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SATURDAY 2-17-24

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Saturday 2-17-24

Verses for today:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:16 KJV


For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV


Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

Hebrews 12:14 KJV



Imminent Battle:

As the May 2024 deadline for the WHO Pandemic Treaty looms closer, our mission to oppose it becomes more urgent. 

The UN World Health Organization's ‘marathon’ meeting in Geneva starting on Monday (48 hours) is a critical point intended to complete the treaty and transfer global health decisions from individual nations, doctors, and citizens to one overarching authority stuffed with billions of your dollars.

You and I know this treaty is more than a health document; it's a bid for control, legally binding, and capable of altering global health governance forever. 

Combined with the moves of dozens of other UN agencies to restrict speech and freedom, including a report from UNESCO aimed at muzzling crucial debate and criticism about the Pandemic Treaty, we see the true goal of the global left: absolute control.

I know I can count on you.

Stand against the centralized authority that the WHO seeks to establish to govern our health, mandate our children's vaccinations, and restrict our freedom of movement and speech.

Thank you for your continued support in this crucial fight.

Sebastian Lukomski

The entire team at CitizenGO


 This Story will TOUCH-YOUR-HEART!

EXCLUSIVE: Young Ontario woman's life becomes a living hell after Moderna booster shot leaves her paralyzed. Doctors confirm vaccine connection and offer Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID). Kayla Pollock is a 37-year-old mother from Ontario whose life took a drastic turn after receiving a Moderna Covid-19 booster shot. 


She experienced paralysis from the neck down and has been enduring a challenging ordeal ever since. Kayla's early years were marked by unspeakable cruelty and suffering. As an infant, she endured the horrors of severe abuse, including broken bones, cigarette burns, and bruises inflicted upon her helpless body by her parents. Her distressing situation prompted the intervention of family and children services, ultimately leading to her placement in a caring, loving and supportive home. As she grew older, Kayla dedicated the majority of her younger adult years to behavioral training of exotic animals.


However, she eventually made the decision to resign from this profession after having her son, recognizing the inherent risks of the job. Kayla eventually ended up in the small town of Mount Albert, Ontario, where she co-raised her son after a separation. She worked as a casual educational assistant at Robert Munsch Public School, assisting kindergarten children. Her home was conveniently located right next to the school.

Kayla's son attended the same school where she worked, and she expressed her love for her job and the positive direction her life was heading. Describing herself as fit, healthy, and very active, Kayla enjoyed hiking, being outdoors, gardening, and going places with her son. When the pandemic struck, Kayla recalls the mainstream media, politicians, and public health officials emphasizing the severity of the virus and urging everyone to get vaccinated.


She remembers health officials specifically advising that those at highest risk should prioritize getting vaccinated. Being immunocompromised and a type one diabetic, Kayla heeded the advice of health officials and received the first two Pfizer shots in the middle of 2021 and didn’t experience any issues. Additionally, she mentions another reason for getting vaccinated was because her father resided in a long-term care facility with dementia, and vaccination was going to be a requirement for entry into the care home.


Kayla then decided to take a booster, but this time it was a Moderna booster shot. She recounts going to a vaccination drive and the police being there. She found that odd and questioned why the police were present. According to Kayla, people were upset that Moderna was being given out instead of Pfizer, and that was the reason for the police presence. Kayla says that something didn’t sit right in her gut, but she went ahead with the Moderna booster shot anyway.


She explains her reasoning for getting the third shot was because she felt like a third one would be mandated at some point to get access into her dad’s long term care home. She received the Moderna booster shot on January 11, 2022. Four days later, Kayla described a situation where her legs just gave out, and she collapsed, but all seemed fine a short time later. Then, nine days later, she experienced a similar event, and at that time, she called her doctor, asking to see a neurologist because she suspected something wasn’t right.


On the morning of February 22, 2022, Kayla's life took an irreversible turn. As she awoke, opened her eyes, a sudden realization struck her – she couldn't move her body. Despite the shock, she says she remained calm and started yelling for help. Fortunately, her boyfriend who spent the night, was in the driveway preparing to leave for work, and heard her cries for help. Her boyfriend called 911 and Kayla was transported to Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket, Ontario. While in the emergency department Kayla recounts that the attending physician initially dismissed her symptoms, suggesting that it was all in her head and portrayed her as a "crazy person," and ordered a psychiatric consult.


All of what Kayla describes happening is evident in her medical records which we obtained and reviewed. Eventually, an MRI was conducted, revealing that Kayla had a very large lesion on her spinal cord. A neurologist followed up with Kayla and recommended a course of steroids in an attempt to decrease the size of the lesion. Kayla questioned the neurologist and asked if the lesion could be a tumor. In an audio recording taken by Kayla’s boyfriend, the neurologist responds, saying, “it's less likely a tumor” and that it is his “gut impression it was caused by the vaccine.” When Kayla questions the doctor as to whether many people have had something similar happen to them, the doctor responds, saying “many people have had it.”



Later, Kayla would learn that she had developed transverse myelitis, a condition that interrupts the transmission of messages along the spinal cord nerves throughout the body. She would go on to spend several months in the hospital, where she says she was offered medical assistance in dying (MAID) on two occasions but rejected the offer. During Kayla's hospital stay, she received steroids, which she claims helped to some extent, allowing her to regain very slight movement in her arms, hands, and fingers. However, she still has absolutely no feeling from the neck down. Visually examining her fingernails reveals decay due to the lack of nerve function.


Kayla believes that if the initial doctor had taken her concerns seriously, rather than dismissing her as a "crazy person," and promptly ordered an MRI, she might have been able to walk again or experience sensation in some parts of her body that she doesn’t have today. After her initial treatment at the local hospital, Kayla was subsequently transferred to Lyndhurst Rehabilitation Centre in Toronto to undergo several months of intensive rehabilitation aimed at attempting to restore her physical capabilities and adapting to her new reality. Unfortunately, Kayla says that rehab did not help her.


Following her discharge from the hospital, she now takes a long list of drugs daily. She ended up losing everything she worked hard for—her home, the ability to co-raise her son, and her job, essentially losing everything. Kayla was placed on provincial disability and was forced to move away from Mount Albert, where her son lives, into an apartment that could accommodate her wheelchair accessibility needs. Kayla has faced challenges in obtaining the promised hours of in-home care after leaving the hospital.


Kayla relies on a personal support worker to help her get out of bed each morning, another organization assists with meal preparation, and in the evenings, a friend comes over to manually extract feces from her bowel and aid her in getting into bed. Securing compensation through the federal government’s Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) has been difficult for Kayla.


She initiated the application process in July of 2022, following up with the program six months later. However, according to Kayla, her application was still under review at that time. Another six months elapsed, and when she sought an update, the program informed her that they had never received her initial application. In response, Kayla reapplied to the program and was recently assigned to a case worker. Uncertainty looms over whether she will be approved and, if approved, when she will receive any form of compensation.


Kayla faces challenges in performing simple tasks both at home and in the community. She is in a difficult financial situation and desperately seeks a service dog. According to her, having a service dog would not only assist her with daily tasks but also offer companionship, providing her with much-needed company.


An organization called Veterans 4 Freedom has stepped in to help Kayla and has set up a GiveSendGo campaign to help her raise funds for a service dog.

A link to that fundraising campaign appears below.

Also note the following ARTICLE...


Donna Warren

British Prime Minister Confronted Over COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries on Live Television:

Rishi Sunak felt the rage of a live audience member at the GB News People's Forum.

In a compelling piece of live television, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was recently confronted by a COVID-19 vaccine injury victim during an unscripted question and answer session. Describing the pain and trauma he suffered, audience member John Watt told the Prime Minister how he had been left with no help at all after the vaccine caused him to develop a heart condition. Already under pressure over his links to a hedge fund that has seen massive returns from an investment in COVID-19 vaccine maker Moderna, Sunak was like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

You can read more DETAILS at this LINK:

Global Research Newsletter


I am in the Dock on Thursday:

I had really hoped it would not come to this, but I’m sorry to inform you that this Thursday, Feb. 22, I have to appear in court charged with committing a hate crime and spreading hate against the LGBT community simply because I shared a meme on Facebook.

My name is Eduard Pröls, and I am the Campaign Director in Germany for CitizenGO. Over my 10 years with CitizenGO, I've seen firsthand how free speech is increasingly under fire from groups driven by their own agendas. The fact that simply sharing a meme can land me in court is solid proof that, now more than ever, our freedom to speak our minds is seriously at risk.

Trust me, just thinking about the court hearing and what might go down has already cost me many sleepless nights.


And the closer it gets, the harder it is for me to get any sleep at all. In the end, it always boils down to the same set of questions swirling in my head.

  • ·         Will I end up with a criminal record for sharing a meme on Facebook?

  • ·         Will I be able to continue working as a campaigner promoting Life, Family, and Freedom?

  • ·         Will I have to appear in courtrooms repeatedly?


Obviously, I know this fight I’m tangled up in isn’t just about me or my right to speak freely. They’re going after CitizenGO too, aiming to silence an organization that amplifies your voices. And honestly, I believe the people who've accused me actually hate and fear CitizenGO. Why? Because our campaigners and the whole team at CitizenGO have a knack for getting your voices out there, making sure they really matter and making some waves.


So, as I try my best every single day to make sure your voice gets heard, I could really use your help in this fight. If you could, I'd really appreciate it if you could say a prayer for me, maybe even light a candle or two in your church. Ask God to watch over me and to give my lawyer a serious dose of inspiration — and the judge too — so they might drop the case or clear me of these accusations of stirring up trouble with alleged hate speech.


I'm confident that with God's help, we can win this case together, and that victory will fuel our resolve to keep pushing forward in the cultural battle that lies ahead.

Thank you so much for your support!


Eduard Pröls, Senior Campaigner,

CitizenGO Germany

P.S. As you probably know, I'm not the first CitizenGO campaigner who's been dragged into court. And sadly, I probably won’t be the last. CitizenGO relies solely on donations and as well as your prayers, we also need funds to be ready for the battles that lie ahead. Could you consider a donation to help CitizenGO stand up for me and all the other team members who might end up in the dock? I'd really appreciate it if you could make a donation right this minute. Thank you so much!


CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that works to ensure that human life, the family and our freedoms are respected worldwide. CitizenGO members live in every nation of the world. Our team is spread across 16 countries on 5 continents and operates in 12 languages. Learn about CitizenGO here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.





David YEO:


ATH!3$T ARGU3$ J3$U$ EX!$T!NG (1 Min)


TH3 T3@M TH@T R!GG3D TH3 NFL (43 Min)


K@N$@$ C!TY: CR!$!$ ACT0R $H0W$ W0UND (3 Min)


$H@K!NG: H@PPY V@L3NT!N3's DAY B@BYL0N (33 Min)


Gr3G0RY: HyDR0G3L$ in K0V!D VXXNS**Pr0G@MMAL !NT3RF@C3 (5 Min)


T0M $!NG$ Th3 TRUTH (1 Min)


A R3PL!CA 0f TH3 ARK @ M@RA LAG0? (5 Min)


CR!$!$ ACT0R: Was $@M H!T by a BULL3T? (3 Min)


AU$$!3: WH0 C0NTR0L$ TH3 AU$$!3 P@RL!aM3NT? (10 Min)


AL@$KAN W!NT3R: Warm**60 D3GR33$ F@HR3NH3!T (5 Min)

 David YEO




Joe Biden’s ties to Hunter have been exposed in one incriminating email:

For years, Americans have heard that the Bidens personally profited from foreign governments. Now we’ve found the smoking gun.


Because Joe Biden’s ties to Hunter have been exposed in one incriminating email.

A newly discovered document apparently provides evidence that Hunter Biden worked with Chinese state-linked CEFC China Energy while his father was vice president, as believed by Republicans leading the impeachment investigation into the president’s alleged wrongdoing.


Despite his apparent association with two Chinese government-backed enterprises, notably CEFC, President Biden has repeatedly denied his family received money from China.

“We anticipate working together on a number of opportunities in the US and abroad,” says the potentially damning March 22, 2016, letter addressed to CEFC Executive Director Jianjun Zang on Hunter’s letterhead about 10 months before his dad Joe left office as vice president.


“I believe we have presented a collection of projects that parallel the interests of you and your team and we look forward to discussing them in detail,” reads the draft letter to Zang, which was emailed to Hunter and his partners Rob Walker and James Gilliar as an attachment.


“As we await your next visit to the United States, please continue to coordinate all matters with my confidant and trusted advisor, James Gilliar,” the contents of the letter read.

Walker presented the paper to the House impeachment inquiry prior to his closed-door appearance on January 26 — which also supported some of the letter’s claims with other supposed proof.

The email was included in his interview transcript, which was published on Tuesday.

It is unclear whether the letter, presumably signed by Hunter, ever reached Zang, and if so, whether any of the text was changed.


According to emails, Hunter’s assistant was supposed to send the letter to China once it had been authorized.

Hunter Biden and his brother James Biden collected more than $7 million from CEFC between 2017 and 2018, according to House Republicans.

Joe and Hunter Biden have neither verified or denied the start date of their CEFC partnership, but Hunter is expected to be probed on the subject during his own deposition later this month.

Tony Bobulinski, another longtime Biden family associate, was in the hot seat at a closed-door impeachment hearing on Tuesday.


He is one of the Republicans’ best hopes for confirming incriminating revelations about the president’s ties with his families’ Chinese government-linked relationships.

President Biden has claimed that, in addition to his family never receiving money from China, he had no interactions with his relatives’ business associates, and that Hunter’s abandoned laptop was Russian misinformation — statements that have been debunked.


According to laptop evidence, images, and witness accounts, Joe Biden, as vice president, engaged with first son Hunter and first brother James Biden’s supporters from Russia, Mexico, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, as well as having coffee with the CEO of a previous Chinese state-backed Hunter Biden enterprise in 2013.

In a court filing Tuesday, the Justice Department stated that it handed Hunter’s defense team a firearms case with a “complete and identical” copy of the famed laptop seized by the FBI in 2019 from a Delaware repair shop, as reported by the New York Post.

Hunter’s representatives and Democrats have yet to use that data to back up their assertions that some publicly published evidence against the president may have been doctored.

D.C. Daily Journal



The "Woke" Left is furious:

Charlie Kirk, TPUSA

This ENRAGES the radical Left -- and that's why I know YOU will love it!

My friend CANDACE OWENS and I will be hitting the road soon for Turning Point USA's LIVE FREE TOUR...

...where, at EVERY event, we will invite Leftist students who DISAGREE with us to come to the front of the line to ask us questions -- and we WILL answer!

You see, Don, this is how we take the fight directly to the radical Left and how we WIN!

Leftists know that they can NEVER win a debate against patriotic conservatives like you and me.

That's why "Woke" activists -- from Left-wing school leaders down to ANTIFA students -- try so hard to silence, censor, and smear Conservative and Patriotic speakers and shut down their speaker events.

My friend Candace Owens and I have seen it all -- vicious personal attacks, profane gestures and screaming, and even an activist pulling a fire alarm inside the building where Candace and I were speaking on-stage together.

But at Turning Point USA, we will NEVER bend a knee to the "Woke" mob.

We will NEVER give in to their ridiculous demands.

We will NEVER apologize for loving our country and believing in AMERICAN GREATNESS.

And that's why Turning Point USA KEEPS WINNING!

Thank YOU for helping Turning Point USA disrupt and DESTROY the "Woke" narrative and Leftist indoctrination that has nearly destroyed a generation.

With your continued support, I know that Turning Point USA's LIVE FREE TOUR can be a GAME-CHANGER for our patriotic movement as we inspire THOUSANDS MORE kids across the country to LOVE AMERICA again!

Charlie KirkFounder & CEOTurning Point USA



Mitch McConnell just stabbed every conservative in the back with this awful power play:

RINO Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell proved where his loyalties lie.

They aren’t with the voters in the Republican Party.

And Mitch McConnell just stabbed every conservative in the back with this awful power play.

McConnell and a cabal of RINOs helped Democrats advance a $95 billion foreign aid slush fund bill that includes $61 billion to secure the border in Ukraine and nothing for the border in America.

In comments defending the bill, McConnell claimed securing the Ukrainian border was a chief responsibility of the American taxpayer.

“I know it’s become quite fashionable in some circles to disregard the global interests we have as a global power. To bemoan the responsibilities of global leadership. To lament the commitment that has underpinned the longest drought of great power conflict in human history,” McConnell declared.

“This is idle work for idle minds. And it has no place in the United States Senate,” McConnell concluded.

Senate Conservatives were furious:

Utah’s Mike Lee was one of the vocal critics of McConnell selling out the American people for the Ukrainians and demanded McConnell resign as Senate Minority Leader.

“Look, Republican senators are not part of some feudal system. We each are represented to — we’re each representing our own states. And in occasion after occasion, bill after bill, we have seen Senate Republican leadership joining ranks with all or most Democrats, sharply dividing Republicans, actively alienating most Republican voters and taking a different position than most Republican senators in order to enact Democratic priorities and things that unite the Senate Democratic conference,” Lee said to Fox News host Maria Bartiromo when she asked why Lee thought McConnell needed to resign.

“This is nothing personal against any individual in leadership,” Lee added.


Lee explained that Republican voters needed Republican leadership in Congress that would represent their values and not McConnell’s of the world, who actively work to help the Democrats enact their agenda.

“And yet we do have to deal with this issue because this is how we alienate our voters. This is how we lose elections that should be won. We have got a real opportunity, Maria, for Republicans to take the majority this November. But if we keep doing things through our leadership that end up enacting priorities for the Democrats, we’re going to have brand confusion. And the voters who we need to show up to vote for Republican candidates in Senate races all over the country are going to be less likely to do that if they can’t tell which team is responsible for what policy,” Lee concluded.

Time to go:

Frustration’s been building with McConnell for years.

Ever since he became Republican Senate Leader in 2007, McConnell’s been the Democrats number one ally in the Senate.


McConnell helped Democrats pass the $800 billion bank bailout in 2008.

During Barack Obama’s Presidency, McConnell walked in lockstep with Democrats on raising the debt ceiling and passing a trillion dollars spending bill to fund Obama’s agenda.


In 2022, McConnell teamed with Chuck Schumer to pass gun control, a corporate welfare bill and the Green New Deal.

And now Mitch McConnell is showing his true colors by not lifting a finger to secure America’s southern border while being willing to break the bank for border security in Ukraine.

24/7 Politics Media



Donald Trump will be livid over this tech giant’s announcement about keeping him out of the White House:

Technology companies wield enormous power and influence in today’s world. 


To make matters worse, many Americans spend hours a day on these platforms with some only getting their news from their social media streams. 

And Donald Trump will be livid over this tech giant’s announcement about keeping him out of the White House.

Meta will do just about anything to avoid another Trump presidency

Few technology companies wield as much power and influence as Meta. 

Meta, which owns social media giants Facebook and Instagram, devotes massive resources towards policing what they deem “misinformation.”


However, time and time again, these crusades to crack down on so-called “misinformation” typically translate into targeting and silencing Donald Trump and his supporters. 

Most recently, users discovered that Meta’s wildly popular Facebook platform has added a new feature designed to “limit” the amount of political posts in their feeds. 

Instead of simply adding this feature to these platforms, Meta made this the default option, preventing millions of users from seeing political posts. 


Furthermore, Meta has announced that this limitation option will come to their other popular platforms, Threads and Instagram very shortly. 

Additional changes are expected to these platforms in the coming future, affecting these platforms’ proprietary algorithms, which determine what users see and when. 

Many Americans worry that these changes will be used to limit the reach of politically-oriented conservative groups’ pages since many users will not see them and engage with them as often.

Likewise, on the accounts of conservative users, some of whom may be unaware of the changes or how to change them.


Podcaster and television personality Tomi Lahren, who addressed the matter on Fox News Commentary, said, “Well since we can’t actually see their algorithms, I can’t tell you for certainty but given my personal experience with Meta I can give you a pretty good idea..”


She added, “Content like mine will be buried and shadow-banned into the abyss.  But something tells me the merry-go-round of content that promotes the radical pride agenda, Big Green movement, the BLM SCAM, or POTUS Joe, will still be as visible as ever.”


Meta’s founder and owner, Mark Zuckerberg, has a reputation for opposing conservatives, especially Donald Trump, adding to the theory that Meta allegedly made these moves to keep Donald Trump out of the White House. 

Following January 6, Zuckerberg issued a statement banning Trump from Meta platforms, saying, “The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elected successor, Joe Biden.” 


He added, “We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great. Therefore, we are extending the block we have placed on his Facebook and Instagram accounts indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete.”

Big Tech fears that another Trump White House term could severely limit its power 

Ever since Joe Biden took the oath of office, Big Tech has amassed ever more power. 

Federal government collusion with Big Tech officials has become rampant.   


In some cases, Big Tech officials have gleefully censored Americans online, particularly conservatives and Donald Trump supporters. 

Others have seemingly only done so in response to government agents’ coercive, strong-arm tactics. 


Nevertheless, many Big Tech and Big Government bigwigs fear their power and tools to control Americans’ speech online will be lost if Trump returns to the White House. 

The Un-Muzzled News




Joe Biden threw down the gauntlet at the Supreme Court with one unbelievable statement:

Joe Biden is sitting atop a rogue administration.

He has run the executive branch like a tyrant.

And Biden threw down the gauntlet at the Supreme Court with one unbelievable statement.

The Democrats and their media allies have been fear-mongering about Donald Trump becoming a dictator.

They ran that playbook in 2016, then Trump got into office and brokered peace deals in the Middle East while not starting any new wars.


With the 2024 election right around the corner, Democrats are again claiming that Trump will usher in the end of American democracy.

Their “proof” is that Trump joked he would be a dictator “only on day one” by increasing oil production in the country.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has behaved in true dictatorial fashion.


His administration twisted the arm of Amazon executives to censor books that promoted vaccine skepticism, and he attempted to use OSHA to coerce companies with 50 or more employees to force-vaccine everyone.

Just recently, Biden bragged about unilaterally enacting student loan forgiveness policies.

Vows to defy SCOTUS ruling

At a campaign event in Las Vegas, Biden shouted, “The Supreme Court of the United States blocked me, but they didn’t stop me!”

Biden openly defied a Supreme Court ruling.

Worse yet, Biden went ahead with his student loan forgiveness scheme when even Nancy Pelosi said he did not have the authority to do so.


In 2021, Pelosi said, “People think that the President of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness. He does not. He can postpone. He can delay. But he does not have that power. That has to be an act of Congress.”

Apparently, Biden did not get the memo.

History of the Imperial Presidency

Similarly, Barack Obama said that he did not have the authority to enact DACA, then he did it anyway.

Then activist Judges ruled that Trump did not have the authority to undo Obama’s executive orders, which is the height of absurdity.


Biden learned well from the master of the “pen” and the “phone” from his time as Vice President.

It is not just Biden.

The entire Democratic Party has adopted the idea that the Supreme Court—and the Constitution more broadly—is illegitimate.


Senator Elizabeth Warren suggested packing the Supreme Court, a move that even Ruth Bader Ginsburg detested.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that Democrats should ignore Supreme Court rulings altogether.

It’s a bad sign when Biden is in lockstep with a member of “The Squad.”

The Un-Muzzled News





Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!


Jerry Barrett Welcomes Patrick J. McShay to this Week’s Power of Prophecy Podcast Titled “America in Turmoil”

Submitted on February 16, 2024

Jerry Barrett welcomes Investigative Journalist Patrick J. McShay to this week’s Power Of Prophecy Podcast. In this fast-paced program, Jerry and Pat discuss a wide range of issues, many of which are not exposed on our controlled media, including Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’s bogus RICO case against former president Donald Trump and 19 others, her conflicts of interest, and the improprieties in her office. 

(1) Why was the shooting in Joel Osteen’s church quickly scrubbed from news reports?

(2) Has America’s financial stability taken another hit under Bidenflation?;

(3) Has Meritocracy been replaced?

(4) Is a New Jersey man, exposed as a serial ballot stuffer, on the FBI payroll?

(5) Were there more American workers in 2019 than in 2024?

(6) Why was a Michigan state lawmaker punished?;

(7) Will the U.S. dollar be replaced?

(8) What surprise was hidden in the foreign aid bill recently passed by the Senate?;

(9) Does the censorship of alternative media on the internet continue to increase?

(10) If elected, will Donald Trump’s deportation plan succeed?;

(11) Is Fani Willis in extremely hot water?

(12) E. Jean Carroll revealed her favorite TV show, you won’t believe what it is.

These items and much more are discussed! The answers to these questions and much more are covered in this week’s explosive program, “America In Turmoil”

*If you’d like to support my work, any contribution no matter how small would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat.

Follow Patrick J. McShay and get his daily takes on Twitter @j_mcshay



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