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“A Storm is Coming.”

Many Chinese troops were known to be stationed in both Canada and Mexico. There were massive troop movements across the US, Naval vessels stationed off both the East and West Coasts, plus multiple arrests being made on the 209,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office. For the past week a large movement of planes have been flying across the US and Europe, with stops at GITMO. There was reported to be lots of military activity in Iceland… See OMINOUS following =>

Trump has declared this week as Human Rights Week. It has been advised to have several weeks of food supply ready in case of a national shutdown of businesses. On Wed. 9 Dec. Q finally said after 25 days of silence, “We’re Not Going to Take It Anymore”:



By Fri. 11 Dec. Sydney Powell said that there should be at least three state cases – Michigan, Arizona, Penn. – before the Supreme Court with enough electoral votes to change the outcome of the election:

On Fri 18 Dec by law Director of National Intelligence Radcliffe was required to give to POTUS a report that would detail Election Fraud, Chinese Communist Party bribe monies and other Deep State Bribe Money [Rothschild, Soros, Wall Street bankster] that caused politicians, governors and state bureaucrats to commit obvious Election Fraud in favor of Biden.


If this is true

Trump to Shut down Main-Stream Media and Broadcast on the Emergency Communication Network…

Ten days of GITMO Trials and Global updates!!!

The Storm begins this weekend! [Thank You – Anne McLaughlin]

Nothing to See?

MI County Clerks Ordered to Delete all Election Data to Prevent Fraud Investigations (Video)

Good breakdown:

Of Texas Lawsuit for Supreme Court

On Tues. 8 Dec. the Congressional Inauguration Committee failed to pass a resolution acknowledging Biden as President-Elect.


Fox News Host Jeanine Pirro Utterly Lays Out Swamp “Reptile” AG Bill Barr

Trump Supporter’s House Bombed

Michigan Trump Supporter’s House Gets Bombed — Where in The World Is the Media?

*** Anti-vaccine speaker found dead [This is really disconcerting]

[Thank You – Dianne Dawson]

Michigan Whistle-blower: 5k ballots show up at 3:30 am after polls close, no chain of custody: House Republicans Ask for Special Counsel to Investigate 2020 Election: 17 States Urge Supreme Court to Review Texas Bid Challenging Election Results in 4 States

8 Dec. Charlie Ward and Mel K:

Chinese Spy Raised Money ofr Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell, Planted “Intern” in His Congressional Office:


Texas’ position in the Supreme Court election lawsuit

These states just made a big move to support Texas in bid to delay presidential elector appointment.

Missouri led a group of 17 states that Wednesday afternoon filed a brief with the Supreme Court supporting the Texas lawsuit aimed at delaying the appointment of presidential electors from Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The brief mirrors the argument of the Texas suit in saying that the states acted unconstitutionally when either their judiciaries or executive branches changed their elections laws. The Texas suit, and the states that support it, say that only state legislatures may set laws regarding how states appoint their presidential electors. The brief, which is officially a motion for leave to file a bill of complaint, also warns that the changes enacted by the state executives and judicial branches opened the states' elections up to potential fraud.

RNC Joins the Legal Fight Against Georgia, Files Lawsuit Alleging Violations of Election, Demands Fixes

Important Items for you to consider:


Hunter Biden Email Names Kamala Harris, and Others as Key Contacts for ‘Joint Venture’ With China Energy Co.

Make Them Pay”:

Michigan State Rep. Cynthia Johnson Instructs “Soldiers” to Go After Trump Supporters



9 Dec. COV_ID Rules till 2030: The Deep State's Great Reset, Peter B. Meyer

Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, Kissinger et al, have never made a secret out of their strong opinion that the world is over-populated and that the number of people must be literally drastically reduced via Bill Gates initiated, and WHO-supported vaccination programs. Scandals of such disastrous vaccine programs resulting in children’s death were in the 1990s recorded in India, in 2014 in Kenya and recently in other parts of the world.

Due to suppression, very few people know that there is a criminal bioterrorism action filed in Prague Czech Republic on April 21, 2020. This team is far ahead on case research, evidence; documentation in hand supports the subpoenas and court orders to force disclosure across nations. Most of the current lawsuits are nation specific or based on laws that will not stop this assault on humanity.

That Czech lawsuit is being joined to the US District Court in its entirety with the result the government sold out their own citizens. Interested parties are welcome to contact the Lead Plaintiff. UK Supreme Court Judge Slams ‘Totalitarian’ COV_ID ‘Control Freaks’

Health Canada approves Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine | CBC News

[Thank You – Carol Roch]

Hundreds of CBC staff sign open letter against broadcaster’s paid-content plans [Thank You – Carol Roch]

French army gets ethical go-ahead for bionic soldiers – CNN [Thank You – Carol Roch]

London-designed game-changing technology in the fight against COVID-19 going global

[Thank You – Carol Roch]

Britain warns people with serious allergies to avoid Pfizer vaccine after two adverse reactions

[Thank You – Carol Roch]

John Ivison: Trudeau's half-brother is an anti-vaxxer, bitcoin entrepreneur and (affectionate) critic of the PM

'I’m seeing sensible, intelligent people – ... my family, our elected representatives – willing to sacrifice their basic human rights in response to this COVID crisis,' Kyle Kemper says.

*** Georgia GOP files FEC complaint alleging coordination between Ossoff campaign and super PAC

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