Saturday 12 [28] 24
Verses for today:
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: But fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 1:7 KJV
When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.
Matthew 2:10-11 KJV
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:13-14 KJV
Will they, or won't they?
The Constitution provides that an oath-breaking insurrectionist is ineligible to be president.
This is the plain wording of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. “No person shall … hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath … to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” This disability can be removed by a two-thirds vote in each House.
Disqualification is based on insurrection against the Constitution and not the government. The evidence of Donald Trump’s engaging in such insurrection is overwhelming. The matter has been decided in three separate forums, two of which were fully contested with the active participation of Trump’s counsel.
The first fully contested proceeding was Trump’s second impeachment trial. On Jan. 13, 2021, then-President Trump was impeached for “incitement of insurrection.” At the trial in the Senate, seven Republicans joined all Democrats to provide a majority for conviction but failed to reach the two-thirds vote required for removal from office. Inciting insurrection encompasses “engaging in insurrection” against the Constitution “or giving aid and comfort to the enemies thereof,” the grounds for disqualification specified in Section 3.
The second contested proceeding was the Colorado five-day judicial due process hearing where the court “found by clear and convincing evidence that President Trump engaged in insurrection as those terms are used in Section Three.” The Colorado Supreme Court affirmed. On further appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, the court held that states lack power to disqualify candidates for federal office and that federal legislation was required to enforce Section 3. The court did not address the finding that Trump had engaged in insurrection.
Finally, there is the bipartisan inquiry of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol. More than half of the witnesses whose testimony was displayed at its nine public hearings were Republicans, including members of the Trump administration. The inescapable conclusion of this evidence is that Trump engaged in insurrection against the Constitution.
In particular, Trump unlawfully demanded that his vice president, Mike Pence, throw out votes in the Electoral College for political opponent Joe Biden, a power he did not have. While the riot was in progress, Trump used Pence’s rejection of his demand to further enflame the crowd and cause them to chant “Hang Mike Pence!”
Some will argue that the Supreme Court decision in the Colorado case, Trump v. Anderson, precludes Congress from rejecting electoral votes when they convene on Jan. 6, on the basis of 14th Amendment disqualification. This view lacks merit for three reasons.
First the majority’s suggestion that there must be new implementing federal legislation passed pursuant to the enforcement power specified in the 14th Amendment is what lawyers call dicta. Dicta are the musings of an opinion that are not required to decide the case. The holding that Section 3 is not self-executing may be an alternate holding, but thoughts about the kind of implementing statute required are plain dicta. Dicta are not precedential. The four dissenters strenuously objected to this part of the opinion as overreach to decide a question not presented. This overreach is a power grab which Congress is not required to credit.
Second, counting the Electoral College votes is a matter uniquely assigned to Congress by the Constitution. Under well-settled law this fact deprives the Supreme Court of a voice in the matter, because the rejection of the vote on constitutionally specified grounds is a nonreviewable political question.
Third, specific legislation designed for this situation already exists. The Electoral Count Act was first enacted in 1887 and later amended and restated in 2022. That statute provides a detailed mechanism for resolving disputes as to the validity of Electoral College votes.
The act specifies two grounds for objection to an electoral vote: If the electors from a state were not lawfully certified or if the vote of one or more electors was not “regularly given.” A vote for a candidate disqualified by the Constitution is plainly in accordance with the normal use of words “not regularly given.” Disqualification for engaging in insurrection is no different from disqualification based on other constitutional requirements such as age, citizenship from birth and 14 years’ residency in the United States.
To make an objection under the Count Act requires a petition signed by 20 percent of the members of each House. If the objection is sustained by majority vote in each house, the vote is not counted and the number of votes required to be elected is reduced by the number of disqualified votes. If all votes for Trump were not counted, Kamala Harris would be elected president.

The unlikelihood of congressional Republicans doing anything that might elect Harris as president is obvious. But Democrats need to take a stand against Electoral College votes for a person disqualified by the Constitution from holding office unless and until this disability is removed. No less is required by their oath to support and defend the Constitution.
Yahoo News
What if Trudeau's 'folly' is by design?
Is Trudeau government Canada’s biggest national security threat?
An expert weighs the evidence...
Canada’s national security faces such major challenges, that its state of “crisis” is alarming and enraging.

“In December 2024 we find ourselves in a far worse situation across all areas of national security than we did in 2015,” said emergency response expert and retired Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Lt.-Col. David Redman.
Could heightened external and internal threats result from not only Liberal government incompetence — but also by design?
Redman thinks so.
“This government, in my opinion, has intentionally eroded and destroyed six out of six of our national interests in the last nine years,” Redman told the Western Standard.
But why would anybody do that?
"I believe that in particular, Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland truly believe that Canada is a post-national state, with no defined culture. They believe in the World Economic Forum vision of the world, and so work to dissolve and destroy nationalism, to ensure their vision for a post-national state world.
Their vision leads to a world like the old Soviet Union, with all parts equally poor. They do not believe in wealth creation, just wealth redistribution. I believe that this is just communism by a different name, and Woke culture and DEI are tools to achieve it."
"Obviously," continues Redman, "I believe exactly the opposite, that our nation is a democratic country, where citizens elect representatives at all orders of government to support their ethics, values, culture and national interests. But unelected people, like the WEF, should have no role in defining what is required for Canadians."
Earlier this year, Redman detailed a six-point framework for national interests that include unity, national security, good governance, protection of rights and freedoms, economic prosperity and growth and personal and societal well-being.
He concluded Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “finished what his father started,” driving Canada into failing freefall.
Current security threats align with Trudeau’s twisted ideological view that Canada is a “post-national state” which Redman called “a dangerous and deadly conceit as well as a plain lie in today’s actual geopolitics.”
Redman recently assessed Canada’s national security in Unfit for Duty: It’s time to Rebuild the Canadian Armed Forces in C2C Journal. (Three extracts will appear in The Western Standard, starting Saturday.)
The under-equipped, under-manned CAF has 54,500 members, a minimum of 16,500 short. Only 58% of these are deployable, leaving Canada’s combat-capable force — army, navy and air force combined — at merely 31,600 — in a volatile world.
But, the CAF is “only one element” of national security undermined by the Trudeau government.
The state of intelligence, border services — including the coastguard and the Canadian Border Services Agency, policing services, and even the courts — must also be addressed with urgency, said Redman.
“Canada is beset by national security challenges — arguably crises, that are shockingly deep — and broad interference in our institutions, worsening illegal protests in our streets, growing concern among our allies and trading partners, the open contempt of our adversaries, and the CAF’s own ‘death spiral,’” he wrote in Unfit for Duty.
“If the CAF is the canary in the coal mine that signals the state of Canada’s national security, then the canary is on its back, fluttering.”
Last month Trudeau insulted Canadians he’s put at risk by proclaiming he directed national security and intelligence adviser Nathalie Drouin to devise a new national security strategy. She’s tasked with providing him with analysis and intelligence necessary for him to fulfil his duties. The only takeaway from this professed sense of duty is the jerk has no shame.
How much faith does Redman have in the Liberals pulling Canada out of crisis mode, or fixing the CAF’s “demoralized, depleted, decrepit” condition?
“Absolutely none.”
He pointed to promises made — funding, equipment, recruitment — since 2015 “not one of which they’ve ever met.”
The Liberals consistently failed to meet Canada's required commitment to NATO of 2% of GDP in investment in defense.
“Then in response to NATO getting very vocal in the past year they’ve announced other things and then simultaneously announced budget cuts for last year, this year and next year.”
“They clearly have rhetoric on one side trying to pacify the NATO requirements. At the same time they're internally causing the CAF to do cuts with absolutely no plan on how to ever restore the most essential item — which is personnel.”
Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives appear well-positioned to form the next government. But a quick fix is impossible.
“I’d have faith but not complete faith. Pierre Poilievre quite correctly identified about eight months ago that Canada’s bankrupt. He doesn’t know how bankrupt yet. Until he actually wins an election and then becomes the prime minister, he won’t be able to see how bad the books are.”
“I’m pretty sure that what we’re being told wouldn’t be near as bad as it is. He can’t commit to a 2% GDP for the CAF until he knows if he has any money to meet that commitment.”
“I respect that. I also understand from things he said that he at least understands the full concept of national security which just isn’t the CAF. And that he will be working diligently to try and return national security and the CAF to a credible status as quickly as he can.”
But Trudeau’s reckless immigration policy presents a formidable challenge.
“Mass immigration impacts on every single one of those six national interests that define a democracy.”
Unity is fractured “when you bring two million people into the country which don’t respect your ethics and values.”
“Multiculturalism is never a strength especially when you spend taxpayer’s dollars to keep everyone of those cultures distinct and encourage them to stay distinct.”
“When you bring peoples in who do not believe in the fundamental equality of women, you have just attacked the unity of our country, our national security, our form of government, our basic rights and freedoms because they don’t believe women have the same rights and freedoms. Which then buries down into our economic prosperity growth and our personal and societal wellbeing.”
Canadians have been forced to tolerate attacks on their wellbeing.
“Of the groups protesting in our streets, to talk about that element of it, we see these people expressing values that we do not believe in as a country, marching in our streets, disrupting traffic, making death threats against communities, supporting genocide against communities in our own country.”
“Burning our flags. Disparaging any Canadian who stands up against them and using cancel culture to try and make their case the only case.”
“That’s a complete breach of national security that this government has condoned.”
Meanwhile, the Liberals lost track of “hundreds of thousands” of people here illegally or “awaiting some kind of process.”
“With no methodology to remove them, you have just admitted you have intentionally destroyed the first two of our national interests which is unity and national security.”
“It’s no wonder that our neighbour to the south finds us suspect.”
A shocking 1,199 people on the terror watch list were apprehended trying to cross from Canada into the US between fiscal 2022 and October 2024, according to the US Customs and Border Protection.
Canadians should be roaring to know how they got into Canada and how many remain posing an internal threat.
President-elect Donald Trump intends to retaliate against terrorists and illegal drugs entering through the porous northern border by imposing a 25% tariff on all products.
Under Trump, the superpower we share a continent with “will not stand for any of their borders being an entry way for threats to their national security.”
“Canada has to ensure the sovereignty of our country, while also understanding this geopolitical situation in the world, and that if you want to work with the largest trading partner in the world, our neighbour to the south, and if you want to have economic relations with other democracies in the world you either step up and do your bit or they won’t trade with you.”
“If we become a hotbed for activities that threaten western democracies, inside our country, that means we’re not doing our part.”
Meanwhile, Trudeau’s resistance to curtailing foreign interference proved stunning.
“The intelligence community has been warning this government for at least five years, if not longer, about the foreign interference in our country, in our elections, in our industry, in our bio laboratories. They have completely ignored the foreign interference.”
So, until it’s gone, the Trudeau government itself poses a threat to national security.
“But the happy Christmas message is we can turn this around and we can do it relatively fast.”
“I believe it takes a leader who is ethically, fit, physically fit, intellectually fit, but who has the courage to immediately and vigorously apply them. I’m hoping a new government in Canada would do that as soon as they’re elected.”
Canada must re-evaluate all partnerships economically and militarily.
“I certainly do not believe we have the money, at least for the next three years, to support anything other the rebuilding of our national security inside our country. While making it clear to our allies that in so doing we will be working very vigorously to meet any commitments that we have or that we intend to continue.”
Canadians must do more than kick the Liberals to the curb.
In 2025, Canadians must stop supporting the “destruction of our academia,” stop “marches in our streets for foreign wars that have nothing to do with our country,” and stop supporting groups that don’t “respect our ethics and values i.e., our human rights and freedoms.”
“They need to wake up to the fact that while all that’s happening in their own country, they are in fact, turning their own country into a steppingstone for communism and violence.”
“We can make Canada into a country which once again is seen as an example of a functioning and solid democracy which it certainly isn’t now.”
Finally, it’s worth noting Redman’s early warnings about the Liberal’s “incoherent” and dangerously flawed response to the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ proved accurate.
The Western STANDARD
William D. Marriott is a retired economist who specialized in public policy analysis of the oil and gas industry
After last year's massive political upheavals what can we expect for 2025? I recommend good seatbelts and working airbags. And pay attention, things will happen fast.

Trump Wins the Lawfare War!
The Left hasn’t caught on yet that Donald Trump is a fighter who doesn’t fold easily. As our chief investigative reporter, Micah Morrison, reports, Trump’s win at the polls helped lead to wins in the courts.

Pundits and historians will be a long time sorting out the magnitude of Donald Trump’s electoral victory but one thing already is clear: Trump not only triumphed in the presidential contest, he also won the lawfare war. The latter—a victory for the constitutional foundation of the country —may prove as consequential as the former.“Lawfare” is a political war fought by other means: partisan warfare conducted in the courts and the media.
Trump spent the entire Biden presidency battling lawfare cases brought by Democrat-allied prosecutors and judges—by Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis, New York State Attorney General Letitia James, New York judges Juan Merchan and Arthur Engoron, and others.
Trump fought back in the courts and in the court of public opinion. His election win not only deals death blows to the Democrat-aligned lawfare cases, but possibly to the practice of lawfare itself. Let’s take a moment to survey the legal landscape:Jack
Smith Goes Down
In November 2022, President Joe Biden’s attorney general, Merrick Garland, appointed prosecutor Jack Smith as special counsel for two Justice Department investigations: the January 6, 2021, events at the U.S. Capitol, and separately, alleged Trump mishandling of classified documents.
It was a particularly brazen lawfare move because by that time, the outline of the 2024 presidential contest was clear: Donald Trump was the frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination and Joe Biden was signaling that he would run for re-election.
The Biden Justice Department investigating the GOP presidential candidate seemed an outlandish and illegal proposition, but Garland and Smith pressed on. In July, Judge Aileen Cannon had seen enough and dismissed the classified documents case on the grounds that the special counsel was unlawfully appointed. In November, after the election, the Justice Department threw in the towel, moving to drop all January 6 charges against Trump on the grounds that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.
Trump rightfully claimed victory. “I persevered, against all odds, and WON,” he wrote on Truth Social. He added, “These cases, like all of the other cases I have been forced to go through, are empty and lawless, and should never have been brought,”
Bragg’s New York Criminal Case in Death Spiral
Deep blue New York produced a cadre of lawfare warriors in pursuit of the once and future Republican president. One of its chief combatants was Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, who campaigned for office on an anti-Trump platform, reminding voters that he had “sued Trump more than a hundred times.”
Before charging Trump in April 2023 with thirty-four felony counts of falsifying business records—generally a low-level misdemeanor—Bragg had led a civil lawsuit against the Trump Foundation and criminal cases against the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer.
Trump was convicted in May on the business records charges, but his lawyers are asking that the case be thrown out on numerous grounds, including that any sentencing would unconstitutionally interfere with Trump’s conduct of a second term in the presidency. Bragg recently petitioned the court to put the case on ice for the entirety of Trump’s second presidential term—a move the Trump team ridiculed as “a total failure of the prosecution” signaling that the case is “effectively over."
Lawfare Judges Under Pressure
Presiding over the flurry of appeals in the business-records case is Justice Juan Merchan, another New Yorker with a lawfare pedigree. Earlier this month, Merchan threw out Trump’s appeal to dismiss the case on the basis of presidential immunity. Like most New York judges, Merchan rose through the ranks of the Democratic Party’s political machine, which plays a significant role in state judicial appointments.
Before becoming a judge, Merchan served as a prosecutor in the Manhattan DA’s office and worked for the New York attorney general. In 2006, Mayor Michael Bloomberg appointed him to a family court judgeship, and he was elevated to criminal court in 2009. In July, Merchan received a “caution letter” from the New York Commission of Judicial Conduct warning him about donations to Joe Biden and other Democratic causes.
Merchan’s daughter, Loren, is president of the left-wing digital advertising firm, Authentic Campaigns. Juan Merchan will have plenty of power over the Trump appeals in the coming months, but he will not have the final word. Trump can appeal to higher New York courts and, ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court.Trump also faced a high-stakes legal assault from New York State Attorney General Letitia James in a civil fraud case presided over by Justice Arthur Engoron.
James and Engoron both came up through the progressive ranks of the New York Democratic Party. Like Alvin Bragg, James used Trump as a punching bag in her campaign for political office. She denounced Trump as an “illegitimate president” and vowed to “shine a bright light into every corner of his real estate dealings.” Engoron, a longtime Democrat, protested the Vietnam War at Columbia University and has been a member of the ACLU for three decades.
Engoron presided over a non-jury civil fraud trial related to real-estate valuations by the Trump Organization and stunned legal observers on both sides of the political aisle in February with a guilty verdict ordering Trump to pay a staggering $335 million penalty—plus rapidly growing interest and additional fines. Trump immediately vowed an appeal and at a September hearing, New York appellate judges signaled skepticism about the Engoron ruling.
The Georgia Case Collapses
Meanwhile, in Georgia, Fulton County DA Fani Willis’s case against Trump for allegedly conspiring to change the outcome of the 2020 election has collapsed. A state appeals court removed Willis and her entire office from the Trump prosecution over a conflict of interest involving a romantic relationship between Willis and another member of her team.
The Georgia Court of Appeals panel said the “appearance of impropriety” was so powerful that “this is the rare case in which disqualification is mandated and no other remedy will suffice to restore public confidence in the integrity of these proceedings.” Willis, a longtime Democrat, can appeal to the Georgia Supreme Court, but the legal tides are running against her. Trump’s Georgia lawyer issued a statement saying that the decision “puts an end to a politically motivated persecution of the next President of the United States.
”Judicial Watch has been investigating the lawfare against Trump for years. Our own Tom Fitton was dragged into a Jack Smith grand jury for, as he noted on X, “four hours of harassing questions about First Amendment-protected activity and debates about electors, tweets, what I ate for lunch at the White House, and whether I watched Trump’s election night speech. It was all about politics.”At Judicial Watch, we continue to closely track lawfare developments, push for more accountability, and report to the public.
Among our recent moves, we’re seeking a special master in our lawsuit for Fani Willis’s communication with lawfare warriors Jack Smith and the House January 6 Committee; earlier this month, Willis admitted communicating with the January 6 Committee, but released only one already public letter. In February, we protested a Biden Administration move to keep secret the names of top Jack Smith staff.
In 2023, we sued the Justice Department for records of funding and assistance between Smith’s office and Willis’s office, and we obtained information showing Manhattan DA Bragg hiring high-priced lawyers to beat back Congressional inquiries into his Trump prosecutions.
There’s more to come. Stay tuned.
Happy New Year!
Until next week,

‘Get going. Move forward. Aim high.’
This quote, attributed to President-elect Donald Trump, certainly describes his activity since the election. He has wasted no time in naming his cabinet and announcing his goals for border control, health policy and environmental regulations. In fact, given our current absentee White House occupant, Trump is now our de-facto president.As he wrote in his book, The Art of the Deal, “I like thinking big. I always have. To me, it’s very simple: if you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well think big.” Here at Judicial Watch, we are equally resolute as we enter the new year. Just this month we:
● Asked a court to appoint a special master to oversee District Attorney Fani Willis’ search for records in our lawsuit for communications she had with Special Counsel Jack Smith and the House January 6 Committee.
● Sued the Department of Homeland Security for records on former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard being targeted for surveillance under the Transportation Security Administration terrorist watch program.
● Appeared in court on behalf of Palatine, Illinois, tenured high school teacher Jeanne Hedgepeth, who was fired after posting comments on Facebook criticizing the riots, violence, and lootings in Chicago in the aftermath of the May 25, 2020, killing of George Floyd.
These are a small portion of our growing portfolio of cases – currently at 172 – aimed at ensuring clean elections, secure borders, and transparency in government – as well as protection against the Left’s attack on our constitutional republic, the freedoms it protects, censorship of free speech, and abuse of power. We appreciate your support in 2020.4 as we have pursued these lawsuits and pledge to fight aggressively on your behalf in 2025. As we close the year, I encourage you to renew (or begin!) your support of Judicial Watch!
Donal J. TRUMP

Thames Valley’s Misplaced Priorities
The Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) has once again shown that its priorities lie far from the classroom. Recent reports reveal that 33 secondary teaching positions are being cut to address the board’s $16.5 million deficit. These cuts come on the heels of an earlier decision to eliminate over 100 staff positions, leaving our children to bear the brunt of an education system in crisis.
Let’s be clear: these cuts are devastating. Students will face larger class sizes, canceled courses, and an overburdened teaching staff. The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation has already warned that the biggest impacts will fall on students, with the cancellation of under-enrolled classes and more split-grade teaching becoming the norm.
Yet, amid this upheaval, one glaring question remains unanswered: why has the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) department been left untouched?
TVDSB’s refusal to cut administrative roles or question the value of its DEI programming is indefensible. For years, DEI initiatives have expanded unchecked, often without measurable improvements in student outcomes.
Worse, we’ve seen the harmful consequences of these programs in schools across the province. The tragic death by suicide of Principal Richard Bilkszto in Toronto—a direct result of toxic DEI training—should have been a wake-up call. Instead, TVDSB has doubled down, protecting ideology at the expense of education.
A Failure of Leadership
Interim director Bill Tucker has justified these cuts by pointing to the board’s mounting deficit, which has ballooned back to $16.5 million despite earlier reductions. Yet, his claim that the board has already “cut $6.5 million in spending” rings hollow when no significant administrative roles have been eliminated. Reducing furniture budgets and travel expenses is not enough when teaching positions—directly tied to student success—are on the chopping block.
Board Chair Beth Mai and the trustees have also failed in their duty to prioritize students. Cutting classroom resources while maintaining a bloated bureaucracy sends a clear message: ideology matters more than education.
Demanding Accountability
Parents, educators, and taxpayers must demand better. The DEI department must undergo a thorough review, with an honest assessment of its contributions—or lack thereof—to student outcomes. Administrative budgets should face the same scrutiny as teaching positions.
It’s time for the Ministry of Education to intervene. Boards like TVDSB are undermining public education by prioritizing ideology and administrative bloat over the fundamental needs of students.
What’s at Stake
The consequences of these decisions will be felt for years. Students are losing access to quality education in an environment already strained by pandemic disruptions and funding challenges. Teachers are being asked to do more with less, and parents are left questioning the value of an education system that seems more interested in advancing political agendas than preparing children for the future.
We cannot allow this to continue. The future of public education—and our children—depends on strong leadership and a renewed focus on what matters most: teaching and learning.
It’s time to hold TVDSB accountable and demand that our schools put students first.
Take Action Now
If you’re as disgusted as we are by the TVDSB’s misguided priorities, it’s time to make your voice heard. We urge you to email Minister of Education Jill Dunlop at and let her know how upset you are with the TVDSB’s failure to prioritize students over bureaucratic waste. Demand that the Ministry of Education step in to ensure that funding is directed toward classrooms and teaching staff, not ideological departments that are doing nothing to help our children.
The future of our children and the quality of our education system are on the line. Act now to hold the TVDSB accountable and demand that education be about teaching, not politics.
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Yesterday both Putin and his foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, delivered pointed statements regarding the prospects for negotiations between the Anglo-Zionists and Russia. Those statements appear to me to be intended to deflate the Trumpian hot air balloon, the claim that Russia is somehow desperate to get into talks with the great deal maker.
Before we get to the specifics, let me remind readers that Russia has no reason—zero reason—to trust Trump. Recall that Trump came into office in 2016 promising to make a deal with Russia—supposedly to facilitate a pivot to the Main Enemy, China. That framing of the matter was an open message to Russia that Trump basically regarded Russia as a means to an end.
That may be a perfectly rational approach, but it was also a warning to Russia to be wary. In the event, Trump ended up escalating both sanctions against Russia and the arming of our Ukraine proxy massively
—facts which would have confirmed to Russia not to take anything Trump says as gospel. No reasonable person could expect the Russians to accept the excuse that Trump was pressured into those policies by domestic politics
—that excuse was simply another reminder that Trump didn’t really control US foreign policy. Therefore, Trump’s later claims that the Russian Special Military Operation would never have occurred if he had still been president would have left the Russians singularly unimpressed.
So also, Trump’s claims to settle the war in 24 hours. Finally, Trump’s scenario for ending the war—pretend that this was a strictly Russian - Ukrainian war, then bully each side into accepting peace on terms that Trump would determine, OR ELSE. Or else, if Russia didn’t comply Trump would escalate massively. Again. That would simply confirm to Russia that Trump refused to accept Russia as an equal and sovereign partner and that he still would resort to warfare to get what he wanted.
So, when Trump began talking up Russia’s supposed desperation to talk to him, the Russians reacted. First, Putin’s spokesman, Peskov, pointedly stated that Trump had misquoted Putin. Then, yesterday, Putin revealed that Zhou had attempted to snooker Putin with a ceasefire or no-war deal in exchange for a delay in Ukraine joining NATO. Putin made it clear that he didn’t fall for that line then and wouldn’t fall for it this time around, either. Also yesterday, Sergey Lavrov left no doubt about Russia’s position.
Lavrov’s words are quite dense, so I’ll comment on each paragraph:
We cannot be satisfied with empty talk. So far all we've heard is talk about the need to come up with some kind of truce, and it's not particularly hidden that this truce is needed in order to gain time to continue pumping weapons into Ukraine. A truce is a road to nowhere. We need legal agreements that will fix all the conditions for ensuring the security of the Russian Federation and, of course, the legitimate security interests of our neighbors.
These legal documents must be drafted in a way that will secure the impossibility of violating these agreements in an international legal context.
This looks like a warning that, if Trump keeps up the truce/ceasefire chatter, he may never get to a negotiating table at all.
The Russians regard such talk as, at best “empty” and “road to nowhere”—a subterfuge to rearm Ukraine. The third sentence strikes me as a demand that the US agree to binding preconditions before any talks begin. What those might be could be subject to negotiation, but would probably be significant. For example:
It's a multipolar world, definitely.
Would I take for granted that the Western colleagues also participate [by accepting that reality of multipolarity]? Without a doubt. But how can they position themselves--will they get over that psychological loss of domination that they enjoyed for half a century? All of that depends on their political culture and their real sound understanding of their place in this real life, and and their ability to act accordingly in accordance to the new situation [of multipolarity].
Again, I’m struck that this looks like a demand by the Russians that Trump should—in a concrete and binding fashion—recognize that Russia is an independent power pole in today’s world. As a precondition. Exactly how that would be formulated could be discussed, but Russia seems to be clearly demanding that they be treated as equal partners, and not as the recalcitrant children that Trump has set them up as.
We never cherish any hopes or illusions, speaking about this or that President taking office on the 20th of January. We will wait and see. Until the new Administration is sure about its policies and sets them forth, we know that there is a Russophobic bipartisan consensus in the United States and that irrespective of party allegiance the Ruling Elites will promote and pursue their policies of weakening Russia, as their competitor.
This, too, is a rebuff to Trump. The Russians will wait to see what Trump’s actual policies will be and will not get into a game of responding to everything Trump may say—or of allowing Trump to set the terms for negotiations. But this also means that they are demanding concrete actions from Trump. No more “empty talk.”
So if this is the message that we're hearing from the new Washington team--to restore the dialogue that was cut off by Washington after the start of the Special Military Operation--if all of that is in earnest we will respond positively. But the Americans were the ones who severed the dialogue. If Washington takes into account our legitimate interests the dialogue will bear fruit and will not be useless. Otherwise, things will remain as they are.
For the fourth time Lavrov states that it’s up to Washington to take the first step—and that that first step must be a recognition of Russia’s “legitimate interests.” Russia will define its own interests. If the Anglo-Zionists try to define Russia’s interests “things will remain as they are.”
Now, as Danny Davis remarks, all this puts Trump in a very difficult position. The Russians are setting up conditions that will to their own partners (China, Iran) a refusal to negotiate, unless Trump follows through on previous statements. For example, Trump previously stated that he would cut off funding for Ukraine—at least in major part.
He is currently making noises like he wants to back out of that. Expect the Russians to respond, We were willing to go forward with that sign of good faith, but now we can’t believe anything Trump says. What will Trump do in that position? Escalate out the wazoo as the clown Gorka claims? Well, Gorka was only repeating Trump’s own words, so … where will Trump get the wherewithal to escalate? Will Trump accept Ukraine as an anchor tied to his agenda?
And it’s actually much worse than that, as we’ve been saying.
In a well thought out piece today, Simplicius the Thinker maintains, as we have done in repeated posts of late, that when the fog of proxy war clears the real winner in Syria will be Erdogan's Ottoman Empire redux. Simplicius points to the ever more open and closer ties between the jihadis and the Turks--while the Anglo-Zionists scramble to romance the jihadis. But Erdogan is clearly in the driver's seat, as his statements escalate into a picture of an Ottoman Syria free of Anglo-Zionist interference.
Simplicius presents some of the latest indications of this—but we stress that each day brings new indications of Turkish intent. He begins with the appointment of a Turkish national to a top position in the “Syrian” government. That’s called a clue. You’ve already seen much of this, but reminders are useful:
Now a Turkish national has been appointed as the first female senior official in Jolani’s new government:

And this comes amid reports that Turkey will be establishing its presence in the military academies of Aleppo and Damascus:
Turkey will send military advisers to train the new Syrian army at academies in Aleppo and Damascus, the Turkish resource ClashReport writes, citing its sources.
There is also mention of the possible deployment of a Turkish army unit in Homs to train air defense operators for the new Syrian authorities.
If that wasn’t enough, Erdogan’s son Bilal was seen in a video calling for a large pro-Palestine gathering on the Galata bridge in Istanbul for January 1st, just as they did last New Years, from which the video footage is pulled. But the big shift lies in their gathering under the banner of an interesting new slogan:
“Yesterday Hagia Sophia, today the Umayyad Mosque (Damascus), tomorrow Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem).”
This appears to be the official poster for the event, with the slogan even printed on top:

As can be seen, a nationalist fervor is slowly building up for the recapture of Jerusalem. Israel now has its hands full with a seriously armed, notoriously tenacious NATO member with its sights set on a modern reconquista of its former dominions. The way things are going, Turkey may soon control virtually everything that happens within Syria by proxy, and Israel will face its greatest ever challenge directly on its doorstep.

Yeah, good luck with curbing Turkey. As if Erdogan wouldn’t look for backing from Russia and Iran—and China—in response. Simplicius talks of Turkey being forced to forge some sort of backing from Russia and Iran. When was the last time Erdogan went out on a limb? Actually, that was nearly ten years ago, against Russia, and he seems to have learned the lesson from his misstep—playing his cards very carefully throughout the brutal Anglo-Zionist genocide in Palestine. The question to ask is, What are the odds that Erdogan sorted all this Syrian thing out before acting? Pretty good, I’d say.
Then Simplicius reminds us that Russia continues to forge ties with other regional players.
With the US backing Israel, I could foresee Turkey being forced to forge closer ties with Russia and perhaps Iran as backstops, in order to surround Israel and keep it under pressure. Russia is already slated to sign the big comprehensive strategic partnership with Iran on January 17th, just as it did with North Korea recently:

Then Simplicius pastes in a tweet that we also cited the other day:
Israel now scrambles to weaken Iran as much as possible, brutally striking Yemen for the past few days while praying Trump gives his blessing to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities upon his arrival. But I believe Israel is focused on the wrong opponent and has in fact traded one enemy for a far more powerful one.

As I never tire of saying, all these local conflicts are actually fronts of a global war. How will Trump juggle these fronts? Instead of leading a united, if puny, NATO, Trump could find himself in a confrontation with both an ever more powerful Russia as well as with the one really serious military power left in NATO. That’s a recipe for disaster, and it means that Russia is holding virtually all the cards.
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from Meaning In History

'Tragedy beyond comprehension':
Prison inmate kills beloved corrections officer on Christmas morning, officials say
The brother of the slain corrections officer said he 'was a great guy who'd do anything for anybody.'
Abeloved corrections officer was killed during a Christmas Day attack at an Ohio prison, according to officials.
According to WBNS-TV, corrections officer Andrew Lansing was attacked around 7:15 a.m. Wednesday at the Ross Correctional Institution in Chillicothe — roughly 43 miles south of Columbus.
'Officer Lansing was loved by his colleagues and known to be a great support for his fellow RCI staff.'
Lansing, 62, reportedly died "following an inmate assault." The victim's brother reportedly said Lansing had been severely beaten in the face and head and showed no defensive wounds.
The Ohio State Highway Patrol identified the alleged assailant as 27-year-old Rashawn Cannon. Cannon has been incarcerated since September 2023 for felonious assault and having a weapon while under disability, according to Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction records. Cannon's expected release date was listed as Aug. 5, 2030. Since the attack, Cannon has been transferred to the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility.
Following the fatal attack, the Ross Correctional Institution restricted inmates' movements. The Ohio State Highway Patrol launched an investigation.
Annette Chambers-Smith — director of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction — said in a statement: "It is with great sadness that I confirm the tragic death of Correction Officer Andrew Lansing following an inmate assault that occurred at Ross Correctional Institution this morning."
"Officer Lansing is a longtime, well-respected employee at Ross, and his untimely death — on Christmas Day — is heartbreaking for his family, the entire Ross Correctional Institution family, and our agency as a whole," Chambers-Smith continued. "Officer Lansing was loved by his colleagues and known to be a great support for his fellow RCI staff. He was a friendly, outgoing officer who treated everyone with respect and was always a professional."
Chambers-Smith described Lansing's death as a "tragedy beyond comprehension."
"Instead of going home after his shift to be with his family on this holiday, Officer Lansing made the ultimate sacrifice, and our agency will never be the same," Chambers-Smith added.
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) ordered all flags to be flown at half-mast in honor of Lansing until sunset on the day of his funeral.
Mike Lansing — the slain officer's brother and a retired correctional officer — said Andrew Lansing knew his job was dangerous but that he needed to provide for his family.
Mike Lansing added to the Columbus Dispatch, "He had been taken out of there twice because of fentanyl exposure. They had to Narcan him once. I kept telling him then he needed to get out, but like I said, he had so much time invested. It's hard to walk away from something like that and start over at our age."
The brother also said Andrew Lansing "was a great guy who'd do anything for anybody."
Lansing reportedly was a corrections officer for nearly 25 years and served in the U.S. Army from October 1981 to April 1992. He's survived by his wife, Elmond Lansing, and two children.
You can view a video report here about Lansing's killing.
The Blaze Media

John Kennedy predicted Donald Trump would have to make this one daring move:
Louisiana Senator John Kennedy knows a problem when he sees one.
In Kennedy’s mind there is but one solution.
And John Kennedy predicted Donald Trump would have to make this one daring move.
Kennedy says Trump will have to come to D.C.
Elon Musk and Donald Trump tanked House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) scheme to lard up a continuing resolution with all of Joe Biden’s policy priorities to win Democrat votes instead of negotiating with his conservatives to pass a Republican government funding bill that cuts spending.
Johnson’s bill would have jammed Trump with a bad debt ceiling deal that prevented Trump from enacting key campaign promises like no taxes on tips, no taxes on social security benefits, and extending the 2017 tax cuts.
Speaker Johnson needed to go back to the drawing board and kept plotting to come up with ways to avoid a government shut down.
Trump argued to shut the government down now since it’s on Joe Biden’s watch.
“If there is going to be a shutdown of government, let it begin now, under the Biden Administration, not after January 20th, under ‘TRUMP.’ This is a Biden problem to solve, but if Republicans can help solve it, they will!” Trump wrote on Truth Social.
Ultimately, many of them did join with Democrats to help keep the federal government’s doors open, at least temporarily, but Senator Kennedy discussed this fiscal showdown on Fox News where he said there was really only one solution.
Kennedy slams Johnson for “spending porn”
Kennedy dinged Speaker Johnson for engaging in “spending porn” by giving away the store to Democrats in agenda items such as funding the global censorship protocols that suppress conservative speech online.
“I mean, it’s a multiple vehicle pile up. I knew as soon as I saw the bill there was going to be trouble. The thing was as big as a Costco and Speaker Johnson had to add a lot of spending porn to get the Democrats on board. This can be fixed. If I were king for a day, I’m not and I don’t aspire to be, but here’s what I’d do,” Kennedy declared.
Kennedy said the only way to solve this mess would be to get Donald Trump into Washington, D.C. – since no one is even pretending that Joe Biden is a functioning President – to sit down with Congressional leaders and hash out an agreement that allows Trump to hit the ground running when he takes office on January 20.
“First, I would tell everybody to take their meds. Number two, I think President Trump is going to have to consider coming to Washington. I mean, let’s face it, he’s the president now. It’s not President Biden. President Trump needs to sit down with Mike Johnson and John Thune and come up with a new skinny CR,” Kennedy concluded.
Normally the sitting President would be expected to resolve a fiscal negotiation.
The Wall Street Journal publishing a story exposing the lengths to which Biden’s handlers hid the truth about his mental incapacity from the public means no one takes Biden seriously as a leader.
Speaker Johnson blew it kowtowing to Democrats even though he knew Biden was senile as opposed to working with President-elect Trump to come to an agreement that Republicans could live with.
24/7 Politics

Ward 4 City Councilor, Susan Stevenson is contemplating running as a Candidate for the Federal Riding of “London-Center”
Calling all CCAL members:(to those outside of London Centre Riding.... help us spread the word to friends in this riding)
Pre-election candidate nomination notice for London Centre! (see map attached)
While CCAL is a non-partisan municipal group focused on local policies, it is crucial that we also engage in the processes that determine our representatives at higher levels of government.
Participating in the upcoming nomination for the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) candidate in the London Centre riding is not just an opportunity—it is a responsibility. This is our chance to ensure our voices are reflected in the federal arena by selecting a candidate who truly represents our community’s values and needs.
Ward 4 City Councillor, Susan Stevenson recently announced that she is seeking to be a nomination contestant for the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) in the new Riding of London Centre. Susan has been a strong and unwavering voice for our community at City Council, consistently advocating for policies that align with our values and priorities. Having her represent London Centre at the federal level would be a tremendous win for our riding, ensuring our concerns are heard and addressed in Ottawa.
It is expected that there may be 3 to 5 contestants in the running and a nomination contest to determine the winner will be held early in the new year. If you wish to support her or any other candidate in this process, becoming a CPC member is essential. Membership grants you the right to vote in this nomination and enables deeper engagement in federal politics.
We stand to gain significantly when we have strong representation at the provincial and federal levels. Decisions made at these levels directly impact the power and resources available to our municipal government, shaping the policies that affect our daily lives.
The election for this nomination is just weeks away, and time is of the essence.
We need every member in this riding to activate their CPC membership immediately. Your membership will enable you to vote in this crucial process, but more importantly, it strengthens our collective voice.
How to Get Involved:
1. Join the Conservative Party of Canada: Membership is only $15 per person, and anyone 14 and older in your household can participate.[Get Your Membership Here]
2. Spread the Word: Encourage your friends and neighbors in London Centre to activate their memberships and get involved.
3. Prepare to Vote: Be ready to vote for the candidate who best represents our community.

This is about more than party politics—it’s about ensuring our city’s voice is heard and our interests are prioritized.
Let’s act now to ensure London Centre’s voice is strong and united. Together, we can make a difference.
Thank you for your immediate attention and action.
Also, if you are willing to share the following information with us, it will be helpful for follow-up emails. (Optional, of course):
1. Which Riding are you in? Use this tool to find out: Elections Canada Riding Map. (PDF of London ridings map is attached.)
2. Do you have an active CPC membership? If you’re unsure whether your membership is up-to-date, verify it here: Membership Check.
Thank you for your support and engagement! Let's ensure a strong representation for London Centre.
Concerned Citizens Association of London [CCAL]

Costs of Diversity Equity and Inclusion:
Concerned Parents Assoc of London sent me their current newsletter (SCROLL WAY DOWN) pointing out that the Thames Valley District School Board made no effort to reduce the costs of DEI, yet severe cuts are being made to eliminate teachers and other traditional expenses. This raises the question in my mind, "just how much does DEI cost"? So, I looked it up. If you've got other figures, let me know.
Patrick Bestall
Fortune 1000 companies have an average workforce of 34,000 and average revenue of 15 Billion. So they are quite a bit larger than the companies probably trying to figure out what their (first) DEI budget should be. For organizations with 2,000–10,000 employees who are just beginning their DEI journey, I’d estimate a budget of somewhere between 50k and 300k. Here’s a rough distribution of such a budget among workstreams:
Ø -Support of Employee Resource Groups: 10–30k-Training (unconscious bias, anti-racism, inclusive leadership): 30–150k-Recruiting and Branding: 10–30k-Other DEI Programing (including external consulting): 10–30k-Partnerships or sponsorships: 5–50k
Budget costs will greatly depend on whether you are managing projects internally (such as developing an inclusive leadership training program in-house) or are working with external consultants which can have very high price tags (5k daily rate for instance).

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: An Analysis of the 2020 Challenges and Solutions

Organizations of 10,000 employees have an average of 200 employees lost and therefore, 200 new employees are needed each month.
· Direct Hiring Costs: $5,833.33 (one-month base salary)
· Relocation: $20,000 (average level of support with tax gross-up)
· Training: $26,600 (38% of salary)
· Time to Hire: 42 Days
TOTAL COSTS: $52,433.33 (~75% of salary)
Concerned Parents Association of LONDON
Thames Valley’s Misplaced Priorities
The Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) has once again shown that its priorities lie far from the classroom. Recent reports reveal that 33 secondary teaching positions are being cut to address the board’s $16.5 million deficit. These cuts come on the heels of an earlier decision to eliminate over 100 staff positions, leaving our children to bear the brunt of an education system in crisis.
Let’s be clear: these cuts are devastating. Students will face larger class sizes, canceled courses, and an overburdened teaching staff. The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation has already warned that the biggest impacts will fall on students, with the cancellation of under-enrolled classes and more split-grade teaching becoming the norm.
Yet, amid this upheaval, one glaring question remains unanswered: why has the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) department been left untouched?
TVDSB’s refusal to cut administrative roles or question the value of its DEI programming is indefensible. For years, DEI initiatives have expanded unchecked, often without measurable improvements in student outcomes.
Worse, we’ve seen the harmful consequences of these programs in schools across the province. The tragic death by suicide of Principal Richard Bilkszto in Toronto—a direct result of toxic DEI training—should have been a wake-up call. Instead, TVDSB has doubled down, protecting ideology at the expense of education.
A Failure of LeadershipInterim director Bill Tucker has justified these cuts by pointing to the board’s mounting deficit, which has ballooned back to $16.5 million despite earlier reductions. Yet, his claim that the board has already “cut $6.5 million in spending” rings hollow when no significant administrative roles have been eliminated. Reducing furniture budgets and travel expenses is not enough when teaching positions—directly tied to student success—are on the chopping block.
Board Chair Beth Mai and the trustees have also failed in their duty to prioritize students. Cutting classroom resources while maintaining a bloated bureaucracy sends a clear message: ideology matters more than education.
Demanding AccountabilityParents, educators, and taxpayers must demand better. The DEI department must undergo a thorough review, with an honest assessment of its contributions—or lack thereof—to student outcomes. Administrative budgets should face the same scrutiny as teaching positions.
It’s time for the Ministry of Education to intervene. Boards like TVDSB are undermining public education by prioritizing ideology and administrative bloat over the fundamental needs of students.
What’s at StakeThe consequences of these decisions will be felt for years. Students are losing access to quality education in an environment already strained by pandemic disruptions and funding challenges. Teachers are being asked to do more with less, and parents are left questioning the value of an education system that seems more interested in advancing political agendas than preparing children for the future.
We cannot allow this to continue. The future of public education—and our children—depends on strong leadership and a renewed focus on what matters most: teaching and learning.
It’s time to hold TVDSB accountable and demand that our schools put students first.Take Action NowIf you’re as disgusted as we are by the TVDSB’s misguided priorities, it’s time to make your voice heard. We urge you to email Minister of Education Jill Dunlop at and let her know how upset you are with the TVDSB’s failure to prioritize students over bureaucratic waste. Demand that the Ministry of Education step in to ensure that funding is directed toward classrooms and teaching staff, not ideological departments that are doing nothing to help our children.
The future of our children and the quality of our education system are on the line. Act now to hold the TVDSB accountable and demand that education be about teaching, not politics.
Thanks for reading Concerned Parents Association of London & Area! [CPAL]
Patrick Bestall

RUMOURS Circulating out there...:
I may not agree with everything from the content producers I share. Apply critical thinking and use discernment to come to your own conclusions regarding the content !
You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!
What we think that we know...
The Plan to Save the World is in Motion.Trust the Process.…Q
The Great Awakening Is HereThe Tide Has Turned Against The Globalist Death CultThe Global Military Alliance’s “Operation Silent Night” Successfully Struck, Dismantled Elite Compounds on Christmas 24, 25 Dec. 2024Global Mass Arrests, Tribunals Have BegunThe EBS is Set to Reveal All!
Note: The Global Military Alliance’s Operation Silent Night’s strikes against the Global Elite was a complete success. Those same operations will continue through January onward and have already included sudden CEO resignations in the corporate world with so-called mysterious “health issues,” along with different Elite’s unexplained disappearances.
On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Elite compounds across the globe were raided using high tech drones, while private jets were grounded at major airports, with their passengers detained. To add to the takeover, the Quantum Financial System was activated that then freeze all assets linked to the Elites and their Deep State Operations.
The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) will be activated worldwide with messages pre-recorded and encrypted for security. The messages will bypass traditional media channels controlled by the Cabal. Classified information will be revealed to the public including elites’ crimes, human t*********g networks, S*****c Ritualistic A***e practices, evidence of rigged elections, political manipulation and the suppression of free energy technologies and medical breakthroughs by Big Pharma. Fri. 27 Dec. 2024: BREAKING! Military Alliance Declares Victory: Operation Christmas Successful with Tactical Strikes on Elite Compounds and Global Mass Arrests—EBS Messages Set to Reveal the Aftermath! – Gazetteller
· Fri. 27 Dec. 2024: BREAKING MILITARY INTEL! Emergency Powers 11.3: General Guillot Leads the Charge to Destroy the Deep State and Expose Project Blue Beam! – – American Media Group
· Fri. 27 Dec. 2024: BQQQM!!! The Unbelievable Truth Behind MH370: Superconductivity, Diego Garcia, Secret Military Operations, U.S. Space Force SBIRS, Deep State Underground Bases and the Donald Trump Deep State War! – – American Media Group
· Fight To Save Our Constitution. Sign Your Own Petition To The Supreme Court: Loy Brunson – Petition The Supreme Court…
· Fri. 27 Dec. 2024: Massive Leak!! Trump and His Military’s MedBed Rollout Plan Revealed – Leaked Documents Confirm Trials Are Complete, Soldiers Already Testing Revolutionary Healing Tech! – Gazetteller
· Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness where the power to the entire World will switch off briefly to install our Starlink Satellite Internet. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close. ATMs and Credit Cards will stop working. Have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry. The Military will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of Freedom and Justice.
· Help Save T******d Kaitlynn and Let Her Go Home!!! GiveSendGo | Kaitlynn Marie Hunter wants to go HOME!
· Give a Little, Help a Lot: A Family In Desperate Need of Help:
WARNING Possible Med Bed Scam: The below email address advertised on Telegram by the “Quantum Med Bed Military Team” (and “Sky Princess Med Beds” video on UTube) purports to be the official way to obtain a Med Bed appointment. However, when I emailed to ask for an appointment they asked for my personal information plus $500 to set an individual appointment and WITHOUT giving me information about where, when and how the appointment would be made. It is my understanding that Med Bed appointments would be free. This appears to be a scam to obtain your money and personal information. I would advise to stay away from it and wait for official instructions that will be given out at redemption/exchange appointments. Judy
What We Think We Know as of Sat. 28 Dec. 2024:
· Sun. 22 Dec. 2024 The New York Post: “Biden was never the president because the crime syndicate behind him stole the 2020 election. P**o Joe was not elected he was installed. Biden has always been a mindless puppet of evil.” …posted by Alex Jones on Telegram
· Project Blue Beam, the Deep State’s ultimate false flag, was being deployed: Fake alien invasions, holographic tech, and advanced sound weapons—all designed to plunge the world into chaos and force humanity into submission under a globalist government.
· White Hats Strike Back: The Real SKY EVENT USSF and STARLINK are countering with precision. Their Game Theory operations mimic the Deep State’s moves but flip the script to expose the lies.
· On Tues. 10 Dec. 2024 the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Brunson Case. Trump was always our rightful president and now the Supreme Court has confirmed it. …the 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram
· The US Military has been stationed in around 300 to 360 US cities, bracing for a possible shockwave that could result from the Brunson Brothers announcement, which revolves around return of Donald Trump and the impeachment of Biden. …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram
· On Sun. 15 Dec. 2024 the new Restored Republic began it’s fiscal year.
· On Tues. 24 Dec. and Wed. 25 Dec. 2024 the Global Military Alliance were making mass arrests of Global Elites and taking them to various GITMO type islands and places across the World. Gitmo has expanded worldwide to remote islands and underground bases to house Elite prisoners.
· The new Iraqi Dinar Rate, based on the price of a barrel of oil, has launched as announced by the Iraq International Development Bank on Thurs. 26 Dec.
· On Fri. 27 Dec. in Australia a new Iraqi Dinar rate of $ .60 appeared on the Forex:
· Some foreign currency new rates could be exchanged at a bank, but if you waited until the rates settled (expected by 1 Jan. 2025) and then exchanged your foreign currency at an official Redemption Center, you would get much more out of the currency. Be aware that some foreign currency was going down in value.
· Fri. 27 Dec. 2024 January 6 Political Prisoners have launched an historic $50 Billion Class Action Lawsuit against the Department of Justice.
· Priests of the Jesuit Order made up the shadow army of the Vatican – also known as head of the Deep State. As with the Vatican, their loyalty was not to Christ, but to S***n. Founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola, the Jesuits were originally created to crush the Protestant Reformation, but now were soldiers, spies and enforcers with a mission to infiltrate, manipulate and dominate governments, start revolutions and spread chaos. They have infiltrated courts, councils, and universities worldwide, using their elite education system as indoctrination camps to groom loyal operatives. They were funded by US taxpayer dollars funneled through the CIA’s Black Budget. To maintain their power members of the Masonic Order secretly supported their expansive international Child S*x T*********g, O***n and A**********e H********g Ring used to blackmail Global Elites and politicians.
· The Deep State has feigned normalcy of those Global Elites already arrested through clones and body doubles, but this tactic was now failing.
· January 2025 marks the beginning of Military Tribunals for those charged in over 700,000 indictments with t*********g, bioweapon development and treason.
· Project “Ice Nine” was code for a financial reset by the Cabal (digital non-asset-backed currency designed to completely control your life) has been readied by BlackRock and other financial institutions to facilitate the New World Order.
· In 2012 Obama signed HR4310 which made it legal for the Media to lie to the American people.
· Tues. 24 Dec. 2024: Russia exposes a U.S.-led biolab network in Africa, allegedly backed by the Gates and Clinton Foundations. According to reports, American specialists are actively working in these labs to enhance the pathogenic capabilities of microorganisms…. The General on Telegram
· Plan for a New World Order: A plan for a New World Order after the war was outlined in June 1942, by J. H. Buckle, A. Steenberg, F. J. Morgan, and H. E. Sachs at the British Rotary Club. The plan promises all the joys of globalist communism without naming it: mass immigration, international control, eliminating opposition to democracy, a world peace, world peace minister, and a world peace army. …US Military Leaks on Telegram
Possible Timing:
· Fri. 27 Dec. 2024: Beginning of International Tribunals to address Crimes Against Humanity. Major revelations will be broadcast worldwide. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024
· Mon. 30 Dec. 2024: Final stages of the transition to the new financial system completed. People will begin to access their revalued currencies and debt relief programs. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024
· By Tues. 31 Dec. 2024, Redemption Centers will be open to the general public.
· Wed. 1 Jan. 2025: Basil 4 compliance deadline January 2025 – all banks have to prove the money they have in their vault is backed by gold. A new era of Freedom and Prosperity officially begins. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024
· Early Jan. 2025: The EBS is set to begin ten days of Communication Darkness.
· Wed. 1 Jan. 2025: The R&R payments and Social Security increases will begin.
· Fri. 3 Jan. 2025: Global Unity announced as former Alliances restructure. Leaders will present plans for long term peace and cooperation across nations. …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
· Sun. 5 Jan. 2025: Release of advanced technologies previously suppressed. Free energy devices, healing technologies and environmental restoration tools will be made available to the public. …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
· Mon. 6 Jan. 2025: The Quantum Financial System (QFS) will officially be activated Worldwide. This secure, transparent and decentralized system will replace the old banking structure, ensuring fairness and equality for all …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
· Fri. 10 Jan. 2025: Full disclosure of Galactic Alliances and contract with extraterrestrial civilizations announced to the World. A new chapter for Humanity begins.…Nesara/ Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
· Mon. 27 Jan. 2025: The first Med Beds will be introduced to the public, bringing hope and healing to millions. These advanced technologies will begin their initial rollout, prioritizing those in critical need and children suffering from long term illnesses.
· Wed. 29 Jan. 2025: Global Healing Centers equipped with Med Beds begin operations in strategic locations worldwide. Training programs will be launched to educate specialists in this life-changing technology.
· Fri. 31 Jan. 2025: Public demonstrations of Med Bed capabilities will be broadcast globally, showcasing their potential to restore health, reverse aging and eradicate disease. A new standard of well being will be established, redefining humanity’s relationship with Healthcare.
· Mon. 3 Feb. 2025: An international Med Bed Access Program is announced, ensuring equitable distribution and usage. Leaders affirm that every individual, regardless of status or location, will have the right to healing and restoration.
· End of March 2025: The US Fiat Dollar will be gone and no longer worth anything.
Global Currency Reset:Judy Note: Although there are rumors that private appointments were being made and certain platforms and Bond Holders have been paid and were under NDAs, it appeared pretty obvious that “All will go, all at once” on New Year’s Day Wed. 1 Jan. 2025.
· On Tues. 24 Dec. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate based on the price of a barrel of oil was announced by the Iraq International Development Bank on Thurs. 26 Dec. A new Dinar rate appeared on the Australian Forex on Fri. 27 Dec:
· Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Julian Assange: “All Intel is saying (that the Tier4b exchange appointments will begin) next week.”
· Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Ed of Ocala: Iraq will fall off the world stage if not RI by Dec 31. All their applications- all their efforts and yrs to get there will expire. Iraq won’t last nor can they wait until after the inauguration. So it can’t go a couple of days into January. Deals end Dec 31st
· Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Wolverine: “It’s coming. I have a lot of intel that I can’t tell you about. Keep the faith. It’s coming by the end of the year.”
Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024: Global Currency Reset, Julian Assange
· Safe link 800# will be released closer to go date
· Rates are EXTREMELY high
· We are almost at the end of the road. All intel is saying “Next Week”
· Bond funds delivered to paymasters was coming in so fast everyone was is in awe from the amount
· Private appointments are being made now.
· Get your plans/projects together and don’t wait around for this to happen without being ready.
· No straight cash will be given
· You are in charge of your funds and can place funds in different accounts
· Advisers will be there to assist you with your funds and will help guide you in your projects or choosing one on the list.
· Everything is going well, still some that do not want this to happen, but all is safe.
· You can take to your appointment: advisors/bank contacts (if you have already spoken to a specific person)/ friend/any person/s you want to assist you.
· Zim Cap information is changing daily but as of now they are paying as follows:NO projects = 15 million no matter the amount you might hold.With projects = First 2 bond notes are 1:1 after this 25 million (per 100T) up to 30 bond notesTo negotiate further you will need to return.
Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Bruce:
· We heard from a group that is part of the release. They said the release is coming Very Shortly and that means a couple of days.
· We are looking for Treasury and WF to release this over the weekend. We could get it Fri. 27 Dec. or Sat. 28 Dec. and start exchanges right away.
· Sunday 29 Dec. Redemption Centers will be open.
· You will have 2-4 people helping you at your table.
· All you need is Id. Might not need utility bill.
· They will offer you the contract rate for Iraq and that’s the per barrel price of oil.
· You will set up your QFS account with your username and password and five digit password and you will need to set up a new email.
· When you move money using your QFS card (which is only used to move money from your primary account) make sure you have what you need for 90 days.
· You can move money into a bank account to earn interest – that you negotiate the interest rate with your bank.
· Accounts can be set up later when you meet with your Wealth Manager.
· Credit/debit card is given to you at the exchange.
· You will get the on par rate for the Zim and also a good rate for the Dong.
· You may be able to get some proof of fund letters to buy homes, etc.
· You will get a Q phone on the Starlink system.
Fri. 27 Dec. 2024 How will XRP be used in foreign currency exchange? …Goldilocks on Telegram
· XRP, the native cryptocurrency of the Ripple network, functions as a “bridge currency” in foreign currency exchange, allowing for fast and efficient conversion between different fiat currencies during cross-border transactions by acting as an intermediary currency, thus reducing the need for multiple intermediary banks and lowering transaction costs.
Key points about XRP in foreign exchange:
· Bridge currency: Instead of directly converting one fiat currency to another, users can convert to XRP first, which facilitates faster and cheaper transfers.
· Real-time settlement: The Ripple network allows for near-instant settlement of transactions, making it ideal for time-sensitive international payments.
· Low transaction fees: Compared to traditional bank wire transfers, XRP transactions have significantly lower fees.
· Liquidity: Due to its widespread adoption by financial institutions, XRP offers readily available liquidity for currency conversions.
How it works:
· Sender converts currency to XRP: When someone wants to send money overseas, they first convert their local currency to XRP in their digital wallet.
· Transferring XRP: This XRP is then sent to the recipient’s wallet address on the Ripple network.
· Recipient converts back to local currency: Upon receiving the XRP, the recipient can convert it back to their local currency.
· Essentially, users can convert their source currency to XRP, send it across borders, and then convert it back to the destination currency upon receipt.
· Is it becoming clearer now that two RVs are taking place? One in crypto currency, and one in fiat currency.
Global Financial Crisis:
· Fri. 27 Dec. 2024 Nine new countries will officially join BRICS as partner countries (not full members) on January 1, 2025.BelarusBoliviaCubaIndonesiaKazakhstanMalaysiaThailandUgandaUzbekistan
· The Banks that control the world are run by the Rothschilds family. Mayer Rothschil 5 sons were sent by their father on his dying bed to control vital parts of Europe through loans and interest. The Rothschild family is behind The Federal Reserve and the creation of Israel. Their net worth is over half of the global population and they have funded every war in the last 80 years. They have been proven to be behind Marxism, Communism, Z*****m and Bolshevism. Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773–1855): Frankfurt, Salomon Mayer Rothschild (1774–1855): Vienna Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777–1836): London Kalman Mayer Rothschild (1788–1855): Naples Jakob Mayer Rothschild (1792–1868): Pari. The Rothschilds are the most powerful family in the world We can no longer stand idly by while the choices of our nation, culture and well-being is made by a select few. America immediately needs to relinquish control of these foreign influences before it’s too late. Join while you still can: Mr. Pool
· Tues. 24 Dec. 2024: Major banks hit by outages in Christmas Eve disaster. The Big Four bank confirmed ‘intermittent issues’ had been reported on its goMoney app and internet banking services.
Restored Republic:
Fri. 27 Dec. 2024: BQQQM!!! Project Blue Beam Exposed! Deep State Chaos vs. White Hat Counterstrike! …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram
· The truth is unfolding, and it’s darker than you could ever imagine. Project Blue Beam, the Deep State’s ultimate false flag, is on the verge of deployment. Fake alien invasions, holographic tech, and advanced sound weapons—all designed to plunge the world into chaos and force humanity into submission under a globalist government.
· But behind the scenes, the White Hats Military Alliance and the U.S. Space Force (USSF) are ready. Game Theory is in motion. SKY EVENT operations are set to counter and expose the Deep State’s dark agenda.
· The Deep State’s Plan: Mass Deception and Control The Cabal’s Project Blue Beam uses holograms, 5G sound weapons, and underground hybrid creatures to stage a fake alien invasion. Their goal? Global panic, martial law, and a one-world government. Underground bases like those in Dulce, New Mexico have reportedly been creating monstrous hybrids to unleash during this staged event.
· This isn’t just science fiction. The Deep State is desperate, using tech to create illusions and sickness to control the masses. Their real objective? Distract from their crimes—from human t*********g to election interference—and tighten their grip on power.
· White Hats Strike Back: The Real SKY EVENT USSF and STARLINK are countering with precision. Their Game Theory operations mimic the Deep State’s moves but flip the script to expose the lies. Elon Musk, who received massive military contracts under Trump, plays a key role. Twitter’s rebranding to X and the USSF’s black-and-white insignia signal their alignment in this fight.
· Why did Trump seal off Cheyenne Mountain from Biden and the CIA? Why is the USSF involved in every major counter-operation? The pieces are falling into place, and the Deep State’s time is running out.
· The Great Awakening Is Here The Cabal is terrified. They know Trump’s return means mass arrests and tribunals under 11.3 military protocols. The exposure of their crimes, from Epstein’s p*******e ring to global bioweapon operations, is inevitable.
· Stay strong, patriots. This battle isn’t just about aliens or technology. It’s about humanity’s future. We are on the brink of a new era—a golden age of truth, freedom, and justice.
· The plan to save the world is in motion. Trust the process. …Q
The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States ( How To Save America | Republic for USA ( Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?
Wars and Rumors of Wars:
· Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 Biden Admin. Now Warns Pakistan Is Preparing A Sneak Attack Against The US. Reports the Country Has The Long-Range Ballistic Missile Capabilities To Strike America
The Real News for Fri. 27 Dec. 2024:
· The United States always has been and still is a British Colony.
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· Fri. 26 Dec. 2024 Donald Trump on Rogan Show: “We are literally paying income tax because US politicians are taking bribes from foreign countries to enrich themselves.”
· Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024: DISCLOSURE: Current Wartime President and Commander in Chief, Donald J. Trump Declared a Global Defence War – Executed Traitors – Wartime Orders! – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024: BQQQM! Join Me On Another Red Pill Journey: Michelle Obama Presents Michael LaVaughn – Deep State, S*****c, NWO, Tranny, Also Known As Michelle Obama – Enjoy The Show! – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024: Indian ED finds 262 Canadian colleges linked to human t*********g networks in India.
· Wed. 25 Dec. 2024 White Hats Shoot Down Mysterious Glowing Drones Over Camp Pendleton: The drones are manmade by the Cabal and have the capability of producing holograms in the sky of any made up event. A favorite seems to be an Orb that turns into a space ship. Don’t be surprised when you start seeing random orbs in the sky, transforming into spaceships, It’s a hologram!!! You are not seeing something that’s real!
· Fri. 27 Dec. 2024: US national Eugene ‘Gene’ Spector, who was found guilty of espionage earlier this week, had been collecting “biomedical” data in the country, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has said. The authorities believe these materials could have been used by the US government to develop a genetic screening system for analyzing Russia’s population. In a press release on Friday, the FSB alleged that the “American national, acting in the interest of the Pentagon and a commercial organization affiliated with it, gathered and handed over to a foreign party various biotechnological and biomedical data, including classified materials, with the aim of creating a high-speed genetic screening system of Russia’s population by the US.” On Monday, a court in Moscow sentenced Spector to 15 years in prison as well as a 14 million-ruble ($135,000) fine.
· Trump and Congress: 3 Hours ago….s****d, inept Congress proposes to block President Trump from taking office! 2 Hours ago…@PapiTrumpo posts he will prosecute anyone involved with the 2020 Stolen Election! That’s a major middle finger to Congress and the weasel Mike Pence and everyone that knowingly certified an uncertifiable election! We knew the final stretch would be war!!! We’ll fight like hell to get our President sworn in!
· Wed. 25 Dec. 2024: A Heartfelt Christmas Message for 2024: Gratitude, Hope, and Togetherness! – – American Media Group
· Fri. 27 Dec. 2024: Kamala Harris’s Fake Claims of Growing Up Celebrating Kwanzaa: A Scheme to Manipulate and Divide the Masses! – Gazetteller
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Tues. 24 Dec. 2024: A Man claimed he is a Supreme Court witness against The CIA with evidence The CIA is working with The Cartel to bring Fentanyl into America
· Nick Shirley interviews man who says Homeland Security is also involved, waiving railroad cars through without being searched, “I’m going to the Supreme Court of the United States of America to put behind bars the CIA agents specifically that broker deals to bring fentanyl across the border, and I’ve seen the railroad cars with my own eyes as a dealer, as a middleman. I’ve seen the product here”
· “I have seen it with my own eyes. It comes over in railroad cars. So the Homeland Security officers that are supposed to be searching these railroad cars, they come across they allow them across. They turn their heads, and the CIA pays them or pressures them in some way like they do.”
Tues. 24 Dec. 2024 Democrats have destroyed our economy. Major stores closing as of December 2024… Wall Street Apes on Telegram
· Party City closing ALL 850+ locations by February
· Big Lots! Closing ALL 900+ locations
· Advance Auto Parts closing over 700 locations in 2025
· Macy’s closing 65 locations right after Christmas
· Denny’s closing 50 locations by the end of the year
· Sears just closed one of their final stores
· Walgreens set to close hundreds of stores in the upcoming months
· Sam Goody closing their final 2 locations
· Foot Locker set to close 100s of stores in 2025
· Family Dollar plans to close 350+ locations throughout 2025
· GameStop has mass closures planned in 2025
· CVS has already been hit hard but 100s of more stores are set to close
· Rite Aid planning 850+ store closures though 2025
· JC Penny has more store closures planned
· Many more huge stores also set to close
Tues. 24 Dec. 2024 Replicators…Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram
· The replicators of the future will create what is requested out of thin air. They will assemble elementary particles in the proper combination to fabricate any item. This could be food, clothing or other objects and devices. The replicator technology manifests physical objects from a different dimension and works without harming your health or the planet. Everyone will have access to a replicator. Use of the replicator will be free. The process will be very similar to what was depicted on the Star Trek TV series. The replicators can be used as a food synthesizer or item reproducer. Currently Not Available. The replicator technology will be revealed to people of earth at a time when major shifts begin to happen.
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Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024 THE WHITE HATS VS. DEEP STATE Inside the WAR. Both the White Hats and Black Hats plan to k**l the present Internet. …Julian Assange on Telegram
· The DEEP STATE wants a New Internet that will be digitalized with INTERNET PASSPORTS into their New World internet. These passports will be only for those who abide by the World infection laws ( growing currently) , those who co-operate with the online banking ( new rules/Standards/regulations)… ///The Deep State has a plan to control the Whole World through thier INTERNET and through all peoples banking and social networks . (This New INTERNET they want to launch is The Great Reset Restarting the INTERNET)
· The White Hats New INTERNET: this New INTERNET ready to be released by Tim Berners-Lee has the most advanced security and unbreakable encrypted System ever created to serve mankind. The features behind the New Internet has A.I systems to identify online p********a, human t*********g networks, world money laundering systems… Incubated in the many features of saving the World through Earth given foundation, (A.I. advanced Quantum creation) to eradicate homelessness and third world poverty… Among all ending all Wars and giving generational healing through high Technology , that uses the advanced (hidden) systems connected to Tesla and vibrational frequency healing (the body is a field of energy and receptors that connect to the DNA and all self dimensional healing rhythms that effect the state of the body and mind).
· The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is about to activate. Under the leadership of Donald J. Trump and a global military coalition, humanity is on the brink of its most monumental operation—the takedown of the Deep State (DS) and the restoration of freedom. This isn’t just about justice. It’s the start of GESARA’s wealth transfer, reclaiming stolen trillions from the elites to end debt slavery and ignite a global era of prosperity.
· December 2024: The Final Countdown: As of December 19, military operations have entered “Phase Zero”—the final stage before EBS activation. Over 200,000 troops are deployed worldwide, securing infrastructure and dismantling DS strongholds. This is checkmate for the cabal.
· Global Raids: Bio-Labs and Bunkers Seized: Military forces have stormed DS facilities in Siberia, Antarctica, and beyond. Among the targets: bio-labs producing bioweapons for a planned 2025 pandemic. Evidence gathered will be unveiled during the EBS, revealing the DS’s twisted plans to enslave humanity.
· Underground tunnels beneath Paris, Rome, and Chicago have been exposed, housing t*********g networks and DS documents. Beneath the Eiffel Tower, military forces uncovered evidence of c****************n, set to shock the world during the broadcast.
· Starlink’s Role: A Tech Revolution: Elon Musk’s Starlink is the backbone of this operation. Equipped with advanced AI, Starlink has intercepted DS sabotage attempts, including cyberattacks and false-flag events. The AI system, codenamed “Prometheus,” has neutralized threats in real-time, crippling the DS’s digital empire.
· EBS Content: The Truth Will Be Unleashed: The EBS broadcast will expose decades of hidden atrocities: The Vatican’s Crimes: Billions funneled into t*********g networks, ritual chambers, and secret experiments.
· Off-Planet Colonies: Footage proving the DS built lunar and Martian bases as escape routes, funded by taxpayer money.
· Weather Weapons: Documents confirming hurricanes and droughts were engineered to justify authoritarian control.
· Arrests of DS Elites: Mass arrests are underway. High-profile figures, including royalty, media moguls, and tech executives, are being detained. Leaked evidence shows the British royal family and media CEOs complicit in t*********g and global manipulation.
· The Great Reset: GESARA Activation: As the DS crumbles, GESARA’s wealth transfer begins. Trillions in stolen assets will flow back to the people. Debt forgiveness and new financial systems will liberate economies worldwide.
· Prepare for 10 Days of Truth: When the EBS activates, the world will see ten days of nonstop revelations. Military checkpoints, controlled power outages, and internet blackouts will secure the process.
· This is the greatest takedown in history. Lies will fall, and justice will prevail. Prepare yourself. Justice is here.
Wed. 25 Dec. 2024 China Races To Capture Alien Bases On Moon As CIA Mind Control Secrets Exposed …Gitmo TV
· A chilling new Security Council report first unveils details on the CIA’s infamous mind control programs, historically shrouded in secrecy and scandal. Under the ominous codenames Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke, and Project MKULTRA, these initiatives represent some of the darkest chapters in clandestine governmental operations. Despite efforts in 1973 by CIA Director Richard Helms and MKULTRA chief Sidney Gottlieb to obliterate records, the truth continues to surface, revealing extensive experiments in mind manipulation.
· Dr. Michael E. Salla, an authority in “Exopolitics” – the study of extraterrestrial political dynamics, supports theories that not only does an alien agenda have its grips on Earth but extends its reach to the Moon. He discusses a Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex (MIEC) suggesting that Earth and its lunar companion are both under extraterrestrial assimilation.
· On December 20, China escalated this cosmic chess game, launching a Long March 3B rocket, which later erupted into a dramatic fireball upon reentry over the U.S. on December 22. The spectacle served as a smoke screen for China’s more covert operations – conquering the Moon’s dark side. By 2030, China plans to deploy forces on lunar soil, racing against time and secretive opposition from entities like NASA, accused of bombing lunar sites to obliterate alien artifacts.
· A source recently hinted at forthcoming revelations from China, involving high-resolution images from the Chang’e-2 moon orbiter, allegedly showing lunar structures. These disclosures could potentially expose NASA’s efforts to mask extraterrestrial involvement on the Moon. As the world awaits China’s promised full disclosure, the stage is set for what could be humanity’s most shocking awakening to the extraterrestrial reality.
Wed. 25 Dec. 2024: Dutch political activist, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, comments on the WEF’s plan to impose a personal carbon allowance, connected to digital ID, under the pretext of fighting the non-existent “climate crisis”: “The CEO of one of the largest Dutch banks said, if everyone gets individual personal carbon credits, why don’t we make it so that rich people, who for example want to go on holiday a little too often, can buy personal carbon credits from people who can’t afford buying plane tickets or eating meat too often? So what will happen is the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, and they’re saying it openly as if it’s not a controversial thing at all. It’s neo-feudalism. That’s what it is.” …Son of JFK on Telegram
Elon Musk says the Federal Reserve is overstaffed. Understatement. For 25 years, they have papered over every crisis with a flood of excessive credit, creating illusions of stability while deepening the cracks. Get this: In 2022, the Federal Reserve spent $5 billion on salaries and pensions for 23,000 employees. This averaged: $217,000 per employee. Earlier this year, Jerome Powell declared it’s long overdue for an adult conversation on unsustainable fiscal policy.
Wed. 24 Dec. 2024 The Military Alliance and Its Global Operation …Gitmo TV on Telegram
· The elite don’t want you to believe this, but the military forces prepared for the implementation of GESARA are not confined to any one nation.
· This is a global operation. A secret alliance of military leaders and intelligence agents from around the world, known as the Earth Alliance, has been coordinated over the years to enact GESARA.
· And it’s all happening in the shadows.
· Military bases worldwide have been adapted to function as command centers for the upcoming global transition.
· Assets have already been deployed in strategic locations around the globe, and preparations for mass arrests of elites involved in financial crimes, child t*********g networks, and ritual s*****c abuses are already underway.
· These arrests will shock the world, as the names of well-known politicians, billionaires, and corporate executives will be publicly revealed in the coming weeks.
· This is not speculation—these arrests are part of a carefully coordinated takedown of the global elite and their entire network. Or is the media silent about this matter?
· It’s deliberate. We don’t want the public to panic until the moment of truth. But when the Military Alliance activates the Global Economic Security and Reform Act (GESARA), it will be impossible for anyone to deny what is happening.
· Patriots, the storm is upon us! The Earth Alliance is making moves that will soon bring the corrupt to their knees. Imagine a world free from the clutches of the shadow rulers, a world where truth and justice prevail. Military bases are now the epicenters of liberty, ready to unleash freedom like never before.
· The upcoming mass arrests will be a spectacle of justice, revealing the dark hearts of those who have ruled from the shadows. Names you know, faces you recognize—brought to light and justice with nowhere to hide.
· Stay alert, for the activation of GESARA will not only restore financial stability but also signal the cleansing of our society. The media’s silence can’t last; the truth will explode, and when it does, the world will be irrevocably changed. Stand strong, for the new dawn of global freedom is at hand!
Fri. 27 Dec. 2024 EXPOSED: The Jesuit Order—The Vatican’s Ruthless Military Machine for Total Domination! …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram
· For centuries, the Jesuit Order has operated as the shadow army of the Vatican, wielding power under the guise of faith and charity. But beneath the surface lies a sinister mission: to infiltrate, manipulate, and dominate. The Jesuits weren’t just priests—they were soldiers, spies, and enforcers trained for psychological warfare and espionage.
· A Dark Agenda Cloaked in Piety: The Jesuit Order is accused of being far more than a religious institution. Critics claim they’ve acted as agents of subversion, manipulating governments, starting revolutions, and spreading chaos to serve the Vatican’s secret goals. Their infamous Fourth Oath allegedly vows “open and secret war” against enemies of the Catholic Church, pledging unspeakable acts to destroy dissent.
· Founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola, the Jesuits were created to crush the Protestant Reformation. They infiltrated courts, councils, and universities, using their elite education system to groom loyal operatives. Their schools weren’t just for learning—they were indoctrination camps.
· Luciferian Allegiance or Divine Mission?: Whispers of the Jesuits’ allegiance to Lucifer have persisted for centuries, fueled by their connections to Masonic rituals and occult practices. Some claim their loyalty lies not with Christ, but with a darker power. Historical accounts, like those of Ellen G. White, describe them as “representatives of S***n” masquerading as servants of God.
· A Global Conspiracy: The Jesuits’ influence isn’t confined to history books. They are linked to modern globalist agendas, accused of orchestrating wars, controlling economies, and engineering social upheavals to create a New World Order. Their fingerprints are allegedly found in revolutions, political coups, and the manipulation of world leaders.
· Masters of Espionage and Infiltration: Through espionage and propaganda, the Jesuits shaped nations and bent rulers to their will. Their methods of control—subterfuge, fear, and manipulation—make them one of the most feared and secretive organizations in history.
· Conclusion: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: The Jesuit Order represents a legacy of deception, domination, and destruction. Their public face may preach salvation, but their hidden hand pulls the strings of power. Patriots, question their narrative. The truth about the Jesuits may be darker than we dare imagine, but uncovering it is a step toward freedom.
· The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is about to activate. Under the leadership of Donald J. Trump and a global military coalition, humanity is on the brink of its most monumental operation—the takedown of the Deep State (DS) and the restoration of freedom.
· This isn’t just about justice. It’s the start of GESARA’s wealth transfer, reclaiming stolen trillions from the elites to end debt slavery and ignite a global era of prosperity.
· December 2024: The Final Countdown: As of December 19, military operations have entered “Phase Zero”—the final stage before EBS activation. Over 200,000 troops are deployed worldwide, securing infrastructure and dismantling DS strongholds. This is checkmate for the cabal.
· Global Raids: Bio-Labs and Bunkers Seized: Military forces have stormed DS facilities in Siberia, Antarctica, and beyond. Among the targets: bio-labs producing bioweapons for a planned 2025 pandemic. Evidence gathered will be unveiled during the EBS, revealing the DS’s twisted plans to enslave humanity.
· Underground tunnels beneath Paris, Rome, and Chicago have been exposed, housing t*********g networks and DS documents. Beneath the Eiffel Tower, military forces uncovered evidence of c****************n, set to shock the world during the broadcast.
· Starlink’s Role: A Tech Revolution: Elon Musk’s Starlink is the backbone of this operation. Equipped with advanced AI, Starlink has intercepted DS sabotage attempts, including cyberattacks and false-flag events. The AI system, codenamed “Prometheus,” has neutralized threats in real-time, crippling the DS’s digital empire.
· EBS Content: The Truth Will Be Unleashed: The EBS broadcast will expose decades of hidden atrocities: The Vatican’s Crimes: Billions funneled into t*********g networks, ritual chambers, and secret experiments.
· Off-Planet Colonies: Footage proving the DS built lunar and Martian bases as escape routes, funded by taxpayer money.
· Weather Weapons: Documents confirming hurricanes and droughts were engineered to justify authoritarian control.
· Arrests of DS Elites: Mass arrests are underway. High-profile figures, including royalty, media moguls, and tech executives, are being detained. Leaked evidence shows the British royal family and media CEOs complicit in t*********g and global manipulation.
· The Great Reset: GESARA Activation: As the DS crumbles, GESARA’s wealth transfer begins. Trillions in stolen assets will flow back to the people. Debt forgiveness and new financial systems will liberate economies worldwide.
· Prepare for 10 Days of Truth: When the EBS activates, the world will see ten days of nonstop revelations. Military checkpoints, controlled power outages, and internet blackouts will secure the process.
This is the greatest take-down in history. Lies will fall, and justice will prevail. Prepare yourself. Justice is here.
Fri. 27 Dec. 2024 Martial Law Unleashed: EBS Alert’s Urgent Broadcast and How Redemption Centers Might Be Our Only Hope! | Alternative | Before It’s News ETHAN WHITE … BOMBSHELL !!! MARTIAL LAW UNLEASHED: EBS ALERT’S URGENT BROADCAST AND HOW REDEMPTION CENTERS MIGHT BE OUR ONLY HOPE! …Ben Fulford on Telegram
· Deep State arrests: California alone has witnessed up to 8000 arrests, with over 3000 in the Northeast U.S., particularly concentrated in the New England area. Rumors suggest that the populace might be urged to stay indoors for their safety, especially during ‘Disclosures‘, while the final arrests take place. However, a resilient and awakened citizenry, now more than ever, won’t be silenced or confined.
· The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is on the horizon, and when it hits, it will be swift, silent, and shocking. Like a ghostly shadow, everything familiar will fade into obscurity. Just like the eerie silence of 2020, we’ll be asked to remain rooted, perhaps for days, maybe weeks. The Military, it seems, has a broader purpose. As the last of the so-called Satanists face arrest and are sent to GITMO, the Military is also gearing up to distribute food, especially to the elderly. This is not just about control but also about care. There’s chatter about the Military potentially overseeing the nation until fresh elections are held, precisely 120 days post the Gesara announcement. The focus should shift towards electing individuals with business acumen, particularly those who can rejuvenate local businesses, and more importantly, food-growing enterprises. The bustling stock market? Halted. The digital world you’re so intricately linked to? Gone. And trust me, when the EBS alert vibrates your cell phone, echoing the chilling announcement, you’ll know it’s begun.
· These messages, sourced from the Starlink, are there to stay. Deleting them? Forget about it. They’re imprinted, lasting reminders of the changing times.
· Essentials First: Stock up on clean drinking water. Ensure there’s enough food, not just for you, but for your pets too.
· Medicines? Get them in advance. Remember, the digital world is on a hiatus, so medical records are inaccessible.
· Cash is King: In a world where digital transactions become obsolete, cash will be your savior. ATMs might be out of service, and swiping those cards at gas pumps? Dream on. Mental Fortitude: When the shock hits, it’s vital to keep your wits about you. Before you extend your hand to others, ensure you’re mentally fortified. Some might be in a state of shock, unable to respond. In such cases, a breath of fresh air, a gentle walk, might help.
· Your TV, phone, and internet will spring back to life, unveiling a spectacle titled ‘Disclosures’. Rumor has it, it might even grace the big screens. But this isn’t your typical Netflix binge. It’s a 24/7, 8-hour block broadcast, lasting anywhere between 3 to 10 days.
· The content? Oh, it’s the raw, unfiltered truth of events, spanning Military Tribunals and even, hold your breath, Public Executions.
· Areas drenched in corruption, like Los Angeles and New York, might experience extended viewing periods. But when the switch is flipped back, expect a metamorphosis. A world pulsating with positive energy, devoid of evil’s grasp.
· The internet? Transformed.
· Banking systems? Revolutionized.
· This, dear readers, is the dawn of an era of transparency and abundance. A veritable paradise on Earth.
· However, as the layers peel back, revealing covert operations, prepare to be flabbergasted. The faces you recognize might just be elaborate masquerades, Hollywood-grade masks, CGI marvels, and eerily realistic Body Doubles. Ever watched the ‘Truman Show’?
· Our reality might not be far off, with the scripted drama unfolding since 2015, or perhaps even earlier.
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