340B drug pricing program is supposed to help vulnerable patients access medicines at qualifying hospitals and clinics. It’s meant to be a safety net for those who really need it. So why is the 340B program padding profits for large hospitals, PBMs and chain pharmacies? Let’s fix 340B so it can help the patients that need it most. Let’s fix 340B.


Crime and punishment: “There’s a real possibility Trump can’t vote in November,” by Ben Feuerherd: “Florida, like most states, restricts the ability of people with felony convictions to vote. But the state restores the right to vote for most convicted felons after they complete all aspects of their sentence.”

The legal take: “Trump Bungled the Trial,” by Ankush Khardori: “They made a series of significant strategic and tactical errors before [MICHAEL COHEN] even took the stand that appeared likely to be the product of Trump — the client’s — decision-making.”

The political take: “Trump needs to win votes from people who despise him. That just got harder,” by John F. Harris: “[M]any voters who don’t much like Biden received an emphatic, unambiguous reminder of why they don’t like Trump. The movement of even a small percentage of voters … could echo decisively through the balance of the race.”

Inside the courtroom: “Trump was smiling. Then the whiplash hit,” by Kyle Cheney and Erica Orden: “The trial was over. And minutes later, the jury was gone. … The most jarring aspect of the moment was its mundane efficiency.”

Inside the campaigns: “Biden campaign on Trump guilty verdict: He still could win,” by Jonathan Lemire, Myah Ward and Elena Schneider: “The message from the president’s team was more of a warning to Democrats not to get carried away.” … “Trump tries to spin guilty into gold,” by Lisa Kashinsky and Jessica Piper: “The former president has proven adept at fundraising off his legal troubles.


On the Hill

The Senate and the House are out.

What we’re watching … The longstanding divide between the House GOP’s MAGA-minded partisans and the Senate GOP’s more circumspect conservatives persisted in the immediate aftermath of yesterday’s Trump verdict — and we expect it will continue over the weekend. Compare Speaker MIKE JOHNSON’s reaction, tendered at 5:10 p.m., that talked about “shameful charges,” an “absurd verdict” and a “shameful day in American history” to Senate Majority Leader MITCH McCONNELL’s terse posting nearly four hours later: “These charges never should have been brought in the first place. I expect the conviction to be overturned on appeal.” Quicker on the draw were would-be successors JOHN CORNYNRICK SCOTT and JOHN THUNE (who was delayed by an apparent lack of in-flight wifi).

At the White House

Biden will start and end the day in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. In between, he’ll return to the White House (via Dover Air Force Base) to meet with Belgian PM ALEXANDER DE CROO at 2:30 p.m. and welcome the Super Bowl champions Kansas City Chiefs for a South Lawn celebration at 4:15 p.m.

VP KAMALA HARRIS will start and end the day in LA. In between, she’ll travel to San Diego to speak at a political event at 6:40 p.m. Eastern.


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BIDEN GOES THERE — After weeks of mounting pressure from Kyiv, Europe and Capitol Hill, the Biden administration has given Ukraine the green light to strike within Russia using American-made weapons, Erin Banco, Alex Ward and Lara Seligman scooped. It’s a momentous decision that the White House is also keeping very limited in scope, for fear of escalation with Moscow: It applies only near Kharkiv, where Russia is mounting a major offensive, not deeper into the country. The U.S. hope is that Ukraine will be able to take out Russian missiles heading for Kharkiv. Civilian infrastructure is still off the table as a target.

Loosening the restrictions will provide Ukraine with added “military value,” one senior Pentagon official told members of Congress earlier this month, Lara, Connor O’Brien and Alex scooped. That was “even before the Kharkiv campaign began.” And the shifting front lines of the war this month gave U.S. military officials more grist to argue for easing up.

2024 WATCH

SIREN FOR BIDEN — A new Emerson poll of New York finds Biden beating Trump by 7 points, or just 6 with third-party candidates included. The Empire State’s midterm results, and the changing coalitions of the two major parties, make this a bit less of a surprise. But still, Biden barely outside the margin of error in New York is striking.

And the latest national poll from NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist has Biden winning by 2 among registered voters head to head, but Trump jumps to a 4-point lead in a wider field. Notably, it’s JILL


STEIN and CORNEL WEST, not ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR., dragging Biden down.



COUNTER-PROGRAMMING — Trump and Kennedy are both expected to have live town halls on X and NewsNation, Axios’ Sara Fischer reports.


CASH DASH — Florida Gov. RON DeSANTIS is aiming to pull in at least $10 million for Trump at a series of fundraisers tapping into his donor base later this year, per NBC’s Matt Dixon.




RECUSAL REFUSAL — “Chief Justice Rejects Call for Alito’s Recusal in Jan. 6 Cases After Flag Incidents,” by NYT’s Abbie VanSickle: “The justices make those calls on their own, Chief Justice [JOHN] ROBERTS wrote in a letter to Democratic senators. … The chief justice also rejected a request to meet with Democratic senators to discuss ethics.”


In a podcast interview with The New Republic’s Greg Sargent out this morning, Sen. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE (D-R.I.) says he thinks Senate Judiciary hearings on the matter would be appropriate, but realistically they can’t force the justices to appear. Whitehouse also indicates that as they probe Trump’s conversations with oil executives, it potentially “may be appropriate to refer the matter to the Department of Justice.”



INCOMING ON IMMIGRATION — The big White House crackdown on immigration — including a controversial move to close the border to asylum-seekers when numbers get too high — could come as soon as Tuesday, AP’s Colleen Long and Seung Min Kim report. The plans for Biden’s executive order are in their final stages (though not done yet), as he seeks to stake out both tough-on-immigration political ground and the policy space to take action if border crossings spike later this year. Some of the policies could come directly “directly from a stalled bipartisan Senate border deal,” and echo Trump’s conservative moves as the U.S. has shifted right on immigration.

Another idea for helping slow the flow of migrants: getting Greece and Italy involved. CBS’ Camilo Montoya-Galvez scooped that the U.S. plans to reroute some Latin American immigrants processed through Safe Mobility Offices to Europe instead — though the numbers would be small, perhaps fewer than 1,000 total. Canada and Spain already accept some immigrants this way too.


KICKING OFF TODAY — Defense Secretary LLOYD AUSTIN will meet with Chinese counterpart DONG JUN in Singapore at an annual conferenceBloomberg’s Philip Heijmans previews.

THE BEST-LAID PLANS — “How America Inadvertently Created an ‘Axis of Evasion’ Led by China,” by WSJ’s Ian Talley and Rosie Ettenheim: “Western sanctions and export controls ... have inadvertently birthed a global shadow economy tying together democracy’s chief foes, with Washington’s primary adversary, China, at the center.”

MIDDLE EAST LATEST — The Houthi rebels have again stepped up attacks on ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, and the U.S. and U.K. responded yesterday by hitting more than a dozen facilities in Yemen, AP’s Lolita Baldor reports.


POLL POSITION — new set of polls from the Cook Political Report/GS Strategies/BSG Swing State Project shows Democrats leading in five key Senate races — from 2 points in Michigan to 12 points in Wisconsin. These are the same polls that found Biden struggling against Trump. Some of the Senate Democratic incumbents’ strength can be attributed to greater name recognition than their opponents (nobody is above 50 percent), Amy Walter writes. But not all of it. Notably, the presidential/Senate discrepancy is almost entirely due to low-information/unengaged voters.

WHAT THE DSCC IS READING — “How Republicans in Key Senate Races Are Flip-Flopping on Abortion,” by NYT’s Jess Bidgood and Lisa Lerer


THE TAXMAN COMETH — The Inflation Reduction Act’s massive infusion of funding into the IRS will pay new dividends for taxpayers in the coming years, as the agency announced that it will make its free, step-by-step tax filing program permanent, per CNN’s Katie Lobosco. In its pilot season, Direct File was used by 140,000 people across 12 states this year, and it will ramp up access over the next few years, starting with at least some taxpayers in every state in 2025.

The optional program amounts to a direct government competitor to TurboTax and other private services, which charge significant fees for users to file their taxes easily. It’s a win for progressive and populist Democrats eager to have the federal government provide more visible solutions directly to consumers. On the flip side, as CNN notes, “Republicans, concerned that small businesses and the middle class could be targeted by IRS auditors, have made several efforts to chip away at the agency’s funding.”

More top reads:

The POLITICO Playbook




Post by Eric Weinstein on X:

What has happened to ‘We The PEOPLE’?

Comment on X

Danna Warren



Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!




In my opinion it appeared that Tiers 1 and 2 have been funded and Bond Holders may have received liquidity on Wed. 29 May – the same day they finalized regulations for the Global Currency Reset. Tier 3 was apparently under Non Disclosure Agreements so they may already have liquidity. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) could be notified for exchange appointments any time from Sat. 1 June to Tues. 4 June, with a final D Day of Thurs. 6 June. The Tier4b exchange/ bond redemption process was hoped to be finished by Sat. 15 June and if not, there was a back wall date of Thurs. 4 July when it was believed that the GCR would be announced to the General Public.

  • ·        Thurs. 30 May 2024 Wolverine: “Beautiful news came through this morning that we were going to start tomorrow Fri. 31 May. We’ve heard this before but I’m praying that it becomes a reality tomorrow. It is a process which should be finished by June 15th. Thurs. 6 June is D Day.”

  • ·        Thurs. 30 May 2024 Bruce (by Sue): High Sources says 800 numbers today or tomorrow Fri. 31 May and could kick off on Sat. 1 June.   

  • ·        Thurs. 30 May 2024 Bank Story, Anon: “Today at 3am my wife got a text message from Santander Bank stating that her Google pay setup using the Santander Card had been cancelled. I spoke to the tech support and asked him are you on QFS? He said yes they are on Quantum Financial System. That Santander was on the QFS was very exciting news.”


Global Financial Crisis:


Restored Republic and Sovereign Nations of the World: 


Global Martial Law, Ground Command, and the Rise of CARE: By Medeea Greere 26 May 2024

  • ·        The World as we know it stands under the oppressive shadow of international martial law, orchestrated not by individual nations but by the figure of Ground Command.

  • ·        Governments are now grappling for the remnants of their sovereignty, while once-almighty institutions like the IMF, UN, World Bank, and WEF have fallen into irrelevance. In their wake, a newly restructured Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and the emergence of CARE are poised to reshape the world as we know it.

  • ·        But what does this seismic shift entail, and how does it affect the global financial landscape? We will delve into the details of these remarkable developments, shining a light on the imminent restructuring of the IRS, the abrupt dismissal of influential figures like Janet Yellen, and the looming handover of assets by the US Federal Reserve and Treasury.


Crossfire Hurricane (FBI investigation) into Donald J TRUMP

– a Deep State cover story.

  • ·        The real truth (I have said the before. As did 107): The Deep State, Obama, Clinton’s CIA Globalist wanted the NUCLEAR CODES and used Crossfire hurricane investigations as a Segway to get to Trump and try to oust him

  • ·        (THIS WAS THE FULL [DS] MILITARY BEGINNINGS COUP with CIA/ FBI and intelligence operations against Trump).

  • ·        The Mar a Lago raid was the attempt to get the Nuclear Codes from Trump because the CIA, Rockefellers, Clintons wanted to Nuke Russia.

  • ·        That’s a part of reason Trump was placed as president: to collect the Nuclear Codes. Since Trump got control of the Nuclear Codes he closed Cheyenne Mountain. Biden, Obama and the CIA were all blocked and prohibited from going to that Military Base that controlled the Nuclear U.S. operations.

  • ·        California Patriots, be careful as I have warned of planned Massive Earthquake for the West Coast slated for 2024.

  • ·        Warning for DC: The Deep State was planning a false flag inside job terrorist attack or biological weapon attack to shut down DC for the 2024 ELECTIONS.

  • ·        TRUMP has put Presidential Executive Orders in place for counter measures if DC was ever attacked .


Unveiling a tangled web of covert operations:                           

  • ·        CIA’s Role: The CIA has been involved in the overthrow of over 70 countries worldwide, exerting its influence behind the scenes.

  • ·        Unprecedented Coup: The United States finds itself embroiled in an open, overt coup, as the DNC and Deep State initiate plans to seize military power from Trump, sparking a power struggle.

  • ·        CCP Turmoil: Xi Jinping takes drastic measures by arresting CCP officials, firing generals, and purging the military, all in anticipation of the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party.

  • ·        German Leak: Military plans for World War III are leaked in Germany, leading to investigations and panic within their own military agencies.

  • ·        Trump’s Comeback: EU countries are preparing “silent cabinets” to align with Trump’s imminent return, signaling a seismic shift in global politics.

  • ·        Warning from Klaus Schwab’s Second-in-Command: Yuval Noah Harari sends an alarming message to Davos, claiming that Trump’s re-election will deal a devastating blow to the global order.

  • ·        The Great Awakening: Over two billion people worldwide are part of the Great Awakening, a massive military alliance operation dedicated to dismantling the globalist Deep State Cabal system.

  • ·        Strange Connections: A mind-boggling coincidence arises as coordinates from a Miami mall incident match those of Antarctica when flipped upside down. Mysteries deepen.

  • ·        Jamie Dimon’s Betrayal: CEO of JP Morgan Chase Bank Jamie Dimon abruptly turns against the DNC, defends MAGA, and challenges NATO. The unexpected shift raises questions about what transpired at the Davos group gathering.

  • ·        A Promise from Trump: Trump declares that he will not create a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), but speculation mounts that plans could change in late 2025, involving the USSF and Elon Musk.

  • ·        Vivek Ramaswamy’s Revelation: Former presidential candidate and billionaire Vivek Ramaswamy’s alleged shadow campaign for Trump comes to light, potentially leading to his involvement in the Trump administration.

  • ·        DeSantis Endorses Trump: As predicted, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis endorses Trump, aligning with military intelligence operations and the Devolution Plan.

  • ·        Globalist Exposed: The worldwide exposure of globalist agendas hampers their attempts to regain power, as the Great Awakening operations gain momentum.

  • ·        Nikki’s Fate: Trump’s influence looms large as Nikki faces a challenging battle. Meanwhile, rumors circulate about Michelle Obama’s potential presidential run, with the Rock potentially endorsing her candidacy.

  • ·        Rogan and Trump: Against expectations, Joe Rogan endorses Trump, and preparations are underway for Trump to appear on Rogan’s podcast—conflicting earlier statements were merely strategic maneuvers.

  • ·        2024 Disclosure Leaks: Get ready for a deluge of real disclosures, unveiling shocking revelations, causing panic within the deep dark operations of DARPA, the CIA, and the Bush-Obama military-industrial regime.

  • ·        Stay tuned as these unprecedented events continue to unfold and shape the fate of our world.


Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • ·        U.S. Central Command acknowledged that four ships from the humanitarian pier support team in the Gaza Strip had broken off their moorings, with two of them washed ashore nearby. Another was stranded off the coast of the city of Ashdod. The ship sent to rescue it was also stranded. What a shameful disaster! Was it man-made?

  • ·        The US has given Ukraine permission to use transferred air defense systems to shoot down Russian missiles or fighter jets over Russian territory, stating there are no restrictions.


Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

  • ·        In 2019 Bill Gates backed the first high-altitude experiment of one radical climate change solution—creating a massive chemical cloud that could cool the Earth. It’s called solar geo-engineering.” “But it also comes with significant risks and uncertainties: Things like mass famine, mass flooding, drought. It could eradicate blue sky. You have less direct light, which is the same thing as saying it looks hazy and white.”

The Real News for Thurs. 30 May 2024:


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