3-6-21 Saturday - thebrookstruth.com
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
John 5:24 KJV
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
Philippians 1:9-10 KJV
And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.
"We are all going to pay for it (60,000,000 murdered babies). You know Israel was destroyed for this very sin... [the killing of its children] ... Our only hope is Revival... Repentance.... to walk and live in His Spirit... as we have never done before...."
Jonathan Cahn
For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…
First… PRAISE:
#2. COVID-19
Alberta Pastor James Coates kept in jail - judge dismisses bail.
Alberta court jails Pastor Coates through to May 3-5 trial
Come thou fount of every blessing:
Judy Note:
Be aware that dates shown below could easily change as per an analysis of possible events by the Quantum Computer and dependent upon how those certain events played out. Most Intel sources have signed Non-Disclosure Agreements and gone silent.
The Emergency Broadcast System on Space Force’s new Starlink Satellite System was expected to activate and take over all media outlets across the globe any time by Sun. 7 March. The EBS would send daily messages to all phones around the globe, ending on Sun. 14 March. (Q says 7 Trumpets = 7 Kingdoms).
Poll confirms it – Biden is likely to resign:
Gov. Greg Abbott announces effort to ban social media censorship in Texas:
Multiple National Guard troops in DC sickened after eating under-cooked and contaminated food.
Senators introduce bipartisan bill aimed at reining in Biden’s war powers:
https://rumble.com/vedonv-ep.-1471-news-headlines-communists-or-liberals-the-dan-bongino-show.html [Dan Bongino]
An excellent comparison between China & America…
Breaking Now:
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) has charged former President Donald Trump in a civil lawsuit with inciting the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol.
“Rep. Eric Swalwell, one of the House prosecutors during Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial, filed a lawsuit Friday against the former president, alleging he incited the deadly invasion of the U.S. Capitol,” according to CNBC. [emphasis added]
“The civil lawsuit from Swalwell, D-Calif., also accuses Donald Trump Jr., Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, and Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., of being “wholly responsible for the injury and destruction” caused by the mob. [emphasis added]
Seconds After Biden CANCELS Dr. Suess EVERYONE Noticed One HUGE Thing…
These Books were fine for the OBAMS’s.
Granddad shoots one-of-two-armed home invaders in ill-fated heist — and victim's granddaughter came up with idea for the crime, cops say.
Six arrestees were after bail money for friend of theirs
#2. COVID-19
COVID Less Dangerous Than We Thought
A stunning New York Times report now suggests... The coronavirus is less contagious than we thought. How is that possible? Well it turns out, up to 90% of the tests are "false positives." Which means the mainstream media was DEAD WRONG about coronavirus. And Trump was right all along. Click here now for the shocking proof [Kelly Sullivan] P.S. After you watch this video, be sure to share it with your liberal friends.
Johnson & Johnson Used Fetal Tissue in C19 Vaccine:
https://www.newsbreakapp.com/n/0YoRwISS?s=a3&pd=080bJG7b&hl=en_US International Child Sex Trafficking Ring: 30 Arrested, One Child Rescued in Human Trafficking Sting:
Be aware that some of this material is hard to comprehend!
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
The Q Calendar indicated that Seven Storms were imminent for a Defcon 1 Scare Event: Since 2017 the Alliance and US Military have been rescuing children and cleaning out hundreds of miles of the Cabal’s Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS). The vast worldwide underground tunnel system was used to kidnap children for their mind control, organ harvesting and child torture Adrenochrome production facilities. As with all major cities across the globe, the DUMBS ran beneath Wuhan China where the COVID-19 Pandemic began, and connected to the Three Gorges Dam. Since July 2020 there have been rumors of structural faults in the Three Gorges Dam that held back a staggering 39 billion cubic meter reservoir of water so huge that it had a measurable effect on the rotation of the earth. Experts say the dam was about to burst and if so, within hours tidal waves would roar into Wuhan and put the city underwater for at least four months. What they didn’t say was that the destruction of Three Gorges would also flood out Bitcoin and Cabal child torture facilities under the dam, plus pose a major hurdle to the Cabal’s child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, gun running and drug rings.
New China cover-up fears with world’s largest dam ‘on brink of collapse risking tidal wave that could wipe out cities’ (thesun.co.uk) The Alliance had plans to destroy 34 Satanic buildings. By doing so, along with a naturally caused Three Gorges Dam break and the GCR, we were about to face massive global disasters including Cabal Cyber Attacks, a Stock Market crash and the Internet to go down, along with a worldwide Social Media blackout. To rectify the problems the Alliance planned to release their Starlink System that included daily Presidential messages sent out to phones globally, while a changeover took place across the globe to Telsa free energy. To cope with all there was a possibility that the US as well as other countries, would be in national lockdowns, including orders for school and business closures for several days to Sun. 14 March. The lockdowns could be ordered at any time depending upon how events played out. Trump insider Robert David Steele said, “Patriots were urged to stay off the streets and away from Capitol, cities— False Flag events intended to discredit patriots were known to be planned. NON-VIOLENCE was VITAL. Obey the law, allow events to play out.” New Internet, a Safe Social Media Platform and Takeover of the Mass Media: From the 20 Jan. 2021 Inauguration Day to the present, the Mainstream Media has refused to announce that the US was under military control, plus has neglected to report that a Martial Law takeover was necessary due to extensive fraud and foreign interference in the 2020 Election. By continuing to perpetrate such treasonous acts of false and deceptive reporting designed for a Communist Party/ New World Order takeover of not only the US, but all governments across the globe, the MSM has placed the nation, and world, in danger – necessitating that Martial Law in order to protect the US Constitution and thus, freedoms of all people. Sometime soon there was expected to be a military takeover of Mainstream Media across the globe with an Emergency Broadcast System. Their Starlink System would link into cell phones and computers worldwide for a much safer, secure, and efficient system than we now had. That EBS takeover would last until Sun. 14 March. In addition, President Trump was setting up a new social media company that would allow Freedom of Speech without the conservative viewpoint being censored.
The restored Republic was setting up its federal capital and treasury on sovereign Native American territories around Houston and Austin TX. Trump signed an EO before the 20 Jan fake Biden inauguration, giving the military control of the country for 120 days (through the 2nd half of May 2021). Trump wrote the EO in such a way that no subsequent president, including the fake Biden, could change the terms of the 120-day authority assumed by the interim military govt. Trump remained the only legitimately elected president, ensuring the current NESARA implementation of the restored Republic and the completion of the RV/GCR. The Military was in control of the US. Signs that the Biden Administration was fake and not controlling the military or other non-civilian security functions domestically or internationally:
1. The Biden Administration has been locked out of the White House since before his Inauguration on 20 Jan. 2021. 2. Biden and company have been forced to use the fake Oval Office movie-set in the Amazon Castle Rock studio in Culver City, CA, and another set like it in Baltimore, MD, to do their White House video shoots and press conferences. 3. In a Mon. 1 March Update Benjamin Fulford described a video of Biden boarding a commercial aircraft, noting that the aircraft was a COMMERICAL JETLINER that was painted to look like Air Force One, but was not:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/iEQx0OzJW578/ 4. In a Wed. 3 March Update Monkey Werx, the military aviator with 35 years of experience, said that in air traffic control aircraft call numbers, Biden's aircraft was NEVER identified as Air Force One.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/JYKgADDNsfoc/ 5. Department of Defense military commanders continued to report to Trump in Mar-a-Lago FL. 6. FOUR naval surveillance aircraft have been constantly flying over Trump's location in FL. 7. TONS of fighter jets continued to be aloft at all times, across the country as the restored Republic was being legally implemented behind the scenes Thurs. 4 March through Sat 6 March. 8. Signs suggesting Biden was a fake president:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/iEQx0OzJW578/ 9. In Fulford's words, "as Biden is boarding the plane, central casting couldn't find enough convincing-looking Secret Service agents, so some with jeans and work boots had to do – not at all normal Secret Service dress.
10. Our guy added, notice that the military officers saluting Biden do NOT have military stripes or insignia indicating they are fake CIA half-wit agents.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/HNwvERoHDl16/ 11. Look closely, Biden pulls up in filthy SUV. The guy standing by SUV door is in jeans and work boots?! Red carpet is for press. Biden gets no red carpet.
https://tv.gab.com/channel/realmikelindell/view/absolute-proof-601d73a5a5ca1b4ef4f0e602 12. The so-called presidential vehicle looks like a rental SUV that has not been washed around the door handles in weeks. [The Deep State has a LOW BUDGET because they are OUT OF MONEY!!!]
https://www.jamesredpillsamerica.com/brainwashed-the-movie/ 13. Notice how the "Prez" starts running up the steps until he stumbles, forgetting that the China-bought-and-paid-for Joe can barely walk now."
The US military govt has been negotiating a surrender agreement with the Deep State faction controlling Israel and Iran under the threat of overt and covert military action against these Deep State factions unless they surrender immediately.
This came in the wake of the execution of the former global Deep State head, the "Pindar," Benjamin de Rothschild, who was arrested in mid-January and whose Military Tribunal ended in his execution in later February.
The Deep State was panicking. There were no takers who wanted Benjamin de Rothschild's place as head of the global Deep State, which would make themselves targets of the Alliance military special forces.
This was good news as the Deep State Freemason Pedo-Satanist child traffickers and murderers were being hunted down and eliminated as we speak.
The COVID-19 scamdemic was manifestly being more and moreexposed as a fraudulent scam and continues unraveling.
On Wed 24 Feb lawyers from multiple countries promised 'Nuremberg Trials' against all those behind the fraudulent Pandemic numbers scam that was amplified by fraudulent PCR Test False Positives and fraudulent Infection & Death Rate numbers. They all had financial motivations to fraudulently inflate the numbers. German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich and thousands of attorneys around the world have a class-action lawsuit suing public health officials in multiple countries for the "COVID-19 Scandal" saying that all those responsible should be prosecuted for civil damages due to manipulations and falsified test protocols that cost countless lives, businesses, and livelihoods.
A second Nuremberg tribunal was in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who was prosecuting those responsible for the COVID-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.
Fri. 5 March
Gene Decode: The DUMBs Underground War Interview | Paranormal | Before It's News Last week around 200 of 2,000 Special Ops soldiers were blown up by surrendering Cabal soldiers in a DUMB. They were clearing out tunnels at 2.5, 5.0 & 10.0 kilometers, rescuing children. It happened between two islands in the Atlantic Ocean. The flag at Mar-O-Largo was flying at half-staff to honor their great sacrifice.
GCR / Restored Republic Predicted Schedule:
On Fri. 12 March evidence would be published of a plot perpetrated by France and China to overtake the globe by spreading false info on COVID-19. On Sun. 14 March the over 30,000 National Guard Troops – that had been guarding the White House, Capitol and Supreme Court buildings behind an eight mile, eight foot high barbed wire fence since just before the 20 Jan. Inauguration – were scheduled to leave. Although, on Thurs. 4 March the Capitol Police requested that National Guard troops stay two more months. Mon. 15 March was also when NESARA debt jubilee debt forgiveness packages would be implemented and begin to pay off federal debt for mortgage, credit card and other past federally backed debt classes. Fri. March 19 Q countdown over Sat. March 20 permanently over as the end day for a 60 day Presidential power transfer that began on Jan. 20 according to Public Law no S.394 116-121: Presidential Transition Enhancement Act of 2019, passed by the 116th Congress on 3 March 2020. Sun. 21 March 21 POTUS and John Inaugurated as “Into the Storm” about [Q]Anon would be aired on HBO. Thurs. 1 April the credits will roll out of those in the Federal Witness Protection Program By 15 April 2021 the US Republic would be restored to concepts of the original Constitution.
Stunning Views of Freight Train Derailment [44 Mixed Cars Tankers & Others] In California Desert

Dems Pass Bill That `Defunds the Police', And Supports `Police Abolishment…
Biden Administration LOCKS Twitter account for ICE's public safety alerts!
No State of The Union? Bannon Reveals the REAL Reason Why
Getting Worse: Biden CAUGHT on Camera Again and this time He displays his WORST moment yet!
