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Writer's picturedonbrooks777


Tuesday 9 - [3]-24... 


Verses for today:


In the multitude of my thoughts within me Thy comforts delight my soul.

Psalm 94:19 KJV


For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 KJV


For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Luke 1:37 KJV


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:1 KJV




45 Communist goals for America

It was Jan. 10, 1963, that Congressman Albert S. Herlong. Jr. from Florida read the list of 45 Communist goals for America into the Congressional Record. The purpose of him reading this was to gain insight into liberal elite ideas and strategies for America that sound awfully familiar today.


The list is attributed to Cleon Skousen, researcher and author of "The Naked Communist."

On Wednesday's episode of "Pat Gray Unleashed," Pat and producer Keith revisited Cleon Skousen's book and compared it to the current state of affairs in America and to the Democratic Party's platform.

Do any of these hit close to home?


Here's the list:

1. U.S. should accept coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. should be willing to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

These encapsulate the Kennan Doctrine, which advocated for the "containment" of communism. Establishment figures supporting the amoral containment policy at least implicitly worked with the communists in scaring the wits out of the American people concerning atomic war.

President Ronald Reagan undid the doctrine when he took an aggressive stand against the Evil Empire by backing freedom fighters from around the world that were struggling against the left-wing communist jackboot. As a result, the Soviet Union and its satellites imploded, a considerable and unexpected setback to the international communist edifice.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the U.S. would be a demonstration of "moral strength."

The nuclear freeze advocates supported a freeze on

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

Today, there are calls to end the embargo on the slave island of Cuba, there were complaints about the embargo against Iraq, and the U.S., not Saddam Hussein, was blamed for the suffering of the Iraqi people. Would they have advocated for free trade with Hitler and his National Socialist regime?

5. Extend long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

Such aid and trade over decades contributed greatly to the left-wing communist liquidation of over 100 million people worldwide, according to the well-documented "Black Book of Communism."

This aid and trade marks a shameful chapter in American history. Without the aid and trade, the left-wing international communist behemoth would have imploded on its own rot a lot sooner and umpteen millions would have been saved from poverty, misery, starvation and death.

7. Grant recognition of Red China and admission of Red China to the U.N.

Not only did President Jimmy Carter fulfill this goal but he also betrayed America’s allies in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Iran, Afghanistan, Angola and elsewhere.

8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the Germany question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the U.S. has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

There are still American intellectuals, and elected members of Congress, who dream of an eventual one world government and who view the U.N., founded by communists such as Alger Hiss, the first secretary-general, as the instrument to bring this about.

World government was also the dream of Adolf Hitler and J.V. Stalin. World government was the dream of Osama bin Laden and the 9/11 hijackers.

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

13. Do away with loyalty oaths.

14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

While the idea of banning any political party runs contrary to notions of American freedom and liberty, notions that are the exact opposite of those held by the left-wing communists themselves, nevertheless these goals sought to undermine the constitutional obligation of Congress to investigate subversion. The weakening of our government’s ability to conduct such investigations led to the attack of 9/11.

It is entirely proper and appropriate for our government to expect employees, paid by the American taxpayer, to take an oath of loyalty.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the U.S.

In his book "Reagan’s War," Peter Schweizer demonstrates the astonishing degree to which communists and communist sympathizers have penetrated the Democratic Party. In his book, Schweizer writes about the presidential election of 1979.

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions, by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

This strategy goes back to the founding of the American Civil Liberties Union by Fabian Socialists Roger Baldwin and John Dewey and Communists William Z. Foster and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn among others.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for Socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations that are under Communist attack.

The success of these goals, from a communist perspective, is obvious. Is there any doubt this is so?

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV & motion pictures.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all form of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings," substituting shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. " Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

24.Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural and healthy."

This is the Gramscian agenda of the "long march through the institutions" spelled out explicitly: gradual takeover of the "means of communication" and then using those vehicles to debauch the culture and weaken the will of the individual to resist.

Today those few who still have the courage to advocate public morality are denounced and viciously attacked. Most Americans are entirely unwitting regarding the motives behind this agenda.

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

This has been largely accomplished through the communist infiltration of the National Council of Churches, Conservative and Reform Judaism, and the Catholic seminaries.

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state"

Replacing belief in the creator with belief in the earthly man-controlled State.

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

And replace our nation of "laws, not men" with royal decree emanating from appointed judges and executive orders. Replace elected officials with bureaucrats.

30. Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of "the big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

Obliterating the American past, with its antecedents in principles of freedom, liberty and private ownership is a major goal of the communists then and now.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture – education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

Public ownership of the means of production, the core principle of totalitarianism.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

Turn America into a socialist police state.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.

The Soviets used to send "social misfits" and those deemed politically incorrect to massive mental institutions called gulags. The Red Chinese call them

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose communist goals.

Psychiatry remains a bulwark of the communist agenda of fostering self-criticism and docility.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

Done! The sovereign family is the single most powerful obstacle to authoritarian control.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

Outcome-based education, values clarification or whatever they’re calling it this year.

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special interest groups should rise up and make a "united force" to solve economic, political or social problems.

This describes the dialectical fostering of group consciousness and conflict, which furthers the interests of authoritarianism.

43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

The results of this successful campaign are increasingly obvious in the world today.

44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.

45. Repeal the Connally Reservation so the U.S. cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

This would mark a complete subversion of our Constitution and an end to representative sovereign government as we know it, which is the whole idea.

The BLAZE TV Staff

Fil Beorchia


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Gold Star Families Respond to Harris Attacks on Trump:

Donald Trump has had a bit of a reversal of fortune in the attacks he has been taking from the media and the Harris campaign regarding his visit to Arlington National Cemetery to honor our 13 fallen from Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

After Harris’ campaign and the media attacked Trump for the “photo op,” Gold Star families of the fallen defended the former president.

Talking Points…- Trump visits Arlington to honor the fallen- Gold Star families strike back- Analysis


Trump Criticized Over Visit to Arlington National Cemetery

On the third anniversary of their deaths, Donald Trump accompanied the Gold Star families of our 13 fallen from the Afghanistan withdrawal to Arlington National Cemetery. There were reports that a staffer at the cemetery got into an altercation with some members of Trump’s communication team over photos and videos being taken.

As I have stated in previous reports, I do not necessarily agree that photos should be taken on these grounds out of respect for our fallen. However, I also stated that just about every political figure who visits Arlington National Cemetery has pictures and videos taken, so this really was much ado about nothing in terms of Trump doing something outrageous. For instance, Biden did multiple photo ops at Arlington during the 2020 campaign. This was outrage for the sake of outrage solely because it was Donald Trump.


Many of the pundits on cable news slammed Trump, and the Democrats pounced, which included Kamala Harris, who stated:

“Donald Trump’s team chose to film a video there, resulting in an altercation with cemetery staff. Let me be clear: the former president disrespected sacred ground, all for the sake of a political stunt.”

She later added:


“If there is one thing on which we as Americans can all agree, it is that our veterans, military families, and service members should be honored, never disparaged, and treated with nothing less than our highest respect and gratitude.

“And it is my belief that someone who cannot meet this simple, sacred duty should never again stand behind the seal of the President of the United States of America.”


Gold Star Families Respond to Attacks Against Trump

Now, you must keep in mind that this criticism is coming from someone who initially refused to salute the military personnel working Air Force Two, nor did she attend the dignified transfer of our fallen from Afghanistan when they were returned to the United States for burial. Her criticism of Donald Trump did not sit well with the parents of the fallen. Mark Schmitz, the father of Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz, responded to her comments…

Steve Nikoui, the father of Lance Corporal Kareen M. Nikoui, also released a powerful video slamming Harris for her comments. Darin Hoover, the father of Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover, also released a video responding to Harris. Christy Shamblin, Sergeant Nicole Gee's mother-in-law, also posted a video defending Donald Trump. Jim McCollum, the father of Lance Corporal Rylee McCollum, did the same.



The criticism by Harris and Biden against Trump clearly backfired. They want the people of this country to think they love our military members, but they do not. This is the administration that wanted to dishonorably discharge troops who did not want to take the vaccine, regardless of how long they have served or what role they were fulfilling in our military. Imagine being a special operator with multiple tours under your belt, nearly two decades of service of literally putting your life on the line hundreds of days every year, only to be kicked out of the service because you did not want to take a new vaccine… that is what Joe Biden did to them.


Trump was an invited guest by these families, and again, while I disagree with a thumbs-up photo and smiling faces being taken at the gravesites of our fallen, this was at the request of those families. Trump did nothing wrong, and the fact that Harris and Biden have avoided these families is far more disgraceful than anything Donald Trump is being accused of. I, for one, am glad the families spoke up to highlight the real issue. I think we can all agree that Harris and Biden ripping Trump over this completely backfired.

Capitalism Institute

There are many like these supporting TRUMP...



JD Vance Calls Out Dems for Gaslighting Americans:

I have long stated that Democrats talk out of both sides of their mouth in terms of creating outrage and racism in this country. Senator JD Vance (R-OH) shed some light on this very subject over the weekend.

Talking Points…- Democrat gaslighting- Vance calls out the Democrat Party- Analysis


Dems Have a Long History of Gaslighting the American People

By its very definition, gaslighting is manipulation, and that is what Democrats do best. Merriam-Website defines gaslighting as:


"Psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator."

Democrats and the media have used this technique to help Biden try to convince the American people that Biden is doing a great job. For instance, MSNBC's Chris Hayes once posted:


"Compared to four years ago when Trump was president, the country is safer, more prosperous, and more energy independent. There are more people working, making higher wages, and more people starting new businesses.

"These are just the facts."


These are the facts? Our country has been overrun with illegal immigrants, and we know there are terrorists and gang members who are now in this country as a direct result. Last week, there was a report of an apartment complex in Colorado that had been taken over by a violent Venezuelan gang that makes MS-13 look like choir boys.

The Democrat governor of the state literally told people to disregard the reports because it was not happening. Our bank accounts are going backward, we are importing more energy and relying on foreign countries for oil, and inflation is outpacing wages… those are actually the facts.


Then there is the racial gaslighting that Democrats are very good at. They say they want everyone to get along, yet they portray conservatives as racists and label minority conservatives as race traitors and Uncle Tom's. They say they are glad Trump survived the assassination attempt while at the same time calling him a threat to Democracy and say he must be defeated by any means necessary. They say they are about happiness and joy, yet they sow hatred whenever they open their mouths.


Senator Vance Calls Out Dems

Vance was recently asked about the Democrat message after the DNC took place. He did not hold back on his criticism of the party. When he was specifically asked about this "joy" them that Democrats pushed, he responded:

"About this joy thing, dude, the thing I don't understand is they say they are joyful. Yet you actually watch their convention, it's actually pretty dark and ominous. Their entire pitch is not 'we're going to lower your gas prices, we're going to lower your food prices, we're going to bring back manufacturing jobs from China.' They can't say that because Kamala Harris hasn't done that.


"Their entire argument is that if you vote for Donald Trump and you want to change the direction of this country, you're a bad person. I think waging war on the citizens of your own country and saying they are bad people for their electoral choices, that's not joyful — that's very, very dark. And unfortunately, that's where the Democratic Party is going. So they can talk about joy all they want, but I think most Americans who watched that convention didn't see a whole lot of joy."



I have been writing about this exact narrative since I can remember with Democrats. When I first started covering politics, I noted how Democrats would be outraged over the words of a Republican that were deemed confrontational. Yet, the media never said a word about Democrats doing the same thing, such as Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) encouraging violence against Trump officials.


Kamala Harris once told people to take it to the streets. I have lost count of how many times Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has encouraged violence through her words and has not once been called to account for it by the media. I have often stated that Democrats need hate and chaos to survive, and they do everything possible to ensure that continues in this country. But without racism, without hatred, without abortion, Democrats are powerless, and that is why they will continue to gaslight this country, hoping to see our streets on fire so they can remain in power.

Capitalism Institute


REPORT: Harris Campaign Selectively Barring Reporters from Coverage

Kamala Harris has been very coy with the media since being gifted the Democrat nomination by Joe Biden (and I still maintain this should be challenged constitutionally).

She has done one interview and only held a brief press conference on that initial day, with nothing since then. Now, there are reports that she is barring certain reporters from covering her campaign.

Talking Points…- Harris avoiding the media- Harris barring reporters- Analysis

Kamala Harris Avoiding the Media

On Sunday, July 21, 2024, Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential election because he was being pressured by the party and was behind in the polls. Biden immediately endorsed Kamala Harris to take his place on the ticket. Harris held an initial press conference saying she wanted to “earn” the nomination, yet in less than 48 hours, enough delegates promised to support her that she had the nomination locked down without ever giving anyone else a chance to enter the race.


In essence, the Democrat Party took the vote out of the hands of the American people and decided to pick their own candidate over the one that the American people chose. Call me crazy, but that is not how our Constitution says this is supposed to play out. Harris knows there are going to be some hard questions asked, which is why she then treated the media like the plague, avoiding questions and refusing to hold a press conference.


Then, finally, last week, Harris did a softball interview with CNN’s Dana Bash. She brought along Tim Walz to deflect away from her and giving an approving nod at every word that came out of Kamala's mouth. Bash did press on some issues, but she did not ask Harris the really hard questions that need to be answered. And to this day, Harris still does not have her platform posted on her website.


Barring Reporters

Not long after Harris was gifted the nomination, Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked her if she was ready to do her interview with Fox News. She cackled and responded that she was working her way up to it, which meant that it would likely never happen. When Donald Trump stated that he wanted to hold an additional debate on Fox News, Harris refused.

Now, it appears that the Harris campaign is being selective in which reporters it is approving for access to the campaign. For instance, a recent report states that the campaign has refused to approve access for reporters and photographers from the Pittsburg Post-Gazette. Its editor, Brandon McGinley, wrote an op-ed this weekend, in part, stating:


“Post-Gazette reporters [have been banned] from the veep announcement, from parts of the Democratic National Convention and (as of this writing) from all future events where they have the ability to control access.

“It’s a form of political pandering at the expense of core democratic principles — exactly what the campaign claims to be fighting against in the Republican Party.”


This is apparently something that dates back to a 2022 labor dispute when a Teamsters unit went on strike over a health care plan. The union had allegedly interfered with the outlet’s reporting, as well as convincing Democrats to decline all interviews from the Post-Gazette. On that issue, McGinley added:

“Denying access to disfavored press as a favor to political allies, however, just further institutionalizes the new normal, where the application of all principles depends on whether you’re a friend or an enemy. Today, the Harris-Walz campaign considers the Post-Gazette to be its enemy, and it denies us the rights accorded to others. Tomorrow, who’s next?”


And this is hardly the first or only time this has happened with the Harris campaign. For instance, the Associated Press had reported that her campaign was blocking reporters from talking to voters outside of a campaign event in Pennsylvania. Biden’s team has been notorious for cutting off access to interviews, even with private citizens, when their sentiments against Democrats or Biden turned negative.



You guys have heard me say it many times… state-run media. If the GOP was doing the same thing that Democrats are doing, there would be media outrage, and it would be the headline story on every outlet. But not only are a few outlets even complaining about this, but most of them are complicit, making posts or having panel discussions defending this behavior by the Democrats.


For the most part, the only reports that hit the media from Democrats are the ones they want in the media with an approved narrative. That, my friends, is what we see in communist countries with state-run media, and that is what we edge closer to every single day.

Capitalism Institute


Dr. William Makis MD


Excellent information from RFK Jr!!

He knows his FACTS!!

John Stossel is left with egg on his face!!!

John Stossel sounded like someone who is paid by big pharma.

God bless this man, RFK JR, he will do so much good for us when POTUS TRUMP is back in the White House.

Dr. Makis MD



And now the Bad News:







Patrick Bestall


Pelosi Supports California Bill for Migrant Homeownership: 'American Dream for All':

In California, a groundbreaking bill aimed at extending housing assistance to undocumented immigrants has found robust support from former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

According to Fox News, AB 1840, which recently passed through California’s legislature, would allow undocumented immigrants to receive taxpayer-funded loans to purchase their first homes.

During her appearance on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” Nancy Pelosi praised the new legislation, describing it as a pivotal extension of the American dream to a broader segment of the population. She emphasized the economic benefits of such inclusive policies.


AB 1840: Pushing Boundaries in Housing Assistance

The bill, known as AB 1840, elaborates on the California Housing Finance Authority’s existing program, dubbed California Dream for All. This program now expands to embrace undocumented individuals seeking homeownership, thus broadening eligibility criteria for financial assistance.


This legislative change is not just about housing; it is also viewed as a stepping-stone toward greater immigrant inclusion in American society.

The legislation and Pelosi’s endorsement highlight ongoing shifts within the Democratic Party toward more progressive stances on public aid and immigration. This pivot mirrors broader conversations about accessibility and the realization of the American Dream for all residents, regardless of status.


Pelosi’s Advocacy for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Nancy Pelosi, while advocating for AB 1840, connected this policy shift to larger ideals of immigration reform in the U.S. Her stance is that proper documentation of immigrants can significantly benefit the economy. She discussed her vision of immigration as intrinsically tied to the American ethos, recalling the perspectives of past presidents who supported the immigrant community.


Nancy Pelosi noted, reflecting on the United States' history with immigration legislation and its impacts:

"What I would like to do is move them to documented. One of the best things we can do for our economy is pass comprehensive immigration reform. Immigration had always been a bipartisan issue. That's not free housing. It's the American Dream being available to more people."


Nancy Pelosi also invoked the attitudes of former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, using their policies to exemplify bipartisan support for immigration and its role in enriching American society.


Conversations Sparked by Bill Maher’s Show

The discussion on Bill Maher’s show shed light on various facets of the debate surrounding new policies on immigration and public assistance. The issue has sparked considerable discussion and is indicative of how the Democratic Party’s views on immigration have evolved.


While the bill undoubtedly stirs a variety of opinions, the focal point remains the facilitation of homeownership among immigrants, seen by many as a cornerstone of societal contribution and stability.

Pelosi believes that the strategies proposed by AB 1840 and broader immigration reform are necessary for the continuous growth and prosperity of the nation. Her statements on the show underline a commitment to making the American dream accessible to a wider audience, reflecting an inclusive vision for the future.


In conclusion, Nancy Pelosi supports AB 1840, a bill that aligns the goals of home acquisition for undocumented immigrants with broader immigration reform, with a focus on bolstering the economy and diversifying the community of homeowners in California. By endorsing this legislation, Pelosi and other proponents aim to extend the promise of the American Dream to every resident, redefining traditional boundaries and fostering inclusivity within the American socio-economic landscape.

Capitalism Institute


The left is out of control:

Target list for Americans I found and red zones emergency protocols plus hidden agendas for each state from now to 2025 it's going to get dangerous in these areas

It's Begun| They're here to K*ll Us

Once the Millions of IMMIGRANTS are TRAINED... The UN Takes Over!

Capitalism Institute


A top Kamala Harris Senate ally just blew up the biggest lie of 2024 with one nasty surprise:

Kamala Harris was one of California’s U.S. Senators for three years and took over as President of the Senate when she became Vice President.

She made some friends and plenty of enemies in the Senate.

But now a top Kamala Harris Senate ally just blew up the biggest lie of 2024 and revealed the nasty surprise Harris has planned for America. 


A Top Democrat let the cat out of the bag 

Vice President Kamala Harris cast herself as someone who would “be a President for all Americans” during her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. 

She has tried to reinvent herself as a moderate-sounding candidate for the Presidential election after spending her political career as a woke socialist in the mold of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). 

Kamala has surged in the polls after entering the race, and that’s led Democrats to dream big about what they could do next year if they hold the Senate and White House and flip the House. 


One of her former Senate colleagues revealed one of the party’s top priorities if they seize total control of power. 

U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) told a panel hosted by the Brennan Center for Justice – a left-wing activist group – that if Democrats control Congress and the White House, they are “virtually certain” to pass a “Supreme Court reform” bill.


Currently, the top political priorities for Democrats are usually dead on arrival in the Senate because of the filibuster. 

Legislation outside certain spending bills needs 60 votes to pass to get around the filibuster.


terrible Democrat idea of the last 50 years in one bill 

Whitehouse said that Senate Democrats are prepared to abolish the Senate filibuster to pass a massive bill that’s a grab bag of virtually every item on the Left’s wish list. 

“To get around the filibuster, we’re going to have to have a process that allows very substantial debate from the Senate minority,” Whitehouse told the panel.


Getting around the filibuster is abolishing it by another name. 

“We are not going to want to give the Republicans multiple stalls, multiple filibusters on this, so the bill that gets around the filibuster will be virtually certain to include permanent reproductive rights, permanent restored voting rights,” the New England Democrat began.  “[A]nd Supreme Court reform.” 


“If you’ve got a bill like that moving, that’s going to have spectacular tailwinds behind it,” Whitehouse continued.


Democrats are prepared to destroy the Supreme Court 

Kamala supports President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court reform proposal that would establish 18-year term limits for justices and ethics reforms.

Passing that bill would force Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito to retire next year. 

That would allow a President Kamala Harris to appoint two replacements and flip control of the Court to the liberal wing. 


And that would fundamentally transform America forever.

A Democratic-controlled Supreme Court would shred the Constitution and be the end of the rule of law. 

The filibuster being abolished would allow Democrats to cement permanent power by granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and adding new Democrat Senators from Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands after they make them states. 


 Whitehouse thought that Kamala would be on board with this scheme. 

“They have not gone so far as to say, ‘We endorse your bill.’ They have said that your bills are precisely aligned with what we are talking about,” Whitehouse told Dispatch Politics.

Kamala Harris is ready to lead an all-out assault to eliminate the Constitution if she enters the White House as President. 

24/7 Politics

David YEO:


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David YEO

Faytene TV!: 

This fall marks our seventh anniversary of Faytene TV! 


This week’s heritage program features an interview with the Honourable Gerry Ritz, former Agricultural Minister with the Conservative Government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper.


To fight climate change, the federal government set a target of reducing nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer in Canada - a 30% reduction from 2020 levels by 2030.


Farmers, their associations, and provincial governments began sounding the alarm, concerned this would translate into smaller food crops and higher costs for farmers, which would mean higher food costs for Canadians and possible shortages in a market that has already seen dramatic increases in food prices due to inflation.


The policy was put forth by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, then passed onto the Minister of Agriculture and AgriFood, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, for advancement, and consultations that closed in the summer of 2022.


A similar policy was implemented in the Netherlands, causing massive social backlash. It was approved in December of 2020, and this law set the Netherlands on track to reduce nitrogen emissions 50% by 2030. The issue came to a head when Dutch farmers pushed back with a large-scale protest.


On today's heritage series program, we discuss all of the above! is 100% donor-supported. Supporters like you help us bring these important messages to our nation. Thank you!


All gifts are tax receiptable in Canada and the USA.


Donate to help us make more shows:

Thank you for this wonder truth... The Hom. Gerry Ritz Reair.

We really appreciate hearing the truth.

Faytene TV



Christian Thought (30 sec.):

Another thought provoker...

Satan would kill God... If he could... BUT... he cannot!

We... Praise God... are on the side that WON!

 Thanks to Fred Swart

Thank God Trudeau has Reduced our Immigration Quotas:

Around 300,000 immigrant children are missing under Kamala Harris, could be trafficked: DHS

‘Without an ability to monitor the location and status’ of unaccompanied migrant children, U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement ‘has no assurance’ these children ‘are safe from trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor,’ the DHS report admits.


WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report issued last week reveals that nearly 300,000 illegal immigrant children are unaccounted for under the Biden administration’s immigration enforcement, which has been headed by now-presidential candidate Kamala Harris.


The DHS report explains that as of May 2024, U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) has not served a Notice to Appear (NTA) in immigration court to more than 291,000 unaccompanied migrant children (UCs). Nor has ICE “developed a formal policy or process to follow up on UCs who did not appear in court,” the report notes, adding that ICE has “resource limitations” and “limited” oversight capabilities. 


“Without an ability to monitor the location and status of UCs, ICE has no assurance UCs are safe from trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor,” the report admits.

The report has raised concerns about Harris’ role in the effort to “ste[m]” migration to the U.S. southern border, a goal she was officially tasked with by President Joe Biden on March 24, 2021. Under Harris, Customs and Border Protection has recorded about 10 million encounters with illegal immigrants across the country and more than 8 million encounters at the southwestern border alone.  

In addition, “Encounters at official ports of entry have exploded, from just under 20,000 in January 2021 to more than 117,000 in June 2024” under Harris, the New York Post reported. The news outlet considered the numbers to be unsurprising considering that in 2015, Harris declared, “[a]n undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” 

ICE has not made progress in tracking unaccompanied children despite new guidance issued in December 2023 aimed at confirming the location of children who did not show up to their court hearings. This month’s DHS report found that “ICE often neither followed this guidance nor issued corresponding guidance for its officers in the field.”

The immigration enforcement arm is reportedly still short-staffed and suffers from resource constraints that “can limit officers’ time and ability to check the location or immigration case status of migrants.”

“ICE must take immediate action to ensure the safety of UCs residing in the United States,” the DHS report concludes, noting that “UCs who do not appear for court are considered at higher risk for trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor.”

Tell Congress to end child trafficking as 'Sound of Freedom' movie exposes shocking reality

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Life Petitions



It takes Time:


It took more than five centuries after Abraham's time before the Israelites conquered the Promised Land and made it their own.  


It took over two hundred years for Ezekiel's prophecy about the fall of Tyre to be fulfilled, not by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon as the Lord had said, but by the Greeks under Alexander the Great.  


It took Moses 40 years of travelling around the desert in circles instead of only seven to cross the land of Saudi Arabia.  


It took 12 years of bleeding before the woman was healed who touched the edge of Jesus' cloak. 

Don't blame God for the blindness of men.  


Two of the greatest apostles, Paul and Barnabus, had a dispute which was so sharp they parted company for years before making up. (And Barnabus was Paul's sponsor in joining the Church!)



I wrote a poem about this, just before I wrote this email.  




Finally, it took Jesus 2,000 years to prove how much Christians are like the Chosen People of the Old Testament.  We've had just as much trouble applying the Holy Spirit as the Jews did applying the Law.  The difference is in the results, which are earth-shaking, not just nation-shaking.  You'll see what I mean if you watch the 40-minute video Don and I produced below.

Patrick Bestall



Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!




The latest news: 

Prepare For Phase IIBlackoutMon. Night 2 Sept. Is BiblicalFinancial System ActivatedThe Greatest Transfer of Wealth Ever Known Has BegunLargest Sting Operation in History, ActiveGlobal Military Alliance Mass Arrests of Deep State Elite S***n WorshippersWhite House Has Gone Offline

God Is In ChargeTrust His PlanThe Best Is Yet To Come.Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. All.

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.


Note: Multiple Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors claim that the CIA is presently and has been since the end of World War II, raping, torturing and killing children in the Satanic Pedophile Rites of Mind Control Programming that are recorded and then used to blackmail Global Elites and control the International Financial System.

The US Taxpayer funded CIA Mind Control program coordinated with the Vatican, US Inc. and the Crown of England to run an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring used to blackmail Global Elites and influence politics worldwide. CIA Torturing, Killing Children in Mind Control Experiments, Part Three | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News (

The head of this CIA torture- based experiments on children MLULTRA Program was a Nazi brainwashing expert known as “Dr. Green” (a Jewish Turncoat from a Nazi Concentration Camp 1926-1984). The sadistic Green was one of 760 German experts brought into the US after World War II and given citizenship under CIA Project Paperclip. 

Based in the CIA Science Division, CIA Office of Research Development and Army Chemical Center, Green was given at least 80 million dollars to torture, sexually abuse and kill child human guinea pigs bought from multigenerational Satanic families, retarded children at Washington DC Children’s Center and mainly Catholic owned Canadian Native Residential Schools.

Subjects of a 2007 Supreme Abuse survey of children who were sold into the CIA program claim they were subjected to Brain Implants (117); Electronic Harassment (460); Electroshock Treatments (558); Eugenics Experiments (90); forced impregnation (416) and abortion (395); forced participation in murder by perpetrators (502); forced to abuse other child victims (615) forced to murder or think they murdered a baby (560) and were the victims of Incest (780).

In 1973, thirty years after the CIA MKULTRA Mind Control Program began, Congress finally decided to look into the matter. Suddenly CIA Director Richard Helms retired and supposedly halted the program, but not before ordering all MKULTRA records destroyed. Although, a multitude of Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors born after 1973 claimed they were tortured throughout childhood in the program and knew of children still being tortured even today. 


Mon. 2 Sept. 2024: US Military preparing to bring down hundreds of South American gang networks, Iranian and Chinese military were operating inside the U.S., major White Hat Military exercises were taking place throughout the U.S. especially on the East Coast and certain Colorado regions into Yellowstone and Wyoming. Ex Marines and ex Army veterans inside the Hell’s Angels were moving weapons and munitions through the country while organizing outlaw bike gangs to head into Civil War Events. All were preparing for the Arrest Wars near Civil War and death of Civilization Events.


Mon. 2 Sept. 2024 You’re Watching A Movie, Wolverine: Pascal Najadi, former Swiss Air Force officer, and current member of the Space Force, gives us this message: “I’m going to explain it just once for those who are lost and don’t register the hundreds of clues I’ve been leaving them. Here we go. Pay close attention: YOU’RE WATCHING A MOVIE”

  • ·        A lot of what you’re seeing is completely fake and garbage. It’s very outrageous to purposely try to get your attention at this point. It will continue until it has fully achieved that goal.

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

  • ·        This means they are the good guys in this movie on the Freedom Team. This entire election was fake, as was the fake inauguration. Fake executive orders. Fake oval office. It’s all bullshit. Wake up.

  • ·        The military is right now controlling our country until the new election that will be held in a couple of months. The insurrection act has been signed. The 2018 EO is in full effect. Things will soon be revealed publicly.

  • ·        Hopefully you can wake up before then so you don’t have a heart attack in the process. They really did try to steal the election from us, that part is real. Trump knew about it and allowed it in order to expose them and arrest those involved and will implement a fraud-proof blockchain-based election system, which was already patented in August 2020. He skipped the corrupt 9th circuit courts because they were compromised too and went 100% FISA.

  • ·        This is a total military operation. The goal was to arrest and eliminate these criminals before they won an election.

  • ·        Also, the Vatican owned the corrupt DC Corporation, and that no longer exists. It will soon be a republic, as upheld by the constitution as originally conceived. You will get a history lesson in the process along with a solid understanding of the constitution.

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

  • ·        Things will be made public in due time, no more secrets, no more games.

  • ·        There are many actors in the film, not just Biden’s comedian lookalike. Who is who at this point is a mystery. We don’t know exactly who is who 100%. Some play a role from the beginning. Others were drawn into the deal and are now involved in this film.

  • ·        The best thing you can do now is simply wake up to the truth that is being shown to you, take heart and think that communists have no real power over our country and look forward to the things that Trump has already planned long ago for you.

  • ·        I am warning you now. Things are going to get weirder from now on. If you pay attention and listen to what I have told you here, you will laugh. If you are watching the mocking media CNN or FAUX NEWS, you will cry. Whatever you do, please do not call Joe Biden president. He is long gone and his double has no power.


Mon. 2 Sept. 2024 Urgent: QFS Rollout is Here—Elites Scramble in Secret Meetings! … Julian Assange on Telegram

  • ·        The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is no longer a distant dream—it’s happening NOW, and it’s turning the global financial system on its head. The days of the corrupt, elite-controlled economy are numbered. Right now, behind closed doors, the world’s most powerful bankers are in a panic, forced to comply with a system that’s about to redistribute their hoarded wealth to the people.

  • ·        This isn’t just a tech upgrade; it’s a revolution. The QFS is being deployed with surgical precision by the White Hats, dismantling the old financial structures that enslaved us for generations. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is in full effect, and the greatest wealth transfer in history is already in motion. Trillions of dollars, stolen from you through lies and manipulation, are about to be ripped from the hands of the corrupt and returned to where they truly belong.

  • ·        Banks worldwide are being audited, tested, and connected to the QFS grid at an unprecedented rate. CEOs and financial heads are getting late-night calls, attending secret briefings, and being told in no uncertain terms: comply with the QFS or be cut off from the new global economy. The elites have had their day, but now the tables are turning.

  • ·        Behind the scenes, covert teams are working around the clock, integrating every financial institution into the QFS. The mainstream media is silent because they’re part of the old system, desperate to keep you in the dark. But the signs are there—sudden banking outages, unexplained changes in procedures. This is the QFS takeover, and it’s happening faster than anyone could have predicted.

  • ·        But this isn’t just about the banks. Patriots and whistleblowers, the true heroes who’ve fought against this corrupt system, are being rewarded. They’ve been given early access to QFS accounts, not just as a means to secure their financial future, but as a badge of honor in the war against financial tyranny. These pioneers are leading the charge into a new era of financial freedom, where the power is finally back in the hands of the people.

  • ·        The QFS is a fortress of security, with quantum-level encryption that no hacker or rogue state can penetrate. Your money is yours, and yours alone, shielded from the greedy clutches of banks, governments, and anyone else who dares to claim it. The QFS is the ultimate equalizer, a system that ensures every dollar is accounted for, every transaction is legitimate, and every person is free from financial oppression.

  • ·        The old system is crumbling, and the elites know it. They’re desperately trying to hold on, but the QFS is unstoppable. Banks that refuse to comply are being systematically cut off, assets seized, accounts frozen. This is a total reset, a clean sweep of the corrupt, and there’s nothing they can do to stop it.

  • ·        The QFS is more than just a financial system—it’s a global movement, a declaration that the era of financial enslavement is over. The world is waking up, connections are being made, and soon, everyone will have the chance to be part of this revolutionary shift.

  • ·        The QFS is here, and it’s already rewriting the rules. The future is clear: QFS is the path forward. Embrace it, because the world as we knew it is gone, and what comes next is a financial landscape that finally serves the people, not the parasites.

  • ·        Stay alert, stay informed, and get ready—The Storm is here.


Restored Republic:

Mon. 2 Sept. 2024 Tonight, it’s happening. The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

  • ·        Major Industry Disruption Coming: Nuclear energy, Healthcare Software, Fintech (crypto), Genomics (Bioengineering), Banking, Agriculture

  • ·        These are the fields that will face massive disruptions. Now that the C-Doc has been revoked cures that have been put on the backburner can be released exponentially fast. New medical tech can be developed without the bureaucratic red tape.

  • ·        The Chevron Doctrine stems from the 1984 Supreme Court case Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. It established a legal test for determining when courts should defer to a government agency’s interpretation of a statute that it administers.

  • ·        The Chevron Doctrine was this little legal nugget that basically said, “Hey, courts, if Congress wrote a law that’s as clear as mud, just trust the agency in charge to figure it out.” It was like giving the keys to the kingdom to federal agencies, allowing them to interpret laws as they saw fit.

  • ·        Now, imagine a world where big, bad monopolies on medical technology (like those pesky med beds) were running amok, crushing innovation under their tyrannical heels. The Chevron Doctrine was like their best buddy, helping them keep their iron grip on the market.

  • ·        You see, with the Chevron Doctrine in place, these monopolies could lobby the agencies to interpret laws in their favor, effectively blocking any upstarts from entering the scene with their fancy new med beds or other medical marvels. It was like a legal shield, protecting them from the harsh winds of competition.

  • ·        Think about all the sci-fi ideas over the last 10-15 years you have been hearing about.1. Neural interfaces for direct mind-computer connection2. Holographic displays and augmented reality contact lenses3. Teleportation devices for instant travel4. Nanobots for medical treatment and bodily enhancement5. Anti-gravity vehicles and personal flying suits6. Replicators that can materialize any object7. Time manipulation devices8. Invisibility cloaks or fields9. Artificial general intelligence indistinguishable from humans10. Memory editing and implantation technology11. Consciousness uploads to software12. Genetic engineering for bio-design with enhanced humans13. Fully immersive virtual reality worlds14. Faster-than-light space travel

  • ·        This is just a rough list of things you can expect to start major production. This is one of the reasons why I think Donald Trump put out that warning to the Deep State. Because the only way all of this can go into production in earnest is once we do a massive illegal immigrants sweep across the country.

  • ·        Then as that is happening you will start to see a fast-track of revolutionary innovation across all industries in record time. You are about to experience the debut of America 5.0. This is why you all feel this lethargic drag everyday you wake up because we have parasites living among us who are not supposed to be here. Which is why everything has this slow pace to it. And it messing with you mentally.

  • ·        Which is why people are reaching their breaking point. Why do you think you are always seeing videos of people in their vehicles talking about how hard things are? How challenging life has become? How much financial hardships they are going through? Because we have strained our system to benefit people who are not adding anything to it. And the burden is falling on Americans and the weight had become unbearable.

  • ·        Not anymore. This 5 month transition period into next year will see massive changes. The Chevron Doctrine has officially opened up the door for a massive breakthrough in that regard. You are about to see things turned up a notch so be on guard through the remaining months of this year. Because a lot of people do not want you to have what you are about to receive.


The Real News for Mon. 2 Sept. 2024:


International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

  • ·       On August 3, 1977, Cathy O’Brien testified to the 95th U.S. Congress to accuse Hillary Clinton of rape, and that she was a sex slave for Hillary and Bill Clinton ‘who are bisexuals’ affiliated in an elite sex trafficking ring that abuse and purchase and sacrifice children. Trump announced that he’s pledging to seek the DEATH PENALTY for all child rapists and traffickers.

  • ·       The Finders CIA Satanic Child Trafficking Cult: CIA Satanic Child Trafficking Cult (

  • Fri. 10 Nov. 2023 CIA Torturing, Killing Children in Mind Control Experiments, Part Three | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News (

  • ·       According to survivors of the CIA Mind Control Program MKULTRA, the head of the torture- based experiments from the early beginnings until 1984 was a Nazi brainwashing expert known as “Dr. Green” (a Jewish Turncoat from a Nazi Concentration Camp born around 1926).

  • ·       The sadistic Green was one of 760 German experts granted US citizenship after being brought into the US after World War II under the CIA Project Paperclip.

  • CIA Torturing, Sexually Abusing, Killing Children in Mind-control Programs? | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News (


  • ·       Among CIA Nazi mind-control experts was Otto Von Bolschwing, an associate of Adolph Eichmann who helped develop initial plans “to purge Germany of the Jews.” He later worked for the CIA in the US. Secret Justice Department Report Details How the U.S. Helped Former Nazis ( 

  • ·       Three mind-control survivors who were tortured by Dr. Green testified before a 1995 congressional committee that to their knowledge and until at least 1984, the CIA mind-control program was funding Dr. Green to run their mind-control program. According to statements of Dr. Green made in front of the survivors and reports filed in his office addressed to the CIA, military personnel, CIA Science Division, CIA Office of Research Development and Army Chemical Center, at least 80 million dollars was given Dr. Green to run the CIA mind-control program.

  • ·       Dr. Green was trained in mind-control experimentation in German concentration camps according to Colin A. Ross, MD in the Foreword to the biography of mind-control survivor Jenny Hill, “Twenty-Two Faces.” Ross said, “According to many patients with similar memories (as with Hill’s human sacrifice ritual), Green is a German mind-control specialist who came to the United States after World War II.”

  • ·       Psychiatrist Ross, MD, is author of “Bluebird,” a much-quoted book about the CIA mind-control program. He is founder of the Colin A. Ross Institute that treats ritual abuse survivors in Michigan, California and Texas and has authored 17 books on dissociation, multiple personalities and the CIA government mind-control program using records obtained from the Freedom of Information Act. Dr. Ross is former president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) and has been both an expert witness and a defendant in lawsuits brought by false memory proponents on therapists treating mind-control survivors.

  • ·       Therapist Valerie Wolf testified before a 1995 Congressional committee that Dr. Green was an employee of the Army Chemical Center over radiation experiments on children.

  • ·       In a March 15 1995 US Congressional Hearing of the President’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments MKULTRA Victim Testimony A: Valerie Wolf a therapist and MKULTRA victim, testified that some survivors say that an employee of the Army Chemical Center, a Dr. Green (one survivor named him as Al Wilson Green), was over the radiation experiments. 

  • ·       In a March 15 1995 US Congressional Hearing of the President’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, MKULTRA Victim B Christine Nicola (age 32) testified that during her mind-control (1966-1976) ages 4-14 she was subjected to radiation, drugs, electrodes, sexual abuse and other mind-control experiments performed by a Dr. Green. She was kept tied in a cage by Dr. Green’s office, but sometimes escaped and read reports of Dr. Green addressed to the CIA and military personnel.     

  • ·       In a March 15 1995 US Congressional Hearing of the President’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, MKULTRA Victim C (age 45) testified that she was in CIA mind-control experiments 1957-1984, ages 7-24, A L. Wilson Green was over the x-ray experiments and he was given 80 million dollars to run the program with CIA Science Division CIA Office of Research Development. She stated that Green said he used female children because it was fun, cheaper, lower profile and “I like scaring them.” 

  • ·       Green was said to mind-control 75% of the clients studied by PhD Corydon Hammond in his 8-year study of ISSTD clients (1983-1991) as reported in his June 25 1992 “The Greenbaum Speech” at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder sponsored by the Psychiatric Institute of Washington D.C. Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse -----D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D. (The Greenbaum Speech by D.C. Hammond) ( 

  • ·       In the 2007 Extreme Abuse Survey 154 Extreme abuse survivors say that a Dr. Green was their abuser. Over half of the respondents were born after 1964 when the CIA mind-control program was supposedly closed. Extreme Abuse Survey (

  • ·       Mind-control survivor Jenny Hill claims that in 1965 a person defined as Dr. Green directed a group of Satanic Ritual Abuse perpetrators to torture her and another six year-old, Kathleen Shea, whom they murdered.

  • ·       Dr. Green was described by Jenny Hill in her biography “Twenty-Two Faces” in the same way as Dr. Green was depicted in Corydon Hammond’s client study of 18 ISSTD therapists: a man with short, balding brown hair, walked with a cane and limp in his left leg and bore a German accent. 

  • ·       1961 Project MKULTRA – Is the CIA writing mistruths in their records? The records on Subproject 94, part of Project MKULTRA, dated 22 November 1961, describe the purpose of brain implants. “Miniaturized stimulating electrode implants in specific brain center areas will be utilized . . . to provide an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the directional control of animals.

  • ·       Prior to 1962 Children used as human guinea pigs at DC Children’s CenterRetarded children at D.C. Children’s Center in Laurel in a section called the District Training School were used as human guinea pigs for both private industry and the government. Among the experiments, was the testing of NeoBazine a diet pill commonly referred to as “rainbow pills.” They contained thyroxin, which caused tremors, nervousness, insomnia, and tachycardia. It was being tested for its safety and efficiency. In October 1964 the FDA found that the drug was not safe for use.

  • ·       1962 Children at DC Children’s Center used to test diseases. The children at D.C. Children’s Center were again used to test a drug for skin diseases, which doctors strongly suspected caused serious side effects to the human liver. More than half the children tested suffered some liver dysfunction. Eight were admitted to D.C. General Hospital for intensive care.

  • ·       1962 Laurel Center Children injected with radioactive iodine. In 1962, 17 Laurel Center children were used to study thyroid hormone metabolism in children. The children were injected with thyroxin mixed with radioactive iodine to aid doctors in tracing a body process.

  • ·       July 26 1963 Memorandum from CIA Inspector General to Director of CIA To Director of Central Intelligence: “The concepts involved in manipulating behavior are found by many people both within and outside the Agency [CIA] to be distasteful and unethical. Nevertheless, there have been major accomplishments both in research and operational employment. Over the ten-year life of the program many additional avenues to the control of human behavior have been designated under the MKULTRA charter, including radiation, electro-shock, and harassment substances. Some activities raise questions of legality implicit in the original charter. A final phase of the testing places the rights and interests of US citizens in jeopardy.”

  • ·       “Technical Services Division initiated a program for covert testing of materials on unwitting US citizens in 1955. TSD has pursued a philosophy of minimum documentation in keeping with the high sensitivity of the projects. Some files contained little or no data at all. There are just two individuals in TSD who have full knowledge of the MKULTRA program.”

  • ·       1964: Due to pressure from Congress, the CIA MKULTRA mind-control program technically ended in 1964, while the CIA’s MKRESEARCH continued into the 1970s. Dr. William Sweet participated in both brain electrode implant experiments and the injection of uranium into medical patients at Harvard University. Army doctors were involved in LSD testing at least until the late 1970′s. Subjects of LSD experiments included children as young as five years old, and brain electrodes were implanted in children as young as 11 years of age.

  • ·       1965 Dr. Green was still mind-controlling/torturing/murdering children in 1965. According to the biography “Twenty-Two Faces” six year-old Hill had been mind-controlled from age 4 using Satanic Ritual Abuse under the direction of Dr. Green. His “Green Programming” involved the torture and murder of six year-old Kathleen Shea on June 21 1965. Hill discussed her reaction in this video:

  • ·       1967 The CIA Mind-Control Program was supposedly curtailed by the US Congress.

  • ·       1970s MKULTRA revealed during Congressional hearings. These are links to documents from the CIA’s formerly Top Secret MKULTRA program which conducted what CIA Director Allen Dulles characterized as “ultra-sensitive” research in behavioral modification and assassination studies from the 1950s to the 1970s. Selections of CIA MKULTRA Documents - 0001 ( 

  • ·       In 1973 after hearing that Congress decided to look into the matter, CIA Director Helms ordered all MKULTRA records destroyed and the CIA Mind-control program was supposedly permanently halted, although a multitude of Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors claim it is still going on today.

  • Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

  • ·       Mon. 2 Sept. 2024: They’re poisoning the children in Gaza with vaccines: A mass vaccination campaign for children under 11 against polio has begun in Nuseirat, Gaza Strip, following the official confirmation of the first polio case in the area. Approximately 1.2 million doses of the vaccine have been delivered to central Gaza.

  • ·       Mon. 2 Sept. 2024 Republican Governors tell World Health Organization that they will not comply:

  • ·       Mon. 2 Sept. 2024: BREAKING NEWS ALERT! Covid Vaccine Inventor Blows Whistle: ‘mRNA Was Designed to Depopulate the World’ – A GLOBAL HOLOCAUST HAS BEGUN! - - American Media Group

  • ·       Mon. 2 Sept. 2024: NEW ARTICLE: MEBENDAZOLE and Thyroid Cancer – Inhibits Tumor Growth and Prevents Lung Metastasis – Shocking New Johns Hopkins Research on Fenbendazole’s Sister Drug - - American Media Group

  • ·       Mon. 2 Sept. 2024: BREAKING NEWS ALERT! Covid Vaccine Inventor Blows Whistle: ‘mRNA Was Designed to Depopulate the World’ – A GLOBAL HOLOCAUST HAS BEGUN! - - American Media Group


Mon. 2 Sept. 2024 Near Civil War Events, …White Hat Intel

  • ·        Military movements in the U.S. East Coast: Military movements through several regions from New York State High peaks wilderness to Pennsylvania forest to West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina regions there are military movements and training happen for inner City Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain and training camps. Several units in different divisions of the Army and the Marines and special forces are conducting training camps and live reconnaissance operations already targeting Western regions as New York City.

  • ·        These operations come on the cusp Operation Urban Warrior a United States Marine Corps program created as an exercise meant to plan and test Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) and urban warfare in general. It was developed in the mid 1990s by the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory partly in response to growing problem on inner-city fighting, and especially made urgent.

  • ·        These continuing operations are headed by DOD and important Executive Orders signed by Trump in 2018-19.

  • ·        Black helicopters through these regions are gathering data on several Eastern military networks connected to Iranian military infiltration of the U.S. and South American cartels controlled gangs networks.

  • ·        Hells Angels setting up munitions and weapons base in Colorado and preparing for 2024 Hells Angels heads in Colorado were attacked by the South American gangs.

  • ·        Private Military Contractors in U.S. preparing for Civil War.

  • ·        The military has been tracking all the Major immigrants gangs that have been weaponized by Cartels and UN funding.

  • ·        At the same moment TRUMP is preparing and gathering a massive World Coalition that is getting ready to go after the United Nations.

  • ·        This comes after several Generals and commanders are confirming the DNC and coming fraud elections is intended to displace the U S. Military around the world and implement a U S. action to bring in the United Nations and take control of the U.S. – this had always been the deep state plans and was only a conspiracy until now as senators and Congress began uncovering lockstep operations of the UN GLOBALIST agenda)

  • ·        From federal U S. Marshals to Military investigations, to hundreds of private military contractors and thousands of boots on the ground informts inside urban gang neighborhoods and south American cartels militia networks and heavily infiltrated the deep state operations.

  • ·        The United States military operations to bring down hundreds of South American gang networks, Iranian and Chinese military operations inside the U.S. is coming closer and MAJOR white hats military exercises are taking place through the U.S. especially East Coast and certain Colorado regions into Yellowstone and Wyoming military training regions.


  • ·        EX MARINES & EX ARMY veterans inside the Hell’s Angels are moving weapons and munitions through the country and organizing 1% percent Outlaw bikes gangs to head into civil war events.

  • ·        This comes after Hells Angels 2 top affiliated members and their families in Colorado were attacked by South American gangs directly.

  • ·        NOW it’s reported through several sources Hell’s Angels are moving several different chapters to Colorado and preparing for REPRISALs. ( The Hells Angels deny these actions happening… The Colorado task Force are denying any WIRES on Hells Angels…. But The real CHATTER is Cheyenne mountain Military commands is playing a part in placing WIRES channels between EX Veterans in high commands in the 1% U.S. outlaw bike gangs and Colorado higher up police forces commands.

  • ·        The Hells Angels and local 1% percent outlaw bikers are quiet on the events taking place on behalf that Colorado is a democratic state and the bikers are avoiding RICO laws by talking and not admitting retaliation is coming.

  • ·        From inside the U S. Prisons the 23s (Woods/ White U S. Gang system) are in anger through California prisons and Colorado as several of their families have been threatened in Aurora Colorado by the Venezuela gangs who have been placed by the cartels and CIA . The anger is growing through the Hells Angels chapters as the innocent U S. Citizens are attacked and they know behind the scenes The DNC. CIA operations is pulling the strings to create civil war.

  • ·        This all comes after Trump gives statements on the South American gangs in Colorado. This all comes as U.S. military have been secretly training Mexican nationals to combat cartels and sending these military trained Mexicans back to Mexico to form military divisions to go after the cartels and Mexican CIA corrupted government.

  • ·        CARTELS USING SOUTH AMERICAN GANGS TO CAUSE CHAOS due to U.S. military training Mexicans to go after cartels,.. This all comes as Trump has sworn to take down the cartels and placed secret covert military ops that a has lready begun and continuing into COMING OVERT OPS).

  • ·        Whatever is happening, the 1% percent biker outlaws have already given warnings to the South American gangs to leave Colorado or they WILL be k****d in the streets of Denver, Aurora and surrounding areas.

  • ·        Furthermore inside the West Coast Prisons systems the white prison gangs ( woods) are in Talks with the Southern Mexican gangs, and Norteños and middle South American gangs and there is heated discussion on the immigrant gangs causing chaos through West Coast regions that are threatening the lives and families of Real prison gangs.

  • ·        A massive riot could kick off in the next months if the South American prison gangs don’t reach out to the cartels and Venezuela Gangs to stop the chaos in the in the U.S. Streets). A HUGE MASSIVE U.S. PRISON RIOT COULD HAPPEN AND CAUSE A RIPPLE EFFECT TO ALL PRISONS.

  • ·        KASH PATEL WITH UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE ( holding the biggest operations network not in outer space, but in inner space of the Internet and are tracking the most dangerous South American gangs with the most advanced military data gathering systems in the world) are tracking the CIA operations in Mexico with cartels and white hats operations in Mexico …. The biggest network of military intelligence operations is tracing tracking the South American gangs and illegal immigrats through the U S.

  • ·        At the same time on the East Coast of the U.S. military operations are conducting operations and training connected to Urban warfare and taking down paramilitary operations of Iran China South American cartels in Mexico cartelsl and infiltration into the United States Urban areas.

  • ·        A huge investigation into 2020 Stolen Elections is only beginning and Trump threatens Mark Zuckerberg with arrest and others for interference in the elections. Mark Zuckerberg had already flipped and playing the triple agent role to save his life. He knows the indictments are real and coming with prosecution.



Mon 2 Sept. 2024 The Privately Owned Federal Reserve, Ben Fulford:

  • ·        The Independent Treasury Act of 1920 suspended the de jure (meaning “by right of legal establishment”) Treasury Department of the United States government. Our Congress turned the treasury department over to a private corporation, which when seen in its true light, is a fascist monopolistie cartel, the Federal Reserve and their agents.

  • ·        The bulk of the ownership of the Federal Reserve System, a very well kept secret from the American Citizen, is held by these banking interests, and NONE is held by the United States Treasury:Rothschild Bank of LondonRothschild Bank of BerlinWarburg Bank of HamburgWarburg Bank of AmsterdamLazard Brothers of ParisIsrael Moses Seif Banks of ItalyChase Manhattan Bank of New YorkGoldman, Sachs of New YorkLehman Brothers of New YorkKuhn Locb Bank of New York

  • ·        The Federal Reserve is at the root of most of our present statutory regulations, “laws”, in the control and regulation of virtually all aspects of human activity in the United States, through successively socialistic constructions laid upon the Commerce clause of the Constitution. Basically, the Federal Reserve is the “STATE” of the United States.

  • ·        Thomas Jefferson once said: “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies”.

  • ·        The Gold Standard is how we undo all of this corruption.


Mon. 2 Sept. 2024 Daily INTEL Update: Prepare for the Unveiling, NESRA/GESARA on Telegram

  • ·        Beware of misleading reports about water levels and financial rumors. The truth is, only insiders can separate fact from fiction. But here’s what you need to know: The real battle is global, and the stakes have never been higher. Some claim the intel on the RV is exaggerated, but let me tell you, this isn’t just speculation—it’s the groundwork for something massive.

  • ·        We are on the brink of reclaiming what’s ours. The TIER IV repairs through the Resgate process are just the beginning. Soon, TIER V holders will have unprecedented access to the A1 System banks, which are fully integrated with the Quantum Financial System (QFS). This isn’t a drill—it’s happening, and it’s happening fast.

  • ·        The Earth Alliance has ensured global security like never before. The banks will handle customer service, but this isn’t about mundane tasks—this is about a seismic shift in how the world operates.

  • ·        The M1 button from Europe? It’s not just a myth—it’s real, and it’s about to make waves. The name “A Vontade” will soon be known worldwide.

  • ·        Prepare yourselves. The storm is here, and it’s only getting stronger.


Mon. 2 Sept. 2024 BQQQM! Trump: The Commander Who Never Left, …GITMO TV on Telegram

In the shadows, the true battle rages on. Hidden from the masses, a meticulously planned military operation is unfolding, spearheaded by none other than Donald Trump. This isn’t just politics; it’s a fight for the very soul of America. The Washington Establishment thought they had won, but they underestimated the power of patriots united under one man’s vision.

1. Trump’s Secret War: From the moment Trump recited the Snake Poem, the wheels were set in motion. That poem wasn’t just a warning—it was a declaration of war against the corrupt elites who have poisoned our nation for far too long. The media mocked it, but they didn’t understand the real message. Trump was telling the world that he knew their plans, and he had a strategy to counter them.

2. The 2016 Election: Just the Beginning: Trump’s victory in 2016 wasn’t just an election win—it was the first strike in a larger, global strategy. Every move since then has been part of a grander design to dismantle the deep state. The Military Justice Act of 2016 laid the foundation for a new system of justice, one that would bypass corrupt courts and bring real criminals to trial. These aren’t theories; they’re facts, hidden in plain sight.

3. Executive Orders: The Weapons of War: Executive Orders 13818 and 13848 weren’t just bureaucratic moves; they were tactical strikes. With these orders, Trump and his allies set the stage for a financial and legal assault on the deep state. These orders gave them the power to freeze assets and target corruption on a global scale, crippling the very foundation of the Washington Establishment. The deep state never saw it coming.

4. The Military Is in Control: The military presence in Washington, D.C., isn’t just ceremonial. It’s a clear signal that the real power lies not in Congress or the White House, but in the hands of those who have sworn to protect the Constitution. The federalization of the National Guard and the establishment of Space Force were not just about defense—they were about preparing for the ultimate showdown.

5. The Final Act: A New Dawn: As the world watched the chaos of January 2021, those in the know saw the truth: Trump never left. The final act is upon us. Military tribunals are ready to bring the darkness into the light. The deep state is crumbling, and a new era is dawning. Patriots, the time is now. The storm is here, and it’s time to take back our nation.

Conclusion: The Endgame Begins: The Old World is falling, and the new one is rising. From dark to light, truth will prevail. The Trumpian Gambit has won the day. Game over, Washington Establishment. The American people are awake, and there’s no turning back.

Mon. 2 Sept. 2024 The Fake Biden: the greatest illusion of our time, Patrick B. Kennedy on Telegram

  • ·        How many Bidens have you seen today? It’s not a joke. It’s a question that keeps popping up, and it’s getting harder to ignore. Body doubles? Actors? Masks? The media won’t touch it, but we’re going to rip the lid off this one.

  • ·        LOOK CLOSELY: Joe Biden doesn’t look like the man from ten years ago. Heck, he doesn’t even look like the man from five years ago. But the changes go beyond aging. Is this just natural decay, or is there something far more sinister at play?

  • ·        Have you noticed how Biden’s voice changes? How his ears seem to have a life of their own, sagging off his face? What if the answer is simpler than we think? What if the real Joe Biden is gone, replaced by a failing clone? That’s right. A clone.

  • ·        Back in January 2019, a little-known corporation called Kamino was contacted by a DNC operative, Sifo Dyas. Their mission? Clone the former Vice President to ensure a win in the 2020 election. Within three months, the Biden clone was ready, announcing his candidacy on April 19, 2019. But clones aren’t perfect. They degrade, and the Biden clone is no exception.

  • ·        IT GETS WORSE. Ever notice the bizarre sets Biden uses for his speeches? Why would the “most powerful man in the world” need a fake Oval Office set? What are they hiding? The answer is simple: they don’t have access to the real White House. The Fake Set has been caught in action more than once, and it’s becoming clearer every day that this administration is one big staged performance.

  • ·        Remember the infamous window with green leaves during winter in D.C.? Trees in full bloom when they should be barren? It’s all fake. They’ve created an entire illusion to mask the truth.

  • ·        THEY THINK YOU’RE S****D. The “Fact-Checkers” are nothing more than the Ministry of Propaganda. Every time they slap “Missing Context” on a post, it’s because they can’t deny the truth. They’re scrambling to keep the narrative together, but the cracks are showing.

  • ·        So, what do YOU think? Are you ready to accept the illusion, or will you open your eyes to the reality they’re desperate to hide? Joe Biden isn’t who they want you to think he is. The truth is out there, and it’s time we all wake up.

  • ·        Let’s keep digging. There’s more to this story, and we won’t stop until we’ve uncovered every last lie. The storm is here. Are you ready?


Mon. 2 Sept. 2024 The 2020 Election: A Masterstroke of Military Strategy, Ben Fulford

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

  • ·        Behind the Scenes: During a NATO GLOBALIST event in DC, just before the Trump assassination attempt, military intelligence gathered irrefutable evidence of a coup attempt. The assassination was orchestrated by the CIA, Obama, and globalist NATO and UN leaders. But the White Hats were a step ahead. They staged a DOUBLE TRUMP ASSASSINATION EVENT.

  • ·        Pre-Emptive Strikes: Two hours before the Trump rally, several FBI, CIA, and military contractors were arrested, causing mass confusion among the Deep State actors. The operation was cancelled 30 minutes before the planned assassination. White Hats managed to capture the second shooter on a water tower, swapping his real rounds with fake ones. This is why both shooters missed their mark.

  • ·        The Missing Footage: Questions remain about the missing videos. Why didn’t the videos from the hundreds of people behind Trump, including MSM and military personnel, go viral? Why didn’t MSM release footage showing the bullet hitting Trump’s ear? These videos were immediately erased in a world-wide IT outage, with Microsoft allegedly wiping devices and servers.

  • ·        Digital Erasure: Microsoft is accused of digitally altering videos and erasing real footage, replacing people in videos for various events. CrowdStrike’s IT outage was part of a series of operations, including beta tests for upcoming blackouts and internet [KILLSWITCH] OPERATIONS. The Deep State is attempting to disrupt USSF / STARLINK grid operations using advanced AI and quantum supercomputers.


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