11-20-21 Saturday - thebrookstruth.com
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2 Timothy 3:16 KJV
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and
everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
1 John 4:7 KJV
Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and
that seek him with the whole heart.
Psalm 119:2 KJV
For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…
Disclaimer: All articles, videos,and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.
💥 💥💥💥
Thoughts of the Day!
Satan likes to blur the lines drawn by God.
Democrats like to draw new ones.
If YOU have the POWER to make someone SMILE, Do It NOW.
💥💥💥Sections divide Material into meaningful Groups💥💥💥
First… PRAISE:
#2. COVID-19
Past earthquakes near La Palma volcano: Nov 19, 2021
💥💥💥Updated Nov 20, 2021 07:18 GMT - 3 hours 28 minutes ago
On 19 Nov 2021, La Palma volcano was shaken by 1 quake of magnitude 5.1, 1 quake of magnitude 4.0, 12 quakes between 3.0 and 4.0, and 38 quakes between 2.0 and 3.0. Biggest quake: 5.1 quake La Palma Island, 13 km southeast of Los Llanos de Aridane, Spain, Nov 19, 2021 1:08 am (GMT +0) 1 day 10 hours ago Biggest quake today: 3.6 quake La Palma Island, 13 km southeast of Los Llanos de Aridane, Spain, Nov 19, 2021 12:02 pm (GMT +0) 23 hours ago [Patrick Bestall]

FDA Wants Until 2076 To Fully Release Pfizer Vaccine Data: Lawsuit
💥💥The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.
As explained in a prior article, the FDA repeatedly promised “full transparency” with regard to Covid-19 vaccines, including reaffirming “the FDA’s commitment to transparency” when licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.
With that promise in mind, in August and immediately following approval of the vaccine, more than 30 academics, professors, and scientists from this country’s most prestigious universities requested the data and information submitted to the FDA by Pfizer to license its COVID-19 vaccine.
The FDA’s response? It produced nothing. So, in September, my firm filed a lawsuit against the FDA on behalf of this group to demand this information. To date, almost three months after it licensed Pfizer’s vaccine, the FDA still has not released a single page. Not one.
Instead, two days ago, the FDA asked a federal judge to give it until 2076 to fully produce this information. The FDA asked the judge to let it produce the 329,000+ pages of documents Pfizer provided to the FDA to license its vaccine at the rate of 500 pages per month, which means its production would not be completed earlier than 2076. The FDA’s promise of transparency is, to put it mildly, a pile of illusions [ZH, we note that the FDA justifies this by claiming that the rate of 500 pages per month "is consistent with processing schedules entered by courts across the country in FOIA cases,"and blames the plaintiffs for "its own broad FOIA request"].
It took the FDA precisely 108 days from when Pfizer started producing the records for licensure (on May 7, 2021) to when the FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine (on August 23, 2021). Taking the FDA at its word, it conducted an intense, robust, thorough, and complete review and analysis of those documents in order to assure that the Pfizer vaccine was safe and effective for licensure. While it can conduct that intense review of Pfizer’s documents in 108 days, it now asks for over 20,000 days to make these documents available to the public.
So, let’s get this straight. The federal government shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy. Who does the government work for?
[Dianne Dawson]

#2. COVID-19
What is going on in Africa?
💥💥Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated. For months, the WHO has described Africa as “one of the least affected regions in the world” in its weekly pandemic reports.
[Patrick Bestall]

Live Moving Particles (1 Min)
💥T0 Start Injecting Infants as Young as 6 Months 0ld (18 Min)
Italian Judge (2 Min)
Azzie Doc:
💥It was Never about Health (24 Min)
Money GPS:
The Rapid FALL of the Dollar & Why they Can't Admit it (16 Min)
Greenpass tatood on Arm (1 Min)
A Warrior's CALL:
💥Know Thy Enemy (12 Min)
Doc Brian:
Health Tips **Planning & Preparation (7 Min)
Lady asking Questions (1 Min)
💥Immortal Hydra Inside the Body (7 Min)
BC Flood Causing Supply Chain Problems (19 Min)
Ex-Military Psy-Op Speaks:
💥💥Excellent short review of how PROPAGANDA is affected! [Scott Card]

"A Talk with Prof. Dr. Paul Marik (11/17/2021)" on YouTube:
💥💥💥We are honored to have Prof. Dr. Paul Marik with us today. We will discuss the latest updates for his COVID management efforts.
I am a former nurse practitioner, and this has been one ☝️ of the BEST Podcast I have ever heard! I am praying for you both: To bring the doctor/patients care back to where it ethnically and morally belongs! Government does not have a medical degree! If they do, they are going for the MONEY from doing their biased studies! This is TRUTH! Again, thank you both for all your doing it is very much appreciated, more than you will ever know. May God bless you always.
We need Doctors, Real Doctors NOT Doctors that have been Doctored by Pharma-BigTech-Politics/Special Interest!! Thank you Dr. Mobeen & Dr. Marik - you people are an inspiration... [Pauline Clements]

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Stealth euthanasia. How many Canadian seniors with COVID-19 were killed?
Alex Schadenberg Executive Director,
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
💥💥On June 25 I published the article - 81% of Canada's COVID-19 deaths were long-term care residents. I based my article on the report by Globe and Mail Health Reporter Kelly Grant, who was writing about the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) report: Pandemic Experience in Long-Term Care Sector. This article focuses on the CIHI report. Why is this important? The data from the CIHI report indicates that up to May 25, 81% of all Canadian COVID-19 deaths were long-term care residents. This is tragic and criminal. How many Canadian seniors were killed rather than treated for COVID-19? CIHI report: Pandemic Experience in Long-Term Care Sector.
The data in this report was collected up to May 25.
1. While Canada’s overall COVID-19 mortality rate was relatively low compared with the rates in other OECD countries, it had the highest proportion of deaths occurring in long-term care. LTC residents accounted for 81% of all reported COVID-19 deaths in Canada, compared with an average of 42% in other OECD countries (ranging from less than 10% in Slovenia and Hungary to 66% in Spain).
2. As a proportion of total COVID-19 cases in Canada, about 1 in 5 (18%) were among LTC residents. Internationally, this proportion ranged from under 1% of total cases in Australia to 51% in France and 73% in the U.K.
3. The mortality rate for those infected with COVID-19 in LTC was about 35% as of May 25. The number of LTC residents infected by COVID-19 and the percentage who died by COVID-19 varied from province to province in Canada.
[Billie Jo Green]
Alex Schadenberg Executive Director,
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Russia is what??!!! and Nigeria has been CHANGED??!!!
💥💥💥I guess Biden's State Department is tired of Putin saying America is Godless and turned away from its Christian roots in favor of Communism. They're shooting back in kind, but coming out of their mouths, those accusations are hollow.
Reacting later on Friday, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that “each time we think nothing more ridiculous, aggressive, unfriendly and unconstructive can come from the other side of the ocean, we’re proven wrong...” According to him, “this is an excellent demonstration to the countries of the world that the US is officially interfering in the internal affairs of other nations.”
The nationwide poll in the summer of last year saw 78% of Russians vote in favor of the changes. The new revisions also include the redistribution of power between state bodies and a move to enshrine marriage as a union between a man and a woman, eliminating the possibility of legalizing same-sex weddings.
That's what the Biden administration calls persecution. Persecution of abortionists, gays, porn in schools, GMO food manufacturers, Soros and his hired terrorists, gambling, and all the outrageous progressive steps that offend Christian conservatives over here. We call it defense of traditional values. Only left-wing nuts call it 'persecution' .
Nigeria, which was on the list last year and where Blinken is due to visit this week, was removed.
There is an ongoing genocide of Christians there, but what do Biden’s handlers care about something as trivial as that?

G7 Condemns Illegal Immigrants at Polish Border:
💥💥Am I dreaming? The G7 actually condemns the illegal immigration crisis that has been artificially created as undue pressure on Poland. Hey, even though all politicians are psycho insane, this is actually some good news! 💥💥
November 18, 2021
💥💥Belarus migration crisis: G7 foreign ministers' statement
The foreign ministers of the G7 countries and the EU High Representative have condemned the illegal migration crisis pressuring Poland on the borders of Belarus.
Lizz Truss, UK Foreign Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities tweeted:
We stand with our allies and will not look away while Latvia, Lithuania and Poland bear the brunt of an orchestrated crisis that distracts from malign behaviour by the Belarusian regime. Read our joint statement https://www.gov.uk/government/news/belarus-g7-foreign-ministers-statement-on-migrant-crisis …
[Scott Card]
