Monday 4-22-24
Verses for today:
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4:12 KJV
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV
Rejoice evermore.
1 Thessalonians 5:16 KJV
Not what our Straight Founders planned:
Trudeau’s 2024 budget includes $150 million to promote ‘2SLGBTQI+’ ideology at home and abroad:
The Trudeau government plans to expand ‘equity groups’ to include people who identify as ‘2SLGBTQ+’ and to spend tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to promote its ‘Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan’ and ‘embed’ LGBT issues in the Canadian government.
OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) — The Trudeau government’s 2024 budget features plans to spend tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to promote LGBT ideology at home and abroad and to expand “equity groups” in the workforce to include people who identify as “2SLGBTQI+.”
According to Canada’s 2024 Budget, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau intends to spend $150 million over 10 years and to expand the Employment Equity Act to further advance LGBT ideology.
“Following the recommendations of the Task Force, Budget 2024 announces the government’s intention to propose legislative amendments to modernize the Employment Equity Act, including by expanding designated equity groups,” the budget states.
Under Canada’s Employment Equity Act, women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities are included as those deserving of “special measures” by employers. However, the Trudeau government is now seeking to broaden that to add those who identify as “Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, [and] intersex,” as well as “additional [so-called] sexually and gender diverse people.”
Life Site News
Patrick Bestall
How WEAK is your Doctor?
Michael Alexander JD and Dr Mark Trozzi uncensored with Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson
I only had to watch five minutes of this video to wonder about my doctor's backbone, eyes and ears.
Alternative health therapists are looking better every day! They're not the ones pushing snake oil remedies. If we had any choice about who to pay for our healthcare this would be a different world. A much healthier and happier one.
Pray for it. Envision it. Vote for it. If it can happen in Florida and Alberta, it can happen here if we have the backbone, eyes and ears and mouths to speak up for it!
The first hour with Dr Mark Trozzi is about worldwide medical malpractice with Covid-19 treatment.
Around 1:02:30 - Lawyer, Michael Alexander wraps up. Around 1:19:20 - Canadian Senator Donald Neil Plett speaks out about the PM.
Around 1:23:28 - Dr Phil talks about the Chinese buying 100 sq miles of land near a Texas military base with wind towers 700 feet high.
Patrick Bestall
A warning for Dubai?
Globalists want Neom in Saudi Arabia to replace Dubai as the business and entertainment capitol of the Middle East. They have the tools to make it happen.
Similarly, big-ticket Saudi projects have so far failed to dent the Dubai real estate market. Prominent among those projects is Neom, a US $500 billion futuristic, 25,000 square kilometer desert city on the Red Sea.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) expects Neom, which seems more like a vignette in a science fiction novel than a real-world project, to become home to nine million people.
In addition, the new city’s slated to host the Middle East’s first international winter sports tournament in 2029. Neom takes a leaf out of Dubai’s marketing strategy that has successfully touted the Emirate’s projects in superlatives.
Patrick Bestall
An RC insight from XYX:
Sadly, anglophone bishops in Canada always look to the Archbishop of Toronto for cues on how to behave. They can sound like tough leaders within their dioceses, but they are actually sheep following another sheep: XYX (a former insider)
Patrick Bestall
Biologist wins Supreme Court case proving that the measles virus does not exist — Health & Wellness —
In a recent ruling, judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the measles virus does not exist. Furthermore, there is not a single scientific study in the world which could prove the existence of the virus in any scientific literature. This raises the question of what was actually injected into millions over the past few decades.
Not a single scientist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist or medical doctor has ever been able to establish a scientific foundation, not only for the vaccination of measles but any vaccination for infants, pregnant women, the elderly and even many adult subgroups.The fact that many vaccines are ineffective is becoming increasingly apparent. Merck was slapped with two separate class action lawsuits contending they lied about the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine in their combination MMR shot, and fabricated efficacy studies to maintain the illusion for the past two decades that the vaccine is highly protective.
Studies such as one published in the Human and Experimental Toxicology journal found a direct statistical correlation between higher vaccine doses and infant mortality rates. The study, Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?, was conducted by Gary S. Goldman and Neil Z. Miller who has been studying the dangers of vaccines for 25 years. MMR Vaccine
In the United States, children typically receive their mumps vaccination as part of the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises children to receive their first dose between 12 and 18 months, and their second between the ages of 4 and 6.Evidence has been published in the medical literature that vaccinated persons can get measles because either they do not respond to the vaccine or the vaccine's efficacy wanes over time and vaccinated mothers do not transfer long lasting maternal antibodies to their infants to protect them in the first few months of life.
Brian Hooker's published paper, is a comprehensive analysis of the CDC's own data from 2003 revealing a 340% increased risk of autism in African-American children following the MMR vaccine. Brian Hooker's research in the Translational Neurodegeneration Journal provides the most recent epidemiological evidence showing that African American males receiving the MMR vaccine prior to 24 months of age or 36 months of age are more likely to receive an autism diagnosis.
Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson confirmed that "the CDC knew about the relationship between the age of first MMR vaccine and autism incidence in African-American boys as early as 2003, but chose to cover it up." He remarked "we've missed ten years of research because the CDC is so paralyzed right now by anything related to autism. They're not doing what they should be doing because they're afraid to look for things that might be associated."
He alleges criminal wrongdoing by his supervisors, and he expressed deep regret about his role in helping the CDC hide data.Measles Virus Does Not ExistGerman biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka initially offered 100,000 euros to anyone who could provide scientific evidence that the measles virus existed. He had initially been ordered to pay up in court after Doctor David Bardens attempted to claim the prize after providing the biologist with a study that had been published in a medical journal. At that time, a Judge in the regional court in Ravensburg, South Germany, ruled in the favour of Dr. Bardens in a controversial decision claiming the criteria for evidence had been met.
The First Civil Senate of the BGH confirmed a judgment by the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart (OLG) on in February 2016. The sum of 100,000 euros which was offered as a reward for scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus did have to be paid to the plaintiff. The plaintiff also was ordered to bear all procedural costs.Five experts have been involved in the case and presented the results of scientific studies.
All five experts, including Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Podbielski who had been appointed by the OLG Stuttgart as the preceding court, have consistently found that none of the six publications which have been introduced to the trial, contains scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus.In the trial, the results of research into so-called genetic fingerprints of alleged measles virus have been introduced. Two recognised laboratories, including the world's largest and leading genetic Institute, arrived at exactly the same results independently. The results prove that the authors of the six publications in the measles virus case were wrong, and as a direct result all measles virologists are still wrong today:
They have misinterpreted ordinary constituents of cells as part of the suspected measles virus.Because of this error, during decades of consensus building process, normal cell constituents were mentally assembled into a model of a measles virus. To this day, an actual structure that corresponds to this model has been found neither in a human, nor in an animal. With the results of the genetic tests, all thesis of existence of measles virus has been scientifically disproved.
Comment: If this is true of the measles virus one has to wonder if it applies to other viruses as well. For more on this topic see: The Health & Wellness Show: Interview with Virus Mania author Dr. Claus Köehnlein
The authors of the six publications and all other persons involved, did not realise the error because they violated the fundamental scientific duty, which is the need to work "lege artis", i.e. in accordance with internationally defined rules and best practice of science. They did not carry out any control experiments. Control experiments would have protected authors and mankind from this momentous error. This error became the basis of belief in the existence of any disease-causing viruses. The expert appointed by the court, Prof. Dr. Dr. Podbielski, answering to the relevant question by the court, as per page 7 of the protocol explicitly confirmed that the authors did not conduct any control experiments.
The OLG Stuttgart overturned the judgment of the court of first instance, dismissed the action and referred, inter alia, to the central message of Prof. Podbielski with respect to the six publications. The plaintiff filed an appeal against the judgment of the OLG to the Supreme Court. As reason he stated his subjective, yet factually false perception of the trial sequence at the court in Stuttgart, and the assertion that our naming of facts about measles posed a threat to public health. The plaintiff's position was rejected by the Supreme Court in plain words. Thus, the Supreme Court confirmed the judgment of the OLG Stuttgart from February 16, 2016.
The six publications submitted in the trial are the main relevant publications on the subject of "measles virus." Since further to these six publications there not any other publications which would attempt by scientific methods to prove the existence of the measles virus, the Supreme Court judgment in the measles virus trial and the results of the genetic tests have consequences: Any national and international statements on the alleged measles virus, the infectivity of measles, and on the benefit and safety of vaccination against measles, are since then of no scientific character and have thus been deprived of their legal basis.
Upon enquiries which had been triggered by the measles virus contest, the head of the National Reference Institute for Measles at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Prof. Dr. Annette Mankertz, admitted an important fact. This admission may explain the increased rate of vaccination-induced disabilities, namely of vaccination against measles, and why and how specifically this kind of vaccination seems to increasingly trigger autism.Prof. Mankertz has admitted that the "measles virus" contains typical cell's natural components (ribosomes, the protein factories of the cell). Since the vaccination against measles contains whole "whole measles virus", this vaccine contains cell's own structures. This explains why vaccination against measles causes frequent and more severe allergies and autoimmune reactions than other types of vaccination.
The court expert Prof. Podbielski stated on several occasions that by the assertion of the RKI with regard to ribosomes in the measles virus, the thesis of existence of measles virus has been falsified.In the trial it was also put on record that the highest German scientific authority in the field of infectious diseases, the RKI, contrary to its legal remit as per 4 Infection Protection Act (IfSG), has failed to create tests for alleged measles virus and to publish these. The RKI claims that it made internal studies on measles virus, however refuses to hand over or publish the results.
SOTT – Signs Of The TIMES
Donna Warren
Liz Cheney is in tears after whistleblowers gave shocking details that crumbled the Democrats’ January 6 narrative:
Democrats and their allies in the press have called the Capitol Hill riot an armed insurrection.
But they have shown a shocking lack of curiosity as to what happened on that day.
And Liz Cheney is in tears after whistleblowers gave shocking details that crumbled the Democrats’ January 6 narrative.
Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-OK), Chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee, has been digging into the security failures on January 6. Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 House Select Committee suspiciously shut down that portion of the investigation.
Whistleblowers blowing up January 6 narrative
During a recent hearing, several D.C. National Guard whistleblowers testified as to why the Guard waited over three hours to respond to the Capitol Hill riot, and their answers were shocking.
Ret. Commander Sergeant Major Michael F. Brooks told the subcommittee, “[M]y commander was Major General William J. Walker. As his senior enlisted advisor, I reported only to him, and I was with him throughout the days before, the day of, and the subsequent weeks and months that followed the events of January 6 2021. So imagine my surprise when the [Department of Defense Inspector General] released their report without once interviewing myself or other critically significant D.C. National Guard members with first hand knowledge of what occurred that fateful day, not anonymous witnesses or anonymous officials, but senior ranking military members that were in the room on the calls and on the secure video teleconference.”
Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was another high-ranking official who was conspicuously marginalized during the investigation.
Sergeant Major Brooks continued, “I will not sit here today and say if we had been given authority to immediately respond when Chief [Steven] Sund, the Chief of the Capitol Police, made that first frantic call for support at 1:49 p.m., that we would have prevented the breach of the Capitol. What I can tell you with absolute certainty is that we had a force equipped and ready to respond, and that despite the inaccuracies of the DoD IG report, we had a plan and would have liked the opportunity to try. Instead we waited for hours, less than two miles east of the [Capitol]…and not understanding why we had not received the authorization to respond.”
Army Reserve Colonel Earl Matthews called out by name senior officials who, according to him, lied under oath.
Colonel Matthews testified, “I am here today because two senior general officers of the United States Army, General Charles A. Flynn and Lieutenant General Walter E. Piatt, have acted contrary to those [Army] values. Generals Piatt and Flint have lied to Congress, to federal investigators and to the American people about why it took so long for the District of Columbia National Guard to deploy to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Their distortions contributed to a deeply and fundamentally flawed Department of Defense Inspector General investigation and to deficiencies and other official inquiries. On January 6 2021, I was on duty and present during numerous conversations, video conferences, and phone calls leading up to, during, and after the riot, which was engulfing the Capitol. When I say these general officers lied, I do not do so lightly or cavalierly.”
Criminal coverup
Colonel Matthews’ testimony was corroborated by Army National Guard Captain Timothy Nick, who was intimately involved in the behind-the-scenes discussions on January 6.
Captain Nick said, “I was assigned as Aide-de-camp, the personal assistant to Major General William Walker, the commanding General of D.C. National Guard. . .
I can say unequivocally that the Inspector General’s review is riddled with inaccuracies, misstatements and perhaps false flags and narratives regarding how critical Pentagon senior officials responding when our republic was under great stress. For instance, during a conference call at 2:31p.m. with members of United States Army, U.S. Capitol Police, Metropolitan Police Department, District of Columbia government, and U.S. Secret Service uniformed division, the U.S. Army’s Lieutenant General Walter Piatt, Director of Army Staff, and the Army’s Lieutenant General Charles Flynn, Director of Chief of Staff of Operations were on the call. Also [on the call] was Colonel John Lewis, Executive Officer to the Secretary of the Army. The Army falsely denied that General Flynn was ever on the call.”
If Captain Nick is correct, that is a massive coverup.
He continued, “This is false and material on its face. Lieutenant General Flynn was on the call and even participated in discussions. The Defense Inspector’s review also rounds language papering over the fact that Lieutenant General Piatt and Lieutenant General, while on the call, discussed how they ‘did not like the optics.’ That is a direct quote. And they stated it would be in their best military advice to recommend to the Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy to deny the request from Command General William Walker to deploy the D.C. National Guard and aid U.S. Capitol Police. . .”
Captain Nick also claimed that Secretary of the Army Ryn McCarthy lied.
Nick added, “In addition, former Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy claims he was on the 2:31 p.m. call and spoke on that call. This is false unless he was in the room shadowing the call and he did not speak nor identify himself. He was not on the call. He was en route to the Washington, D.C. regional office at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. . .He went on the claim that he called and spoke to Major General Walker at least twice, ordering deployment of the D.C. National Guard. This is also false. At no time did General Walker take any calls nor did we ever hear from the Secretary on any of the ongoing conference calls or the secure video teleconferencing throughout the day. . .Only at 5:09 p.m. in the early evening, which I wrote down in my wheel book, was the D.C. Guard given order to deploy and move to the Capitol to assist Capitol Police.
We arrived too late. The D.C. National Guard was ready to help and assist Capitol Police, but we were not allowed to do our job due to paralyzed decision-making by Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller and Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy. This led to federal leadership in the Pentagon. This led to a crisis in federal leadership at the Pentagon and delayed the D.C. response by three hours and 19 minutes.”
During the hearing, Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA) pointed out how Donald Trump was put in a Catch-22 where he would have been punished for whatever decision he made.
Congressman Griffith asked the witnesses, “So I submit to you, gentlemen, that if the President of the United States had gone outside the chain of command and called General Walker directly, bypassing his acting Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army, we might very well be in a hearing trying to find out why the President was interfering with the National Guard. Would you agree with that, Commander Sergeant Major?”
Brooks responded, “I think that would have been highly irregular.”
Colonel Matthews replied, “Sir, keep in mind. . .during that time, they were talking about the President improperly using the military. They want to take precautions against that use. So, they wanted to have it both ways to say he didn’t call, but if he would have called, they would have said he was trying to interfere with the chain of command.”
Needless to say, there is much, much more to January 6 than Permanent Washington is letting on, and the Democrat-controlled media will not report on it under any circumstances.
Unmuzzled News Media
The tide has Turned!
Since Justin Trudeau took office in 2015, violent crime has increased across Canada by almost 40%, homicides are up by 43% and gang-related murders are up by 108%, according to Stats Canada data from 2022.
Despite Trudeau’s gun bans, violent gun crime is up by 101% since he took office. There has been a year-over-year increase in crime for the last four years.
According to a Leger poll in Apr. 2023, 32% of Canadians said crime and violence had gotten much worse.”
· HOT! Today Dutch Parliament Votes to Instruct the Government to Demand a Delay in both WHO votes–and if no delay, to vote against the proposals | peckford42 (
· Dr. Phil Delivers Stunning Message to the COVID “Experts” Who Got it Wrong (
· Champagne Joshi on X: "It looks like Canada just quietly admitted they have a problem with Vaccine injuries. $36 million budgeted over the next 2 years." / X (
Patrick Bestall
You have to see this to BELIEVE THIS:
MSNBC...Joe Scarborough stuns his own panel with epic meltdown: 'America is stronger, more powerful than ever before!'
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough had a meltdown on “Morning Joe” about the left’s favorite boogeyman — the right.
“This is the world they give their viewers, anything to try to make America look bad. They are obsessed with trashing America, when America is stronger, more powerful than ever before. Its economy is strong and more powerful than ever before,” Scarborough yelled as his panel sat stunned.
“So, what do they do? They find a trans athlete in Utah,” he continued, before mocking concerned Americans.
“Our world’s coming to an end, help us, Jesus. The country ain't the country I was raised in,” he joked as he continued his childish rant. He then claimed that the Americans who feel that way are “fed a steady stream of hate, America First rhetoric.”
Dave Rubin believes that what Scarborough said was “profoundly dishonest.”
“They’re constantly telling you how bad America is,” Rubin tells Dennis Prager. “But when he tells you that America is stronger now militarily than ever before or economically than ever before, does that sound right to you in light of recent world events?”
“It’s another example of ‘truth is not a left-wing value,’” Prager says.
“The bad actors on planet Earth are less scared of the United States than at any time in my lifetime or your lifetime,” he adds.
Want more from Dave Rubin?
To enjoy more honest conversations, free speech, and big ideas with Dave Rubin, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.
The BLAZE Media
Dr. Mark TROZZI:
Wins of the Week Ep17 with Ted Kuntz
Prosecuting covid crimes, stopping pedophilia and gender confusion in schools, exiting the WHO, and a tsunami of full spectrum truth from entertainers, doctors, investigators and political prisoners.
Ted and I hope that you have had a healthy and successful week. We certainly have had a powerful week of advancement across the truth and freedom movement. I think you will find this uplifting, entertaining, strategically informative, and cathartic.
Dr Trozzi: Please use and share our free library and help support our work.
Vaccine Choice Canada: Take advantage of the resources and events at Vaccine Choice Canada and help support the important VCC mission.
Dr Patrick Phillips: Follow, Counselling and healing, YouTube channel, Contact or Donate by etransfer:
Wins of the Week
1. Tens of thousands of people rallied over the weekend in central Tokyo to protest the World Health Organization’s proposed pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations. The rally was organized by Citizen’s Association Against the Pandemic Treaty, with help from the World Council of Health Japan. The rally called for Japan’s withdrawal from the WHO. - More info
2. This week the Dutch Parliament passed by a majority vote Dutch Parliament Votes to Instruct the Government to demand a delay in both WHO votes–and if no delay, to vote against the proposals. Some of the motion read: whereas this does not provide sufficient opportunity to examine the changes and their important legal, health, economic, financial and human rights implications; whereas the request to adopt the amendments to the IHR or the text of the envisaged pandemic treaty is not in line with the UN principles and guidelines; instructs the government to request a postponement of the vote on the amendments and thus on the IHR and the new pandemic treaty at the World Health Assembly and, if this postponement is not obtained, to vote against the proposed amendments to the IHR and the new pandemic treaty as a whole; - More info
Calling it Like it Is
1. American commentator Bill Maher says Canada serves as a “cautionary tale” when it comes to “extreme wokeness” and an example of what happens when a country goes too far to the left of the political spectrum. Maher stated: “I need to cite you (Canada) as a cautionary tale to help my country. And the moral of that tale is yes, you can move too far left. At its worst, Canada is what American voters think happens when there’s no one putting a check on extreme wokeness,” Maher also said. “They say in politics liberals are the gas pedal and conservatives are the brakes, and I’m generally with the gas pedal, but not if we’re driving off a cliff.” - More info
2. In the latest episode of Dr. Phil, the renowned clinical psychologist delivered a powerful message about the mishandling of COVID. He said: “You hear people say, ‘Well, we did the best we could with what we knew.’ No, they did not,” “They knew better. And if they didn’t know better, they damn well should have known better. That’s what they’re paid to do.” “And my concern is, when the next pandemic turns the corner, who's got the plan then? What was learned from this? I'm saying we need to think about whether we're going to rely on science and how we're going to react when the government comes in and starts telling us what we can and can't do. I think we need less government. I think if they would step back, we tend to have a way to work these things out.” - More info
3. On Russell Brand’s “Stay Free” podcast, with Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Brand asked, “Can you tell us the lessons we can learn from the figure of Anthony Fauci.” Dr. Ladapo responded, “Maybe lesson number one is to really examine the deliverer of your information. I think a lot of people, early on, were just completely snowed by Dr. Fauci.” “Who he is is a dishonest, self-serving political animal who happens to have scientific training.” He clearly… is obviously a dishonest and untrustworthy person.” - More info
4. A damning report on the Edmonton Police Service’s COVID-19 response alleges leadership in the police force knew vaccines caused “serious” injury, but mandated them for officers and civilian employees anyways. Edmonton Police Service’s meeting minutes and disclosed information shows that adverse events, and the experimental status of the COVID-19 vaccines were known in January of 2021. These were discussed within the Pandemic Committee and EPS leadership.
5. The report states: “With knowledge of harm, illness and deaths relating to the vaccine, continuing to mandate the vaccinations in the workplace shows negligence on the part of the employer.” The report
6. recommendations also include:
a. A criminal investigation with public oversight by an independent team to review information, evidence, communications and actions of EPS leadership and professionals within the organization.
b. An investigation into the chief of police for abuse of his position of authority that resulted in discriminatory and inconsistent application of discipline.
c. Investigate EPS leadership and all advisors for possible breach of their duty of care in ensuring laws were followed.
d. Determine who or what entity was involved, potentially criminally, in requiring unjustified workplace measures and violations including a lack of, or false, information provided to employees about workplace health and safety and hazards.
e. A referral for a criminal investigation into the obstruction of investigations preventing police and others to determine if there is criminal obstruction of justice, breach of trust, Charter and constitutional rights.
f. The report concludes: “This level of abuse on the population was negligent, intentional, and there was the duty for those in the position of authority to stop the harm.” – More info
7. In the statement by Marco Huigenbos one of the Coutts three after being found guilty of mischief for behaviour at the Alberta border during the Covid protests Mr. Huigenbos says – ““Our legal system may find me/us guilty, but the legality and morality of our country are no longer aligned.”
8. Brian Peckford agrees. In his blog this week he writes – “These Coutts men are to be lauded for their courage, their faith and their tenacity in the face of the country’s leadership , at all levels , that has lost its way. This present leadership at federal, provincial and municipal levels have abused the efforts our early 19th century reformers who were fighting for our rights and freedoms and have insulted all those who fought for our country’s freedom in the great wars.” - More info
9. A new documentary titled Unsafe and Ineffective is now available for free viewing. It is the true story of the biggest lie ever told to the American people. - More info
1. Idaho Republican Governor Brad Little signed into law on Wednesday a measure requiring public libraries to block children’s access to sexually explicit materials, the latest in a string of measures siding with parents over the LGBT lobby. The new law forbids both freestanding and school libraries from giving minors any material “harmful” to them, including visual representations “of a person or portion of the human body that depicts nudity, or sexual conduct. Failure to move the material would open up a library to civil suits. Idaho has previously banned gender “transition” procedures for minors, transgender pronoun mandates in schools, males competing in women’s sports, and male students using female restrooms. - More info
1. A survey of more than 4,100 healthcare personnel at a New York healthcare system reveals that 17% were hesitant to receive the recommended COVID-19 vaccine booster, and 33% were unsure about vaccinating their children. The study, published in the journal Vaccine, revealed that a third of respondents (32.8%) said the current childhood vaccination schedule was too taxing on a child’s immune system. Overall, 45.0% of HCP indicated that parents should decide whether vaccines are given to their children, even if their opinions and beliefs countered scientific evidence on vaccinations, and 61.0% said delaying recommended vaccines for several visits after their recommended schedule was OK. In total, 30.0% believed that parents and caregivers should be able to request nonmedical exemptions for school entry. - More info
2. It looks like the Federal government has just quietly admitted they have a problem with Vaccine injuries. $36 million has been budgeted over the next 2 years for the Vaccine Injury Support Program. - More info
3. The federal government in Canada has destroyed almost a third of all COVID-19 vaccine doses that entered its inventory. The government released the information further to an order paper question from Conservative MP Dean Allison. Public Services and Procurement Canada says a total of 353.5 million doses were purchased through advanced purchase agreements, enough to vaccinate every Canadian over eight times. The total cost an estimated $10.6 billion was spent on vaccine purchases. Many of the doses were never delivered, due to a company folding or not developing a vaccine. Many of the doses have also yet to be make it into federal inventory or have been forfeited. A December briefing note for Health Minister Mark Holland indicates that Public Health Authority does not intend to purchase additional COVID-19 vaccines “once firm contractual deliveries under existing Purchase Agreements are completed at the end of the calendar year 2024.” - More info
4. Dr. Aseem Malhotra's testimony delivered in the Helsinski District Court on April 12, 2024 stated:"... the original trials conducted by Pfizer revealed that in the trial, the protection from infection wasn't 95%, was actually 0.84%...""the reason most doctors were fed one particular narrative is that they were trusting information coming from senior academics and doctors who had direct financial or institutional ties to the drug industry.""it's important to mention that the drug industry has a financial and legal obligation to make profit for their shareholders. They have no legal requirement to give you the best treatment""A very senior employee of META, who I met, explained to me that the so called independent fact checkers that come up on social media sites are not independent at all." - More info
5. Dr Ian Brighthope, a physician with 49 years of experience, has declared mRNA a class one carcinogen. He states: “Today, on behalf of my professional friends and medical colleagues, I declare the mRNA vaccines to be a class one carcinogen. mRNA is also a broad-spectrum mutagen. mRNA must be banned internationally.” - More info
6. Dr Hilary Cass has submitted her final report and recommendations to NHS England in her role as Chair of the Independent Review of gender identity services for children and young people. Cass pulls no punches in exposing the false foundation upon which the entire edifice of “gender-affirming care” is built. Drawing extensively on a series of systematic literature reviews and in-depth interviews with doctors, parents, and patients, she writes: “The reality is that we have no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress… for the majority of young people. A medical pathway may not be the best way to achieve this.”
7. The report advises a U-turn from the “gender-affirming” construct of drugs and surgery toward a model of careful psychological counselling. Dr. Cass delivers a scathing indictment of the shaky evidence for guidelines used by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, The American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Endocrine Society; and she exposes their repeated practice of using non-evidence-based guidelines to justify other non-evidence-based guidelines. - More info
8. A new book by Marc Giradot, The Needle’s Secret – Unravelling the Secret of Vaccine Harm reveals how the injection of vaccines directly into the bloodstream, bypassing natural defense mechanisms, can lead to widespread damage, initiating a cascade of health problems that mirror the epidemics of modern-day illnesses from cardiovascular diseases to neurodegenerative disorders. Giradot describes vaccination as “a medical mistake repeated billions of times”. - More info
9. Protocol 7 is now available. This film, by Dr Andrew Wakefield, will change the world. It’s about the truth about the efficacy of the MMR vaccine and details—with hard evidence—how Merck defrauded the US Government and the people of the United States of America. - More info
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365 Days Without a Murder: Why Liberals Hate El Salvador’s President | Project Matilda News:
The man who transformed El Salvador from one of the most dangerous countries in the world to one of the safest, President Nayib Bukele, is despised by liberals.
When he won reelection in a landslide, liberal media outlets ran headlines stating that democracy had ended in El Salvador and that the country had become a one-party state. However, El Salvador is not Cuba.
Bukele did not eradicate opposition parties, nor did he imprison them or seize control of the press. Instead, he delivered on his promises. He made the country safe by locking up criminals.
President Bukele claimed that his country went 365 days without a murder. And while the exact number has been called into question, it is an indisputable fact that the country now has the lowest murder rate it has seen in 30 years, plummeting by 70%, and now stands at only 2.4 per 100,000 in 2023, making it the second lowest in the Americas, just behind Canada.
In 2022, after a gang war resulted in the deaths of 87 people over a period of just three days, Bukele took action against crime. He constructed the country’s largest prison, the Terrorism Confinement Center (Centro de Confinamiento del Terrorismo or CECOT), with a capacity for 40,000 gang members. And he began filling it.
Out of gratitude for restoring peace in the country, voters reelected him with 85% of the vote. Human rights groups, who live in safe, wealthy Western nations, have criticized Bukele for violations of the rights of suspects.
But the logic is flawless. Only gang members have gang tattoos. If anyone else gets a gang tattoo, they will be killed by the gang. The same is true for tattoo artists.
They would be killed for giving gang tattoos to non-gang members. Additionally, part of the initiation to joining a gang is to commit a serious crime, often murder. Once they become a member, their full-time job is to commit crimes. So, logically, anyone with a gang tattoo is a gang member and has committed crimes.
In the U.S., it is not a crime to be affiliated with an organization, even a criminal one. To secure a conviction, there would need to be proof that the person committed a specific crime.
However, that system, while acceptable for a high-trust society, was being exploited in El Salvador, where repeat offenders and murderers were being set free by crooked judges and jailers.
So, Bukele decided to let logic prevail, arrest the gang members, and put them in prison. He was more concerned about the rights of street vendors, business owners, school children, working people, and ordinary citizens than he was about the rights of violent criminals.
The state of emergency he declared in 2022, and has renewed several times since, suspends the constitutional rights of the gang members and bypasses the corrupt courts and justice system, which had allowed the criminals to reign for decades. Since then, 75,000 gang members have been arrested, and 7,000 have been released.
According to reported data from human rights groups, since 2022, there have been 78,000 arbitrary detentions. This is likely because they consider nearly all of the arrests to be arbitrary detentions.
The rights groups are also upset that “approximately 102,000 people are now deprived of their freedom in the country,” disregarding the fact that these people are criminals.
Additionally, they are upset that the prisons are overcrowded by 148%, which is absolutely true. The prisons are not pleasant, and a sane person would avoid going there by not committing crimes.
They also lost sleep over 235 deaths in state custody. There is no mention of how many of these deaths represented prisoners being killed by other prisoners, nor have they stopped to consider that five times that number of innocent people would have died during the same time period if these gang members were not in prison.
Rights groups have claimed that Bukele’s New Ideas party winning 58 of 60 seats in the country’s legislature has turned the country into a one-party state, with a “dangerous” concentration of power.
They are missing the point that the country had a fair election and the people were free to vote for the horrible system they had before, or law and order, which is now making their lives livable again. And they chose the latter.
According to Gabriela Santos, director of the Human Rights Institute at the University of Central America (IDHUCA), “Bukele’s popularity underlines how some Central American countries have struggled to launch sustainable democratic models.”
Again, there appears to be no flaw in El Salvador’s democracy. The critics just do not like the way the vote turned out. Santos went on to say that countries never recovered their democratic principles “in the aftermath of civil conflicts between left-wing guerrillas and U.S.-backed right-wing authoritarian regimes.”
There is no indication that the people voting for Bukele had any connection to the US or to right-wing regimes.
Liberals are claiming that there is a frightening move toward fascism in Latin America because 2 of 32 countries now have a president who is not a socialist. The other bright spot is President Javier Milei in Argentina, whom the liberals also hate.
He is cutting the government down to size, waging a war on debt and waste. He told school children that abortion is murder. He is pro-gun and is considering deploying the military to take on the gangs.
The shocking lesson we can all learn from El Salvador is that if you arrest all of the bad guys and keep them in jail, and if those who remain free are made to believe that crime has consequences and jails are horrible places, the streets become safer, and people can live their lives.
The other takeaway here is that if a president is tough on crime and wants to cut government spending and improve the lives of citizens, the liberals attack him.
It is also incredibly condescending that liberals in Europe or the US or elsewhere believe that 85% of Salvadorians do not know what is best for their country and voted for the wrong person.
The post 365 Days Without a Murder: Why Liberals Hate El Salvador’s President appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
Project Matilda
Donna Warren
Leading Report:
Donna Warren
Kennedy Family is collectively Voting for BIDEN... No Loyalty to the one Running as an Independent!
Donna Warren
David YEO:
AM3R!KA (1 Min)
Th3 J0URN3Y 0f F3NTANYL !n AM3R!KA (35 Min)
P!K3**M@N!PULAT!NG 3 W@R$ for P0W3R (11 Min)
0CT/23**$0L@R ECL!P$3**D!D U CATCH N@$A? (19 Min)
$H0W!NG TH3 TRuTH**$L33P3R$ B3L!3V3 TH3 $CR!PT (45 Min)
2 Yrs Ago**!NJUR!3$**M!LL!0NS**F@K3 VXX P@$$ 4 MDs (15 Min)
$!GN$ 0f L0W $T0M@CH AC!D (1 Min)
D!DD! & W!LL**P!MP!NG 0ut TH3 B!3B$ (8 Min)
TH3 F!RMaM3NT**TH3R3's N0 PL@C3 +o G0 (23 Min)
H!BBL3R D0CUM3NT@RY**'A SH0T !n TH3 D@RK' (33 Min)
B!RD FLU H0@X**33 B!LL10N CH!CK3N$ VXXD**D0N'T E@T (27 Min)
C0NTR0LL3D 0PP0$!T!0N**D@RK +o F@L$3 L!GHT**D0N@LD (12 Min)
David YEO
Palestine Just Triggered – The ‘Tribulation Days’!
Did you see the latest from Palestine?
It sent shivers down my spine.
Because it fits in perfectly with Biblical prophecies about End Times.
× And it’s not just Christians who are horrified by this.
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× And one thing’s for certain…
× It’s not going to be a pretty way to go.
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× A military insider has revealed what officials are doing to protect their families.
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× But I did what he said just after watching his video.
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Conservative Underground News
Why President Trump demands we bring supplies of drugs "home, where they belong."
"The Great Healthcare Reset"
Discover the global conspiracy to snatch essential drugs from hard working patriots...and ship them to America's greatest enemies. And what you must do now to
The Doctor's Book of Survival Home Remedies
Will this be your REALITY?
"I'm sorry. But the medication you ordered is out of stock. And it looks like we won't be getting more any time soon."
It's 9:25 am on a Monday.
You make this trip to your pharmacy every month.
But this time, something feels different.
You feel a cold fear deep in the pit of your stomach when you hear your pharmacist's words.
You ask her if you can get your prescription filled anywhere else. You're more than happy to drive as far as it takes.
But she says no.
Apparently, the shortage isn't just limited to your pharmacy.
At this point, your mind begins to race.
You look over to the next counter, and you see a mother holding the hand of her 9 year old daughter.
She's clearly in distress as she yells at the cashier.
"What are you going to do about this?" She pleads.
"My daughter needs her insulin to live. She can't miss a single dose!"
This makes you think about your family.
You were here to pick up medication for their chronic illnesses too.
Seeing that your pharmacy can do nothing to help you...
You drive home quietly wondering what could possibly be going on.
What you don't know yet is that this is part of something bigger than you realize.
This is the first time The Great Healthcare Reset has personally affected you. But it won't be the last.
Once you're home, you inform your family that you had to come back empty handed.
You notice a look of pure panic in their eyes. But you promise them that this is only temporary and that they'll have their medication in no time.
The problem is, you don't believe this yourself.
When you turn on the news, your heart drops when you see the headline.
Your pharmacist was right.
The Medication Shortage Is an Urgent Issue Of National Importance
It's important to know 2 things.
#1 What you're about to see isn't some sci - fi script.
Believe me, I don't take these predictions lightly -- and I have no interest in trying to scare you.
I'm simply following my research to its logical conclusion.
#2. I'm not some wacko conspiracy theorist that lacks proof.
In my hand, I hold a document that was signed on the, by the greatest pharmaceutical company in the world.
And backed up by global elites including Bill Gates and Joe Biden.
What's inside this document is going to go down as one of the most pivotal moments in US history.
Because it's going to cause the downfall of the modern healthcare system.
This is The Great Healthcare Reset.
David Miller From Survivopedia.Com - One of The Leading Survival Websites On The Internet...
Today, I have an answer to any health issue my family and I might face.
In fact, in a few minutes I'm going to share what you can use to prepare yourself against the top 3 drug shortages today too.
I only discovered all this because when I realized the severity of this threat, I spent months holed up in my office researching this novel threat. And what I discovered shocked me to the core:
I Made It My Mission to Find a Solution to The Drug Shortages...
Dr. Herzog Gave Me A Solution I'd Never Even Heard Of
And Dr. Herzog wasn't just any osteopath.
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That's the highest level of accreditation given to anyone.
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The Doctor's Book of Survival Home Remedies
David YEO:
B3@M H!T$ H0U$3 (1 Min)
D0N@LD**R!$!NG FR0M TH3 $3A (5 Min)
M!K3 Y3@D0N KN0Ws Th3 TRUTH 0n V!RU$3$ (4 Min)
G@Z@**K!D**Hum!L!@T!0N !n PR!$0N C@MP$ (1 Min)
H0LLYW00D: M3L**D!DD! JU$T TH3 T!P 0f TH3 !C3B3RG (13 Min)
$NL TV**MAD3 TH3 D3@L (1 Min)
EV@NG3L!CAL$**BL!ND3D +o TH3 EV!L (11 Min)
W@L-M@RT**L@B GR0WN !s H3R3 4 Th3 K!D$ (6 Min)
H3R3's WH@T CL0UD $33D!NG !s D0!NG +o TH3 DUB@! (2 Min)
D0C $@M B@!L3Y 0n Why $he QU!T B3!NG a M3D!CAL D0CToR (49 Min)
David YEO
Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors
RUMOURS Circulating out there...:
You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!
Sun. 21 April Intel:
· The inner War inside the U.S. Intelligence agencies is reaching an all time high as the NSA leaks FBI memo to Texas Border agents and Intelligence on the Border.
· The FBI memo is a fake BLACK FLAG, PATCOM Operations that is using FAR RIGHT EXTREMIST WHITE SUPREMEST (Most likey CIA MK-Ultra goons ) to attack the migrants and U.S. border patrol to stage a false flag event that will lead to Biden and the Deep State blaming Patriots, Maga and Trump supporters for the Deep State Event.
· From the highest levels inside the U S. Intelligence agencies they are sending warnings to the border patrol and high level sources through the governments.
· The FBI memo leak is causing chaos inside the intelligence agencies. (It’s well known through the military intelligence and 3 letter agencies that The Storm and Arrest wars are coming).
· At the same time the NSA has denied the Biden Administration and the CIA Pentagon against using their facial recognition systems (that have already been abused in the January 6 FBI false flag PATCOM operations illegally).
· The Deep State Narration has begun as MSM News outlets start pushing the civil war narration and twisting stories that Colonial Pete Chambers is a Green Beret and leading white extremists to hunt down immigrants and start civil war against the Biden administration. Hundreds of liberal news outlets are pushing the same CIA MOCKINGBIRD narration.
· Major panic inside the FBI as LEAKS continue and the January 6 pipe bombs saga unfolds as false flag events that are staged by the FBI. THE PIPE BOMBS ARE FBI SPECIALTY With their own special SIGNATURE in the way the bomb is created. Military specialist, analysis and intelligence agencies ask know the pipe bombs are FBI Training special made pipe bombs.
· Intelligence communities have already identified the person who left the bombs as an FBI correspondent.
· Now UN/DAVOS/NATO is begging the EU to create a military to fight Russia.
· Unfortunately EU intelligence and several secretaries of defense have given military assessments that the EU counties are out of ammunition and munitions… This all comes as NATO has failed to produce the one million a month ammunition productions and less than 20% has been produced.
· Major panic in the United Nations as U.S. military assessment and war gaming operations and simulation war with Iran is a negative out come.
· Turkey, Russia, China will back Iran and Saudi Arabia will completely shut off the U.S. from oil.
· Intelligence reports state that the non jurisdiction of the U.S. military illegally stationed in Syria is where the U.S. soldiers came from. They were not part of the U.S. military base in Jordan.
· A MASSIVE COVER UP is happening in the U.S. military with Biden administration and CIA [DS] NEWS agencies pushing the False stories.
· Several colonials in the U S. have an stated that Iran would not use drones to attack as Iran has some of the most advanced weapon systems in the world and the drones strike were made by local militia’s.
Sat. 20 April The Great Awakening on Telegram:
· Today We Had The Leaked Kari Lake Attempted Bribery Call Confirming American Government Is All About Bribes & Blackmail.
· Elon Musk Exposing The Irish Parliament Getting Ready To Crush Free Speech.
· Remember Julian Assange Warned Us: “There is no society anymore. What there is, is a transnational security Elite who were busy carving up the World using your tax money. To combat that Elite we must not petition. We must take it over. We must form our own networks of strength and mutual value which can challenge those strengths and self interested values of the warmongers in this country and in others that have formed hand in hand an alliance to take money from the United States, from every NATO country, from Australia and we must ban laundering it through Iraq, laundering it through Somalia, laundering it through Yemen, laundering it through Pakistan and washing that money in people’s blood.”
Fri. 19 April Donald Trump: Judge Merchan is “railroading” me, at breakneck speed, in order to completely satisfy his “friends.” Additionally, he has “GAGGED” me so that I cannot talk about the most important of topics, including his totally disqualifying conflict of interest, and taking away my Constitutional Right of Free Speech. Almost every Legal Scholar and Expert has stated that there is “NO CASE,” that this is a SCAM brought about by a Corrupt District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, who has let Violent Crime in New York flourish at levels never seen before, working with Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, IN ORDER TO HARM HIS POLITICAL OPPONENT, ME. THIS IS ELECTION INTERFERENCE AT A LEVEL NEVER SEEN BEFORE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. MAGA2024!
President Trump is asking everyone to forward this to a minimum of 20 people, and to ask each of those to do likewise. In three days, most people in the United States will have the message. This is an idea that should be passed around, regardless of political party.The TRUMP Rules: Congressional Reform Act of 20171. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they’re out of office. And, no more perks go with them.2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.3. Congress must purchase their own retirement plan, just as ALL Americans do.4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people (i.e. NO MORE INSIDER TRADING!!!).7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress made all these contracts by and for themselves.Serving in Congress is an honor and privilege NOT a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work … not get all kinds of freebies.Pass it on. Let’s help TRUMP drain the swamp!