Summary as I am able:
6-15-22 Wednesday
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💥Thoughts for TODAY!
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; For his mercy endureth for ever.
1 Chronicles 16:34 KJV
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10 KJV
Putin Was Right...
… about the bio labs. He had two objectives. Shut down the bio labs inUkraine and destroy the Nazi’s in Ukraine.
It was never a war but a military operation.
‘Disinformation’ no longer: Pentagon confirms there are 46 U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine
The Pentagon on Thursday admitted that the U.S. government has supported 46 biological research facilities in Ukraine over the past 20 years.
In a document titled “Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts“, Pentagon for the first time revealed the specific number of facilities its government has sponsored in Ukraine and claimed that these facilities were part of a “peaceful” public health project and were not focused on developing biological weapons. [World Tribune]
There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release & spread deadly pathogens to US/world. We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured & pathogens destroyed — Tulsi Gabbard

Video Shows Putin Shaking, Swaying at Kremlin Ceremony:
Russian President Vladimir Putin was seen shaking and swaying back and forth in new video footage taken on Sunday.
The video, posted by the U.K.'s Express newspaper, shows Putin at the Kremlin swaying back and forth after awarding filmmaker Nikita Mikhalkov the State Prize of the Russian Federation. In another part of the video, Putin’s legs appear to be shaking.
Putin's health has come under scrutiny since his Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine got underway amid reports he is battling cancer. A Russian officer has claimed Putin, 69, has "no more than two to three years to stay alive” and has a severe form of "rapidly progressing cancer," while an oligarch close to Putin said the Russian president is "very ill with blood cancer."
"We are told he is suffering from headaches and when he appears on TV, he needs pieces of paper with everything written in huge letters to read what he's going to say," the Russian officer told the Sunday Mirror in late May. "They are so big each page can only hold a couple of sentences. His eyesight is seriously worsening."
Putin's limbs, the officer added, are "now also shaking uncontrollably."
A classified U.S. intelligence report says Putin underwent treatment in April for advanced cancer, according to Newsweek.
Newsweek attributed the information to three U.S. intelligence leaders who have read the report. The report said Putin seems to have re-emerged after undergoing the treatment.
The New York Post reported that Putin was seen awkwardly gripping a table while meeting with his defense minister in April.
Paris Match reported that Putin's bodyguards collect his feces and urine when he travels and take it back to Moscow to stop foreign spies from potentially retrieving it and testing it for health issues, according to Russia experts Regis Gente and Mikhail Rubin.
The Federal Protection Service is tasked with collecting the waste and placing it in a specialized packet and suitcase.
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Do you remember Tafida?

3 agonising weeks later, Mr Justice MacDonald released his judgement allowing Tafida to go to Italy to continue her treatment. On 15th October, the day of Tafida’s release, we organised a balloon release outside the Royal London followed by a press conference with the hospital, the next day at the Gaslini hospital. Thanks to YOU, our CitizenGO members we also raised thousands of pounds to help Tafida’s family with their legal, medical and travel expenses.

Tafida today A few weeks after Tafida’s transferral to the Gaslini hospital she was weaned off her ventilator and is now able to breathe unassisted and communicate with her parents. Tafida will be disabled for the rest of her life, but her rehabilitation continues. Shelina always said that she was not just fighting this battle for Tafida alone, but for all of the other children who are in a similar position. Tafida’s situation highlighted the inadequacy of facilities to treat brain-injured children in the United Kingdom. Tafida’s parents also believe that if Tafida had been able to be treated more swiftly, (she was transferred to a number of different hospitals and treatment was delayed), her injuries would not have been as severe. Tafida’s parents have launched a new charity based in the UK, that aims to raise funds for a £25 million brain injury rehabilitation centre, for children who are rejected for treatment on the NHS. In order words for children like Tafida who hospitals believe would be better off dead. I attended the launch of this amazing foundation in London and Matteo Fraoli, CitizenGO’s Italian campaigns director, attended the launch of the foundation in the Italian senate, together with Tafida’s doctors.

“Recovery can continue for many years after a brain injury. So why should our children be deprived of this? The notion of ending a life prematurely, based on predicting potential, needs to change and children like Tafida need to be given a chance.” “As Tafida’s mother, I know first-hand how traumatic this situation is, and I want to give hope in this darkness. “There is a severe shortage of paediatric centres in the UK. I want to make sure more children have the same opportunity to fulfil their potential. We want to help to optimise recovery by offering the best therapy available in a purpose-built family-centred rehabilitation centre. “We want to care for these children. The foundation will become the voice for the voiceless. We have initiated something for these children and need everyone’s support in making this centre a reality. Please let us have this centre for these children so other families don’t have to go through what we have gone through.” Tafida’s centre has the backing of both medical experts and politicians. In addition, an amendment is currently going through the UK parliament which would allow parents greater freedom in being able to take their sick children overseas for children. The case of Tafida Raqeeb acts as a beacon of light in a world of darkness, where children are stripped of their inalienable human rights and treated as nothing more than an encumbrance. The strength and generosity of CitizenGO members like YOU, contributed to Tafida’s victory. It is in no small measure thanks to your efforts such as signing the petition, attending vigils, your financial generosity and your prayers, that Tafida and her family came through and are now leading the way for other children. Tafida’s story shows what we can achieve when we stand firm together. It is CitizenGO’s hope that the Tafida Raqeeb foundation will be a turning point for us all in the fight for a world that cares more and more about the values that matter: life, family and freedom, where no individual is discarded. Wit thanks for all you do, Caroline Farrow, Matteo Fraoli, Ignacio Arsuaga and all of the team at CitizenGO P.S.- Want to support CitizenGO's work? The CitizenGO community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to defend life, family and freedom. And to do it CitizenGO needs your ongoing support, now more than ever. If this is work you are proud of and you have the means, please consider making a regular contribution to our movement. 5 Dollars a month means we can always keep up the fight.
CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that works to ensure that human life, the family and our freedoms are respected worldwide. CitizenGO members live in every nation of the world. Our team is spread across 16 countries on 5 continents and operates in 12 languages. Learn about CitizenGO here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
Is Masculinity Really Toxic?
Guest General Jerry Boykin Pastor Jack and General Boykin discuss the current cultural dilemma on masculinity and how to stand firm upon the biblical definition of what it means to be a man [Pastor: Jack Hibbs]

Illuminate Event at Plunkett Estate Sat June 18th:
Friends: Some of you will already know of the amazing opportunity for Open Heaven to host their Illuminate event at the Plunkett Estate on Saturday June 18th from 3 pm to 9 pm with free admission and free parking. Harvey Katz of Open Door Christian Fellowship and Mike Switzer from Royal View Church are partners with Open Heaven on their website .
Please pray for this event and encourage people in your sphere of influence to attend. More details from website are below and a poster is attached.
Open Heaven presents “Illuminate” – A Community Event June 18 @ 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm
We are SO excited to be hosting a community event at the Plunkett Estate!! There will be food trucks, live music, a DJ, speakers, games, vendors, and inflatables. We will end our event with a time of worship. Our focus for the entire event is outreach, so invite your unsaved family and friends.
The Chapelaires will be performing at 3:30 pm. They are a southern gospel quartet that is based out of Southwestern Ontario. They have travelled throughout Canada and America in the many years that they have been together. Check them out on their YouTube channel or on their Facebook page.
Justin Credible will be performing at 4:30 pm. He is a Christian rapper from Kitchener, Ontario. Justin has an incredible testimony that he shares through the songs that he has written. Check him out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
We will end our event with a time of worship with our Open Heaven team, starting at 6:30 pm.

[Rev. Joe Campbell]
US proxy wars: Afghanistan and Ukraine!
I just watched Charlie Wilson's War, a movie made in 2007 based on a 2003 novel based on a true story:
"Hanks plays a congressman whose penchant for booze and women earned him the nickname Good Time Charlie. He watched his political career almost go down the drain in the early 1980s when he was caught in a hot tub tryst with two cocaine-sniffing showgirls in Las Vegas. He survived the scandal and ended up overseeing the largest and most successful covert CIA operation in history; his efforts to fund resistance fighters in Afghanistan hastened the fall of the Iron Curtain."
The covert operation boosted the US contribution to arm Afghanistan from $5 million to $1 billion (a lot 25 years ago), all indirect aid using foreign weapons to disguise US involvement in the war that defeated the pride of the USSR. It's an amazing parallel to what's going on in Ukraine today, but the outcome might be completely different if you listen to Rick Wiles talk about it in this one-hour episode I watched last night. This time Communist US is aligned with Nazi's (who don't hide the fact) and Russia is aligned with Christians (who threw out the Commies).
Russia: Europe Will Disappear if EU Gives Nukes to Ukraine ( [Patrick Bestall]

In the early 1980s, Charlie Wilson is a womanizing US congressional representative from Texas who seemed to be in the minor leagues, except for the fact that he is a member of two major foreign policy and covert-ops committees. However, prodded by his major conservative supporter, Houston Socialite Joanne Herring, Wilson learns about the plight the people are suffering in the brutal Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. With the help of the maverick CIA agent, Gustav "Gust" Avrakotos, Wilson dedicates his canny political efforts to supply the Afghan mujahideen with the weapons and support to defeat the Soviet Union. However, Charlie Wilson eventually learns that while military victory can be had, there are other consequences and prices to that fight that are ignored to everyone's sorrow.—Kenneth Chisholm (

Doocy strikes again:
WH Press Sec offers answers detached from reality when pressed about Stock Market Spiral, Inflation Crisis:
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre offered answers not connected to reality Monday when pressed about the growing economic crisis.
What happened?
When it came time for reporter Peter Doocy to question Jean-Pierre, the Fox News correspondent came out of the gate swinging, asking a question about the stock market continuing to spiral downward.
"President Biden once bragged about the stock market hitting 'record after record after record on my watch.' How about now?" Doocy asked, noting that "all the gains from President Biden’s time in office have been wiped out."
The question carried specific weight, because around the same time as the press briefing, stocks officially entered "bear market territory," which means the S&P 500 index has fallen 20% or more from its all-time high. Jean-Pierre, however, immediately deflected from answering the question.
Instead of addressing the stock market, she noted "global challenges" and that other countries are experiencing inflation. She then blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin and the COVID-19 pandemic for domestic problems. [The Blaze Media]

Humour by Scott Card:
My friend asked me to invest in his butcher shop. So, I bought a steak in it….
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Watch Brazil:
Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa = BRICS
Those nations oppose the idea of the New World Order, favoring a bi-polar world instead of one-world government. Brazil's president is a Christian who opposed vaccine mandates. Should he win again, he could be disqualified for spreading "misinformation". Says who? Listen to Paul Joseph Watson for 3 minutes and find out. [FreeWorldNews]

DEBUNKED and EXPLAINED: No, Greedy Oil Companies are not to Blame for Gas Prices:
U.S. gas prices hit an average of $5 per gallon for the first-time last week, according to AAA. Americans are having to spend more of their hard-earned money on energy. But who is really to blame?
It is probably helpful to start with a breakdown of the components of the price of gas.
The cost of crude oil is the biggest cost component of a gallon of gas and can skew the cost. In January, via the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the cost of crude was just over half the cost of gasoline, at 52%. In February it was 61%, and as of March 2022, it was 59% of the total cost of a gallon of “regular” gasoline (diesel varies slightly). Given its overall weighting to cost, changes to crude oil prices have an outsized impact on final gas prices.
The remaining major cost areas include refining, marketing and distribution, and taxes. As of March 2022, refining was about 18% of the total costs, distribution and marketing about 12%, and taxes (federal, state, and local) about 12%, depending on your location.
It is worth noting that gas stations make very little, and they don’t reap windfalls when prices go up. Most gas stations are independently operated, even those that bear a brand associated with a major oil company.It is estimated that a retailer’s markup on a gallon of gas is around 15 cents, and the profit after expenses averages around 2 cents per gallon. Because of this low take, most gas stations supplement their business with selling a variety of other things, from cigarettes to beverages.
[The Blaze Media]

US Department of Defense Finally Comes Clean
– Admits in Public Document that There Are 46 US Military-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine:
US Department of Defense Finally Comes Clean – Admits in Public Document that There Are 46 US Military-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine
By Jim Hoft, June 14, 2022
The Pentagon on Thursday finally admitted in a public statement that there are 46 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine. This is after months of lies and denials by Democrats, the Biden regime and their fake news mainstream media!

By Uriel Araujo, June 15, 2022
Nicolas Maduro’s Bolivarian government of Venezuela announced it will hold an anti-NATO “counter-summit” in San Cristóbal (state of Tachira) on the border with Colombia on June 28-29. Colombia, Washington’s main ally in South America, and also a huge human rights breacher, has been a Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) since May 2022.
By Fiona Harrigan, June 14, 2022
Lebanon-Israel Maritime Border Dispute: Leaks Suggest US Wants Lebanon to Surrender Karish Gas Field to Israel: Report
By The Cradle, June 14, 2022
Leaked documents from US energy envoy Amos Hochstein suggests that Washington wants Lebanon to abandon its rights to the Karish gas field, according to a Mehr News report from 13 June. Lebanese media reportedly obtained the leaked documents on the same day as Hochstein’s arrival. The former member of the Israeli army is serving as negotiator for the US on the Lebanese-Israeli maritime border negotiations.
New Revelations of Former US Secretary of Defense Confirm Illegality of the Extradition and Arrest of Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab
By Daniel Kovalik, June 14, 2022
By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 14, 2022
“Meditations” at the “Start of World War Three”: “Great Reset”. Massive Transfer of Wealth, Blitzkrieg of the Mind and the Soul
By Emanuel Pastreich, June 14, 2022
Fraud Committed by Pfizer and the FDA in the Continued Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccine. Letter Putting Colleges on Notice
By No College Mandates, June 14, 2022
By Jim Miles, June 14, 2022
[Global Research Newsletter]
Trudeau Caves on Mandates After Being Caught Red Handed:
To all those that remained steadfast during this ordeal and did not bend the knee to the Trudeau government or his media class, thank you. Unfortunately, Trudeau only acted after he was caught red-handed flying into the country with an active COVID infection from a conference in Los Angeles, ignoring the rules that the rest of us were forced to obey. Trudeau is a slippery guy, and he will do whatever he can to resume his vindictive campaign of oppression. It has already been said that the restrictions can be reinstated if there is a new variant of the virus. What is to say that Trudeau won't reinstate them again in the fall if there is a small spike, like Jason Kenney did? This isn't over just because Trudeau caved on the mandates. What about the truckers that he is still prosecuting for protesting his demonstrably insane policies in February? We have a long way to go, and I'm not planning on forgiving Trudeau any time soon.
Keep fighting for what is right,
Keean Bexte
P.S. I am tasking my team with getting to the bottom of Trudeau's illegal flight into Canada. We are working hard to file Access to Information demands with the government. If you want to support our ATIP action to expose Trudeau - click here.
Out of Desperation, Democrats Resurrect ‘Insurrection’ Theater:
Read this in your browser at Tuesday, June 14th, 2022
Ron Paul, MD
James Howard Kunstler
Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.
Tom Luongo
The Z-Man
Keely Compson
Alexandra Bruce
Karen Selick
Eric Peters
No College Mandates
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Best FE Short (6 Min)
Laura Lynn With Doc Andy: No Proof of Virus (70 Min)
The Pump is a Genetic Toxin: Doc Ryan C0LE**Pathologist (40 Min)
Is HIV TRUE? (2 Min)
5,200% Increase in Children’s' Deaths (2 Min)
David Icke: Ukraine-Russia was all Planned out by Elete (29 Min)

The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:
Global Financial Crisis:
· Stocks Stage Feeble Attempt At Dead Cat Bounce After Losing $1.3 Trillion In One Day:
· The Market is moving exactly as we predicted. Congrats Whales! Bitcoin plunging to new lows. Coin Base laying off employees. Micro Strategy Liquidated.
· Stocks, Bonds, Oil & Gas Dump; Dollar & VIX Jump Ahead Of Fed:
· Coinbase lays off 18% of workforce as executives prepare for recession and ‘crypto winter’ Coinbase is laying off almost a fifth of its workforce amid a collapse in crypto prices.
· This Robot Already Owns Everything (And it’s just getting started) : Blackrock Aladdin #creatornow Blackrock has a secret weapon that has made it the most powerful company in the world: Aladdin. When you buy crypto, you feed the AI which is detrimental to all humanity and leads to our total enslavement.
· Evergrande, China’s mega Real Estate bankrupted conglomerate, was set to be removed from the Stock Market on Thurs. 16 June.
· Australia: On Tues. 14 June and kicked off by Friday’s Inflation Report, Australia’s Stock Market crashed, losing $112 billion. Investment advisors were calling it a carnage.
o Netflix: -70%
o Paypal: -60%
o Facebook: -48%
o NVIDIA: -44%
o Tesla: -43%
o Bitcoin: -38%
o Amazon: -36%
o Apple: -25%
o Microsoft: -23
o Google: -24%
· The world’s richest people have lost a combined $1.4 trillion this year, Bloomberg has calculated and the globe’s most wealthy became poorer by $206 billion on Monday alone:
Covid/Monkey Pox/Vax Hoax:
· Shocking Discovery: Biocircuitry Found In Chemical Analysis Of Vaxxed Fibrous Clots:
· The Truth About MonkeyPox And Engineered Pandemic Hysteria! – The True Reporter:
· Pfizer Stopped Testing their COVID Vaccine on Animals Because they Kept Dying.
· Virus Hoax Exposed: It’s called the biggest fraud against Humanity in History. The viruses have never been isolated, meaning they were manmade.
· Covid Truth Uncensored:
