Sunday 11 - [3] - 24...
Verses for today:
Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
1 Corinthians 1:10 KJV
but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
1 John 1:7 KJV
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Galatians 1:10 KJV
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Matthew 6:34 KJV
‘New’ Trump Video:
A new documentary about President Donald Trump will be streaming on X. ‘The Man You Don’t Know ‘ will begin streaming on X until the election. One America’s Stella Escobedo spoke with Josh Macciello, the executive producer of the film.
Oleg Kodolov

VIDEO - Info Wars: (Alex Jones )
- Ivermectin can't be stopped - our Ivermectin paper is going viral around the world:
TURBO CANCER has EXPLODED in COVID-19 Vaccinated People at an ALARMING RATE!
Alex Jones

Ask Yourself, Which Candidate is Showing More Love?
Steve Beckow:
Like so many people, I, following political events, would always have characterized myself as a supporter of the Democrats and a liberal. I’d never have accepted the word “conservative” as applying to me.
I wouldn’t include someone like President Trump’s opponent in the “liberal” camp. Doing so has no meaning.
One has to have consistent views to be said to have a political “character.”
She seems to have more of the anarchist in her than anything else I can discern. I’ll leave it to Jordan Peterson to unravel the matter.
A liberal is in favor of “liberating” life where there are unhealthy or unhelpful constraints.
We’re seeing examples all over the place of government officials enforcing “unhealthy and unhelpful constraints.” President Trump seems to me to be all about liberating. What is “draining the swamp” if it isn’t liberating?
He’s way more of a liberal than his supposedly-liberal opposition.
Yes, he’s conserving all that is good too, but he’s also on the verge of a revolution in governance. I’m referring to the Global/National Economic and Security Reformation Act (G/NESARA). (1) What could be more liberal?
I’ve attached a book on this new form of governance that’s coming, led by Donald Trump and his international allies, including BRICS.
If I were to boil G/NESARA down to one sentence, I’d say: The governance mandated by G/NESARA is about as fair and equitable as any financial and political system I can think of.
Do go read about it.
We’ve heard story after story of people whose lives Donald Trump has touched. That’s the liberating touch I think of when I think of a liberal. I find myself, as a liberal, quite comfortable in his “party.”
We need all sides. In a functioning democracy, they’d exist side by side, respecting each other’s needs and positions, and allowing an honest vote (with exceptions) to settle divisive matters. (2)
But never mind all that, because there’s something far more determinative at work here (or, perhaps, not at work here) and that’s really what I want to end by pointing at.
Having visited various consciousness states of the higher dimensions that will be ours in an undetermined but short while, I know what love is.
What a strange thing to say! But I do know what higher-dimensional love is and I know why I call it “transformative love” and Patricia Diane Cota Robles calls it “transfigurative love.”
It transfigures the person and transforms the consciousness of the individual, rather than being dragged down by a lower-consciousness state we may encounter.
It’s that love that’s missing from the situation. And on that you may have to take my word because that love is not widely found in our world – as you can see from all the conflict. But it will be. (3)
If that love – which does not exist in our imaginations unless we’ve experienced it – were present, none of the situations that end in conflict would vex us.
That love turns out to be all we’ve ever wanted so, having it, we already have everything. There’s nothing more we’re seeking but more love. And we can draw that love up endlessly from our opened hearts.
It’ll be here soon enough, even before Ascension.
But for now, rather than being generous because we’re already fed by an endless inner spring of love, we spend our time looking at good and bad, right and wrong, and other dry and unhelpful topics.
Love would cause those problems to disappear.
Ask yourself: Which candidate is showing more love?
For me the answer is crystal clear. The actions of one candidate appear superficial and bereft of love whereas the actions of the other are attested to by people whose lives that person has touched.
And the dream team he’s gathered around himself must be the clearest testimony.
Love will not only win this war; when the wave of love comes, as predicted, it will redeem the world. And many dark ones will leave.
I have this fantasy that the NSA or Space Force has captured every vote entered into every voting machine. And, after all the strategies the Democrats have used to steal the election are employed, the military will step in and say we have a record and it shows that Donald Trump won by a landslide.
“Landslide” beats “hurricane” and the cabal knows it. And, if we get that, then now we’re on the road to recovery.
Steve Beckow:

Trump Declares All-Out War on Corruption at Bombshell Greensboro Rally: ‘We’re Leading in All 7 Swing States’ with a Bold Plan to Save America
—Deep State’s Worst Nightmare Unfolds!
President Trump didn’t come to Greensboro just to speak—he came to lay out the battle plan for saving America. This wasn’t just another rally; it was a wake-up call, a fiery rallying cry for patriots across the nation. Trump didn’t waste time.
He walked onto that stage as the only man willing to dismantle the deep-rooted corruption and rot that’s been festering in the heart of America for decades, protected by a cabal that views every American as collateral.
The establishment elites, the globalists, the media puppets—they are all terrified because Trump is leading in all seven swing states. He has the numbers, and they know it. [This sure sounds like what I have been posting in my BLOG as RUMOUR – RUMOUR – RUMOUR] ...
When Trump announced, “We’re leading in all 7 swing states,” he was sending a direct message to the power players lurking in the shadows. The elites have tried every dirty trick to bring him down—from the endless investigations to smear campaigns, and yet, here he stands, a beacon of hope for those who refuse to be shackled by the lies of the so-called mainstream media.
Trump’s lead is proof that the people are waking up, shaking off the chains of propaganda and embracing the truth. The system is terrified because their carefully constructed narrative is crumbling, and Trump is holding the wrecking ball.
URGENT! – Gold Secured, Trump Approved: The Liberty Financial Program Is Here to Empower Patriots Financially!

And what does he have to say about the media? “I don’t know what it would be like to get good publicity,” he says, “They treat me so badly, they are the worst.” He’s not wrong. The mainstream media isn’t there to report the truth; they’re there to shape it, manipulate it, and keep Americans in line.
The media is nothing more than a weapon wielded by those who want to control the narrative, by the same puppeteers who sit in smoky rooms and decide who rises and who falls. But Trump is untouchable because his power comes directly from the people, not from corporate sponsors or billionaire backers.
“As long as we keep winning, we don’t care,” he declared, sending a clear message to his enemies: they can try to bury him under lies, but he will keep rising as long as patriots stand by his side.
But Trump isn’t just talking about the media. He knows there are deeper, darker forces at work. The illegal alien invasion he’s vowed to end isn’t just about votes; it’s about diluting the strength of true Americans, undermining the nation from within. This isn’t an accident, and it isn’t mere negligence—it’s a calculated move by those who want to destroy America’s sovereignty.
The criminals pouring over the borders aren’t just looking for a better life; many of them are pawns in a grand scheme to destabilize America, to create chaos so that the elites can tighten their control. “The only free aid they’re going to get is a free ride back home,” Trump declared, and that’s exactly the ruthless, unapologetic solution we need.

The crowd in Greensboro knew it. They felt it in their bones. This isn’t just politics; this is survival. Trump is promising to fight back against a system that has hollowed out the American Dream and sold it off to the highest bidder. “With your vote Tuesday, I will end inflation, I will stop the massive invasion of criminals into our country, and I will bring back the American dream,” Trump said.
But this American Dream isn’t just about prosperity. It’s about freedom, about throwing off the yoke of those who think they have the right to decide who wins, who loses, who eats, and who starves. Trump’s America isn’t about compromise; it’s about taking back what’s rightfully ours.
The elites, the bureaucrats, the tech moguls—they know that if Trump gets back in office, their game is over. We’re talking about the people who’ve engineered crises for profit, manipulated wars to enrich their bank accounts, and orchestrated divisive narratives to pit Americans against each other.
And Trump is calling them out, exposing them for what they are. When he says he’s bringing back the American Dream, he means he’s going to rip control from these globalist overlords and return it to the people.
But make no mistake, Trump’s fight is bigger than just the presidency. It’s about dismantling an entire shadow government, a hidden network of elites who’ve been pulling the strings for decades, manipulating everything from economic policy to foreign wars.

They want Trump gone because he’s a threat to their power. This isn’t just a political campaign; it’s an outright war for the future of America.
The Greensboro rally wasn’t just a rally; it was a warning to the enemies of America. Trump’s lead in the swing states is proof that the people are with him, that they’re sick of the lies, sick of the deceit, and ready to fight for the truth.
This is about patriots versus traitors, those who love this country versus those who want to tear it down for their own gain.
Trump’s rally set the stage for what’s coming—a true reckoning. He’s vowed to bring the criminals, the liars, and the traitors to justice.
Every promise he made to that crowd in Greensboro was a dagger in the heart of the establishment, a battle cry that America isn’t going down without a fight. The elites are desperate, pulling every string they have to keep Trump out of office.
But Trump’s lead is the people’s victory, a message to the corrupt that their time is running out. The people are awake, they’re watching, and they’re ready to act.
Trump’s Greensboro rally was more than just words; it was a promise that the corrupt regime, the puppet masters, and their media lapdogs will be dismantled. America has had enough.

RUMOURS Circulating out there...:
You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!
What we know as of today...
Tues. Nov. 5 2024Cabal Nationwide Cyber Attack Blackout to Shutdown Media, Radio, Phones
Wed. 6 Nov. Martial LawBlackhawks Storm Capitol in DC Drill in Preparation For Martial Law
At The Same TimeActivation of the BRICS Alliance, NESARA GESARA, Quantum Financial System (QFS)
Brace for the Storm & EBS Signal What Follows Will Reshape History…Julian Assange on Telegram Sat. 2 Nov. 2024
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.
Note: Like President Trump and other true Patriots, I’m proud to be a collector of the Cabal’s garbage. They are so afraid of it’s reveal that they put us down and try to ruin reputations so they can have control over the news.
But Patriots just keep on throwing out their garbage, exposing it to the World. That means we’re telling Truths, which they are afraid of. It means the Cabal no longer has control – that we are making a difference.
It means we stand for Justice and Liberty, concepts they don’t understand, nor even want for themselves and certainly not for others.
It means we’re doing what Heavenly Father would have us do, and when we do that their God S***n has no power, no control over us.
It means we have that power, the power to overcome and are truly free of the evil all around for the good of not only ourselves, but for our posterity.
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Military on High Alert, Charlie Ward
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024: Martial Law Preparations Begin!! Blackhawks Storm Capitol in High-Stakes DC Drill – Preparing to enact Martial Law on November 6! – – American Media Group
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024: Urgent Alert: Space Force Flexed on Deep State Showing they can/will Shut Phones, Radio, Media Down: Project Odin, Martial Law, and the Quantum Financial System… – – American Media Group
· Tues. 29 Oct. 2024 A US Military Order by the Postmaster General to all US Inc. Courts, police, government officials, corporate bodies and organizations: “You have seven days to stand down, or face arrest and the death penalty for High Treason. No Deal.” Love, Q …Q, The President on Telegram Sat. 2 Nov. 2024
· On Fri. 1 Nov. 2024 the state of Texas was set up as home to the new Quantum Financial System for the new US Republic, with their currency being gold-backed US Treasury Notes. Texas has applied to be a part of BRICS.
· Breaking! Brunson Brothers Supreme Court Alert! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of November 2, 2024 – The US Military News
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! The Cabal Planned a Nationwide Cyber Attack Blackout For Tues. Nov. 5 Election Day. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 – – American Media Group
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: According to 3 Intelligence Sources Planned a Nationwide Cyber Attack Blackout for Tues. 5 Nov. Election Day. Special Intel Report 11/2/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
· Fri. 1 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/1/24 “EU PREPS FOR NUCLEAR WAR, EMHOF CULT CONNECTION, STOCK MKT, VT INTEL”
· Fri. 1 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of November 1, 2024 – The US Military News
Possible Timing:
· Tues. 29 Oct. 2024 “No more time. No more games.” …Julian Assange
· Wed. 30 Oct. 2024: Tier4b funds released in Brazil.
· Fri. 1 Nov. 2024 Michael Jackson on Telegram: “You have four days (Tues. 5 Nov. 2024 Election Day ) to prepare for Total Darkness. A Worldwide Blackout. No Power. No Internet. Nothing. According to President Trump, “Tues. 5 Nov. will be the biggest political event in the history of the United States.” (notice he said “EVENT” not “ELECTION”) Welcome to the Great Awakening.
· Also on Fri. 1 Nov. 2024 Texas, the possible site of the new US Republic Capitol, transferred it’s money into gold-backed currency.
· Tues. 5 Nov. 2024: According to three intelligence sources, the Cabal has threatened a Cyber Attack on Tues. to create a Nationwide Communication Blackout to interfere with Election, No Phones, No Internet. “Three national security sources confirmed that intelligence agencies widely anticipated a nationwide 9/11-style Cyberattack against the U.S. around Election Day.” …The General on Telegram
The below are rumored dates. They are subject to change and anything could happen:
· Tues. 5 Nov. 2024 Cyber Attack, election results, change of President, get 800s
· Wed. 6 Nov. 2024 Martial Law, EBS
· Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 begin scheduling appointments
· Tues. 12 Nov. 2024 begin appointments
· On Wed. 20 Nov. 2024 Nuremberg Trials 2.0 to begin.
· Tues. 17 Dec. 2024 has been designated by the World Court as a very important date. World Court legal docs demanded that high up Government officials must immediately resign or face arrest. Lower level Government persons have until Sun. 1 Dec. 2024 to resign or face arrest. …Striker
Global Currency Reset:
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Wolverine: “I’ve just spoken to a high up contact. It’s defiantly here. There’s no doubt about it. It’s here.”
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Texas Snake: Word via a banker from the higher ups is that an announcement will be made shortly after Tues. results is that in addition to the President, many changes will be following shortly. We will be getting the 800 numbers and begin scheduling appointments toward the end of the week, with those appointments (general public?) to be made around Tues. 12 Nov. 2024.
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024: Breaking! The BRICS Alliance, NESARA GESARA, Quantum Financial System (QFS) and Q Phones: The Deep State’s Greatest Fear Realized! – – American Media Group
Global Financial Crisis:
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Banking Crash has begun. Oklahoma Bank shut it’s doors.
Restored Republic:
· The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States ( How To Save America | Republic for USA (
Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 EBS, Ten Days of Communication Darkness …Patrick B. Kennedy on Telegram
· Military in training for Implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System.
· This will ensure everyone is safely placed in their home and able to witness the historical moment that reveals all of the truths, cover ups etc. through the E B S which is imminent.
· There must be a test and then a review of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications on a National and Global level can be quite complicated so things must be in alignment to the protocols. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with precision and perfection. This is the practice run before the real one folks to see responses and accuracy to what is forthcoming which changes humanity.
· We hear the schedule is now finally firm, but again I’m just the messenger. Be ready to adjust if needed in regards to possible time changes. Only a select few know the moment of exact and precise timing of events. For security and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept private.
· The E B S is going to air playing an 8 hour video. It will be replaying 3 times a day for 10 days Communication Darkness. During those 10 Days of Communication Darkness the following things will happen.
· We will receive 7 “Trumpets” aka E B S text messages on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV at this time.
· Our phones will only work for 911 and we are informed the Signal App, which is military encrypted will be available.
· Our internet will not work during that time. Our ATM’s will not work. After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new quantum internet.
· People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water. Be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators etc. for this great awakening reveal.
· We are promised the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.
· As we speak the teams coordinating this important historic event are revamping the E.B.S to ensure the utmost security for all involved so remain patient as things get finalized. They want to make certain there are not any interferences of any sort at all. Those making the plan want no one to panic whatsoever because it’s simply the release of the truth.
· After the E B S and we’ve gone through the 10 days mainstream media blackout and sat through all the 24/7, (eight hours long movies), do we go back to normal like business as usual? Answer is: After E B S and the 8 hours long 24 7, movies all will change. The, life support, attached to the old and evil systems will be pulled. Humanity, and planet Earth simultaneously move to quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of Financial and Human consciousness enslavement. Old systems of Government, Education, Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.
· We will have new currency called the USN US NOTE and gold backed.
· The time is now to alert as many who will listen. Do not have too much pride. Go warn those you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is truly to help absorb the shock of what is coming.
Wars and Rumors of Wars:
· Fri. 1 Nov. 2024 Axios: Israeli Intelligence Officials believe that Iran is preparing to launch a Major Retaliatory Strike against Israel in the coming days, likely through its Proxy Forces in Iraq and possibly before the U.S. Presidential Election on November 5th.
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Iran Wipes Out Israeli Strike:
2024 Election Fraud:
· Fri. 1 Nov. 2024 Election Interference Caught on Camera: Indiana Department of Transportation removing Donald Trump signs from roads BUT NOT KAMALA HARRIS SIGNS. “The only political signs that they’ve been picking up are the Trump ones. Indiana Department of Transportation. Look at that. Look. Those are the only political signs that we’ve seen them take. We’ve been behind them for a half hour.”
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Penn: There are 3,594 eligible voters in Penn. who are under the age of eight:
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Another One: American goes to vote, “I just went to vote — They scan my license and said I already voted.” It’s a repeat of 2020 all over again. How can we trust America’s elections if voter ID is not required? This makes no sense.
The Real News for Sat. 2 Nov. 2024:
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Washington, Oregon: The National Guard has been activated in Washington, Oregon, and Nevada as a precautionary measure for possible election-related unrest.
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024: Horrifying Vatican Secrets EXPOSED: Vatican Secret Societies: Jesuits and the New World Order – Full Documentary! – – American Media Group
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024: MASS MURDER IN PROGRESS: The Elites Are Actively Depopulating the Planet—Klaus Schwab, Chemtrails, and Bioweapons: The WEF’s Plan to Wipe Out Billions Exposed! – Gazetteller
· Fri. 1 Nov. 2024 9/11: William Rodríguez, famously dubbed “The Last Man Out,” was a janitor on 9/11 who heroically saved lives by unlocking doors with a master key. However, when he began speaking about explosions in the basement before the planes hit, he was swiftly ignored and even pressured by the FBI to stay silent. Despite his firsthand account, his testimony was never included in the 9/11 Commission Report. …Denzel Washington on Telegram
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Sanctuary City Police Officers On Camera: “I’ve arrested a double homicide suspect in this city before, I let him walk out the door because we’re Sanctuary City. We do not report illegals, undocumented immigrants.”Citizen: “So you’re gonna let a person who went to prison, he committed crime in America, who’s illegal right now, you’re gonna let him go free right now?”Police officer: “That’s exactly what I’m saying because we are Sanctuary City.”
· Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Libertarians who are not voting for Trump, are idiots. Libertarians have had virtually zero representation ever, and Trump is offering a seat at the table, ending the wars, ending the fed, eliminating income tax, defending free speech, RFK Jr., Elon, Vivek, etc. It’s like being stranded in the wilderness without any food for days, and turning down a cheeseburger because you’re craving filet mignon. It’s just insanity. Trump may not be EXACTLY what you were hoping for, but it’s infinitely better than the alternative, and Trump has proposed a lot of Libertarian policies. Don’t be an idiot. Vote Trump.
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ALERT! The CIA’s Mind-Control Grid Is ACTIVE! Government’s Secret Hive Protocol Exposed—Leaked Files Reveal Nationwide Brainwashing Operation Targeting Millions! …Gitmo TV
· The CIA has unleashed a program to establish a global hive mind through decades of dark experiments and covert projects. No longer satisfied with mere surveillance, they’re actively shaping our minds, reactions, and free will on an unprecedented scale.
· The Blueprint: Decades of Mind Control Unveiled Forget subtle manipulation. Declassified CIA files from October 2024 reveal a system called the “Thought Capture Network”. This framework is built on electromagnetic networks, satellites, Wi-Fi, cell towers, and geomagnetic manipulation to link each human mind.
· Within this network, Resonant Control Points (RCPs)—electromagnetic hotspots located in major cities like New York, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo—influence thoughts, emotions, and obedience. In recent months, new RCPs appeared in cities like San Francisco, Hong Kong, and Paris, expanding their grip over densely populated areas.
· Through these RCPs, the CIA can manipulate emotions in response to political events and societal shifts. On October 10, 2024, a surge of anxiety hit New York during a protest—no coincidence, but a test activation of the Thought Capture Network.
· The Hive Protocol: Synchronizing the Mind This isn’t just about monitoring. The Hive Protocol goes beyond surveillance, synchronizing minds into a collective hive controlled by central networks. October 2, 2024, saw a test syncing identical dreams and emotions across isolated groups—a breakthrough in mass mind control.
· On October 19, 2024, RCPs in London triggered mass hysteria during a rally, causing confusion and unexplainable behavior. The Hive Protocol is now capable of remote influence over any protest or gathering, synchronizing emotions and responses at the flick of a switch.
· 5G Network Expansions: The Electromagnetic Cage Tightens Recent 5G towers are more than just connectivity—they’re nodes in the CIA’s Resonance Cage. This closed system blocks independent thought, amplifying submissive behaviors. Increased 5G transmission in September and October 2024 caused mass apathy and spikes of unexplained aggression in places like San Francisco and Los Angeles.
· Thought Infiltration Units: The CIA’s Operatives in Every Major City Documents reveal Thought Infiltration Units, CIA agents trained in cognitive manipulation, are deployed to target influential communities. Operation Red Mind is using agents to embed and neutralize anyone resisting the Hive Protocol. October 17, 2024, saw an infiltration success in Los Angeles, where an activist was suppressed by subliminal triggers.
· Ultimate Weapon of Mass Influence: Emotional Surges on Demand The Emotional Surge Protocol is now fully operational. On October 23, 2024, the CIA triggered a wave of anxiety across Chicago, with reports of people feeling uncontrollable dread. This wasn’t isolated; other cities felt coordinated emotional waves, testing their control over public sentiment.
· Breaking Free: Steps to Resist Their Control They depend on our ignorance and compliance. Awareness is our only weapon. Stay informed, avoid high-density 5G zones, and be vigilant during times of heightened tension. Guard your thoughts—this is the fight for the last bastion of freedom, our minds.
· Every sudden dread, every wave of tension—this is their control. Fight back with awareness. Don’t let them inside your head.
Sat 2 Nov. 2024: GLOBAL SHOCKWAVE!! Explosive Leaks from the BRICS Summit: GESARA and QFS Plans to Destroy the Rothschild Financial Empire – Military on High Alert as BRICS Prepares to End Debt Slavery and Collapse the Old Financial Order! …Julian Assange on Telegram
· The biggest takedown in modern history is underway, and the signs are everywhere. What’s hidden from mainstream media? The unstoppable rise of GESARA, the Quantum Financial System (QFS), and a global reset the elites can’t stop. For months, covert military operations have prepared for the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), soon to broadcast a truth they can’t silence.
· The recent BRICS Summit in Kazan wasn’t about diplomacy—it was a high-level meeting to finalize GESARA plans. These nations control 20% of global gold reserves, fueling the greatest wealth transfer in history. GESARA is here to break the chains of debt slavery, with resources redistributed to the people. The shift to a gold-backed currency is closer than most realize, pushing out the IMF and World Bank, and ending the reign of fiat currencies.
· These plans are no longer theory—they’re in motion now. Elite banks and global institutions face increasing “technical issues” and “cyber disruptions.” This is no accident; it’s the preliminary phase of a massive system purge. QFS tests are already running, silently integrating select financial institutions, readying for a decentralized, tamper-proof network beyond government and elite control.
· White Hats are ensuring this shift is airtight. GESARA and QFS implementation is supported by military insiders running drills, securing the EBS’s flawless deployment. Starlink is fortified and shielded against interference, ensuring the broadcast will reach everyone when it’s activated. The message? We’re on the edge of a new world, and the QFS has already begun replacing old banking networks, functioning independently from SWIFT and central banks.
· Meanwhile, BRICS nations are accelerating de-dollarization faster than anticipated. Brazil, Russia, and China are already bypassing the dollar in trade agreements, leading a precedent the world will soon follow. The military is primed, with special ops at strategic sites, ready for the EBS’s global awakening trigger.
· Around the World, nations like Argentina and Japan are moving to dismantle oppressive tax regimes, in line with GESARA mandates. These aren’t isolated moves but calculated steps toward financial liberation. The EBS won’t only reveal economic truths; it’ll expose the entire spectrum of corruption that’s infiltrated governments, media, and corporations. The “Red File” is ready, filled with evidence of treason, t*********g, and fraud, a final reckoning for those who have enslaved humanity for centuries.
· Prepare yourself. Stock up on essentials. October’s “Red October” is the beginning of the end for those who ruled from the shadows. The QFS is not just a new system; it’s the foundation of a liberated world. The age of secrecy is over, and the final pieces are falling into place.
· Brace for the Storm—the EBS signal will be the point of no return, and what follows will reshape history. The awakening is here, and it’s unstoppable.
Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 The 30+1 Primary Provisions of NESARA GESARA: The Ultimate Blueprint for Global Transformation …David Wilcock on Telegram
1. Debt Forgiveness: All bank-related debts, including credit cards, mortgages, and loans caused by illegal banking practices, will be eliminated. This financial “jubilee” will free people from oppressive financial institutions.
2. Termination of the IRS: The IRS will be permanently shut down, and its employees will be reassigned to the new Treasury-based tax collection system.
3. Abolishment of Income Tax: Income taxes, including taxes on investments and retirement accounts, will be completely removed, as they were unconstitutionally imposed.
4. Flat-Rate Sales Tax: A 14% flat-rate sales tax will be introduced on new, non-essential goods (excluding food, medicine, and used items) to fund government operations, ensuring a fairer and more transparent tax system.
5. Restoration of Financial Privacy: New systems will be implemented to protect financial privacy, ending widespread data theft and hacking.
6. Re-indexing of Precious Metals: Gold, silver, and other precious metals will be re-indexed within 30 days of NESARA’s completion, stabilizing the economy.
7. Federal Reserve Phase-Out: The Federal Reserve will be dissolved over the course of a year, transitioning all monetary control to the U.S. Treasury.
8. Banking Reform: Banks will face new limits on rates and fees, while citizens gain stronger custody rights over their funds. Banks will be phased out over 3-5 years post-NESARA.
9. Boost to Senior Citizens’ Benefits: NESARA will increase benefits for senior citizens, ensuring financial support during their later years.
10. Global Peace Initiatives: The U.S. will cease all aggressive military actions, focusing on peaceful diplomatic relations worldwide.
11. QFS (Quantum Financial System): Most NESARA-related exchanges of foreign currency and bonds will be securely stored in blockchain accounts via the Quantum Financial System.
12. Humanitarian Project Funding: Large-scale funding will be provided for domestic and global humanitarian projects, allowing for widespread societal improvements.
13. Redemption of Currencies and Bonds: Individuals will have the opportunity to redeem or exchange their foreign currencies and ZIM bonds at specific rates for personal use and humanitarian projects.
14. Reclamation of Stolen Assets: Assets stolen by corrupt institutions, including the Federal Reserve and Wall Street, will be reclaimed and restored to rightful owners.
15. Return to Constitutional Law: NESARA will restore Constitutional Law within the U.S. legal system, eliminating unconstitutional practices.
16. Reinstatement of the Title of Nobility Amendment: Americans under foreign influence or control will lose their citizenship and be deported to prevent foreign interference in domestic affairs.
17. New Elections: Immediate Presidential and Congressional elections will be held within 120 days of NESARA’s announcement, wiping the slate clean of previous corrupt regimes.
18. New QFS Voting System: A revolutionary voting system based on the Quantum Financial System (QFS) will replace the current election system. Only those who have participated in NESARA benefits will be eligible voters.
19. Release of Suppressed Technologies: Over 6,000 hidden patents for advanced technologies, including free energy and medical cures, will be made public.
20. Privatization of the U.S. Postal Service: The USPS will be privatized to streamline operations and improve efficiency.
Sat. 2 Nov. 2024: Global Military Checkpoints to Enforce NESARA/GESARA During 10 Days of Darkness! ALERT! 700,000 Indictments Exposed, Arrests Already Underway: EBS Documentaries and QFS Activation …Nesara Gesara on Telegram
· The Storm is here, and there’s no stopping what’s coming. Every move has been calculated. Now, the global military alliance is ready to dismantle the corrupt power structures that have oppressed humanity for too long. This isn’t business as usual. Military Movements are occurring right under our noses. High-ranking generals, experts in psychological and cyber warfare, have been called back to duty for this critical mission. Special forces, including Navy SEALs, Delta Force, and British SAS, are deployed within their borders, ready to neutralize key Cabal operatives. This is a coordinated, global takedown, happening in over 100 countries. These movements are surgical, aimed directly at the heart of the Cabal’s leadership.
· The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is coming, and it will change everything. A Worldwide Communication Blackout is imminent. This isn’t just about preventing the Cabal from coordinating—it’s about installing a secure, quantum internet immune to their manipulations. The old internet, riddled with backdoors and surveillance, will be replaced. Military forces have seized control of satellites, ensuring global communication is locked down when the time comes. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is in motion. More than a financial reset, it’s the end of the Cabal’s financial stranglehold. Secret bank accounts, offshore havens, and illicit wealth are being exposed. Trillions in assets are being seized as the world shifts to a new credit-based system that will end debt slavery. Imagine waking up to find your debts—mortgages, student loans, credit cards—erased. This isn’t speculation; it’s a reality unfolding now.
· EBS Broadcasts will reveal the darkest truths. Prepare for documentaries that expose the Cabal’s most evil acts—human t*********g, ritual a***e, and more. Whistleblowers have risked their lives to bring this evidence forward. The EBS will broadcast non-stop, delivering these revelations directly to the people. High-profile arrests, confessions, and trials will be shown to the world. The elite’s crimes will be laid bare for all to see. Global Arrests are in full swing. Over 700,000 indictments have been filed, and arrests are happening. Private jets are grounded, passports seized, and high-ranking officials taken in the dead of night. This isn’t just happening in the U.S.—it’s a global phenomenon. Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East—no corner of the world is untouched.
· This is the final countdown. Prepare now. Follow the EBS instructions, stay vigilant, and brace for what’s coming. The Cabal is desperate, and there will be attempts to spread disinformation and create chaos. But remember: nothing can stop what’s coming. We are witnessing the great awakening. The old world is ending, and a new world is rising. Stay strong, stay united, and trust the plan. You are the storm.
Sat. 2 Nov. 2024: The agencies listed below were created to bring misery and disrupt the lives of American citizens:
