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Thursday already...

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

10-20/21-21 Wednesday/Thursday -


The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:

And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Psalm 23:6 KJV

My help cometh from the LORD, Which made heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:2 KJV

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness;

but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9 KJV


For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…

Disclaimer: All articles, videos,and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.

💥 💥💥💥💥

Thoughts of the Day!

Satan likes to blur the lines drawn by God.

Democrats like to draw new ones.

“The Antichrist will take the throne though ‘health. The Antichrist will take over the cathedral of medicine. He will take all medicine under his power and will turn them into poison. Those who take this medicine will be poisoned and eventually die.”

Elder Savvas Achilleos

of Athens 2007

💥💥💥Sections divide Material into meaningful Groups💥💥💥

First… PRAISE:


#2. COVID-19




Strike the Target – Give Him 15:

Daily Prayer with Dutch – October 21, 2021


Yes, LORD…AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!! All glory and honor be unto You, O God! Yes, open the eyes of millions! That none should perish! Change hearts!

Still praying and trusting from Bedford, South Africa. God is faithful and so good. Praying God's will for our Municipal elections on 1stNovember. We are desperate for a new Godly government. We are so tired of lies and corruption and the destruction of our nation. God please heal our land

Thank you Dutch for a very exciting message. As well as agreeing that America will be saved and these kingpins taken down, I intercede for my nation, Australia, that we will be saved and the minions here will fall into their own pits. In Christ Jesus name. So be it [Lynne Mullen]


Dr Hodkinson message, Dr Phillips update, and a laugh

Dr Hodkinson's concise comment on Fed's vacc-death claims; and an update regarding Dr Patrick Phillips

💥Today’s report includes a message from the eminent, concise, and ethical Canadian pathologist Dr Roger Hodkinson; an update on Dr Patrick Phillips defense fundraiser; and hopefully a few laughs to lighten your day.

[The Trozzi Team]

Tribulation Rising:

Pastor Billy Crone, Pastor Mark Henry, Jan Markel

Rumble 💥This is the second in our Understanding the Times’ series of in-person events in 2021. Pastor Billy Crone, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell consider our tumultuous times, including vaccine mandates, passports, and general government overreach. Current events herald the coming Tribulation. Crone closes with a hopeful message on our glorious future.

Follow Jan on: Olive Tree Ministries: [Dianne Dawson] Rumble: [Rumble-News]

Trump Starts Media Group, 'Truth Social' Platform:

💥💥Former President Donald Trump has announced the Trump Media & Technology Group, merging with Digital World Acquisition Corp. to become a publicly listed company with a potential valuation of up to $1.7 billion.

A new social media platform called Truth Social is set to launch in early 2022, to compete with the likes of Facebook and Twitter two sites that have left the former president banned — along with a ''subscription video on demand service'' to rival Google's YouTube.

💥''I created TRUTH Social and TMTG to stand up to the tyranny of Big Tech,'' Trump wrote in the announcement Wednesday night. ''We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American President has been silenced.





💥💥CANADIAN PRESS is still very much SUPPRESSING the News that ‘they’ do not want you to see…

Did you ever contemplate just a few years ago… that one might have to go to Russian Sources to in fact find the TRUTH??? [Patrick Bestall]

Archbishop Vigano - October Statement:

See following: [Patrick Bestall]

Fears increase that Pelosi and Dems will suffer massive defeat in 2022 midterms:

💥Even prior to the 2020 election, Democrats were well aware of the fact that the 2022 midterms would be a daunting challenge.

But that was before President Joe Biden took office and revealed that he’s not the leader that he promised American voters, if his embarrassingly low polling numbers are any indication. Many political pundits believe Biden’s poor performance during his first year in the White House will ultimately result in a bloodbath for Democratic candidates in next year’s midterms, as The Hill reported.

Such predictions are bad for Democratic House members, and especially bad news for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi(D-CA), who faces all but a certain end to her powerful speakership position as Republicans prepare to take perhaps a dominating majority control of the lower chamber next year.

Even the left-leaning Hill noted that Biden’s approval ratings are currently in a “free fall,” which comes in the wake of his failure not only to pass two key pieces of legislation, but other failures such as the inflation and supply chain concerns, the Afghanistan debacle, and the unfolding crisis at the southern U.S. border.

“President Biden’s backslide on leadership,honesty and competence and the fact that he has lost some ground on handling of the COVID pandemic has to be concerning to Democrats,” Tim Malloy, a polling analyst at Quinnipiac University, told The Hill.

[Mainstreet Gazette]

💥Independent directors at Rogers Communications Inc. are pushing back against attempts by chair Edward Rogers to overhaul the telecom and media giant’s leadership, and the company’s family trust will hold an emergency meeting to consider limitingMr. Rogers’s ability to exercise voting control.

The boardroom rift in the middle of the $26-billion takeover of Shaw Communications Inc. erupted after Edward Rogers attempted to replace Roger’s chief executive officer Joe Natale with chief financial officer Tony Staffieri and oust other members of the company’s leadership team. It pits Edward Rogers against his mother, Loretta Rogers, and sisters Martha Rogers and deputy chair Melinda Rogers-

Hixon. The majority of the Rogers family and the company’s board opposed Edward Rogers’s plan and Staffieri left the company.

[Globe & Mail]

#2. COVID-19

Rocker Gone (1 Min)

[David Yeo]

DJT is Shilling Aga!n f/ Vaxx (6 Min)

[David Yeo]

Stranger Things meets HP Lovecraft w/ Hydra (16 Min)

[David Yeo]

Cop Says G00D-Bye (1 Min)

[David Yeo]

Stew w/ Dr. Stella Immanuel**Hits Breaking Point (27 Min)

Note: She's 0n Fire!! They discuss Ivermectin, Revelation etc.

[David Yeo]


Legal Definition does Not mean U Have to do Something (10 Min)

[David Yeo]

Cartoon Truth (3 Min)

[David Yeo]

First Nations:

Woman & Children Fleeing to Woods(2 Min)

[David Yeo]

New 5zer Whistle Blower 0n Graphene 0xide & Glow in the Dark (23 Min)

[David Yeo]

Brought to U by 5zer (1 Min)

[David Yeo]

Serious Anti Body Drop after VaxX (16 Min)

[David Yeo]

Polish Scientist Discovers Hatching Eggs, Parasites Birthed (12 Min)

[David Yeo]



You cannot make this stuff up…

TRUTH – stranger than FICTION:

Strickler said that before Covid she had enjoyed her job as a product inspector but that since the pandemic began many employees have “vaccine regret” after getting the shots and “a lot of people refused to get it. In fact, over half of the employees are willing to walk out over this and Pfizer knows that.”


If you watch this video below, you'll see a segment that features the glowing effect under dark light, especially in the hands and foreheads, plus proof of the ingredient Lucaferase.

Also, the video below has a segment that features the effect on your DNA. Did you know your chromosomes have a "numerical" language that spells out the identity of God in ancient Hebrew? Amazing! It's like reading Morse Code. However, the words are removed, gone, if you get vaxxed! Then each person gets a different numerical name instead. To make it more sinister, the bonding agent has three six-sided structures.

Another segment describes the effect of injections on parts of the brain which determines attitudes. I would think it takes a special kind of healing to overcome these neurological alterations. But nothing is impossible for God if you don't buy into the whole plan of the man behind the jabs. In other words, at some point, just say no, like the protesters around the world. Enough is enough.

Next thing you know, the only places of worship will be those approved by "the man" issuing health passports to enter. So far, I see a lot of people already giving his men more respect than God's. The white jackets are replacing the white collars as the voice of authority in society. Good physical and mental health is becoming more important than spiritual stamina. They want to bury the concept of "body-mind-spirit" and reduce us to the image of animals, mind and body only, animals who never knew the breath of God. The power of the Spirit is being redefined, preached as a loving, positive mental attitude that all religions have in common...the Golden Rule without need of Divine Forgiveness or imitating sacrifice for One's enemies. If you've already taken the jabs, it may be too late to get the glow worms out of your body but it's not too late, I pray, to get that lame Gospel out of your system. Heed Revelation chapter 14. Don't take the Mark of the Beast AND worship [bow down to submit to] his "image" (whatever that word means).

[Patrick Bestall]

💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥

Aborted Fetal Cells and Vaccines – a Scandal much bigger than Pfizer’s Whistleblower ever Imagined

💥💥All of these things are in the final product including contaminants from the cell lines that are used to manufacture the vaccines, and you asked, you know, why the contaminants can’t be removed. So, the virus in the vaccine is just a long chain of RNA or DNA, but it’s such a long chain that it’s not economical to make it in a test tube and so the companies mimic nature’s way of growing viruses and they infect cells and the virus grows in the cells, and then they lyse the cell and they try to purify away the virus and leave behind the cells impurities and DNA fragments. But, for anyone who’s taken chemistry, your yield is inversely related to your purity and, so, if they purified out the contaminants from the cell lines, the yield would be so low that they wouldn’t make any money, or no one would pay a thousand dollars or ten thousand dollars for a vaccine and, so, because of that, contaminants from the cell lines, and in that case fetal cell lines, are in the final product. And, they are actually at very high levels …[10]

💥💥Whoever says ‘No Fetal DNA’ in the Vaccines… are LYING! 💥💥💥

💥💥💥This VIDEO – MUST be VIEWED! 💥💥💥

💥View it here! 💥

[Les Breznyansky]

💥💥💥Do the COVID-19 vaccines contain aborted fetal cells?

No, the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells. However, fetal cell lines cells grown in a laboratory based on aborted fetal cells collected generations ago – were used in testing during research and development of the mRNA vaccines, and during production of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

For the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, fetal cell lines were used in the production and manufacturing stage. To make the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, scientists infect PER.C6 fetal cell lines to grow the adenovirus vector.

[Les Breznyansky]

Food Shortages, Empty Store Shelves, Power Outages! Civil Unrest Next?


💥💥The U.S. consumer is maxed out. They need more stimulus in order to continue this economy. And of course, stocks need their artificial boost as well. The U.S. consumer is maxed out. Consumer sentiment is down heavily. Real estate continues to increase in price right now as we see low interest rates keep this going. There is upward pressure on markets right now globally because of the inflation of the money supply. As a result, we are finding prices of just about everything being higher. Money, cash, debt is coming into the markets at this time finding its way into stocks, bonds, real estate. Social security is running out of money. Pension funds are not keeping up with inflation. Natural gas and crude oil prices are rising as well as all energy and food prices. Commodities are rising higher including oil, crude oil. Some believe there will be inflation while others suggest stagflation, and others suggest deflation.


💥💥Be aware of a possible Phone Call from Health Ontario if you are Unvaxxed!

Health Ontario will be calling the unvaxxed for them to get an appointment. Even defending this by saying they have authority under PHIPA sec. 37 (1) (C).

Funny nobody cares all these mandates go directly against the Constitution and Charter. Hypocrisy at its best.

When you receive this call ask the following questions:

Here is your list of questions when PH calls to book your shot:

1.) What is your first and last name?

2.) What number can I reach YOU at?

3.) What are your medical qualifications?

4.) Are you vaccinated?

5.) What long-term studies are there for each shot?

Our Prime Minister has a goal of having all CANADIANS Injected by this year-end.

Expect to see increased activity to get this done. Thomas Androvic PPC

[Dianne Dawson]

Ivermectin is approved but banned:

Here is the National Institutes of Health, in the U.S., stating that Ivermectin is okay to use.

Scroll down, on the far-left column you will see its approval along with dosage.

At the top it’s dated July 08, 2021.

So, the commie mainstream media is lying to the public. Our health tyrants are banning it here in Canada.

Why? Because it works and big far ma doesn’t make money on in because it’s off patent and they are pushing

vaccines as the ONLY solution because of the billions of $ they are making.

[Patrick Bestall]

Living in an Unreal World:

I guess people won't mind being quarantined so long as they can buy and sell in a virtual world, deliveries and pick-ups courtesy of Amazon et al. Will they use people or robotic devices to deliver? [Patrick Bestall]

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