Current Status 10-19-2020
[B]iden Family Corruption: [O]bama, [B]iden, [C]linton, [P]elosi, [S]oros Tied to Failed US Electrical Grid Attack? Byington as reported in Before It’s News:
Cuba was resetting their monetary system to be at 1:1 parity with the US Dollar (paragraph 6 “one (Cuban) Peso to the Dollar”).
Financial reset silver / gold big bang reset”:
New York Post - Hunter Biden Scandal with Steve Bannon:
Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back':
Big Tech tries to bury Biden story:
Twitter silences White House coronavirus task force member’s criticism of mask mandates:
View Dr. Joseph Mercola’s detailed description of Dr. Feullmich’s international legal team’s actions uncovering blatant, willful fraud from our so-called “experts” [WHO’s Tedros Adhanom, CDC’s Redfield, Gates, Fauci, etc, etc] here:
A US Military Intelligence Operation Fighting Off a Globalist Coup: What the Mainstream Media Was Afraid to Tell You:
Greatest Oct. Surprise in History Has Already Happened: COVID-19 Hoax: Canadian Dr. Malthouses Letter on COVID-19 Hoax:
