Saturday BLOG 1 – 20 - 24
Verse(s) for today:
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
James 1:2&3
So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
1 Corinthians 3:7 KJV
So, in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
Matthew 7:12 NIV
Who is ‘CHEQUING’ The Fact-Checkers?
US based’s main focus has been the political forum, but like other 'fact-checking' organisations, it has now entered the coronavirus misinformation arena.
This has led it to accepting funding from both Facebook & Google to cover Covid in 2020. Its 'fact' checkers are predominantly journalists.
NO Conflict-of-Interest HERE!
Patrick Bestall
Meet the WEF’s anti-journalists — regime media whose job is to rebut Rebel News:
All week we've been running up and down the streets of Davos chasing VIPs and VVIPs, trying to get them to answer accountability questions about their schemes.
This is because the World Economic Forum has armed guards keeping us out of their official proceedings. Because they know we ask uncomfortable questions. We speak truth to power.
But some journalists are allowed into the WEF's inner sanctum. Like Richard Quest, the CNN host we grilled earlier this week.
And like Ben Smith, a writer at Semafor, the globalist news outlet that received millions of dollars from convicted fraud artist and Democratic donor Sam Bankman-Fried. Semafor's largest funders include the vaccine company Pfizer and Alibaba, a Chinese company controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.
Needless to say, Smith doesn't much like me or Rebel News — we stand for everything he's against, and vice versa. So here's what he said about us — and to us — when we bumped into him:
I'm not quite sure what Smith wanted us to do when BlackRock sent a staffer to interrupt our journalism. Being physically pushed around happens a lot to Rebel News journalists, but I'm sure it would never happen to regime media like Smith and Semafor. When you take money from Pfizer and Chinese billionaires, you're generally not bullied — you are the bully.
I take Smith's insults as a badge of honour. If such a regime journalist were to praise me, I'd have to do some serious soul-searching, don't you think?
Say — speaking of funding, unlike Semafor, we don't have any billionaire owners, and we didn't get millions from convicted Wall Street criminals. We take the opposite approach: crowdfunding, from severely normal people!
If you can help us challenge the narrative of the CNNs and Semafors of this world, I'd appreciate it. Please click here or go to You're my secret weapon to fight back against guys like Smith.
Avi YeminiChief Australia Correspondent
Rebel News
P.S. Ben Smith thought we were punching down by telling BlackRock to buzz off when they interrupted our video. We weren't — we were standing our ground against a $20 trillion bully company. And we'll stand our ground against Smith and his corrupt funders, too.
P.P.S. The only way we can compete with the regime media is with your help. Please take a moment to chip in at to help cover our economy-class airfare to come to Davos.
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So far, this mission has been a huge success. We're only halfway through this year’s meeting and we’ve already scored so many points on the globalists:
1. We stood up to BlackRock who tried to stop us from filming the moment we entered Davos
2. We caught Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization and offered him a chance to apologize to the world
3. We confronted John Kerry who tried to dodge our questions about his own massive carbon hypocrisy
4. We pressed an AstraZeneca executive whose company profited billions from vaccine mandates
5. We pummeled the Bill Gates Foundation President with questions about Gates & Jeffrey Epstein
6. We had a walk-and-talk with prickly CNN News anchor Richard Quest who deflected from our questions about CNN’s relationships with the world’s elite powerbrokers
7. We caught Philipp Hildebrand, vice chairman of BlackRock, who was so afraid of us he would not answer a single question put to him
8. We interviewed State Street CEO Ron O'Hanley who stood by his firm’s commitment to ESG principles
9. We confronted McKinsey & Company who ran away from our question about the $116.8 million in taxpayer-funded contracts they’ve received from the Trudeau Liberals
10. We confronted ADL Director Jonathan Greenblatt on his failure to combat antisemitism
11. We peppered a Meta executive with questions about censorship and political interference
12. We interviewed former Australian PM Kevin Rudd who made it abundantly clear that he has drunk the WEF Kool-Aid
13. We covered the Swiss police swarming and removing a small group of Christians handing out literature about the Bible
14. We found and exposed the private airstrip where influential global leaders fly in and out of Davos by private jet
15. We even confronted unhinged Antifa protestors who were literally dressed as clowns
16. We chatted with United States Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) about a wide range of topics from the US election to disinformation
17. We interviewed a knowledgeable Ukrainian oil & gas executive, who liked our idea of promoting Canada's Ethical Oil
18. We caught up with Mark Carney, considered a leading contender to replace Trudeau as leader of Canada's Liberal Party, who had an engaging conversation with us and who even confirmed that he Stands With David!
19. We also just interviewed (the rapper) and Ben Smith (the Editor-in-Chief of Semafor), so check back here soon for those interviews and more to be published too!
REBEL News Media
Explosive Video Surfaces About the Jan. 6th “Bomber”:
Over three years have passed since January 6, 2021, and the truth of what really happened that day has never been more relevant. For the regime, the stakes involved in selling the official narrative of January 6 as a uniquely horrific domestic terror event are higher than ever. Such are the stakes that Biden’s crypt-keepers presumably injected him with the strongest stuff they had to keep the President conscious and standing upright for the duration of his hour and a half-long speech marking the anniversary of the day “we almost lost America.” And it makes sense. The ludicrous notion of January 6 as an “insurrection” has long served as the key pretext for the accelerated political weaponization of the national security state against Trump and his supporters. More recently, the still more ludicrous theory of Trump’s culpability for this “insurrection” has become the sham legal basis behind the attempt to throw him in prison and remove him from the ballots—all in the name of democracy, of course.
That the regime has invested so much in the “insurrection” story of January 6th helps to explain its commensurate hostility to anyone who challenges that narrative. This applies especially to our reporting on what we’ve coined the “Fedsurrection”—the elements of January 6 that overwhelmingly point toward government involvement. Last year, we reported on a case in which an FBI agent investigating January 6 crimes had his security clearance revoked and his loyalty to the United States questioned simply for sharing one of our articles with colleagues. A top Democrat lawyer teamed up with Ray Epps to sue or threaten to sue Revolver News, Tucker Carlson, and anyone who asks uncomfortable questions about certain events during January 6, which Epps, in his own words, “orchestrated.”
Thankfully, such intimidation efforts aren’t working—in fact, quite the opposite. The DOJ’s decision to charge Ray Epps with a wrist-slap misdemeanor nearly three years after January 6, 2021, for which he is to serve no jail time, strikes anyone who is remotely informed about the case as a desperate and sloppy attempt to rescue an unsalvageable narrative.
Although Speaker Mike Johnson has not followed through on his promise to release 40,000 hours of January 6 footage, the 90 or so hours he has released have done a great deal to popularize and reinforce the public’s understanding of just how inaccurate the official version of January 6th is. We say this footage popularizes and reinforces the public’s understanding of the Fedsurrection, but it does not advance this understanding. New footage depicting Capitol Police opening the doors or ushering crowds in or footage of Capitol Police committing violence against protestors is great for spreading awareness, but it doesn’t tell us anything new; similar types of footage have been around for a long time.
The Most Important January 6th Video You Have Never Heard About
Curiously enough, the Capitol did quietly release a damning short piece of footage that had gotten virtually no public attention, though it could very well be the breakthrough we need to definitively expose the phony January 6 “pipe bomb” story once and for all.
[Editor’s Note: This piece was published in password-protected form days ago, though originally embargoed, pending the publication this evening at 6:00 p.m. of an accompanying interview with Tucker Carlson on the pipe bomb. A piece published early yesterday afternoon by Steve Baker at the Blaze, however, addressed the video in question along with confirming an important detail, which we will address below.]
The Capitol authorities were counting on no one knowing that this footage even exists, let alone understanding its significance, and put up tremendous resistance when Congressman Massie tried to make the footage public. Ultimately, it took a direct call from Kevin McCarthy to break the stonewall (and one can only imagine how much pressure McCarthy must have been under to make that call!). Courtesy of Congressman Massie’s efforts, the footage is available below. For a first viewing, we encourage the reader to skim the video to get a general idea. Make note of the man in the backpack going up to the police and secret service cars. It will likely turn out that identifying this man in the backpack will lead to the unraveling of one of the darkest and most scandalous government coverups in recent history.
Let’s explain and digest the most important details depicted in the video above.
· At 1:05:27, a man with a backpack walks into view in the bottom right corner of the screen and proceeds to chat with officers on the driver’s side of a Metro PD SUV. The black SUV is a Secret Service vehicle protecting then-Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris, who was in the DNC building at the time (more on that later). The Metro PD vehicle was present as part of the Secret Service protection detail, as related to us by a high-level source. After some time, it appears that the backpack man is walking away from the driver’s seat window of the Metro PD vehicle, only to walk around to the passenger seat window and continue speaking with the Metro officers.
· Then, at 1:06:10, the man with the backpack walks over to the black Secret Service SUV. He chats for about 20 seconds and then walks back up the sidewalk, back past the benches where the pipe bomb was placed, and out of view. Then, at 1:07:29, a metro officer gets out of the Metro PD car. This is over a minute after the backpack gentleman left the frame and over two minutes after the backpack gentleman first approached the metro PD car.
· What is more remarkable than the fact that it took the Metro and Secret Service over two minutes to even bother getting out of their cars after being informed of a pipe bomb in the neighborhood is the astonishingly casual approach taken by these authorities in the minutes after the man with a backpack walks out of view of the camera. Reader, take a look if you would at the video from 1:07:27 to around 1:09:05 and note how casual and unperturbed both the Metro officers and Secret Service officers are, and ask yourself whether this is how you’d imagine the Secret Service would normally respond to a discovery of a bomb right outside the building housing their protectee, in this case vice president-elect Kamala Harris. Even if we assume that somehow the Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Department are wholly uninterested in the safety of their protectee, you would think they would at least get out of the vicinity for reasons of self-preservation. Quite the opposite—all of these officers are supremely comfortable standing and walking within spitting distance of the pipe bomb.
· Then, at around 1:09:12, the security camera in question turns to the park benches and zooms into the location where the pipe bomb is present. This means that by this time, the man with a backpack’s information had reached whoever was manning the Capitol Police security camera at the time. Below is a screenshot depicting that timestamp.
· The scene that begins at 1:09:35 ought to be sufficient to cause a national scandal in its own right. Here we see several more secret service officers coming out, again casually standing and walking within spitting distance of the pipe bomb. At 1:09:41, we see a group of children cross the street and walk directly in front of the benches where the bomb is still sitting. The secret service agents don’t think to warn these children at all, but instead themselves walk right by the bench as well, without a care in the world! You have to see it to believe it.
· After children pass the pipe bomb without being warned at all, the Secret Service officers stand around for about a minute until a Capitol Police officer walks right up to the pipe bomb and takes a picture of it at 1:10:16, giving a thumbs-up sign to the Metro and Secret Service agents a bit further down the sidewalk.
The remainder of the available footage shows the original Metro PD car and Secret Service car leaving and another police car arriving at the scene.
Unfortunately, the video stops there. We are, however, told by several reliable sources with direct knowledge who have seen the extended security footage (not yet public) that shortly thereafter, authorities will respond with a bomb-safe robot that retrieves and “disables” the pipe bomb in question.
A number of deeply puzzling and disturbing questions arise from the video above. The most obvious question is what could possibly account for the casual, lackadaisical, utterly unperturbed demeanor and behavior of the Secret Service and Metro PD officers in question upon being informed of an explosive device right outside the building in which their protectee is housed, and, for that matter, within feet of the agents themselves. To emphasize the seriousness with which the government takes pipe bombs as potential terror devices, it is worth noting that the government officially considers pipe bombs “weapons of mass destruction.”
It is hard to imagine what conditions could account for such a casual, unconcerned reaction on the part of the Secret Service. As pointed out above, even if they are the worst protection detail in the world, willing to completely abandon protocol when apprised of a weapon of mass destruction dangerously close to their protectee, you’d think they’d at least be concerned for their own personal safety. This complete lack of concern indicates that these agents somehow knew or were utterly confident that the bomb was inert and posed no threat, but how could they possibly know that? How could the secret service and metro PD officers be so confident that the pipe bomb wouldn’t pose a danger to themselves, to their protectee, VP elect Kamala Harris, and to the children they cavalierly allowed to walk within feet of the explosive device, and yet somehow the bomb was considered dangerous enough to require a bomb-safe robot to “defuse” only minutes later? Troubling and damning questions indeed.
A Closer Look at the DNC Pipe Bomb Explodes the Official Narrative of January 6th
The observations presented above are scandalous and damning enough as a matter of self-contained analysis. When understood within the broader context of infinitesimally implausible facts surrounding the official version of events for the DNC and RNC pipe bombs, the situation becomes worse still. Revolver News’ assertion, based on the totality of our ground-breaking reporting, that the January 6 pipe bombs constitute one of the two smoking guns of the Fedsurrection (the other being Ray Epps) is more obviously true by the day.
So now let us consider the video presented and analyzed above in light of some of the other facts we know about the DNC pipe bomb. The video discussed above depicts the incredibly bizarre circumstances surrounding the “discovery” of the DNC pipe bomb after Metro PD and Secret Service are informed of its location by an unknown man in a backpack. Note that the man in the backpack walks up to the metro PD car at 1:05 p.m. on January 6th. According to both official reports and DNC surveillance footage the FBI released to the public, the pipe bomber planted the DNC bomb the previous evening, at around 8:00 p.m. on the evening of January 5th. Below is a time-stamped screenshot of surveillance footage depicting the suspected pipe bomber sitting at the benches (the reader will recognize these benches from the video discussed above) getting ready to plant the pipe bomb by the bench at 7:52 p.m.
Let’s say the pipe bomber planted the bomb at 8:00 p.m. That would mean that the pipe bomb sat by the bench outside the DNC building for over 17 hours, undiscovered. This is rather remarkable considering that the bomb was not carefully hidden but placed fairly conspicuously next to the leg of a DNC bench. Below is a photo of the DNC pipe bomb—presumably the photo taken by the Capitol Police officer as depicted in the video we analyzed above.
It is also important to remember that this is a very high-traffic area, with enough foot traffic that there was a scooter for pedestrians just feet away from where the bomb was planted. The screenshot below is from the DNC surveillance footage provided to the public by the FBI. Note the scooter, the pipe bomber, and the arrow pointing toward where the pipe bomb was discovered.
For reference, we note that a scooter is also visible in the Capitol Police surveillance footage depicting the discovery of the pipe bomb. Note the scooter in the same position next to the Capitol Police officer taking a photo of the newly discovered pipe bomb.
The same photographer used when Bomb Planted is now used when BOMB IS FOUND!
As we revealed in a previous report on the pipe bomb, a Google walkthrough we conducted depicts a DNC security guard stationed just feet away from where the pipe bomb was planted:
When we discussed the Capitol Police video depicting the discovery of the pipe bomb, we observed the bizarre fact that the Secret Service agents seemed entirely unconcerned with the revelation that there was a pipe bomb within feet of themselves and their protectee, who was inside the DNC building (not to mention the children they allowed to walk within feet of the bomb). Perhaps equally bizarre as the fact that the Secret Service was unconcerned with the bomb when informed of it is the fact that the Secret Service hadn’t discovered the bomb already in their sweep of the building before Kamala Harris’ entry.
Get the rest of the details at this LINK:
Start at The Guardian: [About 1/3 through the Document]
Patrick also sent this LINK: New Evidence Proves J6 “Pipe Bomb” Was Inside Job (
Has anyone ever pointed out that the J6 pipebomb looks almost identical to the ones the FBI uses in training? Look at the end cap and timer Sent in to Human Events from a source
Also, Revolver News‘ Darren Beattie posted a lengthy thread on 𝕏 Thursday sifting through footage showing peculiar behavior by law enforcement as they “discovered” the pipe bomb...[my Article above] Patrick Bestall
This is DEVESTATING to the... Pelosi’s 6th JAN Investigation
How can Citizens TRUST Government Agencies
The revolver News Media
Dan Bongino
I think we are Headed in the ‘RIGHT’ Direction:
Short... BUT... Oh so sweet!
Daniel Brooks
Joe Biden forced to read the writing on the wall and admit to this huge mistake:
President Biden can’t hide anymore. His past is catching up to him.
And now Joe Biden’s being forced to read the writing on the wall and confess to this gross mistake.
Ask anyone the worst part about Joe Biden’s administration so far and you’ll hear only a few different answers. Some will say it’s his handling of the economy, others will say his handling of illegal immigration (or not handling it, for that matter), and some others will point to his abysmal foreign policy.
That last one is what originally sank Joe Biden’s approval ratings just a few months after he took over control of the White House back in 2021.
And now Joe Biden’s being forced to read the writing on the wall and confess to this gross mistake.
Ask anyone the worst part about Joe Biden’s administration so far and you’ll hear only a few different answers. Some will say it’s his handling of the economy, others will say his handling of illegal immigration (or not handling it, for that matter), and some others will point to his abysmal foreign policy.
That last one is what originally sank Joe Biden’s approval ratings just a few months after he took over control of the White House back in 2021.
A terrorist group that is backed by Iran, the Houthis, has been waging a war on U.S. military personnel in the region. The Biden administration, after weeks of pressure, is now changing their tune about the Houthis.
The Associated Press reported on Tuesday that following the Houthis’ string of attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea, the Biden administration is seeking to reclassify them as global terrorists.
The Houthis, a Yemeni militia group with Iranian backing, have been showing their support for Hamas’ fight against Israel by attacking commercial ships and U.S. coalition soldiers in the Red Sea on many occasions since October 7. Two anonymous sources familiar with the situation told the AP that the Biden administration is thinking about re-designating the Houthis as “specially designated global terrorists” in light of the group’s increasing belligerence in the Middle East. In 2021, the Houthis were removed from the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) list.
Concerned that the designation may hinder humanitarian assistance to Yemen, the Biden administration first removed the Houthis off the watchlists.
In the last several months, the Houthis have attacked more than twenty commercial ships in the Red Sea, causing international trade to suffer and discouraging businesses from using the region as a transit route. After the Houthis launched more raids, the United States and other Western forces in the Red Sea organized a coalition to repel them. They then launched retaliation strikes against the rebel group.
Reuters reports that President Joe Biden suddenly stated at a campaign event last week that he “thinks they are terrorists,” threatening further strikes if the Houthis continued their aggressive behavior in the region, even though Biden’s own administration does not officially label the organization as terrorists.
The U.S. is “not looking for a war in the Middle East,” and the attacks are simply designed to incapacitate the Houthis’ offensive capabilities, according to Axios, which White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby reaffirmed on Tuesday.
Reports from the last two weeks have demonstrated that Joe Biden’s approval is as low as it’s ever been during his tenure as the commander-in-chief of the United States.
No doubt, Joe Biden’s back-and-forth and flip-flopping on foreign policy issues is a major part of why his approval ratings is at its lowest point. The average American independent voter is very supportive of Israel’s right to defend itself after the October 7th attack and eliminate radical Islamic terrorists at all costs, as is much of the conservative Right of course, generally speaking.
The Left, however, is obsessed with demonizing Israel and U.S. support of the Israeli government going after Islamic terrorists in the Middle Eastern region.
They simply don’t want to see Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats doing anything other than sympathizing with the Muslims in Gaza, Iran, and any Islamic state in the region.
So, Joe Biden is left ticking off everyone, which is only going to politically sink him further and further.
D.C. Daily Journal
'Why do we need Elections?' WEF Chairman Schwab declares Voting will Not be Necessary because AI will Predict the Results:
World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab envisioned a future without elections, predicting that voting will no longer be needed as artificial intelligence will be able to predict who voters would want in power.
Schwab spoke to Google co-founder Sergey Brin on stage at the WEF gathering and discussed the predicting powers of AI technology.
"Digital technologies mainly have an analytical power; now we go into a predictive power, and we have seen the first examples, and your company very much evolved into it," he told the Google founder. "The next step could be to go into a prescriptive mode, which means you do not even have to have elections any more because you can already predict."
Next, with the audience eerily silent, Schwab then asked if elections would even be necessary given that the outcomes would already be predicted.
"Afterwards you can say 'why do we need elections?' because we know what the result will be."
Brin then pontificated about eliminating world leaders — replaced by an AI decision-making apparatus — and praised Schwab for his "profound" thoughts.
Schwab later explained that a "crucial issue" that needs to be tackled would be how humanity is viewed.
"We need new concepts to define what humanity is and what's the purpose of our lives is," Schwab asked, referring to the automation of agriculture and daily tasks. The WEF chairman predicted most menial tasks would become a job for AI.
Despite his suggestions in the unearthed video, the globalist organization called AI-powered misinformation one of the primary threats to the global economy.
According to the WEF's "Global Risks Report 2024," misinformation and disinformation were defined as "persistent false information (deliberate or otherwise) widely spread through media networks, shifting public opinion in a significant way towards distrust in facts and authority."
While they acknowledged that the crackdown by authorities on so-called misinformation, particularly the AI-generated kind, poses a risk of "repression and erosion of rights," the WEF suggested that there is also "a risk that some governments will act too slowly, facing a trade-off between preventing misinformation and protecting free speech."
The WEF report also claimed that “known and newly emerging risks need preparation and mitigation. ... Localized strategies, breakthrough endeavors, collective actions and cross-border coordination all play a part in addressing these risks.”
The group seemingly admitted in their conclusion that “leveraging investment and regulation” are “critical” tools for reducing the impact of “global risks,” which of course include “disinformation” and climate-related issues.
The BLAZE Media
Dirty [Expensive] Davos:
The World Economic Forum summit in Davos is a nexus of power and wealth, but it’s also a place that offers the allure of discreet escort services for elite clients.
Selling sex is a legal and regulated trade in Switzerland, which means that the so-called world’s oldest profession also benefits from the economic boom spurred on by the exclusive conference’s arrival in the Swiss mountain village.
Additionally, dating-style applications make it easier than ever for elites hoping to purchase sex to get in touch with an escort. It’s a lucrative business to be in, not only for the escorts but also for the platforms themselves which are fully booked for the summit’s duration.
Additionally, dating-style applications make it easier than ever for elites hoping to purchase sex to get in touch with an escort. It’s a lucrative business to be in, not only for the escorts but also for the platforms themselves which are fully booked for the summit’s duration.
Not all services offered are sexual, however. Some professional sex workers offer companionship and modelling for exclusive events.
One available Davos escort going by the handle “austrian_girl” advertised “accompany only” and “hostess” services at a rate of €800 ($1,175 CAD) for every two hours booked.
Other escorts like “Samantha” don’t even advertise a price and instead require clients to book in advance – with the fee being negotiated based on demand.
On average, however, elite clients have to cough up anywhere from €2,000 ($2,937 CAD) to €3,000 ($4,405 CAD) for a 12-hour night with a call girl.
Davos escorts like “Savannah” know their clients well, advertising themselves as providers of “sophistication”, “charm and elegance” to those willing to pay steep prices.
Booking the 32-year-old Moldovan mistress for two days – a quarter of the summit’s length – would cost €8,000 ($11,747 CAD).
Independent escort and “international companion” Catherine stresses that she is the “ideal companion” for gentlemen who require discretion.“I guarantee safety and confidentiality and I expect it in return,” writes Catherine.
Just like their would-be clients, Davos escorts can be considered the elites of their profession. Often they are well-educated and even speak multiple languages.
One escort makes a point to inform her potential customers that she’s fluent in “Catalan, English, French, Italian and Spanish.”But what of the clients themselves? According to one German escort who spoke to French media outlet 20 Minutes, Mia May, their proclivities are not as risque as some might think.
“My clients are all decent, friendly, completely normal people and of all genders,” May told the outlet.
“In addition, the customers, who have good basic training, are pleasant and well-behaved. They are never disturbing.”
Except the services advertised by escort platforms have a different story to tell. Kinks and fetishes are often the rule rather than the exception.
TRUE North Media
Patrick Bestall
14 Democratic lawmakers vote for House GOP resolution against President Joe Biden over his handling of illegal immigration:
2. [the 14 Democrats are named]
A House GOP resolution against President Joe Biden over his handling of illegal immigration received support from 14 Democratic lawmakers, Politico reported. The non-binding resolution passed in a 225-187 vote Wednesday.
Former President Donald Trump was tough on immigration while Democrats decried such measures. Now, they've signed onto the resolution sponsored by Rep. Nathaniel Moran (R-TX) that "denounces the Biden administration’s open-borders policies" and "condemns the national security and public safety crisis" the policies have created.
Joining the GOP were Democrats from 11 states who are now agreeing with Trump's stance on the issue. They included Reps. Mary Peltola of Alaska, Yadira Caraveo of Colorado, Jared Moskowitz of Florida, Eric Sorensen of Illinois, Jared Golden of Maine, Angie Craig of Minnesota, Susie Lee of Nevada, Donald Davis and Wiley Nickel of North Carolina, Greg Landsman of Ohio, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington, and three Texas Reps. Henry Cuellar, Vicente Gonzalez, and Colin Allred.
The three-page bill blames Biden for several moves that led to the current crisis, including halting construction of the border wall and ending Migrant Protection Protocols, The Hill reported. It also accused them of "abusing the parole authority" in dealing with migrants.
The Democrats who signed on recognize that it's a bipartisan issue. "Most of us understand that nations need borders; those borders should be secured, and we should enforce the immigration laws on the books," Golden said.
"Most of us also understand that those seeking entry to our country deserve an orderly and predictable immigration process. Right now, we have problems on both fronts," the Maine Democrat added.
Nickel, who is free to vote with the GOP as he's not seeking reelection this year, also joined the resolution. "Illegal immigration threatens our national security and undermines American jobs," the North Carolina Democrat said.
"It’s time for Congress and the Biden administration to come together and pass legislation to meaningfully address issues at the border. It should be a top priority in Washington, just like it is in most of America," Nickel added.
"The time for decisive action at the southern border is now," he continued. "It’s unfortunate that the far-right and the far-left continue to make this a political issue rather than coming to the table to find consensus and common ground," Nickel lamented.
"I remain focused on working in a bipartisan way to secure the border and pass comprehensive immigration reform through Congress. I’ll work with anyone to help save lives, improve security at the southern border, and make our communities safer," he promised.
Perhaps it's no coincidence that these Democrats are joining their Republican colleagues at this time. A poll conducted by CBS News earlier this month found that only 32% of Americans approve of Biden's approach to immigration, while 68% disapprove.
Congressional Republicans aren't faring much better on the issue. They have similar poll numbers as only 35% of Americans approve of the job they're doing on the border, while 65% disapprove.
The problem is reaching an unprecedented level of urgency as December 2023 recorded the highest number of illegal border crossings in history, CBS News reported. Border Patrol took 225,000 migrants into custody in just the first 27 days of that month.
Biden's open-border policies are destroying America from the inside out. Now, Democrats are beginning to see that and are increasingly adopting Trump's stance on the issue just in time for the 2024 election.
The American Digest
Biden Administration Hit With $100Mil Lawsuit For Murder
In an absolutely heartbreaking story, an American woman has filed a $100 million wrongful death lawsuit against the Biden administration, accusing the Department of Homeland Security of being responsible for her daughter’s murder. The suit claims that agents of the U.S. Border Patrol let an unaccompanied minor out from custody, even though he has purported ties to the bloodthirsty gang, MS-13.
Tammy Nobles, a witness who testified on Thursday before the House Homeland Security Committee in the second impeachment hearing of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, said in a phone conversation on Tuesday that she has initiated a case for wrongful death against the DHS. Nobles is filing a lawsuit due to the rape and choking of her autistic young daughter, Kayla Hamilton, which she believes could have been avoided.
More details can be Read / Viewed at the above LINK... The Political Signal
Fed Up Trump Lawyer Goes NUCLEAR On Judge In Court:
On Tuesday, in a court hearing, there was a confrontation between the attorney and representative of former President Donald Trump and the federal judge overseeing the defamation case between Trump and writer E. Jean Carroll.
Trump was present in court at the beginning of Carroll’s defamation lawsuit she brought against him. The trial will determine the exact sum that Trump must pay Carroll as compensation for the damages, as a result of a prior ruling that found him responsible for sexually assaulting the columnist and ordered him to pay her $5 million.
CNN reported a disagreement between U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan, who was appointed by President Clinton, and Habba. The judge refused Habba’s plea to postpone the trial in order for Trump to be at his mother-in-law’s burial. When Habba requested a temporary suspension of the trial to enable Trump’s later arrival, a dispute arose involving her and Kaplan... it went NUCLEAR!
More details can be Read / Viewed at the above LINK...
The Political Signal
Trump to file motions to challenge Jack Smith's prosecution in classified docs case:
Former President Donald Trump and his lawyers are far from giving in, and they have a new defense angle to use in the classified documents case brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith.
According to Newsweek, Trump will use motions he will soon file "to take advantage of the prosecutor's failure to force him to disclose his defense," at attorney reportedly said.
The outlet noted:
Last week, Judge Aileen Cannon, who is presiding over the case, denied Special Counsel Jack Smith's request to force the former president to disclose whether he will rely on an advice of counsel defense in the trial. This is a defence that argues innocence on the basis of relying in good faith on advice his lawyer gave him that he was entitled to keep the classified documents.
As a result, Trump will reportedly file a motion "regarding the scope of the prosecution team," and another motion to request "tracking information relating to the handling of allegedly classified documents, damage assessments, and impeachment material relating to the conduct of the investigation."
Legal experts now say that Trump and his lawyers will use this angle to begin to tear down Smith's prosecution.
Joyce Vance, a former U.S. attorney in Alabama, explained how Trump's upcoming motions will allow his team to go on the offense.
"This is his opportunity to object to the way Smith has handled discovery and he will likely take full advantage of it—expect lots of outrage over Smith's 'failures'. When the Judge rules, and her practice seems to be brief notational 'minute orders' on the docket, we may get some sense of whether the case is still on track for May," Vance wrote.
Notably, the trial for Trump's classified documents case is expected to begin May 20.
However, the former president and his legal team have pushed to delay the case until after the 2024 election, which has been strongly countered by Smith's team for obvious reasons.
Trump and others have maintained that not only is he innocent of the charges -- in all cases -- but that they're also simply being used in an attempt to derail his 2024 presidential campaign.
Court observers have noted that Judge Aileen Cannon has been receptive to pushing back deadlines, and even hinted that during a pre-trial conference in March, she may consider moving the trial back further.
Despite his legal issues, of which there are many, Trump dominated the Iowa caucuses and even set records.
Short of something absolutely unprecedented, Trump will be the GOP presidential nominee, and that will undoubtedly create new twists and turns as to how his cases are scheduled and handled.
Only time will tell if his motions in the classified documents case put his legal team at an advantage.
The American Digest
Phenix Ariz "No Pants Day":
Phoenix’s “No Pants Light-Rail Day” returns, this time with tons of BDSM, furies, and kids:
While Phoenix's pantless light-rail run dates back to 2009, the 2019 ride was canceled and the event took a three year hiatus thanks to the pandemic in 2020.
Now four years later, it's making a comeback, but things are a little different.
Here are a couple of pictures from previous rides:
What the heck happened?
Things are really going off the rails, aren't they? Patrick Bestall
United Airlines:
Remember back in 2021 when about half of the country turned into evil, shaming vaccine experts who said you'd kill people if you didn't get the experimental shot?
Well, some workers at United Airlines haven't forgotten, and their lawsuit against their employer is a doozy!
A legal brief filed early Saturday in part of a larger lawsuit against the airline contains internal communications obtained in discovery, which shows management's effort to coerce religious employees to take the coronavirus vaccine at every turn. The effort was so blatant that one union president, Craig Symons, expressed to Scott Kirby and others that United was "over the line" and attempting to institute a "purge of religious orthodoxy," the brief revealed.
Scott Kirby, the CEO of United, was accused of attempting to purge religiously orthodox employees from the airline, and was incredibly frustrated by the religious exemptions to vaccines.
Yes, THIS guy wasn't a fan of his religious employees:
Well, he obviously hates God. So that explains a lot.
Back to the lawsuit:
United Airlines had the strictest of all mandates. They granted religious and medical exemptions to around 2,300 employees, but those employees weren't allowed to just continue their jobs. They were placed on unpaid leave and had all of their medical benefits stripped.
They didn't fire them, but they did stop paying them.
The plaintiffs won an injunction and can now work again, but United hasn't backed off of their policy.
Here's part of the brief filed by the United employees:
At the outset, Mr. Kirby threatened employees to "be very careful about" requesting such accommodations because "very few" people would "get through the medical and religious exemption process." And Mr. Kirby derisively described such employees as "all [of a] sudden decid[ing] I'm really religious." Making his plans clear, Mr. Kirby warned that anyone who applied for an accommodation was "putting [their] job on the line."
Breitbart has this part of the brief on video as well.
He seems like a nice guy.
He's also, in addition to being a drag queen, a self-loathing anti-white racist and anti-male sexist!
Alright, sorry for another rabbit trail.
At one point, Kirby allegedly proposed "requiring accommodated employees to walk around with special stickers on their badges broadcasting vaccination states," the brief states.
"Unsurprisingly, United's lawyers shot down this idea. And United acknowledged that Mr. Kirby's idea would ‘create conflict' in the workplace," the lawsuit alleges, citing internal communications. "In fact, even some HR employees were taken aback by Mr. Kirby's proposal, stating that putting stickers on unvaccinated employees' badges is ‘like the scarlet letter … Oh my goodness. Who are we???"‘
The vaccine mandates really brought out the absolute worst in some people, didn't it?
While some HR reps were apparently shocked at Kirby's attitude, others reportedly helped to perpetuate it throughout the company.
According to the brief, some HR reps called medical exemptions BS, accused employees of lying and purchasing fake vax cards, and even believed employees got "sham Drs" to write them notes.
United also "employed religious language to coerce employees into getting vaccinated rather than seek a religious accommodation," the lawsuit alleges.
"United told employees that getting vaccinated was about ‘loving your neighbor and colleague as yourself,"' the brief alleges.
Where have we heard that before?
Maybe they got it from Francis Collins or any number of "progressive" Christians who guilted people into the vax!
Story by Harris Rigby
Gun Control Backfires:
Despite all the lefties in the world wanting you to believe that more guns = more crime, that's not what the numbers say. In fact, it's quite the opposite.
It's almost like we're starting to see a pattern here.
I guess criminals don't like getting shot!!
Here's what the AG's office said about the study:
"This is not to downplay the very real problem of crime in many neighborhoods in our cities - you don't need a research team to see that gun violence destroys lives, families and opportunity," (Attorney General) Yost said. "The key takeaway from this study is that we have to keep the pressure on the criminals who shoot people, rather than Ohioans who responsibly exercise their Second Amendment rights." Last year, mayors of several large cities blamed crime in their local communities on the change in state law - comments that were the impetus for the study, Yost said. "I genuinely did not know what the study would find," he said. "I thought it would be useful either way."
Yeah, the libs in the big cities wanted to blame the constitutional carry law for an increase in crime, but it was all made up. Either crime was largely unchanged, or it went down.
Two of the 8 largest cities saw about a 5% increase in crime, but the other major cities saw as much as an 18% decrease.
Perps have to think twice when everyone might be packing!
It just makes sense.
Story by Annie Oakley
Patrick Bestall
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Patrick Bestall
New map reveals Earthquake Hotspots putting hundreds of millions at risk:
Hundreds of millions of Americans are at risk from damaging earthquakes, with a new map revealing that almost 75% of the country is in a danger zone.
The US Geological Survey (USGS) made the discovery following its latest National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM), which found major cities including New York, Washington and Boston were at an increased risk of major shakes.
· Nearly 75% of the US is at risk of damaging earthquakes and intense ground shaking, putting hundreds of millions of people at risk
· The USGS predicts earthquake damage will cost the country $14.7 billion a year
· 37 US states have experienced earthquakes exceeding magnitude 5 during the last 200 years
Famously active regions such as California and Alaska also face a greater chance of damaging earthquakes in the next century, while recent volcanic eruptions in Hawaii have left the island at heightened risk.
Continue reading
The map shows a long stretch of the west coast and southern Alaska have a more than 95% chance of a damaging earthquake in the next 100 years. Hotspots around Memphis, Tennessee, and Yellowstone – home to a supervolcano – show a 75% to 95% chance.
New tools and technology allowed scientists to detect more than 500 new fault lines crisscrossing the country, bringing the total to around 1,000. [More details can be observed at LINK above]
Story by Katherine Fidler
All hell broke loose after Trump’s Georgia case prosecutor Fani Willis humiliated herself at this jaw-dropping appearance:
The Democrats are moving heaven and earth to destroy Donald Trump.
But their actions are blowing up in their faces.
The Georgia election case against Donald Trump is already falling apart.
Fulton County Prosecutor Fani Willis fell into a sex scandal that has jeopardized her case.
Willis brought on prosecutor Nathan Wade, the man with whom she was having an affair, to work on the RICO case against Trump.
It turned out that Wade was not qualified for the role, and he and Willis used taxpayer dollars to go on lavish cruises.
With Willis’s case in tatters, she made a shameful attempt to rehabilitate her image by making a political speech at a church.
During her cringe-worthy sermon, Willis ironically accused her political opponents of playing the race card.
Why is Willis invoking MTG?
Willis said, “They are going to be mad when I call them out on this nonsense…First thing they say, ‘Oh, she’s going to play the race card.’ But … isn’t it them playing the race card when they think I need someone in some other jurisdiction in some other state to tell me how to do a job I’ve been doing almost 30 years?”
Willis failed to mention that she was under the microscope for misconduct.
She also took a shot at Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene, saying, “Dear God, I do not want to be like those that attacked me…I never want to be a Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has never met me but has allowed her spirit to be filled with hate. How does this woman, who has the honor of being a leader in my state, how is it that she has not reached out to me? … She can tell me, ‘I don’t agree with anything you’re doing, but I do not agree with people threatening your life or the life of your family’…How did such a woman come to think that it was normal and normalized that another woman was worthy of such cruelty? I would never wish for her to have the experiences or the threats that I receive, the derogatory name calling, the being doxed multiple times.”
It was MLK Day, not Blame MTG Day:
The entire spectacle of talking political inside baseball at a church was upsetting.
Willis was clearly desperate, and she knows that her partisan case against Trump is in jeopardy.
Like clockwork, the Left portray themselves as victims whenever they get caught doing something improper.
Marjorie Taylor-Greene assuredly gets more hate mail than Willis.
Unmuzled News Media
Trump’s VP pick leaked and now all hell is breaking loose:
It has been anyone’s guess who Trump could pick as a running mate. Now we know who Trump’s thinking.
Because Trump’s VP pick leaked and now all hell is breaking loose.
Former President Donald Trump is allegedly contemplating Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) as his vice-presidential nominee if he wins the Republican Party presidential primary.
Stefanik has declared that she will campaign for Trump in New Hampshire ahead of the state’s first-in-the-nation primaries next week.
According to NBC News, Trump sources believe the New York representative is at the top of Trump’s list “because she possesses one of the key attributes, he’s looking for in a 2024 running mate: loyalty.”
One Republican campaign operative told the outlet, “If you’re Trump, you want someone who’s loyal above all else. Particularly because he sees Mike Pence as having made a fatal sin.”
According to NBC, Stefanik was mentioned as a prospective vice-presidential candidate over a meal with Mar-a-Lago members in late December, when the discussion shifted to who Trump might choose as his running mate if he won the primary.
The attendees of the gathering reportedly “raved about [Stefanik’s] viral moment just weeks before, when she grilled three university presidents at a congressional hearing about antisemitism on campus.”
During the hearing, the congresswoman repeatedly asked the presidents of Harvard, UPenn, and MIT whether calling for the genocide of Jews violated their respective colleges’ bullying and harassment rules.
According to one attendee, when Trump was asked about contemplating her, he responded, “She’s a killer.”
Stefanik, according to NBC, was once considered a “moderate Republican” who worked on Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign.
Stefanik now has a grade of 48%, an “F” in Conservative Review’s grading system, placing her ahead of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) but behind Romney.
Conservatives lambasted her for first voting for the pro-LGBT Equality Act in 2019, only to later withdraw her support for the bill.
Stefanik was also one of 47 House Republicans who voted in 2022 to pass legislation legalizing same-s*x marriage.
Stefanik became an ardent supporter of Trump following his victory in the 2016 election. The lawmaker worked on Trump’s 2019 impeachment defense team and was one of over a hundred House Republicans who signed an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to overturn Biden’s electoral victory.
She is currently facing a censure from House Democrats for referring to January 6 criminal suspects as “hostages.”
Speaker Mike Johnson has lauded Stefanik’s leadership in the House, where she chairs the House Republican Conference, saying, “She’s one of the best leaders and communicators in Congress.”
Stefanik did not rule out being Trump’s vice president in a recent interview with NBC News, stating, “Well, I, of course, would be honored to serve in any capacity in a Trump administration.”
Only time will tell if Trump decides to go with Stefanik. The D.C. Daily Journal
Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:
This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU
must make up YOUR OWN MIND
The Real News for Fri. 19 Jan. 2024:
· Fri. 19 Jan. House Republicans have introduced legislation to defund the World Economic Forum. The Defund Davos Act would specifically block any federal agency from providing funding to the WEF. The U.S. has spent tens of millions on the WEF over the years, something GOP lawmakers say needs to end.
· Fri. 19 Jan. The Hidden Powers: Ashkenazi Khazarian (referred to as Fake Jews) and Roman Papal Bloodline Family Names – American Media Group (
· Nebraska, USA: A single hailstorm reduced a multimillion-dollar solar park, consisting of 14,000 solar panels, into a pile of toxic debris within minutes—once again showcasing the costly and ludicrous nature of Net Zero.
· Fri. 19 Jan. Putin’s Explosive Declaration: “The previous U.S. elections were rigged through mail voting.” (video) – American Media Group (
· Fri. 19 Jan. MILITARY TRIBUNALS! Why They Are Absolutely Necessary? Because The Barbarians Are Inside The Gate! – American Media Group (
· “I knew it. I knew everything right from the start. I knew how they organized everything, I knew the person that was supposed to drive the car, I knew when they would pronounce my death. The only thing is that they didn’t know I knew so I managed to get out of that situation alive. There is only one person that helped me with everything and I’m forever grateful to him, that’s why I decided to fight for his cause and help him. Soon I will show you the real faces of Charles, Camila and many others. They are not who they say they are. …Princess Diana on Telegram Fri. 19 Jan.
· Fri. 19 Jan. Anonymous: Why Is Nobody Talking About This… – American Media Group (
· Every time you hear the term “fossil fuel” on TV, radio, news, etc., you are being lied to. In 1892, at the Geneva Convention, the smartest man in the oil industry, J.D. Rockefeller, paid scientists to refer to oil as a “fossil fuel” in order to give the impression of scarcity and set a “world price for oil.” In truth, oil is the second most abundant liquid on Earth after water, and it regenerates on the Earth faster than it can ever be quenched. Fuel was once free, but Rothschild and BlackRock are cheating people.
· Fri. 19 Jan. BOMBSHELL! JFK: The 60-Year Plan – Unveiling the Lee Harvey Oswald and Joseph Biden Connection! – American Media Group (
· Fri. 19 Jan. Mass Geo Political Situation Update, Fulford:
· Wed. 17 Jan. This is Huge, Charlie Ward:
· Fri. 19 Jan. Panic at DAVOS:
· Thurs. 18 Jan. CIA Politicization:
Border Crisis
· Tues. 17 Jan. President Trump: “I agree that we need to secure the border, but why should we have to “make a deal” with the Democrats in order to do this? Why should we have to send billions more dollars to Ukraine (that is money laundered back to the politicians who pass the bill), in exchange for enforcement of the immigration laws that already exist? They are extorting the American People for HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS in exchange for a service that we already paid for. This is absolute insanity.”
· Democrats Have LOST THEIR MINDS. They are proposing that every Illegal Immigrant should be provided an attorney by American taxpayers. “So, the American taxpayer should pay for the lawyers. Not only should they pay for the hospitals, not only should they pay for the schools, not only should they pay the SNAP benefits. They should also pay for the lawyers to allow them as people from outside the United States to be able to come into America.”
· Fri. 19 Jan. Red States Send National Guard to Help Texas Guard Border:
Climate Change: This Is What Klaus Schwab, The World Economic Forum & Bill Gates Call “Climate Change”:
· “The Air Force is on record as saying, quote, they “wanna control the weather by 2025,” and we are not talking about just seeding the clouds for rain.
· Of April, this year, there are more than a 150 different weather modification programs around the world.
· Since about 2000, the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy have been spraying the entire United States, Sky, the toxic brew, chemicals, and other biologic agents. Military and some commercial jets have been fitted with huge barrels of at least 49 different kinds of documented chemical poisons. Among other documented ingredients in this toxic man-made cloud.”
· You’ll either believe the Climate Cult & pay a carbon tax or they’ll keep manipulating the weather until you do.
· Bill Gates & The World Economic Forum Are in The Process Of Genetically Modifying Our Seeds & Changing The Genes Of Our Plants
· Complete Control of Our Food While Preaching Depopulation
· In The Name Of “Climate Change,” They Need to Completely Modify Natural Seeds. Imagine A World Where All Agriculture Is Dependent on Bill Gates & The WEF.