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MONDAY - New Week

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Monday 3-11-24

Verses for today:

The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, To all that call upon him in truth.

Psalm 145:18 KJV


Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Joshua 1:9 KJV


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

James 1:17 KJV


Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

Romans 5:1 KJV





White House has an Emergency Meeting over this unexpected Foreign Invasion:

Most believe America is more unsafe today than ever before. Now there’s proof.

As the White House has had an emergency meeting over this unexpected foreign invasion.


National security isn’t necessarily one of Joe Biden’s strong suits, to say the least. Enemies are growing more emboldened, illegal immigration is at an all-time high, and federal security is worsening by the day. All of this has happened on Joe Biden’s watch.

The issue of national security is one that, according to surveys, the average American voter trusts Donald Trump on way more than they do Joe Biden and his administration. It’s not hard to see why.


We all remember that fiasco in early 2023 when the Biden administration admitted they didn’t even know the Chinese were flying a spy balloon over the United States to gain intel on American military bases and God-knows what else.

Or what about the countless headlines Americans are reading in the news about terrorists making it into the United States and having to be caught by Border Patrol and found to be on known terrorist lists?


Well now there’s yet another national security blunder, only this time it’s not one that can be easily fixed.

A recent investigation conducted by the U.S. Congress has brought to light findings regarding communication equipment present on Chinese-built cargo cranes operating in U.S. seaports, as reported by The Wall Street Journal.

Rather than opting for domestic production, which may entail higher costs, the United States heavily relies on the relatively inexpensive Chinese-built cargo cranes across its seaports. However, the congressional inquiry revealed that some of these cranes, manufactured by the Chinese conglomerate ZMPC, contain communication devices that were either not requested or do not seem to align with standard operational requirements. This discovery has heightened existing worries about espionage, according to sources cited by the WSJ.


U.S. intelligence has issued warnings regarding the potential exploitation of Chinese-made cranes, equipped with various sensors and communication tools, as part of China’s broader strategy to undermine national security. Despite these concerns, Beijing dismisses U.S. apprehensions as baseless paranoia and accuses the U.S. of abusing its national power to impede normal economic and trade cooperation, as per reports from the WSJ.

Republican Representative Mark Green, chairing the House Homeland Security Committee, expressed grave concerns, stating that China is actively seeking opportunities to gather intelligence and exploit vulnerabilities within America’s critical infrastructure, including the maritime sector. He criticized the U.S. for overlooking this threat for too long.

The investigation unearthed several irregularities, including the presence of numerous cellular modems on crane components at one port and a modem in a server room at another port. While such equipment is not uncommon in ports for remote monitoring and operational tracking, several ports with ZMPC cranes did not request or require such capabilities.


One port, in correspondence with Congress, admitted awareness of the modems but lacked clarity on their purpose or installation. They stated that the modems were already present when the cranes arrived from China and were removed in October 2023.

Rear Admiral John Vann, leading the Coast Guard cyber command, informed Congress that although vulnerabilities were identified, there have been no instances of detecting malware or other malicious software.

Cary Davis, CEO of the American Association of Port Authorities, emphasized the proactive measures taken by ports to collaborate with federal agencies and private sector experts in mitigating risks through inspections and defensive strategies.


In a separate communication, the Homeland Security Committee informed ZMPC that the unexplained equipment found on the cranes did not serve operational purposes and was not part of any contractual agreement between ZMPC and the receiving U.S. ports. The letter highlighted ZMPC’s repeated requests for remote access to crane and infrastructure systems at U.S. seaports.

In response to growing concerns, the Biden administration announced a significant investment of over $20 billion in domestically manufactured cranes to reduce reliance on Chinese-made versions.

This decision stems from cybersecurity and espionage apprehensions raised by U.S. intelligence agencies, who have also expressed alarm over China-backed cyber operations targeting critical American infrastructure systems like water and energy plants.


Industry experts are skeptical about minor support from the Federal Government being enough to overcome the fact that the Chinese have created a monopoly in port materials and tech.

In reality, the anti-business policies of the modern American Left which Joe Biden and the Democrats champion and preach from the rooftops is killing manufacturing in the United States and forcing companies to send it overseas.

Which, as we can see, is a major problem in many ways. The last of which, isn’t national security.

D.C. Daily Journal

Additional Comment:

An investigation by the House Homeland Security Committee found that cranes made by China and installed at U.S. ports included communications equipment put in place without explanation.


The investigation, which was also conducted by the House Select Committee on China, focused on 200 Chinese-made cranes at U.S. ports and facilities that included undocumented cellular modems that can be used for remote communication.


“Our Committees’ investigation found vulnerabilities in cranes at U.S. ports that could allow the [Chinese Communist Party] to not only undercut trade competitors through espionage, but disrupt supply chains and the movement of cargo, devastating our nation’s economy,” House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) said in a statement to CNN. “Without a swift sea-change, we will continue to gift the CCP with an easy means of infiltrating our critical infrastructure on their quest for global dominance.”

Washington Examiner Media


Joe Biden waved the White Flag of Defeat in this Showdown with Ron DeSantis:

Joe Biden’s lawless agenda is wreaking havoc on states.


His administration thought that Florida would back down from the fight.

And Joe Biden waved the white flag of defeat in this showdown with Ron DeSantis.

Criminal illegal aliens are running amok under President Joe Biden with the encouragement of his administration.

Martin County Florida Sheriff William Snyder arrested Juan Jose-Sebastian, an illegal alien from Guatemala, for driving without a license.


Normally, a criminal illegal alien would be held until U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) could take custody and begin the deportation process.

Illegal alien wanted for rape was released.

The Martin County Sheriff’s Office ran Jose-Sebastian’s record and discovered that he was wanted in Oregon for three counts of rape and sexual abuse.

Sheriff Snyder learned that Biden’s ICE refused to take custody of him, citing a lack of a bed for him, and Washington County, Oregon, refused to extradite him.


Jose-Sebastian was another suspected criminal illegal alien that the lawless Biden administration and soft-on-crime Oregon were willing to turn loose on Florida.

“As a result, the wanted rapist will be released into our community today,” Snyder said. “There is no legal way for the Sheriff’s Office to continue holding Jose-Sebastian, as he completed his sentence for the charge of driving without a valid license.”

Snyder was furious that a suspected rapist was released but said there was nothing he could do about the growing problem of crime by illegal aliens.

“We are being pushed and hammered by the level of undocumented immigrants that were housing and our jail. Today is a classic example of what’s going on,” Snyder said. “People ask me all the time, what can be done? The answer is this. I can’t do it. There are no local laws that empower me to do anything about illegal immigration.

Martin County, Florida, had more than 30 illegal aliens arrested for driving without a license this year, including four who killed someone.

The infuriating story of Jose-Sebastian’s release went viral on social media and got the attention of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.


DeSantis pressured ICE to arrest criminal illegal alien let free.

DeSantis and Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) pressured Biden’s ICE to allow Florida law enforcement to arrest the suspected rapist and get him off the streets.

“Governor DeSantis has zero tolerance for illegal alien criminals who shouldn’t even be in this country in the first place,” DeSantis communications director Bryan Griffin said. “At the governor’s direction, senior state law enforcement officials immediately reached out to ICE to insist local law enforcement had the authority to re-detain this individual and ensure he wouldn’t be able to bring harm to Floridians.”

Martin County Sheriffs were able to re-arrest Jose-Sebastian after they got permission from ICE.

Ron DeSantis is working overtime to ensure that Florida remains a law-and-order state.

The DeSantis Daily



TRUTH is sometimes hard to Discern...

Which book are you going to Believe?

Murder by Decree is an uncensored record of the planned extermination of indigenous children in Canada’s murderous “Indian residential schools”. It is issued as a corrective Counter Report to the miscarriage of justice by Church and State known as the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” (TRC). Based on eyewitness testimonies and archival documentation deliberately suppressed or ignored by the TRC, Murder by Decree proves that the genocide of indigenous people began as a religion-led campaign and continues to be a deliberate governmental policy in Canada.

Slowly at first, but now with gathering confidence, substantial pushback to this narrative has appeared, driven by a small group of professionals, including judges, lawyers, professors, journalists and researchers; most of them have considerable experience in evaluating and discussing contentious evidence. It is no accident that many in this group are retired, since this gives them vital protection against attempts to silence them as “deniers.”


Their contributions to this volume confront all the main fallacies head-on. Widdowson shows how the legend of murdered children and unmarked graves was spread by defrocked United Church minister Kevin Annett before it popped up again at Kamloops. Rubenstein and collaborators examine the evidence proffered in support of unmarked graves, such as the results of GPR, and find there is nothing – repeat nothing – there. One author, who published anonymously because of his fear of retaliation, shows how the GPR results at Kamloops probably are radar reflections of buried tile that was part of the school’s sewage disposal system.

Patrick Bestall

Here is how the Article begins:

The new book Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us (and the Truth about Residential Schools) constitutes a response to the moral panic unleashed in Canada on May 27, 2021, when the Chief of the Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc (aka, the Kamloops Indian Band) announced that ground-penetrating radar (GPR) had located the remains of 215 “missing children” in an apple orchard on the grounds of the local residential school.

Politicians and media seized on this initial announcement of “an unthinkable loss” with a fierce determination. The storyline of “mass unmarked graves” and “burials of missing children” quickly ricocheted around Canada and much of the world, receiving significant coverage in the New York Times and Washington Post as well as The Guardian in the UK. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau set the tone for the federal government’s response on May 30 when he ordered Canadian flags to be flown at half-mast on all federal buildings to honour the “215 children whose lives were taken at the Kamloops residential school.” By this act, possible burial sites were elevated to the status of confirmed victims of foul play, making Canada sound like a charnel house of murdered children.

C2C Journal



Community Currency:

Wow!  You just have to read this post, starting at section 7 - Historical Precedents.

It starts with explaining why Joseph was so successful in Egypt, and it wasn't just because he built storehouses. 

It ends with some hardcore warnings for us if we want to keep our $10 Decalogers alive and productive.

Enjoy the history lessons.

Here is Section 7


Recall the biblical Joseph, who interpreted the Pharaoh's dream and saved Egypt from "seven lean years" by stockpiling food. Why would the Egyptians have kept Joseph in such high regard for inventing stockpiling? Its use had been widespread since the beginning of the agrarian revolution several thousands of years earlier. Might there have been more to it than the Bible mentions?These stockpiles were also the basis of the Egyptian monetary system. Each farmer who contributed to the stockpile would receive a piece of pottery having an inscription of the quantity and date of delivery of his contribution, which he could then use to purchase something else.

These receipts, or ostraca, have been found by the thousands and were in fact used as currency. However, what the Bible missed is the key to the system: there was a time charge on these receipts. For instance, if someone wanted to redeem an ostraca of ten bags of wheat after six months, he would only receive nine bags. This demurrage charge reflected the costs of guarding the depot and quantities lost to rodents.So we can understand that Egyptian farmers would never hoard this currency but invest in what was most handily available to them: improvements on their land and irrigation systems.This currency was used in Egypt for more than a thousand years, until the Romans forcibly replaced it with their own banking and currency system, more "modern" and having positive interest rates.

Note the apparent consequences of this change: As long as negative interest currency was used, the Egyptians built monuments that would last forever and maintained their agricultural system in remarkable condition, making it the breadbasket of the Ancient World. All this quickly disappeared when the Roman currency was generalized. Since then, Egypt has remained for two thousand years a "developing" country.

Patrick Bestall



Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!


Note: April 1st was the beginning of the New Year on the Julian Calendar, which this New Year would bring in the new Quantum Financial System and create Sovereign Republics for all BRICS nations. Freedom from debt will be released for all on the Planet to enjoy.

Also in this Julian Calendar New Year the QFS and Sovereign Republics would cancel 1 April Fools Day because no prank was greater than the joke that was running the country right now.

Actually the whole thing about the Globalist Cartel taking away freedoms of not only the American people, but peoples of the World, started back in 1903 with an Alliance that formed between the great discoverer of natural magnetic energy of the Earth, Nicola Tesla, of whom Howard Hughes followed. They both connected with a few US Generals – all wanting The People to have control over US Taxpayer monies.

A certain group of US Generals had been concerned about the matter of The People not having control of their own tax monies since the 1865 assassination of Lincoln – who tried to change the corrupt system.


The privately owned Federal Reserve, which controlled those US Taxpayer monies, was formed in 1913 as a privately owned US Inc. corporation run by the Rothschild bankers, Crown of England and Vatican – now known as the Globalist Cartel.

The Globalists were infiltrated by the Khazarian Mafia, Shriners and Free Masons, all funded by US Taxpayer dollars by way of a CIA Black Budget. They obtained their power through worship of Satan that required the torture and human sacrifice of children – the more innocent the victims, the more power they felt.


By the 1960s the Alliance was working with President JF Kennedy to get rid of the Globalist’s Federal Reserve, which led to the US Inc. funded CIA killing Kennedy with help from Globalists in the Pentagon and State Department.

That’s when the Q movement to take back our Freedoms from the Globalist Cartel was more formally organized. By the early 2000s the Q Movement had gradually spread across the Globe.

It has continued to gain momentum to this day under leadership of President Trump – and was soon to result in a March 2024 Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currencies and new Sovereign Republics of the World.



  • ·         On Thurs. 22 Feb. the Cabal capitulated, followed by Trump releasing the final phase of The Plan – which was Mass Arrests. Those arrests were hoped to be completed by Fri. 15 March.

  • ·         On Sat. 23 Feb. 2024 the World Trade Organization announced that Iraq had completed all requirements to be accepted as a member including having set their new Iraqi Dinar Rate, which the next day on Wed. 28 Feb, the Central Bank of Iraq announced as $3.47. Then the Dinar went live on back screens of the Forex for $2.70 and began fluctuating upward in value.

  • ·         By Thurs. 29 Feb. at around 7 pm EST Iraqi PM Al Sudani formally announced that the Dinar was asset-backed and Iraq had officially joined BRICS.

  • ·         On Fri. 1 March, with various countries new currency rates having been agreed upon, Iraq officially joined other BRICS nations for the Global Currency Reset – exactly one year (March 2023) after the new Quantum Financial System went live on the Star Link Satellite Network.

  • ·         On Thurs. 7 March after Actor Biden’s State of the Nation Address, President Trump hit the Green Light that released the new gold/asset-backed US Treasury note to the World. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification to set redemption/ exchange appointments could occur at any moment. Tier4b will have 14-15 days to exchange at Redemption Centers at the special rates, after which you would have to exchange at a bank at the lower rates.

  • ·         On Mon. 11 March the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) will cease making new loans according to the Federal Reserve Board. This would be a huge catalyst for the banking crisis and beginning of the new gold-backed financial system!

  • ·         By Mon. 11 March, Worldwide Martial Law could be made public, with Ten Days of Darkness/ Exposure beginning via takeover of Mainstream Media.

  • ·         Q Clock Ends Mon. 11 March, 11:11. Return Of Q = “The Plan to save the World.” …Mr. Pool on Telegram Sun. 10 March

  • ·         On Fri. 15 March the new gold/asset-backed US Note should be available to the General Public and will replace the old Federal Reserve fiat US Dollar in ATM machines.

  • ·         It was also likely that on that same Fri. 15 March Restitution and Rebate monies will begin to be paid out and Social Security increases will begin.

  • ·         Wed. 20 March would end the ten days of Disclosure.


Ben Fulford:

  • I used to believe what I saw on the evening news.

  • I used to get fighting mad when people said 9/11 was an inside job.

  • I used to think Bush was a good president.I used to think our elections mattered.

  • I used to believe what “science” said.

  • I used to think we actually went to the moon in that stupid aluminum foil bucket.I used to think people that were anti-vax were just crazy.

  • I used to think chemtrails were just a stupid conspiracy theory.

  • I used to think our dollar had value

  • .I used to think Israel was our “biggest ally.”

  • I used to think the wars we fought were righteous, instead of being fought over lies so the Military Industrial Complex can prosper while our best men died.

  • The point is,

  • I used to think a lot of things that I don’t think anymore….it’s OK to admit it when you’re wrong.

In fact, admitting when you’re wrong is about the only way we will ever be able to fix things…my kingdom for the rest of you to start admitting it now.


·         Sun. 10 March “My husband owns a gun shop, and he just called me to tell me that the ATF has made updates to their background check policy. And effective today, they give an exemption to illegal immigrants to be able to purchase firearms. Now this strangely coincides with, uh, California, New York, and Chicago making it legal for illegals to be police officers. Tell me our government isn’t about to pull some shenanigans, without telling me our government’s about to pull some shenanigans.”



MAGA Extremist Policies MAGA2024, Fulford

·         Don’t murder your children via abortion

·         Stop child sex trafficking and drug trafficking by closing the border

·         Drill oil here in America

·         End our intervention in every conflict around the world. Sure up our own military

·         Detox our military from Wokeness

·         Bring manufacturing back to America


These are basic positions to hold for Americans but Biden, the Democrats, and the media has somehow made these out to be radical ideas. What are the Democrats and Biden doing right now? Not proposals… but actively doing?

  • ·         Actively flying hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals into the Country

  • ·         Facilitating child sex slave trafficking at the border

  • ·         Flooding our cities with illegals from around the world, lowering your wages, raising your taxes, stressing your infrastructure

  • ·         Bringing bills forward that is $99B for foreign borders, $20B to help facilitate trafficking at our border

  • ·         Abortion up until birth.

  • ·         They’re willing to start WWIII for Ukraine, a country we have NO right to claim. They’re willing to sacrifice us in nuclear warfare for it.

  • ·         They armed Afghanistan with $85B worth of military equipment while advocating to DISARM YOU

  • ·         Charging and arresting their top political opponent

  • ·         Charging and arresting JOURNALISTS who documented Jan 6th. Not all journalists, ONLY right wing journalists. Let that sink in.



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