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Wednesday - halfway through a very Busy Week!

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

10-6-21 Wednesday -


The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:16 KJV

but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another,

and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

1 John 1:7 KJV

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning,

that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Romans 15:4 KJV


For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…

Disclaimer: All articles, videos,and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.

💥 💥💥💥💥

Thought of the Day!

The Printer: Benjamin Franklin was rightfully known as an inventor and Founding Father. This elder statesman was hardworking and funny with humble manners and lofty dreams, who provided a quintessential model for generations of Americans to come. The Preacher: George Whitefield proclaimed the Gospel passionately, igniting what became one of the formative events in American history – the Great Awakening. In open fields and churches filled to the rafters, tens of thousands heard his plea, “You must be born again.” The Printer and The Preacher The Printer and the Preacher is a look into the unlikely friendship between Benjamin Franklin and George Whitfield. Together, these two men helped establish a nation founded on liberty while defining the values that make us uniquely American.

Sections divide Material into meaningful Groups

First… PRAISE:


#2. COVID-19



La Palma:

Canary Islands volcano increasingly aggressive as Spain's leader announces emergency funds:

💥(CNN) The Cumbre Vieja volcano on the Spanish island of La Palma is now erupting even more aggressively after weeks of gushing lava, Spain's Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) said Sunday.

The volcano's activity "continues to be intense" and a new crater was discovered Saturday, the Canary Islands government and IGN said in a joint statement.

"It doesn't look like it's close to ending yet, because of the millions of cubic meters of lava that the volcano is throwing out," said Canary Islands President Ángel Víctor Torres at a press conference Sunday.

More than 1,000 homes have been destroyed since the volcano first erupted, according to the IGN. The volcano's earlier emissions also sent clouds of steam, smoke and toxic gases into the sky, forcing local residents into lock down.

In a positive sign, the technical director of the Canary Islands' emergency volcano response committee, Miguel Ángel Morcuende, Saturday that air quality had improved enough to lift local stay-at-home measures.

“We’re still in the middle of this…”

[Patrick Bestall]


Celebration with Will Graham this Month in LONDON, ON

If you have any inclination to Help with the Evangelistic Outreach here in London this Month…

Then please CLICK on this Link and VOLUNTEER!

Thanks so much for your patience with me this morning Don, it was great to talk with you. I am sending you the link that you can forward to as many friends as you believe would be interested in volunteering as well.

Thanks so much and God bless,

Heather Friesen

Phone Contact Team Member

Samaritan’s Purse Canada

20 Hopewell Way NE

Calgary, AB T3J 5H5

403-250-6566 ext 8573


Ivermectin Cures India

While many governments are committing genocide, look what can be done if they honestly "followed the science".

💥The most populated state in India, Uttar Pradesh with nearly two hundred million people - once a covid hot spot – is now a covid free region since their government promoted the use of ivermectin to treat covid.

As ivermectin saves lives of vulnerable people in India, Canadians are denied it and forced into dangerous injections.

Everything in this short concise video is accurate, and the tongue in cheek humor is great.

[The Trozzi Team]


The World has gone Insane:

💥💥Gay Filipino social media influencer Bretman Rock, 23, has taken the cover of Playboy's 2021 digital issue. The men's lifestyle magazine in 2020 featured singer-songwriter Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio on a cover, making him the first ever male cover star aside from the magazine empire's founder, the late Hugh Hefner. What are the details? Rock is gay, according to Pink News, and told the magazine, "For Playboy to have a male on the cover is a huge deal for the LGBT community, for my brown people community and it's all so surreal. A total 'Is this even f***ing happening right now?' type of vibe. And I'm so pretty."

[Dan Brooks]

Dr Fauci & Co (2019) 'Why Don't We Just Blow the System Up':

Full video of 2019 meeting at

[Richard Phillips]

The World has Gone INSANE:

A Very Sad Day in ONTARIO:

It was the Doug Ford Conservatives and Government House Leader Paul Calandra-MPP for Markham-Stouffville who defeated Roman Baber's bill.....Hear his announcement here!

[Billie Jo Green]


💥💥I can't believe that it was the Conservatives that ended Roman Baber's Jobs and Jabs' bill - leaving hundreds of thousands of us without work because we chose health over food on the table. I lost (all) three part-time jobs in three weeks in Sept. NOT because of improperly doing my work for any of my employers, but because of government tyranny saying we were terminated for cause because we chose to keep our greatest freedom in the Charter of Rights - over not having some medical procedure done on our body.

💥Interestingly enough, it was pretty clear it was NOT about health and safety, but about control. No employer (of mine) would agree to an antibody test to show you [I] were safe (since then they'd know you'd had the virus and wouldn't ever get it again or get any of its variants) and could stop the needless expense of repeated swab testing (which the Town of St. Marys said you had to pay for - twice a week. Obviously, they didn't want you to not take the jab, because it would cost you 2x $40 = $80 to earn $42?????? for five more weeks of work, only to be laid off for two, then terminated for cause.)

Are you seeing what is coming with the War Measures Act? (for a state of emergency we are NOT in!) Good Grief. Our government is selling us out and abusing us - are they being bribed or threatened or simply brainwashed to be controlled! Dear God, give us men who will not sell out, but will stand and fight for our rights and restore Canada's freedom, in Jesus' Name.

I don't know what to say. Other than, Jesus is our ONLY HOPE - and His Rescue ticks closer - only those who are watching and waiting and are prepared (Matt. 25) will be SNATCHED to meet the Lord in the air, just before God's Judgement Falls on our wicked earth - first time God Destroyed the world with water, second time will be with fire. [Dianne Dawson]

#2. COVID-19


Healthy Young Mother Dies of Vaccine-Induced Blood Clot. Then Twitter Censors Her Obituary.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Jessica Berg Wilson’s husband and uncle said Twitter censored Jessica’s obituary, because it attributed her death to vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia caused by the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine.

💥💥The Defender is experiencing censorship on many social channels. Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the day. It's free.

Jessica Berg Wilson, a 37-year-old stay-at-home mother from Washington, was a healthy and vibrant woman who passed away suddenly on Sept. 7. According to Jessica’s obituary, doctors diagnosed her with vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT).

VITT is a rare, and sometimes fatal, blood-clotting condition triggered by COVID vaccines.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Tom Wilson, Jessica’s husband, and Thomas Ivancie, her uncle, said Twitter’s fact-checkers — who have never spoken with their family to verify Jessica’s story — affixed “misleading” and “misinformation” labels to her obituary.

Because of the Twitter labels, people couldn’t interact with Jessica’s obituary, or share the story.

On Aug. 29, Jessica went to a Seattle pharmacy to get her COVID vaccine and was told she would be receiving the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) shot. Jessica had no underlying health conditions, her husband said. [Dino Ciccone]

Ontario doctor resigns over forced vaccines,

Says 80% of ER patients with mysterious issues had both shots:

💥💥OWEN SOUND, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) Dr. Rochagné Kilian recently resigned as an emergency room and family practice physician due to her concerns that the Ontario health system and Grey Bruce Health Services (GBHS) crossed ethical lines throughout the pandemic.

In a virtual meeting that included GBHS CEO Gary Sims and other staff members, Dr. Kilian asked Sims a series of questions about what she believes is unethical behaviour on behalf of the Ontario health system at all levels. Sims appeared to be unprepared for difficult questions pertaining to the ongoing rollout of vaccination mandates and vaccine segregation restrictions the Ontario heath system is championing.

Kilian estimated that 80 percent of the patients she saw in the ER during the past month who had inexplicable symptoms were “double vaxxed.”

Dr. Kilian relocated to Owen Sound a small city in Grey County, Ontariofrom South Africa after previously working in British Columbia. When she resettled in Owen Sound with her family, she expressed to a local paper how happy she was to live there: “Our recruitment to Owen Sound might have been by chance, but our choice to settle here was definitely not. Our four months in Owen Sound have been blessed. A little town with lots of soul, surrounded by beautiful landscapes, filled with welcoming residents and businesses, and exciting festivals, programs and activities. We truly feel fortunate to raise a family here.” [Les Breznyansky]

Dr. Deena Hinshaw takes vacation after claiming to be too busy for trial:

CALGARY: Dr. Deena Hinshaw is too busy to testify in defence of her Health Orders, but not too busy to take a vacation during the days she was scheduled to testify in court.

The Justice Centre challenged the constitutionality of Dr. Hinshaw’s health orders, with the litigation commencing in December 2020. The legal case has been delayed repeatedly by the Alberta government in the past ten months. The Alberta government did not provide the court with evidence to justify its Charter-violating lockdown measures until July of 2021. Dr. Hinshaw was scheduled to be cross-examined at trial on September 27 and 28.

Justice Update:

Alberta’s chief medical officer dodges court to vacation; Defending doctors’ free speech; Challenging Vax Passports


[Dino Ciccone]

An example of MOH Covid number date manipulation:

💥I just read the daily and weekly Prov of Ontario Health summary report ( it is always 26 pages) on where and who COVID has attached to As you know on the news it will be stated "there are 535 hospitalizations due to covid" Here is the link below, no need to read it.

However, on page 28 buried it does say the following:

💥💥Hospitalization includes all cases for which a hospital admission date was reported or hospitalization/ICU was reported as ‘Yes’ at the time of data extraction. It includes cases that have been discharged from hospital as well as cases that are currently hospitalized.

  • · ICU admission includes all cases for which an ICU admission date was reported at the time of data extraction. It is a subset of the count of hospitalized cases. It includes cases that have been treated or that are currently being treated in an ICU.

So discharged patients are being included in the hospitalization numbers which really is a false statement.

Also, what else I learned was a positive test does not actually mean an equal number of individuals.

For example, if one patient has four tests completed and it yields as FOUR positive tests then it is reported as four cases of COVID instead only one case. [Dino Ciccone]

Why vaccine passports are illegal in Canada:

💥Nicholas Wansbutter, a criminal defense lawyer and host of Don’t Talk TV, talks about vaccine passports in Canada. According to him, vaccine passports are extremely problematic for two reasons:

  • 1) issue of consent and

  • 2) human rights implications.

[Dino Ciccone]

Destroying the narrative:

Twenty [20] more reasons why a Covid 19 pandemic never existed:

💥“It’s completely understandable that people want to get on with their lives, but we will not be going back to the old normal.” – WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

“Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal…The short response is never. Nothing will ever return to the ‘broken’ sense of normalcy that prevailed prior to the crisis because the coronavirus pandemic marks a fundamental inflection point in our global trajectory.” Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum

[Dino Ciccone]


Dr. Tenpenny:

LISTEN: This Week with Dr. T and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich PLUS you will want to hear our Deep Dive for an EXCLUSIVE discussion with Reiner that you have never heard before.

💥💥BREAKING NEWS: This Leaked DoD-stamped Document from Attorney Tom Renz, confirms multiple lies about numbers of vaccinated deaths and hospitalizations. Tom speaks out about his proof that the shots are NOT Safe and NOT Effective. "Fauci and Biden lied. This is the presentation that will prove that". See below for more.

Dr. Tenpenny and Attorney Reiner Fuellmich

Infamous German lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich, joins Dr. Tenpenny on a two-part interview to offer you his latest update and a never before heard, Deep Dive discussion that you definitely will want to hear.

"One reason for the government's encroaching actions is the lack of judicial independence. The perpetrators of the crisis must be held legally accountable." Click HERE to listen to Part 1 of our interview on This Week with Dr. Tenpenny


Evening News & Headlines:

💥💥I have started watching the half hour Evening News produced by Church Militant, and I'm hooked! Try it!

Even though it's US based, they include world news. That's how I found out about the 140,000 Ontario Businesses Against the Health Passport. It's a very professional and informative conservative newscast, the kind we used to enjoy when I was growing up watching Larry Henderson at 11 pm on CBC and then CTV. (Larry was converted by Malcolm Muggeridge.) They also have 3-minute Headlines if you're busy. Both are free if you just skim down on the right side of the Church Militant page. Even if you're not Catholic you'll enjoy it. They spare not words critical of leftist activity in the RC Church. I may become a Premium Subscriber. Here is the link. Use it any day you want to catch the latest news. Real news, not state manipulated propaganda. [Patrick Bestall]


Billionaire Donates 98% of Private Funds Raised for Texas Border Wall

Billionaire Timothy Mellon has contributed nearly 98% of the donations to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s $54 million border wall fund, The Texas Tribune reported on Wednesday. Mellon, who is based in Wyoming and the grandson of banking tycoon and former U.S. Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, donated $53.1 million in stock to Texas in August, according to public records.

Before Mellon’s donation, Abbott’s private fundraising campaign, which started in June, had raised only about $1.25 million in its first two months.

Mellon was a major donor to the reelection campaign of former President Donald Trump and has also in the past contributed money to defend legislation targeting immigrants.

Forbes has estimated that Mellon’s worth is about $1 billion in recent years. [Newsmax]

“My Son is Dead, He Took the Vaccine – They’re Killing Us” – Pastor from Trinidad Mourns After Son Died One Day After Receiving COVID-19 Shot (VIDEO)

Pastor Marva Peschier of Trinidad and Tobago mourned the loss of her son who died after taking the COVID-19 shot. She already lost another son before.

According to Pastor Peschier, her son took the vaccine on September 17th. He then suffered a massive stroke and experienced an internal hemorrhage of the brain on the same day. Her son was rushed to Mt. Hope Hospital and was pronounced dead on September 18th.

On September 18, Pastor Peschier took a live video on Facebook and expressed her outrage. Facebook has taken down the video on its platform.

According to a report, health officials decided to meet up with pastor Marva Peschier after her viral video. [Jim Hoft]

[Richard Phillips]

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - ‘In-His-IMAGE’!


💥Revelations says constantly “Those with Ears must HEAR”. Now LISTEN to this, as God is revealing to us the EVIL amongst us!

100+ Ontario Youth Sent to hospital for vaccine related heart problems:

According to a report released last week by Public Health Ontario, as of Aug. 7, there were 106 incidents of post-vaccine myocarditis and pericarditis in people under the age of 25 in Ontario.

The Defender is experiencing censorship on many social channels. Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the day. It's free.

A report released last week by Public Health Ontario (PHO) showed the incidence of heart inflammation following mRNA vaccination was significantly more prevalent in young people.

As of Aug. 7, there were 106 incidents of myocarditis and pericarditis in people under the age of 25 in Ontario — slightly more than half of the total of all such incidents, the Toronto Sun reported.

There were 31 cases in the 12- to 17-year age group and 75 cases in 18- to 24-year-olds. Eighty percent of all cases were in males.

[Dino Ciccone]

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