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The Weekend has begun!

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

7-16-21 Friday -


The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

John 15:7 KJV

For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

Isaiah 41:13 KJV


For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…

Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.

💥 💥💥💥💥

Quote of the Day!

Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts:

And see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 139:23-24 KJV

Sections divide Material into meaningful Groups:

First… PRAISE:


#2. COVID-19




The Big Question?

💥 💥 Can you lose your FAITH?💥 💥

LIE: You can fall from Grace and lose your salvation!

TRUTH: You will NEVER lose your Salvation!

Listen to Andrew Farley… (Twisted Scripture) [Terry Adcock]


💥 The Ford government has quietly deleted a section of Ontario’s grade 9 math curriculum, which taught students a “decolonial” and “anti-racist” approach to mathematics.

While the government originally defended the new curriculum, Education Minister Stephen Lecce instructed officials to remove the section on “anti-racism,” according to the Toronto Sun.

The curriculum was revised late Tuesday.

💥 GOOD NEWS for the GOOD SIDE!!!💥


SOMETHING is not right!

💥 Do you think that something "nefarious" is unfolding?

VIEW the following… TRUTH is coming to the surface!

General Millie:

💥 What do we know about this ‘General’?

Sounds like General Millie was spooked by reading Q statements.

Washington (CNN) The top US military officer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley, was so shaken that then-President Donald Trump and his allies might attempt a coup or take other dangerous or illegal measures after the November election that Milley and other top officials informally planned for different ways to stop Trump, according to excerpts of an upcoming book obtained by CNN.

The book, from Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, describes how Milley and the other Joint Chiefs discussed a plan to resign, one-by-one, rather than carry out orders from Trump that they considered to beillegal, dangerous, or ill-advised. [Patrick Bestall]

Tucker Carlson strongly denies reports that he’s ‘furious’ with Fox News execs:

💥 Roughly two weeks ago, Fox News host Tucker Carlson stunned his viewing audience — and the media world — after making a claim that President Joe Biden’s National Security Agency (NSA) had actively spied on him, in an attempt to force his influential show off of the airwaves.

According to The Hill, the top-rated Fox News host has covered the story on multiple occasions but apparently expressed his frustration behind the curtains at the lack of support for his claims from Fox executives — at least according to “sources” who told competitor CNN that Carlson is “furious” that his employer isn’t backing him up.

Other sources reportedly told various CNN reporters that while tensions have always run above normal between Carlson and the heads of Fox News, this time, Carlson is reportedly “extra pissed” at the network’s failure to dig into his claims.

“We support any of our hosts pursuing interviews and stories free of government interference,” Fox News wrote in a statement last week to Axios and is the only statement onrecord that addresses Carlson’s incredible claims of illegal NSA spying activity.

DeSantis Presses Biden

💥 To Provide Internet Access to Cuban Protesters Amid Communist Crackdown:

The letter from DeSantis comes after Cuba’s communist government cut off internet access on the island in an apparent effort to stop the protests from growing and to prevent the world from seeing the government’s response to the protesters.

The Biden administration said earlier this weekend that Cubans that attempt a maritime sea voyage to the U.S. will not be allowed in the country, even if they have legitimate asylum cases. The response from the Biden administration, combined with their apparent lack of action, led to critics accusing the administration of responding based on what is favorable for the Democratic Party.

Read the Fauci dossier & see all the Patents:

💥 Recently I shared an interview from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich a German lawyer exposing the truth surrounding COVID. In the interview, he had Dr. David Martin, a professional patent analyst expose that this "novel" virus was not new at all.

The information was shocking to many, and I have been asked to provide more information. No More Lockdowns Canada has hosted Dr. David Martin's full dossier on the COVID Patents and Dr. Fauci breaking down the long history of coronavirus and the over 5,100 patents pertaining to it, going back to 1999.

You can view the highlights of this dossier on my:

Share this email with your friends, family, and neighbours. Clearly there is much more to the last 16 months than the headlines.

Black Lives Matter gets crushed for praising Cuban regime, blaming 'cruel' US for unrest:

💥 'BLM is a radical Marxist organization'!

Black Lives Matter reacted to Cubans engaging in pro-freedom demonstrations by praising the communistCuban regime that oppresses its own people, over a million of whom are black. The Black Lives Matter organization also blamed the United States for the current upswell of unrest in Cuba. BLM was blasted on social media for its official stance on the anti-government protests in Cuba.

#2. COVID-19



-covid19-has-finally-emerged/ When you listen to this, your reaction will be more conspiracy stuff… NOT So! Well, I found the 2007 Patent application he talks about. Will look for others. Looks like nothing "novel" about Covid. Very bizarre… ACTUALLY… It is CRIMINAL! [Don Hill]

Most COVID deaths in the U.K. are among the vaccinated, as would be expected:

💥 More vaccinated people are dying of COVID than unvaccinated people, according to a recent report from Public Health England (PHE). The report shows that 163 of the 257 people (63.4%) who died within 28 days of a positive COVID test between February 1 and June 21, had received at least one dose of the vaccine. At first glance, this may seem alarming, but it is exactly as would be expected.

Shared from NewsBreak [Patrick Bestall]

Corruption of the Medical Journals:

💥 Dec. 7, 2003 ... Hundreds of articles in medical journals claiming to be written by ... 'It is true that sometimes a drug company will pay a medical writer to write a ...

2003, 2011, 2018, 2021, stories about how Big Pharma drug companies writes for the medical journals keep coming. No wonder doctors are mislead. And on top of this they have big budgets for "promotion" freebies and bribes to doctors. Shall we add threats to their job security? and

Thanks to Joanne Thomas for another tipoff. I checked it out. Results below.

💥 May 20, 2011 ... To a great extent, this means relying on medical journals. ... the content of journal articles, have taken a firm grip on what gets written about their drugs. ... Planners combine scientific information about a drug with two kinds of ...

💥 Apr. 17, 2018 ... Papers written by pharmaceutical companies are more likely to ... of Science ( PLoS), and The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) are ...


💥 Mar. 8, 2021 ... The pharmaceutical industry corrupts medical science and the medical ... In a very different context, Kierkegaard (1995: 76) writes: “As the world ... Ghost marketing: pharmaceutical companies and ghostwritten journal articles.

[Patrick Bestall]

California woman first to face federal charges over fake COVID immunizations, vaccination cards:

Juli A. Mazi was accused of wire fraud and false statements related to health care matters.

💥 A homoeopathic doctor in California became the first person in the United States to face federal charges over fake COVID-19 immunizations and falsified coronavirus vaccine cards.

Juli A. Mazi, 41, of Napa was arrested Wednesday and charged with one count of wire fraud and one count of false statements related to health care matters, the Department of Justice said in a press release.

StatsCan Report:

Majority of COVID-19 victims were very old and had serious health problems:

💥 Is there any surprise for those who were paying attention to the metrics rather than the Erroneous purposefully deceptive Computer Models?

So, they destroyed families, youth, countless lives lost due to these draconian measures, businesses gone, our lives ruined for the few our government failed to protect?

And yet, insisting still on these measures and inoculations with an experimental inoculation for an endemic virus that impacts

0.02% of the population...LUNACY!


This was NEVER about health, and it still is not.

[Patrick Bestall]

Spanish Court Rules Lock downs Unconstitutional:

💥 BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — Spain’s Constitutional Court ruled Wednesday that a strict stay-at-home lockdown order the Spanish government issued under a state of emergency during the first wave of COVID-19 last year was unconstitutional.

[Patrick Bestall]

S*p*a*c*e* F!res (5 Min)

U*F*O*s: Galactic ETs or Man Made (44 Min)

Note: This is a good one. This topic is ramping up.

More young Canadians died from the Draconian consequences of covid rather than covid itself:

💥 💥 💥 A new report shows that during the pandemic, there were more deaths from “unintentional side effects” than COVID-19, particularly among younger Canadians.

The latest data from Statistics Canada, released Monday, is titled “Provisional death counts and excess mortality, January 2020 to April 2021,” and found there were 5,535 deaths in those younger than 65 years of age.

[Patrick Bestall]

Del+@ Sk@m (1 Min)

The Strong Delusion (16 Min)

Possible Spike Protein Antidotes (21 Min)


Why Won’t the Democrats Call Out Evil When They See It?

Dan Bongino:

💥 Are Democrats communists? It certainly looks that way. In this episode, I discuss the disgusting inability of the Democrats to speak out against communism in light of the Cuba crisis. I also address the Biden administration’s troubling attacks on your civil liberties.

Dan's News Picks:

Here’s the real truth about Cuba.

Even the left-leaning AJC admits there were significant issues in Georgia in the 2020 election.

The Biden administration wants to police your texts, and their denials ring hollow.

The frauds at Reuters are widely mocked for being hypocrites.

Ron DeSantis strikes again! [Dan Bongino]

Russia's Modern Renaissance:

💥 As Russia emerges as a leader in the return to traditionalism, this style of painting is again in vogue, and there are also several contemporary Christian painters creating extraordinary canvases. Indeed, Moscow has an excellent art academy dedicated to this style

'Jesus Among the Teachers' (Vasily Polenov,1896) - GREAT RUSSIAN CHRISTIAN ART - Russian Faith (


I am afraid that most young people only get to see degenerate art in our progressive society.


[Patrick Bestall]


Fox News Gleefully Brought Down Trump:

💥 Fox News took glee in shockingly calling Arizona for Joe Biden before any major network, putting an end to Donald Trump's reelection chances, author Michael Wolff claims in his new book "Landslide."

Once the favorite news outlet of conservative Americans, Fox turned its back on its right-leaning audience last November when it decided to call Arizona shortly after polls closed — with all other networks, including Newsmax, standing down because the race was "too close to call."


To Any American Who Owns a Cell Phone

💥If you own a cell phone, then mobile service providers hope you never get to see this video that could soon go viral.

It was shot in downtown Denver by a multi-millionaire, who exposed sensitive truths about mobile phones and 5G.

His experiment could strike a bad chord with mobile phone companies. But you have got to see what this man discovered and what it means for phone users in the weeks ahead.

The real reason Oxfam is tying itself in knots over “white privilege”.

💥After a series of scandals, the charity is clinging to the simplistic ideology of identity politics to bolster its moral authority.

💥It has not been a good few week for Oxfam. First, there was the staff training document leaked to the Telegraph in which victims were scolded for reporting their rapists to the police. “Privileged white women”, it was suggested, are complicit in the root causes of sexual violence when they call on the state to lock up “bad men”, thereby legitimizingcriminal punishment in a racially biased justice system.

It was the kind of document that might well make pleasant reading for rapists, who are already highly unlikely to be imprisoned for their crimes, and who would surely be quite happy to see reporting rates drop even further. Unsurprisingly, it did not make pleasant reading for many feminists, who levelled some forceful criticisms at Oxfam.

Now another embarrassing story is in the papers, this time concerned with a survey that Oxfam’s UK employees were asked to take on “whiteness”, defined as “the overarching preservation of power and domination for the benefit of white people”.


💥💥💥*** Whole Christianity - When did we lose it? ***💥💥💥

John Strickland, author of two great books on the history of Western civilization and the blog Paradise and Utopia: Reflections on Christendom and Modern Culture, provides a roadmap for how we got from point A to point B.

Strickland traces the birth of modern secular-humanism to the Renaissance period of the late Middle Ages. But the roots of Christian cultural decline may be found 500 years earlier, in the “Great Schism” that occurred in 1054 between the Eastern and Western Churches of what was then known as Christendom [yes Christianity once dominated the globe]. A house divided cannot stand and the Great Schism was the beginning of many divisions that led to the Reformation, and after the Reformation the Protestant churches themselves split into thousands of different sects.

In his article, the Birth of Utopia, Strickland writes:

“I would now like to take my readers back beyond the twentieth century, beyond even the past five centuries, to the moment when, in my judgment, an event happened that symbolizes a shift away from traditional Christendom to the modern Christendom that would see a decline in Christianity and the rise of a secularized alternative to it.The event symbolized the decline of a civilization directed toward the kingdom of heaven. It symbolized the end of paradise and the birth of utopia.

That event, scarcely mentioned in textbooks, signaled a shift that highlighted one of the most significant causes for the rise of utopia and the decline of paradise — “the departure of the Christendom of the West from the Christendom of the East.”

This separation and disunity in global Christianity played right into the hands of the devil, that most crafty of fallen angels who is the original master at “divide and conquer.”

What you just read above confirms what I just saw in a video about the fall of the Byzantine Empire [now RUSSIA], produced in Russia for an English audience. It is an hour long. What surprised and excited me was that this Empire, the longest lasting of any, was actually called "Roman" and the people called Romans regardless of where they came from, regardless of their ethnic origin, because of the foundational Orthodox belief that Jesus came to create "one new man" (Ephesians 2:15) "in whom there is neither Jew nor Greek" (Galatians 3:28). The Empire fell after they forgot this and started to identify citizens by their country of origin. They became racist. God's plan to "be fruitful and multiply" was re-purposed and became Satan's ambition for prosperity and division:

How do we reverse all this and get back to the original idea? God, has it covered. His plan is partly visible already. There's bad news and good news about to explode, God's stick and carrot (in that order), a holy spanking before a holy hug. More about that in a future Supplement to the "History Repeating Itself" chart published by me and Don Brooks in our booklet "Church - Coming of Age". I've spent hours on more research and I'm coming close to showing it to you, after being reviewed by my Baptist mentor. There's enough for another unique booklet I'd like to call "The White Stones vs. The Black Stones".

Are you interested in hearing more? [Patrick Bestall]



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.

Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.

Thurs. 15 July The Real News:

The UK: Military helicopters will be visible in the skies both day and night all next week.


The Arizona Senate held a hearing on Thurs. 15 July on the audit of elections in Arizona. Meanwhile, the volunteers begin a machine recount. Election Management System was breached during the course of the 2020 election, said digital forensic expert Ben Cotton at the Arizona hearing on the Maricopa County audit.


● 74,243 mail-in ballots found where there is NO clear record of them ever being sent.

● 11,326 voters NOT on voter rolls on November 7, but WERE on the voter roll on December 4, and were marked a VOTED in November 3 election.

● More the 30,000 individuals registrations show them voting after State deadline.

#SharpieGate confirmed. Roughly at least 168,000 ballots on demand have these offset issues

● Dominion Voting Machines can be configured with wireless AND cellular access.

● Confirms there was a breach on election day regarding unauthorized access to public facing server.

● 11 hard drives of cloned data were received but Information had been altered by Maricopa County “audit” process.

● Duplicate ballots lacking chain of custody information for thousands of ballots, many without serial number.

● Thousands with serial numbers, printed lightly and obscured, matching very difficult.

Thousands of duplicate ballots without a serial number in the ballot boxes.

The public server was hacked, the fact of unauthorized access.

The entries in the security logs have been deleted, access to them has not been granted.

A lot of ballots were not made of paper with a special coating to protect them from destruction.

Huge discrepancies in the number of ballots sent and received by mail (74,000)

3,981 votes were registered in violation of an Arizona Supreme Court ruling issued before the election.

11,326 voters were not included in the lists.

Based on the results of the system examination, Maricopa County, Arizona, cannot confirm the election results in any way.

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers: “I’ve heard enough. Tens of thousands of ballots sent by mail without a request, more than ten thousand people who voted after registering after November 3, the district’s inability to hand over passwords, voting machines, Dominion still refuses to hand over and tens of thousands of unauthorized requests demonstrating how unsafe the election was. I call for the recall of Biden voters in Arizona and for a new election to be held. The voters of Arizona should not be deceived, and we need to do everything right.”

Fox News Tucker Carlson revealed that a leaked email showed the U.S. Military was moving illegal immigrants secretly around the country from Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas. “Do not take photographs and refrain from posting anything on social media,” the email read.

1. The virus exists but cannot spread

2. The virus is a modern Cain sign

3. The virus has 33 times the letter A in it’s genome sequence (this is called NOP sled)

4. Two things came out of Wuhan – The virus (SARs-CoV-2) and doses of adrenochrome (C₉H₉NO₃)

5. SAR Technology has the ability to identify genome sequences

6. The virus was just a tool used to contaminate adrenochrome doses and mark/tag those who consumes it

7. Adrenochrome consumers indeed received the virus and were eliminated

8. The Vaccine is the revenge <<<——

9. SpaceX launched many SAR satellites during the past 1.5 years, those were used in the EVERGREEN “incident”

Telegram on Wed. 14 July: QAnon Digital Army is Ready. Green Light is on. Enjoy the Show…Q; The Best is Yet to Come. Welcome to the Digital Battlefield…Q; Trust the Plan It’s Time for Q The Plan…John F. Kennedy Jr.; Patriots,it’s about time! The clock is ticking. President Trump is ready to return…Trump Office; BOOMs en Route Tomorrow. This Is Not a Drill…Q.

Q said C before D, right? What if Cuba needs to be before Declas<>C’rossing the D’elaware Sealed Indictments = A Redistribution of Wealth EO 13818 EO 13848 Election Interference = Treason. Covid = Crimes Against Humanity. On the clock Tick Tok [D33P St8] #FIGHTFORCUBA #FREECUBA #CUBANOS #CUBA LIBERATION #CUBA Cuba citizens we R with you.

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