Friday 6 - [21]-24...
Verses for today:
There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.
Hebrews 4:9 KJV
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
Matthew 6:19 KJV
Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, And he saved them out of their distresses. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death And brake their bands in sunder.
Psalm 107:13-14 KJV
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
James 1:27 KJV
Fake Bird Flu Test (2 minutes):
It is starting all over AGAIN!
1. Fool me ONCE and that is YOUR FAULT!
2. Fool me TWICE... and that is MY FAULT!
Bird Flu is Now Cow Flu— Learn How the PCR Tests are Fraudulently Used to Create Panic (
They’re officially doing this AGAIN! Are YOU going to swallow this ‘Science’ a SECOND TIME?
“The CDC is saying ‘yeah, bird flu is going to be a Pandemic’ and now they’re calling it Cow Flu, they think that will scare you worse,” Jones said on his show. “They already begun the mass murder of cows and chickens all over the world in the name of bird flu.”
You need to see these two VIDEOs... [InfoWars]
Dr. David Martin joins Alex Jones live in-studio to break down how states across the country are preparing criminal charges against Big Pharma.
Alex Jones

Join us for a Family BBQ in July!
Join JNF London and Jewish London Ontario to celebrate the start of summer! Soak up the sun and enjoy a fun-filled evening at our Summer BBQ! Enjoy good food, refreshing drinks, live music, fun activities for all ages, and mingle with friends old and new. Don't miss out on this exciting event to kick off the season!
· Date: July 7, 2024
· Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
· Location: Jewish Community Center backyard (536 Huron Street, London, ON)
· Tickets: $18 per person / $25 per family
All proceeds from this event will go towards the rebuilding of Kibbutz Kissufim. Click here to learn more...
Please contact Anastasia at 519-432-2139 or if you have any questions.
London Jewish

David YEO:
UR!C AC!D L3V3L$ M@TT3R (1 Min)
S@UD! AR@B!A JU$T D!D WH@T? (8 Min)
N0T $o CH0$3N P30PL3 C@RT00N (11 Min)
TRUTH !s !NV3RT3D**P0PUL!$T R3V0LUT!0N P$Y0P (26 Min)
N0T3 W3 are G!V3N 2 CH0!C3S by TH3 B@NK$T3R$.
CDN K@YLA was P@RALYZ3D @ 37**G0V'T 0FF3R3e $U!C!D3 (1 Min)
0DD TV**D!GG!NG D33P3R 0n TH3 !LLU$!0N$ 0n TH3 B!G B@NG (21Min)
B00$T!NG M!T0CH0NDR!A H3@LTH (1 Min)
!s P0L!T!C$ $P!R!TU@L?**$3RM0N's TRUTH (5 Min)
K!W!s ALL BL@CK RUGBY PL@Y3R $UDD3NLY D!3$ @ 25 (1 Min)
0DD TV**L@WY3R EDW@RD's B00K**"GR3@T3$T L!3 0n E@rTH" (70 Min)
David YEO

Large Majority of Canadians want Justin Trudeau to RESIGN!
New polling from Ipsos Polling shows that 68% of Canadians now want Justin Trudeau to resign as prime minister. This figure also includes 33% of Liberal supporters. Day after day, both Trudeau and his cabinet ministers sound more and more defeated and to make matters worse, Trudeau’s once-loyal legacy media propagandists are fanning the speculation of his imminent departure.
Every interview that Trudeau gives to the legacy media he is peppered by questions about his potential resignation. With a less than 1% chance of winning the next election and basically no way back, why is Trudeau holding on?
Watch the latest episode of Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner.
Harrison Faulkner is the host of Ratio'd and co-host of Fake News Friday. He is also a journalist and producer for True North based in Toronto. Twitter: @Harry__Faulkner

LIFE Site News Media:
We are now in RED ALERT. As we approach the halfway point of our summer campaign, we still need to raise more than two-thirds of our target to keep LifeSite's independent voice online. Please donate today to help us continue our mission: In the 1990s it was already clear that the mainstream media was not telling us the truth.

That’s why Campaign Life Coalition, Steve Jalsevac, and I founded LifeSiteNews in 1997. We wanted to build a news agency that would always tell the truth about the war being waged against unborn children, and against the family. Over the last twenty-seven years God has blessed LifeSiteNews in ways we could never have imagined. Throughout that time our growth has been truly extraordinary. During 2023:
· our main site was visited more than seventy million times
· our top story was read more than two hundred thousand times
· our top video was watched more than one million times
All over the world men and women are discovering the truth through
LifeSiteNews. Together we are transforming lives every day. I recently received this email from a reader in Nigeria:
I listen to the JHW show podcast all the time, and because of it and your other news coverage have become a traditional Catholic. You are my hero. I thank you personally for all you the work you have done and the influence you have had on my life.
This email moved me deeply. I felt so proud of each one of our journalists, editors, video creators, and admin staff responsible – under God – for the extraordinary growth and fruitfulness of LifeSiteNews. We couldn’t be more different from the mainstream media outlets who compete with us, and that is why we are so successful. Their reporters read texts from teleprompters that echo the message of their political masters.
But our journalists carry out original investigative reporting and report the news first hand. We don’t create clickbait or repeat official narratives. We are original journalists in a world where the art of journalism is almost dead. Even our opponents testify to this. One left wing activist recently favourably compared LifeSite to The Times – once the world’s most respected newspaper:
There’s a fair and accurate report on the Catholic conservative advocacy website LifeSiteNews: it’s clearly oriented for a Catholic readership… but it’s well-written, acknowledges – as The Times does not – my academic expertise… and gives adequate space to representing my views. It’s based on original journalism and independent research.
This is powerful testimony, coming as it is does from an academic with little sympathy for our positions. And grateful as I am for the sterling efforts of our staff, I am just as grateful for you. Each one of you is an indispensable part of our LifeSiteNews family, and you make a unique contribution to our success. By spreading the truth and exposing evil we are:
· saving the lives of unborn babies from abortion worldwide
· holding back the abortion juggernaut in Africa
· exposing the horrors of legal euthanasia regimes
· waking the world up to the globalist totalitarian threat
· educating a new generation in the truth of Jesus Christ
· contributing to a spiritual revival which will renew the Church and the world.
LifeSiteNews is reaching more people than ever before. We are changing lives, saving souls, and rescuing innocents from the jaws of death. Thanks to LifeSiteNews, and other truthful media sources, our enemies have suffered many setbacks – like the recent exposure of the COVID death jab. But we must still do more, we must grow faster, we must reach more people, because our enemies are still advancing, and it truly is RED ALERT for our world.
Here are some of the major threats that LifeSiteNews must counter in the months ahead. World War III – The world is closer than ever to major international conflagration. The main flashpoints are the Ukraine-Russia war and the crisis in the Middle East. Global war is coming soon - unless wiser counsels prevail. It is absolutely essential that the global public receives accurate, unbiased, non-partisan coverage of world affairs.
A well-informed public, holding politicians to account, is one of the strongest guarantees of international cooperation. Only independent media like LifeSiteNews are consistently providing coverage like this.In a world where mainstream media is controlled by big government and big business, LifeSiteNews is a crucial component in international dialogue and world peace. That’s why our enemies will do anything possible to take us offline or suppress our message. We need your urgent support so that we can educate the global public and play our part in maintaining world peace.
Abortion – Great victories have been won in the battle against abortion – such as the overturning of Roe v Wade - but the abortion industry is STILL GROWING and is responsible for tens of millions of deaths every year. Each of these babies is of irreplaceable value. God loves each of them so much that He would have died for them alone. And yet these precious babies are deliberately killed every day. An evil so great almost defies comprehension.
But the killing is sustained by the abortion propaganda of powerful governments and corporations. To counter this propaganda, LifeSiteNews must grow exponentially. To build a world in which every woman, and every man, knows the truth about abortion, we must expand our presence on every continent on earth. And that is what are we doing. LifeSiteNews is now manning the frontlines in Africa, having made four major deals with Catholic radio and TV stations to provide pro-life coverage and content. Our ground-breaking investigations and cutting-edge research will now be broadcast across Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda.
LifeSiteNews will bring the truth to tens of millions of people in East Africa and beyond. The western NGOs will now face an ever more educated African public, which knows that killing babies is wrong. Globalists are determined to drastically reduce the world’s population and want to eliminate millions of Africans to make this possible. They won’t succeed if the African peoples are armed with the facts about their sinister agenda. And we hope that this is just the beginning of our expansion.
Wherever abortionists bring their lies, LifeSiteNews must be there to bring the truth. That’s why we are delighted that LifeSiteNews is now available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Polish, and Hungarian. We want every man and woman on earth to be able to hear the pro-life message. But to accomplish this we need your support. Please donate to LifeSiteNews today to make sure that the abortionists never go anywhere unchallenged.
Euthanasia – The burgeoning euthanasia industry now has the right to legally kill around four hundred million victims worldwide, including in major western nations like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and some US states. Everywhere euthanasia regimes leave behind broken families, broken hearts, and broken lives. Thankfully most US states and many powerful western nations, like Italy and England, continue to resist the death-lobby’s pressure.
This resistance is ONLY POSSIBLE because organizations like LifeSiteNews have succeeded in making the facts about euthanasia more widely known. The stories we reveal are making people think twice. But the pressure is growing and the bloody tide of “assisted dying” can be held back only by a continued exposure of its evil to more and more people. Please support LifeSiteNews today so that we can keep telling the truth about what euthanasia does to individuals and to nations.
Totalitarianism - The globalist elite has made huge strides towards establishing an international totalitarian police state. This has become increasingly clear since 2020. The world is much less free than in 1997 when we founded LifeSiteNews.
But the world is also much more awake. Many things that were once called “conspiracy theories” are now known to be true.
The global awakening taking place is a great cause for hope. But right now, the fire of liberty is only smouldering and in danger of being extinguished altogether. We must tend this flame carefully, so that it becomes a mighty fire which can burn away tyranny across the whole earth! This is what LifeSiteNews is doing. Every video, every article, and every interview which exposes evil is a new spark, kindling the fire of hope and love in somebody’s heart. Please support LifeSiteNews TODAY to make this global renewal possible!
Crisis of faith – There are more than one billion people in the world who call themselves Catholic. This more than 1/8 of the world’s population. So why isn’t the world already afire with hope and love? Because these men and women have been starved of the truth by a hierarchy which has largely fallen away from Christ and the authentic Catholic faith. A false pseudo-Christianity is preached from many pulpits in place of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Yet as the world crisis deepens, it must become clearer that only God can save us. We know that there is no crisis from which God cannot save us. We know that there is no evil from which He cannot deliver us. But He asks us to do our part. At LifeSiteNews we are committed to spreading the true Catholic faith and to helping people live an ever deeper spiritual life. We trust that God will bring about the renewal of the Church in His own time, but we must do our part to share the truth. Please support LifeSiteNews TODAY to help us keep the faith alive.
You may have noticed that more and more media organizations are putting their content behind a paywall. This is because first and foremost they are businesses that need to make money. But LifeSiteNews is first and foremost an apostolate. All LifeSiteNews articles and videos are available to be read or seen by anyone. We will never hide our content away. We will never exchange truth for profit. Our vision is that everyone with an internet connection will have access to the truth about faith, family, and freedom.But this open access comes at a cost. It means that we are entirely dependent on donations to keep going.
If the donations stop, LifeSiteNews goes offline soon after. It is just a fact that without individual support from good men and women like you we can’t keep our operations going. We have almost raised one third of our fundraising goal, but we need to raise the whole amount to maintain our output over the next quarter. And if we raise more than this, we will be able to expand our work faster and further. As we watch the income come in, we are overwhelmed with gratitude to God and to you. As every campaign begins, we wonder if we will make it through another quarter, but neither your generosity nor God’s grace has ever failed us. Thank you for being a member of our LifeSiteNews family.
John-Henry Westen Editor-in-Chief
P.S. — I know that it can sometimes be tempting to give up hope when we see how evil the modern world is. But we know that God is on our side and that the truth has a power of its own. When the truth is told, lies cannot stand. Thank you for helping LifeSiteNews to spread the truth and change the world!If you prefer, you can mail your donation to our U.S. or Canadian offices, or call (888) 678-6008 ext. 1 to donate.
4 Family Life Lane Front Royal,
VA 22630
157 Catharine St N,
Unit 2 Hamilton, ON
L8L 4S4
Some Biological Facts For The Left Wing Extremists Pushing The Tranny Train:
Trans Athletes Are Posting Victories and Shaking Up Sports
TRANSGENDER ATHLETES ARE having a moment. At all levels of sport, they’re stepping onto the podium and into the headlines. New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard won two gold medals at the Pacific Games, and college senior CeCé Telfer became the NCAA Division II national champion in the 400-meter run. Another senior, June Eastwood, has been instrumental to her cross-country team’s success. At the high school level, Terry Miller won the girls’ 200-meter dash at Connecticut’s state open championship track meet.
These recent performances are inherently praiseworthy—shining examples of what humans can accomplish with training and effort. But as more transgender athletes rise to the top of their fields, some vocal opponents are also expressing outrage at what they see as transgender athletes ruining sports for cisgendered girls and women.
These issues have come to a head in Connecticut, where a conservative Christian group called Alliance Defending Freedom has filed a legal complaint on behalf of three high school athletes who are seeking to bar transgender girls from competing in the girls category.
In Connecticut, as in more than a dozen other states, high school athletes are allowed to compete in the category that matches their gender identity. According to ADF legal counsel Christiana Holcomb, two transgender athletes—Miller and another runner, Andraya Yearwood—“have amassed 15 different state championship titles that were once held by nine different girls across the state.” The US Department of Education’s office for civil rights is now investigating the group’s complaint.
Nowhere are the debates around transgender rights as stark as they are in sports, where the temptation to draw a hard biological line has run up against the limits of what science can offer. The outcome, at least so far, is an inconsistent mix of rules that leaves almost nothing resolved.
In the NCAA, for example, transgender women can compete on women’s teams after they’ve completed one year of testosterone suppression treatment. But the organization doesn’t place limits on what a transgender athlete’s testosterone levels can be.

The International Olympic Committee has more granular rules: Transgender women can compete in the women’s category as long as their blood testosterone levels have been maintained below 10 nano moles per liter for a minimum of 12 months. Cisgender men typically have testosterone levels of 7.7 to 29.4 nano moles per liter, while premenopausal cis women are generally 1.7 nmol/L or less. Meanwhile, the governing body of track and field just adopted a 5nmol/L limit.
So which approach is most fair? “Fair is a very subjective word,” says Joanna Harper, a transgender woman, distance runner, and researcher who served on the IOC committee that developed that organization’s current rules. It boils down to whom you’re trying to be fair to, Harper says. “To billions of typical women who cannot compete with men at high levels of sport?”
Or “a very repressed minority in transgender people who only want to enjoy the same things that everybody else does, including participation in sports?”
More details at the above LINK:
Senator John Kennedy

IMPORTANT- Register Immediately...
In Their Own Words:
First-Hand Testimonies from October 7
Jewish Community Centre at 7:00 PM on SUNDAY 23rd JUNE-24
RSVP required by 12 noon on Friday, June 21.
The Centre will take REGISTRATION's all day today [Friday].
Hope to see you there!
Don Brooks

Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors
RUMOURS Circulating out there...:
You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!
Prepare For Ten Dark Days Under Military Watch!
What We Think We Know as of Thurs. 20 June 2024:
· Evidently within the last month or so the Supreme Court privately heard and made a decision on the Brunson Case that alleged Congress failed to investigate allegations of 2020 Voter Fraud before certifying the 2020 election. If a public announcement of a positive decision was made it would automatically dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress.
· This was explained back on Mon. 13 May 2024: US Under Martial Law; Trump Commander-in-Chief; Biden Executed | Politics | Before It’s News (
· Prior to the 2020 Election Trump put an Interim Military US Government in place to run the country. The two US governments: (1) a legitimate Interim Military US Government empowered by the Constitution and the Department of Defense under Military Code 11.3, and (2) an illegal, fraudulent foreign paid-for, foreign controlled (on the foreign ground of the District of Columbia) Biden Administration.
· On Thurs. 20 June 2024 Donald Trump and JFK Jr. made it clear that he was formerly back as the President of the United States of America, while a US Interim Military Government remained in place. “Now it’s not only MY TURN but WE THE PEOPLE’S TURN. I AM not only the Commander in Chief of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REPUBLIC but of SPACE FORCE and the GALACTIC FEDERATION. We are going to make AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN! …The 17th Letter Q (JFK Jr.) Thurs. 20 June 2024
· In the early Mon. morning hours of 17 June 2024 between 3 and 6 am a blackout occurred in Washington DC around the White House. Police, US troops, Military vans, buses and police cars were everywhere loading up passengers, taking them down the road and across a bridge and then coming back empty to do a repeat. When it was over and seemingly on Q, fireworks lit up the sky. Reports from those on the ground claimed that by later that day the White House was closed up tight and remained so as of right now.
· Reports say there were originally over 450,000 indictments on Global Elites worldwide. Charlie Ward reported “Of the 450,000 indictments and Tribunals we are in the last 5-10,000 to complete.” In addition, Space Force along with other military from around the world, have arrested over 8,000,000 Nazi Cabal Deep State Treasonous Traitors. As of May 1 another 500,000 sealed indictments were released to arrest Judges, attorneys, mayors and governors who had their names on the sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office in 2016. It was reported that when Global Elites were served, “The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death, or a jail cell for life. Obama gave up Michelle, and then breached his warrant.”
· This week there were massive internet and network outages on the East Coast said to be a cover for Special Operations (SOF) units making arrests of Deep State bad guys. It was likely that rolling blackouts would occur in other areas of the country as arrests were being made. Communications would be cut off for a short period of time.
· We could see the banks collapse this next weekend. The Vatican has never been good; they’ve always had a weird relationship with young boys. There is going to be a change very soon from the old system to the new Starlink Quantum System. Certain members of the Royal Family and certain politicians are not here anymore
· On March 20 1854 the Republican Party of the US was founded in Ripon Wisconsin. Purpose: to counter the Democrat Plan to expand slavery in America.
· Thurs. 20 June 2024: BQQQM!!! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! Major Code Red Alert: Prepare For Ten Dark Days Under Military Watch! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 20 June 2024 – American Media Group ( Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 20, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Wars and Rumors of Wars:
· Thurs. 20 June 2024: Former FBI Official Makes Terrifying 9/11 Prediction | RightWing
Cabal Planned Chaos:
· US in selective recession as lower class can’t make ends meet. “Selective recession” means you’re in a depression while the elites and politicians are getting rich.
· Massive Cyberattack Cripples 140 Hospitals Nationwide. Impact: 140 hospitals and 40 senior care facilities affected across 19 states and DC. Manual Systems: All hospitals and care sites are using manual and paper-based systems during the disruption. Patient Safety: Delays in critical medical procedures and tests, with some patients receiving duplicate medical record numbers, raising concerns about test result accuracy. Hospitals across the country are grappling with a major cyberattack that has severely impacted Ascension systems. The attack affects 140 hospitals and 40 senior care facilities across 19 states and the District of Columbia. Due to the disruption, hospitals, doctor’s offices, and care sites are resorting to manual and paper-based systems. An Ascension spokesperson confirmed the ongoing issues, stating that it will take time to restore normal operations.
· The Deepest State: Beyond international politics, a more ominous plan unfolds. Shockingly, evidence suggests that the Deep State, through a collaboration of DARPA, CIA, HAARP, and DNC, is plotting the most significant earthquake in U.S. history. From the northern reaches of Canada to the sun-soaked shores of California and beyond to Mexico, the West Coast is purportedly in the crosshairs.
· California’s Impending Catastrophe: Prepare for the unthinkable, as whispers intensify regarding a looming catastrophe in California. Deep dark operations are allegedly underway to orchestrate a seismic event of unprecedented magnitude. The motive? To manipulate elections, induce mass panic, control the news cycle, and enact draconian laws under the guise of tackling Internet disinformation. Are we on the brink of witnessing a seismic shift not just in the physical landscape but in the socio-political realm?
Predicted Timing of Events:
· On Sun. 9 June 2024 Saudi Arabia refused to renew the US Inc. Petrodollar Contract and now the US Treasury in Washington DC has been boarded up and painted in Trump Orange.
· Early Mon. Morning 17 June 2024: Blackout, Arrests occurred at White House.
· Wed. 19 June 2024 Dinar Revaluation: Iraqi PM Sudani announced on Iraqi TV that by Wed. 19 June, Iraqi citizens would have their new exchange rate. The Dinar Revaluation was the Kingpin that would set off a Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currencies for 209 Sovereign Nations.
· Thurs. 20 June 2024 A new fence surrounded the Supreme Court in preparation for a major SCOTUS announcement on Thursday 20 June 2024.
· On Sun. 23 June 2024 the US Dollar would devalue, paving the way for a Global Financial Crisis according to a Banker.
· Tues. 25 June 2024 “Blackout Necessary: In one week (from Tues. 18 June) everything will change. Devastating information that is kept secret from the public. A big scandal happened this week, so we have it all. Donald Trump promised.”
Global Currency Reset:Thurs. 20 June 2024 Bruce:
· The currencies going up in value finally solidified in the last couple of days – but we don’t know what they are. They were trading upwards and they are now trading exponentially but they are moving UP UP UP to where those rates are supposed to be for us and I do believe that is what they are doing.
· Today the Redemption Center Staff went in for a couple of hours but the numbers never came today. Tomorrow Fri. 21 June (Summer Solstice) they are going in for overlapping hours – and that would allow for our numbers if indeed they do come out tomorrow.
· Yesterday a banker said – “Just hang in there a couple of more days” and so that would have been a couple of days and that would be Friday – so I think we could get this tomorrow and through the weekend.
· Thurs. 20 June 2024 Wolverine: “Ok the new rates should be posted today (Thurs. 20th June) in Iraq and expecting funds to be released either today Thurs. or Fri. 21 June in the USA. Let’s hope it happens as we cannot keep going like this as too many people are hurting. …Conference Call: “It’s looking good.”
· Wed. 19 June 2024 Intel Guru Frank26: [The new ATMs] are everywhere in Iraq now. It’s not hundreds, it’s not thousands, it’s tens of thousands of them. They are everywhere that an Iraqi citizen can walk to. They are at their hookahs… mosques, bars shops… street.. banks… corners, they’re everywhere… There’s going to be a massive rush going into the banks.
Global Financial Crisis:
· Thurs. 20 June 2024: EXPOSED: NESARA GESARA Initiatives Reveal the Fall of Corrupted Banks, Stock Market Collapse, and Deep State Corporations in the Vatican – American Media Group (
· Thurs. 20 June 2024: The international monetary system collapsed in 1914, 1939 and 1971. 2008 tested the system but central banks delayed the inevitable with QE. Now they are eating losses. A collapse often signifies the rebirth of a new system. So many signals represent we are getting closer:– More trade in local currencies– Gold being stockpiled– CBDCs– Hot conflicts around the world– BRICs getting bigger– The Western financial system being weaponizedIt would be easy to continue to go on. This is what happens when the foundation shakes.
Restored Republic:
· On December 7th, 2020 (AFTER the election was stolen) Trump announced the Federal Mission Resilience Strategy which called “to preserve our constitutional form of government under any and all conditions.” Parts of this Devolution Strategy, if not the entirety, are absolutely in place as we speak. The strategy and execution describe the actions needed to create devolved forms of continuity in order to preserve our “constitutional form of government” and ensuring the federal executive branch functions PROPERLY in times of crisis and war. The crisis is specifically named Covid-19 and cyber attacks, but one could argue the wording could include “Manchurian Candidates.” Again… All of this was put in place AFTER the 2020 election. It even names who’s leading the committees to setup a devolved form of government and their roles.
· Thurs. 20 June 2024 Charlie Ward: Kentucky, West Virginia, Ontario Canada, Arkansas, Killeen TX, Ohio, Missouri County, Charleston County, Jackson County have all declared states of emergency. Have you ever seen this many cities declare an emergency within 24 hrs? We are in uncharted waters right now. There is so much coming in all directions. This is why you all need to prioritize the more important areas in your life at this time and consider being less visible and more cognizant. Double down on things you think can carry you over safely into the new system. We are still on a shaky bridge and have not officially crossed over to the other side of this system. We have a lot to look forward to. But we also have a lot that can cause a lot of damage along the way. And this is what will determine how we manage ourselves and resources once things escalate out if normal routine into chaotic waters. So just be mindful of things going forward and pay attention to what is going on. This year will not go out without a bang.
Wed. 19 June 2024 The Event: The Event: Secret Military Tribunals, Gesara Military Law, Castle Rock & Global Powers Unraveled – Inside Vatican, Buckingham Palace, Big Pharma, and Beyond! (“Rods of God”, Q2337) – American Media Group (
The so-called “EVENT” is a multifaceted occurrence, including a global blackout to transition to Tesla energy, the disabling of media satellites, the introduction of Quantum Financial Systems (QFS),the application of “Rods of God” on dams and 34 targeted structures, and much more. These 34 structures are deemed highly significant and include iconic locations like the White House, royal castles, Buckingham Palace, the Vatican, the Getty Museum, and the Playboy Mansion. The potential outcome is a stock market collapse, as it is viewed as a grand spectacle. The plan also outlines a shift from Rothschild’s central bank notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes, backed by precious metals instead of oil and war.
The Real News for Thurs. 20 June 2024:
· Thurs. 20 June 2024: Bill Gates is the latest billionaire that is selling his super yacht. He has put it up for sale for an estimated 59 million dollars. Known as ‘The Wayfinder,’ it features all kinds of luxuries on the inside and is best described as a military-inspired, rugged, and very competent yacht.
· Thurs. 20 June 2024: BOOOM!!! Exposed: The Hidden World of Underground Tunnels and Deep Bases from Washington DC to Denver International Airport – American Media Group (
· Thurs. 20 June 2024: Deep State’s Military Power Struggle: Tensions Escalate in Dueling COUP vs. COUP Scenarios – Exclusive Video Coverage – American Media Group (
· Thurs. 20 June 2024: BOMBSHELL! Make GITMO Great Again! A Military Tribunal In GITMO: List of Those Believed Named in Over 700,000 Sealed Indictments – American Media Group (
· Thurs. 20 June 2024: If you don’t think it’s POSSIBLE that a Directed Energy Weapon has the ability start the wildfires in Texas, or in Maui, or anywhere else in the world, you have been WARNED. Did it ever occur to anyone that those “spy balloons” that keep flying over the US are actually scouting, and surveying for potential DEW attacks to build the UN/WEF 15-Minute Smart Cities? We do know that the satellites flying over Lahaina during the fires were in fact CCP in origin, but also tagged with NORAD. Make of that what you will.
Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:
· “Cloud Seeding Science” is just another term for Geo-engineering, and weather modification. First they “seed’ the clouds with heavy metal particles, and then they use HAARP to induct the rain via the electro-magnetic frequencies. They have basically confirmed everything that we have already knew years ago, that weather modification is real, however It’s just conspiracy theory when we call them out on it.
· HUNDREDS of Muslims Die During This Year’s Hajj Pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia Under Mysterious Circumstances:
· As part of Agenda 2030, the UN is funding the mass illegal immigration of millions of people into the US, Canada and Western Europe—providing illegal migrants with debit cards, cash handouts, food, shelter and “humanitarian transportation”.
Thurs. 20 June 2024 Q++ Facts you need to know:1. Biden stole the election2. Fauci can’t be trusted3. Bill Gates isn’t a doctor4. Hillary belongs in prison5. Epstein didn’t kill himself6. Media is propaganda
Thurs. 20 June 2024 Q:
· The, 2020 election is going to resurface on a MASSIVE level and SCOTUS WILL come into the picture. TRUMP is currently EXPOSING the CORRUPT U.S. justice SYSTEM.
· So many things are happening in the U.S. including the financial COLLAPSE, to the CIA, to creating a Russian War.
· White HATS are painting a picture and getting all things down on U.S. Congressional records. This includes the U.N. OBAMA/Biden funding Iran to bring in Extremist to cause chaos in the U.S. ( another 911 inside job)
· The Military Alliance is watching everything, documenting everything and have hundreds of Iranian terrorist/Al-Qaeda/terrorist in Gitmo this moment who are EXPOSING a planned attacks in the U.S.
· The only way to take down the UN, CIA, ROCKEFELLERS, Obama, CLINTONS ETC is through Game Theory Operations – letting them play their final cards and THEN EXPOSE THE TRUTH AFTER THE EVENTS AND ARREST WARs.
· After the great unrest in the United States (near chaos and civil war) 11.3 military laws of War protocols can settle the chaos within a few days.
· The U.S. military can be deployed into all cities within a few hours and with in a few days restore order, then comes massive arrest wars – the ending Storm and declas for all to know.
· Stay strong Patriots I have WARNED many many times of these EVENTS to unfold called the NEAR DEAR CIVILIZATION EVENT that leads to nuclear STANDOFF, but there are SEVERAL SAFETY MEASURES IN PLACE.
· Even in Israel, the Deep State cannot win the war and Netanyahu WILL step down in time and the good Israeli people governments. Military WILL rise in a COMING amazing COUP.
· The final war to end all wars. Only Trump (Cheyenne + Q + Alliance) can so stop World War III.
· It had to be this way. Sometimes you must walk through the darkness BEFORE you see the light.
