Summary as I am able:
6-27-22 Monday
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💥Thoughts for TODAY!
For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.
Isaiah 41:13 KJV
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:20 KJV
You will become the thing for which you keep showing up.
“Believe in yourself” and “Never give up” are motivational clichés. They sound good, but they give you no real action to take.
Do you want to succeed? Just keep showing up.
We hear a lot about the value of persistence and determination, but the way to demonstrate those qualities is to just keep showing up.
The most important time to show up, is when you don’t feel like showing up.
When everyone else has dropped out, faded away, and quit, you are the king of the mountain.
In his final speech at the end of his long and wonderful life, Paul Harvey talked about the importance of never failing to show up. He said, “Repetition is effective. Repetition is effective. Repetition is effective.”
When you want your company to be the one people think of immediately and feel the best about when they need what you sell, just keep showing up. It’s easy to do. The problem is that most advertisers will choose to reach 100% of the people, but convince them only 10% of the way, due to not enough repetition.
They didn’t “show up” long enough to become a permanent fixture in the mind.
That same money could have convinced 10% of the people 100% of the way, but most advertisers aren’t willing to do that because they worry about who they are “leaving out.”
I’ve got news for you: You don’t have enough money to reach everyone. Limit your focus to only that number of people you can reach with relentless repetition.
Keep showing up.
- It works in relationships. - It works in business. - It works in advertising.
Just. Keep. Showing. Up.
Roy H. Williams
PASTOR: Jack Hibbs:
“Speak to the people all the words of this life.’” Acts 5:20
Never in human history have people been so busy saying so much that, in the end, means so little. From morning to night, we make phone calls and texting. Our cars have become extensions of our offices, and even in-flight airline passengers are able to talk to those on the ground. The business of life is unavoidable, but what about the most important business of all… that of our Father? Jesus said, “I must be about My Father’s business.” (Luke 2:49) If the Son of God considered this His number one interest, so should we. Personally, I have discovered that God delights in answering my prayers to send me where He bids. And when I get there, I find great fulfillment in speaking what He has placed on my heart. But sharing the “words of life” isn’t only for pastors, quite the opposite. You, dear believer, have something powerful to say because Jesus Christ has touched your life [Pastor: Jack Hibbs]

Made to Be a Kingdom:
Pentecost and Babel [are they connected?]
Listen on Apple Podcasts
The hosts continue their conversation about the Old Testament connections with Pentecost. This time, they focus on Pentecost as the healing of Babel's divisions AND the sickness that preceded it. They also talk about why it is the perfect remedy for our own age, which is both divided and sick.Enjoy the show!
Fr. Harry Linsinbigler, Fr. Anthony Perkins, and Ancient Faith Ministries [Eastern Orthodox]
[Patrick Bestall]

American Standard Version Behold, the days come, saith Jehovah, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.
Since I've been using the Orthodox Study Bible, I keep finding some very interesting differences between bibles based on the Septuagint (Greek based text) vs. Masoretic (Hebrew based text). And again, I have to point out that Greek was the language of the realm at the time of Jesus, not Latin which replaced it a few centuries later. So, Jesus and his followers carried around the Old Testament Septuagint translated from Hebrew a few hundred years earlier, and they wrote the New Testament in Greek. After Jesus, the Jews re-translated the old Hebrew (it was already a dead language), and they wanted to change some words to avoid the obvious implication that Jesus was the Messiah, son of a virgin and son of God.
So, I was surprised to see that in my Orthodox Study Bible, it said "a righteous Orient" instead of "a righteous Branch". Well! That's a big difference. The commentary explained that Orient means star from the east. Well! I could not find this translation in all the popular translations listed by Bible Hub. But I did find this:
Aramaic Bible in Plain English Behold, the days are coming, says LORD JEHOVAH, and I shall raise up to David the brilliance of righteousness, and he shall reign in the Kingdom, and he shall be understanding, and he shall perform judgment and righteousness in the earth
And this:
Branch. Sprout from the root, not from. branch. Compare Isaiah 11:1; Isaiah 53:2. Here, Hebrew. zemach. The name of the brightest star in the Zodiac sign "Virgo". See App-12. See notes on the Structure of the Four Gospels. Compare Jeremiah 33:15.
Must READ!
Now isn't that interesting? The Hebrew word "zemach" comes from the brightest star in the Zodiac sign "Virgo" or Virgin.
It seems that the Aramaic and Hebrew are not prophesying a "branch", but really a shoot, that will spring up from a virgin. How cool is that?
This could mean a lot to Jews in the future who read Jeremiah 23:5. If the Messiah is not an ordinary branch off of the royal line of King David, but a sprout [Nazarat – meaning shoot from the Root, not the trunk of the tree] from the root appearing like the star from the east which represents a virgin...their Messiah can't be someone who is yet to appear!
That's all for now. Over and out.
Loving God's Word, [Patrick Bestall]
AFC Newsletter - June 24, 2022:
Please forward this Newsletter to others.
There is strength in numbers
“Disagreement is not oppression. Argument is not assault. Words
– even provocative or repugnant ones – are not violence. The answer
to speech we do not like is more speech.”
~ Douglas Murray ~

Russia Strikes Kyiv Residential Building Ahead of G7 Summit:
Russian missiles struck a residential building and the compound of a kindergarten in central Kyiv on Sunday, killing one person and wounding five more, officials said, as Moscow stepped up its air strikes on Ukraine for a second day.
Firefighters put out a fire in a badly damaged nine-story residential building in the central Shevchenkivskiy district, the emergency services said. Debris was strewn over parked cars outside a smoldering building with a crater in its roof.
"They [rescuers] have pulled out a seven-year-old girl. She is alive. Now they're trying to rescue her mother," Kyiv's mayor Vitali Klitschko said.
"There are people under the rubble," Klitschko said on the Telegram messaging app. He added that several people had already been hospitalized.
At another site about 400 meters away, a Reuters photographer saw a large blast crater by a playground in a private kindergarten that had smashed windows. Some privately held storage garages in the area were completely destroyed.
Russia's defense ministry said it had used high-precision weapons to strike Ukrainian army training centers in the regions of Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, and Lviv, an apparent reference to strikes reported by Ukraine on Saturday.
There was no immediate comment about Sunday's strikes on Kyiv. Moscow denies targeting civilians. [NewsMax]

Assange Put on Suicide Watch After Patel Decision, Father Says:
After British Home Secretary Priti Patel signed Julian Assange’s extradition order on Friday the authorities in Belmarsh prison stripped Julian Assange and threw him into a completely empty cell in an attempt to prevent his suicide, Assange’s father has said.
It was just one more instance in which the prison humiliated his son, Shipton told a rally on Tuesday night at the offices of the junge Welt newspaper in Berlin. About 300 people attended, with an overflow crowd watching on close circuit TV in the courtyard.
“The ceaseless malice that has descended upon Julian, a deluge of malice, the strip-searching of Julian … this is the latest humiliation,” Shipton said. “The staff of the jail, their concern after hearing he has to be extradited to the United States, thought he may commit suicide. Their solution was to strip him naked and put him in a bare cell.”
Testimony was heard from expert defense witnesses during Assange’s extradition hearing that he might try to end his life in prison once he learned he was going to the United States.
It is not the end of the road for Assange legally, however. His lawyers have until July 1 to file for an appeal of Patel’s decision to the High Court. They also intend to apply for a cross appeal of issues such as the political nature of the charges, the threat to free speech and the reported C.I.A. plot to kidnap or kill Assange before his arrest.
Shipton and Gabriel Shipton, Assange’s brother, are in Berlin to lobby the German government to put pressure on the United States to drop the case against Assange.
On Monday, the Shipton(s) met with Tobias Lindner, the minister of state, at the German foreign ministry.
“It was a practical and appropriate step for Tobias to take, to welcome Julian Assange’s father and bother into the foreign ministry,” John Shipton said. “The invitation in itself and the meeting in the foreign ministry indicates that the German government is sincere in bringing about the freedom of Julian Assange.”
But Shipton said he would like to hear a public statement from Germany in support of his son. “We’d like Tobias to confirm what he’s said.”
A German government spokesman on Monday said however that Germany was unlikely to intervene with either the U.K. or the U.S. “This is a legal process that is already in motion, so I would be a little wary of political intervention,” he said, the French Press Agency (AFP) reported.
Note to readers:Please click the share buttons above or below. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.
Joe Lauria is editor-in-chief of Consortium News and a former U.N. correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, and numerous other newspapers, including The Montreal Gazette and The Star of Johannesburg. He was an investigative reporter for the Sunday Times of London, a financial reporter for Bloomberg News and began his professional work as a 19-year old stringer for The New York Times. He can be reached at and followed on Twitter @unjoe
Featured image: John and Gabriel Shipton at Berlin rally. (Joe Lauria)
The original source of this article is Consortiumnews [Global Research]

Druthers Absurdity of the Day (June issue):
• Tim Hortons Camps are requiring children, with a 99.9% survival rate from COVID-19, to get vaccinated in order to attend their camp.
• While the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario (CPSO) suspends the licenses of ethical doctors prescribing safe, approved, Nobel-prize winning off-label medications like ivermectin, a Toronto doctor, Dr. Sun, is being praised for injecting over 500 children between the ages of 6 months to 5 years with the unapproved mRNA shots. While Health Canada has not approved the shots for kids under 5, he is praised for putting “his neck on the line” for these children according to the Toronto Star. The CPSO inter viewed him about his actions but dismissed any concerns
Here we go again! 250,000 copies of the June 2022 issue of Druthers to be freely distributed all over Canada.
June will be our 19th issue. We started in December 2020 with 25,000 copies and in just 18 months, because of all your love, support & donations, we have printed and given away 4.4 million newspapers to people all across Canada! Read the current or past issues here. You can also subscribe to have your Druthers delivered to your door each month. [Patrick Bestall]

We need all PRAYER WARRIORS to pray with all your HEART, at this moment, for Dr. Madej, and join us on our Zoom Prayer Call this evening (details below).
Our beloved Dr. Madej was in an accident, and she and a loved one have suffered multiple injuries and broken bones. PRAISE Yahshua (Jesus) for shielding their life as they have both survived this terrible accident.
We call on Him to help heal our sister and her loved one, in the days and weeks ahead. Pray that the medical team will provide the best care possible to aid in their full recovery.
We know that Dr. Madej would have wanted us to move forward with the Call to Prayer scheduled for this evening, and so we will.
Please know that we will provide an update as soon as we can, as it's important for us to protect her privacy.
Prayer is the most precious gift and the most powerful action we can take at this time. We also know that with God, ALL THINGS are possible, including a full recovery!
Please know that the response time to emails will be delayed, as our focus needs to shift. We thank you in advance for your patience and heartfelt prayers. [Team Madej]
Call to Prayer
First Community Prayer Meeting
100 Spaces Open to Anyone Open To Pray
Come and Pray
Will be streamed on Instagram! Follow, like and share!
Time: Jun 27, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting (100 spots) Meeting ID: 853 8027 0603 Passcode: 433671 One tap mobile +16465588656,,85380270603#,,,,*433671# US (New York) +13126266799,,85380270603#,,,,*433671# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 853 8027 0603 Passcode: 433671 Find your local number:
Pro-abortion women threaten sex strike over Roe v. Wade reversal, pro-life Americans point out major flaw in liberals' abortion ultimatum: 'Your terms are acceptable':
Pro-abortion women are threatening to go on a sex strike following the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. However, pro-life Americans exposed a major flaw in the abortion ultimatum by liberals. In a rare instance, pro-life Americans completely agree with pro-abortion activists for them to practice abstinence.
The hashtags #SexStrike and #Abstinence trended on Twitter this weekend.
Here are just some of the dozens of sex strike threats made by pro-abortion women on Twitter:
· "Sex Strike starting immediately. No sex with cis straight conservative men. No sex with men who aren't supporting our rights and fighting for this to be fixed. No sex until Roe vs. Wade is viewed as a constitutional right."
· "I live in New York and I am DOUBLE FURIOUS with the Supreme Court . I want to find people who are coordinating a mass sex strike . That is our power."
· "I've had the urge to scream at the top of my lungs all day today.. and if you don’t know or understand why.. you’re probably part of the problem. I say we go on a sex strike."
· "Sex strike. Work strike. Spending strike. We’re not going to f*** you. We’re not doing your menial less-paid jobs. We’re not cleaning up your s**t. We’re not buying ANYTHING in your stores. You want to flex on women? Okay motherf***ers."
· "If i have no right to my body, men have no right to it either #SexStrike."
· "Womxn! Calling for a national #sexstrike No sex with men until women's rights are codified by law #Allmen #Underhiseye."
· "Perhaps a #sexstrike (also known as #abstinence) would help the men folk to be all in on this #womensrights issue."
· "In protest of the overturning of Roe V Wade every unmarried woman should go on a sex strike, stand up for what you believe in."
· "I just feel like if women went on a worldwide sex strike we could get a lot of stuff changed for our benefit."
· "They actually f***ing did it. They overturned Roe. Ladies, sex strike. Get all the plan B you can. The United States is a horror show. @USSupremeCourt You’re a joke. Useless. You are not for the American people AT ALL. I hope you never have another peaceful day in your lives."
However, pro-life Americans pointed out why the sex strike proposal completely backfires on liberals:
· "Do all these women who say they’re going on a sex strike realize that they’ve now solved their abortion problem?"
· "That moment when you realize if you go on #SexStrike you won’t need an abortion."
· "Nicely done ladies! Abstaining from sex prevents an unwanted pregnancy and abortion."
· "To people tweeting this, your terms are acceptable. We actually have no issue with you taking responsibility for once in your lives and not just having meaningless sex that ends with you taking an innocent human life."
· "I don’t understand the logic behind going on a #sexstrike. Who exactly are you hurting by doing this aside from yourself and your partner? And if you love abortions the world is probably better off if you don’t have sex anyway."
· "I am wondering if these ladies recognize that their pro-choice/abortion husbands would be the victims, while the pro-life husband and wives could protest this movement by simply having sex. Too Hilarious!"
· "Dear people with blue hair: You can’t go on a sex strike if no one wants to bang you to begin with."
Last month, "The View" host Joy Behar called on women to go on a sex strike to protest against a possible overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court, but the proposal by the 79-year-old was widely lampooned.
In 2021, 76-year-old Bette Midler threatened a sex strike, and that ultimatum was also mocked severely.
In 2019, actress Alyssa Milano proposed a sex strike until women are given their bodily autonomy back, but it blew up in her face.
[The BLAZE Media]

Home Made BIO-DIESEL in 5 (5 Min)
Knight: The Donald Pump vs Abortion PILL (5 Min)
Original Name (1 Min)
ROE vs WADE: Manufacturing Civil WAR (20 Min)
Doc Carrie Madej: Connects the METAVERSE, Covid JABS (81 Min)
The Sunshine Myth (1 Min)
Diesel Fuel: Shutting Down of America (9 Min)
CDN VACCINE Injury Program: Estimates Capped (9 Min)
RE-P0ST: Left & Right aka Red & Blue FREEMASONIC Control (13 Min)
More Lethal than the PILL (2 Min)
WILD F00D Foraging: Pine-Needle TEA (3 Min)
Stew & Steve: Sudden Kids Death Syndrome (5 Min)
Doc Brutally Honest (2 Min)
1967 Rare Recording: The Real Deep $TATE (14 Min)
Mikki's Documentary: Plandemic 3*Mass Formation (7 Min)

The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:
· Corruption in the US Judicial System and IRS was being exposed by Patriots “Barbie and Ken vs. Goliath IRS” case that was tied to a CNN reporter at the Jan. 6 break in of the US Capitol and Utah County prosecutor David Leavitt – up for re-election – who was under investigation by the Utah County Sheriff’s Office. Charlie Ward:
· The triple jabbed were more likely to hospitalize and face death, with high reports of AIDs, Cancer and Sepsis.
· 2020 Voter Fraud was being exposed with the “2000 Mules” Documentary:
· Mass Arrests were ongoing but taking longer than anticipated.
· The Truth About Monkeypox:
· Monkey Pox – Cover for AIDs Immune Deficiency Caused by Covid-19 & Vax:
· Little baby denied a heart transplant because no vax:
· Utah: A very small and young group of screaming Roe vs. Wade Protestors showed up Fri. night 24 June 2022 at the Utah State Capitol:
· Arizona, California: Pro-Abortion riots in Los Angeles California and Phoenix Arizona on Fri. 24 June 2022.
· Ten Arrested at Oregon Pro-Life Pregnancy Center During Violent ‘Night of Rage’ Protest:
· California Man Charged with Attempted Murder For Using Flamethrower on Police at Los Angeles Pro-Abortion ‘Night of Rage’ Riot:
