Dominion Voting headquarters is in Toronto's Chinatown. What a coincidence! Biden's family loves to work with the Chinese. [Thank You – Patrick]
The Federal Government Proposes Dramatic Evolution of PIPEDA | McCarthy Tétrault [Thank You – Carol]
Companies could face hefty fines under new Canadian privacy law [Thank You – Carol]
Donald Trump Gets Fantastic News – Democrats SHOCKED At Numbers
*** New York City's public schools to shut down Thursday over COVID spike
Watch: Operators Active:
Attorney: Team Has ‘Smoking Guns’ to Prove Trump Won
Georgia election audit finds 3,039 more uncounted ballots in 2 counties
This is in addition to 2,600 uncounted ballots previously found in Floyd County
California Ban Race-Related Books in Curriculum For “Alleged Potential Harm”
Media Announce Biden Plans to Scrap Trump’s Pro-Life Policies
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is under fire for photos of him dining unmasked in a California restaurant amid a group of unmasked dinner guests.
