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Sunday 7-9-23

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Sunday 7-9-23

Verse(s) for today:

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Hebrews 13:8 KJV

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Joshua 1:9 KJV

The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

John 1:29 KJV

Thought(s) for the Day:


London City Council is seeking applicants for committees by July 10:

You can tell where they're coming from by where they are going. No religious advisory committee. Maybe if you get on the Community Advisory Committee you can recommend it! Unless our church people have no interest in municipal government. Maybe they're ignorant of the UN Agendas to determine how we live locally.

[Patrick Bestall]

PS -Sorry for the late notice, I just saw it today on the CCAL Newsletter (Concerned Citizens Assoc of London).

London City Council is seeking applications to fill vacancies on the following Community Advisory Committees

The deadline to apply is Monday, July 10, 2023 by 9 a.m

1. Animal Welfare Advisory Committee

2. Community Advisory Committee on Planning

3. Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Oppression Community Advisory Committee

4. Environmental Stewardship and Action Community Advisory Committee

5. Integrated Transportation Community Advisory Committee


Monday is the last day to apply… [City of London Council]

Pastor – Jack HIBBS:

The liberties that we enjoy as Americans are based in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Created in God’s image, we as humans have an innate longing for freedom that America’s founders both recognized and protected.

[Pastor – Jack HIBBS]

Catholic Church… filled with smoke and mirrors:

The National Post made it sound like Pope Francis was going out of his way to consult representatives of the Church for this most important Synod. I quote from the July 7 issue,

Ahead of the gathering, known as a synod, there was an unprecedented canvassing of Catholics worldwide, which found that the faithful want to see concrete steps to promote women to decision-making posts as well as a “radical inclusion” of the LGBTQ+ community in the Church.

Here's the truth:

Pope Francis picks notorious pro-LGBT clerics to participate in October Synod on Synodality

As reported in April, Pope Francis has made changes to the organizational structure of the Synod, meaning that for the first time laity will have voting rights in the Assembly of Bishops. He personally selected the 70 non-bishop members. Furthermore, the Synod on Synodality will be joined by other “experts” who will not have the right to vote, and are thus not given the title “Member of the Assembly.”

Such “experts” – heavily drawn from the “expertswho complied the October 2022 working document for the continental stage – will be joined by other “facilitators.”

Pro-contraception theologian, controversial papal biographer writing key document for Synod on Synodality

There are also those who have been invited as “special invitees” or “fraternal delegates,” who do not hold voting rights at the assemblies. Similar in that they do not hold voting rights, the “Experts and Facilitators” only participate and advise.

Bad Apples in ROME:

As if it wasn't bad enough that Catholic hierarchy has to deal with alphabet loving bishops and predators, Freemason infiltrators, and liberal NWO loving cardinals, there's also protectors of the Mafia. Mussolini chased them all out of Italy before WWII so they came to America until it was over, and now they're everywhere!

[Patrick Bestall]

BREAKING… She is done:

Marjorie Taylor Greene kicked off the House Freedom Caucus

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was kicked off the House Freedom Caucus after she called Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) a "little bitch" on the House floor, Breitbart reported. Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), who is an executive board member on the caucus, confirmed the move Thursday.

"I think the straw that broke the camel’s back was publicly saying things about another member in terms that no one should," Harris said, referring to the incident between the women last month after Boebert advanced her own impeachment against President Joe Biden. Greene claimed Boebert "copied" her.

Greene's ouster was done via an in-person vote on June 23, even though the caucus often conducts such business over chat. One source said Beobert was opposed to removing Greene from the caucus.

It's not clear how the final vote ended up or if Chairman Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) informed Greene of the final decision. However, Harris confirmed that it was finalized.

"As far as I know, that is the way it is," Harris said. In a statement to constituents, Greene did not mention losing her spot on the caucus but said that her priority is "Northwest Georgia first," hinting that she's not bothered by what happens at the nation's capital.

"In Congress, I serve Northwest Georgia first, and serve no group in Washington," her statement said. "My America First credentials, guided by my Christian faith, are forged in steel, seared into my character, and will never change," Greene added.

"I fight every single day in the halls of Congress against the hate-America Democrats, who are trying to destroy this country. I will work with ANYONE who wants to secure our border, protect our children inside the womb and after they are born, end the forever foreign wars, and do the work to save this country," Greene said.

"The GOP has less than two years to show America what a strong, unified Republican-led congress will do when President Trump wins the White House in 2024. This is my focus, nothing else," Greene's statement concluded.

Greene made a name for herself as a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump. She and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) are cosponsoring legislation to expunge the two impeachments from his record.

That effort has also received support from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Perhaps McCarthy was returning the favor as Greene supported his nomination through the 15 votes it took to get him confirmed.

The Georgia Republican also has been instrumental in advancing legislation as Republicans have a narrow lead in Congress. She voted with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) against many of their Freedom Caucus members on the debt ceiling deal that included spending cuts favored by the GOP.

Both Greene and Jordan are powerhouse fundraisers in the caucus that has grown to over 40 members. However, that bill marked a split in the caucus, a fact that caucus member Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) downplayed.

"If everybody thought the same, then you have a lot of duplication that’s unnecessary," Cloud said. "So, I see that as a strength," he added.

Greene's ouster from the caucus will be impactful, given her high profile. She is sometimes brash, and her methods unconventional, but she has done so much to advance conservative causes.

[American Digest]

Supreme Courts… What's Happening:

Yes, I said "Courts" plural. While the US Supreme Court is now making radical decisions that traditionalists like, the Canadian Supreme Court is being trained to make decisions for us. Pray for those judges AND THEIR TRAINERS.

Who We Are

Based in Ottawa, the National Judicial Institute (NJI) is an independent, judge-led organization that provides dynamic and relevant educational programs and resources to Canada’s 2,600-strong judiciary. An acknowledged world leader in the design and delivery of judicial education, NJI also shares its judicial training expertise abroad.


[Patrick Bestall]

Independent Anti-Child Sex Trafficking Film Crushes Disney ‘Blockbuster’ | Media Freaks Out [VIDEOS]:

Hollywood did not see this coming. The Sound of Freedom beat out Indiana Jones by millions of dollars despite being in 2,000 fewer theaters and with a budget twenty times less.

[Red Voice Media]

Have you ever heard of ISS?

They put the squeeze on $ to go Woke:

All you ever hear about is the WEF, WHO, UN and maybe the Bilderbergers. But if you follow the money, here's who's pushing woke ideology into

"the worlds’ largest public and corporate pensions, sovereign wealth funds, endowments and foundations, insurance funds, health care organizations, family offices, and defined contribution plans."


Founded in 1985, Institutional Shareholder Services group of companies (ISS) empowers investors and companies to build for long-term and sustainable growth by providing high-quality data, analytics and insight. ISS, which is majority owned by Deutsche Börse Group, along with ISS management, is a leading provider of corporate governance and responsible investment solutions, market intelligence, fund services, and events and editorial content for institutional investors and corporations, globally. ISS’ 3,000 employees operate worldwide across 25 global locations in 15 countries. Its approximately 3,400 clients include many of the world’s leading institutional investors who rely on ISS’ objective and impartial offerings, as well as public companies focused on ESG and governance risk mitigation as a shareholder value enhancing measure. Clients rely on ISS’ expertise to help them make informed investment decisions.

This "helpful" organization is as bad or badder than BlackRock and Vanguard combined. I just looked at one sphere of influence from the website; under Media...

Media comprises a highly regarded set of publications, digital assets, and research known for their editorial integrity, objectivity, and leadership within the industry as well as a conference business in the retirement segment. PLANADVISER is the trusted information and solutions resource for America’s retirement benefits decision-makers while PLANSPONSOR is dedicated to helping employers navigate the complex world of retirement plan design and strategy. Chief Investment Officer, meanwhile, delivers insight to institutional chief investment officers and other key investment decision makers at the worlds’ largest public and corporate pensions, sovereign wealth funds, endowments and foundations, insurance funds, health care organizations, family offices, and defined contribution plans.

ESG solutions enable investors to develop and integrate responsible investing policies and practices, engage on responsible investment issues, and monitor portfolio company practices through screening solutions. It also provides climate data, analytics, and advisory services to help financial market participants understand, measure, and act on climate-related risks across all asset classes. In addition, ESG solutions cover corporate and country ESG research and ratings enabling its clients to identify material social and environmental risks and opportunities.


w tx to Frederico

This 9-0 Supreme Court ruling will make Joe Biden lose his mind:

Joe Biden and the Democrats have been losing left and right in the courts. And it’s not over yet.

Because this 9-0 Supreme Court ruling is going to make Joe Biden lose his mind.

Democrats are on the verge of a heart attack because of what has been going on in the Supreme Court recently.

Modern Democrats have never experienced defeat on such a scale before.

Democrats have been inconsolable as one after another of their dictatorial power grabs and unlawful programs have been smashed by the Supreme Court in the four years since former President Donald Trump seized the opportunity to install three Constitutionalist Justices to the Court.

Many commentators have pointed to the 2023 Supreme Court decision that banned preferential treatment of some racial groups in university admissions as the session’s crowning achievement.

Others have suggested that the Supreme Court ruling President Joe Biden’s student loan debt “forgiveness” plan to be unconstitutional was the biggest one so far this season. Especially considering how many Americans were sick to their stomach at the idea of their taxpayer dollars going to a blatant socialist scheme.

The most important Supreme Court decision this year, however, has nothing to do with affirmative action or Biden’s authoritarianism and everything to do with religious freedom.

The Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in Groff v. DeJoy reinforced the First Amendment’s protections for religious liberty, making clear that no employer may discriminate on the basis of an employee’s religion.

For many years, businesses were free to refuse employees’ requests for religious accommodations or even fire them if doing so would result in more than a minimal, or “de minimis,” financial burden.

Christians who observe the Sabbath have found themselves unemployed as a result.

The Supreme Court just ruled last week that businesses can’t refuse to make reasonable accommodations because of the small cost or inconvenience to the business.

The Supreme Court found that employers must make reasonable religious accommodations under Title VII of the United States Constitution unless doing so would “result in substantial increased costs in relation to the conduct of its particular business.” [The Federalist Wire]

Rise of Islam in Europe:

Read the whole posting for what's really behind the riots in France.

Just so you guys don't throw shade at me for xEnoPhoBia or what else, I'm gonna throw a quick masterclass in Islamic eschatology (end times theology) at ya. Muslims believe that the entire world must submit (what "Islam" and "Muslim" mean) to their religion in order for the end of days and the final judgement of God to come.

They believe it is their duty to struggle ("jihad") for this cause, because they believe that heaven-on-earth will not come until the whole world has been subjugated to Islam. At that time, Jesus Christ and a figure named the "Mahdi" will return to usher in order and peace for all people.

This borrows from Jesus, who commanded his followers to make disciples of all nations, but the Christian hope of forgiveness and adoption as the sons of God is much different than the Islamic notion of subservience and servitude. The Muslim god is vastly different from the God of Jesus, Abraham, and Moses.

If you don't believe me, go spend some time living in the Middle East as I have. Learn Arabic as I have. Live with a Saudi roommate as I have. Teach hundreds of Muslim foreign exchange students as I have.

I've had many Muslim friends, but they do not hide this fact: That their mandate is to conquer, and outside open war, immigration is an effective way to win a nation. One primary "weapon" is having lots of babies to outcompete the infidels.

Europeans are realizing this fact about 30 years too late, thinking this was about skin color when it was always about theology.

(And Europeans threw in the towel on theology a long time ago.)

But no matter. The Gospel always wins. [Patrick Bestall]

France fights with increased surveillance law:

French lawmakers have agreed on a law that enables the police to surveil suspects by remotely controlling and turning on the microphone, camera, and GPS of their mobile phones and other devices.

According to Le Monde, the new surveillance provision will “cover laptops, cars, and other connected objects as well as phones; the measure would allow the geolocation of suspects in crimes punishable by at least five years’ jail.”

[life Site Media]

Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:

This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU

must make up YOUR OWN MIND!


General Summary

News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 7-8-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 8 July 2023

Compiled Sat. 8 July 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington,

Global Currency Revaluation:

Fri. 7 July MarkZ: Our “window” was wide open and they expected something next week. Parliament said they would announce the new Dinar Rate along with the budget on Wed. 12 July. Redemption Staff were on call this weekend.

Thurs. 6 July Bruce: Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) would receive notification to set appointments around 6:30 pm Sat. or Sun. evening 8,9 July.

Wed. 12 July was a back date given for release of the new Iraqi Dinar Rate using NEER: “RV for Iraqi Dinar Using NEER” by David Harkness – 7.6.23 | Dinar Chronicles

On Fri. 30 June the US Inc. Federal Reserve and US Inc. Treasury were asked to hand over all their assets as they were unable to pay back the Global Repository the quadrillions owed.

On Sat. 1 July the new Quantum Financial System began interfacing in computers around the World to coordinate currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022. Also on Sat. 1 July the fiat US Dollar transferred into a gold/asset-backed US Note.

On Sun. 2 July about 5 pm EST the Dinar Rate on the Forex went public. A live Foreign Currency Converter showed it was fluctuating in value:1,000,000 IQD to USD – Iraqi Dinars to US Dollars Exchange Rate ( Khan Baba: Iraqi Dinar $4.86 International Rate:

On Mon. 3 July SOFR, Libor and many nations dumped their US Treasuries.

On Tues. 4 July the Quantum Financial System was fully integrated worldwide.

By October 2023 all protocols for the QFS should be complete.

WARNING: There were reports of some asking for you to hand over your foreign currencies and/or Zim Bonds to them saying they will exchange or redeem them for you. DO NOT give in to this scam. Only the purchaser of the currency or bond can legally exchange or redeem that currency or bond at a Redemption Center for the higher rates. Exceptions were that if you have given someone currency or bonds, along with a notarized gift letter saying you have done so, or if you have given someone Power of Attorney over your affairs. The bottom line: If someone tries to turn in your currency or bonds without your authorization, they could be arrested.

Judy Note:

The Global Financial System implosion was imminent; US Inc, IMF, UN, World Bank, World Economic Forum and Central Banks around the World were now bankrupt defunct corporations without Sovereignty. The IRS and Federal Reserve have been shut down, while the bankrupt US Treasury has been transferred to the new US Treasury funded by gold and other assets of the Restored Republic and resides on an Indian Reservation near Reno Nevada; 4,000 Banks including Bank of America and Wells Fargo, were set to fail.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: To get the HCL done they will need to know what the new exchange rate is...So next week with the passing of the oil and gas law like they're telling us it will be very pivotal what is in the budget. Now this is just the groundwork for the HCL. This is exciting to know our prime minister is taking care of the budget for the HCL, for us Iraqi citizens...

Frank26 Article: "Parliamentary efforts to legislate a law that will soon end the disputes between Baghdad and Erbil" Quote: "The oil and gas law is one of the important laws that falls within the government's priorities ...the law will be presented during the new legislative term." THE HCL IS THE KEY TO THE BUDGET & THE BUDGET IS THE KEY TO THE EXCHANGE RATE.

Large Banks Troubles WORSEN As The Economy CRATERS EVEN FASTER. Important Updates!

Greg Mannarino: 7-7-2023

SILVER ALERT! Industrial & Investment Silver Demand are BOOMING w/o Increase from Mines!

(Bix Weir) 7-7-2023

The silver supply/demand imbalance story is spreading around the world and getting mainstream media attention.

The riggers hate this kind of exposure as they have been trying to close out their massive COMEX Silver Short position before a Silver Moonshot is allowed!

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