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Saturday 10-15-22

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Summary as I am able:

10-15-22 Saturday

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💥God’s WORD for TODAY!

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Romans 10:10 KJV

And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.

2 John 1:6 KJV

There is none holy as the LORD: For there is none beside thee: Neither is there any rock like our God.

1 Samuel 2:2 KJV

Watch "John MacArthur | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 29" on YouTube:

This is 3 years old BUT absolutely Spirit led discussion between these two men... John McArthur's love for Jesus spoken with a bond of perfection to BenenJOY! [Janis Mcsloy]


Regime Evangelicals are Terrified of Christian Nationalism:

The False Prophet of the Globalist American Empire Speaks

Russell Moore is one of the most influential leaders in institutional evangelical America. He was one of the top professors at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, influencing countless pastors in the largest denomination in the country, before becoming the head of that denomination’s lobbying group, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, before leaving that post and the denomination altogether to be the Editor-in-Chief of Christianity today.

He became the regime’s point man to both oppose President Trump and to push the leftist agenda on conservative churches. Before anything else, it must be understood that this man was and is a political operative within conservative evangelical institutions. There are many just like him, but he is at the top of the regime angelical hierarchy. All the pastors and Christian social media influencers with masks in their profile picture and a Ukraine flag and pronouns in their bio want to be just like him.

We should look in detail here how this operative wheel and deals in his latest piece. First, he starts out by claiming the idea of Christian Nationalism is spreading worldwide, but conveniently refuses to define precisely what Christian Nationalism is other than a boogeyman for lib Christians to lump together everything they do not like.

Just as some North Americans are explicitly claiming the label of “Christian nationalism,” the ideology is advancing around the world.

What are some examples of this undefined ideology advancing around the world? Well Putin’s Russia is apparently Christian Nationalist.

The ongoing near merger of the Russian Orthodox Church with Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian government made headlines when the church’s patriarch declared that dying in Ukraine as part of Putin’s invading army “washes away all sins.”

And Moore cannot help himself but conflate new Italian PM Giorgia Meloni with Benito Mussolini!

Analyzing Giorgia Meloni’s win, commentator Damon Linker noted that her Brothers of Italiy party—with roots in the World War II remnants of the fascist strongman Benito Mussolini’s political movement—has significantly moderated its rhetoric in recent years.

And that she has the audacity to point out megacapitalist banks and transatlantic corporations have eroded Italian national sovereignty is forbidden by Moore. It doesn’t matter that what Meloni describes is undeniably true (in Italy and in the United States), no, what really matters is people might think she is talking about Jews. Moore immediately plays the antisemitism card to shut up any criticism of the global financial order that he has devoted his entire career to protecting.

Some might view that with suspicion given Meloni’s post-election speech in which she blamed “financial speculators” for robbing Italians of their roots and identity—language that throughout history has almost always been equated with Jews.

Moore goes on to cite the political theory that in Italy the largest demographic group are the nominally Catholic, those who don’t regularly practice their faith or attend mass, but who see recognize their identity as Italians is inextricably linked to Roman Catholicism. Moore, of course, sees this as a bad thing, but a culture that has at least a modicum of respect for Christian tradition is at the very least fertile ground for evangelization and clearly far better than a culture that has nothing but antipathy for the Christian religion.

“Moore rightly sees Kirill as a religious propagandist for an authoritarian regime… The closest parallel to Kirill in America is Russell Moore himself.”

Halfway through this article, Moore finally gives a definition of Christian Nationalism or at least gives us a muddled word salad in lieu of a definition.

The term Christian nationalism refers to the use of Christian words, symbols, or rituals as a means to shore up an ethnic or national identity. As with every other ideology, it exists along a spectrum.

Clearly, Moore thinks using Christian symbolism to shore up a national identity is very bad. But the entire world just watched as the English national church laid to rest its queen. Is Anglicanism an evil ideology that uses Christian symbolism for cynical political ends?

Moore goes on to explain the spectrum, with Meloni on the more benign side and Patriarch Kirill on the most extreme. Moore is determined to force the association between Kirill’s ridiculous pronouncements with Christian Nationalism in America. He wants to tie Kirill’s blasphemy to any Christian here in the US who loves his country and wants to see it return to Christ.

Moore rightly sees Kirill as a religious propagandist for an authoritarian regime. What Moore does not recognize is the closest analog for Kirill in America is not the Trump-supporting dad who faithfully takes his family to church every Sunday. The closest parallel to Kirill in America is Russell Moore himself.

This is not hyperbole. Every outrageous thing our authoritarianregime does to us Moore has outspokenly supported. Open borders? Endless war? Lock you in your home for months? Shut down your churches? Force you to wear a face diaper? Allow organize communist cells to burn and loot every major city in America? Run an entire season of ballot harvesting for months and decry anyone who calls foul as a lunatic conspiracy theorist? Be forced to submit to a dangerous medical experiment just to be able to feed your family? Moore has not only supported all these monstrosities, but he has also denounced any Christians who give anything other than full-throated support of them as sub-Christian. And he did this as the most influential evangelical public thinker in America from the lofty heights of CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post.

Russell Moore is the Patriarch Kirill of the American Regime.

After spending half the article denouncing his Russian counterpart, Moore then begins to play even more bait-and-switch with his definitions of Christian Nationalism. Out of nowhere, he insinuates that Christian Nationalists believe that one’s salvation is tied to their ethnicidentity.

Additionally, the truth of the gospel according to Jesus means that less bloody forms of Christian nationalism are also one birth short of the kingdom of God.

Indeed, the argument of the entire New Testament is that people cannot stand before God on the basis of ethnic, cultural, or even moral solidarity (Luke 3:8–9; Col. 2:16–22). No one stands justified even by the works of the law given by God, much less by the flesh of one’s temporal ethnic or national identity (Gal. 3:15–16). Each person must be joined to Christ by personal repentance and personal faith—not by living in a culture conformed to some external definition of “Christian values.”

There is not a single person of any note who describes himself as a Christian Nationalist who would say that anything but personal faith in Christ is the basis for his salvation.

Yes, we want our nation to repent of its apostasy and return to the faith. We want our cultural habits to be formed by faith in Christ once again. By conflating living in a society discipled by the gospel of Jesus Christ with salvation, Moore demonstrates that either he doesn’t know what we believe (unlikely) or that he is a lying subversive whose job it is to attack any Christian effort that opposes the regime.

Moore goes on to reference Mark 7:14-23 to attack the effort to disciple the nations, as though external cultural habits of a people cannot bring the judgment of God. “Only the heart really matters” says Moore. Any application of the gospel to all of life, including politics, culture, and economics, that’s just externals that don’t matter and “using the gospel for political liberation or for material prosperity.” Would Moore say this to the Hebrew judges and prophets who preached repentance to the nation of Israel, that they must stop serving other gods, and when they do so God would liberate them from foreign oppressors and bless the work of their hands and produce of the land? Jesus Himself, in His earthly ministry, came specifically to a singular nation, Israel, and preached that they must repent or be destroyed. They rejected Him and were indeed destroyed, and His kingdom went on to conquer the very empire that destroyed Israel. Does Moore see the slow, patient evangelization of the Roman Empire and Greco-Roman world, and the political and cultural benefitswhich resulted from majority Christian culture as a bad thing? Apparently.

Jesus taught us that nothing coming in from the outside can defile a person; rather, it’s what is within a person’s heart defiles him or her (Mark 7:14–23). That’s why he specifically walked away from those who wanted to use his gospel for political liberation (John 6:15) or for material prosperity (vv. 26–27).

Moore then makes an analogy between leftwing social gospel and Christian Nationalism. Instead of manufacturing utopia on earth, according to Moore, Christian Nationalism seeks to “build a social order in step with national or ethnic identity.” Think about the meaning of what Moore says here. When a nation becomes overwhelmingly Christian, how exactly are they supposed to live? Does God’s Word give any instruction on how their social order should operate? And does a nation becoming Christian mean that the grace of God eradicates nature, and they cease to recognize themselves as a distinct people?

If over the next 200 years Iran was rapidly evangelized, in Moore’s world, what are they supposed to do? Just adopt Moore’s preferred homogenized globalist social order where there are no distinctions between nations and peoples and we are all an undifferentiated blob whose only allowable identity is whether we are Marvel or DC comics fans? No, when nations become Christian, they retain what makes them a distinct people. At the very end of Revelation, at Christ’s Second Coming, we don’t see an undifferentiated, homogenized blob of nameless, faceless people, we see every tribe, tongue, and nation confessing Christ as Lord. As you read what Moore writes, the unstated alternative that he is implicitly defending is the Global Empire of Babel.

And that is why he offers the most disgusting slander of faithful Christians who desire their nation returns to Christ: “Christian nationalism is a liberation theology for white people.” He compares faithful god-fearing men and women who love their country to marxist revolutionaries who wear a hollowed out Christian faith as a skinsuit.

That is what regime theologians think about you.

Moore doesn’t care what actual Christian Nationalists actually believe. He is a political hack. He doesn’t care that we read the Great Commission as a charge from Christ to disciple our nation into obeying all that Christ has commanded. He projects onto faithful Christians his own cynicism and desperation for political power. His ideology seeks to reverse the Great Commission and disciple the nations in globalist liberal democracy, using Jesus’ authority to baptize the nations into a homogenous blob of megacorporate consumers. And he projects this cynicism onto sincere Christians who are watching the people Moore exists to defend destroy the country they love.

And in doing so Moore denies the implications of the gospel

The gospel is a means to no other end than union with the crucified and resurrected Christ who transcends, and stands in judgment over, every group, identity, nationality, and culture.

There are no other ends, for the announcement of Christ’s kingdom arriving in the world (the literal definition of that Greek word translated as “gospel”)? The Gospel is the announcement that Jesus Christ is King of this world, that you are invited into His kingdom, that you are forgiven for your rebellion against Him, and you are made to sit at His table and rule with Him. Moore doesn’t think King Jesus standing in judgment over the nations has any implications on how those nations conduct themselves?

Moore concludes with a statement that is astoundingly absurd:

Christian nationalism cannot turn back secularism, because it is just another form of it. In fact, it is an even more virulent form of secularism because it pronounces as “Christian” what cannot stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

Christian nationalism cannot save the world; it cannot even save you.

The idea that the nations must become Christian is secularism.” This is the leading evangelical public intellectual in America. The regime is not sending their best. Quite obviously, the call for America to return to Christ is the antithesis of secularism. Moore could not be more wrong if he tried.

This is the reality: Christ commanded His people to go to all the nations of the world, to disciple them, to baptize them, and to teach them all that He has commanded. The very mission of the church is to make the nations Christian. And that mission is going to save the world. Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

All quotes and reference from the article published on Christianity Today by Moore.


Andrew Isker is the pastor of 4th Street Evangelical Church in Waseca, MN. He is a graduate of Minnesota State University and Greyfriar’s Hall Ministerial Training School, and he has served churches in Missouri, West Virginia, and Minnesota.

He is the author of the forthcoming book, The Boniface Option. Andrew, his wife Kara, and their five children reside in his hometown of Waseca, MN. He can be found on Gab @BonifaceOption.

[Pioneering The Parallel Economy For The Glory of God]


Watch "Chinese police stations in Canada #shorts" on YouTube:

Watch a series of short VIDEO’s… at this Site: [Joy Pickering]

Joe Biden is weaponizing a federal agency to go after Ron DeSantis for making the border crisis a top issue:

Joe Biden and the Democrats are terrified of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. Biden already sicked the Justice Department and FBI on Donald Trump to try to stop him from running in 2024. And now Joe Biden is weaponizing a federal agency to go after Ron DeSantis for making the border crisis a top issue.

DeSantis Daily:

Additional Articles…

The Democrats and corporate-controlled press say Ron DeSantis is a mean, authoritariandictator.

But his wife Casey tells a different story.

And Casey DeSantis just introduced her husband to voters with one eye-watering new ad that will make Floridians proud.

Ron and Casey DeSantis have been married for twelve years and together they have three children – Madison, Mason, and Mamie.

Since his election in 2018, Casey DeSantis has played a very active role in Ron’s administration and in his campaign.

Casey DeSantis recently launched her group “Mamas for DeSantis” to help elevate the issue of parental rights to the forefront of the political debate ahead of the elections.

But with four weeks left until the Midterms, Casey DeSantis is taking on a new role as the star of a new TV ad for the campaign entitled, “That is who Ron DeSantis is.”

The ad begins with Casey DeSantis, who is also a former emmy-award winning television personality, sitting on a couch talking to the camera.

“I get asked all the time, ‘Who is Ron DeSantis?’” Casey DeSantis begins.

She then tells a brief history of her husband from his childhood in Florida to his service in the Navy to getting married to her in 2010 as old pictures of Ron appear on the screen.

“He’s the kid who grew up right here in Florida working his tail off, paying his own way through school, and volunteering to serve in the Navy and deploying to Iraq,” Casey DeSantis continues. “He’s the man who I fell in love with from the moment we met.”

“And he’s the dad of three very rambunctious, energetic children: Mamie, our two-year-old little comedian; Madison, our beautiful sweet five-year-old; and Mason, our four-year-old athlete,” Casey said as a picture of her husband hugging their three children popped up on the screen.

In October of 2021, Ron DeSantis announced that Casey had been diagnosed with breast cancerand would be taking chemotherapy treatments.

Five months later, in March of 2022, a smiling Ron DeSantis announced that his wife was officially cancer-free.

Ron DeSantis didn’t discuss his wife’s cancer treatment very much in the press, as he kept it a private issue.

But Casey DeSantis decided to tell a very personal story in the ad about her husband to help voters better know his character.

“But if you want to know who Ron DeSantis really is, when I was diagnosed with cancer and I was facing the battle for my life, he was the dad who took care of my children when I couldn’t,” Casey DeSantis said. “He was there to pick me up off of the ground when I literally could not stand,” she continued, before adding that “he was there to fight for me when I didn’t have the strength to fight for myself.”

“That is who Ron DeSantis is,” she added.

Governor DeSantis shared the ad on social media with a special message to Casey.

“I love you, Casey,” DeSantis wrote.

[DeSantis Daily]

💥💥💥 SCAMS using: PC’s – LapTops – Hand-Helds:

Public Health Official’s Incomes Disclosed:

Most Public Health Officials doubled their income for two years during the pandemic. See page 3.


[Patrick Bestall]

See the Article following”


Rumors emerge after prominent Daily Wire Hosts skipped the premiere of Candace Owens' documentary:

On Thursday's "Fearless" episode, Jason Whitlock recapped the premiere of Candace Owens' documentary, "The Greatest Lie Ever Told."The star-studded evening was held in Nashville on Wednesday, and guests included Kanye West, Ray J, and Kid Rock.

During the event, however, Whitlock observed perhaps a more significant story developing around the people who did not show up for the premiere. The Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, and Michael Knowles were not at the event, causing some to speculate. Watch the clip to get the scoop.

Later in the episode, Whitlock provided an analysis of the documentary and explained what he believes are the shortcomings and successes of Candace's efforts.

Can't watch? Download the podcast here.

UPDATE:Rumors were put to rest, as Jason Whitlock tweeted an apology to the hosts over at the Daily Wire:

"Clearly I owe the biggest stars at the Daily Wire an apology. I popped off without checking with them. My mistake. I apologize. Sincerely," Whitlock Tweeted.

Ben Shapiro is currently in Jerusalem speaking to thousands of Israeli fans, along with Jordan Peterson. Matt Walsh is currently on a public speaking tour. During his show on Thursday, Michael Knowles gave credit to Kanye West for recent comments the artist made about the common good. [The BLAZE Media]

Thank you, Jason for your apology!

Here's what Freedom Convoy Lawyer Keith Wilson told Rebel News at the Trucker Inquiry:

The Freedom Convoy that rolled into Ottawa earlier this year to protest COVID restrictions and mandates was a major turning point against the government's authoritarian measures during the so-called pandemic.

Truckers and supporters from across the country spent three weeks in our nation's capital protesting the erosion of civil liberties and the emergence of a new medical caste system.

The demonstrations were the impetus for Justin Trudeau to make an unprecedented decision to invoke the Emergencies Act. The Act facilitated the freezing of supporters' bank accounts and the mobilization of massive numbers of federal, provincial and local police to violently breakup the protest.

Yesterday was the start of the public inquiry into the use of the Act. And like we did during the Freedom Convoy; Rebel News will be covering every inch of this story. (You can visit to follow all our reports and pitch in to support our coverage.)

Among those participating in the inquiry is Lawyer Keith Wilson, who represents Tamara Lich, one of the main convoy organizers.

[REBEL Media]

Trucker Commission Coverage wrap-up with Sheila Gunn Reid:

Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content.

[REBEL Media]

Southern Baptist Convention [SBC] at it again:

Yeah, the He Gets Us folks and the higher-ups in the SBC are embarrassed of everyday Christians and join movements like this because it's more important to them to make Jesus seem hip. This is what rot the post-modern Emergent Church, seeker-sensitive drivel has gotten us.

A reminder for the SBC:

"For this reason, also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name, which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." - Philippians 2: 9-11

One more for the "Jesus is a pacifist hippie" crowd:

"Then I saw heaven opened, and there was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithful and True, and with justice he judges and makes war. His eyes were like a fiery flame, and many crowns were on his head. He had a name written that no one knows except himself. He wore a robe dipped in blood, and his name is called the Word of God. The armies that were in heaven followed him on white horses, wearing pure white linen. A sharp sword came from his mouth, so that he might strike the nations with it. He will rule them with an iron rod. He will also trample the winepress of the fierce anger of God, the Almighty. And he has a name written on his robe and on his thigh: King of Kings and Lord of Lords." – Revelation 19:11-16

CHRIST IS KING. 😤 [Southern Baptist Convention]

Saying Grace before meals in Italy:

enJOY! [Len Thiessen]



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.


Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on here were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views, and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.

Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:

There is MUCH coming soon!

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