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Finally it's FRIDAY

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Friday 2-23-24

Verses for today:

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

John 1:12 KJV


And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.

Zechariah 14:9 KJV


The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

John 1:29 KJV



Nova Scotia drops COVID vaccine mandate for healthcare workers amid ongoing staffing crisis – LifeSite:

The Nova Scotia Health Authority is allowing unvaccinated staff to return to work when the new policy takes effect on February 26 after more than two years of being on unpaid leave.

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia (LifeSiteNews) — Nova Scotia has dropped its vaccine mandate for healthcare workers amid an ongoing staff crisis.


On February 21, the Nova Scotia Health Authority announced that it will no longer require proof of COVID-19 vaccination for healthcare workers and is encouraging staff members who were suspended because of the mandate to return to work.

“By removing the mandatory vaccination requirement, both organizations aim to offer flexibility and support to employees, onsite medical staff, and preferred candidates,”

Read a joint statement from Nova Scotia Health and IWK Health.

“Staff members who chose not to receive vaccines or submit proof of immunization, when the policy was implemented, may have the opportunity to return to active employment,” the statement promised. Under the new policy set to take effect February 26, staff members “who chose not to receive vaccines or submit proof of immunization will be eligible to apply for onsite medical privileges with Nova Scotia Health and IWK Health, provided they meet all other necessary job requirements.

Starting in November 2021, Nova Scotia mandated the experimental vaccine for healthcare workers. Those who refused the shot were placed on unpaid leave.

 According to a letter sent to The Canadian Independent, the province is telling unvaccinated healthcare workers to return to work when the new policy takes effect.

The email informed them that it is “imperative” to reach out to their manager to “confirm your intention to return to work or resign employment with Nova Scotia Health.”

“If you do not reach out to your manager by March 15, 2024, you shall be deemed to have resigned employment from Nova Scotia Health,” it warned.

“We understand this update may raise questions and concerns associated with a return to work,” the email stated. “We encourage you to reach out to your manager to discuss any supports and resources you may need to assist with your transition back to the workplace.”


The policy change comes amid record-high healthcare wait times of 27.7 weeks, the longest in the past 30 years and 198% longer than the 1993 average of 9.3 weeks.

The data surveyed 1,200 Canadian doctors across 12 specialties and 10 provinces. The report found that Nova Scotia had the longest wait time of 56.7 weeks, followed by Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick with 55.2 weeks and 52.6 weeks, respectively.


Vaccine mandates for healthcare workers remain in place across Canada despite the critical staff shortages in hospitals. While some provincial governments have lifted their mandates, many hospitals still require the experimental vaccine.


Donna Warren


 Strange Cancers:

See this article about the fake meat grown in a lab for public consumption.  I found it in today's blog and it caught my attention for more than one reason.  Gates says there's no evidence that the "immortalized" cells (perpetually multiplying like cancer cells) are harmful to humans, but that's because long-term safety data for its consumption are not yet available!  (Sound familiar?) 


I find it disturbing that any kind of cells can take on a life of their own and keep growing.  Have you ever seen the heads and faces that form on some cancer tumors?  With hair, and eyes and a mouth with teeth...yeah, I'd rather not show it to you here.  The pictures are in the attached Word document [found in the NOTICE of this BLOG on Friday].  I mean, when it comes to cancerous cells there's some very weird happenings we don't fully understand and don't want to look at.

Patrick Bestall



A damning new report just vindicated Donald Trump with one word about the Deep State:

Permanent Washington never wanted Donald Trump in the White House.

He was too much of a wildcard.

But now a damning new report just vindicated Donald Trump with one word about the Deep State.

The Democrats and their media allies have attempted to convince the public that Russiagate was the biggest political scandal in American history.


They were right.

But the scandal was not perpetrated by Donald Trump; it was executed by his political opponents.

The entire Russian collusion narrative hinged on the assumption that Vladimir Putin preferred Donald Trump as President in the 2016 election because he had compromising information on Trump, or he thought he would be easier to manage.


But that assumption was based on “cooked” intelligence, according to sources.

Journalists Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, and Alex Gutentag spoke with officials within the intelligence community who revealed that Putin actually preferred Hillary Clinton.


Putin preferred Hillary

The journalists wrote in the final installment of their three-part series, “‘They cooked the intelligence,’ says a source close to a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia scandal, whose full findings are being blocked from release. ‘They made it look like Putin supported Trump,’ the source added. ‘The evidence points the other way.’”

In the last days of Trump’s Presidency, he attempted to release intelligence reports related to Russiagate, but they were blocked by then-CIA Director Gina Haspel.


Former CIA Director John Brennan and fellow authors of the crucial Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) “embellished” reports to build the narrative that Trump was Russia’s preferred candidate.

They did so by giving more credence to more dubious intelligence information.


U.S. Intel assessments reportedly manipulated to hide Russia’s Hillary preference; build narrative against Trump:

The sources told the three journalists, “They upgraded in the writing of their report to let those sources have more credibility and a higher rating. We caught them on 3-4 items where those people didn’t have a credible historic reporting line and changed the source rating for that Brennan report.”

The sources added that the Russians viewed Clinton as “manageable and reflecting continuity. It was a relationship they were comfortable with…. there was no real evidence that Russia supported Trump. They were trying to make this bizarre case.”


Considering the Clintons’ and the Podestas’ business dealings in Russia, it certainly stands to reason that the Russians were “comfortable with” a mythical Hillary Clinton Administration.

The sources also told Taibbi, Shellenberger, and Gutentag,

“We looked at the report and the sourcing they used to evaluate the sourcing, and then we dug further to look at the data available to them that they didn’t use, and it overwhelmingly contradicted their conclusions that Russia supported Trump…They thought they could damage Trump…It had nothing to do with our relationship with Russia. It was just leveraging capabilities to undermine this rookie unprepared Trump campaign because they were easy marks.”


The Deep State could definitely clear up Russiagate once and for all and declassify all of the documents, but thus far, there is no will, to do so.

The reason why seems obvious.

Un-Muzzled New




Current NEWS Updates... Friday, February 23rd, 2024


Murray N. Rothbard

David Gornoski

James Bovard

Tom Woods

Paul Craig Roberts

Tucker Carlson

Chris Hedges

Edward Curtin

Brandon Smith

Charles Hugh Smith

J.B. Shurk

Moon of Alabama




UN Watch:

Ever heard of them?  UN Watch produced an excellent 7-minute video describing the degeneration of the United Nations since it was created.

And here's their latest effort, exposing the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNWRA)

Enough is enough. UNRWA must be dissolved and replaced.  Sign our petition now: In the last few weeks, it has been revealed that: 

  • 12 UNRWA staff took part in the October 7th massacre.  

  •       1,200 UNRWA staff in Gaza are members of terrorist groups.  

  •       3,000 UNRWA teachers were in a Telegram group that celebrated October 7th.  

      Hamas built a terror tunnel directly below UNRWA Headquarters in Gaza, hiding a computer intelligence center that was powered by the agency’s electrical grid.   


The UN and its secretary-general Antonio Guterres cannot pretend they are “horrified” by this news. Because for the last decade, UN Watch sent them countless warnings about UNRWA staff support for terrorism. 


Aid should flow through other agencies which already operate in Gaza, and which are experts at this task everywhere else in the world, such as the WHO, the World Food Programme, or UNICEF. Enough is enough. It’s time to stop the perverse logic of an agency that perpetuates war. It’s time to replace UNRWA.

Patrick Bestall



Cholesterol drugs 'shrouded in secrecy and riddled with huge financial conflicts of interest' - Professor Peter Gøtzsche

Billion-dollar industry profits from 'disease-mongering' even among symptom-free 'customers'

Story in a flash:

  • ·         Statin drugs, prescribed worldwide to individuals at risk of heart disease and/or who have high cholesterol, are a highly profitable class of drugs.

  • ·         Thousands of lawsuits have been filed against the FDA and manufacturers alleging serious adverse events. 

  • ·         Clinical trial side effects data for statins have yet to be made public, even as people continue to suffer serious adverse effects. 


Prophylactic medicine 

If you go in for a routine check-up and have never experienced any chest pain, even during rigorous exercise, but have high cholesterol levels, are diabetic, are 40 to 75 years of age, or are determined to be at sufficient ASCVD (atherosclerotic vascular disease) risk after a clinician-patient risk discussion, you may be prescribed a cholesterol-lowering drug as a “first-line treatment for primary prevention of ASCVD.”[1],[2]


Patients prescribed these drugs thus join women who have been told to remove their breasts and ovaries to prevent a possible cancer even though they are completely symptom-free. Like vaccines and bone-density testing, these drugs, tests, and procedures form a part of a massive “disease-mongering” market for Pharma, in which “[t]he social construction of illness is being replaced by the corporate construction of disease," as Ray Moynihan, et al, explained in an article carried in the BMJ:

There's a lot of money to be made from telling healthy people they're sick. Some forms of medicalising ordinary life may now be better described as disease mongering: widening the boundaries of treatable illness in order to expand markets for those who sell and deliver treatments. Pharmaceutical companies are actively involved in sponsoring the definition of diseases and promoting them to both prescribers and consumers. The social construction of illness is being replaced by the corporate construction of disease.[3] (Emphases added.)


Even for the stars

Angelina Jolie underwent a prophylactic double mastectomy based merely on a genetic test. But recent research cited by What Doctors Don't Tell You explains that having the BRCA 1 gene mutation (considered a potential breast cancer risk for which the genetic testing screened) may not have been the death sentence she believed it was and that she had other options:[4]

. . . the Southampton researchers point out. One in 800 women carries mutated BRCA 1 or 2 genes, which cause just 5 percent of all breast cancers – and they’re not quite the death sentence that everyone thinks.

. . .but Angelina Jolie had more time than her doctors suggested. And a double mastectomy isn’t the only response: there were plenty of lifestyle changes that could have reduced her risk. But, then, her doctors never told her that.


Multi-billion-dollar statin market

Symptom-free people are among the two hundred million worldwide,[5] including 47 million Americans, who have been prescribed statins.[6]  

Statins, the predominant class of cholesterol-lowering drugs, are highly profitable. The worldwide statin market, according to Maximize Market Research’s graph below, is projected to grow from $14.95 billion in 2022 to $18.39 billion by 2029.[7]

Injured parties want their day in court.

Asymptomatic people who are prescribed statins may assume they have nothing to lose by taking a preventive medication. However, despite their near ubiquitous use among those meeting their health department's criteria, statin manufacturers and even the FDA have been beset by statin-related lawsuits due to the serious adverse effects that thousands of statin users have experienced.[8]

Over twenty-five thousand people have filed a class action lawsuit against the FDA. They are accusing the agency of not properly evaluating the health risks associated with these drugs, as Weston reported for Law Bench. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of people who have experienced, either directly or indirectly, statin adverse effects including cardiac arrest, rashes, cognitive impairment, gastrointestinal complications, paralysis, and more:[9]

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit are asking for compensation for suffering, disability, loss of enjoyment, and funeral expenses that have resulted from these drugs. The FDA claims that it was not negligent in approving statin A. The courts, however, are considering different factors when deciding whether or not the FDA was at fault. 

One factor is how the FDA approved the drug. The manufacturer of statin A had a contract with the Food and Drug Administration that dictating [sic] exactly how the drug would be approved. Other factors considered by the courts include the fact that the manufacturer knew of the risks of heart problems even before the FDA approved it and still went ahead with the release of the drug. 

Pfizer has had at least two thousand lawsuits filed against it by plaintiffs claiming that the drug caused their diabetes. They have stated that the company failed to sufficiently warn patients of the drug's risks while aggressively promoting Pfizer's product over others, as USA Legal reported. Only those who took the drug before 2012, when Pfizer issued a warning, were able to join the class action suit.[10] 

Nolo reporter Charles Craine, in a report on statin lawsuits, noted that Pfizer has also faced lawsuits claiming neuropathy and muscle tissue damage.[11]

Craine also noted that Bayer has been sued by thousands of people who used its statin Baycol and claimed that it caused muscle tissue damage and was linked to 31 deaths. The drug was taken off the market in 2001 and in 2005 the company paid out $1 billion to settle the lawsuits.[12]

Astra Zeneca settled a variety of lawsuits against the company for its cholesterol-lowering drug Crestor, as Drugwatch’s Elaine Silvestrini reported.[13] Those lawsuits have all been dismissed, withdrawn, or quietly settled. AstraZeneca agreed to pay $110 million to resolv

e a Texas whistleblower lawsuit about false and misleading marketing of Crestor and another drug under a settlement announced in August 2018. Suits for product liability include claims that Crestor caused diabetes, liver damage, and rhabdomyolysis, a serious muscle injury that can damage the kidneys.

Lawsuits said AstraZeneca failed to warn the public about the risks of taking Crestor. They also accused the company of deceptively and misleadingly promoting the drug. And they alleged AstraZeneca failed to adequately test Crestor.


Cognitive decline 

Spacedoc is a website founded by a former astronaut, the late Dr. Duane Graveline, where he recorded his devastating experience with statin drugs; the site also serves as a repository for information about statins, health conditions, and other people's personal experiences with statins. 


Graveline took two courses of a statin medication for a total of five months. The first time he took the drug, in 1999, he lost his memory for six hours after which he stopped the drug. A year later, at the behest of his doctor, he tried it again. This second time he lost all memory beyond the age of 13 for twelve hours and never took a statin again.


However, he was left with muscle damage from which he was never able to heal; he ultimately succumbed to statin-induced ALS in 2016.[14] This is the beginning of his story:

When I first wrote of my personal side effects of Lipitor, my words were focused purely on transient global amnesia (TGA). This is because in 1999, shortly after this drug was started by my doctors at Johnson Space Center as part of my annual astronaut physical, this is what I experienced.


A year later, they re-started me on the same statin, Lipitor, at half the previous dose saying that my first 6-hour episode of TGA was only a coincidence.


Two months later I again experienced TGA. For twelve hours I was a thirteen-year-old high school student who knew my subjects, teachers and every kid in my class (according to my worried wife) but with no memory of my entire adult life.


I laughed when they told me I was married with children and a doctor. I could not have doctored a mouse and certainly had no children. I was thirteen! Fifty-six years of rich and fulfilled adult life had vanished from my mind as if it had never occurred. [Emphases added.]


The amnesia may have disappeared, but Graveline found himself experiencing neuromuscular effects of the drug even though he had discontinued it. 

After my recovery and after several years of research on statin drug side effects, I considered myself to be lucky to have had only TGA, for when it is over, you are back to normal. Not so for most of the other statin victims in my bulging repository with their persistent neuromuscular problems, short term memory loss and ALS and Parkinsonism-like reactions.


But now, having read thousands of reports from statin-damaged people, I wonder what the true effect of a statin really has been on my body? For suddenly, in two and one-half years, I have grown old.

By 2003 I had noted the gradual onset of unusual tiredness, easy fatigability, and weakness. Cutting and splitting my own wood now required surprising effort. Then it seemed my low back and legs ached uncomfortably after only minimal exercise as if they had been strained excessively. I experienced no discomfort during sleep or recumbency, only after activity. My flowerbeds went untended.  [Emphases added.]


Memory impairment not recognized as drug-related

Statin users experiencing cognitive impairment may not even link it to the cholesterol-lowering drugs they are taking. Such was the case with Jonathan McDonagh who had not thought to associate his memory problems with a drug for cardiac health until he forgot to refill his prescription and began feeling better, as was related by Michael Nedelmen for CNN Health:[15]


“I found myself slowly sinking into a sea of troubles,” McDonagh wrote in a medical journal in 2014, offering his perspective as a patient. “I didn’t connect my problems with the statin.”

Statins were also verified as causing neurocognitive disorder based on FAERS, the FDA adverse event reporting system, as research by Min Xiao, et al, published in the journal Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology revealed.[16]

In the following tweet an unidentified woman, likely a doctor, discusses the adverse effects of Lipitor and how one person recovered her memory after she stopped taking it:

Front Line News



Artificial Intelligence is awfully stupid:

Google recently dropped its new 1.5 update to its Gemini AI platform, which allows users to ask questions like they would on Open AI's ChatGPT or X's Grok. Gemini is pretty powerful: You can upload an entire video and it'll summarize it within seconds. It can critique multiple books at the same time. It knows what it is watching and reading, which is cool but scary as heck.


Sadly, one thing Google has baked into the cake is Marxist "diversity, equity, and inclusion," the new religious teaching of the woke commies that says everything, and everyone must look different while believing exactly what they believe at the same time.


Users immediately noticed that Gemini is OBSESSED, like its creators, with skin color, sex/gender, and sexuality. It also refuses to depict white people, especially white men - and when it does comply, the white men end up being black women (no joke).

Patrick Bestall




Institute for Christian Studies - Centre for Philosophy, Religion and Social Ethics:

They're full of lefties.  Don't let the name fool you.  I did a quick search because I'm suspicious of anything KAIROS promotes.  Sure enough.  Here is one of the ICS speakers: Kristin Kobes Du Mez PhD - Historian, Writer, Speaker

Check their Facebook page for the thinly veiled political agenda.

From creation to new creation, the lament of the land to the grief of God, the Bible narrates the desire of the Creator to inhabit and rejoice in the wondrous and diverse creation that surrounds us. How does such a desire shape our response to the crisis of our age? And how does creation help us to understand the story of the Creator?Join us online or in person on February 26 at 2pm ET for this semester's Scripture, Faith, and Scholarship Symposium with Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat, presenting on the topic: Seeds of Resistance and Healing: Grounding the Bible.This event is free and everyone is welcome! Details about the location and the link to join via Zoom can be found here:


Southwestern Ontario KAIROS Ordinary Canadians, of faith and conscience, working together for extraordinary change. Our goal is to support the work already being done in our community to foster justice. Please share your activities with us and we will pass these e-mails along. Although SWO KAIROS supports KAIROS we are an independent  community group.

Let's make a difference together!

Patrick Bestall



Warning: This Website May Harm Your Preconceptions:

Global Research Newsletter


The Powers-that-be do not like websites that question or contradict the Official Narratives, whether those narratives pertain to the Covid plandemic, the “safe and effective” Covid clot-shots that are actually quite harmful, climate change alarmism, the US/NATO war against Russia via proxy Ukraine, the subservience of the US Democrat/RINO Uniparty to globalist forces, or the ongoing US-backed Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people.


Due to pressure from the gender lobby, the distinction between the sexes in competitions is increasingly blurred, which threatens the survival of sport as a whole, but even more particularly of women’s sport.

The Mongol Eurasian Empire 1206−1405:

History remembers the Mongols as a pastoral nomadic people from Central Asia who made a significant impression on the world’s history. In essence, the Mongol territorial occupation was of a scope and range never equaled as stretching from Central Europe to the Korean Peninsula and from the middle of Siberia to Asia Minor and the Persian Gulf.

With each step, with each successive advancement in weaponized technology — which come faster and faster as the rate of development skyrockets — the corporate state inches closer to achieving its ultimate objective of totalitarian control.

Identifying Imperial Venality:

The appeal to the High Court, comprising Justice Jeremy Johnson and Dame Victoria Sharp, challenges the extradition order by the Home Secretary and the conclusions of District Judge Vanessa Baraitser who, despite ordering his release on risks posed to him on mental health grounds, fundamentally agreed with the prosecution

Global Research Newsletter




White House staff are enraged after this Leftist media outlet turned their back on Biden:

The president is becoming harder and harder to support for Democrats. His administration has been a total failure thus far.


And White House staff are enraged after this Leftist media outlet turned their back on Biden.

At 81 years old, President Joe Biden is by far the oldest president the United States has ever had.

If he ends up winning reelection, he’ll be 86 by the time he leaves office.

And Biden hasn’t done anything to help voters believe that he’s mentally sharp despite being an octogenarian.

This has led to media outlets criticizing the president for his age and the fact that he’s running for reelection at 81.

One outlet in particular, angered the White House for its coverage of Biden’s age.

That outlet is The New York Times, which is considered a Left-leaning news publication.


While interviewing with the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, NYT publisher A.G. Sulzberger said that “we are going to continue to report fully and fairly, not just on Donald Trump but also on President Joe Biden.”

He also mentioned that Biden “is a historically unpopular incumbent and the oldest man to ever hold this office. We’ve reported on both of those realities extensively, and the White House has been extremely upset about it.”

Of course the Biden White House can’t stomach the fact that the Times is for once not giving them a glowing review like they usually do.


It blows their mind that a liberal news outlet can even utter a single bad thing about the Biden administration.

But not only is the White House frustrated with the Times’ coverage of Biden and his age, NYT’s current and former employees and affiliates are frustrated as well.


According to a report from POLITICO, “Last week, former New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan said she found the coverage of this news, specifically in her old Times haunt, completely overcooked.”

“Sullivan wrote that she wishes that Sulzberger would instruct his opinion editor and the top news editor to cease ‘going overboard with both coverage and commentary about Biden’s age’ and ‘tone it down.'”

This is just another example of radical Leftists losing their minds because they not getting biased coverage lobbed their way.

They’ve been coddled by the media for so many years they probably don’t know what it’s like for the mainstream media to give them negative press.

And as for Republicans, they shouldn’t buy into the idea that media publications like the Times has abandoned the Left for good.

But it’s nice to see Democrats, particularly Joe Biden, receive fair coverage for once.

The Federalist Wire



Donald Trump ended Nikki Haley’s campaign with this one sentence:

Haley has been fighting a losing battle for months now. She refuses to drop out.

But Donald Trump ended Nikki Haley’s campaign with this one sentence.


Former President Donald Trump stated Tuesday night that he believes former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is still in the presidential race because she doesn’t know how to withdraw.

Trump made the remarks during a town hall gathering after Haley had a press conference earlier in the day, stating that she would defy rising calls to drop out despite being about 60 points behind Trump nationally.

During her news conference, Haley stated that she had “settled” the topic of whether she is running for Trump’s vice president, which she declined to clearly say earlier in the campaign.

When asked if he believed Haley had “settled that question,” Trump replied:


Well, I settled it about three months ago. She’s not working. She’s here. She’s down by 30-35 points. And everybody knows her. You’re not supposed to lose your home state, shouldn’t happen anyway. And she’s losing it bigly, big. … But we’re gonna really do a job, I think that as you know, when we went to Iowa, we got the biggest margin in the history of the caucus, the biggest.


When asked why he believes that she was not dropping out of the race, Trump said: “I don’t think she knows how to get out, actually. I really don’t. She did terribly in New Hampshire. She got — the only votes she got was from Democrats.”

Speaking of the major donors who are sponsoring her campaign, Trump claimed that they were putting her up to harm him in the general election.

“Well, they’re trying to hurt me because of the general election, so the Democrats are giving her money and she’s playing into the game, and I think she just can’t get herself to get out,” he said.

“She’s doing poorly in the polls. Look, if she was doing well, I’d understand it. But she’s doing very poorly. She lost in record numbers in Iowa, record numbers in New Hampshire. Nevada. ‘No Name’ beat [her].”


Trump is absolutely right.

The next primary is South Carolina, where Trump holds a commanding 63.5% in support.

Meanwhile, in Nikki Haley’s home state, she can only garner 33.5%.

If this is supposed to be one of her best showings, then it’s a joke.


Who knows why Haley is still in the race? Maybe she doesn’t know how to leave. Maybe she thinks Trump will be indicted and put in jail. Or maybe she just likes the limelight.

One thing is certain, though, she will not be the Republican nominee.

D.C. Daily Journal



David YEO:



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$UP3RB0WL: D0N@LD*W@LL $TR33T*9*1*1*$P!R!TU@L W@R (18 Min)

David YEO



This Supreme Court Curve-ball sends the White House into a total meltdown:

Thanks to Donald Trump, the Supreme Court is more conservative than ever before. Now they’re prepared to hand Biden a massive loss.


And this Supreme Court curveball sent the White House into a total meltdown.

Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador has petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to prevent the Biden administration from using a 1986 federal statute to overturn his state’s pro-life laws.

“The whole point of Dobbs was to restore to the states their authority to regulate abortion. Yet the administration seeks to thwart Idaho’s exercise of self-government on this important topic,” the brief stated. It called the Biden administration’s “claimed abortion mandate” under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) “imaginary.”


“The Medicare Act generally — and EMTALA specifically — preserve the right of states to regulate the practice of medicine, including on the issue of abortion,” the brief went on to say.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) reported that the Biden administration filed a lawsuit against Idaho in 2022, claiming that it might utilize EMTALA to force doctors to conduct illegal abortions.

Contrary to the administration’s assertion, “there is no conflict between EMTALA and Idaho’s law as both seek to save lives and neither requires abortions to be performed.”


“After a lower court upheld the Biden administration’s attempt to rewrite EMTALA and prevented Idaho from enforcing its law,” the legal group explained, “the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case and issued a stay allowing Idaho to continue to protect the lives of women and their unborn children as the litigation continues.”


ADF lawyers are representing Labrador’s office in the ongoing case.

In a letter to ADF, Labrador said:

 “Despite the portrayal by the media and the Biden administration, both Idaho law and EMTALA share a consistent goal: to protect everyone’s life, including unborn children.”

“Idaho’s law is perfectly consistent with EMTALA, which provides explicit protections for ‘unborn children’ in four separate places,” he went on to say.

“The notion that EMTALA requires doctors to perform abortions is absurd,” stressed the attorney general.

“We are asking the Supreme Court to end the administration’s unlawful overreach and to respect the people of Idaho’s decision to protect life.”

President Ronald Reagan signed EMTALA into law in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).

According to the federal government’s Medicare website, the legislation’s objective was to “ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay.”

Reagan was well-known throughout his presidency for being a passionate opponent of legal abortion.

Two years after signing EMTALA, he asked Congress to introduce a pro-life bill, claiming that no one is “more powerless than the unborn.”

Last month, Labrador stated that he was “pleased and encouraged by the Supreme Court’s decision” to hear his appeal and stay the lower court order.

“The federal government has been wrong from day one,” he said at the time. “Federal law does not preempt Idaho’s Defense of Life Act.”

DC Daily Journal


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 February 23, 2024

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Apology Backfires!





Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!



Note: This war we are fighting that pitted Good against Evil was being fought by the Seven Nation Kingdoms of the Alliance, the Global White Hat Military Alliance, the Q Team and the BRICS Alliance versus the 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families, Five Eyes Deep State Alliance, the Cabal Deep State Black Hat Globalists, the Jesuits, 33rd Degree Freemasons, Shriners, Khazarian Mafia, the Zionist Bankers and ten primary shareholders of the Federal Reserve.



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