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Writer's picturedonbrooks777

Sunday 7-03-22

Summary as I am able:

7-03-22 Sunday

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💥Thoughts for TODAY!

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

John 1:12 KJV

… even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

Matthew 20:28 KJV

Japan pulls reserves from Fed.:

Whether Patrick Bestall is right about Putin or not (and I think he is more right than wrong), Biden along with the Congress continuing to support Ukraine is beginning to rip at the very fabric of the American Economy and the reliability of the Federal Reserve. How much is it going to take to wake up Americans to this Democrat inspired and sustained disaster? One among many! Thanks to Craig C. for the following.

The Central Bank of the US, the Federal Reserve System has been the most trustworthy haven for investment and a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system. Over the years, many countries have trusted the Federal Reserve System with their assets for foreign-currency deposits. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) data most of the nation’s report their assets in US dollars. China, Japan, Switzerland, India and Russiabeing the ones that have heavily reported in US dollars. Amidst calls of ‘rebuilding Ukraine’ rising day by day, Volodymyr Zelensky demanded $600 billion to restore the war-torn Ukraine. Now, the Biden administration that came to Ukraine’s rescue resorted to attempting to seizing the assets of the Russian government and oligarchs and transferring those proceeds to Ukraine for its restoration.

💥As a result, the US Central Bank started to lose its credibility and the countries are losing their trust. 💥

Also Read

The DOMINO-Effect has already begun… watch FRANCE!

Brit Hume delivered a scathing rebukeof the January 6 committee this week. The Fox News senior political analyst noted that in 50 years of covering Washington, D.C. politics, he's "never seen a committee all of whose members were chosen by one party."

Hume was responding to a tweet by Washington Examiner chief political correspondent Byron York.

"There's a long tradition of adversarial process in congressional hearings/investigations," York wrote on Friday. "You don't have to compare it to a trial to know something is wrong with the J6 committee."

Hume tacked on to York's post, "I've covered Washington for more than 50 years, including 11 years covering Congress specifically. I’ve never seen a committee all of whose members were chosen by one party, and where there is no cross-examination or any attempt to present both sides." A TRAVESTY!

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) pushed back against Hume's assertation… [there is one born every minute]

"Hey Brit. It’s been all Republicans testifying. Definitely one-sided, just not in how you think it is," the "never-Trump" Republican tweeted. "And as you well know, Kevin McCarthy took his ball and went home. You all sound nervous."

On June 11, Hume labeled the primetime hearing as an "utterly one-sided presentation."

On June 13, Hume belittled the Jan. 6 committee as "a televised press release with soundbites."

"I've never seen anything quite like it in my life, and I certainly never imagined back in the day when I was working for one of the broadcast networks' news divisions, that such an event would ever be put on primetime television by one of the networks," he declared during a Fox News appearance. "And in this case, it was done by all of them. Quite remarkable." [The BLAZE Media]

Former Pfizer Exec Believes Leaky Vaccine Was Intentional:

Be sure to see this VIDEO… PFIZER VP – BLOWS-THE-Whistle! [Joy Pickering]

More stupid controls from Trudeau et al:

Health Canada never gets it right.

Just wait until Health Canada introduces new measures to help you with your mental health!

Well, if that's the case, maybe Trudeau should declare war on wheat, soy and alcohol…

[Patrick Bestall]

Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects:


  • · In the wake of the COVID jab rollout and additional boosters, a number of health conditions are on the rise, including cancer, most notably cancers of the uterus, endometrial cancers, and very aggressive blood and brain cancers

  • · Cancer has been on the rise for decades, thanks to dietary factors, but the COVID jabs appear to dramatically accelerate the disease process. Many doctors report cancer patients with stable disease, and those who have been in remission for years, will suddenly and rapidly develop Stage 4 disease

  • · A military whistleblower has come forward with data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) database showing dramatic increases in medical visits for cancers and other conditions, post-jab

  • · For neurological side effects of the shot, four remedies that can be very helpful are fluvoxamine (an antidepressant that blocks cytokine production in neural tissues), pharmaceutical grade methylene blue (improves mitochondrial respiration and repair), near-infrared light (triggers production of melatonin in your mitochondria) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (boosts mitochondrial function, decreases inflammation and much more)

  • · The COVID jabs also downregulate toll-like receptors 7 and 8, which allows latent viruses such as herpes EBV4 — Epstein-Barr, aka, mononucleosis — to flourish that would otherwise have been kept in check

[Patrick Bestall]

Jonathan Cahn said what>!!

Rabbi Cahn just said, "America has to fall" (cue in 25 minutes)

Mystery of the Shamita has 5 new chapters.

New book in Sept. The Return of the Gods "the most explosive book ever written" [Patrick Bestall]


Actor Seriously Injured (1 Min)

BLOCK CHAIN, Crypto*Bitcoin & the Mark of the BEAST (15 Min)

Hungarian MP on Birth Drop (1 Min)

Her Life has been Ruined forever by 5zer**She was very Healthy (7 Min)

Note: Her Doctor & Neurologist have verified it was the Pump.

Massive Increase in DEATHS (8 Min)

U Won't Believe what this Idaho COP SAYS (23 Min)

RE-P0ST: Doc DAVID MARTIN**Likely EMP Threat in the FALL (11 Min)

Russian Defense Minister Tells Putin Ukraine's Luhansk Region Has Been 'Liberated':

Russia said Sunday its forces and their allies had taken control of Ukraine's eastern Luhansk region, after capturing the final Ukrainian holdout of Lysychansk, although Ukraine has yet to comment after reporting heavy fighting there.

After fierce Ukrainian resistance prevented Russian seizing the capital Kyiv after its Feb. 24 invasion, Moscow turned its focus to taking full control of Luhansk and Donetsk provinces in Ukraine's eastern Donbas region.

Moscow-backed separatists have been fighting in the area since Russia's first military intervention in Ukraine in 2014.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu informed President Vladimir Putin that Luhansk had been "liberated" the defense ministry said, after Russia earlier said its forces had captured villages around Lysychansk and encircled the city.

The minister said Russian forces and their allies in the area had "gained full control over the city of Lysychansk."

Ukraine's military did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Ukrainian officials, who say references to "liberating" Ukrainian territory are Russian war propaganda, had reported intense artillery barrages on residential areas.

"Ukrainian forces likely conducted a deliberate withdrawal from Lysychansk, resulting in the Russian seizure of the city on July 2," analysts at the Institute for the Study ofWar, a Washington-based think tank, wrote in a briefing note. [NewsMax]

Moscow Blames Ukrainian Missile Attack for Deaths in South Russian City:

At least three people were killed, and dozens of residential buildings damaged in the Russian city of Belgorod near the Ukraine border, the regional governor said, in what Moscow said was a Ukrainian missile attack.

At least 11 apartment buildings and 39 private houses were damaged, including five that were destroyed, Gov. Vyacheslav Gladkov posted on the Telegram messaging app.

"I emphasize that this missile attack had been intentionally planned and was launched at the civilian population of Russian cities," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.

There was no immediate comment from Ukraine.

Konashenkov said Russian air defenses had destroyed three Tochka-U missiles, but fragments of one of them fell on residential buildings. He said they had also destroyed explosives-laden Ukrainian drones approaching Kursk, another city in southern Russia.

Reuters could not independently confirm the claims.

Since Russia invaded its neighbor Feb. 24, there have been numerous reports of attacks on Belgorod and other regions bordering Ukraine, with Moscow accusingKyiv of carrying out the strikes. [NewsMax]

RC 50th Jubilee year controversy:

Pope Francis approves a queer logo for the Church's 50 year Jubilee. [Patrick Bestall]

Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.

· Once governments normalize censorship and the punishment of points of view, free expression is firmly stamped with an expiration date.

· Whenever censorship slithers back into polite society, it is always draped in the mantle of "good intentions." Fifteenth-century Dominican friar Girolamo Savonarola's "bonfire of the vanities" destroyed anything that could be seen to invite or reflect sin. The notorious 1933 Nazi book burning... in Berlin torched some 20,000 books deemed subversive or "un-German". During Communist China's decade-long Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and '70s, the vast majority of China's traditional scrolls, literature and religious antiquities went up in smoke.

· All three atrocities were celebrated as achievements for the "greater good" of society... Much like today's new censors who claim to "fight hate" because "that's not who we are," the arsonists of the past saw themselves as moral paragons, too. They purged anything "obscene" or "traditional" or "old," so that theocracy, Nazism, or communism could take root and grow.

· There will one day be much disagreement as to how the same Western Civilization that produced the Enlightenment and its hallowed regard for free expression could once again surrender itself to the petty tyranny of censorship.... The answer is that the West has fallen into the same trap that always catches unsuspecting citizens by surprise: the steady encroachment on free speech has been sold as a "virtue" that all good people should applaud.

· First, certain thoughts became "aggravating factors" that turned traditional crimes into new "hate crimes" deserving of additional punishment. Then the definition of what is "hateful" grew until politicians could comfortably decree anything at odds with their agendas to be examples of "hate." Who would be for "hate," after all? Surely no-one of good sense or good manners.

· Now "hate" has transformed into an elusive description for any speech that can be alleged to cause the slightest of harms. From there, it was easy for the state to decree that "disinformation," or rather anything that can be seen to contradict the state's own official narratives, causes "harm," too. Those who despise free speech told society, "If you do not punish hate, then you're a bigot." And today, if you oppose the government's COVID-19, climate change, immigration or other contentious policies, your harmful "disinformation" must be punished, too.

· On a plaque in the square [where the Nazis burned books] is a commemorative engraving... "That was only a prelude; where they burn books, they will in the end also burn people." That warning comes with no expiration date.

Attacks on free speech are on the rise. A British college recently expelled a student for expressing support for the government's official policy of deporting illegal immigrants. A Wisconsin school district charged three middle-schoolers with sexual harassment last month for refusing to use the plural pronoun "they" when referring to a single classmate. US President Joe Biden's National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy recently encouraged social media companies to censor from their online platforms any opinions that contradict Biden's climate change narrative.

In its continued commitment to preserve the government's monopoly over COVID-19 information, Twitter actually suspended a medical doctor for merely sharing a scientific study that suggests the Pfizer vaccine affects male fertility. And the NFL's Washington Commanders fined defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio $100,000 and forced him to apologize only weeks ago for having expressed his opinion that 2020's summer of riots across the United States after George Floyd's death was more destructive than the few hours of mayhem at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. [GateStone Institute]



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.


Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:

Current Suppositions:

· On Wed. 29 June the US Supreme Court Was Said to Have Overturned Biden's Election!

· A lot of things pointing to July 4th 2022. The Fed lost it’s charter to print money in 2012, and they received a ten year extension, which will end July 4 2022.

· Jamaica and Australia: Queen heartbreak: Two Commonwealth Nations most likely to cut ties when Monarch dies named.

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