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Writer's picturedonbrooks777

Thursday 9-14-23

Thursday 9-14-23

Verse(s) for today:

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

John 5:24 KJV

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Romans 12:2 KJV

We love him, because he first loved us.

1 John 4:19 KJV

Josh Alexander update:

Rebel News:Calgary Police got it wrong. Only the Supreme Court can order a journalist to hand over information

Earlier this month, an Ontario court ruled in favor of Alexander, saying the Catholic school board which suspended him because he said there are only two genders must hear his appeals regarding his many suspensions.


It’s happening again.

The Trudeau government is not allowing True North to cover the news.

The Prime Minister’s Office is refusing to accredit me to cover the Liberal Caucus Retreat in London, Ontario and isn’t even providing the reason.

As you may recall, the government didn’t allow True North to cover the leaders’ debate in 2019 and we were forced to take the Leaders’ Debate Commission to court – and won.

What is the Trudeau government so afraid of?

We’re not going to these events to protest or call them names. We just want to report on the news.

We’re not activists. We’re journalists.

We’ve demonstrated this time and time again – True North has been to international events with world leaders, campaign events of all parties, press conferences of various politicians and much more.

At the end of the day, our goal is to report on the news that matters most to Canadians.

[Andrew Lawton]

[Managing Editor]

Good and Bad news for Air Travelers:

"I'd say it's a highly competitive market," said chief executive Michael Deluce, who also expressed doubt about how long the system can hold.

"I think the current set of competitors is not a sustainable long-term proposition. I'm not going to highlight which carriers I think will not be here 12 or 24 months from now," he added.

"The anadian market this fall on travel, you'll get a hell of a deal," Gradek said.

Outside of Mexico and the Caribbean, supply for international trips still falls short of demand, pushing fares ever higher.

The price of round-trip flights this fall rose 22 per cent for Europe, 16 per cent for South America and 32 per cent for Africa and the Middle East compared to 2019, according to Hopper.

It shot up 45 per cent for Australia and a whopping 121 per cent for Asia, with flights between China and Canada numbering 10 per week versus 100 per week in 2019, according to Transport Canada.

Pray that it won't become necessary to mask or vax. [Patrick Bestall]

Librti this Week:

  1. · UN To Declare Permanent Worldwide Covid Measures 2023;

  • · Western U Continues White Racism;

  1. · How Can Parents Get SOGI Out of Our Schools?;

  1. · We ARE the Majority;

  1. · Is Being a Man Making a Comeback?

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Dr Trozzi Responds to Twitter Suspension

Yesterday Twitter suspended our account. More than 10,000 Twitter followers began the migration to join our larger audience who subscribe to our newsletter and follow us with no interference at

Here are the details of twitter’s notice of suspension, and my concise video response (under 2 minutes) that I hope you will post on Twitter:

Exposing covid crimes, pursuing justice, restoring human rights, re-establishing the rule of law, and providing vital health information for everyone, especially victims of the covid-19 injections; all must continue, regardless of the censors.

Differentiating the call for lawful justice, from inciting violence

Yesterday Twitter suspended our account. More than 10,000 subscribers began the migration to join our larger audience who subscribe to our newsletter and follow us with no interference here on my website.

Please download the video here and upload to your Twitter channel and other platforms.


I will also write twitter, and trust Mr Elon Musk and his staff to restore this account so we can include twitter among the platforms where we provide important life saving information and resources.

Here is Twitter’s notice of suspension:

Exposing covid crimes, perusing justice, restoring human rights, re-establishing the rule of law, and providing vital health information for everyone, especially victims of the covid-19 injections; all must continue, regardless of the censors.

Important Related Material:

Dr David Martin | Covid Terrorism, Murder, and Racketeering. The weaponization of the spike protein of the WIV1 Wuhan virus has a paper trail. The covid enterprise is a case of premeditated mass murder. Trudeau is deeply involved.

Nooses for Narcissists. Dr Mark Trozzi. September 8, 2023. New Zealand PM Chris Hipkins should join Jacinda Ardern, Trudeau, and other self serving political narcissists on route to the gallows for their roles in covid crimes against humanity.

The Nuremberg Code 75th Anniversary Today. A 3 minute message from my friends and colleagues: Dr Tess Lawrie, Dr Ryan Cole, Professor Martin Haditsch, Dr Ronald Weikl, and Professor Sucahrit Bhakdi.

20 million dead from covid vaccines:


And HERE is the OPPOSITION that they are FACING!

Seemingly baffled, Ontario Superior Court Justice Edward Morgan didn’t quite know what to say when told only one of the four defendants for a hearing showed up.

It was a landmark hearing for Ontario. Four doctors — Rochagne Kilian, Mary O’Connor, Mark Trozzi and Patrick Phillips — had been scheduled to appear to fight legal proceedings brought by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) late last year.

Trozzi, O’Connor and Kilian have been accused by the CPSO of failing to comply with investigations into allegations they issued false medical exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine. Phillips, the CPSO says, is threatening to re-release a tranche of confidential documents on Twitter.

But on Jan. 7, only O’Connor, and her lawyer Michael Swinwood, showed up on Zoom to argue their case.

“Alright. Um, ah, okay,” Morgan said, after being informed that Trozzi and Phillips’ lawyer, Michael Alexander, had decided to “withdraw” and would not be appearing at the hearing, despite CPSO counsel telling Alexander this was not allowed under civil procedure.


Conversation then turned to Kilian. Her lawyer, Rocco Galati, had been hospitalized and was in intensive care with an undisclosed illness, resulting in her case being rescheduled.

The prominent anti-vaccine lawyer has frequently represented groups and individuals challenging vaccine mandates and has described vaccination as “experimentation.”

Morgan wished Galati good health before deciding to press ahead with the hearing.

What followed was a journey down a rabbithole of anti-Covid-19-vaccine rhetoric, conspiracy theories and one claim that the pandemic was a “planned exercise in population control.” It concluded with an argument from defence lawyer, Swinwood, that Canada’s COVID-19 restrictions are akin to Nazi Germany regulations.


But these views from licensed medical professionals — seemingly at odds with the science that an education in medicine preaches — are not confined to this one virtual court hearing in Ontario. A small but vocal minority of doctors across Canada is attempting to sway public opinion to oppose COVID-19 vaccines.

Many are being investigated or have had their medical licences suspended. Many have not.

Experts are concerned that these doctors — speaking at rallies and promoting their views in widely shared videos — are lending weight to the anti-vaccine cause. “It’s definitely harmful to the public. I think it’s absolutely connected to the vaccine hesitancy rates that we’re seeing,” Queen’s University assistant professor and family doctor Michelle Cohen says.

“They’re just adding to the infodemic and to this sludge of disinformation … that’s just flying around and making it very confusing for many people to figure out what is accurate and what is not.”

At first glance, it seems that these doctors are acting independently.

But Global News can reveal that many are connected.

Enable Air: selling exemptions 'for a fee'...

According to court documents from Jan. 7, Kilian is alleged to have provided vaccine exemptions through a website called Enable Air, which works with “licensed physicians” to grant vaccination and mask exemptions for an undisclosed fee.

As a result, the Owen Sound family doctor had her certificate of registration suspended late last year.

Enable Air was taken down late last year after media inquiries into its operation. It later re-launched, with an added footnote about media “corruption.”

The website does not disclose the physicians who are issuing the exemptions. Nor does it disclose its organizers.

The HTML code on the Enable Air website lists a phone number linked to former B.C. physician Gwyllyn Goddard.

But upon investigation of an archived version of Enable Air’s original website, the mobile number listed in the HTML code under the “Message us on WhatsApp” widget can be matched with publicly listed contact information for a B.C. physician. His name is Gwyllyn Goddard.

Goddard’s website describes him as, among other things, an entrepreneur, humanitarian and family physician.

But, Goddard’s College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (CPSBC) listing shows he resigned in 2016.

When contacted, Goddard said he had “no idea” what Enable Air is. When asked why his number was listed on its website, he said his phone number “is part of an email group that I sold into a company like 10 years ago and they’re all managed by one company, so I get a free cellphone basically.”

When asked to explain what he meant, he repeated a similar answer but said it was 15 years ago.

Goddard then said he had to go and hung up.

Half an hour later, Enable Air’s website was taken down. But the exemption form, a Google document, remains active.

Lawyer Rocco Galati has also been connected to the website.

In an archived page from July 2021, the website states 50 per cent of the “post administrative fees” for the Enable Air medical exemptions go to Galati, who is also the executive director of the Toronto-based Constitutional Rights Centre, “to pay for the fees required to win cases that support employees and other people’s rights to informed medical consent.”

Global News called Galati’s office and sent multiple emails to his associates but has not received a reply.

Rocco Galati has been linked with Enable Air, as an archived page from the website shows. Screenshot

[By Ashleigh Stewart Global News]

"Climate breakdown has begun" (Why?):

Last time I sent you this (on Aug 17) I said, "I don't expect you to explore this man's website". Maybe this time you will, in light of what David Strock just sent me. This month the UN secretary general tells us "Climate breakdown has begun". Maybe it has, but not for the reasons the UN gives us:

Carbon emissions have nothing to do with it! Read my previous email below.

Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 08:01:49 a.m. EDT

Subject: Weather modification projects all over the planet!

Friends, I don't expect you to explore this man's website. It's overwhelming. Save it for a rainy day (or a thunderstorm from hell). Meanwhile just look at the pictures I captured and pasted below.

There are so many people experimenting with what they can do to manipulate nature, it's almost impossible to keep track of them all.

[Patrick Bestall]

David YEO:

*** M@$K? (1 Min)

M0R@L R!gHT? (1 Min)

J0HN: Nur3mBurG C0D3 (17 Min)

NFL: Th3 D@MaR H@ML!N P$Y0P (1 Min)

"Th3 F@CT Th@T Th3Y T3LL U 0n3 Th!nG, U B3TT3R B3L!3Ve Th3 0Th3r" (15 Min)

C@M3Ra? (1 Min)

Wh@T !s Ph@rMaK!a? (7 Min(

R3-P0$T: HuGGG0000: M!nD C0nTr0L W@TcH (18 Min)

*** H0T3L M@U!-F0rN!c@T!0N: U C@N Ch3CK 0uT @ AnyT!m3 (23 Min)

D@N: H3@LTH C@NaDA H@$ Appr0v3d N3W J@B**XP3RTS S@Y N0! (13 Min)

V3TeRaN P!L0T (1 Min)

*** M@U!: TruTH**M!$$!nG Bu$3S & K!D$ (23 Min)

** Th3 !LLuM!n@T! UnM@Sk3d**B@NK$T3R$ PL@N (3 Min)

*** M@U!: 0Pr@H R3$p0Nd$**"Th3 W0rLd H@$ +o Ap0L0G!z3 (22 Min)

Made me LAUGH right out loud!

EnJOY a good LAUGH............................................................................................................................. Tx Dan [my Son]

Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:

This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU

must make up YOUR OWN MIND!


General Summary

The Real News for Wed. 13 Sept. 2023:

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