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10-4-21 Monday -


The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.

Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you?

let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.

James 3:13 KJV

but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another,

and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

1 John 1:7 KJV

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning,

that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Romans 15:4 KJV


For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…

Disclaimer: All articles, videos,and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.

💥 💥💥💥💥

Thought of the Day!

The Printer: Benjamin Franklin was rightfully known as an inventor and Founding Father. This elder statesman was hardworking and funny with humble manners and lofty dreams, who provided a quintessential model for generations of Americans to come. The Preacher: George Whitefield proclaimed the Gospel passionately, igniting what became one of the formative events in American history – the Great Awakening. In open fields and churches filled to the rafters, tens of thousands heard his plea, “You must be born again.” The Printer and The Preacher The Printer and the Preacher is a look into the unlikely friendship between Benjamin Franklin and George Whitfield. Together, these two men helped establish a nation founded on liberty while defining the values that make us uniquely American.

Sections divide Material into meaningful Groups

First… PRAISE:


#2. COVID-19




La Palma volcano eruption update: new cracks open at cone generating new lava flows:

Fri, 1 Oct 2021, 11:31

11:31 AM | BY: T

[Patrick Bestall]


Great Package from JOAN EVELIEGH:

Got this from Family Foundations - "Come out of Babylon" teaching. Very powerful.

Web Sites of Interest September 25th, 2021

*Jan and I do not necessarily endorse 100% of everything that is said in the articles, video or audio presentations listed below. However, we have listed the sites we pay attention to and have learned from. These sites contain information we have felt you should be aware of and consider. We have placed a * by ones we feel are particularly important.

As always, weigh everything you hear by the Word of God (The Bible,) and pray about all decisions you make for your own life.

💥 💥 49-Items:💥 💥

1. Composite video of 4 Doctors speaking about the dangers of the Injections

2. Concept of the 2nd Shema came from teaching by G. Steven Simons, “Obeying the Two Shemas of Torah

3. Sign up for Craig’s free 5-minute daily video devotional DAILY SPIRIT AND TRUTH:

4. ***How the YHVH is written into your human DNA and is being hijacked and modified by Pharmakeia

5. ***And We Know (Rom 8:28) – Alternative regular news updates from a Christian perspective. (This is a favorite site that Jan and I watch regularly.)

6. ***SkywatchTV - Many good videos including Pastor Carl Gallups and Drew Graffia,

7. Project Veritas

8. Dr. Ardis An In Depth Discussion About Hospital Treatment Protocol That May Have Killed Hundreds Of Thousands In America

9. Trust the science??? How does the CDC count their numbers?

10. ***Covid Global or Country Live Updates:

11. American Association of Physicians and Surgeons on Covid-19 treatment options

12. Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer VP warns about new booster shot

13. La Quinta Columna from Spain (in Spanish)

14. *Doctor from Trinidad & Tobago explains why the “vaccine” injection weakens the immune system and makes “vaccinated” people succumb to Virus variants

15. Religious and Medical Vaccine Exemptions and Laws

16. ***Dr. Zelenko Exposes Globalist Agenda with Virus and Injection

17. Doctor Vladimir Zelenko talks to Israeli Politicians and Health Minister about “Vaccine”

18. ***Dr. Ryan Cole, Pathologist give a great explanation of the actual science of the injections.

19. Dr. Ryan Cole on potential dangers of Covid-19 Injections

20. *Dr.Peter McCullough Interview: World Renowned Doctor talks about Covid-19 Vaccine

21. *Dr. David Martin Interview

22. Warning from Key Doctors and Lawyers Regarding Injections

23. Freedom Fighter and Patriot who took on the powerful government in Alberta, and WON

24. *Dangerous Component, Graphene Oxide, in Covid Vaccine confirmed by former Pfizer employees

25. Graphene Oxide is the building block for nanotechnology

26. A grim Warning from Israel

27. Senator Rand Paul speaks about new Covi-19 restrictions.

28. Dr. Brad Weeks’ power point presentation on the Science Behind the Covid Virus

29. Study Reveals mRNA vaccine nanoparticles are circulated throughout the entire body: Brain, heart, liver, ovaries, testes and more

30. TRANSHUMANISM: Who they are and what they believe!

31. Transhumanism: The Agenda

32. Hybrid World: Full Transhuman Documentary with Tom Horn

33. The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset

34. Bill Gates’ ideas on how to feed the world with GMO seed.

35. French Virologist and Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier contends that “it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”

36. For more information on opting out of vaccine mandates and info on the shots being

37. Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance. To get information on suggested preventative and treatment protocols for Covid-19 go to:

38. Another site in USA to contact for medical consultation re: Covid-19

39. Dr. Sheri Tenpenny Interview on Daystar – Shorter interview on “vaccine” shots

40. Staying Free of Covid: Dr. Simone Gold

41. Dr. Sheri Tenpenny – Very informative video on the “vaccine” shots.

42. Freedom of Religion United Solutions. Learn How to get a religious or medical vaccine exemption for workplace or university in various U.S. states.

43. Intercessors for America Prayer Site

44. Dutch Sheets

Also download “Dutch Sheets – Give Him 15” app on your mobile device from the App store.

45. Ambassador (Partner) Site for Family Foundations International

46. Craig Hill’s books: The Power of a Parents’ Blessing, Ancient Paths and others:

47. Pastor Joaquin Molina’s web page, “What is a Man?”

48. Pastor Carl Gallups web site and his new book “The Summoning”

49. Do we as believers really want Socialism or Communism in our nation? See Karl Mark Quotes on Religion:

[Joan Eveleigh]


Toronto Sun:

Trudeau's vaccination rules for you — not elite athletes:

💥Wait a minute, I thought Trudeau said that what was in the national interest for everyone to be vaccinated.

He promised that every civil servant, every air and train passenger, and every Liberal candidate would be vaccinated to protect you and those who cannot get vaccinated. As for the idea that testing was an alternative, Trudeau was dismissive.

“Testing doesn’t prevent you from ending up in the ICU,” Trudeau said earlier this month.

Testing is fine for pro athletes, though. If they aren’t vaccinated, they need a negative test to enter the country.

[Janis Mcsloy]

Australia’s Gladys Berejiklian quits as state premier over probe

💥New South Wales’s anti-corruption body looking into corruption allegation against a disgraced state legislator who was in a secret relationship with state premier.

💥Gladys Berejiklian, the premier of the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW), has abruptly resigned after the state’s corruption watchdog said it was investigating whether she was involved in conduct that “constituted or involved a breach of public trust”.

Stuart Scheller Sr. to Newsmax:

Son's Imprisonment 'an Outrage'

💥💥While the war in Afghanistan might be over, the aftermath has Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr.'s calls for accountability creating two domestic battles, the parents of the jailed outspoken military critic told Newsmax on Saturday.

First is America's demand for accountability from Afghanistan, for which Scheller was imprisoned for violating a military gag order, and second is the injustice of silencing Scheller's call for accountability, Stuart Scheller Sr. told "Saturday Report."

"It's an outrage," Scheller Sr. told host Carl Higbie. "The thing that saddens us the most is these generals are hurting the reputation of the Marine Corps, of the Navy, of our armed services, and our country”.

[News Max]

#2. COVID-19


Ont. Businesses Against the Health Pass

💥I wanted to see London listings only.

Not as many as in other cities but I found out how to use the web page.

Once you arrive on the Google (Spread) Sheet, click on the filter icon in the upper left corner (SEE ATTACHED - I PUT A RED FINGER THERE).

Then select "Temporary Filter" from the drop down menu.

Then move across the page to City/Region (push the grey scroll bar at the bottom of the page).

Click on City/Region (column F) and choose from the drop down menu (see Alphabet).

I chose London in my attached example. Unfortunately, I could only find one restaurant with dining, the Wok Box with three locations in London. If I push the grey bar further I could see the name and phone number of the lady who posted the listing for the restaurant.

SPREAD THE WORD. Main Stream Media won't. [Patrick Bestall]

NHLer N0T Happy (2 Min)

Note: 💥He's now a Cop

[David Yeo]

💥Deaths ARE caused by BS**19? (11 Min)

[David Yeo]

The Perfect Cover Story for Mass 5G Control (48 Min)

[David Yeo]

Prof Mocks**then 💥Dies (4 Min)

[David Yeo]

💥Persecution of non-Vaxxed (8 Min)

[David Yeo]

The Big 💥Lie:

H0W To Enslave The World (12 Min)

[David Yeo]

Mom Gets It**Baby 💥Dies (5 Min)

[David Yeo]


R u 💥Patented aka 'Owned?' (8 Min)

[David Yeo]

D0C Nate:

Testing The Immune System b4 & After 1st & 2nd Jabb!! (17 Min)

[David Yeo]

Doc says they know ( 2 Min)

[David Yeo


N0 Boobster** No Green Pass! (1 Min)

[David Yeo

Nice Story:

💥Canadian man & Family need N0 VAXX or TEST at Border (30 Min)

[David Yeo


King of Jordan & and Many More ELITES:

Pandora Papers

💥The King is a good guy, with a heart for Christians, opposed to Turkish backed jihadists and invaders. Leave it to the Toronto Star to pick on him out of the 330 others.

💥(Note: Property is a common way to do business away from prying eyes. It's not primarily for extravagant living, but for buying and selling like Hunter Biden's paintings, a cover for moving money around.)

The report released Sunday by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists involved 600 journalists from 150 media outlets in 117 countries. It’s being dubbed the “Pandora Papers” because the findings shed light on the previously hidden dealings of the elite and the corrupt, and how they have used offshore accounts to shield assets collectively worth trillions of dollars.

Chew on this one. March 22, 2019 (skip the first 34 minutes) Abdullah is the traditional "custodian" of the holy sites.

Be sure to listen to Rick Wile's experience (:50 to :60) VERY IMPORTANT

[Patrick Bestall]

While Canada sent hundreds of millions in aid to Jordan, its king grew his collection of luxury homes

💥💥As his Middle Eastern monarchy strained under the weight of regional wars, Arab Spring protests and a flood of refugees, the King of Jordan secretly stockpiled a real estate portfolio of luxury homes from California to London, an investigation by the Star and its international partners has found.

King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein acquired 14 properties abroad worth more than $106 million (U.S.) using some of his 36 shell companies based in secretive tax havens, a cache of newly leaked documents reveal. He did it at a time when Canada and other Western nations were sending billions of dollars in humanitarian assistance to Jordan.

Dr. Tenpenny:

Wow we have some amazing information for you this week. Seems to be the attorney week for news and interviews. You will want to tune into this loaded email.

1) LISTEN: This Week with Dr. T and Reiner Fuellmich PLUS you will want to hear our Deep Dive for an EXCLUSIVE discussion with Reiner that you have never heard before.

2) BREAKING NEWS: This Leaked DoD-stamped Document from Attorney Tom Renz, confirms multiple lies about numbers of vaccinated deaths and hospitalizations. Tom speaks out about his proof that the shots are NOT Safe and NOT Effective. "Fauci and Biden lied. This is the presentation that will prove that". See below for more.

3) LIVE: Join me on Happy Hour with Dr T on IG, Tuesday at 6pm EDT with guest Pastor Dr. Mike Spaulding. ***Join CloutHub and follow me on my different channels. Happy Hour will soon be live there instead of Instagram. Click HERE to follow my CloutHub Happy Hour channel.

4) LIVE: Join me on Real Talk with Dr. Eric Nepute, Tuesday at 11am EDT/10am CST.

New VAERS Data as of Sept 24, 2021

💥💥17,049 Deaths and 811,552 Adverse Events💥💥

15,937 Pfizer / Moderna and 1,112 J&J Deaths PLUS 752,803 Pfizer / Moderna and 58,749 J&J Adverse Events

[Dr. tenpenny]


Van Holt's "backward" Creed:

💥Councillor Van Holst speaks for the 18% of Canadians who support lifting Covid health restrictions - is that so bad? The rest of City Council speaks for those who strongly support (56%) or "somewhat" support (22%) requiring proof of vaccination. (Leger poll Oct 2021) He also speaks for 140,000 Ontario Businesses Against Health Pass requirements. That's about half of them, but the weaker half, as these are small business owners not the big chains. Van Holst's effort to establish an exemption that would satisfy the Human Rights Code is a democratic right; but Council and the LFP are using language to "cancel" him.

Lighten up. Going without the jab shouldn't hurt others who are "protected". It just gives those with natural (herd) immunity and conscientious objectors a chance to make a living.

Patrick Bestall

193 Blackacres Blvd

London Ont N6G 2H1

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