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Sunday 12 - [1] - 24... 


Verses for today:


And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

John 1:5 KJV


...but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Philippians 2:7-8 KJV





Sunday, December 01

Two Advents

On the Go? Listen Now!

Many Christians observe the four Sundays before Christmas as the season of Advent. But what you might not realize is that there are two Advents. The first Advent rejoices in the events surrounding the Savior’s birth. The second Advent remembers that this is not the end of our salvation story. Jesus has come. Even more, He is coming again! Every time the church celebrates the Lord’s Supper, it remembers both Advents (see 1 Cor. 11:26).


Two facts may surprise those of us who look forward to the Christmas season. First, Advent was a rather late addition to the traditional church calendar, appearing sometime between the fourth and sixth centuries. Second, Advent was initially a time of fasting rather than celebration. Advent was a kind of Christmas Lenten season.


The New Testament church did not celebrate Advent. They lived through it, seeing the promises of Christ’s first coming fulfilled before their eyes. After the resurrection of Jesus, they realized that many promises remained unfulfilled. Their burning question is expressed in verse six: “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” Jesus’ answer was essentially a no. Instead of telling them when that time would come, He told them how to live during the time in between His First and Second Coming.


Rather than speculate about “times or dates,” which the Father has already set, the church has been called to bear witness to Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit (vv. 7–8). We are called to fulfill this mission in anticipation of a new advent when “this same Jesus” will come back and take us to Himself. The church exercises a kind of double vision as it lives between Christ’s first and second Advents.

Go Deeper [December]

A Question for each Day-of-the-Month

What does it mean when we say there are the two Advents? How do both Advents bring us hope?

Do you ever feel like Jesus is taking too long to come back? What opportunities does this seeming delay create for God’s mercy?

The grace Paul writes about teaches us to say “no” to some things and “yes” to others. Which of these do you need to do today?

Advent can be a season of sorrow for those who have lost loved ones. Are you filled with groaning this Advent? How can you express your grief to God today?

Is there something you can do to “lean into” hope today? Should you sing a song, talk to a friend, or read a verse of Scripture?

Paul’s message is described in Acts 28:23 as the testimony of a witness. Have you seriously considered his evidence?

If someone asked you today: What is your hope in life and death? What would be your response?

Read through the titles given to Jesus again, this time pausing to reflect on each one. Which of these titles speaks to your own need today?

Have you found peace with God? The only way is to accept God’s terms with humility and repentance.  Will you trust in Jesus as your Savior right now? If you would like to know more, go to

Are you like Zechariah? Are you questioning God’s promises, as they seem too good to be true? Nothing is too hard for God (Jer. 32:27)!

What can we learn from Mary’s response in Luke 1:26–38? Also, what do we learn about Jesus from the angel’s message?

What would it look like to write your own song to God? If you enjoy Christmas music, listen to Moody Radio for round-the-clock music that honors our Savior’s birth!

Is there someone in your life who needs to hear that Jesus is the path to peace with God? What kind of question might you ask that would allow you to raise the subject?

How does Paul describe God’s “peace treaty” with Jews and Gentiles? How does this affect our relationship with God? How does it affect the relationship between Gentiles and the Jewish people?

Why is light an appropriate symbol for Christmas? What hope does Isaiah give to Israel and to all people?

Jesus is indeed the “light of the world!” Will you take a moment to pray that Abraham’s descendants will see His light and turn to Jesus Christ as their Prince of Peace?

Why do many people get confused about God’s grace and judgment? How do those two things go together?

What is the second Advent? As believers, what do we look forward to in our future based upon these promises?

What circumstances in your life might cause you to lose hope? How does shifting your focus to God’s eternal promises strengthen your hope.

Can you think of a difference in church practice that is considered disputable or outside of core doctrine? Why does Paul urge believers toward unity despite these things?

How would you summarize what you believe about Jesus to others? Does your summary agree with Paul’s?

What role does gift giving have in your Christmas celebration? How can we shine a spotlight on God’s gift of salvation as we gather with our friends and family?

Have you experienced the love of God in the way that John describes in these verses? Why does John portray Jesus as the ultimate expression of God’s love? How does understanding this enable us to love others?

Take time to read through the story of Jesus’ birth, either alone or with those you love. Share how this special delivery changed your life!

Merry Christmas from your friends at Today in the Word. Take a quiet moment today to thank God for the indescribable gift of His Son, Jesus.

Why was Simeon not surprised? What warning did he have for Mary? How did she respond to his words?

Different responses to the news of Christ’s birth are seen in Matthew’s account. Which response best reflects the attitude of your own heart?

Does grief make it difficult for you to celebrate the season? Rest in the promise that one day God will wipe away every tear from the eyes of His people (Rev. 7:17; 21:4).

How would you explain what you believe about Jesus to someone else? Have you tried to share your faith with a friend or family member?

How does Jesus’ offering of Himself differ from those of the Mosaic Law? What does it guarantee for us?

Jesus will come again “and will not delay” (Heb. 10:37). Are you ready for His return? What have you learned from this month’s study about waiting in hope?

Pray with Us

As we enter into the Advent season, we thank You, Lord, that You came into our world of darkness and tears to give life to the dead and to impart righteousness to the unrighteous. We rejoice in Your gift and look forward to the second Advent.

Today in the Word 

The Stew Peters Network:

You really need to VIEW this VIDEO!

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Stew Peters Network (Nov.4, 2024)

Dec 01, 2024







If you had your “Druthers”

Here's a sample of Nov. Druthers news...

Only 1.5 days left to raise $15k! 

Can you pitch in?

We've assembled another strong issue (#49) jam packed with eye opening, enlightening news, information and perspectives that help Canadians see a bigger picture and begin to choose a different path.

We just had 200,000 copies printed this month which were packed onto skids and are moving across the country on trains right now to our hubs for volunteer distributors to give out freely in their communities.

But we really need your help: the link to donate with a credit card or PayPal.E-transfers are also welcomed: admin@druthers.netWe will manually add your donation to the fundraising page.

This print run puts us to over 13 MILLION newspapers printed and distributed freely all over the country. And it is only possible because of many concerned Canadians like you who truly care about the future of this country.


Our community of Druthers lovers across Canada have pulled together to make this happen 48 months in a row so far and I trust we will again. Let's keep it going.

Big thanks and lots of love to you all.Shawn JasonCreator of Druthers

P.S. Here is a peek at the centre spread.It highlights all 48-issue printed prior to this one. It's a superb encapsulation of the absurdity this country has experienced over the last 4 years.

Please help us continue with a kind donation.




Bannon’s WAR Room:


Here are some must-see moments from recent episodes:

Bannon’s WAR Room





Canada goes Criminal?

Canada now has higher property and violent crime rates than the US, and it’s rising

Canada’s population-adjusted violent and property crime rate has now surpassed the United States, and the gap is growing, according to the most recently available crime statistics.


The Fraser Institute “pre-released” a chapter for an upcoming study which found that Canada’s homicide, property crime and violent crime rates per 100,000 people are on the rise, with the latter two metrics now surpassing its southern neighbours.


According to the study, which used Federal Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Justice statistics and Canadian reported crime data, both countries showed a “dramatic” long-term decline in property and violent crime rates after the 1990s till 2014. After 2014, however, Canada began to see a rise in crime rates, reversing progress.


The study found that from 2014 to 2022 when the latest crime statistics were available, the violent crime rate, such as murder, robbery, and assault with a weapon, in Canada increased by 43.8% to 434.1 violent crimes per 100,000 people. 


This means that Canada now has a 14% higher population-adjusted violent crime rate than the U.S., which saw a violent crime increase of 5.3% over the same period, with 380.7 crimes per 100,000 people.


While America’s property crime rate, including burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft, decreased by 24.1% between 2014 and 2024, with 1954.4 crimes per 100,000 people, Canada’s property crime rate increased by 7%, with 2491 crimes per the same metric.

This means that the property crime rate in Canada was 27% higher than in the U.S. in 2022, a metric in which Canada ranked lower than the U.S. before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took office.

The U.S.’s population-adjusted homicide rate is two and a half times higher than Canada’s, though Canada’s murder rate has been increasing at a faster pace in the same period.


Canada’s homicide rate rose by 53.4% from 2014 – 2022. From 1.5 murders reported per 100,000 people to 2.3 in 2022. In contrast, the U.S. population-adjusted homicide rate rose by 49.4% to 5.8 per 100,000 in the same period.

Despite the rising crime rates in both countries, the stats are still considered historic lows when compared to crime rates at the beginning of the 1990s which marked the start of dramatic long-term declines.


A look at Statistics Canada reports shows that human trafficking has also surged. The number of police-reported human trafficking incidents has almost tripled in the same period, from 200 reported incidents in 2014 to 597 incidents in 2022.


According to the Statistics Canada report, since the fiscal year of 2012 / 2013, 84% of completed adult court cases involving human trafficking charges resulted in a withdrawal, a dismissal or a discharge.

The Fraser Institute said the chapter only looks at national-level statistics and that the full report would compare crime rates in the US and Canadian metropolitan areas to provide further context.

The Conservative Party of Canada released a statement in response to the study on Thursday, blaming Trudeau’s “catch-and-release” policies for the rising crime.


“After nine years of the NDP-Liberal government, our once-safe towns and cities have become rife with crime and chaos. Trudeau’s radical catch-and-release policies have set violent repeat offenders loose on our streets,” the statement said. “Canadians deserve to feel safe in their communities.”


Conservatives point to two bills they vow to scrap as a source of the uptick in crime under Trudeau. 

Bill C-75 emphasized that judges prioritize granting bail in most situations, which Conservatives argue has resulted in repeat offenders, even those who have violated bail conditions before, being granted bail. The other Bill, C-5, revoked mandatory minimum sentences for certain violent crimes, including firearm offences.


The Ministry of Public Safety did not respond to True North’s request to comment before the deadline provided.

Clayton DeMaine




How Montreal became the antisemitism capital of North America:

Fueled by progressive dogma that refuses to acknowledge anti-Western extremism, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has allowed Montreal to become the hottest antisemittic hotbed in the Americas.AP

There is an old saying that when the United States sneezes, Canada catches a cold. Recent events in Canada, however, suggest that the US should immunize itself from a dangerously virulent virus that has swept across the nation — nowhere more so than in Montreal:  Open Jew hatred.  

Indeed, since the October 7, 2023 Hamas massacre in Israel, antisemitic incidents in Canada have increased by an astounding 670%

Canadian Jews — a miniscule 1.4% of the nation’s population — were the victims of 70% of religious-based hate crimes during roughly the same period.

Jewish schools in Montreal have been shot at, and Montreal universities, including my home university of Concordia, have become cesspools of anti-Jewish harassment. 

As a Jewish professor who has weighed in publicly on these difficulties, the situation has gotten so precarious that I have taken an unpaid leave from Concordia University and joined Northwood University in Michigan.


A rioter in Montreal last week during one of the worst examples of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel protests since the Hamas attack on Israel.  


Last week, Montreal was rocked by violent protests laden with antisemitic overtones.

Aggressive agitators shattered shop windows, tossed smoke bombs and torched cars. An owner of a Second Cup Café franchise, ironically located at Montreal’s Jewish General Hospital, was caught on camera expressing genocidal hate of the Jews. 

Where is all of this Jew hatred coming from? 

Currently, the three key sources of Jew hatred are Islamic-based hate, ultra-right neo-Nazi types and the academic left, which promulgates the narrative that Jews are the brutal colonizers of the otherwise peace-loving Palestinians.  

Within the Montreal ecosystem the neo-Nazi dynamic is less prevalent, but the other two sources have been on overdrive for decades. 

The Quebec government has long fretted about protecting its French linguistic heritage. 

As a result, they have opened their borders to hundreds of thousands of immigrants from French-speaking Islamic nations who might otherwise not share the secular and liberal values that define Quebec society, and who hail from societies defined by ubiquitous Jew hatred

As long as the conquerors speak French, the eventual erasure of the host society will surely be painless. 

The adage “demography is destiny” is veridical for a reason. 

In an effort to promote and maintain the primacy of the French language, Quebec has allowed rampant immigration from French-speaking nations, many predominantly Muslim.

The prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, is from Montreal. 

He is the product of a deeply progressive educational ecosystem that promotes postmodernism, radical feminism, a commitment to DEI and cultural relativism. 

When he was still a mere member of parliament, Trudeau famously became enraged that cultural practices such as honor killings were labeled as barbaric by the then conservative government of Canada led by Stephen Harper. 

The barbaric acts did not shock him. 

Trudeau’s desire to exhibit Islamophilic tendencies is so pronounced that whenever a grave antisemitic incident takes place, he is quick to remind us that we must combat Islamophobia (such as he did after shots were fired at a pair of Jewish schools in Montreal last year.)

But it’s actually antisemitism that is running rampant across Montreal, a city now filled with intimidating protests against “Zionism.” 

These are taking place on campuses, on the streets, across from synagogues, and in shopping malls. 

Everywhere that you turn, masked individuals wearing keffiyehs can be seen uttering the usual chants of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and “globalize the intifada.”

Since the Hamas attack on Israel, antisemitic incidents in Canada have risen by nearly

A senior administrator at Concordia recently told me that there was no Jew hatred despite the fact that university president Graham Carr, testified on Parliament Hill about the endemic Jew hatred on campus.  Ignoring the problem is not going to cause it to go away. 

Incidentally, as the city was burning last week, Trudeau was unable to address the violence because was busy attending a Taylor Swift concert. 

Meanwhile, this past Sunday a Montreal rabbi was asked to leave the downtown area as his open Jewishness (wearing a kippah) might be viewed as provocative.  

While Montreal was engulfed in violent protests, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was enjoying himself at a Taylor Swift concert.  

This is the reality that I grew up with in Lebanon: “Please don’t flaunt your Jewishness. It might incite violence.” Unchecked immigration from societies endemically hostile to Jews — along with a weak host society parasitized by ideological rapture — create the perfect mix for Jew hatred to flourish in an ecosystem of cowardice and apathy.  

Vice President Kamala Harris spent much of her formative years living and studying in Montreal.REUTERS

Trudeau infamously became angry when former PM Stephen Harper suggested that that cultural practices such as honor killings were barbaric. 


The United States dodged an immeasurable existential bullet by electing Donald Trump.  Had Kamala Harris won (she also grew up in Montreal), the United States would have headed down the path of many European countries and Canada, namely an increasingly more dangerous environment for Jews.  


Do not make the mistakes that we have made in Canada.  Be vigilant in protecting American exceptionalism and offer zero tolerance for such hate to fester, for I can assure you that it will otherwise metastasize into an incurable societal malady.  


In the Middle East, there is an old expression “First the Saturday people then the Sunday people,” (or a variant such as “After Saturday Comes Sunday”) — namely that the Jews might be the first to be targeted but Christians are inevitably next. 


1.      Do not allow these realities from which many of us escaped to set root in the US. 

2.      Do not tolerate belief systems that are antithetical to the fundamental principles on which the United States was founded.  


Dr. Gad Saad is a visiting professor and global ambassador at Northwood University in Michigan. 








RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!




What we know as of today...


What We Think We Know as of Sun. 1 Dec. 2024:


Pray For the North Carolina ChildrenLiving in Cold Tents While FEMA & N Carolina Governor Refuses Them Help

Pray For Ohio Foster Care YouthWhile State of Ohio Refuses To Investigate Their Allegations of Being T******d For Placement In A Child S*x T*********g Ring

Pray For Kaitlynn HunterBeing Held Captive By CPS Abusers Who Refuse Medical Care For Her Critical Condition

[Content Redacted]



In other news:



It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.


Possible Timing:

  • ·        Rumor was that the 1st wave of Med Bed operators have been told to expect to work on Monday 2 Dec. 2024.

  • ·        Sat. 30 Nov. 2024: Carolyn Bessette Kennedy said on Telegram that we would have our exchange appointments prior to Med Bed appointments.

  • ·        Get ready for 10 days of communication darkness. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close, ATMs and credit cards will stop working, and you’ll need at least three weeks of food and water. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry—the military has your back and will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of freedom and justice.


The Role of the Military …Julian Assange on Telegram

  • ·        As the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) alert is unleashed, military forces worldwide are mobilizing. The Earth Alliance—comprised of white hat military forces from various nations—has been coordinating this operation for years. In the United States, patriot militias and other groups have already been activated and stand ready to confront Deep State operatives who dare to disrupt the plan.

  • ·        The military will uphold order, but don’t be deceived—the elites will fight back. Expect false flags designed to sow chaos and confusion. The globalists know their time is over, and they will stop at nothing to thwart the Alliance. But their desperate attempts will fail.

  • ·        In this pivotal moment, Martial Law is almost inevitable. Military tribunals will be broadcast through the EBS, and the world will witness the downfall of corrupt politicians, bankers, and corporate elites who have enslaved humanity for generations. You will see arrests, shocking confessions, and the complete dismantling of the globalist networks that have oppressed us.

  • ·        The Deep State’s financial empire will crumble. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is set to officially take over, ushering in the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. The elite-controlled banks, stock markets, and fiat currencies will be obliterated and replaced with a fair, transparent financial system designed to serve the people, not the oppressors.

  • ·        Prepare yourselves—this is the storm you’ve been waiting for. Nothing can stop what is coming.


Global Currency Reset:


  • ·        The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a powerful, rapidly expanding financial architecture  actively disrupting the globalists’ plans. Over the past few months, new developments have surfaced, showcasing the QFS’s undeniable impact on global finance and its critical role in dismantling the deep state’s agenda of centralized control through the Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI).


Here are the latest updates that demonstrate the unparalleled strength and integration of QFS, proving it to be the ultimate tool for humanity’s financial liberation.

  • ·        Tues. 15 Oct. 204 Major Rollout: Asset-Backed Digital Currencies Activated in Key Nations: On October 15, 2024, the White Hats officially launched asset-backed digital currencies in several strategic nations, including Russia, India, Brazil, and Hungary. Unlike the central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) being pushed by globalists, these currencies are 100% backed by gold, silver, and other tangible assets, rendering them immune to inflation and manipulation.

  • ·        India: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced a shift from the fiat rupee to a Quantum Gold-Backed Rupee, facilitated by the QFS. The move has already stabilized the economy, with inflation dropping by 7% in just one month.

  • ·        Brazil: Brazil’s government revealed that its new Quantum Real has attracted billions in foreign investment, thanks to its transparency and incorruptibility.

  • ·        Mon. 28 Oct. 2024 Military Integration: Securing Global Financial Freedom. On October 28, 2024, leaked documents confirmed that the U.S. Space Force has deployed quantum satellites to secure QFS operations worldwide. These satellites, equipped with cutting-edge encryption, ensure that QFS transactions are immune to hacking or interference. This military integration demonstrates that QFS is not just a financial tool but a critical element of global sovereignty.

  • ·        In addition, Special Operations Forces in alliance with the White Hats have successfully dismantled several deep-state-controlled data centers that were key to implementing the Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI). These operations, conducted in Switzerland, Belgium, and Canada, have crippled the globalists’ ability to spy on QFS transactions.

  • ·        On Fri. 1 Nov. 2024Russia’s Quantum Ruble was activated, bypassing Western sanctions and integrating seamlessly into the global QFS network. This integration is part of a larger plan to neutralize the fiat-based global financial system, which has enslaved nations under debt and corruption for decades.

  • ·        Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 Integration with Global Trade: Quantum Nodes Deployed. These nodes highlight the global reach of QFS and its ability to bypass corrupt banking systems controlled by the Deep State. A groundbreaking development occurred on November 3, 2024, when Quantum Trade Nodes were activated in Dubai, Singapore, and Frankfurt. These nodes act as transactional gateways, allowing nations to trade securely without reliance on traditional banking systems like SWIFT. The Quantum Trade Nodes provide instantaneous, transparent settlement of transactions, cutting out the need for intermediaries.

  • ·        Dubai: The Dubai Trade Council reported that 60% of its exports and imports are now settled using QFS protocols, eliminating transaction delays and corruption.

  • ·        Singapore: Singapore’s integration of Quantum Nodes has made it the fastest-growing hub for global trade, processing over $100 billion in QFS-backed transactions in just two weeks.

  • ·        Frankfurt: Germany’s trade systems have seamlessly linked with QFS, reducing cross-border payment times from days to seconds.

  • ·        Sun. 10 Nov. 2024 Quantum Access Cards: A Revolutionary Tool for the People. The introduction of QACs proves that QFS is not just for nations or institutions—it’s for the people, empowering individuals to take control of their financial destinies. On 10 Nov. 2024Quantum Access Cards (QACs) were launched in CanadaAustralia, and the United States, enabling citizens to directly access their QFS accounts. These cards, embedded with quantum encryption technology, allow for secure transactions, instant currency conversions, and seamless integration with QFS’s asset-backed currency system.

  • ·        Canada: Citizens have already reported that QACs offer complete transparency in transactions, with no hidden fees or government oversight.

  • ·        United States: Over 5 million QACs were distributed within the first week, with users praising the system’s ease of use and unmatched privacy.

  • ·        Australia: The Australian government has announced plans to phase out fiat currency entirely by 2025 in favor of QFS integration.

  • ·        September 2024 The Fall of the Globalists’ CBDCs: The Deep State’s dream of controlling humanity through Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) is collapsing under the pressure of QFS. The exodus from CBDCs underscores the growing recognition that QFS offers a secure, incorruptible alternative to the deep state’s financial schemes. Since September 2024, several nations have abandoned their plans for CBDC adoption after seeing the transparency and fairness of QFS.

  • ·        Italy: The Italian government scrapped its CBDC pilot on October 20, 2024, citing public opposition and the superior performance of QFS-backed alternatives.

  • ·        South Africa: On November 5, 2024, South Africa announced its withdrawal from the globalist-controlled CBDC initiative, opting to explore QFS integration instead.

  • ·        Argentina: The Argentine Central Bank admitted on November 12, 2024, that its CBDC trials had failed to gain public trust, paving the way for a QFS-backed system.

  • ·        Fri. 15 Nov. 2024: QFS and the End of Debt Slavery. This debt reset is part of a broader effort to free nations and individuals from the financial shackles imposed by the globalists. One of QFS’s most profound impacts is its ability to erase national and personal debt by exposing the fraudulent practices of central banks and their fractional reserve systems. On November 15, 2024, leaked reports revealed that the White Hats have been using QFS to conduct forensic audits of central banks in the UK, France, and Japan, uncovering trillions of dollars in fraudulent debt.

  • ·        France: The French government is now under pressure to annul illegitimate debts imposed on its citizens, thanks to QFS-backed audits.

  • ·        Japan: Japan has already announced plans to forgive $500 billion in public debt, crediting QFS for revealing the fraud.

  • ·        UK: The UK’s central bank faces growing scrutiny, with insiders revealing plans to transition entirely to QFS by 2026.

  • ·        Nov. 2024 Evidence of Mass Awakening: As of November 2024, a global awakening is underway, driven by the transparency and empowerment provided by QFS. Across social media platforms and encrypted communication channels, millions are sharing testimonials of how QFS is revolutionizing their financial lives.

  • ·        Farmers in India are bypassing corrupt middlemen and receiving fair prices for their crops directly through QFS transactions.

  • ·        Small businesses in Brazil are thriving as they gain access to QFS-backed loans with zero interest.

  • ·        Activists in Europe are using QFS to fund grassroots movements without fear of government crackdowns.

  • ·        The Road Ahead: The power of QFS is undeniable, and its integration into global systems is accelerating. The White Hats are not just fighting back—they are winning. The Quantum Financial System is proving itself to be the ultimate weapon against the deep state’s agenda of mass control, surveillance, and economic enslavement.

  • ·        As of November 17, 2024, the future is no longer uncertain. With QFS, humanity is reclaiming its sovereignty, dismantling the corrupt systems of the past, and building a future of freedom, fairness, and transparency. The message is clear: the globalists’ reign of terror is crumbling, and the Quantum Age has begun.



Sat. 30 Nov. 2024 HUGE UPDATE: Trump’s Operation Phoenix Unleashes GESARA Revolution—Trillions in Hidden Gold Seized from Rothschild Vaults Redirected to Humanity! … Nesara Gesara on Telegram

  • ·        Operation Phoenix has entered its most aggressive phase yet. Trump’s forces are obliterating the corrupt elite’s financial empire to bring GESARA’s mandates to life. November 2024 marks the turning point, exposing the elite’s control like never before.

  • ·        The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History: Military strike teams have seized trillions in gold, secret accounts, and digital assets from Vatican vaults, offshore bunkers, and Rothschild banks. These funds are being funneled into the Quantum Financial System (QFS), ensuring wealth stolen by the elites is returned to humanity.

  • ·        Trump’s teams uncovered “black box” servers used to manipulate global markets. These systems, hidden in underground facilities, are being dismantled and integrated into the unhackable QFS.

  • ·        Redemption Centers: Ground Zero for Revolution: Redemption Centers, fortified by military protection and quantum technology, are redistributing the wealth under GESARA. Insiders report classified tech, including holographic displays showing live updates on confiscated elite funds.

  • ·        Breaking leaks reveal Quantum Verification Portals (QVP) scanning DNA to authenticate participants, preventing deep-state interference.

  • ·        Elite Detention and Global Banking Collapse: Top CEOs, tech billionaires, and corrupt politicians are being transferred to secret military facilities for interrogation. Their assets are funding debt forgiveness, humanitarian projects, and rebuilding infrastructure.

  • ·        Banks like HSBC and JP Morgan are crumbling as their illegal operations, including t*********g and bioweapons projects, are dismantled. Stolen funds are redirected to support GESARA’s vision.

  • ·        The Final Stand: EBS and Full Disclosure: The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is ready to activate. Starlink’s Q-Grid will bypass mainstream media, exposing the elite’s war crimes, financial manipulation, and hidden technologies. Trump’s message will signal the end of control and the start of freedom.

  • ·        This is the elite’s downfall. Operation Phoenix has shattered their grip, unleashing a revolution for humanity. Prepare—disclosure is imminent.


Restored Republic:


WED. 27 NOV. WHAT WILL MED BED DISCLOSURE LOOK LIKE, Skye received this info from Military running the Med Bed disclosure operation.

  • ·        SCOTUS is supposed to announce the Brunson results, which will trigger the release of the website for phone numbers to book Med Bed appointments. Skye will be given the info and will pass it on to us.

  • ·        About a week after the Brunson announcement, Kerrie-Ann will then be asked to do her Live-Streamed Med Bed procedure.

  • ·        The entire time the procedure is happening the camera will be on Skye in the Med Bed. We will actually see the changes in real time! (Now that blew my mind!

  • ·        When the filming of Skye stops, the live stream will continue for 10 hours.

  • ·        The name of each country, worldwide in alphabetical order will be shown on the screen with the phone number for their Med Bed appointments.

  • ·        THAT IS THE FULL DISCLOSURE OF THE MEDBEDS TO THE PUBLIC. This will run continuously for 10 hours.

  • ·        We WILL have the numbers before this happens.


Sat. 30 Nov. 2024: There’s yet another reason to be disappointed in our government. Hurricane Helene was two months ago, yet Asheville North Carolina victims were still living with their children in tents with snow on the ground and have yet to receive adequate help.

  • ·        “It hurts. It hurts to know that people’s got family, that they haven’t a clue where they’re even at, and bodies that can’t even be identified. But none of this is making the news. Nothing” said a victim this week.

  • ·        Evidently FEMA was not paying out, “I’ve got a brother up here. I’ve got my aunt that totally lost everything. And to the best of my knowledge, they still haven’t heard back from their claims.” Even at that the $720 offer of help was only a government loan – and if it wasn’t paid back within a year, FEMA would lay claim to their land.

  • ·        She said that contractors are not being paid for their work clearing and building, “They haven’t even been paid for their work as a contractor to get all this debris away — and those guys worked relentlessly.”

  • ·        She claimed that originally the government came in and did photo ops with helicopters and goods, but they haven’t seen them since.

  • ·        North Carolina has a projected budget of $22 million to be spent on an illegal migrant center, with 5 million+ being spent just on security for the immigrant center, while residents were being told NO MORE MONEY for hurricane devastated locations

  • ·        “I keep hearing from our elected officials that that there’s just no money for this and they’re doing the best they can — Take the dollars away from security for that center and give it to the taxpayers of North Carolina. Right at two months after hurricane Helene, and it still looks like a 3rd world war zone”

  • ·        “Right now in North Carolina, there is an influx center in Greensboro. That’s where they put the illegal immigrants for housing, — and there’s an outlay for 22 million”


Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • ·        Sat. 30 Nov. 2024: Iraq closes all border crossing with Syria amid the ongoing Coup attempt.


The Real News for 30 Nov. 2024:


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Sat. 30 Nov. 2024: Silent Weapons for quiet wars. This is the plan on how to bring down humanity. The date on the document tells you how long this has been planned:

  • ·        Missile Containers stored at Cape Canaveral: Nuke missiles supposedly being stored in containers located 1000 feet from Kennedy Space Center. These are missiles that do not belong to us. 

  • ·        Rostec doesn’t have anything to do with the club-K, the missile its made by Novator Design bureau, who are a subsidiary of Almaz-Antey. who are a company the passes export regulation inspections by international inspectors every year. and the company that puts that missile in a container is called Agat, also a subsidiary of Almaz-Antey.

  • ·        A 35 year no bid lease was granted to “Gulftainer” a United Arabs Emirates Conglomerate with direct ties to Iran’s Nuclear Scientist.

  • ·        Jafar Dhia Jafar (born in Baghdad on August 25, 1942) is an Iraqi nuclear physicist, former Vice Chairman of the Iraq Atomic Energy Commission, and chief of Iraq’s nuclear program. He is widely known by American and international officials including UN Chief Inspector David Kay (1991-1992) as the father of the Iraqi Nuclear Program

  • ·        Location of Gulftainer: Florida’s Shipping and Cargo Container terminal at Port Canaveral – which stands 1,000 feet from US Navy Strategic Trident Submarine Base and within sight of our Kennedy Space Center. Think national security risk!

  • ·        Containers cannot be distinguished between regular containers and can be activated by satellites.

  • ·        Containers can be placed all over via trains, ships, trucks, ect.

  • ·        Obama denied a request from Senator Dunkin Hunter for a national threat assessment of this deal.

  • ·        Not long after this deal was made with Gulftainer, Abraaj Capital Group which is a United Arab Emirates Private Equity Group awarded a donation to the Clinton Global Initiative 550,000 as reported through Wikileaks emails. This Equity Group having family ties to the Nuclear scientist mentioned above!


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