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Sunday 12-11-22

Summary as I am able:

💥 💥


God’s WORD for TODAY!

Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.

1 John 4:15 KJV

O clap your hands, all ye people; Shout unto God with the voice of triumph.

Psalm 47:1 KJV

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

Matthew 7:7 KJV

Thank you, Patrick… for the ‘THOUGHT for TODAY’!

M.A.I.D. or S.A.I.D?

Medical Assistance In Dying is all the rage this year. How about Spiritual Assistance In Dying? That can look like Dying to Self (see picture following) and being Born Again (see Prayer of St. Francis). It can take many forms, like saying the Sinner's Prayer (see attached) or sending a Letter to God (see attached). The outward form is not as important as the inner acknowledgement that it's not worth fixing your life, like an old or cheap computer so badly infected and/or damaged that you need to get a new one or clean the hard drive completely and start with a whole new installation. A mental breakdown is like a computer crash. A patch will not be enough because there are too many conflicting program instructions in the hard drive. St. Paul described it this way, (Romans 7:15-20)

For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. [ a] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.

The good news is that there is a way to be rid of that sin, those incompatible "programs" downloaded since birth which interfere with the speed and efficient operation of your brain and body. It took me years to do this after I found new life in Christ but hung on to old beliefs and ways of the flesh. The "secret" is in starting with a clean slate and not reloading those viruses or other downloads that overwhelm your system. Leave ALL your baggage behind. TRUST NOT IN YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. All that self-talk you picked up along life's highway...ditch it. All those foregone conclusions you made about this subject or that...challenge them. That means everything. Do you really still want to listen to the same kind of music? Watch the same TV shows? Vote for the same party? Even enjoy the same foods? Maybe not. Maybe God would rather you move to another country and eat strange foods or garbage. If you have completely surrendered your life to Him and are willing to to take whatever He wants you to download, you will speak like St. Paul (Philippians 4:11-12)

“I have learned, in whatever circumstances I am, to be content. I know also how to be abased, and I know how to abound; in everything and in all things, I have learned the secret both to be filled and to hunger, both to abound and to lack.”

If it seems like too much to handle, consider it shock treatment. And rest assured, you don't have to handle it on your own. Jesus is there to handle it for you, with you and in you. He'll surprise you by making it easy, to take his way just one step at a time, learning to walk like a newborn, learning to find out what you like all over again (really feeling like you are born again). The Father isn't pushy. But there are times when push comes to shove you really gotta listen and bite the bullet. Like a loving wife to a loving husband. You trust his judgement when he says "We have to move". Like a farmer who gets his harvest reward, an athlete who wins the medal, you learn patience (not tolerance) and endurance (that's hard on the inside not the outside). Things are like opposite to what you expect in God's economy. You give to receive. It doesn't make sense to this world, but a lot of sense in heaven.

"He who seeks to save his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake will find it." - Jesus (Luke 17:33)

Read the famous Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3-12) None of it makes sense to this world. Each "Blessed are they" is a lesson to be learned as we grow in faith, hope and charity, to be rewarded with supernatural gifts and fruit of the spirit so tasty that others will think it's "to die for”! [Patrick Bestall]


Rudy Giuliani to Newsmax: Mike Pompeo 'Also Buried' Biden Laptop Story:

Even former Trump administration Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was involved in burying the story on Joe Biden, Russia, Ukraine, and Hunter Biden's laptop — which altered elections and skirted free speech and the law — former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani told Newsmax.

"I had this whole thing – let's say half of it; certainly enough to prosecute — in 2019," Giuliani told "Saturday Report," saying he was waking up every morning thinking about how to reveal it all to Americans, including sharing the information with TV host Sean Hannity, Just the News' John Solomon, and even Pompeo. "I gave it to Hannity in early 2019, then to John Solomon, then to Mike Pompeo, who also buried it.

"And you should know that now that he's running for president — and I will tell you the whole story about that at some point. I'll write it out."

Giuliani was former President Donald Trump's private attorney and was shocked to have learned Justice Department Attorney General Bill Barr had Hunter Biden's laptop in late 2019.

"And then Barr buried it in January of 2020, and I didn't know that Barr has the hard drive," Giuliani continued to host Rita Cosby. "He covered up the hard drive."

From the first allegations of Russian collusion to the Trump campaign to the presidential elections and now the deadly war in Ukraine, Americans could have known the truth in 2019, if they had just listened to Giuliani, he continued.

"I've been living with this for 3.5 years when I first put out the information about Biden's bribery in Ukraine, and I lived through that," Giuliani said. "I got up every morning from the first moment I got that hard drive, saying to myself, 'How can I get this to my fellow citizens? Because, you just read a just a little bit of that, you realize the candidate of the Democratic Party was a lifelong criminal, and I mean, there are 50-60 crimes outlined there and I'm not saying that lightly."

Related Stories:

Wow! Socialist AOC Getting Investigated for Ethics Violation!

A report by Fox News stated that the House Ethics Committee is investigating Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY.

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez under investigation by House Ethics Committee

— Fox News Politics (@foxnewspolitics) December 7, 2022

In a statement, the committee said it would issue a statement regarding its investigation of the lawmaker after its next meeting in 2023.

The committee did not provide details about the nature of its investigation into AOC. In June, the Office of Congressional Ethics sent its investigation regarding the lawmaker to the House ethics panel.

According to Susan Wild, the committee's acting chair, the disclosure of the investigation doesn't mean an actual violation occurred.

Since she became a member of congress, the lawmaker has been the subject of various controversies. One of these was her attendance at the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Met Gala.

When the controversy erupted, the lawmaker responded by saying that New York's elected officials are often invited to the Met Gala. She noted that she was one of the several individuals in attendance.

David YEO:


STEW PETERS Network: WEISS*Flatness (52 Min)


NOTE: Excellent Interview with Fiona Flannagan

Compass only Works on Flat Earth (2 Min)

SONG: Phelps**END of the Beginning (5 Min)

Huggooooo: Celebrity HEALTH ISSUES**C3L!ne (9 Min)

"Ejected from House of Commons for telling the truth on Bill C-21 (Raquel Dancho)" on YouTube:

Raquel Dancho, with full support, addressed the media about being removed from the House of Commons after calling an opposition MP a 'liar' regarding secret meeting held without her party’s knowledge regarding Bill C-21. Collaboration between the Bloc Quebecois, NDP and Liberals has been ongoing during Public Safety Committee on Marco Mendicino's bill.


· Well done, Raquel! Those of us who actually believe in democracy, stand behind you. Never back down from the truth.

· Thank you all involved for standing up and saying enough is enough its time to call out the truth for what it is!

· Time for Canadians to stand up and fight this corrupt liberal government!

[Carol Roch]

News Max Media:

1. US Vets Push to Save Abandoned Afghans; Veterans Travel US to Garner Support for Afghan Refugees

[News Max Media]

Jury indicts GOP Florida state representative Joseph Harding:

A federal grand jury charged Republican Florida state Rep. Joseph Harding over allegations of defrauding the Small Business Association (SBA).

Harding is charged with two acts of wire fraud for attempting to obtain $150,000 in loans for coronavirus relief for dormant businesses, according to a statement from the Department of Justice (DOJ).

"The Indictment alleges that between December 1, 2020, and March 1, 2021, Harding committed two acts of wire fraud by participating in a scheme to defraud the Small Business Administration (SBA) and for obtaining coronavirus-related small business loans by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises, and for the purpose of executing such scheme, caused wire communications to be transmitted in interstate commerce," the statement read.

"The Indictment alleges that Harding made and caused to be made false and fraudulent SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) applications, and made false representations in supporting loan documentation, in the names of dormant business entities, submitted to the SBA," it added.

Harding's response:

"Today, I pleaded not guilty to federal charges that state I improperly obtained and used an EIDL loan issued by the Small Business Administration. I want the public and my constituents to know that I fully repaid the loan and cooperated with investigators as requested," Harding said in a Facebook post.

Harding is scheduled to appear in court on Jan. 11. The charges, if convicted, include a maximum penalty of 35 years in prison.

[American Digest Media]

Despite controversies, Arizona certifies 2022 election results

Though it wasn't without plenty of controversies that could still take some time to play out in the courts, Arizona certified its election on Monday, Fox News reports.

The election certification process covered all bases, from the gubernatorial race to the various statewide races.

In attendance with Republican Gov. Doug Ducey, Democratic Gov.- elect Katie Hobbs, who also happens to be the Arizona secretary of state, formally certified the results.

The certification process wasn't without a little controversy as well.

"Proliferated misinformation"

Hobbs, who won a razor-thin race against her Republican opponent, Kari Lake, seemingly took a shot at Lake during the certification event.

"Arizona had a successful election," Hobbs said, with Ducey beside her. "But too often throughout the process, powerful voices proliferated misinformation that threatened to disenfranchise voters."

The "powerful voices" Hobbs hinted at was likely a shot at Lake, who has contested the election process, especially in Maricopa County, from start to finish.

Fox News noted: "Objections from Arizona Republicans nearly threatened to delay the certification and potentially discount thousands of ballots cast. Local officials in GOP-controlled Cochise County claimed the machines used to tabulate ballots were not certified, but federal and state elections officials said they were."

A judge eventually had to intervene to allow the certification process to move forward.

Lake and her camp have also expressed strong disapproval of Hobbs, the secretary of state, running the election, given that she was a gubernatorial candidate. Fox noted that it's typical in such situations that the current secretary of state remains in charge of the process as usual.

Investigation demanded:

The Arizona Republican Party joined forces with Lake and other high-profile Arizona Republicans in demanding that Hobbs be investigated after it was revealed in lawsuit discovery documents that her office had successfully been able to have Twitter posts removed and censored.

It's unclear whether or not investigations into Hobbs will come at a state level.

But House Republicans, when they assume majority control at the start of the 118th Congress in January, might have something to say about it. They're already interested in hearings involving the Twitter employees who worked under old management and made crucial, narrative-shaping censorship decisions.

[American Digest Media]


[Patrick Bestall]

First shoe drops in China:

Beijing will work to make energy purchases in yuan instead of the US dollar signalling another step towards shifting further away from the greenback, China’s President Xi Jinping has told Gulf Arab leaders as cited by Reuters.

China's leader highlighted the necessity of the move while speaking at a Chinese-Arab summit that was hosted by Saudi Arabia earlier this week. Xi had held separate talks with the heads of the Persian Gulf states at the summit that reportedly brought together 30 leaders from across the region.

The world's biggest crude importer, China in November ramped up purchases of oil by 12% year-on-year, marking the 10-month high despite the severe pandemic-related restrictions. Chinese state refiners stepped up purchases of US crude oil, while maintaining high imports of Russian oil prior to the December 5 European embargo and imposition of an oil price cap.

China’s independent refiners also moved a record amount of deeply discounted Iranian crude passed off as oil sourced from Malaysia, which is commonly used as a transfer point for oil originating from the sanction-hit Venezuela and Iran.

Saudi Arabia was China’s number one oil supplier in the first ten months of 2022, making up 18% of China’s total crude oil purchases, with imports totaling 73.54 million tons, or 1.77 million barrels per day, Chinese customs data showed.

Keen interest in the yuan and other currencies from major oil importers have arisen in the wake of unprecedented sanctions introduced by Washington and the allies against Russia, one of the world’s biggest oil producers and exporters over Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. [RT Business News]

[Patrick bestall]

"Canadian Court Refuses to Unfreeze Convoy Funds so Defendants Can Mount Defense! Viva Clips" on YouTube:

Joy Pickering goes on to state:






DO YOU SEE A RED FLAG? [Joy Pickering]



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.


Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on here were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views, and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.

Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:

There is MUCH coming soon!

A different Perspective:

This is out there – floating in the Network… You need to make up your own mind!

Musk Just Unexpectedly Dropped Part FOUR – It’s A Whopper:

The fourth entry in the ongoing “Twitter Files” series of explosive revelations dropped on Saturday night, with part four in the series focusing on the removal of Donald Trump from the popular social media platform in early 2021.

On Saturday, CEO Elon Musk and journalist Michael Shellenberger released the fourth batch of Twitter documents that show internal communications by the company’s executives between Jan. 6-8, 2021, including and shortly after the riot at the Capitol Building.

In this installment of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files,” journalist Michael Shellenberger lays out the social media company’s decision to ban Donald Trump on January 8, 2022. Then-CEO Jack Dorsey, as Shellenberger explains, was under an immense amount of pressure to ban Trump, and it was coming from all sides.

“On Jan 7 [2021],” Shellenberger wrote, Twitter executives “create[d] justifications to ban Trump … [sought] a change of policy for Trump alone, distinct from other political leaders” and “…express[ed] no concern for the free speech or democracy implications of a ban.”

Shellenberger wrote that, following the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, “internal and external pressure” mounted against Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to enact the ban.

Fox News reports that among the files, Shellenberger reported “internal and external pressure,” including from former First LadyMichelle Obama, fell onto the company calling for Trump to be banned from using Twitter.

As late as Jan. 7, 2021, he noted, Dorsey had emailed employees “saying Twitter needs to remain consistent in its policies, including the right of users to return to Twitter after a temporary suspension.”

Red State noted the scenario:

Dorsey was intent on staying the course, but he had a problem – he had a vacation coming up.

As such, he handed over the reins to Yoel Roth, Twitter’s Global Head of Trust and Safety, and , Vijaya Gadde, Head of Legal, Policy, & Trust. Dorsey had made it clear, however, that he wanted the company to remain “consistent in its policies,” and did not want any extreme action taken.

Roth went on to assure Twitter’s progressive workforce that he understood how they felt (essentially undermining Dorsey) and a little while later, Roth lets the team know that Dorsey has approved a way to start counting strikes against Trump’s account, using a “repeat offender for civic integrity” system. Trump’s account had five chances, it seems, to not run afoul of rules that the account was apparently never told it was running afoul of.

However, the team was continuing to look for a reason to ban him more quickly, as evidenced by the response to Roth’s statement.

The “incitement to violence” question seems to be what Twitter ultimately ended up going with – as Shellenberger points out, that was the decision Twitter made on January 8, when the company permanently bannedTrump’s account. Now, as Shellenberger continues on, Twitter’s decision flies in the face of Twitter’s previous decision-making process.

“Their January 8 decision was based on “specifically how [Trump’s tweets] are being received & interpreted,” he notes. “But in 2019, Twitter said it did ‘not attempt to determine all potential interpretations of the content or its intent.’” He links to the site’s own blog post on world leaders to back him up on that.


Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) December 10, 2022 [Republic Brief]

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