Tuesday 8-15-23
Verse(s) for today:
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Philippians 4:8 KJV
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 KJV
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10 KJV
See you at the TRADING POST tomorrow!

Rumble made a game-changing announcement that will have Big Tech executives crying in their lattes:
The original purpose of social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook was to promote free speech among friends and colleagues.
However, in recent years a number of new social media platforms have popped up after these major platforms abused their power to silence their political enemies, sometimes at the bequest of the government.
But now Rumble has made a game-changing announcement that will have Big Tech executives crying in their lattes.
Rumble’s latest move will put them front and center this election cycle.
Although the 2024 general elections are still well over a year away, the 2024 election cycle is as chaotic as ever.
So far, over a dozen people have declared candidacy for the Republican nomination for the upcoming presidential election, and three candidates have declared their candidacy on the Democrat side.
In spite of this already crowded field, most polls indicate that a Donald Trump versus Joe Biden rematch is the likely scenario, however, Trump’s Republican foes still have plenty of time to make their case to voters.
What better place to do so than the upcoming Republican Party debates, the first of which is scheduled for August 23, 2023. The second debate is subsequently scheduled for September 27, 2023.
And in a move that has upset some Big Tech CEO’s, these first top GOP debates will be live-streamed on Rumble, which was established in 2013.
Rumble really took off following YouTube’s and Google’s alleged censorship of conservative voices such as Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Tucker Carlson among others.
Rumble has since received major investments from Peter Thiel and others, to help transform it into a leading social media platform.
In response to Rumble’s deal with the GOP regarding the upcoming debates, Rumble Chairman and CEO Chris Pavlovski said, “Rumble is excited to be the exclusive live-streaming partner of the RNC for the second Republican primary debate. We look forward to continuing to build an online home for debate, on a stage that we promise will remain free from censorship and Big Tech bias.”
Big Tech will keep bleeding users if they do not adapt quickly.
Much like other companies that have gone “woke”, many Big Tech platforms are losing droves of users due to their support of the radical left.
Earlier this year, it was revealed that Big tech platforms like Facebook and Google allegedly worked with the Joe Biden administration to silence conservative voices.
Alienating 50% of the nation is not a smart business move, and many business experts agree that if platforms like Facebook and Google do not adapt their ways, then the future will not be bright for them.
[Un-Muzzled News Media]

What's Best for Kids:
How ironic that your paper had the results of Rev. Hildebrandt's Supreme Court appeal on the same page as a new study of kids affected adversely by the Covid lock-down mandate.
The Supreme Court is making the fines stick to the Aylmer church folk who broke the lock-down mandate because in the court's opinion, "the decision [to uphold the fines] balanced the burdens on the public with the benefits of the regulations that saved lives". (You mean all the mandate-breaking church kids caught Covid 19 and died in Aylmer?)
Too bad the judges didn't hear how detrimental it would be for kids to be so confined that their time spent in front of screens tripled, and that leads directly to prolonged depression which manifests in a variety of social problems schools have to deal with today. I assume this has not been a problem for the Church of God people in Aylmer. Rev. Hildebrandt will pay the price for that blessing to families.
Another irony is the article, same day, on the front page of the National Post which reminds us that most Supreme Court judges are donors to the Liberal Party.
Patrick Bestall
193 Blackacres Blvd
London N6G 2H1`

“Vaccine” shedding in schools
Drs Amerling Thorp & Trozzi:
Trozzi Report: 2023-08-14
Doctors Amerling, Thorp and Trozzi discuss "vaccine" shedding, a fast-approaching return to school, and strategies for our children's survival and well-being.
On August 7th, 2023, Sunit Suchdev and The Wellness Company hosted this experts' discussion regarding threats and solutions for children. We are living in strange and dangerous times; plus, a new school year is fast approaching.
Here is a one-hour audio recording rich with honest expert advice for parents, grandparents and others concerned about children's safety and well-being.
Internal medicine and nephrology specialist Dr Richard Amerling; obstetrician, gynecologist, and maternal-fetal medicine specialist Dr James Thorp; and emergency physician, activist, and researcher Dr Mark Trozzi, discuss covid-19 injections, vaccines, medical-exemptions, spike protein shedding, the risk of genetic transfection from injected teachers and peers, and other current serious dangers that threaten our children's well-being and survival.

[Dr Mark Trozzi]
Prayer BANNED:
This is a crucial reminder: Your religious freedom is always under attack.
The Biden Administration is quietly chipping away at your right to pray and worship and is empowering anti-Christian forces.
A federal court even initially ruled that public prayer is unconstitutional.
Today is a major court deadline.
Now we are right back before the judge as the case moves to trial. We cannot allow the radical Left to eviscerate prayer from public life.
Angry atheists and anti-Christian extremists continuously rush to court, claiming to be offended by prayer.
This time, they purposefully went to a community prayer vigil that was organized in response to a crime spree for the express intent of being "offended"; then they sued.
Today is our deadline to file in court to defend prayer against these unconstitutional attacks.
Prayer is fundamental. It is our constitutional right and our God-given responsibility.
I've been FIGHTING and WINNING these cases for decades. Now we have an opportunity to stop these calculated attacks on prayer.
This is the ACLJ's Life & Liberty Drive in action, defending your freedom to pray and worship without the government interfering. Have your gift DOUBLED before today's court deadline: $25 becomes $50; $50 becomes $100.
As we file in court today, stand with us. Defend your right to pray.
Jay Sekulow ACLJ Chief Counsel

David YEO:
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Breaking News from Newsmax

Here is the Correct link to the Newest OPEN MIKE ft. Jacob Reaume:
APPEAL DENIED!!!: Supreme Court of Canada REFUSES Church Appeal ft. Pastor Jacob Reaume
On this episode of Open Mike, Dr. Thiessen is joined by the Lead Pastor of Trinity Bible Chapel (Waterloo, ON), Jacob Reaume, to talk about the Supreme Court of Canada's recent refusal to hear their case concerning State tyranny during the COVID-19 pandemic.
ft. Jacob Reaume:
Supreme Court of Canada REFUSES Church Appeal [Rumble Media]

OOPS!!! Our bad! The last email linked to the wrong video...here is the right link. Sorry about the confusion. ENJOY! https://rumble.com/v36p9zb-appeal-denied-ft.-jacob-reaume-supreme-court-of-canada-refuses-church-appea.html On this episode of Open Mike, Dr. Thiessen is joined by the Lead Pastor of Trinity Bible Chapel (Waterloo, ON), Jacob Reaume, to talk about the Supreme Court of Canada's recent refusal to hear their case concerning State tyranny during the COVID-19 pandemic.
· Final Straw For Fox News After What Execs Were Just Busted Doing
· Corrupt DA Bragg Forced to Make Big Announcement After Trump Indictment
· Trump Indicted On 13 New Felonies - 18 Others Go Down With Him
· Melania Trump Breaks Silence, Leaves People Speechless
· SCOTUS SHOCK - Judge Responds To Removing Justice Clarence Thomas
· Lauren Boebert Makes Unexpected Announcement Nobody Saw Coming
· Supreme Court Justice Gets Horrible News
· Trump Has Perfect Response To Taking Plea Deal
· Brawl Erupts LIVE On Fox Between Hosts Over Absurd Biden Claim
· Dems Kick Biden Out Of Election - Replace Him With Familiar Name·
IN DEPTH: 1. UBS to Pay $1.4 Billion Over Fraud in Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities New 2. Final Straw For Fox News After What Execs Were Just Busted Doing New 3. McConnell Says He’s Not Going Anywhere Anytime Soon Amid Health Concerns New 4. Swedish Tourists Abroad Warned They May Be a Terror Target After Qur’an Burnings New 5. Philly 17-Year-Old Alleged Supporter of Islamic Extremism Arrested in FBI Terror Investigation New 6. Top Hunter Biden Lawyer Moves to Withdraw From Case New 7. Sam Bankman-Fried’s Lawyer Demands He Get Adderall in Jail New 8. Pentagon Planning to Shake Up DC’s National Guard New 9. Leaked Government Memo Admits English Channel Migrant Crisis Will Last At Least Another 5 Years New 10. New Zealand Finally Ends Last Remaining COVID Restrictions New 11. The Black Sea Is Becoming Ground Zero in the Ukraine War New 12. Former NFL Player Dead at 28 Years Old New 13. Corrupt DA Bragg Forced to Make Big Announcement After Trump Indictment New 14. Biden Campaign Prepares to Make Gun Control a Central Part of Reelection Campaign 2 hours ago 15. KJP Fumbles Response While Defending Biden for Fumbling Response on Maui Wildfires 2 hours ago 16. Biden’s Response to Question About Maui Fire Was Worse Than Initially Thought 2 hours ago 17. Five Stories Biden has Told About the Family Business That Turned Out to Be Lies 3 hours ago 18. Biden Student Debt Bailout Starts Taking Effect 3 hours ago 19. Ex-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Among Those Charged in Georgia Probe 3 hours ago 20. Hunter Biden’s Legal Team Claims Diversion Agreement Is Already in Effect in Court Filing 3 hours ago 21. Biden’s Favorite Super PAC Allegedly Used Illegal Scheme to Conceal Its Donors 3 hours ago 22. Rep. Andy Ogles Files Bill to Defund Jack Smith’s Salary 3 hours ago 23. Portland Police Chief Asks Officers to Stop Telling Crime Victims DA Won’t Prosecute Cases 3 hours ago 24. Is the U.S. Military’s TR-3B Aircraft a Reverse-engineered UFO? 3 hours ago 25. Is It Time to Ban Electric Vehicles? 3 hours ago 26. Kurt Schlichter: Can Ron DeSantis Win? 3 hours ago 27. Chicago Group Asks Gang Members to Please Not Shoot Anyone From 9AM to 9PM 3 hours ago 28. The “Fake Meat” Experiment Has Failed 3 hours ago 29. Biggest Treasury ETF Sees Largest Exodus Since 2020 Crash 5 hours ago 30. Media Giants Raise First Amendment Concerns Over Police Raid on Local Kansas Paper 5 hours ago 31. The European Energy Crisis May Be Back Soon 5 hours ago 32. “Big Short” Trader Michael Burry Bought Options Betting Against S&P 500, Nasdaq 100 5 hours ago 33. Global monitoring networks, some of them taxpayer-funded, suppress conservative news media 5 hours ago 34. Auto workers’ fight over electric vehicles puts Biden on the spot 5 hours ago 35. Dem Rep Gives Joe the Bad News: Majority of the Country Wants to Move on from Biden 10 hours ago 36. Public Disgusted with Oprah’s Response to Maui Wildfires, Camera Crew Denied Access to Survivor Shelter 11 hours ago 37. Trump Looks Like a Rock Star as He Throws MAGA Hats Into Crowd of Cheering Supporters 12 hours ago 38. Trump Attorneys Tear Into Fulton County DA’s Office: ‘Not a Simple Administrative Mistake’ 13 hours ago 39. Biden “Praying” for Maui Victims, WH Says—Amid Backlash From Earlier “No Comment” 16 hours ago 40. Maui Residents Say People Are Being Looted and Robbed at Gunpoint 16 hours ago 41. After Alarming Discovery, Montana Issues Warning Not to Eat Fish Caught Where Train Derailed Into River 16 hours ago 42. Vivek, MTG, Gaetz Blast Georgia Da Over Leaked Felony Charges Filed Against Trump 17 hours ago 43. Biden Offers Maui Fire Survivors ‘One-Time’ Pittance on Same Day $200 Million Announced for Ukraine 17 hours ago 44. Melania Trump Breaks Silence, Leaves People Speechless 17 hours ago 45. Doc Appears to Show Georgia DA Filing Felony Charges Against Trump Before Grand Jury Even Voted 17 hours ago 46. Georgia Court Website Posts Document with 13 Charges Against Trump — And Then Deletes It 17 hours ago 47. Secret Service Getting Tipped Off on Hunter Biden Interview Plans 18 hours ago 48. SCOTUS SHOCK – Judge Responds To Removing Justice Clarence Thomas 18 hours ago 49. Lauren Boebert Makes Unexpected Announcement Nobody Saw Coming 18 hours ago 50. Heavy Law Enforcement Presence Where Russian Fighter Spiraled Into Crash Over US 18 hours ago 51. Biden Has Heartless Two-Word Response When Asked About Death Toll in Devastating Maui Fires 19 hours ago 52. Chicago Dem Tears Into Kamala for Touting Success Despite Rampant Crime, Gangs, Illegals 21 hours ago 53. Georgia Court Website Briefly Publishes Then Removes Docs About Potential Trump Charges 21 hours ago 54. Reporter Reveals Shocking Body Language of Trump Judge During Latest Hearing 22 hours ago 55. Harvard Encourages Students to Apply for Food Stamps While Sitting on $53 Billion Endowment 22 hours ago 56. Crowd Roars as Oliver Anthony Opens Show with Bible Verse Foretelling Fall of the ‘Wicked’ 22 hours ago 57. Federal Regulations Say Special Counsel Must Be Selected From Outside U.S. Government — And David Weiss Isn’t 23 hours ago 58. VP Harris Calls for More Gun Control, Brands Gun Violence a “Disease” 23 hours ago 59. Roger Stone Says Indictment Against Trump Disqualifies Nearly All Voters in DC from Serving on Jury 23 hours ago 60. Supreme Court Justice Gets Horrible News 23 hours ago
Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:
This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU
must make up YOUR OWN MIND!
General Summary
· While the Cabal appeared to have started the deadliest fires in US history in Maui Hawaiiin an attempt to take over costly beachfront land, the Alliance Military was spread out worldwide doing Mass Arrests to take down 30 corrupt governments, at the same time 85% of the world’s population was ditching the fiat US Dollar before implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System that would reveal centuries of Cabal Secrets, plus announcement of the Global Currency Reset at the BRICS Summit in South Africa Aug. 22-24.
· Maui Hawaii was experiencing the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history – thought caused by the Deep State. It looks like the Deep State wanted the island for themselves as the fire killed many of the landowners who didn’t want to sell (over 1,000 missing). It was a coordinated attack. No federal services were there to help the people. It was doubtful that the natives who lost their homes there could even afford payment on the loans that FEMA was offering as the only “aid” to the residents.
· On Wed. 9 Aug. a Ten Day Worldwide Military Exercise Began That Was Actually a Cover Up for Mass Arrests in an Overthrow of Over 30 countries’ Corrupt Governments.
· This Week 85% of the World’s Population was Ditching the Fiat US Dollar.
· At the BRICS Summit Aug. 22-24 the Global Currency Reset was expected to be announced
· The White Hat Military Alliance would soon implement an Emergency Broadcast System that would uncover centuries of Cabal Secrets that were designed to control the World population.
· Trump Actually Won the 2020 Election According to an Election Surveillance System Installed by the US Cyber Command, Space Force and Cyber Brigade.
· According to Julian Assange Obama ran an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring out of the White House and specifically created Obamacare for Child Trafficking out of hospitals.
· Obama funded, armed and supported the militant jihadist monstrosity called ISIS that convulsed the Middle East into an Arab Spring.
· Obama used FISA Courts secretly spy on Trump’s 2016 election campaign – thus literally handing Trump the Cabal playbook that allowed the White Hat Military Intelligence to intercept a Deep State 16-year plan to destroy America (eight years of Obama and eight years of Hillary).
EXCLUSIVE: Bombshell New Whistleblower Document Reveals Multi-Agency Criminal Conspiracy to Spy On And Entrap Law Abiding Americans.
· Finally, there’s proof. Could this explain Ammon Bundy’s recent arrest while at HS football fundraiser banquet?
· (Coeur d’Alene, Idaho) — Bombshell new documents have recently come to light revealing how the U.S. Government illegally spied on and entrapped citizens during the 2014 “Bundy Ranch Standoff,” and beyond.
· The document, which was authored by Larry Wooten, a former Special Agent with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), reveals the terrifying extent to which the Federal Government is willing to go to ensnare patriotic Americans who stand up to government overreach.
· Wooten first made waves in 2017 after sending an 18 page whistleblower document to Washington State Representative Matt Shea chronicling “a widespread pattern of bad judgment, lack of discipline, incredible bias, unprofessionalism and misconduct, as well as likely policy, ethical, and legal violations among senior and supervisory staff at the BLM’s Office of Law Enforcement and Security.”
· For the complete story: http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/bundy-heroes-won-despite-triple-jeopardy-wooton-ii-more-proof-of-innocence/
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