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Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Friday 12 [27] 24

Verses for today:


The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 1:7 KJV


When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

Matthew 2:10-11 KJV


And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, good will toward men.

Luke 2:13-14 KJV


And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

Matthew 1:21 KJV



Happy Chanukah!

“He who has clean hands and a pure heart,Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,Nor sworn deceitfully.

He shall receive blessing from the Lord,And righteousness from the God of his salvation.

This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him,Who seek Your face. Selah.” Psalms 25:4-6


Check out the daily videos from Chaim Malespin: CLICK HERE 


Shabbat Shalom

The Jews were not allowed to follow the Torah, honor the Sabbath, circumcise their sons, or even read the sacred scriptures. Under the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BCE, King Antiochus IV Epiphanes sought to impose Greek culture and religion upon his subjects, including the Jews in Judea. He went so far as to place an idol of Zeus in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and sacrifice unclean animals, such as pigs, on God’s altar.


Their reign was oppressive, not only in suppressing religious freedom but also in imposing heavy taxes and enforcing their decrees with violence. It was a time of profound suffering under an evil and tyrannical force.


Enough was enough. Mattathias Maccabee, a Jewish high priest, gathered his family and others willing to sacrifice everything for freedom. Though outnumbered, undertrained, and poorly equipped compared to the Seleucid forces, they were driven by a fiery passion to overthrow this idol-worshiping, oppressive regime. Against all odds, and with God’s help, they fought courageously and achieved a miraculous victory, securing independence and religious freedom for their people.


In 164 BCE, when the Maccabees recaptured the Temple, they found it in disarray and desecrated in violation of God's commands. They immediately set to work cleansing the Temple of all pagan worship and idolatry, removing the defiled altar and rebuilding a new one according to the instructions in the Torah. They restored the Temple to its rightful state and rededicated it back to the Holy One of Israel.


Inside the Temple was the menorah with its seven branches. As the story goes, to light it, they needed oil, but they found only a small vial of “First press” consecrated oil—enough for just one night. Nonetheless they lit it anyway. And a miracle happened. Miraculously, the oil burned for eight nights, providing the priests with the time they needed to prepare and consecrate more oil. This miracle is celebrated every year during Chanukah (Meaning Dedication) also known as the Festival of Lights.


For the Jewish people, celebrating Chanukah is deeper than remembering the defeat of their enemies. It is a celebration of the rededication of the Temple and the miracle of light, a testament to God’s provision and faithfulness.


As I reflect on this story of light, rededication, and victory, I am deeply moved. Today, as we are again confronting Global Islamic Jihadism, an evil force. I can’t help but think and pray for more than a military victory, but that our hearts would be cleansed and fully dedicated ever more to our Heavenly Father!


Being a light isn’t just about kindness and gentleness daily acts of love at the Aliyah Return Center. Sometimes, being a light means standing unwaveringly firm and pushing back against the darkness.


Anyways, I pray that God would richly bless you these holidays and multiplication into 2025!


Thank you for being part of the ARCIsrael. We honor and bless you for continuing to be a light to this nation, creating ripples around the globe!As we have just a four days left of 2024, consider the ARCIsrael for your year end giving!



We celebrated with new Jewish immigrants from Ethiopia at the Absorption Center in Tiberias.

We have been able to provide, warm thermal gear, army backpacks, ceramic vests, tactical uniforms, thermal drones and much more for these dear young heroes serving in the IDF. Please keep them in prayer!

It never gets old, to see the smiles of gratefulness as we continue to distribute furniture, clothing, and household items for new immigrants in need, evacuee families who are still in limbo, and anyone in need.



The current Aliyah Return Center’s projects:

1.      Rimon and LiVracha Distribution centers in Tiberias - helping support needy immigrants and holocaust survivors with clothing, food vouchers, and furniture.


2.     Hebrew School by Day, and Trade school by night in Tiberias - helping immigrants learn the language and skills they need for building a new life in Israel.  


3.     Emergency Aid Initiative - with the outbreak of war in Israel on October 7th, we continue to raise funds to equip soldiers and security teams with the necessary tactical gear for their protection. This helps keep  warriors safe! Let’s continue to raise money for thermal drones, Ceramic vests and much more.


4.     Support for evacuee internally displaced families - providing families with different needs, such as holiday gifts, food vouchers, and supplies whose homes and communities are under threat.


5.     National Service home - Our team here at the Aliyah Return Center has increased, we now have 15 young “National Service” women helping New immigrants alongside us for a year! Of course we continue to help “Lone Soldiers” who serve in the IDF on their own while their family is living abroad. There are some exciting new developments with this.


6.     Scholarship Program (NEW!): Offering 10 scholarships for the first year of a university for a new immigrants, AND EVEN  SURVIVORS OF THE NOVA MASSACRE


7.     Community events for new immigrants. These events bring people together to celebrate holidays and meet new friends.


8.     Tree planting and building forests for the restoration of Israel - the Bible said the land will bloom again!


9.     In the process of building a new Headquarters Building for the Aliyah Return Center in Tiberias - Here we will have our offices, a presentation room, museum, guest rooms for new immigrants and tourists, membership suites, kitchen, and dining space for hospitality and more! This will be our main hub and center!

We need your help to make this happen!


All of this couldn’t be possible without your love and support!


Chaim Malespin

(P.S. Download our iPhone APP to really get to know us better) we have the android version coming out very soon!!


(P.P.S. Join our WhatsApp group to get on the ground updates HERE)

Aliya Center





Canadian Pro-Life News Bits:

- TOP 10 stories that defined 2024

I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front. 


I'm going to do something special in this end-of-the-year edition of the News Bits. Below is my list of the biggest stories that CLC was involved in that defined 2024. 

Each story showcases something of the collective impact we made in advancing the great and noble cause of life. 


From helping elect pro-life politicians, to running a record-breaking Life Chain, to boldly advocating for Life at the UN, we've made incredible strides. 

Without any further ado, here are my TOP 10 stories in chronological order. 

Buckle up; it’s going to be a ride!


(If you've benefited from the News Bits this year and would like to see them continued in the new year, please donate to help us reach our crucial Christmas fundraising goal. We're about two-thirds of the way there, but need your help to fund us into the new year!) Click here to help CLC reach its goal.

Release of ‘Roe Canada’ film featuring CLC staff

The over 1-hour documentary, directed and produced by Kevin Dunn of DunnMedia & Entertainment, featured our own Josie Luetke and Ruth Robert as principal investigators. The film shows them travelling to both the US and Canada to find answers to their questions about ending abortion in Canada. 


The documentary explores what it would take for Canada to experience a Dobbs-like victory, which led to the overturning of Roe in 2022. The film was shown across Canada and is currently being adapted for showings in schools.  

CLC fights ‘free contraception’ coming to Canada

2024 began with a big push for “free,” that is, taxpayer-funded, contraception in provinces and at the federal level. We campaigned hard against an NDP bill on this with a letter-writing campaign (AEE).  

We also wrote various pieces against this, including an op-ed that was published in Epoch Times. Ultimately, the NDP successfully blackmailed the Liberals (under threat of withdrawing support for the minority government) into passing a Pharmacare bill that included free contraception.

CLC boldly advocates for life and family at UN

Our vice president, Matthew Wojciechowski, boldly told the UN at a side event in New York that the West cannot eradicate poverty by eradicating the poor and the preborn.   


Matthew accused the UN of supporting Western nations in promoting sexual ideologies that redefine marriage, parenthood, procreation, and what it means to be male and female. He called upon Western nations to rediscover the natural family unit as the model for security and prosperity.  


Matt returned to the UN in May to mark the International Day of Families with a message defending the family as the natural and fundamental unit of society and marriage as a sacred union between a man and a woman.  


 “This union reflects the divine plan for the creation and nurturing of children. It is within the family—the first school of love and responsibility—where mothers, fathers, and children learn to love and serve each other, and by extension, their communities,” he said. 

CLC tracks over 100 Canadian women seriously harmed by abortion pill, one dead 

We wrote an exclusive report on the over 100 Canadian women who have been severely harmed by the abortion pill protocol since it first became available in Canada in 2017.


We found evidence of the harms, including the tragic death of a 19-year-old along with her baby, in Health Canada’s “Vigilance Program.” 

We called upon Health Canada to ban abortion pills.  

CLC helps win pro-life free speech victories across Ontario

In July, the City of London abandoned plans for a bylaw that would limit the display of graphic images in public spaces after strong pushback from various pro-life groups, including CLC. The real target of the bylaw was abortion victim photography. Our president, Jeff Gunnarson, had written a letter to city councillors some months previously, warning that the city could expect legal action if the by-law proceeded. The letter was featured in media reports about the matter. It was a free-speech victory for all pro-lifers and showed what can happen when the pro-life community flexes its muscles.   


Similarly, in August, the city of St. Catharines repealed a bylaw that restricted pro-life speech by banning “fetal” images. This came in the wake of a legal challenge to the bylaw from another pro-life group.   

CLC, teaming up with Defend Our Voice, successfully pressured the cities of Toronto, Oakville, and the Region of Niagara to abandon plans to pass bylaws restricting pro-life speech.  

CLC wages hard-fought battle using postcards in NB

Jack Fonseca, our fearless director of political operations, spearheaded a bold postcard campaign in New Brunswick to help the beleaguered Progressive Conservative Premier Blaine Higgs in the lead-up to the October 21 provincial election.   


Starting August 20, CLC used Canada Post to blanket households in the province with 615,000 postcards (there are only 765,000 people in the entire province) that had either a pro-parental rights or a pro-life message.  


Corporate media was outraged, writing dozens of hit pieces against the campaign, which only amplified our message. The campaign caused the PCs to surge in the polls for a time until “healthcare” became a more important issue for the people of the province than “parental rights.”  

CLC organizes record-breaking Life Chain

The 2024 Life Chain was a record-smashing success. We met our goal of bringing this pro-life witness to 350 locations across Canada, which is quite impressive given that there were more than 100 fewer locations in 2020.  

Our director of education and advocacy, Joise Luetke, did a phenomenal job of organizing the successful event.

CLC influences national narrative on pro-life issue

When one of our supporters reached out by email to Pierre Poilievre to chide the CPC leader about his “pro-choice” stance, Poilievre, surprisingly, responded, laying out what he, as Prime Minister, would do for the pro-life movement. Our supporter shared this response with us, giving us permission to make use of it.  

We wrote an op-ed about the whole matter, which was accepted for publication by the National Post.


We outlined how Mr. Poilievre is no champion of the preborn, but that, nevertheless, he would still accomplish some good for the pro-life movement, including promoting adoption and defending pro-life pregnancy centres. 


The publication of our op-ed in a widely recognized outlet amplified the pro-life cause on the national stage and generated additional news from other outlets.  

Trudeau attacks pro-life pregnancy centres; CLC rises to their defense

The Trudeau government announced its plan at the end of October to introduce legislation that would force pregnancy care centres to disclose that they do not commit or refer for abortions – or risk losing their charitable status.  


The proposal was not only unnecessary but misleading, as the majority of these centres are already transparent about the services they offer. No other charities are required to disclose what services they do not offer.  


Our president, Jeff Gunnarson, wrote a public letter to CPC leader Pierre Poilievre, urging him to fulfill a promise to stand up against attempts by the government to attack organizations that help pregnant women. “I respectfully urge you and the entire Conservative party to oppose this legislation,” he wrote.   

Jeff also wrote a letter to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops’ President William McGrattan, in which he urged the bishops to come out strongly in public defense of these pro-life charities.   

We also relaunched our petition in support of these fantastic centres, which was signed by more than two thousand people. 

Linda Gibbons arrested, jailed, and acquitted; CLC there every step of the way

Christian pro-life grandmother Linda Gibbons began her pro-life witnessing in front of a Toronto-area abortion mill again this summer after a few years of hiatus.  


She was eventually arrested and charged with the criminal offences of “mischief” and “interfering” with the operation of a business. She was also charged separately with breaking the provincial "bubble-zone" law.   

We were there for Linda, rallying outside the courtroom for her, attending her court appearances and trial, and writing exclusive reports about her entire case. We also launched a petition in support of her that garnered more than 4,000 signatures.   


A woman who Linda had helped years ago showed up at the trial in a show of support. The woman now has a daughter and grandchildren who are alive because of Linda’s pro-life witness. We wrote an exclusive report about this.  


Linda eventually wrote a letter from jail which she sent to CLC and in which she shared an inspiring and encouraging message to the entire pro-life movement. We wrote an exclusive report about this, too.

We broke the news on Dec. 5 when Linda was found not guilty of any of the charges against her and released from jail. This good news was picked up by national and international press. 

Stories of Honourable mention: 

  • ·       Close of Clinic 554 in January;

  • ·       Alberta introduces groundbreaking policies that keep parents at the centre of their children’s lives and protect children from harmful sexual ideologies;

  • ·       Federal Government pauses expansion of euthanasia to the mentally ill with Bill C-62;

  • ·       National March for Life in May a huge success;

  • ·       CLC welcomes Trump win in US election;

  • ·       CLC blacklisted as "hate" group by CAHN;

  • ·       Canada’s fertility rate drops to lowest-ever rate of 1.26;

  • ·       Alberta scraps “effective referral” policy after massive pushback;

  • ·       First annual march for life in Quebec, government worried. 


Thank you for journeying with CLC through these flash points that defined our year. None of our achievements would have been possible without you—our supporters, volunteers, and advocates.


While we've achieved so much this year, our work in the pro-life movement is far from over. With your continued support, we can build on this momentum and create even greater change in the coming year. 


Together, we are a voice for the preborn who have no voice! 

Thank you for standing with us and defending life!


And we're really counting on your support this Christmas to reach our crucial fundraising goal. If you appreciate how CLC is making a difference for LIFE in Canada, can you please help us out? Thank you!

Together, let us be bold and daring for life in the year to come!

Canadian Pro-Life News Bits 

Pete BaklinskiDirector of CommunicationsCampaign Life CoalitionFollow Pete on X: @petebaklinski



CBC CEO tops taxpayer group’s ‘naughty list’ over exec bonuses:

The head of Canada’s public broadcaster has been among those serving up lumps of coal to Canadians.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation’s annual “Taxpayer Naughty and Nice list” has given CBC CEO Catherine Tait the top spot in the Naughty column for handing out “Santa-sized” executive bonuses that dwarf the average Canadian’s salary, especially at a time of financial pressure across the country for most people.


“Santa doesn’t like it when girls and boys are greedy, and forcing struggling taxpayers to pay for Santa-sized executive bonuses is as greedy as it gets,” said Franco Terrazzano, federal director of the CTF. “While Canadians are tightening their belts, CBC executives are living large.”


But Tait isn’t alone in the Naughty corner. Global Affairs Canada also made the list after racking up a jaw-dropping $51,000 a month in booze-related expenses. “Santa likes eggnog as much as the next guy, but even he knows Global Affairs Canada is sipping on a little too much Christmas spirit,” Terrazzano said.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario Premier Doug Ford didn’t escape the Naughty List either. Trudeau earned his spot for raising the cost of living with his controversial carbon tax, while Ford’s embrace of political welfare made him an easy target.

And let’s not forget Winnipeg Mayor Scott Gillingham, who also joined the ranks for failing to keep his word on property tax increases, a promise that seemed to evaporate faster than a snowflake in the summer.

But don’t worry — not everyone’s been naughty. The Taxpayer Nice List highlights those who’ve shown a little extra holiday spirit with their fiscal responsibility.

Rowan Caseley, the former mayor of Kensington, is at the top of the Nice List after resigning over wasteful spending, ultimately saving taxpayers money. Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Andrew Furey also earned a spot for his decision to cut gas taxes, much to the delight of drivers.

In the provincial corners, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe and Alberta Premier Danielle Smith were recognized for their efforts to fight Trudeau’s carbon tax, earning praise from Santa for their commitment to protecting their constituents’ wallets.

“Santa is getting hammered by carbon tax bills on his reindeer barn, so Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lands on the Naughty List for making everything more expensive with his carbon tax,” said Kris Sims, CTF’s Alberta director. “Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe made Santa’s good books for taking action against Trudeau’s carbon tax.”

Finally, Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux is getting a well-deserved mention on the Nice List, with the CTF praising his unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability.

So, as you prepare for the holiday season, it might be worth considering whether you’re on the naughty or nice list — or if your actions could land you on next year’s edition. But if you’re looking for a little extra cheer, it might be time to follow the lead of those on the Nice List and spread some fiscal goodwill this holiday season.

Full 2024 Taxpayer Naughty and Nice List:

Naughty List:

  • ·        CBC President & CEO Catherine Tait

  • ·        Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

  • ·        Ontario Premier Doug Ford

  • ·        Global Affairs Canada

  • ·        Winnipeg Mayor Scott Gillingham

  • ·        The entire federal bureaucracy


Nice List:

  • ·        Former Kensington Mayor Rowan Caseley

  • ·        Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe

  • ·        Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Andrew Furey

  • ·        Alberta Premier Danielle Smith

  • ·        Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux


Memo from the TORONTO STAR:

As the year draws to a close, I want to take a moment to thank you, our readers, for your support. I also want to tell you about an email I received last week.The sender was a long-time reader who wanted me to know how often our journalism was coming up in his dinner conversations as of late.

“The Star is making me a smarter Torontonian,” he shared with gratitude. It was a meaningful compliment that affirmed what our newsroom strives to achieve every day: impactful, thought-provoking journalism that resonates with our readers.This has been a remarkable year for the Star. As the new editor-in-chief, I’m incredibly proud of our team and the ways our coverage continues to evolve alongside the community we serve. We aren’t just reflecting the conversation—we’re reshaping it and sparking new dialogues.

Our commitment to investigative reporting has been unwavering. After winning the Michener Award, the country’s highest journalism honour, for our coverage of the Greenbelt scandal, we continued to deliver ground-breaking exclusives. Star journalists revealed how parents were forced to give up their children with high needs due to systemic failures, investigated the Ford government’s decision to reroute the Yonge subway, went undercover as an UberEats delivery driver, exposed unrest within the Liberal party, uncovered the troubling backstory of the little girl found dead in a Rosedale dumpster, and continued documenting how Toronto police mishandled the investigation into the murders of Barry and Honey Sherman.

In July, Andrea Skinner, daughter of the beloved author Alice Munro, entrusted the Star to reveal a dark family secret. Her courageous personal essay, paired with our accompanying investigation, sparked worldwide conversations about childhood sexual abuse and the complicated legacy of one of Canada's greatest artists.

Under Opinion Editor Jordan Himelfarb, we relaunched our opinion section, introducing new voices and working to foster a wide-ranging, thought-provoking and lively conversation about the issues, big and small, that preoccupy Torontonians.

As Jordan wrote earlier this year, the Star is striving to model "a healthier and more enriching kind of conversation, a civil discourse in an increasingly uncivil world."Every day, we delivered authoritative and insightful coverage of the issues that matter most to our readers—from the grades students need to get into the country’s top schools to the role investors play in the housing crisis and how traffic is impacting the soul of our city.Our newsroom expanded this year, with more reporters dedicated to breaking news, culture, and community safety.

When a flash flood underscored Toronto’s vulnerability to extreme weather, we not only provided unmatched live coverage but also expanded our city hall bureau to include a reporter focused on climate change.

We had fun too and celebrated along with the Swifties, creating a special edition magazine to mark the pop icon’s historic concerts.That’s just the short list of what the Star achieved this year. Delivering journalism of this calibre takes time, resources, and commitment. It happens because of you.With your help, we can do more in 2025. Please consider becoming a Toronto Star subscriber for only $1 for 6 months. As we look ahead, I’m excited about what’s to come and grateful for the trust you place in us. During this holiday season, I hope the Star continues to inform, inspire, and spark meaningful conversations at your dinner tables. Thank you for supporting journalism that makes a difference

Nicole MacIntyreEditor-in-ChiefToronto Star

There was NO REPORT for TODAY [Friday 12-27-24]


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