An Interview with Victor Davis Hanson:
[Thank you – Richard]
REAL FACTS – Ontario:
Ontario for all cause deaths by Statistics Canada 2019 and 2020 Feb - July 2019 = 52,650 Feb - July 2020 = 51,460 So, why are we Locking things Down? The total for all causes of deaths in Ontario in 2020 were less than in 2019. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1310078501
[Thank You – David]
Also NOTE:
The media keeps claiming that Donald Trump is alleging voter fraud “without evidence.” But is his statement without evidence?
Not according to forensic accountants who have analyzed Joe Biden’s vote totals. In fact, Biden’s vote totals in swing states are so fake that they violated a major mathematical law – an obscure law that social media companies are suddenly blocking the public from knowing about.
Click here to learn with absolute certainty – based on a universally true law of math – that the Democrats are trying to steal the 2020 election…
Yet Another “Computer Glitch” – Oakland County, MI Flips After Fraudulent Numbers Discovered
Democrat Election Worker Claims He and His Team Threw out Tens of Thousands of Trump Votes
BREAKING: Biden Gets Bad News from Arizona – Trump Is Smiling
BREAKING: Nevada Election BOMBSHELL – Trump Was Right
Georgia secretary of state orders recount to be conducted ‘by hand’
Software that gave Trump votes to Biden was used in 28 states
More Data Forensics
Correct Supreme Court Response Explained
*** Dutch Sheets on Prayer
[Thank You – Pastor Joe]
God is Not Finished with President Trump
Note: Listen as Dutch Sheets challenges us to pray, and passionately declares that God is not finished with President Trump’s assignment for America. He explains why our prayers are important and exposes the erroneous belief that “God will accomplish His purpose even if we don’t pray.” God's will is not automatic; our prayers are critically important. Do NOT give up! Dutch also exhorts us to persevere as long as it is necessary—the prize is worth the cost.
White House Presents Hard Evidence of Voter Fraud
'Audit,' 'Full Hand Recount' Ordered in Georgia...
Joe Biden in September: I will Not Declare Victory Until the Election Is Independently Certified
Biden Calls Trump an “Embarrassment” for Refusing to Concede
*** Here is the 1st of 4 short videos, to promote the COVID-19 clinical trial study, using the Qu SSI medicine:
