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Tuesday 9-19-23

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Tuesday 9-19-23

Verse(s) for today:

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for their's is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:3 KJV

I sought the LORD, and he heard me, And delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him and were lightened: And their faces were not ashamed.

Psalm 34:4-5 KJV

Likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Romans 8:26 KJV


Location: Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) Office

Reminder to all parents in London and the surrounding areas, there will be a school walkout and protest/march tomorrow, Wednesday, September 20th.

There are many ways to protest tomorrow.

1. Keep your kids home or have them walk out at 9 a.m.

2. Participate in the protest and the march (see poster below).

3. Send a letter to your school to tell them why you are removing your kids from school tomorrow. Tell them how you feel about the sexualized material and concerning content in the schools. Use this template as a guide.

4. Send this letter of non-consent to your child’s teachers and principals.

5. Talk to other parents. If more parents express their concerns to the board, we have a better chance of starting a dialogue. This will ensure that our voices are heard.

6. TVDSB is looking for feedback from parents. If you have a child at TVDSB you should have received their email. Please remember to fill out their anonymous survey and let them know your concerns.

There is the potential for counter-protestors tomorrow. But don’t be deterred by it. This is meant to be a peaceful, family protest and we have faith that both sides will remain calm and respectful of our fundamental right to protest.

The weather is on our side. Stay peaceful and enjoy the day! [Patrick Bestall]

Private Member Association(s) PMA’s:

PMA's standing in Canada:

The Supreme Court of Canada recently released a decision that clarifies when a court can review the decisions of voluntary associations.1 Building on its 2018 decision in Highwood Congregation,2 the court reiterated that courts only have jurisdiction to interfere in these types of cases where a party is seeking to enforce a legal right. The court’s guidance, particularly on when membership in a voluntary association is contractual in nature, will be of interest to voluntary associations (for example, religious groups, registered charities, sports teams, clubs and non-profit organizations).


Five members of the congregation of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Canada St. Mary Cathedral (the Church) were expelled. The members brought an action against the Church and members of its senior leadership claiming their expulsion was in breach of the Church’s internal procedures and seeking that it be declared null and void. In response, the Church sought to obtain summary judgment dismissing the action. It argued that the expelled members had no underlying legal right to their membership in the church, and that, as such, the courts lacked jurisdiction to review the expulsion. It is important to note the Church’s congregation was an unincorporated association. The respondents were never members of the associated Church corporation, incorporated under Ontario’s Corporations Act.

The motions judge granted the motion and dismissed the action on the basis that the expelled members had not put forward evidence of an underlying legal right. The Ontario Court of Appeal disagreed. It found that the Church’s written constitution and by-laws amounted to a contract setting out the members’ rights.

Membership is contractual only where there is an objective intent to create legal relations.

The Supreme Court allowed the appeal and dismissed the expelled members’ action. In this case, the only viable basis that could justify the court’s intervention would be if a contractual relationship existed between the Church and its members. The expelled members had not demonstrated an objective intention to enter into a legal relationship despite the Church’s by-laws and constitution and any commitment by the members to make financial contributions to the Church. There was therefore no contract, no justiciable interest, and no genuine issue requiring a trial.

In arriving at its conclusion, the court reaffirmed and clarified the following principles:

  • · Courts have jurisdiction to intervene in the decisions of voluntary associations only where a legal right is affected and where a party is seeking to enforce this legal right. This may include rights in contract, property, tort or unjust enrichment, as well as statutory causes of action. Absent such a justiciable interest, there is no cause of action or basis for relief.

  • · Membership in a voluntary association does not automatically create a contract between the association and the member. The existence of by-laws and/or a constitution does not in and of itself give rise to a contractual relationship.

  • · Each case must be assessed on its own particular facts on the basis of general contract principles. If parties do not demonstrate an objective intention to enter into legal relations, membership is not contractual. The question is what intention is objectively manifest in the parties’ conduct.

  • · An objective intention to enter into a contract is more likely to exist in situations involving property or employment, and will be more difficult to show in religious contexts. In particular, agreeing to be bound by certain rules, for example religious obligations, does not necessarily give rise to a contractual relationship.



While the decisions of voluntary associations will not typically lead to litigation, they are not immune. Such risk can only be evaluated in light of the facts of each case. Where a voluntary association does not intend to create legal relations with its members, it should be particularly cautious in matters relating to employment and the ownership of property. Carefully defining such matters is important to avoid creating the perception of an objective intent to create contractual relations with the voluntary association’s members.

An issue that arises is whether this decision can be distinguished with respect to the fact that the Church’s congregation was not an incorporated entity. It remains to be considered whether the legislation under which a voluntary association is incorporated supports the conclusion that the bylaws of the organization form a contract with the members. Leaving aside the issues relating to property and employment, there are many reasons why a voluntary association would wish to ensure that membership is a contractual relationship – for reasons of member discipline and otherwise. Consideration should be given to being explicit about this issue in an organization’s bylaws, and with respect to ensuring that any application for membership includes an acknowledgement that the prospective member has reviewed the bylaws of the organization and intends to be contractually bound by the provisions thereof.

The author wishes to thank Arianne Kent, summer law student, for her help in preparing this legal update.


1 Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Canada St. Mary Cathedral v Aga, 2021 SCC 22.

2 Highwood Congregation of Jehova’s Witnesses (Judicial Committee) v. Wall, 2018 SCC 26.

[Norton Rose Fulbright]

is a global law firm.

[Patrick Bestall]

It appears that the LGBTQ mafia is overtaking every area of society in America and the world. We’re going to have to get used to it. Sane people with good morals are now in the minority—at least it seems that way.

Two years ago, The Dissenter reported on several schools that crowned males as homecoming “queens.” Obviously, that’s in scare quotes because a male, well, can’t be a female. It’s absurd, but the trend seemed to disappear for a time.

Now, another school in Kansas City is back at it, crowning a male as homecoming queen during this weekend's game. The school "congratulated" …

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[The Dissenter Media]


Trozzi Report: 2023-09-18 Today 2 PM Plothe & Trozzi Better Way Live Unregulated Technology: Why we must take action. 3 top rate expert presentations. cartoonist Bob Moran discussion.

Please join us for today’s World Council for Health Better Way Live event at 2 PM. Christof Plothe and I will host. We’ll consider three expert presentations and discuss the new WCH Policy Brief: Effects Of Unregulated Digitization On Health and Democracy. Also, cartoonist Bob Moran will join us for a lively discussion. Get ready for this Wednesdays march of solidarity with Canadians of various faiths and subcultures coming together to protest the sexualization and gender reassignment canvassing in our schools. More details: brief; deeper look at the issues [Dr Mark Trozzi]

P.s. If you are unable to access today´s post by clicking the link above, please copy and paste the full URL into your internet browser for access to today´s material.

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YOU will know that you are a SUCCESS, when...

Be sure to watch this i-minute VIDEO... it is the WORST STATEMENT that BIDEN made to date... [Daniel Brooks]

Artur Pawlowski:

Sentenced to 61 Days in JAIL!

However,... with time already spent in JAIL... He is FREED IMMEDIATELY!


You can see the details HERE: YouTube👇

Thank you, [Donna Warren]

Now here is the LEFT’s PERSPECTIVE:

Cabinet-endorsed advocacy group Anti Hate Network claims right-wing conspiracy with up to 6,000,000 believers, demands $5M subsidy to monitor the Freedom Convoy & save "our liberal democracy. “Verification of facts is almost impossible” Canadian Anti Hate Network “research” cannot be verified by law enforcement. Their “sources” and contributors include anonymous accounts on Twitter that help submit information to their blog.

[Donna Warren]

Major Democrat Senator Under Criminal Investigation:

Another major Democrat figure has been revealed to be under a criminal investigation by the DOJ, and you’ll probably find the name interesting.

Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, who chairs the Senate’s powerful Foreign Relations Committee, is facing his second FBI investigation of the decade. Back in 2015, he was indicted over a bribery scheme. Allegedly, Menendez was being given private jet flights and lavish vacations in exchange for help with government contracts. Justice was punted on in 2017, though, after the jury hung and a mistrial was declared. It was another example of how Democrats are simply untouchable in leftwing jurisdictions, something that has become all too clear over the last year.

Now, according to Kadia Goba of Buzzfeed News, Menendez is in the sights of the DOJ again and an active criminal investigation is underway.

Big @kadiagoba scoop in Principals this morning: Senator Robert Menendez is under investigation again

— Ben Smith (@semaforben) October 26, 2022

Senator Robert Menendez, D-N.J. faces a new federal investigation, according to two people familiar with the inquiry.

Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York have contacted people connected to Menendez in recent weeks, the sources said. They have sent at least one subpoena in the case, according to a person connected to the inquiry.

An advisor to Menendez responded to a request for comment hours after Semafor published the original story. “Senator Menendez is aware of an investigation that was reported on today, however he does not know the scope of the investigation,” Michael Soliman texted Semafor. “As always, should any official inquiries be made, the Senator is available to provide any assistance that is requested of him or his office.”

It is not yet known exactly what Menendez is being targeted for this go around. You may recall that the senator was caught up in allegations of an underage child prostitution ring back in 2013. It’s possible this could have something to do with that, but that’s pure speculation on my part. It’s just as likely that Menendez, being the obviously corrupt politician, is being accused of some kind of bribery scheme again.

What I do know is that if this were a Republican, it would be plastered on the front pages for at least a day or two. As it stands, I’ve seen a few passing articles on Menendez’s plight and no mention of it on the major broadcast and cable networks outside of right-leaning ones (i.e. Fox News). That’s one of the privileges of being a Democrat, I suppose.

Recently, Menendez attempted to blame Saudi Arabia for the nation’s energy woes, ignoring Joe Biden’s crushing of the market and the terrible policies from the Democrat Party that have caused the current high prices. That gives you an idea of the kind of partisan he is. He’s your typical, slimy Northeast politician with an over-bloated sense of entitlement and a feeling of untouchability.

It doesn’t surprise me at all that Menendez has found himself on the wrong side of the law yet again. Given how things went the first time, he had and has no reason to fear reprisal. If justice is actually served here, I’ll be very surprised, because as things stand, the DOJ and FBI simply exist to “exonerate” Democrats, not hold them to account.

[Red State Media]

Trump drops major VP hint: 'I like the concept' of a Female VP:

Former President Donald Trump expressed interest in the idea of having a ‘Female Vice President’, though he hasn't made a final decision.

As reported by Newsmax, Trump isn't one to sit idly by and let corruption happen. The reason the American people love him so much is that he calls out corruption whenever he sees it. Pelosi is finished.

Trump's thoughts on a female VP

During a recent conversation, Trump mentioned his appreciation for the idea of a woman as his running mate. He stated, "I like the concept, but we're going to pick the best person."

He further elaborated on his stance during an interview with "Meet the Press" that's scheduled to be broadcasted this Sunday. He expressed, "I do like the concept, yes."

Trump's statement has sparked discussions and speculations about his potential choices for a vice presidential candidate.

Potential female candidates for VP

As Trump aims to broaden his reach among voters, several names have surfaced as potential vice presidential picks. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is among the top contenders. She has previously expressed her willingness to be Trump's vice president "in a heartbeat."

Other names that have been mentioned include Arizona's gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, former Trump White House press secretary and current Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.

It's evident that Trump has a plethora of strong female candidates to consider for the vice presidential role.

Trump's gratitude towards Noem

After a recent rally in South Dakota, Trump took a moment to express his gratitude towards Governor Noem for her endorsement. He emphasized the significance of her support by saying, "Kristi, I'm truly honored to receive your endorsement very much. I appreciate it. Thank you very much. It's a great honor. Get endorsements, some good, some bad. I get endorsements. Some don't mean anything. Hers means a lot. Let me tell you."

Trump's words highlight the importance he places on genuine endorsements and the value he sees in Noem's support.

It remains to be seen who Trump will ultimately choose as his running mate, but his openness to the idea of a female vice president is a notable development in his political journey.

Conclusion and reflections

  • · Trump has shown interest in the idea of a female vice president.

  • · Several strong female candidates, including Governor Kristi Noem, are being considered for the role.

  • · Trump values genuine endorsements and has expressed gratitude towards Noem for her support.

[American Digest]

Jack Smith claims Search of Trump's Twitter had to be hidden or Trump would "precipitate violence":

Special counsel Jack Smith claimed former President Donald Trump might "precipitate violence" if he found out that investigators had demanded information from his Twitter account, The Hill reported. Smith's request, filed with the court in April, was unsealed Friday.

The social media platform X, formerly Twitter, turned over 32 direct messages from the former president's account. Smith's 71-page filing outlines fears about Trump's ability to incite violence should word get out about what they're trying to do.

X was fined $350,000 for failing to comply with the request for data, according to a court opinion unsealed last month. Other court records unsealed prior to that indicate that prosecutors argued Trump "could precipitate violence as occurred following the public disclosure of the search warrant executed at Mar-a-Lago" if he found out.

Meanwhile, X's appeal was making its way through to a lower court after the company was compelled to give Trump's private information to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Prosecutors maintained the request to keep the request for records sealed based on the false notion of Trump's past actions.

"These are not hypothetical considerations in this case. Following his defeat in the 2020 presidential election, the former President propagated false claims of fraud (including swearing to false allegations in a federal court filing), pressured state and federal officials to violate their legal duties, and retaliated against those who did not comply with his demands, culminating in violence at the U.S. Capitol on January 6," prosecutors claimed in the court document.

"More recently, the former President has taken several steps to undermine or otherwise influence the investigation into the potential mishandling of classified information following the end of his presidency, including publicizing the existence of the Mar-a-Lago Warrant," they added. Prosecutors also accused Trump of witness tampering by offering to pay their legal fees.

"This pattern of obstructive conduct amply supports the district court’s conclusion that the former President presents a significant risk of tampering with evidence, seeking to influence or intimidate potential witnesses, and 'otherwise seriously jeopardizing' the Government’s ongoing investigations," prosecutors claimed. However, X's reason for keeping the messages private was that some of the content might fall under executive privilege.

"Twitter offers no reason to conclude that the former President, with the full array of communication technologies available to the head of the Executive Branch, would have used Twitter’s direct message function to carry out confidential communications with Executive Branch advisors," they wrote. Their filing shows the extent of the digging expedition went beyond messages.

Signed in January, the warrant demanded all kinds of data from Trump's account, including which devices and IP addresses the former president used to sign into the account. The Justice Department also wanted the location data for Trump during the 2020 presidential campaign through January 2021.

They also demanded a list of every account Trump blocked or who blocked him, and every tweet, including those that were deleted or left as drafts. Any tweets Trump liked, or even those that were tweeted at him, were also included in the request.

All of this was being done while keeping Trump in the dark. The court said prosecutors' argument was "unquestionably compelling" and found in favor of keeping it under wraps.

"The district court found that there were ‘reasonable grounds to believe’ that disclosing the warrant to former President Trump ‘would seriously jeopardize the ongoing investigation’ by giving him ‘an opportunity to destroy evidence, change patterns of behavior, [or] notify confederates,'" the ruling from the appeals court concluded. It's clear that it was a partisan argument from the start.

The narrative around the Jan. 6, 2021, incident was always that Trump called for the uprising. There has never been any evidence of this except that Democrats have said so, and now the argument is being used in court.

It's frightening that the lies Democrats told about Trump have now been successfully used against him during his legal proceedings. It's disheartening that Trump will never get a fair shake as long as Democrats in power and their surrogates in the justice system have their way.

[American Digest]

Ontario School Dumps Books Published before 2008:

Erindale Secondary School in Mississauga, Ontario culled roughly 50% of its library books...under a new "equity-based book weeding" directive implemented by the Peel District School Board earlier this year, CBC News reported…

[Patrick Bestall]


Union Zoom Call with Plans to Disrupt Million March for Children:

This is a secret recording of a joint meeting held September 16th, to organize strategic attacks & counter-protests against those parents, grandparents & other concerned Canadians participating in the Million March for Children. Their plan is to disrupt, demoralize, destroy, bully and intimidate marchers. Listen for yourself.

Union haters prepare to attack Sept. 20 March. We are ready to stand, arms locked, ear-plugs in our ears, and protected by good police. I overheard someone say the union bosses are out of touch with their own rank and file who have kids they want protected. Pray for our pastors to show up!

[Patrick Bestall]

David YEO:

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LGBT Movement Among Evangelicals:

I think this critique by Albert Mohler showing the sinister impact of the LGBT movement among evangelicals is a crucial read... Thank you, David Foster.

[Albert Mohler]

[David Foster]

More Ukraine vs. Russia war Propaganda:

Two totally opposite versions of what's happening.

Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:

This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU

must make up YOUR OWN MIND!


General Summary

We Are Far Inside the Storm Now. There Is No Turning Back. We Are Crossing the Rubicon.

Soon, at any moment, a turn of events will trigger the unbelievable. Our entire government will be invalidated. Biden, Harris, members of Congress and the Supreme Court will be removed. There will be a ‘temporary’ Coup d’etat with new elections, a new beginning. …Kayleigh Kennedy McEnany Mon. 18 Sept. 2023

…President Donald Trump Sat. 16 Sept. 2023

Freedom is best defended by individuals – each of us doing our part, Wherever We Live, Whatever Our Circumstances.

Freedom is Not Free Either to Obtain or Maintain.

The Price of Freedom of Expression comes with the price of kindness and civility, even toward those who express views we don’t share.

The price of Freedom of Worship includes respect for religions and faiths besides our own.

The price of Freedom from Want includes sacrificing and serving those in need.

The price of Freedom from Fear includes facing our fears with faith and courage.

Freedom is not just a feeling, or pronouncement.

Freedom is found in what we do each day, in the thoughts, efforts and actions of a Free People: Respect. Compassion. Peacemaking. Understanding.

It’s True:

Freedom is Not Free, And, as long as we are willing to pay the price, The Future of Freedom is Bright.

The Real News for Mon. 18 Sept. 2023:

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