Status Report 11-15-2020
BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared "National Emergency" that set an Election Day trap for the "unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure" [Thanks – Anne]
The Frankfurt raid had to be done for the election cases before SCOTUS before the exchange started.
US State Department Would Invalidate this Election in Any Other Country
Restored Republic: [B]iden’s Votergate] Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes: Pelosi Owned Programming That Threw Election to [B]iden Now Before Supreme Court: [B]iden, [O]bama, [C]linton, Pelosi Tied to Voter Fraud, Child Trafficking: The 2020 Election Day Trap for the “unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure”: May 19 2020, WAR CASTLES Overview, Sgt Robert Horton, US Army Special Operations:
Masonic Order: We are born as ward of the state (chattel) subject to laws of the global construct under Great Britain with a birth certificate that is traded on the Market. Nov. 13 2020 It’s not over, Congressman Devin Nunes: No oversight on voting machines. This was a corrupt election. Media continues to run a coverup. Continued censorship of Social Media.
Trump blasts 'ANTIFA SCUM,' media after violence mars MAGA marches in DC……. The president also blasted Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser, claiming the Democrat was not "doing her job" Scroll down to: TRUMP SUPPORTERS FACED STRING OF ATTACKS IN RUN-UP TO ELECTION DAY
Fri. 13 Nov. Q Drop: (Durham. Q) Nov. 13 2019 was not only the date of the first Q Drop, but on that day Durham started his investigation into [O]bama|gate ([O]bama spying on the 2016 Trump Campaign). Sat. 14 Nov. The US military has taken over Dominion Company servers:
The Dominion Company was in the news in 1998, in Vancouver British Columbia Canada. At that time there were people involved in a place called the Pickton Farm, a pig farm that supplied pork in the area. It was found to be a place of young women who were taken off the streets and ki|lled/sac|rificed there, and then fed to the pigs. There was a conviction on one of the sons – a simple headed man. That court outcome was very much in question. The information was the farm was being used for elite fund-raising parties. There was a lot of cover up into the family. At that time Trudeau was a student who lived just down from this farm. Who had attended these fund raisers! He was also living with his gay friend, a friend who has since been charged with child abuse, pedo|phile and ramp. Interesting is the fact Trudeau got him a pardon and continues to socialize with him. Wants interesting is the Dominion Technology Company has an office in Richmond BC. The same Dominion Company in the cover up of fake ballots. The same voting machines. Strangely enough the Street this Pickton Farm is on happens to be named Dominion St. These corrupt politicians and their corporations are guilty of every sickness possible. Common Misconceptions - 1.0 - Treaties v. Constitutions Common Misconceptions -- 2.0 : Your Urgent Attention, Please. Common Misconceptions - 3.0: Our Organic Laws
COVID-19 Hoax: How they will Fake Success of the Covid Vaccine: COVID-19 is a Fraud and those Responsible will be sued, International Network of Lawyers: Nov. 12 2020 C19 Testing Elon Musk @elonmusk Something extremely bogus is going on. Was tested for c0vid four times today. Two tests came back negative, two came back positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse. Rapid antigen test from BD. Nov. 14 Charlie Ward – a mask and the immune system:
CHARLIE TALKS ABOUT WEARING A MASK AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Bill Gates, on a vaccine that controls behavior:
Post-election announcement of vaccine ripped by White House
Democrat Tries COVID-Shaming Republican Councilman Over Tgiving Plans, Then Tables Are Turned in Epic Fashion
