Status Report 11-17-2020
You cannot make this stuff up!
Jim Jordan says Durham probe report is forthcoming amid rumors of investigation closure
*** How Your Vote Was Stolen, Part One:
*** Anti-Trump Voting System Dominion Security Chief Colluding with Antifa: *** Powell to Release the Kraken, US Army Raids German Software Company:
*** Dominion Worker Describes How Poll Workers Inflated [B]iden Vote:
Dominion Software Scandal Is Widening! Over 2.7 Million Votes Switched to Biden From Trump by “Software Glitch”
*** Mon. 16 Nov. [yesterday] Charlie’s Angel Mel K. Catches up with Charlie: ***
Time to Embrace the Fact that Fox News is an Enemy of the People
Lock downs, Crime Responsible for Massive Exodus Out of Democrat-Controlled New York City
Mayor de Blasio Issues Insane Thanksgiving Statement
Detroit Dominion IT Worker Describes Exactly How Poll Workers Inflated Biden Vote Tallies (Video)
Trump to Enact Series of ‘Hardline’ Policies Going After Communist China In Final Weeks Of Administration: Report
Sidney Powell: CIA May have Used Dominion for Its Own Benefit – Gina Haspel Should be Fired Immediately! (Video)
BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren Admits Election Bombshell – White House STUNNED
Head of Arizona county GOP resigns over failure to attend pre-election ballot machine test: Report
BREAKING: Huge Election REVERSAL – Republicans Are Cheering
Tucker Carlson drops TRUTH about “Zombie Voters”!
Dick Morris Suggests A "Path Forward" for President Trump & Shares A Recent Candid Talk With Trump
New federal lawsuit seeks to throw out 1.2 million votes in Michigan, flipping the state for Trump
A million Trumper's marched to the Supreme Court!
Election Auditors, IT Specialists, And Data Analysts Among Others Speak: Overwhelming Evidence of Voter Fraud – Enough To Change The Election
*** Biden’s Plan to Please Socialist Lawmakers LEAKED! It's all CLEAR NOW! ***
Trump’s lawyer says campaign is preparing to reverse election results in several states
Interesting news update surprise data
Great HISTORY Lesson… [Thank You – Fred]
Andrew Cuomo ROASTED For Vaccine MELTDOWN as he lied: The C0vid Cult, Woods:
Masks and Criminals, Paul Stramer:
Where Are The Arsonists, Looters at D.C. MAGA March?
