Summary as I am able:
6-4-22 Saturday
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💥Thoughts for TODAY!
For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Galatians 5:14 KJV
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Romans 8:6 KJV
New Blue vs. Ontario Party:
The Ontario Party received over 84,000 votes in the election last night.
And over 127,000 Ontarians entrusted the New Blue Party with their vote.
From what I hear...
Many Blue voters thought Sloan's Party was too religious or hypocritical and weak on promotion.
Many Ontario Party voters thought New Blue was too slick or political and misrepresented Sloan's activity.
The House was DIVIDED… and it did not STAND! [Patrick Bestall]

Join us for a special evening on the History of Civil Liberties in Canada with Conrad Black:
Some people say that liberty is not a Canadian concept. That it's just an American thing.
The shocking lockdown of our freedoms during the past two years shows that quite a few lawmakers think that freedom is not a Canadian thing.
But that couldn't be further from the truth. More than a century ago, Liberal Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier said, "Canada is free and freedom is its nationality." In fact, Canada has a rich history of civil liberties. And after the civil liberties bonfire of the past two years, it's essential that we rediscover that part of our national identity.
Who could tell us about the true history of Canadian civil liberties? Historian, author, journalist and public intellectual Conrad Black, that's who.
That's why I am very excited to announce the premiere event for The Democracy Fund's History of Civil Liberties in Canada series hosted by Conrad Black. Conrad was recently appointed TDF's Historian in Residence.
Conrad will deliver a keynote speech on the history of Canadian civil liberties. If you can make it to Toronto, please do – it's a must-see event.
And it's coming up soon – on June 21, 2022, at 7:30 p.m. in downtown Toronto in the Concert Hall at The Carlu, a National Historic Site with stunning architecture. The Carlu is located at 444 Yonge Street, on the 7th floor, near the intersection of Yonge and College Street.
Dr. Julie Ponesse, TDF's ethics scholar, will introduce the event and say a few words about what has been happening since our last event in March. And I will be there to say hello as well.
TDF is offering guests four different ticket options that range from $11 to $250. They include virtual attendance – for people who don't live in Toronto – a general ticket for the theatre, and a pre-event wine and cheese reception or a dinner package. Please visit The History of Civil Liberties in Canada series with Conrad Black Eventbrite page to select the ticket option that is right for you!
Tickets will sell out quickly, so make sure to get yours today.
I look forward to seeing you all very soon, or having you join online if you can't make it in person.
It's time we rediscovered Canada's history of freedom! [Rebel News]

DOJ indicts former Trump adviser Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress
Peter Navarro is the second former Trump official to be indicted after ignoring subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee
A federal grand jury indicted former Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro on criminal contempt of Congress charges after he refused to comply with a subpoena issued by the House Jan. 6 committee.
The Department of Justice announced the indictment Friday. The department has previously indicted former Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon for contempt of Congress, throwing its weight behind the committee's subpoenas.
The FBI arrested Navarro Friday morning. In his first court appearance Friday afternoon, Navarro said that he was on his way to Nashville for a television appearance Friday morning, and that an FBI team let him get to the airport and try to board a plane before putting him in handcuffs. Navarro said during his court appearance he was put in a jail cell Friday.
"I was a distinguished public servant for court years," he said. "No one ever treated me in this fashion."
Navarro alleged that the prosecution was acting in "bad faith" and told the judge about a lawsuit he filed Tuesday against the House of Representatives and the Jan. 6 Committee.
"Prosecution has put me in an untenable position," Navarro told Magistrate Judge Zia Farqui.
"This is something that needs to get to the Supreme Court," he added. "Department of Justice appears to have colluded with the White House and Congress."
Farqui said in court that he takes the allegations against Navarro seriously. [Fox News]

I consider this proof that All sickness is not what we've been taught. Detailed and clear proof.
This puts a cap on all our arguments! A 20 minute summary of the best.
MUCH thanks to Michael Dara for sending! MUST WATCH (I don't say this very often.)
Makes you want to move out of the city ASAP or to Russia where 5G towers are few and far between (mostly found in Moscow). For those who want to read up on how to protect yourself where you live right now, see the suggested links I added to Michael's email below. Note: some people are more sensitive to 5G radiation that others.
5 minutes of ideas gleaned from other websites…
A 23 minute summary of substances, clothing and plants that will absorb 5G radiation and free radicals in your body. You'll have to spend a little money.
Protecting Yourself from 5G - Bing video [Patrick Bestall]

Bill to make it easier to Arm Teachers in Ohio passes Senate:
(The Center Square) – Ohio teachers would need less than a day of training before carrying a gun to school, rather than the currently required month if the House agrees with Senate changes to a bill it passed Wednesday.
House Bill 99, which passed the House nearly six months ago, would eliminate the need for teachers to pass the state’s peace officers’ training course, which includes more than 700 hours of instruction.
Instead, they would only need to complete 24 initial hours of training, along with four reoccurring hours of training established by the attorney general. School districts could require more training.
Staff members also would be required to meet certain range requirements, and school boards must notify the public if it elects to allow staff to be armed.
The bill, which added more required training than the House bill and includes $6 million for school safety, passed on party-line votes by Republicans in both the House and Senate.
“This bill is completely permissive and allows local school boards to either approve or disapprove of carrying weapons in the schoolhouse, thus providing another tool in the toolbox,” said Sen. Frank Hoagland, R-Mingo Junction. “To me safety is paramount. Everything else is a plan and consideration. Our mission is to save lives. Ohio is taking ownership and the burden of assuring a safe education.”
A Democrat amendment to increase training to a minimum of 152 hours was defeated.
State Sen. Cecil Thomas, D-Avondale, called the 24 hours of training madness, despite the killing of 19 elementary school students in Texas a week ago.
“The biggest concern, not only from just myself by my colleagues, and not just parents and teachers, the biggest concern from law enforcement was the amount of training,” West said on the Senate floor. “Folks, we are talking about putting guns in the hands of someone to be in charge of overseeing safety in our schools and the total amount of training required is 24 hours. This is madness.”
The bill moved out of the Senate Veterans and Public Safety Committee on a party-line Republican vote Tuesday after just two hearings, despite a long line of individuals, teachers, the state teacher’s union, religious groups and other organizations testifying against it.
Every single piece of meat we have in our store has been raised by hand, transported by hand, harvested, cut, and packaged, by hand, and have been touched by our own hands before it goes to your hands. There isn't automation, its all done with love and back breaking work.
I don't know where this story is going, I just thought it was an ample opportunity to tell you about the challenges we face in our business and industry - and a chance to further explain that sometimes if we are "out of stock" or "low stock" on items, it’s because we aren't a factory either. What we can promise, is it's always worth the wait! [Main Street Gazette] & [Patrick Bestall]

A red flag went up in my imagination when I glanced at an "op-ed" in the National Post headed, "Canada, stand firm on Big Tech". It's not like our left-leaning media to stand firm against Big Tech, a globalist machine.
I was even more suspicious when I read that it was written by Australia's News Media Bargaining Code. So, the NMBC code will be adopted in Canada now and the USA next. Hmmm. I just had to dig further and discovered this description of proposed Bill C-10.
The Online News Act would give regulators unprecedented influence over news.
The bill gives the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) unprecedented, sweeping new powers to regulate every aspect of the Canadian news industry. The CRTC would be responsible for determining who is a journalist, what is an eligible news business, and how much money will be directed to each entity — decisions far outside its expertise as a broadcast regulator. It would oversee and govern all negotiations between the news publishers and technology companies, including setting mandatory terms, while also resolving any resulting disputes and having the power to issue penalties. The bill would also give the CRTC virtually unlimited authority to demand information from both platforms and news business.
The bottom line is that the CRTC would have enormous power when regulating the news Canadians rely on, with few if any checks and balances.

We Have BOMBSHELL Intel About Hunter Biden:
Ho. Ly. Hell. We have some BOMBSHELL intel for you today at American Right TV, and it involves Hunter Biden. And not only does it involve Hunter Biden, but it involves corruption and sexual degeneracy – illegal sexual degeneracy.
It’s an absolute disgrace the family that we currently have in the White House. Just wait until you see what we have for you. There’s been a load of information that’s come out about Hunter Biden, and the more that comes out, the worse the news gets
[Mark Edwards] & [American Right TV]

A Devastating Fire, Restocks and Dump-date:
May 30, 2022. Alvinston, ON Photo by Fire Chief Don Ewing
This is not our story to tell, so we won't dive too deeply into this topic. However, it does drastically effect our business and hundreds of other producers in Southwestern ON, so let's chat on that subject.
On May 30, 2022 one of the very few poultry processors in SW Ontario was completely lost to a fire. Our hearts, and sympathies go out to the Brennan family who have been serving this community for over 20 years. The loss and damage is insurmountable, and the ripple effect in the agriculture community is just as great.
Hundreds of poultry producers, including us, are now left absolutely scrambling for places to get our birds processed. Fortunately, our birds are still a few weeks away from being ready, and we split our processors meaning we get some done at Highgate Tender Meats (same place we get our beef done) and some we had booked with Brennans. I've spoke on this subject before, but this loss leaves not only a giant gap in processing and availability but is also another obvious pang in the narrative that is the plain and simple fact that as FOOD PRODUCERS we face challenges not only raising the livestock, but the greatest challenge being getting them from our farm to your plate.

Kissinger Nails It. For Once:
The article, Kissinger Nails It. For Once, can be read on
Do you know why Henry Kissinger’s speech at the World Economic Forum [WEF] touched-off such a furor?
Kissinger didn’t criticize the way the war in Ukraine is being conducted or the lack of progress on the ground. No. What Kissinger criticized was the policy itself, that’s what triggered the firestorm. He was throwing a bucket of cold water on the people who concocted this loony policy by telling them to their faces that they “got it wrong.”
And, they did get it wrong, because the policy they are currently pursuing is hurting US allies and US interests. That is the metric we use to determine whether a particular policy is stupid or not and, unfortunately, this passes the “stupid test” with flying colors.
Let me explain: Our basic strategy is to “weaken” and “isolate” Russia by severing Russia’s economic ties with Europe and goading them into a long and costly quagmire in Ukraine. That’s the plan.
Now you might think that it sounds pretty reasonable but– according to Kissinger– it’s the wrong plan.
Because US National Security Strategy identifies China as America’s number one rival (which it certainly is) so, naturally, any policy that makes China stronger, runs counter to US strategic interests.
Got it? So, the question is: Does our proxy-war in Ukraine make China stronger?
And the answer is: Of course, it does. It makes China a lot stronger because it forces Russia to strengthen relations with China.
What does that mean in practical terms?
It means that relations between the world’s manufacturing powerhouse (China) and the world’s second biggest producer of hydrocarbons (Russia) just got a hell-of-a-lot better because of Washington’s counterproductive war in Ukraine. That’s what it means. It also means that– as relations between the two countries improve– the pace of US imperial decline is going to accelerate as the non-dollar zone expands and bilateral trade gradually replaces the current US-dominated global trade system.
You can see this happening already. The war in Ukraine has triggered a shocking collapse in global trade, major disruptions in critical supply lines, unprecedented food and energy shortages, and the greatest redivision of the world since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Washington has decided to stake its future and the future of the American people on a senseless geopolitical gambit could turn out to be the greatest strategic catastrophe in US history.
Kissinger grasps the gravity of the situation which is why he decided to put in his two cents. But he wasn’t just critical of the policy, he also offered an ominous warning that has been almost-entirely ignored by the media. Here’s what he said:
“Negotiations need to begin in the next two months before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome. Ideally, the dividing line should be a return to the status quo ante (…) Pursuing the war beyond that point would not be about the freedom of Ukraine, but a new war against Russia itself”.
There it is in black and white, but let’s break it into two parts to get a better sense of what he’s saying:
The policy is wrong
The policy must be changed immediately or the damage to the US and its allies will be severe and permanent. (“Negotiations need to begin in the next two months”)
That might sound too apocalyptic for some, but I think Kissinger is on to something here. After all, look at the massive changes the world has already experienced since the conflict began; the disruptions in supplylines, the food and energy shortages, and the rolling-back of the globalization project. Pretty big changes, I’d say, but they’re probably just the tip of the iceberg. The real pain is still ahead of us.
What is this winter going to look like when home heating bills go through the roof, industries across Europe succumb to the higher energy costs, unemployment soars to Great Depression levels, and rolling blackouts become a regular feature of life in the west? That’s what the future holds for Europe and America if the policy isn’t reversed, and a negotiated settlement quickly reached.
Putin has already stated that Russia will not put itself in a position where it is economically dependent on Europe again. Those days are over. Instead, he is redirecting critical energy flows to China, India and beyond. Europe is no longer a priority customer, in fact, they have emerged as a threat to Russia’s survival, which means, Russia will continue to reorient its production eastward. [...] [Global research News Letter]

7 Causes of AdrenaL Fatigue (11 Min)
MSM confused why Women under 40 are Dying (8 Min)
0ur Scripted Reality: 2001 Planet of the 12 Monkeys (17 Min)
FE: Flight Routes Faked (1 Min)
Massive Victory: Naomi on WHO (1 Min)
Re-POST: Washington DC is Freemasonry (15 Min)
Patent Proof**Graphene (5 Min)
JP: 6 FACTs about Justin that'll make Your BL00D B0IL (15 Min)
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:
Covid/Monkey Pox/ Vax Hoax:
· Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes the Plan to Implant Humanity with Cancer Viruses
· (The viruses and vaccines are part of ) a Deep State agenda to take over everyone’s freedom all over the world. In 2003 Dr. Fauci paid the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to manipulate the Coronavirus to basically cause cardiac and lung issues. For the first time, one year after they patented this, the first Coronavirus shows up in the world. You draw your own conclusions. The CDC patented SARS virus and many variations of that genome, in 2003. This has been a commercial operation funded by Dr. Fauci (who was funded by Obama and US Inc.). Fauci is the same as Dr. Death of the Nazi’s Dr. Josef Mengele.
· The Monkey Pox Campaign was in the planning for years by WHO/ WEF/ CEPI/ CDC/ Jynneos. The CDC has a large “Monkey Pox Response Team” and there were planning exercises in Munich in March 2021.
· Mary Talley Bowden, MD Why I’m suing the FDA, Complaint filed 6-2-2022 in Texas Southern District Court: “I took an oath to practice medicine—“do no harm”—and the FDA is preventing me fulfilling that oath. That’s why I’m standing up to protect every doctor’s right to practice medicine without interference from politicized government agencies. Fighting the system should never be part of fighting the disease.”
· In an interview with Professor Christian, “It’s impossible that there’s an occurrence of such isolated (Monkey Pox) cases in 10 different countries on different continents. It’s impossible naturally.”
· Significant’ Cases of Neurological Disorder Associated With COVID-19 Vaccine:
· Fauci Admits Biden Mask Mandate Is About Preserving “Authority”:
· Pfizer Tells Federal Judge that Pfizer Owns the Federal Government and Is thereby Immune to Normal Contract Law. Pfizer has legal authority to commit fraud that kills people.
· Bill Gates Predicts What The ‘Next Pandemic’ Will Be Caused By, Proposes WHO Expansion:
· mRNA vaccines have never been used on humans before. That, by very definition, is “human experimentation” #NurembergCode: Article 6, Sections 1 and 3. Vaccinations forced by any means including taking rights away from The People, are 100% in violation of the Nuremberg Code. Threatening people with restrictions for not taking the vaccine is force by coercion!
Downfall of Joe Biden:
· Several days ago, Joe Biden called for regime change in Russia, practically begging Russia’s military generals to remove Putin from power. But that hasn’t happened. What’s happening instead is that America’s intelligence community “generals” are now moving against Joe Biden.
· Yesterday, the Washington Post and CNN took action that confirmed all this, running bombshell stories that exposed details from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.” In essence, the CIA ordered the Washington Post to start exposing the Biden crime family. This is all being done in preparation for Biden’s removal from power.
· “Laptop From Hell”: Two weeks ago, the New York Times confirmed the laptop exists, and is legit – and confirmed several previously reported aspects of the story, including correspondence between Hunter and his business partner Devon Archer, both of whom served on the board Ukrainian energy giant Burisma. Today, the Washington Post and CNN are piling on – with the post confirming yet-more details of the laptop contents, and CNN running a blistering segment and reporting that the federal investigation into Hunter is ‘heating up.’
