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Wednesday 12-20-23

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

Wednesday BLOG 12-20-23


Verse(s) for today:

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Romans 15:13 KJV


By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

John 13:

35 KJV


And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

Colossians 3:17 KJV




-         Magnetic storms today affecting people's moods:

According to experts, a strong magnetic storm with a K-index of 6 (red level) is expected on December 19, maintaining its strength for several days. Additionally, a gradual decrease in the intensity of the magnetic storm is forecasted from December 21-23.

The red level corresponds to a severe magnetic storm capable of affecting people's well-being. Magnetic storms can cause headaches, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, general discomfort, exacerbation of chronic illnesses, and even negatively impact a healthy individual.


During such days, it is advisable to be extra cautious when driving, pay close attention to your well-being, and if possible, postpone long trips, important meetings, and negotiations.

To minimize the negative impact of increased solar activity, adhere to simple rules:

Spend more time outdoors during magnetic storm days, except the midday time (12-4 PM), when it's better to avoid direct sunlight. Include more water, fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries in your diet. Avoid elevated physical and mental stress and overexertion. Refrain from alcohol, fatty, spicy, and salty foods on these days. Instead, opt for light dishes, such as vegetables and poultry.

[Patrick Bestall]



Canada Leads the way in Tax Increases:

Author: Jay Goldberg 2023/12/19

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to pummel taxpayers with a raft of tax hikes in 2024. And Ontario Premier Doug Ford isn’t living up to his promise to deliver substantial tax relief. 

There are three key federal policy changes that will start to empty taxpayers’ wallets as soon as the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve: increases in payroll taxes, Canada Pension Plan contributions and employment insurance premiums.


Payroll taxes are set to cost workers up to an additional $347 next year alone.

Contributions toward the Canada Pension Plan will rise by $113 in 2024.

And employment insurance costs will jump by $47 for workers and $65 for employers. 

How much of a blow will this be for the typical taxpayer? 

A taxpayer earning $80,000 next year will see an extra $507 taken off their paycheques compared to what that very same taxpayer had to pay to the taxman in 2023. 

The next raft of federal tax increases take effect on April Fool’s Day. But this year, the only ones laughing will be bureaucrats in Ottawa.


On April 1, the carbon tax will be increased yet again. The cost will rise from $65 per tonne to $80 per tonne. That translates into a tax increase at the gas pump of about 3.3 cents per litre. 

Then there’s alcohol. The feds are even making it more expensive to grab a pint with friends and try to forget about all the other tax hikes. 

Alcohol taxes will go up by 4.7 per cent. 

The Trudeau government is increasing costs for Canadians at a time when taxpayers are barely making ends meet. Half of Canadians say they are $200 away from not being able to pay their bills. But Trudeau’s payroll tax hike alone will cost as much as $347.


If taxpayers are hoping for someone to rescue them from the doom and gloom of Trudeau’s tax hikes, they shouldn’t expect Ford to be their knight in shining armour. 

Ford’s signature promise when running for office was a major middle-class income tax cut. His original promise was to cut the second income tax bracket by 20 per cent, saving taxpayers up to $786 a year. 

Five years later, there’s been no sign of a provincial income tax cut.

Ontario families are struggling. A major income tax cut from Queen’s Park would allow Ontarians to take home bigger paycheques and help families make ends meet. And it would help to offset all of the reckless tax hikes coming out of Ottawa. 


Why are Ontario taxpayers still waiting for an income tax cut five years after Ford promised it? 

Because the Ford government has shown no restraint when it comes to government spending. 

Despite railing against former premier Kathleen Wynne’s reckless spending habits, Ford has failed to stop the flow of reckless spending out of Queen’s Park. 

If Ford had simply increased government spending to keep pace with inflation since coming to power, Ontario would be spending $10 billion less this year than planned. That would free up billions to balance the books and deliver income tax relief. 


The sad reality is that Ontario taxpayers haven’t gotten their income tax cut because the Ford government can’t stop spending money the province doesn’t have. 

As of today, neither Ottawa nor Queen’s Park is planning to cut taxes to make life more affordable.

That needs to change. 

Both Trudeau and Ford should hunker down and cut government spending to make room for tax relief. 

They could start by kicking their corporate welfare addiction and ending the wage premium for government employees. 


Those two moves alone would save billions and allow Trudeau to cancel his tax hikes and give Ford the room to finally deliver on income tax relief. 

It’s time for politicians to make a resolution for 2024: government, not taxpayers, must learn to do more with less.

[The Canadian TaxPayers]




American Wire AM

Breaking News:

[The American Wire]




US Border “Completely Overrun” With Illegals from Around the World As the Totalitarian EU Moves to Kill Free Speech on X!

Alex Jones Here! Tune In NOW!

Watch & share today's LIVE BROADCAST that is loaded with critical intel the globalists DO NOT want you to hear!

"Thank you and God bless for keeping me in the fight every day." URGENT! Keep Alex Jones in the fight against the NWO! Please pray & contribute with today. Also, Alex Jones has returned to X! Follow him at @RealAlexJones!


Stay Informed with Today's Hottest News:








Trozzi Report: 2023-12-19

Dr Trozzi’s Era of Champions Presentation

Science, crimes, and archcriminals; plus, strategies to detoxify, protect our children, and take back our world. 

It was a great pleasure to join Dr Bridle, Dr Makis and others at the Era of Champions event. It was hosted by Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson and her team on September 27th in the grand auditorium of The Canada Christian College in Whitby Ontario. 

Here for the first time is the recording of my presentation there. 

We’ve included a 15-minute video which is the core covid-science-and-crimes material of the presentation, as well as the full 33-minute presentation. The full presentation includes some preliminary humor and spiritual insights, revelations about the WHO’s global agenda to sexualize and destroy our children, and our agenda to destroy the WHO. I hope you find this enlightening, entertaining and a useful tool to share and help others.


Science, crimes, and archcriminals; plus strategies to detoxify, protect our children, and take back our world.

It was a great pleasure to join Dr Bridle, Dr Makis and others at the Era Of Champions event. It was hosted by Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson and her team on September 27th in the grand auditorium of the Canada Christian College in Whitby Ontario. 

Here for the first time is the recording of my presentation there. 

We’ve included a 15-minute video which is the core covid-science-and-crimes material of the presentation, as well as the full 33 minute presentation. The full presentation includes some preliminary humor and spiritual insights, revelations about the WHO’s global agenda to sexualize and destroy our children, and our agenda to destroy the WHO. 

I hope you find this enlightening, entertaining and a useful tool to share and help others.

Dr Trozzi Era of Champions Presentation. Science, crimes, and archcriminals [15 Minute Clip]

Related Material:

The WHO Agenda to sexualize and destroy our children:

[Dr. Mark TROZZI]




David YEO:


Th3 B!G Qu3$T!0N (1 Min)


G0D's D0m3 aka F!RMaM3nT (9 Min)


J03 R0G@N Fr3@K$ 0u+**N@$A & $@TAN!$M (3 Min)


Th3 UF0 $3CR3T Th3Y D0n'T W@nT Y0U +o Kn0W (15 Min)


H0LLYW00D: L3@V3 Th3 W0RLD B3H!nD**$cRuB 0B3Y (17 Min)


BARB: D3HyDR@T!0N (1 Min)


M!Cr0$c0PY**VXXd & Gr@Ph3N3 (7 Min)


M@$$ VXXN**D!3D !n Th3!R $L33P #4 (13 Min)


"Why R GL0B3 B3L!3V3R$ $o C0NFU$3D?" (20 Min)


'L3@V3 Y0UR FR!3ND$ B3H!nD'**M@TH3W & JUL!A (26 Min)


C0uNT3RF3!T B3@$T $y$T3M**GR3@T D3C3PT!0N**Q & D0N (125 Min)

N0T3: !s Th3 TruTh3R MVT conTr0LL3d by $@TAN?




Humour for Wednesday                                                                                           [Dan Brooks]



Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:



This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU

must make up YOUR OWN MIND  





The Global supply chain now faced severe disruption due to shipping firms diverting away from the Red Sea.

Banks across the Globe were imploding, yet like other pertinent stories, was not being reported by the Mainstream Media. You would think it was time for a Military takeover and switch to the new Star Link Satellite System.

All Intel on the Global Currency Reset indicated that Tier4b would be notified to set appointments by Wed. 20 Dec.

The World will change over to the new gold/asset-backed Global Financial System on Mon. 1 Jan. 2024. The Deep State Cabal’s Great Reset appeared to be dead in the water after the US Congress rejected it months ago.

  • ·       After Grade School Satan Clubs: The below article promotes Lucien Graves’ (aka Douglas Misicko, aka Doug Mesner) Satanic Temple’s efforts to normalize and promote the worship of Satan for children and teens through After School Satan Clubs. It’s absolutely amazing that the Mainstream Media has sunk so low:

  • ·       Lucien Graves, Douglas Misicko, Doug Mesner, or whatever you want to call him, who is the self proclaimed leader of a “religious” group titled the Satanic Temple, was believed to be funded by George Soros and associates, who were in turn believed funded by the CIA through their Mind Control Program.

  • ·       Yes, that meant that your hard earned tax payer dollars were likely funding dark activities of the Satanic Temple – who’s goal was to normalize for children and teens, Satanic worship that according to SRA Survivors, typically involved Child Sex Trafficking, Pedophilia, Torture and Child Sacrifice.

  • ·       Misicko was also being promoted by the False Memory Association which has declared war on very brave Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors and their therapists if they dared expose childhoods filled with rape and torture so horrid that it split the innocent thinking patterns of a child into Multiple Personalities.

  • ·       The bottom line was that under the guise of Constitutional Rights to Freedom of Religion and Speech, Misicko’s Satanic Temple, (just as was common for other Satan followers), worshipped and followed teachings of their Evil God very likely through Pedophilia, Child Torture and Child Sacrifice.

  • ·       If you wanted to continue to allow Misicko and his Satanic Temple Satan Clubs to influence children and teens toward this Dark Side, it’s clear that they, and we, have no future.

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