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Another Big One

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Saturday 2/4-23

Verse(s) for today:

The fear of man bringeth a snare: But whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

Proverbs 29:25 KJV

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Matthew 19:26 KJV

Persecution is good for the Church:

Nineteen Sixty-four is a research blog for the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University edited by Mark M. Gray. CARA is a non-profit research center that conducts social scientific studies about the Catholic Church. Founded in 1964, CARA has three major dimensions to its mission: to increase the Catholic Church's self-understanding; to serve the applied research needs of Church decision-makers; and to advance scholarly research on religion, particularly Catholicism. Follow CARA on Twitter at: caracatholic.

Check out the following Chart:

CANADA is near the bottom [Little Persecution] and the USA didn’t even make it onto the graph! [Patrick Bestall]

Survey of those Unvaccinated:

Do you want to prove that the unvaccinated in London were healthier than those who got jabs? Fill out the confidential survey attached and mail it to Zoe at the address supplied, or to me at 193 Blackacres Blvd London N6G 2H1. CCAL will use the stats to confront misguided authorities.

Concerned Citizens Association of London [CCAL] was a development when members of We The People of London decided to do more than duck for cover. I've been to their meetings and events all over London for the past two years. I know the people. We know each other. The pendulum of public opinion is swinging the right way now. Join the force.

Be sure to fill out the CONFIDENTIAL SURVEY in my notice about this BLOG being Posted! It is an ATTACHMENT to the e-mail I sent to you Sunday.

[Patrick Bestall]

Abortions drop in Russia:

The number of procedures has more than halved over the past decade, according to the country’s health minister.

Abortion numbers in Russia have fallen significantly over the past decade, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko has said. The official made the remarks on Wednesday during a meeting between government ministers and senators with Russia’s upper chamber, the Federation Council.

“Looking at the past decade, the [abortions] figure has more than halved,” Murashko stated.

The minister explained that the reduction in numbers was driven by pre-abortion counseling services. Last year, more than 44,000 women in Russia gave up the idea of having the procedure after receiving psychological and social help, Murashko noted. According to Russia’s most recent demographic doctrine, adopted back in 2021, the authorities are aiming to provide counseling to at least 80% of women who are considering abortions.

The head of Russia’s Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, praised the progress which has been made. “Of course, we need to move forward in this regard. First of all, to provide medical and psychological assistance to women, which, of course, contributes to a significant reduction in abortions,” said the official.

Matvienko also credited the efforts of private humanitarian organizations, as well as the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in contributing to the downward abortion trend.

“Perhaps no less important is the fact that the standpoint of society itself has changed: more and more citizens are believing that abortion is unacceptable,” she noted.

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The ABORTION rate in Canada & USA is skyrocketing through the Graph!

[Patrick Bestall]

Once upon a time the United States was known as a "Christian nation", but now our country is moving away from those roots at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking. I spend a lot of time writing about the ongoing collapse of our economic system, but the truth is that we are witnessing a collapse of faith as well.

In 1972, a Pew survey found that 92 percent of all Americans identified as Christians, but the most recent Pew survey that asked this question discovered that only 63 percent of Americans still identify as Christians at this point...

Pew Research Center has been measuring religious identity since 2007 using a slightly different question wording - "What is your present religion, if any?" - as well as a different set of response options. Since 2007, the percentage of adults who say they are atheist, agnostic or "nothing in particular" in the Center's surveys has grown from 16% to 29%. During this time, the share of U.S. adults who identify as Christian has fallen from 78% to 63%.

Assuming that this trend continues, it won't be too long before we are under 50 percent. And it is very important to note that many Americans that still identify as "Christians" want absolutely nothing to do with traditional Christian values. Church attendance in the United States has been steadily falling for decades as well, and the shift that we have seen since the pandemic started has been particularly dramatic...

Protestant pastors reported that typical church attendance is only 85% of pre-pandemic levels, McConnell said, while research by the Survey Center on American Life and the University of Chicago found that in spring 2022 67% of Americans reported attending church at least once a year, compared with 75% before the pandemic.

As a result, large numbers of churches are being forced to close all over the nation. In fact, a recent Guardian article claimed that "thousands of churches are closing each year"...

Churches are closing at rapid numbers in the US, researchers say, as congregations dwindle across the country and a younger generation of Americans abandon Christianity altogether - even as faith continues to dominate American politics.

As the US adjusts to an increasingly non-religious population, thousands of churches are closing each year in the country - a figure that experts believe may have accelerated since the Covid-19 pandemic. We are going down the exact same road that almost every other western nation has already traveled. At one time, virtually every nation in the western world was heavily Christian, but now most of them have been transformed into post-Christian societies. It could be argued that the United States is already there as well, and one recent survey found that most parents do not consider it to be important to pass their faith on to their children...

"Parents place less importance on their children growing up to have religious or political beliefs that are similar to their own. About a third (35%) say it is extremely or very important to them that their children share their religious beliefs, and 16% say the same about their children's political beliefs," Pew researchers Rachel Minkin and Juliana Horowitz said in Parenting in America Today released on Tuesday.

Numbers such as these should make all of us very sad. As Americans increasingly move away from what they have previously believed, it is inevitable that even more churches will close. Meanwhile, many of the institutions that still remain are bitterly divided over sexuality. Here is just one example...

The United Methodist Church announced a proposal Friday to split the denomination over what it called "fundamental differences" regarding its beliefs on same-sex marriage and LGBTQ clergy.

The proposal, signed by 16 church leaders from around the world, will be voted on at the church's general conference in May. If passed, it would allow for a "traditionalist" denomination to separate from the United Methodist Church, the second largest Protestant denomination in the U.S., with more than 12 million members worldwide.

And Roman Catholicism is also being torn apart by controversies related to sexuality...

Gay "clubs" operate openly in Catholic seminaries, the institutions that prepare men for the priesthood, the late Pope Benedict XVI has claimed in a posthumously published book scathing of Pope Francis's progressive agenda.

In a blistering attack on the state of the Catholic Church under his successor's papacy, Benedict, who died on Dec 31 at the age of 95, said that the vocational training of the next generation of priests is on the verge of "collapse".

He claimed that some bishops allow trainee priests to watch pornographic films as an outlet for their sexual urges.

Our culture is being fundamentally transformed all around us, and many prominent Christian leaders are deeply concerned about where things are headed. During a recent interview, Franklin Graham warned about what will happen if we do not change course...

Graham, who heads the Christian relief organization Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, told CBN's Faithwire he's read Scripture and knows where culture is headed. "I know where we're going," he said. "I've read Revelation. I know what's getting ready to happen to this world. Judgment is coming." Graham continued, "God is going to judge this earth with the rejection of His Son, and there's gonna be a great price to pay."

Of course, Franklin Graham is quite right. These are the end times, and judgment is coming. Unfortunately, most people are not interested in listening to the warnings. But even though our society is rapidly moving away from religion, more evidence that validates the Christian faith continues to emerge. For example, a team of researchers in France has determined that an ancient stone that is on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris actually contains references to King David from the Bible...

The stele includes phrases such as "House of David" and "Altar of David," but the damage to the stone's face made accurate translation of the text difficult. By using newer technology, including enhancing techniques in digital photography, researchers verified that the text does refer to the biblical King David.

I was so excited when I first read that. And all over the Middle East, vast numbers of Muslims are becoming Christians after having supernatural experiences with Jesus. Just as He has done throughout the past two thousand years, Jesus is still showing people that He is alive. Sadly, many Americans simply do not care.

Our nation is choosing to reject faith like never before, and right now there are no indications that this is going to turn around any time soon. Originally published at The Economic Collapse Blog - reposted with permission. [Prophecy News Watch]

Emergency Preparedness and Survival Guides:

It is essential to be prepared for whatever life throws your way. Whether a virus, wildfire, economic collapse, or other catastrophe comes, you'll want to be prepared. These three books on emergency preparedness are great resources. They'll help you know what could happen and what you should do to prepare for all types of emergencies.

Emergency Preparedness and Survival Guide Set - $50.00

Each Volume can be purchased for about $15.00

Be sure to view the following Pictures:

The Web Site provides all the information that you need… [Patrick Bestall & Don Brooks]

FBI Arrests Disabled Marine, VA Cancels his Benefits:

P.S. Patriot, Zach Rehl is one of many good Americans enduring abuse and heartbreaking suffering right now just because they spoke out peacefully on January 6th. We no longer live in a democracy, but instead a Biden “Gestapo Police State!” This CANNOT and WILL NOT stand! The Republicans are doing NOTHING about this, BUT WE WILL!

Free the January 6 Peaceful Protestors!

This Shocking, Un-American Conduct as Alleged in My Lawsuit Can’t Be Allowed to Go On.


Right now, un-American politicians and corrupt members of the Department of Justice are keeping hundreds of our fellow Americans in jail without due process…they’re abused and beaten…they’re blocked from seeing their wives and children…and kept from seeing their lawyers and pastors.

The conditions in the Washington, D.C. jail are so horrifying, that 34 peaceful protesters have BEGGED to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -- because the terrorists jailed there get treated better than American citizens do here in our own country!

At least one January 6 protestor has already died.

And another protester, a patriot grandma with cancer, served 60 days in federal prison.

But there’s something you can do about it… you can donate immediately to Freedom Watch’s two critically important lawsuits and hard-hitting legal actions to GET JUSTICE FOR THESE PERSECUTED PATRIOTS with your crucial gift below:

Freedom Watch is the only public interest watchdog group that speaks through bold actions, rather than mere words. We are dedicated to not only preserving freedom, but restoring its true meaning, from protecting our rights to privacy, free speech, and civil liberties, to freedom from the exploitation of foreign oil and crooked business, labor and government officials, to defending our national sovereignty against the incompetent, terrorist state-controlled United Nations, to re-establishing the rule of law in what has become a very corrupt American legal system, where justice is only as good as your lawyer and judge—most of whom are compromised ethically and otherwise.

Your donations are vital to giving us the means to fight for constitutional liberty and defend your God-given rights and freedoms. Donations to Freedom Watch, Inc., which is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit tax-exempt foundation, are non-taxable to the extent allowable by law. [Populist Press]



Help Freedom Watch Get Justice! Pop Press Patriot, Please give critical $25, $50, $100 or more IMMEDIATELY to fully fund my two crucial lawsuits and other hard-hitting legal actions to GET JUSTICE FOR ALL JANUARY 6 PROTESTERS AND SET THEM FREE. Patriot Zach Rehl received an honorable discharge from the United States Marine Corps…and received a 100% disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs. But the FBI raided his home on March 17th, 2021, arrested him, and threw him in jail for peacefully protesting the stolen 2020 Presidential election at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. Zach didn’t attack the U.S. Capitol Police. (His own father and grandfather were Philadelphia cops, like my brother, for Pete’s sake.) Zach didn’t break anything, or even hurt anyone’s feelings with harsh words. He simply exercised his right to free speech as an American citizen. But because he’s a member of the Proud Boys, Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has charged him with seditious conspiracy. Zach has been held without bail this entire time. What’s more, he hasn’t had the chance to hold his baby girl even once. And to add insult to injury, the VA notified his wife, Amanda, that they were cutting off Zach’s disability payments because he’d been charged with seditious conspiracy. Just charged – not convicted! As you can imagine, all of this has been brutally hard on Zach, his wife, and two daughters. No freedom…no rights…no due process…IN AMERICA! Patriot, that’s why I’ve filed two critically important class action lawsuits on behalf of each and every January 6 Peaceful Protester who are getting brutally abused by the justice system as I write you this urgent email. If the Biden Justice Department and its FBI can push around and seek to destroy a peaceful, disabled Marine veteran for exercising his right to free speech, they can push you and me, our families, friends, and fellow Americans around, too. You and I, and the people we love in are in grave danger. Zach warns about that in a letter to his wife: “They are jailing innocent people on bogus and trumped-up charges because those people simply supported the sitting president Donald Trump at the time; which is absolutely insane. If you think it can’t happen to you, look at me, because if it can happen to me, trust me, it can happen to you.” That’s why I ask to stand with me at this crucial time. I’m Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and founder and General Counsel of Freedom Watch. I’m a former federal prosecutor and trial lawyer who’s fought for the American people for 45 years. You’ve seen me on cable news outlets and heard me on radio talk shows. I’m proud to say I am the first lawyer to EVER obtain a court ruling that an American president committed a crime when I won my case against Bill Clinton. I worked closely with Congressman Bob Barr and other impeachment managers to IMPEACH criminal Bill Clinton. And I SUCCESSFULLY represented the victims of other Clinton scandals, like Filegate, Travelgate, IRS Gate, Chinagate, and many others. Not to mention that I also enjoined Obama’s corrupt NSA from mass surveillance on hundreds of millions of Americans and killed Obama’s illegal amnesty for over 5 million illegal aliens, a case that went all the way to the Supreme Court! I know what it takes to take on federal agencies, politicians, even presidents – AND WIN! And now I’m pursuing two class action lawsuits and other important legal actions to get justice for the January 6 Protesters and take on Joe Biden’s rotten regime in court. Nobody else is doing what I’m doing in court to get justice for these poor people. Patriot, PLEASE help me double down in my fight to GET JUSTICE FOR ALL JANUARY 6 PROTESTERS AND SET THEM FREE with your absolutely vital gift of $25, $50, $100 or even more RIGHT NOW. I’m using two powerful lawsuits and other hard-hitting legal actions to do this. You and I can save our country if we act peacefully and legally NOW. Larry Klayman Founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch Current Chairman and General Counsel of Freedom Watch, Inc. P.S. Patriot, Zach Rehl is one of many good Americans enduring abuse and heartbreaking suffering right now just because they spoke out peacefully on January 6th. We no longer live in a democracy, but instead a Biden “Gestapo Police State!” This CANNOT and WILL NOT stand! The Republicans are doing NOTHING about this, BUT WE WILL! Please help me fight for these peaceful January 6 protesters in court with your best gift of $25, $50, $100, or more right away.


IN DEPTH. 1. Biden Administration Releases Guantanamo Bay Detainee Who Worked for Al-Qaida New 2. Police Searching for Missing Rappers Make Gruesome Discovery in ‘Rat Infested’ Building New 3. John Durham Makes Blockbuster Move That Should Have Biden Nervous New 4. “Significant Threat To National Security”: US Air Force Warns Over Chinese Corn Mill In North Dakota New 5. Jimmy Kimmel Attempted to Humiliate Mike Lindell by Putting Him in an Arcade Machine — It Didn’t Quite Work Out 1 hour ago 6. Satanic Temple Announces Murderous Plans for Valentine’s Day — Warn Your Daughters 2 hours ago 7. Major Dem Donor Linked to Biden Indicted On Embezzlement Charges 2 hours ago 8. Texas Gov Makes Stunning Discovery – New Election May Be Needed After Ballot Issue Discovered 2 hours ago 9. Republican Lawmaker Found Dead In Her Car With Multiple Gunshot Wounds in Reported ‘Targeted Attack’ 2 hours ago 10. New York Times Stalled for More Than 500 Days Before Reporting It Authenticated Emails from Hunter Biden Laptop 2 hours ago 11. Montana GOP Sen. Daines Demands Briefing From Secretary of Defense About Chinese Spy Balloon 3 hours ago 12. Sarah Huckabee Sanders to Deliver GOP Rebuttal to Biden State of the Union Address Next Week 3 hours ago 13. (Watch) Biden: More Than Half the Women in my Administration Are Women 4 hours ago 14. Transportation Department Used Resources to Promote “Mayor Pete” Documentary to Employees 4 hours ago 15. Friend of Murdered NJ GOP Councilwoman Says Attack Was Personal 4 hours ago 16. California Moves to Make Nation’s Strictest Gun Laws Even Stricter 4 hours ago 17. Companies With Close Ties to CCP Are Buying up U.S. Military Academies 4 hours ago 18. 86 Dems Vote Against Condemning “Horrors of Socialism” 4 hours ago 19. Andy Biggs Introduces Another Impeachment Article Against DHS Sec Mayorkas 4 hours ago 20. James Comer Probing John Kerry’s Secret CCP Negotiations 4 hours ago 21. Biden Laptop Repairman Blasts Hunter’s Attempt to Punish Critics 4 hours ago 22. FBI to Search Mike Pence’s Home 4 hours ago 23. New York Man Pleads Guilty to Threatening Rep. MTG’s Life 5 hours ago 24. Trump Reacts to Haley, DeSantis, Other Potential 2024 Rivals 5 hours ago 25. Latest Fire in Latest in Series of Mysterious Food Processor Fires Is at Connecticut Egg Farm 5 hours ago 26. Food Prices Are So High Even Whole Foods Is Concerned 5 hours ago 27. Bed Bath & Beyond on Brink of Chapter 11 5 hours ago 28. U.S. Productivity Sees Worst Plunge Since 1974 5 hours ago 29. U.S. Defense Dept Successfully Test Fires Hypersonic Missile 5 hours ago 30. We’re Short of Missiles – It’s Time to Think 5 hours ago 31. America Made Clear Mistakes During the Korean War. Will History Repeat in Ukraine? 5 hours ago 32. Analysis Suggests Ukraine’s New Weapon Will Force a Shift By Russia 5 hours ago 33. Amid U.S. Military Action in South Korea, North Korea Threatens Overwhelming Nuclear Force 5 hours ago 34. Ukraine Is Destroying Russia’s Best Air Defense Systems 5 hours ago 35. As China Concerns Grow, Philippines Grants U.S. Greater Access to Military Bases 5 hours ago 36. Joy Pullman: Wind Farms Don’t Just Hurt The Environment And Boost China, They’re Ugly As Sin 5 hours ago 37. Ex-AG Barr Slams NY Times Reporting on Durham Probe 6 hours ago 38. Elizabeth Warren Cheers on Wealth Taxes 6 hours ago 39. Documents Show University of Utah School of Medicine Went Woke After Pressure From Accreditor 6 hours ago 40. Authorities Investigating Rumor That Tyre Nichols Was in a Relationship With Officer’s Ex 6 hours ago 41. New Biden Climate Change Strategy: Don’t Leave Your House 6 hours ago 42. Apple Sees 5% Sales Drop — Largest Since 2016 6 hours ago 43. Record Number of Americans Tapped Their 401(k)s Last Year 6 hours ago 44. Twitter Will Comply With Europe’s Censorship Rules, Says EU Commissioner 6 hours ago 45. Electric Vehicle Maker Rivian Plans 6 Percent Workforce Reduction, Business Bleeding Cash 6 hours ago 46. Judge Bars Sam Bankman-Fried From Contacting FTX Employees 6 hours ago 47. Secret CCP Overseas Police Station in NYC Shutdown After Reported FBI Raid 6 hours ago 48. Blu-ray movie reviews: ‘Violent Night’ and ‘The Menu’ 6 hours ago 49. Decisions loom for pandemic-era Medicaid enrollees 6 hours ago 50. Hasty Pudding fetes Bob Odenkirk as 2023 Man of the Year 6 hours ago 51. Pentagon tracking suspected Chinese spy balloon over U.S. homeland 6 hours ago 52. Reps. Buck, Cicilline form new antitrust caucus to ensure Big Tech crackdown effort survives 6 hours ago 53. Tennis star Nick Kyrgios pleads guilty to assaulting former girlfriend 6 hours ago 54. Crowds decry transgender treatment ban in West Virginia 6 hours ago 55. Biden’s cyberspace ambassador wants less anti-China, anti-Russia talk on tech 6 hours ago 56. Police Announce Major Action After Assistant Principal’s Email Soliciting Donations for Human Trafficker 7 hours ago 57. New Gun Control Legislation Would Restrict Where Concealed Carry Permits Can Be Used 8 hours ago 58. Republican Leaders Announce a Familiar Face Will Deliver Rebuttal to Biden’s State of the Union Address 8 hours ago 59. UPS Driver Snaps Into Action When He Hears Screams from Behind Customer’s House, Ends Up Saving Woman’s Life 9 hours ago Man Books Flight for Australian Vacation, One Look Out Plane Window and He Knows He Made a Mistake 9 hours ago


[Populist Press]

Some Lost Jobs, other's Lost Children:


We have all been victimized!

Throughout the covid-crimes-against-humanity of the past three years, we have all suffered. Good and innocent people have lost jobs, health, loved ones, and even children. Justice must be served. Human rights and the rule of law must be restored. The fraud, coercion, and assault with genetic injections has been unprecedented as is their sequel of disease and death. Unfortunately, many people did not receive placebos or improperly stored vials. Those who were injected with fully functional bioweapons are people most in need of our help now. Good people have been deceived, coerced, injected, damaged, and denied. The lost and injured are many. Justice for the Vaccinated is an organization leading the way. Truth and freedom leaders including myself whom you see in the poster below, are volunteering with Justice For The Vaccinated to put on great events this weekend at the Sheraton Center in Toronto.

REBEL Media:

I can’t believe what I just saw:

Lockdowns are over in Alberta, but “offences” allegedly committed during those lockdowns are still being prosecuted to this day — against truckers, against businesspeople, against churches, against Pastor Artur Pawlowski, and so many more.

Now that the United Conservative Party has a new leader, it is time for all infractions to be pardoned, all collected fines to be paid back, and all criminal charges dropped.

There is no reason to continue to punish people — as if there ever was in the first place — for COVID violations that are no longer considered violations by public health.

If you agree the Alberta government needs to grant amnesty to anyone who received a lockdown ticket, Infrastructure Act charges, criminal charges, and contempt of court, fill out the form on this page to email Premier Danielle Smith.

Add your voice to the list of Canadians demanding an end to the punitive treatment of pastors, small business owners, families, and peaceful protesters who refused to bend the knee to the nonsensical and unscientific COVID rules. [REBEL Media]


Fill out the form at this site to send an email directly to Premier Danielle Smith calling on her to grant amnesty to anyone who received a lockdown ticket, Infrastructure Act charges, criminal charges, and contempt of court…

David YEO:

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$$**D0LL@R D@Y$ 0n B0rrow3d T!M3 (1 Min)

$T3W: M3d!# D!$tr@cT!0N: Ch!n3$3 W3@Th3r B@LL00N (9 Min)

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Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:

This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU

must make up YOUR OWN MIND!

COVID vaccine skeptics are asking Canadian Hospitals for Unvaccinated Blood:

Some people have refused blood for themselves, or a child, because of unfounded fears of blood 'tainted' by COVID mRNA vaccines

The fears among those refusing “vaccinated” blood include that mRNA-based vaccines can genetically modify humans, that the unvaccinated can get “vaccinated” via a blood transfusion, that the pandemic itself is a political hoax and that people who have chosen to be vaccinated “are in some way inferior.”

Stories of people declining transfusions in other countries have sparked bioethical debates in Canada, with some suggesting the requests are, in part, an “unintended consequence” of vaccine mandates — a notion that others have sought to debunk.

Transfusion specialists and the Canadian Blood Services have stressed that there is no evidence that transfused blood collected from COVID-vaccinated donors poses any harms to recipients. [National Post]

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