Saturday BLOG 1 - 6 - 24
Verse(s) for today:
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2 KJV
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, That I might not sin against thee.
Psalm 119:11 KJV
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Genesis 1:1 KJV
Read the following with an open mind please... It could save your life or that of a loved one
Florida State Surgeon General
- Calls for Halt in the Use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines:
Tallahassee, Fla. – On December 6, 2023, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo sent a letter to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Robert M. Califf and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Mandy Cohen regarding questions pertaining to the safety assessments and the discovery of billions of DNA fragments per dose of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
The Surgeon General outlined concerns regarding nucleic acid contaminants in the approved Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, particularly in the presence of lipid nanoparticle complexes, and Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter/enhancer DNA. Lipid nanoparticles are an efficient vehicle for delivery of the mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccines into human cells and may therefore be an equally efficient vehicle for delivering contaminant DNA into human cells. The presence of SV40 promoter/enhancer DNA may also pose a unique and heightened risk of DNA integration into human cells.
In 2007, the FDA published guidance on regulatory limits for DNA vaccines in the Guidance for Industry: Considerations for Plasmid DNA Vaccines for Infectious Disease Indications (Guidance for Industry). In this Guidance for Industry, the FDA outlines important considerations for vaccines that use novel methods of delivery regarding DNA integration, specifically:
DNA integration could theoretically impact a human’s oncogenes – the genes which can transform a healthy cell into a cancerous cell.
DNA integration may result in chromosomal instability.
The Guidance for Industry discusses biodistribution of DNA vaccines and how such integration could affect unintended parts of the body including blood, heart, brain, liver, kidney, bone marrow,
ovaries/testes, lung, draining lymph nodes, spleen, the site of administration and subcutis at injection site.
On December 14, 2023, the FDA provided a written response providing no evidence that DNA integration assessments have been conducted to address risks outlined by the FDA themselves in 2007. Based on the FDA’s recognition of unique risks posed by DNA integration, the efficacy of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine’s lipid nanoparticle delivery system, and the presence of DNA fragments in these vaccines, it is essential to human health to assess the risks of contaminant DNA integration into human DNA. The FDA has provided no evidence that these risks have been assessed to ensure safety. As such, Florida State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo has released the following statement:
“The FDA’s response does not provide data or evidence that the DNA integration assessments they recommended themselves have been performed. Instead, they pointed to genotoxicity studies – which are inadequate assessments for DNA integration risk. In addition, they obfuscated the difference between the SV40 promoter/enhancer and SV40 proteins, two elements that are distinct.
DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients. If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings.
Providers concerned about patient health risks associated with COVID-19 should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatment. It is my hope that, in regard to COVID-19, the FDA will one day seriously consider its regulatory responsibility to protect human health, including the integrity of the human genome.”
In the spirit of transparency and scientific integrity, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo will continue to assess research surrounding these risks and provide updates to Floridians.
On September 13, 2023, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo provided guidance against COVID-19 boosters for individuals under 65 and younger. In addition to aforementioned concerns, providers and patients should be aware of outstanding safety and efficacy concerns outlined in the State Surgeon General’s previous booster guidance released in September. Florida Department of Health:
Dennise Duncon

Amish farmer fighting U.S. government for right to sell his all-natural food to private buyers.
Jeremy Loffredo joins Sheila Gunn Reid to provide an update on the fight one Amish farmer from Pennsylvania has with the U.S. government for the right to sell his all-natural produce to whomever he wishes.
Miller’s Organic Farm is located in the remote Amish village of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania. The farm supplies everything from grass-fed beef and cheese, to raw milk and organic eggs, to dairy from grass-fed water buffalo and all types of produce, all to roughly 4,000 private food club members who pay top dollar for high quality whole food.
The private food club members appreciate their freedom to get food from an independent farmer that isn’t processing his meat and dairy at U.S. Department of Agriculture facilities, which mandates that food be prepared in ways that Miller’s Organic Farm believe make it less nutritious.
Amos Miller, the farm’s owner, contends that he’s preparing food the way God intended — but the U.S. government doesn’t see things that way. They recently sent armed federal agents to the farm and demanded he cease operations. The government is also looking to issue more than $300,000 in fines — a request so steep, it would put the farm out of business.
On last night’s episode of the Ezra Levant Show, Rebel News USA reporter Jeremy Loffredo (@LoffredoJeremy) joined guest host Sheila Gunn Reid to provide an update on Amos Miller’s fight with the government for the right to sell his produce to whomever he wishes.
Explaining the current situation with Miller’s Organic Farm, Jeremy told Sheila:
There’s this farmer named Amos Miller and he’s been farming for 25 years. No electricity, no fertilizer, no gasoline. He has really, really impressive crop yields using only the oldest of methods, totally organic. He has milk, he has beef, he has different types of sheep. He has chicken, all types of vegetables. And he has a private buyers club of about 4,000 people all across the country that pay him top dollar for his food.
And the government doesn’t like this idea of a private buyers club. They have raided his farm with armed federal agents and they have said he needs to stop selling his meat until he gets regulated by the federal agencies whose job it is to, you know, regulate food. And he says, “you know, the way you guys regulate it, it kind of hurts the nutrition of the food — you know, you wash it in these things, you’ve given these vaccines and the cows get all types of medicine, I don’t do any of that. So, I think going through your regulatory process will actually hurt the quality of my food and that’s what I’m being paid top dollar for, it is this high quality food.”
So, they are fining him hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they’ve actually sent armed federal agents there to take inventory of his meat, of his dairy, and they visit him to make sure that he’s not selling anything and that he’s not ramping up his production in any way. So that’s where he is now. He’s figuring out how to fight the federal government, what he’s going to do. And you know, he’s been put in this really tight spot along with the people who, you know, look to him for this food. They’re not getting their meat and dairy right now because of the government.
If you would like to support Amos Miller in his fight with the U.S. government, sign our petition at
This is just a clip from the full episode of the Ezra Levant Show.

Amish farmer scores major victory in battle against federal agriculture apparatus December 27, 2022IN “AMISH FARMER SCORES MAJOR VICTORY”
Amish man slapped with six-year prison sentence for growing and selling his own herbal remedies July 8, 2017IN “ALTERNATIVE NEWS”
Amish Farmer Faces $250K Fine, Jail Time & Losing His Sustainable Farm for Processing His Own Meat May 1, 2022IN “BIBLE PROPHECY & WORLD NEWS”
Patrick Bestall
If Farmers – [anyone... Growing Food] are ‘BLOCKED’ from selling that Produce to ‘OTHERS’... OUR FREEDOM to Live will have been taken from us! This is a FIGHT that we cannot ignore!

The farm supplies everything from grass-fed beef and cheese, to raw milk and organic eggs, to dairy from grass-fed water buffalo and all types of produce, all to roughly 4,000 private food club members who pay top dollar for high quality whole food. The private food club members appreciate their freedom to get food from an independent farmer that isn’t processing his meat and dairy at U.S. Department of Agriculture facilities, which mandates that food be prepared in ways that Miller’s Organic Farm believe make it less nutritious. Amos Miller, the farm’s owner, contends that he’s preparing food the way God intended — but the U.S. government doesn’t see things that way.

And speaking of the innocent Amish farmer, that’s what this story is about today — a Virginia man who was raided by the government but is fighting back and desperately needs your support. ... The state of Virginia raided this Amish farmers farm. And speaking of the innocent Amish farmer, that’s what this story is about today — a Virginia man who was raided by the government but is fighting back and desperately needs your support.
Townhall: “They came with a search warrant,” softly spoke Samuel B. Fisher, a mild-mannered cattle farmer operating a 100-acre farm tucked away in Virginia’s heartland. Fisher’s bread-and-butter, Golden Valley Farms, carves out the scenic countryside that’s a hop, skip, and a jump away from historic Farmville, a postcard-perfect small Southern town with classical Main Street charm. ... He is fighting back. I cannot believe this is happening in America. — Spitfire (@DogRightGirl) August 21, 2023. Скрыть
The problem is that farmer is selling contaminated products. Some of the raw milk he had for sale had listeria that made some people sick and also killed one person. ... I’m sure they have private buyers and butcher their livestock not in FDA approved slaughter houses. ... Religious exemptions such as halal and kosher food exist throughout the country. While I do think the fines are excessive and would be better put to use in upgrading his facility there are some regulations concerning food safety that really should be followed. Share. ... This looks like it’s another example of the Feds being selective in who they go after. I would expect mass produced items, such as ones labeled as being kosher would still have to meet minimum USDA and or FDA standards.

Trozzi Report: 2024-01-05
Aladdin of BlackRock
An AI system running the world economy:
This is outside of my personal area of expertise, but I think it is important to share.
If this is not the right day for you to look at another creepy problem facing mankind, then skip today’s post, for now. Otherwise, here are seven very interesting minutes.
Also, please see this important message from Kathleen, who left this comment on my website yesterday afternoon:
"Can you ALERT the public that Sarah Choujounian RN vs CNO Tribunal Hearing Jan.5 (tomorrow) and also Monday Jan. 8th and Friday Jan. 12th. People who wish to view the travesty of Justice against a single mom and co-creator of Canadian Frontline Nurses need to email: to obtain the link." – Kathleen
A few naive thoughts about Aladdin:
One might substitute the word “AI” for “robot” in this video.
Cut the power and demolish this thing.
Start exchanging copper, silver, gold, eggs, food, fuel and other real things, while navigating and exit from the fraud of fiat currency and fractional reserve lending.
Related Material:
The “President of the United States is really Larry Fink”

Another Trans Rampage?
Students returning to school for their second semester in the small town of Perry, Iowa, were met Thursday morning with gunfire and bloodshed. The suspect responsible for ushering in the new year with senseless violence appears to have been yet another butcher captive to trans ideology.
According to authorities, the 17-year-old suspect, a student at the school, stalked the halls of Perry Middle and High School Thursday morning armed with a pump-action shotgun, a homemade bomb, and a small-caliber handgun. He began opening fire on children and staff around 7:47 a.m., before the start of classes.
Dallas County Sheriff Adam Infante indicated the fact classes had not yet begun may have been a limiting factor on the number of victims ultimately attacked, reported Newsweek.
"School didn't start yet, luckily, so there were very few students and faculty in the building, which I think contributed to a good outcome in that sense," said Infante.
The suspect murdered a sixth-grader from Perry Middle School and injured five others, four of whom were students. The fifth victim was identified by the school district as the school's principal, Dan Marburger.
Three of the victims were taken to Iowa Methodist Medical Center in Des Moines, and others were taken to MercyOne Des Moines Medical Center, reported the Associated Press — a news agency that has attempted to paint the shooter as a victim of bullying.
One of the survivors is in critical condition. The other four are reportedly now in stable condition.
Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds said in a statement, "Our hearts are broken by this senseless tragedy. Our prayers are with the students, teachers & families of the Perry Community."
Reynolds thanked the police and first responders for their fast response, stating, "Their heroic actions today we can say saved lives."
Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation Assistant Director Mitch Mortvedt underscored during a press conference Thursday that the response by law enforcement was swift and unflinching. At least 150 law enforcement agents ultimately rushed to the scene.
"Perry Police officers responded within minutes. They immediately made entry and witnessed students and faculty either sheltering in place or running from the school," said Mortvedt. "Once inside, they located multiple individuals with gunshot wounds. Officers immediately attempted to locate the source of the threat and quickly found what appeared to be the shooter with a self-inflicted gunshot wound."
The shooter evidently offed himself before being able to deploy his improvised explosive device against innocents. Mortvedt indicated that the bomb, which was "pretty rudimentary," was successfully neutralized by the state fire marshal and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents.
Investigators are now analyzing the suspect's posts on social media, particularly on Reddit and TikTok — both of which have been deactivated.
Prior to the shooting, the suspect reportedly posted a selfie taken inside the school's bathroom to his TikTok account along with the lyrics "now we wait" from the song "Stray Bullet" from the German band KMFDM.
The New York Post highlighted that that the same song referenced by the suspect was also used on the personal website of one of the shooters behind the 1999 Columbine High School massacre.
An archived version of the suspect's TikTok account reveals his bio was limited to an LGBT activist flag emoji. Extra to stating "he/they" pronouns on social media and allegedly engaging with other LGBT activists about transgenderism, the suspect also appears to used the hashtag "genderfluid" and posted, "love your trans kids."
In one of the suspect's alleged Reddit posts, he noted he was being held back from beginning the sex-change process because he didn't "want to look ugly."
While acknowledging that the shooter may have been trans, leftists have rushed to downplay the relevance as well as the corresponding trend.
The Advocate, an LGBT activist publication, stressed, "While there have been isolated incidents involving transgender or nonbinary people in mass shootings, these are not representative of the broader trend."
The 26-year-old behind the Sept. 20, 2018, mass shooting outside a Rite Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, Maryland, was a transvestite who had reportedly been receiving hormone therapy and planning to get a sex change operation.
The woman behind the 2019 STEM School Highlands Ranch mass shooting in Colorado was also a transvestite transitioning at the time she took aim at unarmed students.
The lawyers for the man behind the November 2022 massacre at a non-straight nightclub in Colorado Springs, which left five dead and 25 injured, indicated he identified as non-binary, reported Newsweek.
The female LGBT activist who shot up a Christian elementary school in Nashville last March, killing three children and three adults, was another transvestite who identified as a man.
Angela Ferell-Zaballa, executive director of the gun-grab group Moms Demand Action, told the Advocate, "Extremists often try to muddy the waters by blaming our gun violence crisis on mental health or gender identity, when often people with these lived realities are most likely to be victims of gun violence, rather than perpetrators of it."
Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD, stated, "Media outlets that speculate on the shooter's identity or their support of LGBTQ rights instead of focusing on those impacted are contributing to a false and sweeping narrative about vulnerable communities."
The Human Rights Campaign's national propagandist, Brandon Wolf, told the Advocate that Libs of TikTok's Chaya Raichik, among those who have highlighted the suspect's apparent trans-identification, "is using a horrific shooting to try and drum up anti-LGBTQ+ hysteria for her cause. In truth, LGBTQ+ people are disproportionately impacted by gun violence, a reality made worse by those like her, who demonize the community at every turn and peddle dangerous, bogus narratives in exchange for influence."
LGBTQ Nation, which recognized the shooter as "nonbinary," similarly lashed out at those dredging up evidence of his LGBT affinities, noting, "The right-wing focus on gun-toting queers and shooters' mental illness is merely a way to stigmatize queer people while also drawing attention away from gun control regulations that could help stop mass shootings in the first place."
The BLAZE Media

Joe Biden is about to cause World War III after this Giant Mistake:
Joe Biden’s foreign policy may be the worst of any President in history.
Biden’s bungling is no laughing matter.
And Joe Biden is about to cause World War III after this giant mistake.
The risk of Joe Biden’s war with Russia igniting a civilization-ending nuclear war reared its ugly head after a Russian missile entered Polish air space before leaving and continuing on to its target in Ukraine.
“A missile entered NATO airspace on Friday morning at around 0700 (0000 EST), the Polish military says. While initially said to have been a missile of unknown origin and a search for a downed aircraft was launched, Poland now says it has confirmed with its own observations and data from allied militaries that the object was, in fact, a Russian missile,” Breitbart report.
“Poland says the missile crossed into its territory east of Zamosc, near Lublin, and spent three minutes in Polish airspace, crossing 40 kilometres (25 miles), an indicated airspeed of 500 miles per hour. It is possible a missile launched from Belarus around the ancient city of Brest towards Lviv in Ukraine (Lwów) would pass through Poland in the area described, for the distance described as the Polish border continues slightly further east in this area,” Breitbart also reported.
Poland is a NATO ally.
Any attack on Poland would be an attack on the entire alliance, triggering Article 5 which would put NATO – and by extension, the United States – at war with Russia.
Russia’s army proved inferior to the task of conquering Ukraine.
Any contest between the United States and the combined NATO army and Russia is a mismatch that would see Russia first turn to tactical nuclear weapons to try and even up the battlefield.
At that point, it’s katy bar the door, and it’s a full-on nuclear war where hundreds of millions of people would die in the first hours, leading to an eventual apocalypse.
Ukraine isn’t in America’s vital strategic interest.
But Biden and the globalists want this war.
Ukrainian officials continue to reveal that Russia and Ukraine were ready to strike a peace deal in April 2022, but the United States and NATO forced the Ukrainians to back away from the agreement.

And the longer this pointless war drags on, the likelihood of a catastrophic mistake leading to nuclear Armageddon increases.
24/7 Politics

This might be the craziest lie ever told on CNN:
In the wake of Claudine Gay’s resignation, many people have chosen to defend the former Harvard president despite the rampant anti-Semitism on Harvard’s campus as well as multiple accusations of plagiarism in various written works produced by Gay.
One such person is CNN’s Matt Egan.
“We should note that Claudine Gay has not been accused of stealing anyone's ideas in any of her writings; she's been accused of sort of copying other people's writings without attribution,” Egan stated, laying out the very definition of plagiarism.
“This might be the most insane thing ever uttered on cable news,” says Dave Rubin.
“She didn't steal; she just stole,” mocks Dave.
“You do not hate journalists enough; you really don't.”
The BLAZE Media

Liberals Rage as States Back Pro-Life Centers with $250M Boost!
Once again, the clash between liberal and conservative ideologies has surfaced in the arena of women's reproductive rights. The ongoing debate revolves around Pregnancy centers, places designed to offer support and alternatives to abortion. These centers have sparked controversy, especially among liberal circles, as they've received substantial funding from several state governments, totaling over $250 million.
States give over $250 million to anti-abortion pregnancy centers after Dobbs
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) December 30, 2023
The move to financially support Pregnancy centers comes amidst a broader trend in various states to enforce stricter regulations on abortions, redirecting funds toward these centers to encourage childbirth instead. Supporters argue that this marks a critical shift, championing the rights of the unborn while assisting women facing pregnancy-related challenges.
Pregnancy centers play a vital role in providing a spectrum of assistance to pregnant women in need. Ranging from educational and financial resources to healthcare support and essential supplies like diapers, baby wipes, formula, and clothing, these centers operate as frontline support systems. Proponents emphasize the importance of recognizing and adequately funding their contributions.
However, this swell of support for Pregnancy centers hasn't gone unnoticed by abortion-focused organizations like Planned Parenthood. The substantial presence and financial aid to these centers pose a challenge to the profitability of abortion-providing facilities. Consequently, this has stirred tension within the broader landscape of reproductive health initiatives.
Moreover, the political battle extends beyond funding. President Joe Biden's Department of Health and Human Services has attempted to curtail funding for these centers, signaling a more extensive ideological struggle over the pro-abortion stance. Additionally, efforts to restrict progesterone treatment, also known as abortion pill reversal, in certain states indicate a concerted effort to counter any opposition to the pro-abortion narrative.
In response, conservative voices are taking action. Legal action, such as Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s lawsuit against Yelp for allegedly discrediting Pregnancy centers, demonstrates a pushback against what is perceived as a suppression of alternative viewpoints in the reproductive rights discourse. The call to stand up for the rights of the unborn and support organizations making tangible differences in the lives of women and their children remains fervent within conservative circles.
American Voter Polls

Trump Thwarts Leftist Ploy, Secures Wisconsin Ballot Spot!
Former President Donald Trump has once again come out on top in his battle to stay on Wisconsin’s primary ballot, proving that no liberal scheme can keep him down.
Trump survives challenge to remove him from Wisconsin ballot
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) December 31, 2023
Despite relentless attempts from the left to remove him from the ballot using any excuse they could think of, Trump emerged victorious in Wisconsin, frustrating the Democrats yet again.
The election officials in Wisconsin showed some common sense and threw out the baseless complaint before it even had a chance to cause any more unnecessary drama. The Wisconsin Election Commission spokesman made it clear that the complaint didn’t even deserve their consideration, shutting down the Democrats’ feeble attempt to meddle in the election process.
This outrageous complaint, brought forth by a Wisconsin Democratic Assembly candidate, absurdly claimed that Trump’s actions surrounding the Jan. 6 Capitol riot somehow made him ineligible to run for president. It’s just another pathetic effort by the left to undermine Trump and ignore the will of the people who support him.
Not only did Wisconsin give the boot to this ridiculous complaint, but other states also found themselves entangled in similar legal battles. Fortunately, Trump’s foes faced some setbacks, including a major legal victory against the challenge in Colorado. Despite a brief hiccup in Colorado, Trump’s team is ready to take the fight all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States, where they are confident that justice will prevail.
Trump’s triumph in Wisconsin is just another example of the left’s failure to put a dent in his overwhelming popularity and support. American Voter Polls

White House press conference descends into chaos after a reporter asked this one question:
Joe Biden and the Democrats are only used to softballs from the press. Now they’re getting what they deserve.
And a White House press conference descended into chaos after a reporter asked this one question.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, became enraged during an exchange with a reporter who implied that the U.S. had provoked Iran with its naval presence in the Middle East.
During Wednesday’s press briefing, a reporter asked Kirby if President Biden had broadened and escalated the Israel-Hamas conflict by deploying naval forces to fight attacks on cargo vessels by Iran-backed proxy groups.
“That’s certainly turning things upside down, isn’t it?” asked a perplexed Kirby. “Wouldn’t you consider provocation launching ballistic missiles and drones at commercial [vessels]?”
Since Oct. 19, there have been approximately two dozen attacks on international vessels by Iran-backed Houthi militants in Yemen.
The Houthis claim their attacks are aimed at stopping Israel’s offensive in Gaza. On Saturday, the Houthis attacked a Maersk container ship.
Following that attack, a coalition of 13 maritime states led by the United States, warned of repercussions for the Houthis if they continued to harass vessels in the Red Sea.
The United States announced last month the launch of Operation Prosperity Guardian, a multinational operation to defend commercial ships operating through the Red Sea.
Approximately 1,200 commerce ships have passed through the region since then, and none have been targeted by drone or missile strikes until Saturday.
Prosperity Guardian, according to Kirby, is a “defensive posture” taken in reaction to Houthi attacks.
“So you’re denying then that there has been an escalation since the Red Sea patrol,” was the reporter’s response.
“I totally disagree with the premise of your question,” Kirby said.
“It wasn’t the United States who decided to attack commercial shipping in the Red Sea. The Houthis did that. And who are the Houthis backed by? Iran. As I’ve said before, Iran provided the missiles the Houthis are using. We are simply in a defensive posture to protect that commercial shipping and we have in the last 48 hours.”
Undaunted, the reporter pressed Kirby, noting that Iran had deployed a warship into the Red Sea in apparent reprisal to the U.S.
“I ask you again, has the United States’ actions supported an escalation as a result?” she asked.
“No,” Kirby replied.
The alliance lead by the United States includes the United Kingdom, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and New Zealand.
In a joint statement, the countries condemned attacks on Red Sea trade as “unacceptable” and “illegal.”
Currently, five warships from the United States, France, and the United Kingdom, patrol the seas of the southern Red Sea and the western Gulf of Aden. So far, the ships have shot down 17 drones and four anti-ship ballistic missiles.
D.C. Daily Journal

Government agencies execute raid on Amish farm previously scrutinized by feds, lawyer says seizure is 'patently illegal':
Multiple government agencies executed a search warrant on an Amish farm in Pennsylvania on Thursday. Government employees are seen on video hauling away several coolers of products from the organic farm. However, the lawyer for the farmer in question argues that the seizure of food was "patently illegal."
Three Pennsylvania State Troopers and seven employees of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture conducted an hours-long search of a farm in Upper Leacock Township. Police are seen on video ordering a reporter from the Lancaster Patriot to exit the building while the search was conducted.
Video of the raid shows government employees seizing multiple coolers from the Lancaster County dairy farm owned by Amos Miller.
The news outlet reported that the search warrant was issued by Magisterial District Judge B. Denise Commins on Wednesday. The search warrant purportedly included an affidavit of probable cause completed by Sheri Morris – acting Bureau director of food safety with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture said it executed a search warrant as part of an investigation into two food-borne illness cases, according to Lancaster Online.
The potential cases stem from two underage individuals in Michigan and New York suffering illness after consuming raw eggnog and other raw dairy products from the Miller Organic Farm. Health officials in both states noted that the sickened individuals tested positive for Shiga toxin-producing E. coli.
The raid of Miller's farm "sought, among other things, illegal raw milk and raw milk products, including eggnog," the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture said.
The government agency declared, "Miller has never licensed his retail operation."
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) said of the raid on the X social media platform: "Looks like Amos Miller’s farm is being raided. With all of the problems in society today, this is what the government wants to focus on? A man growing food for informed customers, without participating in the industrial meat/milk complex? It’s shameful that it’s come to this."
Massie is the co-author of the PRIME Act bill that "makes it easier for small farms and ranches to serve consumers."
"Consumers want to know where their food comes from, what it contains, and how it’s processed. Yet, federal inspection requirements make it difficult to purchase food from trusted, local farmers," Massie said. "It is time to open our markets to give producers the freedom to succeed and consumers the freedom to choose."

Miller’s attorney, Robert Barnes, proclaimed that the seizure of food was "patently illegal."
Barnies issued a statement after the search was conducted:
Today, the Department of Agriculture of the State of Pennsylvania suddenly came, without notice, raided Amos’ farm, and detained everything Amos had in the farm’s freezer. They did so in a lawless manner, without appropriate authority, in violation of their own rules and regulations, despite never objecting to the prior resolutions reached with the federal government, and despite a complete failure by the state to even reach out to Amos’ known counsel, Robert Barnes. The state’s own rules require advance notice, reasonable time frames for inspections, and a showing of credentials, none of which occurred here. Instead, the state unlawfully obtained a search warrant, based on materially false statements in an affidavit by a high-ranking state official in an agency with a known grievance against independent farmers like Amos, and, after the raid and finding no evidence of wrongdoing, then illegally ordered detained every item of food in one of Amos Miller’s coolers, including buffalo meat not even subject to federal regulation. The detention order is patently illegal under Pennsylvania law. Despite the constant harassment, Amos will continue to do all he legally can to provide the food his members deeply need. Amos thanks you for your continued support at this critical time for food freedom in America.
Miller has been in legal battles with the government for years.
In 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration scrutinized Amos over selling raw milk.
Two individuals suffered from listeriosis – one of whom died. Health officials traced the raw milk back to Miller's Organic Farm.

The USDA came down hard on Miller for slaughtering farm animals without federal inspections of his operation. Miller argued that his farm only sold the meat to those with private club memberships to Miller's Organic Farm, which he believed exempted him to federal regulations.
According to the Foundation for Economic Education, "The story reached a climax in March 2022 when a federal judge ordered Miller to cease and desist all meat sales and authorized armed U.S. Marshals to use 'reasonable force' to gain access to Miller’s farm so a court expert could inspect it."
The expert and the U.S. Marshals took an inventory of all Miller’s meat on the premises.
Federal inspectors continue to investigate Miller's farm every few months. However, Miller has often been in a standoff with the federal government over allowing inspectors on his farm.
The U.S. Department of Justice filed a civil action requiring Miller's farm to comply with federal meat and poultry food safety statutes.
The Amish farmer initially faced fines from the government of $250,000.
The BLAZE Media

NEW Ashli Babbitt Lawsuit!
Judicial Watch Files $30 Million Suit on behalf of... Ashli Babbitt’s Husband and Estate
The only homicide on January 6 was the unlawful shooting death of Ashli Babbitt. Her homicide by Lt. Michael Byrd is a scandal beyond belief. We have filed a historic lawsuit seeking a measure of justice and government accountability for Ashli’s death.We filed the wrongful death suit against the U.S. Government on behalf of Ashli’s family. She was a U.S. Air Force veteran who was shot and killed inside the U.S. Capitol by then-Capitol Police Lt. Byrd on January 6, 2021 (Estate of Ashli Babbitt and Aaron Babbitt, et al. v. United States of America (No. 3:24-cv-00033).The lawsuit includes claims against the U.S. Government for wrongful death, assault and battery, and various negligence issues.Babbitt was a 35-year-old resident of San Diego, California, where she owned and operated a successful pool business with her husband Aaron. Ashli traveled alone from San Diego to Washington, DC, to attend the Women for America First (aka Save America) rally on January 6, 2021, at the Ellipse.As the lawsuit details:
Ashli loved her country and wanted to show her support for President Trump’s America First policies and to see and hear the president speak live while he remained in office. Ashli did not go to Washington as part of a group or for any unlawful or nefarious purpose. She was there to exercise what she believed were her God-given, American liberties and freedoms.After the rally, Ashli, like a great many other patriotic Americans attending the rally, walked to the Capitol peacefully, a distance of approximately 1.5 miles. Two undercover Metropolitan Police Department officers followed close behind Ashli as she climbed the stairs to the West Terrace. Ashli entered the Capitol on the Senate side long after others had done so. Once inside, Ashli encountered a female Capitol Police officer, who directed her to walk south toward the House side. Ashli complied, walking alone through the Capitol and ultimately arriving at the hallway outside the main door to the House chamber, where demonstrators had gathered. From there, Ashli walked by herself east, along the hallway outside the House chamber, then turned south, reaching the hallway outside the Speaker’s Lobby at the southeast corner of the Capitol.
The shooting occurred at the east entrance to the Speaker’s Lobby. After demonstrators filled the hallway outside the lobby, two individuals in the crowded, tightly packed hallway struck and dislodged the glass panels in the lobby doors and the right door sidelight. Lt. Byrd, who is a USCP commander and was the incident commander for the House on January 6, 2021, shot Ashli on sight as she raised herself up into the opening of the right door sidelight. Lt. Byrd later confessed that he shot Ashli before seeing her hands or assessing her intentions or even identifying her as female. Ashli was unarmed. Her hands were up in the air, empty, and in plain view of Lt. Byrd and other officers in the lobby.
The facts speak truth. Ashli was ambushed when she was shot by Lt. Byrd. Multiple witnesses at the scene yelled, “you just murdered her.”Lt. Byrd was never charged or otherwise punished or disciplined for Ashli’s homicide.
The lawsuit further states:
Lt. Byrd, who is a USCP commander and was the incident commander for the House on January 6, 2021, shot Ashli as she raised herself up into the opening of the right door sidelight.… Not one member of Congress was in the lobby, which was guarded by multiple armed police officers. Additional armed police officers were in the hallway outside the lobby and/or on the adjoining stairway. Ashli could not have seen Lt. Byrd, who was positioned far to Ashli’s left and on the opposite side of the doors, near an opening to the Retiring Room, a distance of approximately 15 feet and an angle of approximately 160 degrees.
Sgt. Timothy Lively, one of the armed officers guarding the lobby doors from the hallway, later told officials investigating the shooting, “I saw him . . . there was no way that woman would’ve seen that.” Lt. Byrd, who was not in uniform, did not identify himself as a police officer or otherwise make his presence known to Ashli. Lt. Byrd did not give Ashli any warnings or commands before shooting her dead.
Ashli remained conscious for minutes or longer after being shot by Lt. Byrd. Ashli experienced extreme pain, suffering, mental anguish, and intense fear before slipping into pre-terminal unconsciousness. The autopsy report identified the cause of death as a “gunshot wound to left anterior shoulder” with an onset interval of “minutes.” The fact that Ashli was alive and conscious in extreme pain and suffering is documented in videos of the shooting. Furthermore, nothing about the wound track described in the autopsy report would be expected to result in immediate death or instantaneous loss of consciousness, and Ashli’s lungs contained blood, further confirming that she was alive and breathing after being shot. Ashli was pronounced dead at Washington Hospital Center at 3:15 p.m. The medical examiner determined that the manner of death was homicide.
The lawsuit argues that, based on prior incidents involving Lt. Byrd, the Capitol Police, Capitol Police Board, and ultimately Congress, as Lt. Byrd’s employer, “knew or should have known that Lt. Byrd was prone to behave in a dangerous or otherwise incompetent manner:”
Less than two years before January 6, 2021, on or about February 25, 2019, Lt. Byrd left his loaded Glock 22 – the same firearm he used to shoot and kill Ashli Babbitt – in a bathroom in the Capitol Visitor Center (CVC) complex. Lt. Byrd’s loaded Glock was discovered during a routine security sweep later the same day. Approximately 15,00 to 20,000 people pass through the CVC, which serves as the main entrance for visitors to the U.S. Capitol, daily during peak season (March-July). Lawmakers and staff charged with oversight of the USCP were not made aware of the incident until contacted by a reporter.
Lt. Byrd’s police powers had been revoked on more than one occasion prior to January 6, 2021, for failing to meet or complete semiannual firearms qualification requirements. In fact, Lt. Byrd had a reputation among peers for not being a good shot. Under USCP’s range management system, an officer who fails to meet firearm qualification requirements is given one week of remedial training. If the officer still fails to qualify after remedial training, police powers are then revoked until the officer qualifies.Lt. Byrd’s police powers also were revoked for a prior off-duty shooting into a stolen, moving vehicle in which the occupants were teenagers or juveniles. The stolen vehicle was Lt. Byrd’s car. Lt. Byrd fired multiple shots at the fleeing vehicle in a suburban area. Stray bullets from Lt. Byrd’s firearm struck the sides of homes nearby. An official investigation found that Lt. Byrd’s use of force was not justified.

Plaintiffs seek “the full and just amount of Thirty Million Dollars ($30,000,000), plus costs and interest according to law, and any and all further relief to which Plaintiffs may be justly entitled.”The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court Southern District of California.We and our supporters are honored to represent Ashli’s steadfast widower Aaron Babbitt and her estate in this legal action. Ashli was shot in cold blood and the rule of law requires justice for her.We are extensively investigating the events of January 6.In October, we announced that we received the court-ordered declaration of James W. Joyce, senior counsel in the Office of the General Counsel for the Capitol Police, in which he describes emails among senior officials of the United States Capitol Police (USCP) in January 2021 that show warnings of possible January 6 protests that could lead to serious disruptions at the U.S. Capitol. In September, we received records from the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, a component of the Department of Justice, in a FOIA lawsuit that detail the extensive apparatus the Biden Justice Department set up to investigate and prosecute January 6 protestors. A previous review of records from that lawsuit highlighted the prosecution declination memorandum justifying the decision not to prosecute U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd for the shooting death of Babbitt.In January 2023, documents from the Department of the Air Force, Joint Base Andrews, MD, showed U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd was housed at taxpayer expense at Joint Base Andrews after he shot and killed U.S. Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.In November 2021, we released multiple audio, visual and photo records from the DC Metropolitan Police Department about the shooting death of Babbitt on January 6, 2021, in the U.S. Capitol Building.
The records included a cell phone video of the shooting and an audio of a brief police interview of the shooter, Byrd.In October 2021, United States Park Police records related to the January 6, 2021, demonstrations at the U.S. Capitol showed that on the day before the January 6 rally featuring President Trump, U.S. Park Police expected a “large portion” of the attendees to march to the U.S. Capitol and that the FBI was monitoring the January 6 demonstrations, including travel to the events by “subjects of interest.”Judicial Watch Sues Biden Censorship AgencyJudicial Watch and I have been censored again and again by the government and Big Tech. And we are fighting back.We filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for failing to respond to an October 11, 2023, FOIA request for all records regarding Judicial Watch and me held by DHS’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) (Judicial Watch Inc. v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:24-cv-00003).That we had to file a federal lawsuit to get basic information about this targeting is another sure sign that CISA has been up to no good.Our request specifically asked that the search for responsive records include email accounts of CISA officials publicly implicated in censorship operations.On November 6, 2023, the House Judiciary Committee released a report detailing “how the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Global Engagement Center (GEC, within the State Department) coordinated with Stanford University and other entities to create the Election Integrity Partnership to censor Americans’ speech in the lead-up to the 2020 election.” I am listed as a target of this censorship operation.We have been in the forefront of uncovering government efforts to censor free speech and suppress opposition.On November 9, 2023, we reported that “CISA records show government involvement in the EIP [Election Integrity Partnership] pressure on Google, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Reddit and other platforms to censor ‘disinformation.’”In October 2023, we sued the Department of Justice (DOJ) for records of any payments made by the FBI to Twitter (now known as X). The payments were disclosed in internal Twitter documents (the “Twitter Files”) made available by Elon Musk to journalists.Also in October, we sued the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) for records concerning censorship of social media users.In April 2023, we filed two lawsuits against the U.S. Department of Justice and other federal agencies for communications between the agencies and Facebook and Twitter regarding the government’s involvement in content moderation and censorship on the social media platforms. In a separate lawsuit file in June 2023, we sued DHS for all records of communications tied to the Election Integrity Partnership. Based on representations from the EIP (see here and here), the federal government, social media companies, the EIP, the Center for Internet Security (a non-profit organization funded partly by DHS and the Defense Department) and numerous other leftist groups communicated privately via the Jira software platform developed by Atlassian.In February 2023, we sued the DHS for records showing cooperation between CISA and social media platforms to censor and suppress free speech.In January 2023 we sued the DOJ for records of communications between the FBI and social media sites regarding foreign influence in elections, as well as the Hunter Biden laptop story.In September 2022, we sued the Secretary of State of the State of California for having YouTube censor a Judicial Watch election integrity video.In May 2022, YouTube censored a Judicial Watch video about Biden corruption and election integrity issues in the 2020 election.
The video, titled “Impeach? Biden Corruption Threatens National Security,” was falsely determined to be “election misinformation” and removed by YouTube, and Judicial Watch’s YouTube account was suspended for a week. The video featured an interview with me. Judicial Watch continues to post its video content on its Rumble channel ( July 2021, we uncovered records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which revealed that Facebook coordinated closely with the CDC to control the Covid narrative and “misinformation” and that over $3.5 million in free advertising given to the CDC by social media companies.In May 2021, we revealed documents showing that Iowa state officials pressured social media companies Twitter and Facebook to censor posts about the 2020 election.In April 2021, we published documents revealing how California state officials pressured social media companies (Twitter, Facebook, Google (YouTube)) to censor posts about the 2020 election.We have produced a four-part documentary, “Censored and Controlled,” that details the coordinated effort by the FBI and other government agencies and Big Tech to censor and suppress information on topics such as Hunter Biden’s laptop, Covid-19, and election debates.Nearly Half of Illegals Arrested in 2023 Had Multiple Charges, ConvictionsThey’re not sending us their best and brightest. Included with those coming across our border are criminals and suspected terrorists, as our Corruption Chronicles blog reports.
As a result of the Biden administration’s reckless open border policies the federal agency charged with enforcing immigration laws inside the United States is getting slammed and discloses in its latest annual report that enforcement arrests nearly doubled in a year in which thousands of criminals were apprehended including dozens of known or suspected terrorists. In fiscal year 2023, which ended in September, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested 170,590 illegal immigrants inside the country, almost half of them with criminal records. The criminal aliens had an average of four charges and convictions each, including more than 33,209 charges or convictions for assault, 7,520 for weapons offenses, 1,713 for homicide-related crimes and 1,615 for kidnapping. Removals also included 3,406 known or suspected gang members, 139 known or suspected terrorists, seven human rights violators, and 108 foreign fugitives wanted by their government for crimes including homicide, rape, terrorism, and kidnapping.Among the most pervasive criminal offenses were Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and possession of serious drugs. Assault was also quite common among the undocumented perpetrators arrested last year and so were weapons offenses, sexual assault, and burglary. Thousands of the arrested migrants stole vehicles, were charged and/or convicted of fraudulent activities, robbery, forgery and property damage.
More than 1,000 committed homicide and kidnapping and other types of threats not specified but considered serious enough by the government to be included in the year-end figures. “At-large arrests grew as broader migration trends contributed to an increase in unlawful entries to the Southwest border, driven by factors such as violence, food scarcity, severe poverty, unemployment, corruption, climate change, the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and dire economic conditions outside the United States,” the ICE report states.The law enforcement agency with a staff of around 20,000 also conducted more than 200,000 domestic transfers of illegal immigrants last year and managed a record number of migrants under a controversial Biden administration catch-and-release policy known as Parole Plus Alternative to Detention (Parole+ATD) that freed over a million illegal aliens in the U.S. in a year, supposedly tracking them with technology and other tools. ICE Health Service Corps also spent a whopping $352 million to provide medical, dental, and mental health services for illegal immigrants detained in facilities throughout the nation, according to figures included in the document. “Those in ICE custody speak dozens of languages, including rare indigenous dialects, and the population includes individuals with a wide range of health statuses and unique physical and mental healthcare requirements — including some who receive comprehensive medical care for the first time after they are booked into detention,” the report says.ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) division conducted an unprecedented number of investigations last year and executed 14,000 “noncitizen apprehensions,” seized an astounding 1.2 million pounds of narcotics, confiscated $5 million in assets and property, identified 1,806 victims of child exploitation, helped 731 victims of human trafficking, seized $949 million in criminally derived assets and more than $148 million in virtual currency from criminal elements. In cases involving drug cartels—officially known as Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCO)—that smuggle humans, narcotics, and money, HSI seized 69 firearms, 14,182 rounds of ammunition, 4,846 pounds of illicit drugs, and over $383,446 in currency. In one program alone, known as Operation Blue Lotus, HSI partnered with Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the frontline Homeland Security agency, to seize more than 8,200 pounds of fentanyl.The distressing figures in the new ICE report are hardly surprising considering that 2023 was a record-breaker for illegal immigration with a ghastly 2.48 million foreigners entering the U.S. through the southern border, surpassing what was previously a historical high of 2.38 million in 2022.
The last month of the fiscal year (September), federal agents encountered an unbelievable 269,735 illegal aliens constituting an all-time high for a single month and a substantial increase over August. The crisis is only worsening with time. This week a mainstream media outlet reports that there were 302,000 migrant encounters along the southwest border in December, marking the highest monthly total ever recorded.
Tom Fitton
Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:
This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU
must make up YOUR OWN MIND
On Thurs. 4 Jan. President Trump posted a fifteen page document on Truth Social showing evidence of 2020 Election Fraud in five key states. He said that he would give this evidence to the Supreme Court at the time they docketed other 2020 Election Fraud cases.
· It is believed that Trump did, in fact, take his documentation to the Supreme Court on Fri. 5 Jan. According to CNN, the Supreme Court Justices met on Friday 5 Jan. to discuss a number of challenges related to the 2020 Elections (alleged to be the Florida and Brunson Cases).
· It was suspected that the Supreme Court would issue decisions immediately on that alleged 2020 Election Fraud since the Iowa caucuses and primaries were quickly coming up and they needed to act.
· If the Supreme Court ruled that there was Election Fraud in the 2020 Election it would automatically dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress. In such event, the Military would have the authority to take over until new elections could take place.
· Fri. Midnight EST 5 Jan was the End of the Deep State. …Trump Database on Telegram
Headline News for Fri. 5 Jan. 2024:
· Fri. 5 Jan. Trump and Military Blow Whistle: Cloning Labs Exposed, half of World Leaders could be fakes:
· Fri. 5 Jan. The Real Story of Jan. 6:
· Fri. 5 Jan. The Storm is Here:
· On Wed. 3 Jan. Marines Arrest Colorado SCJ Who Voted to Remove President Trump from State Ballot | Real Raw News On Wed. the United States Marines arrested on charges of treason, one of the four Colorado Supreme Court justices who voted in favor of removing President Donald J. Trump’s name from the Election ballot. The court’s 230-page ruling against Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, stated that no person should hold office who engaged in insurrection. As Trump was neither charged with nor convicted of insurrection, Adm. Crandall decreed the court’s prevarication contorted the 14th Amendment’s text to fit an agenda—deny Coloradoans their constitutionally protected right to vote for their candidate of choice, thereby committing treason against the citizens of Colorado and the United States of America.
· Fri. 5 Jan. The Truth They Are Hiding, Edward Snowden:
· Fri. 5 Jan. Deep State Military Coup Against Trump: URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: Deep State Military Coup Against Trump, Military Operations, Earthquake Wars, DARPA, CIA, HAARP, DNC, White Hats and The Great Awakening - American Media Group (
· Fri. Jan. Obama GITMO’d: GITMO: Where They Go One, They Go All To Tribunal – Arrest and Criminal Prosecution of Barack Obama For War Crimes – Obama The Only Guy With a Nobel Peace Prize And a “Kill List” . . . - American Media Group (
· The Deep State Produced Pfizer Vaccine Is Contaminated with Plasmid DNA.
· Bill Gates Has Been Working with the Deep State CIA and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to Contaminate the World’s Food Supply in Order to Control the Population.
· The Deep State CIA and CCP Run the Mainstream Media Deep State Narrative.
· The Mainstream Media Has Covered Up Epstein Crimes who was working with the CCP and Mossad to Blackmail Global and Political Elites Through Use of an International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican. ALERT! The Blackmail Curtain Falls: Epstein Files Unsealed, Elite Exodus, CIA Collapse, Khazarian Mafia, Rothschilds G7 Central Banks – BLACKMAIL IS OVER - American Media Group (
· Pedophile Blackmail of Global, Political Elites Falls as CIA Epstein Files Finally Released
· President Xi Jinping of China Was Actually a White Hat Working With the BRICS Nations to Destroy the Chinese Communist Party and Deep State.
Possible Timeline:
· On Tues. 26 Dec. 2024 GESARA was softly announced publicly to select media outlets through the Starlink Satellite system, which made it legal. GESARA has started between all governments worldwide. NESARA is now liquid under the USN. The money is flowing
· Mon. 1 Jan. The RV occurred for Iraq; the new in-country Iraqi Dinar rate was being used in-country in Iraq, while the fiat US Federal Dollar was banned from the country.
· Fri. Midnight EST 5 Jan was the End of the Deep State. …Trump Database on Telegram
· Over this weekend all RV liquidity expected to be released (Bond Holders, Tiers A,B, Fines and Penalties, CMKX, Farm Claims, Prosperity Packages) should happen.
· Sun. Midnight EST 7 Jan. to Mon. 8 Jan. Alexa: The lockdown for disclosure will begin and last for a couple of weeks.
· Thurs. 11 Jan. formal public announcement of NESARA, GESARA.
· Wed. 17 Jan. formal public announcement of the new gold/asset-backed US Note.
· By Tues. 30 Jan. countries across the Globe would be fully integrated into the Quantum Financial System.
Global Currency Reset:
· Thurs. 4 Jan. Bruce: Two sources say Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) notification would happen any time between now and Monday 8 Jan. Late this afternoon one source said all RV releases started this weekend – Bond Holders, Tiers A,B, Fines and Penalties, CMKX, Farm Claims, Prosperity Packages, etc.
· Thurs. 4 Jan. Wolverine Call: “Lots of movement in Reno. I know AAA High Level Whales who were traveling to Reno to get paid and some Whales have been paid. I wish I could tell you more, but it is confidential. What info I got was official. It is happening.”
· For some time the Iraqi Dinar has been trading upward on the back screens of the Forex. By Jan. 1 2024 the new Dinar in-country Rate was revalued and being used within Iraq, while the fiat US Federal Dollar was outlawed in the country.
· Thurs. 11 Jan. formal public announcement of NESARA, GESARA.
· Wed. 17 Jan. formal public announcement of the new gold/asset-backed US Note.
· By Tues. 30 Jan. countries across the Globe would be fully integrated into the Quantum Financial System.
· Russia, China Quantum Satellite Computer Test Successful:
The Cabal’s Great Reset:
· Fri. 5 Jan. 2024 Speaking on a World Government Summit panel titled 'Are We Ready for a New World Order?', "Global Leader for Tomorrow" for the World Economic Forum (WEF), Pippa Malmgren, announces the arrival of central bank digital (non asset-backed) currencies (CBDCs). "It means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what's going on. It also raises huge dangers in terms of the balance of power between states and citizens."
· Judy Note: It also means that The People of the countries that accept CBDCs would be controlled by the Deep State. The WEF would have complete control over their bank accounts – and lives – which won’t happen to most people because over half of world’s population was now under the BRICS gold/ asset-backed currencies of the Global Currency Rest.
Global Financial Crisis:
· BRICS: US Dollar continues 20 year decline:
· Chinese shadow banking giant Zhongzhi Enterprise Group Co. has filed for bankruptcy after saying it's insolvent. Beijing's First Intermediate People's Court decided to accept the case, according to a statement on the court's Wechat account Friday.
· Tesla to recall 1.6 mn cars in China to fix steering software:
· Central Banks bought 44 Trillion in Gold in November:
The Real News for Fri. 5 Jan. 2024
· UK Floods, Thames breaks banks, Train Rails under water, Hundreds evacuate:
· Is Border Patrol Involved in Illegal Border Crossings?, Jaco, Herms:
· The year is 1994, when the world watched in awe as two formidable personalities, Donald Trump and Princess Diana, dined together over a luncheon. This remarkable meeting took place on September 4th, a date forever etched in time when their worlds briefly converged, leaving an indelible mark on history.
· Nearly half of Wisconsin community police force resign after they try to disband the Department:
· Fri. 5 Jan. Charlie Ward, SGAnon:
· As long as the DAVOS exists, there won't be a single safe day for humanity. The Davos Party makes up just 1,000 people. They are people with ability to influence a country's politics and military, they must have wealth that can influence the destinies of billions of people, they cooperate with the authorities and have the blood of many on their hands.
· Fri. 5 Jan. X22 Report:
· Fri. 5 Jan. Trump Exonerated on All Charges: Trump Exonerated on All Charges - Nationwide - Trump Is on the Move | Politics | Before It's News (
· House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer announced that the panel will hold a public markup on a resolution to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress following his refusal to appear before the committee.
· Burisma, the Ukraine gas giant that paid Hunter Biden millions, just lawyered up. The company and its founder retained the white-shoe law firm Cravath according to the Foreign Agent Registration Act database. They're clearly terrified of the Biden impeachment inquiry presently before Congress.
Fri. 5 Jan. Epstein Pedophile Documents Release:
The Epstein Document List isn’t just about Elites having parties and going on vacation. It’s about Epstein and Maxwell Blackmailing those powerful Elites to do Cabal Deep State bidding through a Child Sex Trafficking Ring, the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children including Child Sacrifice, Adrenochrome Harvesting and Pedophilia run out of the Vatican. It’s about Child Torture and Treason.
· Fri. 5 Jan. Third List of Epstein Documents Released:
· Fri. 5 Jan. 2024: So, Bill Clinton gets fully exposed on the Epstein list yesterday and today, Jack Smith is exposed for not investigating claims into the Clinton Foundation. There are no coincidences. Enjoy the show!
· Now that we have confirmation Bill is a pedo AND threatened MSM outlets to not write stories about Epstein…doesn’t the Clintons’ affiliation with the Podestas look A LOT more suspect?
· Fri. 5 Jan. Pritzker Power Family under fire for Harvard Epstein Scandal:
· Renewed Suspicion that Epstein Worked for Mossad to Blackmail Elites:
· Prince Andrew Underage Orgy with Epstein:
· Mainstream Media Cover Up: The Epstein Document List isn’t just about Elites having parties and going on vacation. It’s about Epstein and Maxwell Blackmailing those powerful Elites to do Cabal Deep State bidding through a Child Sex Trafficking Ring, the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children including Child Sacrifice, Adrenochrome Harvesting and Pedophilia run out of the Vatican. It’s about Child Torture and Treason.
· The Mainstream Media Has Covered Up Epstein Crimes who was working with the CCP and Mossad to Blackmail Global and Political Elites Through His Use of an International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican.
· Jeffrey Epstein visited the White House at least 17 times during Bill Clinton's first term between 1993 and 1995. Epstein was admitted as a guest on 14 separate days and on three occasions made two visits in a single day. The vast majority of Epstein's visits were to the West Wing, suggesting he was meeting the president. Epstein was invited by some of Clinton's most senior advisers and aides, including Robert Rubin who later served as Clinton's Treasury Secretary. The visits occurred around the time Ghislaine Maxwell was procuring underage girls for him.
· Alan Dershowitz was referenced in the Epstein Document List 1 release. According to this document, he was not only a perpetrator, but a negotiator for Epstein's privileged deal and negotiated his own immunity! The Government hid this from the victims and the public!!!
· Some other Elites named on Epstein Documents: Pope Francis, Prince Andrew (76 times), Jimmy Kimmel, Bill Clinton (73 times), Hillary Clinton (36 times), Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Stephen Colbert, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, Cate Blanchett, Kevin Spacey, Stephen Hawkin, Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Willis, Alan Dershowitz (137 times), Hyatt Hotels Executive Chairman Thomas Pritzker, Ellen Degenerous, Michelle Obama, Rachel Maddow, Joe Biden, Bruce Willis, Paris Hilton, Whoopie Goldberg, Anderson Cooper, Drew Barrymore, George Clooney, John Travolta, Madonna, Prince Charles, Stephen Spielberg, Charlie Sheen, Demi Moore, Jim Carrey, Kathy Griffin, Miley Cyrus, Robert DeNiro, Alan Dershowitz, Jimmy Kimmel
